Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Read the Writing on the Wall: Mene, mene, tekel, upharsin

By Mark W. Gaffney 

Boris Nadezhdin, a Russian politician who unsuccessfully tried to run against Validmir Putin in the upcoming March 2024 Russian Presidential election on Platform of Peace Between Ukraine and Russia published the following statement about his Campaign Protesting About Removal from the Ballot:

The following is my reaction as a write-in candidate for President of the United States of America in 2024 and 2028:

God's Plan for peaceful resolution of the 2022 war between Ukraine and Russia will lead to worldwide peace and prosperity. We as the collective conscience of humanity shall either Fulfill our destiny according to God's Plan or Satan's Strategy.  A New World Order will occur either according to God's Plan or Satan's Strategy.

Related articles:

I Propose that Boris Nadezhdin and Yekaterina Duntsova Consider a Position in the Provisional Interim Government of God's NEW ANNEXED NATION of Eastern Donbas People's Republic after CEASEFIRE and WITHDRAW of all Military Troops by Both Kyiv and Moscow

God is Calling Me to Volunteer to Travel to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem for the Holy Fire Ceremony on Orthodox Easter April 23, 2024 to Carry the Holy Fire to the 3rd Temple in God's NEW ANNEXED NATION of Eastern Donbas People's Republic

The following is an excerpt from my article:

I AM Called by God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh to Lead an UNARMED Battalion of United Nations Peacekeepers Comprised of Architects, Engineers, and Other Skilled Workers with Skills and Talents to Build the 3rd Temple in God's NEW ANNEXED NATION of Eastern Donbas People's Republic where Jesus feet will Touch the Ground when Jesus returns in Glory in the Clouds Either Today or Billions of Years from Now.

All human beings beings every where on earth must REPENT TODAY before God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh,  The Most Loving God Al-Wadūd, by laying down all guns, knives,  bombs, tanks, fighter jets, warships, missiles, drones,  and all other weapons of mass destruction as idolatrous graven images before God.

Foreign war is World leaders sacrificing God's children to Satan.  Satan is working overtime to steal the birthright of all God's children, sons and daughters of God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh, true heirs of the Kingdom of God on earth. Foreign war is Satan's strategy to pull us deeper downward into quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality when our beautiful green earth God gave us becomes the hell of our nightmares due to food scarcity arising from global warming, depletion of all fossil fuels,  and future pandemics. When the lights go out the gates of hell will be opened. 

Our neighbors across the ocean in the People's Republic of China are good people but when push comes to shove all human beings will act according to natural law.  If the United States of America as a strong trading partner with Beijing collapse into bankruptcy to become an impoverished 3rd world country with marauding drug trafficking street gangs controlling the streets then enormous social upheaval will occur within the PRC. 

Imperialism of the Chinese Silk Road into Europe will likely lead to colonization of both Ukraine and Russia by China during reconstruction after decades of bloody gory violent warfare devastates the economies of both Ukraine and Russia. When push comes to shove Beijing will implement Hong Kong National Security laws in both Russia and Ukraine with a baton to the knee caps,  and afterward march through Europe to conquer Middle East Arab nations including Saudi Arabia United Kingdom to restore order with a baton to the knee caps. 

An article published by The South China Morning Post entitled, Why isn’t China letting Russia take out yuan loans in their ‘no-limits’ partnership?, provides insight into the delicate diplomatic parley within international markets that can quickly go awry.

My work as a writer and lobbyist for the high-tech industry is to help the Central Communist Party in Beijing create a more perfect utopian communism in the hot fiery flaming melting pot furnace of Socialist capitalism.  State capitalism within world markets corrupts the quintessential beauty of communism.

Communism should not be a dirty word in the modern 21st century.  Communism should be about centralized government creating better community living around the world by uplifting and empowering individuals. 

Beijing should support centralized government in Washington DC to create better community living in the Western hemisphere by incorporation of the United States under the flagship of the United States of Greater Americana, including Canada, Mexico, Cuba,  Bahamas, Latin America.  Incorporation of the United States under the flagship of United States of Greater Americana will create new streams of tax revenue to empower and uplift migrants as New citizens thereby making the Western hemisphere a better trading partner with the East. 

God's Plan is to create low entropy high energy efficiency Garden of Eden like conditions during a modern 21st century renaissance age of enlightenment where God's law of love can flourish as human civilization moves toward becoming an advanced Type V civilization according to the Kardashev scale.

New sanctions upon Russian oligarchs and institutions imposed by the United States under the Biden Administration is akin to the break up of post World War I Germany. The break up of post World War I Germany created great poverty in Germany eventually leading to ascendency of Adolf Hitler. 

My freelance article entitled,  Who Killed Alexei Navalny? Murder Mystery of the Century, provides a discussion of the Russian oligarchy system as a political machine that maintains delicate social stability in the Russian Federation as well as conferring power and control under Validmir Putin's command as President of Russia.

In my article I discuss how Russian oligarchs are engaged in the gun running trade in partnership with Tehran in order to operate a successful business while under immense pressure and duress of Western sanctions. 
Read the writing on the wall is Biblical prophesy in Daniel 5:5-29

"Mene, mene, tekel, upharsin"

According to Google Generative Artificial Intelligence Mene, mene, tekel, upharsin is translated:

● Mene: God has numbered the days until your kingdom will end

● Tekel: You have been weighed on the scales and found not good enough

● Uparsin: Your kingdom is being taken from you

God has weighed the International community on the scales and we as sons and daughters of God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh have been found lacking as a consequence of uplifting upon high above God guns, knives, bombs, tanks, fighter jets, warships, missiles, drones, as idolatrous graven images before God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh.
As a write-in candidate for President of the United States of America in 2024 and 2028 I am campaigning on God's Plan for multilateral disarmament as well as outlawing the use of artificial intelligence in weapon systems around the world. 

In my article entitled, God is Great, Ali Akbar, Therefore God's Plan for Worldwide Peace and Prosperity Is Possible Because We, ALL God's Children, Are Fearfully and Wonderfully Made in the Image of God: Satan's Strategy is to Transform Us into Image of the Beast, provides insight into Mene, mene, tekel, upharsin:

The following is an excerpt from my article:

As a write-in candidate for President of the United States of America in 2024 and 2028 I am running on the platform plank of multilateral disarmament around the world. The entire world has sinned against God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh by making the Holy Land into an armed military encampment. The Lord has called me to turn over the tables of the money changers in the Holy Land by multilateral disarmament like Jesus turned over tables at the synagogue.

The hand that mysteriously appears to write on the wall in Daniel 5:5-29 is prophesy of the Information Internet Superhighway 
creating a wall for God's children to proclaim the truth of God's love. It is written, "The truth can set us free. "

If Validmir Putin is toppled by a Russian oligarch running a profitable business engaged in gun running with Tehran than a Russian oligarch as a new Russian leader in the Kremlin will likely march through Europe after military occupation of Ukraine on the way to Miggedo, the final battle as predicted in the Book of Revelations. 

God's Plan as outlined in my platform as a write-in candidate for President of the United States of America is for Russian oligarchs to explore mutually profitable business relationships with the West while building the 3rd Temple in God's NEW ANNEXED NATION of Eastern Donbas People's Republic and Crimea where Jesus feet will touch the ground when Jesus returns in glory in the clouds either today or billions of years from now. 

An article published by The Council on Foreign Relations entitled, Is Diplomacy Between Russia and the West Still Possible? , suggest that Russia and the West can pursue mutually beneficial business partnerships much to the displeasure of Beijing:

Continued later

God is Great, Ali Akbar, Therefore God's Plan for Worldwide Peace and Prosperity Is Possible Because We, ALL God's Children, Are Fearfully and Wonderfully Made in the Image of God: Satan's Strategy is to Transform Us into Image of the Beast

#StateDept #CIA #Qatar #Jordan #IsraelPM #Palestine #UN 

God's Plan as my Platform as Write-in Candidate for President of the United States of America in 2024 and 2028 to Allow the Light of God's Love Shine in the Holy Land Again.

By Mark W. Gaffney 

Benjamin Netanyahu appeared on Face the Nation and clearly stated
in two weeks Israel Defence Forces will be sent into Rafah to totally annihilate Hamas for the bloody massacre against Israeli civilians October 7th, 2024.

How many hostages does Hamas have?

According to Google Generative Artificial Intelligence:

"As of February 14, 2024, Israel estimates that 134 hostages are still being held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip. This includes 130 hostages abducted on October 7, 2023, and four hostages captured earlier. 

Hamas has offered to release all hostages in exchange for Israel releasing all Palestinian prisoners."

Did any civilians taken hostage by Hamas on October 7th engage in military action or terrorism?

According to Google Generative Artificial Intelligence:

"On October 7, 2023, Hamas and other Palestinian militant groups abducted 253 people from Israel to the Gaza Strip, including children, women, and elderly people. The Israeli hostages included seven children and six women, most of whom were from Kibbutz Be'eri, a community Hamas militants attacked during their October 7 cross-border attack.

The attacks on Israeli communities on October 7, 2023, reportedly involved widespread sexual violence and killed 1,139 people. "

The United States of America should not get the blame for Israel's actions in Rafah.  Israel and Hamas both have sinned against God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh for taking up gun's, knives, bombs, tanks, fighter jets, warships, missiles, drones as idolatrous graven images before God to kill God's children. 

Hamas should REPENT before God by releasing all hostages NOW.  Israel should REPENT before God by immediate CEASEFIRE after all hostages are released by Hamas as verified by UNARMED United Nations Peacekeepers .

When Hamas release ALL hostages, as verified by UNARMED United Nations Peacekeepers, if Israel continues to launch attacks against Rafah then the United States of America under Biden Administration should send in NATO Allied forces against Israel to stop the genocide of Palestinian people .

Forced resettlement of the Palestinian people is against God's law of love.  Voluntarily resettlement of Palestinians after the war between Israel and Hamas is over may be in alignment with God's law of love if all God's children,  sons and daughters of God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh,  know in their heart that voluntary resettlement of Palestinians in other Middle East Arab Islamic nations is the best plan for peace and prosperity for Islam in Middle East Arab nations. The two state solution will never work until the Islamic Palestinians living within Israel pledge allegiance to Israel as their homeland.

Will Israel remain a Democracy if God's children choose voluntary resettlement under Benjamin Netanyahu One State solution plan? 

It is written, 

“If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you?” ~ Luke 6:32-36. 

The International Islamic community should vigorously condemn Iran defiling the name of Allah Al-Wadūd, the Most Loving God,  by supplying Hamas, Houthi Rebels,  Hozobolla Islamic extremist with guns, knives bombs, tanks, fighter jets, warships, missiles, drones and all other weapons of mass destruction as idolatrous graven images before God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh. 

As a write-in candidate for President of the United States of America in 2024 and 2028 I am running on the platform plank of multilateral disarmament around the world. The entire world has sinned against God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh by making the Holy Land into an armed military encampment. The Lord has called me to turn over the tables of the money changers in the Holy Land by multilateral disarmament like Jesus turned over tables at the synagogue. 

We cannot reason together with the Lord God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh for as long as the International community lifts up high guns, knives, bombs, tanks, fighter jets, warships, missiles, drones, as idolatrous graven images before God. Hamas should REPENT by releasing all hostages NOW.  Israel should REPENT by immediate CEASEFIRE after all hostages are released by Hamas.

If Jewish people and Islamic people cannot love each other as neighbors working to add significant value to each others life, instead of locked in fierce deadly battle at each other's throat,  then maybe voluntarily resettlement of Palestinians into other Middle East Arab nations under a one state solution may be the best plan to allow the light of God's love shine in the Holy Land.

Israel will have to provide Palestinians who remain citizens of Israel full citizenship rights under a One State Solution. Palestinians who decide to remain 
residents of Israel under Benjamin Netanyahu One state solution will have to Pledge Allegiance to Israel as their homeland. 

If all God's children live under God's law of love than voluntarily resettlement under a one state solution can work .

The United Nations should have seen this horrible war coming sooner and took diplomatic steps to address issues in the Holy Land instead of lambasting Israel for apartheid in Gaza and the West Bank. The only reason we did not see this horrible war coming is that we as a foolish servant are wasting too much money,  multbillions of dollars paying for guns, knives,  bombs,  tanks,  fighter jets, warships, missiles, drones and all other idolatrous graven images in Ukraine. 

Russia and Ukraine both need to lay down ALL weapons as idolatrous graven images before God. Iran as a weapon supplier of Russia today is once more defiling the Holy name of Allah Al-Wadūd as the Most Loving God. In my article entitled, I Propose that Boris Nadezhdin and Yekaterina Duntsova Consider a Position in the Provisional Interim Government of God's NEW ANNEXED NATION of Eastern Donbas People's Republic after CEASEFIRE and WITHDRAW of all Military Troops by Both Kyiv and Moscow, is God's Plan to create worldwide peace and prosperity:

Multi-billions of dollars should have been used to make the two state solution in the Holy Land work. The United States of America has offered the two state solution as a diplomatic solution for Middle East peace for decades,  but has done very little to make it happen. 

An article published by The Arab Center in Washington DC entitled,
International Aid to the Palestinians: Between Politicization and Development, discuss foreign aid to تلفزيون فلسطين Palestine TV

The following is an excerpt from the article by the Arab Center in Washington DC:

"According to figures compiled by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, aid to Palestinians amounted to more than $40 billion between 1994 and 2020. The largest portion of this assistance (35.4 percent) went to support the PA budget, while the rest was allocated to various services and economic sectors in the Palestinian territories. The bulk of the aid—nearly 72 percent—came from ten donors: the European Union (18.9), the United States (14.2), Saudi Arabia (9.9), Germany (5.8), the United Arab Emirates (5.2), Norway (4.8), United Kingdom (4.3), the World Bank (3.2), Japan (2.9), and France (2.7)."

An article published by The United Nations and Middle East Think Tanks stated that most of the foreign aid to Palestine has been used to build underground tunnels to stash weapon systems, as idolatrous graven images before God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh to attack Israel. Mass media reports that Israeli Defense Forces found large caches of Chinese weapons, as idolatrous graven images supplied by Iran,  stashed in underground tunnels by Hamas. 

How this horrible situation began is difficult to comprehend.  Why are there so many,  billions of Islamic Palestinians living within the Jewish state of Israel? 

The Jewish people consider the Holy Land the promised land the God of Moses delivered the Hebrews out of bondage of slavery in Egypt wandering in the dry barren lifeless desert for 40 years. If the Jewish people do not have a homeland as promised by the God of Moses than where are the Jewish people suppose to live? 

Iran has established a strong alliance with China and Russia so therefore the Jewish people may not be welcomed in China and Russia.  State religion upheld by China and Russia to minimize human conflict thereby promoting social order is counterintuitive and counterproductive to both sacred practices of Judaism to uplift Holiness of Yahweh and Islamic Jihad as a spiritual battle to know God the Most Loving God within quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality. 

Should all the Jewish people move to Latin America? China and Russia are creating totalitarian autocratic regimes in Latin America and Mexico resulting in illegal immigrants crossing the Southern border seeking asylum, hence the Jewish people may not be welcomed in Latin America. 

If Palestinians cannot pledge allegiance to Israel as a Jewish state than Islamic Palestinians have more options for voluntarily resettlement in neighboring Islamic states such as Egypt, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria,  Yemen, Afghanistan,  Saudi Arabia,  United Arab Emirates,  and other Middle East Arab nations. 

All of this discussion is preliminary.  We, as God's children,  sons and daughters of God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh must end this horrible war between Israel and Hamas today by REPENTANCE before God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh. REPENTANCE before God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh demands Hamas release all Israeli hostages unconditionally NOW.  REPENTANCE for Israel is immediate permanent CEASEFIRE after Hamas release all Israeli hostages. 

God's children cannot reason together with the Lord God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh within United Nations assemblies until all God's children around the world lay down guns, knives, bombs, tanks, fighter jets, warships, missiles, drones as idolatrous graven images before God.  God's children are acting as Satan's drones while lifting up high guns, knives, bombs, tanks, fighter jets, warships, missiles, drones as idolatrous graven images before God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh.

Hamas brutal bloody gory massacre of Israeli civilians on October 7th, including cooking a baby alive in an oven while the mother is ganged raped and dragging a woman naked through the streets of Gaza while Palestinians shouted death to America and death to Israel,  broke Geneva Conventions of warfare and defiled the name of Allah Al-Wadūd as the Most Loving God. Yes,  Israel has sinned against God also by Israeli apartheid in Gaza and the West Bank including shooting and killing Palestinians during protest according to United Nations reports.  A civil war in the occupied Palestinian territory of Gaza and the West Bank has occurred for decades.  

The problems in Israel will never be solved by uplifting upon high guns, knives, bombs, tanks, fighter jets, warships, missiles, drones, as idolatrous graven images before God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh.  

How did we get to the point where Satan has taken control over the heart, mind, and soul of all God's children, sons and daughters of God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh,  true heirs of the Kingdom of God on earth? Abraham struggled in Jihad within his heart with guilt for sending Hagar and Ishmael into the desert while sacrificing his son Isaac on the alter. God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh as Al-Wadūd, the Most Loving God, choose LIFE by sending an Angel of the Lord to grab Abraham's arm before Abraham plunged the knive into the heart of his son Isaac. 

How did we get to this point?

According to Google Generative Artificial Intelligence:

"Israel was not a state before 1948. However, its history can be traced back to the early Iron Age I, or possibly earlier.

In 1947, the United Nations approved a plan to divide Palestine into a Jewish and Arab state. However, the Arabs rejected the plan. In May 1948, Israel was officially declared an independent state, with David Ben-Gurion as the prime minister.

Before 1948, the region was ruled by the Ottoman Empire, which conquered it in 1517. The British conquered the region in 1917 and ruled it under the British Mandate for Palestine until 1948.

The land that is now Israel has been controlled by various empires, including the Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, the Islamic Caliphate, and the Ottoman Empire. "

As I have written in previous articles the Holy Land is suppose to be a beautiful sacred place where we pull ourselves upward with all our strength out of quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality. Satan with his slimy scaly paws with long pointed twisted dirty nails 
is pulling us deeper downward into quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality by foreign wars by which world leaders sacrifice God's children to Satan.

The Prophet Daniel warned King Nebuchadnezzar that Babylon will fall to a foreign power if Babylon failed to worship the One True Most Loving God.

Our neighbors across the ocean are good people,  but within quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality we all live according to natural law. Food insecurity arising from global warming, depletion of fossil fuels,  and future pandemics that transform our beautiful earth into the hell of our nightmares will lead to China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea BRICS economic cartel to restore law and order in the Holy Land of Israel and Palestine with a baton to the knee caps. They will come after the multi billion rubles,  
Yuan, dollars of oil underground in Gaza and the West Bank, and bulldoze away the manager where Jesus was born on Christmas day.

Read the writing on the wall, my Facebook META wall.

It is written ,

"The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners",and%20prisoners%20will%20be%20freed.

The Palestinian prisoners held by Israel may be released at a later date if those held prisoner by Israel for crimes and terrorist actions against Israel accept God's NEW COVENANT between God and all God's children,  sons and daughters of God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh,  true heirs of the Kingdom of God on earth. The Palestinian prisoners held by Israel as well as the International Islamic community,  including Iran, must disavow destruction of Israel
by guns, knives, bombs, tanks,  fighter jets, warships, missiles, drones,  and all other weapons of mass destruction as idolatrous graven images before God. 

It is not up to me to decide if Israel should exist, or Palestine should exist. It is not up to Joe Biden or Donald Trump to answer these questions. All God's children must reason together with the Lord God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh within United Nations assemblies to discover what Allah Al-Wadūd, the Most Loving God wants for us.

How can we become more like The Most Loving God within quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality? Our struggling to become more like the Most Loving God in our heart, mind, and soul within quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality is a spiritual battle known as Jihad. 

The Islamic Palestinian people call Palestine home. Colonists in early American history did want the British to take their home. The history of mankind since the exile of Adam and Eve is about forcible taking other peoples property with guns, knives, bombs, cannons,  and other weapons of mass destruction as idolatrous graven images before God.

An ascendency of a communist fascist empire arising from the gun trade throughout the world is a threat to free people around the world. I get it.  I fully understand.  I fully understand the deep visceral primeval anger as a burning consuming fire within the heart, mind, and soul of both the Israeli Jewish people and Islamic Palestinian people.  

Demon thieves everywhere including within the communist fascist regime in America should may should have their heads bashed with a bat, but Jesus taught " love your enemies ". The Italian mafia in New York has commandeered Middle East oil in order to institutionalize state religion in America. Big oil tycoon Italian mafia in New York are driving illegal immigration across the southern border of the United States of America to institutionalize state religion and building a communist fascist regime in America. 

Women become like men in America with nasty stinking paws while climbing up the corporate ladder. The Holy Land is suppose to be Holy so that the collective conscience of humanity can learn to be more like Allah Al-Wadūd the Most Loving God. At any moment horrible civil war can break out within the United States of America, with peoples heads bashed everywhere.

Hamas bloody gory violent attack upon Israel on October 7th may have been provoked by unilateral military buildup with powerful weapons that deploy artificial Intelligent systems creating a geopolitical imbalance in global power. Mass media aired a clip of a Hamas leaders referring to Zionist as the artificial Intelligent entity. 

As a write-in candidate for President of the United States of America in 2024 and 2028 campaigning on God's Plan for multilateral disarmament I will demand a vote within United Nations assemblies outlawing the use of artificial intelligence in develop of weapon systems. 

It doesn't seem like the Most Loving action to force the Jewish people from their homes that
Allah Al-Wadūd, the Most Loving God would want, especially after the Hebrews wandered 40 years in the hot dry barren lifeless desert while God lead them to the Promised Land. Neither does it seem like the Most Loving action to force the Palestinian people from their homes as involuntary resettlement by military means.

If the war between Israel and Hamas continues we will continue to be pulled deep downward into quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality as hell on earth. Hamas must REPENT before God today by unconditionally releasing ALL hostages after which Israel must REPENT before God by declaring a permanent CEASEFIRE to end the war between Israel and Hamas. Only than, can the International community reason together with the Lord God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh within United Nations assemblies to discover solutions to problems within the Middle East. 

Continued later

Friday, February 23, 2024

A NEW COVENANT between God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh with All God's Children

#Isreal #Palestine #Qatar #Jordan #Egypt #StateDept #CIA 

By Mark W. Gaffney 

God's Plan as revealed in my articles and communicated on social media to embassies around the world set the stage for God's children to reason together with the Lord and do what is right before God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh,  a God of Pure Love and Mercy, Root of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden. 

An article published by The New York Times entitled, Middle East Crisis Hostage Talks Set for Paris on Friday, provides insight into God's children, sons and daughters of God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh,  working in full partnership with God to defeat Satan's strategy and make the Holy Land Holy again, much to the chagrin of Satan.

I will not likely get credit for my work as a writer and lobbyist for the high-tech industry, but instead those who are making the Holy Land into an armed military encampment will likely get the credit. It will likely not be a permanent everlasting peace. Negotiations may help Biden , Trump,  or another candidate get elected to Office of President afterward war will begin again.  The next President may win the Nobel Peace Prize on behalf of Beijing and Iran. 

My article entitled, Rafah: Updated Article, calls for REPENTANCE of the entire world, every human being on earth,

The following is an excerpt from my article:

The entire world needs to REPENT before God today by laying down all weapons of mass destruction including guns, knives, bombs, tanks, fighter jets, warships, missiles, drones,  as idolatrous graven images before God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh. REPENTANCE is defined as Hamas releasing all hostages TODAY as verified by the United Nations Security Council after which Israel will enact a permanent CEASEFIRE.

As God reveals to me , accepting God's love as a NEW COVENANT demands Supernatural strength to transcend quantum particlization of semantic binary data formulated by two based permutation logic algorithms within the cerebral cortex. God desires we feel God’s love in our heart, mind, and soul. God's love is intrapsychic energy enabling translation of quantum particlization of semantic binary data formulating WISDOM that proceedeth from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks in groanings of the spirit too deep for words. 

The Spirit of God will move within the hearts, minds, souls of Great Prophets and Priest who begin working on God's NEW COVENANT during negotiations between Hamas and Israel on Friday,  in the same way the Spirit of God moved within the heart, mind, and soul of Great Prophets who wrote Holy Books of all the World's great religions by becoming more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks in groanings of the spirit too deep for words.

God is Great , Allahu Akbar, so therefore God's children can defeat Satan's strategy and Fulfill God's Plan:

It's Time for God's Children,  Sons and Daughters of God the Father, Allah  and Yahweh , True Heirs of the Kingdom of God on Earth to Defeat Satan's Strategy Beginning With Hamas Releasing All Surviving Hostages and CEASEFIRE by Israel After ALL Hostages Released as Verified by UN Peacekeepers.

We should take this opportunity to "Seek thee first the Kingdom of God " to establish everlasting peace by all people everywhere on earth by accepting God's NEW COVENANT. Horrible sick things have happened in the Holy Land.  Horrible sick things happen all over the earth. 

In the sight of God every human being is of infinite value. Evil demons try to embezzle from me as God's servant to trick me into believing that I do not have any value. 

Gun runners start wars around the world to deceive God's children they do not have any value so that they can get elected to Office and cling to power wherever they may be. Slick nasty slimy Demons may convince me of their lies within quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality. 

Middle East Oil is so 
important to the rich in America to help them live in their giant mansions looking down upon everyone else like god and king. Slick sleazy nasty demons may actually convince me of their lies I am nothing from the alter of God's house under state religion instituted in America. 

Holiness while we live in quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality does not exist on earth anywhere.  The entire world needs to REPENT before God, including myself. I may be lying through my teeth proclaiming God's love, but so are they lying through their teeth. 

It is written, “Whoever says they are without sin in a liar. If we say we have not sinned, we make God a liar, and we do not accept God's teaching". ~  1 John 1:10

 "If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us". 1 John 1:8

In the sight of God, every human being on earth deserves to live in a mansion. Jesus taught, "In my Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you" ~ John 14:2

I am just as entitled to live in a mansion based upon my work and contributions as anyone else including gun runners, Italian mafia pedophile Union thugs in New York, and big oil tycoon lobbyist in Washington DC. Machine gun hits by gun running, drug trafficking, big oil tycoon, Italian mafia pedophile thugs are common in American history. Sicko perverts who commander our beloved nation while working as bureaucrats with foreign national enemy combatants.

In quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality Satan's drones pull the strings to make people dance like puppets according to string theory.  Since Satan hacked information architecture of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden Satan is pulling the strings on this earth. 

I fully understand Hamas wanting to bash people's heads in with a bat for Israeli Defense Forces shooting unarmed Palestinians in the streets in the occupied Palestinian territory of Gaza and the West Bank. Since I have not accepted God's NEW COVENANT yet, demonic thieves around me should have their heads bashed in with a bat.

I fully understand Israel launching retaliatory strikes against Hamas for the bloody massacre on October 7th,  2023, including cooking a baby alive in a microwave while the mother is ganged raped, and dragging a woman naked through the streets while Palestinians shouted death to America, death to Israel. 

I get it. I feel it. In quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality deep primeval visceral anger and hatred is bubbling within the heart of every human being on earth.  I hate them all demon terrorist in local, state, and federal government in Washington DC who tell lies about people like me.  I hate them all like the Prophet Jonah hated the Ninevites. 

How can we make the Holy Land Holy again? Can we make the Holy Land Holy while we live within quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality? 

Maybe it is an impossible dream.
Jim Nabors ( Gomar Pyle) sings the Impossible Dream:

The following verses from the gospel translate into God is Great , Allahu Akbar:

It is written, "But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible." ~ Matthew 19: 26

"24 And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

25 When his disciples heard it, they were exceedingly amazed, saying, Who then can be saved?

26 But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible."

The Holy Land is suppose to be a sacred place where we can feel the Divine presence of God. God's Divine love should be felt in the heart, mind, and soul of everyone who visits the Holy Land.  

Who is God? Is God truly Al-Wadūd, or the Most Loving God? 

In moving forward past this horrible war between Israel and Hamas to work in full partnership with God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh to Fulfill God's Plan for worldwide peace and prosperity we must ask ourselves what is the most loving action we can take to be more like God.

We cannot reason together with the Lord until all hostages are released by Hamas and afterward Israel declares a permanent CEASEFIRE to end the war between Israel and Hamas.

God's Plan as my platform as a write-in candidate for President of the United States of America in 2024 and 2028 demands the International Islamic community provide security for Israel in Gaza and the West Bank.  The two state solution will never work for as long as Israel must provide its own security in the occupied Palestinian territory of Gaza and the West Bank. The International Islamic community can demonstrate its pledge of security for Israel is sincere by agreeing to allow the Jewish state of Israel build the 2nd Temple of Solomon on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem without disturbing the Dome of the Rock Holy Islamic Mosque.  

The International Islamic community must condemn Iran for acting as a proxy of China, Russia, North Korea BRICS economic cartel to make the Holy Land into an armed military encampment by providing military support for Houthi Rebels,  Hozobolla in Lebanon,  Syria, and other Islamic extremist groups that are launching attacks against the United States of America military bases and commercial investments. 

Once more, as a write-in candidate for President of the United States of America in 2024 and 2028 I am campaigning on the platform plank of multilateral disarmament around the world. All guns, knives, bombs, tanks, fighter jets, warships, missiles, drones,  as well as all other weapons of mass destruction are idolatrous graven images before God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh.  

Iranian military support for the bloody massacre of Israeli civilians on October 7th including cooking a baby alive in an oven while the mother is ganged raped and dragging a woman naked through the streets of Gaza while Palestinians shouted death to America and death to Israel defiled the Holy name of Allah, Al-Wadūd, or the Most Loving God.

The International Islamic community must decide if the United States of America as a guest within Middle East Arab nations has real value in terms of growth and prosperity of Islam in the modern 21st century.  If the United States of America has no value within Middle East Arab nations then the United States of America should withdraw all military and commercial investments in the Middle East. 

If the United States of America is no longer invited to remain as a guest within Middle East Arab nations by the International Islamic community then we should withdraw and develop domestic energy sources including the Keystone Pipeline,  Offshore oil production,  thermopolymerization methods to transform all garbage, agricultural waste,  sewage,  etc into crude oil,  wind, solar green energy production. It will be better to go back to the horse and buggy days then become embroiled in a bloody Middle East war for decades. 

If the two state solution will lead to decades of bloody gory war between Israel and Palestine the most loving action may be the one state solution with voluntary displacement to other nearby Islamic countries.  Forced military displacement of Palestinians is against God's law of love and if Hamas release all hostages as a write-in candidate for President of the United States of America in 2024 and 2028 I will order NATO allies march against Israel to stop forced displacement and genocide of Palestinian People after all hostages are released by Hamas. 

As stated in previous articles, 
The United Nations resolution ordering CEASEFIRE by Israel to prevent an Israeli military response in Rafah condones Hamas bloody massacre against civilians on October 7th, 2023, including cooking a baby alive in a microwave while the mother is ganged raped.

Related X Twitter outlining God's Plan as my platform as a write in candidate for President of the United States of America in 2024 and 2028:

@UN @StateDept @Qatar @AymanHsafadi @CIA @IranIntl @HumanFraternity
The International Islamic community should loudly condemn the brutal Hamas attack of Israel on October 7th within UN assemblies and demand that Hamas release all hostages IMMEDIATELY.

@UN @StateDept @Qatar @AymanHsafadi @CIA @IranIntl @HumanFraternity @MFA_China @IsraeliPM
All leaders in Iran who defiled the name of Allah in the Holy Land by supporting Hamas dragging women down the street naked should step down and pluck their eyes out

Since China gives Iran 400 billion dollars and Iran supported the brutal attack on Israel by Hamas on October 7th then China should demand Hamas release all Israeli hostages or else China condones Hamas rape and dragging women naked down streets

Iranian women severely punished for removing hijab should be elected to high offices in Iran so that Iran may receive the blessing of Allah again. The name Al-Wadūd means all loving God. Dragging women down the street naked while people cheer is Satanic. Allah's name is defiled

China should support elections of women severely punished for removing hijab to high offices in Iranian government by withholding 400 billion dollars of trade with Iran, or else China supports dragging women down the street naked in Middle East

Hamas raping and dragging women through the streets of Gaza like salvages while shouting death to Israel and the United States helps one fully understand why Israel needed to kill 26,000 Palestinians. The name of Allah, the most loving God, is defiled

If Hamas releases ALL Hostages and stops attacks upon Israel, then if Israel does not IMMEDIATELY stop killing Palestinians, then NATO can be launched against Israel to end the war and genocide of Palestinian People. "Vengeance is Mine" sayeth the Lord

People can not love each other with a gun pointed at their head. Israel and the Holy Land should not become a military base for the United States, China, Iran, nor any other country

The bombing inside Iran at the ceremony honoring Iranian General Soleimani by ISIS  rebels demonstrates that if the United States is asked to withdraw from Middle East then embassies of China, Russia, Iran, North Korea BRICS economic cartel will become new targets of ISIS rebels

We must not allow ourselves to be dragged downward deeper into quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality by foreign wars

The more time people around the world spend shooting missiles, fighting with guns and knives, operating drones, and engaged in warfare the less time God's children have to dedicate themselves to reading Holy Books including the Qur’an, Torah, Bible

Since we are fearfully and wonderfully made in the Image of God, we can reason together with the Lord to defeat Satan's strategy and work in full partnership with God to create worldwide peace and prosperity

A decision to love within quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality is a spiritual battle known within Islam as Jihad. Abraham struggled with guilt for not loving Hagar & Ishmael, but Angel grabbed Abraham's arm before Abraham sacrificed

Jihad is a peaceful spiritual battle to reason together with the Lord. Jihad is a spiritual battle within one's heart to accept God's NEW COVENANT while living within quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality.  I have not fully accepted God's NEW COVENANT yet.

We have to work together to create conditions around the world where individuals can fully accept God's NEW COVENANT by learning to live according to God's law of love during a modern 21st century renaissance age of enlightenment

My platform as a write-in candidate for President of the United States of America in 2024 and 2028 based upon God's Plan creates conditions allowing us to reason together with the Lord by ending the war between Israel and Hamas

Once more, problems in the Middle East will never be solved by guns, knives, bombs, tanks, fighter jets, warships, missiles, drones,  nor any  other weapons of mass destruction as idolatrous graven images before God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh

As a write-in candidate for President of the United States of America in 2024 and 2028 I am running on the platform of God calling me to declare a worldwide Jihad to save the Holy Land for the Glory of God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh, a God of Pure Love and Mercy, Root of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden.  Satan is trying to steal the birthright of all God's children, sons and daughters of God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh, true heirs of the Kingdom of God on earth. 

Continued later

Thursday, February 22, 2024

The International Community Should Financially Support my Running as a Write-in Candidate for Office of President of the United States of America in 2024 and 2028 on a Platform of Multilateral Disarmament Around the World

The World Cannot Afford to Purchase Anymore Guns, Knives, Bombs, Tanks, Fighter jets, Warships, Missiles, Drones as Idolatrous Graven Images before God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh.  

By Mark W. Gaffney 

If Ukraine sealed a deal with Europe for 50 billion Euro aid package why do they need any more of our money in the United States of America? Europe is buying Russian gas from China so Europe should be fully able to pay for Zenlensky's war. 

Is europe buying russian gas from china?

According to Google Generative Artificial Intelligence:

"Europe is buying Russian gas from China. In September 2023, China was the largest buyer of Russia's crude oil exports, purchasing 47%. Russia is also expected to sell gas to China at half the price it sells to Europe. 

As of June 2023, exports to Europe have decreased to almost nothing. Russia has been trying to compensate for lost sales to Europe by increasing exports to China. However, China has reduced its LNG purchases, leaving them available for European buyers. 

China is also expected to become Russia's main consumer of Russian natural gas after the Power of Siberia 2 pipeline is completed by 2030. The pipeline will bring gas from the Yamal reserves in west Siberia, which is the main source of gas supply to Europe."

Does Europe pay more or less for Russian gas purchaed from China?

According to Google Generative Artificial Intelligence:

"According to a Russian government document, the price of Russian pipeline gas for China is expected to decrease over the next few years. As of September 2023, Russia expects to sell its gas to China at $297.3 per 1,000 cubic meters, compared to $501.6 for Turkey and other European clients.

However, China resells Russian LNG back to Europe for a significant premium. In 2022, Europe's LNG imports increased by 60%. 

In 2021, Russia provided more than 40 percent of the EU's gas imports, but by 2023, that share has dropped to about 8%"

An article published by CNN entitled, Speaker Johnson faces critical decision on Ukraine aid as international pressure grows to act, provides insight into very shady business deals within the International community regarding weapons trade financially underwriting attacks by Iranian backed Islamic extremist 
upon the United States in the Middle East while the United States of America is pulled downward into bankruptcy to become an impoverished 3rd world country with marauding gangs of drug traffickers roaming the streets :

When the United States of America collapse into bankruptcy to become an impoverished 3rd world country the ascendancy of a communist fascist empire arising from Beijing's ensnarement by state capitalism within the hot fiery flaming melting pot furnace of Socialist capitalism will become a threat to the sovereignty of the People's Republic of China. In recent years Beijing has denied existing as a communist country, but instead boasted about socialism within China and having its own Chinese version of Democracy. 

U.S. manufacturers engaged in offshore manufacturing in mainland China no longer differentiate between Socialism in mainland China and individual freedom confered by the U.S. constitution, ultimately leading to the scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory helping build nuclear weapons for China. 

An article published by NBC News entitled, Scientists at America’s top nuclear lab were recruited by China to design missiles and drones, report says, provides insight into idolatry related to weaponization of the International community:

U.S. manufacturers moved to mainland China at the height of the civil rights movement. In the mist of turmoil mafia based unions commandered U.S. government and trampled upon the U.S Constitution conferring individual freedom as a God given inalienable right. We fought the communist in Vietnam only for U.S manufacturers to move to communist China to engage in offshore manufacturing.

An article published by China Global South entitled, Israel Wants to Know How Chinese Weapons Found Their Way Into Hamas’ Arsenal, provides insight into how the Holy Land is becoming an armed military encampment for the two superpowers:

When our beautiful green earth God gave us becomes the hell envisioned in our nightmares due to global warming contributing to food scarcity,  depletion of fossil fuels,  and future pandemics massive numbers of migrants with empty bellies will march upon Washington DC on behalf of China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea BRICS economic cartel imprisoning all who dissent with human beings thrown in cages like cattle, foreheads stamped with 666, mark of the Beast.

The world cannot afford to purchase anymore guns, knives, bombs, tanks, fighter jets, warships, missiles, drones as idolatrous graven images before God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh.  The International community should financially support my running for office of President of the United States of America in 2024 and 2028 on a platform of multilateral disarmament around the world. God has called me to declare a worldwide Jihad to save the Holy Land for the Glory of God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh, a God of Pure Love and Mercy, Root of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden.

New green energy production methods demand massive international investments for retooling and reshoring manufacturing. We must beat all idolatrous graven images of guns, knives, bombs, tanks, fighter jets, warships, missiles,  drones into plowshares.

My Google search inquiry, Is Biden and Trump campaigns financed by the weapons trade? returned the following results :

An article published by Forbes Magazine entitled,  Biden Tries to Outdo Trump in Using Jobs to Justify Arms Transfers, provides a discussion of the arms trade underwriting campaign finance of candidates for office of President of the United States of America:

The following is an excerpt from the Forbes article:

"I’ve been covering U.S. arms sales policy for the past four decades, but I never thought I’d see a president who leaned more heavily on the alleged economic benefits of arms sales to sell a policy of rampant weapons proliferation than Donald Trump did when he was in office. But I have now found that person – Joe Biden."

As a write-in candidate for President of the United States of America I am asking for support of the National Rifle Association (NRA). As a write-in candidate for President of the United States of America I support the NRA.

My platform as President of the United States of America will create a society where people will not feel a need use guns to shoot and kill their neighbors. It is very true,  guns do not kill people,  but instead people kill people with guns. The multi billion  dollar international arms trade where guns are used as idolatrous graven images to assert power and control over human beings as god and king, making people dance like robots, while pointing a gun at peoples head in war zones is contributing to a bankrupt impoverished 3rd world society where people feel dehumanized and degraded. 

God's Plan for worldwide peace and prosperity will help people feel a sense of love and compassion therefore they will be less likely to pick up a gun and shoot somebody. I ask for the endorsement of the NRA as a write-in candidate for President of the United States of America.

God's Plan to build more Mosque, synagogues, Cathedrals, and House's of prayer throughout the world will help people feel more loved therefore less likely to shoot someone.  God's Plan to promote entrepreneurship will give people a greater sense of purpose,  belonging,  and feel less disenfranchised thereby making it less likely for any given person to shoot someone.

Mutual cooperation to gain competitive advantage in order to maximize probability of survival of the fittest while living under the paw of evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy is exacerbating feelings of disenfranchisement. Furthermore, An accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns contributes to globalization contributing to disenfranchisement of various individuals and groups. 

God's Plan is to help people feel more connected within the human family.  In previous articles I proposed an application of artificial intelligence to improve communication thereby boosting representative government within  dynamics of small groups.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Rafah: Updated Article

#NobelPrize Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs تلفزيون فلسطين Palestine TV 

It's Time for God's Children,  Sons and Daughters of God the Father, Allah  and Yahweh , True Heirs of the Kingdom of God on Earth to Defeat Satan's Strategy Beginning With Hamas Releasing All Surviving Hostages and CEASEFIRE by Israel After ALL Hostages Released as Verified by UN Peacekeepers 

By Mark W. Gaffney 

God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh weeps in heaven as Satan's erroneous malicious code bubbles 
and blast forth with consuming flames of deep primeval hatred and visceral anger within the heart, mind, and soul of God's children living in the Holy Land, both Jew and Islam, Isaac and Ishmael, resulting in sons and daughters of God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh killing each other. 

The war between Israel and Hamas is at a standstill while the world awaits if Israel will continue an offensive in Rafah to win the war against Hamas.  The United Nations has passed a resolution demanding Israel to permanently CEASEFIRE in order for humanitarian aid to reach the people in Palestine. 

Israel demands that Hamas release all hostages before a CEASEFIRE begins. Hamas demands Israel release 7000 Palestinian prisoners held by Israel. 

Hamas feels justified in fighting a just Holy war against Israel for Israeli apartheid in the occupied Palestinian territory of Gaza and the West Bank. The United Nations Security Council should verify that Isreali civilians taken hostage during the bloody massacre by Hamas on October 7th, 2023 were innocent bystanders not involved in any type of war crimes, unlike the 7000 Hamas Palestinian prisoners held by Israel. 

Yes, Israel should acknowledge that Israeli apartheid in Gaza and the West Bank including Israeli security forces shooting unarmed Palestinians during protest may have provoked the October 7th attack by Hamas. Once more,  Israeli security forces may have felt threatened by large crowds of Palestinians protesting therefore fired into the crowd. The vow by Iran to absolutely crush, destroy, and wipe Israel off the face of the earth generates great tension in the Middle East. 

An article published by American Jewish Council entitled,  Debunking the False Equivalency Between Israeli Hostages and Palestinian Prisoners, presents a powerful argument against need for a fair prisoner swap:

The following is an excerpt from the AJC article Debunking the False Equivalency Between Israeli Hostages and Palestinian Prisoners:

"The Israelis and other foreign nationals being released are innocent women and children, including the elderly, the disabled, toddlers, and babies, many of whom were snatched from their homes by Hamas terror squads in the early morning of October 7. 

The Palestinians held in Israeli jails made an active choice to commit a crime, while the only “crime” committed by the Israeli and other foreign hostages was that they were Jewish or were in Israel. "

Hamas can end this war by releasing all hostages.  Hamas should allow an United Nations Security Council Peacekeeping task force go into Palestinian neighborhoods to prove all hostages have been released.  

If Israel continues its offensive in Rafah after all hostages are released as verified by UNARMED United Nations Peacekeepers I proposed as a write-in candidate for President of the United States of America that NATO forces can be sent into Gaza and the West Bank to stop genocide of the Palestinian people by Israel.

Until all hostages are released, the hands of the United States of America are tied. Israel and Hamas both have sinned against God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh by taking up gun's, knives, bombs, tanks, fighter jets, warships, missiles, drones, and all other weapons of mass destruction as idolatrous graven images before God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh.  The Holy Land is suppose to be Holy,  but the collective conscience of humanity is being dragged down deeper into quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality every minute this horrible war rages. 

Satan strategy is to render hell on earth. Satan's strategy is to transform the collective conscience of humanity into Image of the Beast . Jesus said weep not for me , but weep for your children's children as Jesus carried His cross. 

When our beautiful earth God gave us becomes the hell envisioned in our nightmares due to global warming, depletion of fossil fuels, and future pandemics 
God's children, sons and daughters of God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh,  true heirs of the Kingdom of God on earth will become cannibals eating human flesh like animals instead of humbly kneeling in prayer before God in Mosque, synagogues, Cathedrals, and all other House's of prayer. Since we are fearfully and wonderfully made in the Image of God we can defeat Satan's strategy by reasoning together with the Lord. 

Israel may have sinned against God for Israeli apartheid in Gaza and the West Bank,  but Hamas also sinned against God for taking up missiles as idolatrous graven images before God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh:

According to Google Generative Artificial Intelligence:

"According to the IDF, Hamas fired around 3,000 rockets into Israel during the first four hours of its attack on southern Israel on October 7, 2023. This exceeds the capacity of Israel's Iron Dome missile defense system, which has 10 batteries across the country. However, Israel's Iron Dome air defense system intercepted many of the rockets. 
The attack also involved the use of Iranian-produced weapons, including AZ111-A2 60mm mortar fuses and M112 demolition charges.

The attack also involved the use of Iranian-produced weapons, including AZ111-A2 60mm mortar fuses and M112 demolition charges"

If Israel continues its offensive in Rafah the United States of America will likely be blamed by the International community within the United Nations for being a weapons supplier for Israel.  Why does the United States of America always get the blame within United Nations when Iran as a proxy of China, Russia, North Korea financially underwriting weapons supply chains  is transforming the Holy Land into a military base?

The entire world needs to REPENT before God today by laying down all weapons of mass destruction including guns, knives, bombs, tanks, fighter jets, warships, missiles, drones,  as idolatrous graven images before God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh. REPENTANCE is defined as Hamas releasing all hostages TODAY as verified by the United Nations Security Council after which Israel will enact a permanent CEASEFIRE.

The vow by Iran to absolutely crush, destroy, and wipe Israel off the face of the earth generates great tension in the Middle East. God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh has the power and authority to decide if Israel should exist or Palestine should exist.  If Iran does not think Israel should exist Iran should reason together with the Lord within United Nations assemblies to present the claim Israel should not exist before God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh. 

When Israel, Hamas, Iran, China, Russia, Ukraine, United States, NATO allies,  Syria, Houthi Rebels,  Hozobolla in Lebanon, or any other people pick up guns, knives, bombs, tanks, fighter jets, warships, missiles, drones, or any other weapon of mass destruction as idolatrous graven images before God then they are acting as  god and king to replace God on His thrown. 

I am running as a write-in candidate for President of the United States of America on the platform plank of multilateral disarmament around the world.  Multilateral disarmament will be very difficult to implement and will take time.  

My article entitled, I Want to Be Happy,  provides a discussion of my platform for multilateral disarmament as a write-in candidate for President of the United States of America:

The following is an excerpt from my article:

The Holy Land is supposed to be a  Holy place where the spirit of God can move within the hearts of all God's children so that we pull ourselves upward and climb out of quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality into the light of God's love? Why do we have to fight like animals while living under the paw of evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy to transform the collective conscience of humanity into Image of the Beast?

The United States and China both are making the Holy Land into an armed military encampment with guns, knives, bombs, tanks, fighter jets, warships,  missiles, drones as idolatrous graven images before God. Is Middle East Arab oil worth that much to Beijing and Washington DC? As a write-in candidate for President of the United States of America I am campaigning on the the platform plank of withdrawal of all U.S. commercial investments and military bases from the Middle East Arab nations and allowing Beijing have it all because Middle East Arab oil is not worth that much in the sight of God. 

The United States and China both transforming the Holy Land into an armed military encampment is tantamount of Jesus turning over tables of the money changers in Jerusalem and driving them away with a whip. My campaign platform as write-in candidate for the President of the United States of America to withdrawal of all U.S. commercial investments and military bases from the Middle East Arab nations is tantamount of turning over the tables of the money changers in the United States and China who are attempting to transform the Holy Land into an armed encampment.

An article published by CNN entitled, Israeli strikes deepen panic in Rafah as UN aid chief warns a ground offensive could result in ‘slaughter’, provides insight into Rafah as a pivotal point described in God's Word as a Valley of decision. 

The website Got Questions discuss the Valley of Decision as a deliberate intentional choice for God's children to either Fulfill God's Plan or Satan's Strategy:

It is written Joel 3: 14 , 

"Multitudes, multitudes, in the valley of decision! For the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision"

The war between Israel and Hamas began with gun, knives, bombs, missiles as idolatrous graven images before God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh.  Civil War has raged within Gaza and the West Bank for decades. Son's and daughters of God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh have picked up guns, knives, as idolatrous graven images before God to kill each other for many decades in Gaza and the West Bank. Satan's consuming fire of deep primeval visceral anger has been bubbling within the heart, mind, and soul of people in Gaza and the West Bank for a very long time. 

Since we are fearfully and wonderfully made created in the Image of God is it possible that we can reason together with the Lord to defeat Satan's strategy for Rafah?

My freelance article entitled,  God is Calling Me to Volunteer to Travel to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem for the Holy Fire Ceremony on Orthodox Easter April 23, 2024 to Carry the Holy Fire to the 3rd Temple in God's NEW ANNEXED NATION of Eastern Donbas People's Republic, 
provides a discussion of multilateral disarmament :

The United Nations resolution ordering CEASEFIRE by Israel to prevent an Israeli military response in Rafah condones Hamas bloody massacre against civilians on October 7th, 2023, including cooking a baby alive in a microwave while the mother is ganged raped.

Related X Twitter:

@UN @StateDept @Qatar @AymanHsafadi @CIA @IranIntl @HumanFraternity
The International Islamic community should loudly condemn the brutal Hamas attack of Israel on October 7th within UN assemblies and demand that Hamas release all hostages IMMEDIATELY.

@UN @StateDept @Qatar @AymanHsafadi @CIA @IranIntl @HumanFraternity @MFA_China @IsraeliPM
All leaders in Iran who defiled the name of Allah in the Holy Land by supporting Hamas dragging women down the street naked should step down and pluck their eyes out

Since China gives Iran 400 billion dollars and Iran supported the brutal attack on Israel by Hamas on October 7th then China should demand Hamas release all Israeli hostages or else China condones Hamas rape and dragging women naked down streets

Iranian women severely punished for removing hijab should be elected to high offices in Iran so that Iran may receive the blessing of Allah again. The name Al-Wadūd means all loving God. Dragging women down the street naked while people cheer is Satanic. Allah's name is defiled

China should support elections of women severely punished for removing hijab to high offices in Iranian government by withholding 400 billion dollars of trade with Iran, or else China supports dragging women down the street naked in Middle East

Hamas raping and dragging women through the streets of Gaza like salvages while shouting death to Israel and the United States helps one fully understand why Israel needed to kill 26,000 Palestinians. The name of Allah, the most loving God, is defiled

If Hamas releases ALL Hostages and stops attacks upon Israel, then if Israel does not IMMEDIATELY stop killing Palestinians, then NATO can be launched against Israel to end the war and genocide of Palestinian People. "Vengeance is Mine" sayeth the Lord

People can not love each other with a gun pointed at their head. Israel and the Holy Land should not become a military base for the United States, China, Iran, nor any other country

The bombing inside Iran at the ceremony honoring Iranian General Soleimani by ISIS  rebels demonstrates that if the United States is asked to withdraw from Middle East then embassies of China, Russia, Iran, North Korea BRICS economic cartel will become new targets of ISIS rebels

We must not allow ourselves to be dragged downward deeper into quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality by foreign wars

The more time people around the world spend shooting missiles, fighting with guns and knives, operating drones, and engaged in warfare the less time God's children have to dedicate themselves to reading Holy Books including the Qur’an, Torah, Bible

Since we are fearfully and wonderfully made in the Image of God, we can reason together with the Lord to defeat Satan's strategy and work in full partnership with God to create worldwide peace and prosperity

A decision to love within quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality is a spiritual battle known within Islam as Jihad. Abraham struggled with guilt for not loving Hagar & Ishmael, but Angel grabbed Abraham's arm before Abraham sacrificed

Jihad is a peaceful spiritual battle to reason together with the Lord. Jihad is a spiritual battle within one's heart to accept God's NEW COVENANT while living within quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality.  I have not fully accepted God's NEW COVENANT yet.

We have to work together to create conditions around the world where individuals can fully accept God's NEW COVENANT by learning to live according to God's law of love during a modern 21st century renaissance age of enlightenment

My platform as a write-in candidate for President of the United States of America in 2024 and 2028 based upon God's Plan creates conditions allowing us to reason together with the Lord by ending the war between Israel and Hamas

Once more, problems in the Middle East will never be solved by guns, knives, bombs, tanks, fighter jets, warships, missiles, drones,  nor any  other weapons of mass destruction as idolatrous graven images before God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh

As a write-in candidate for President of the United States of America in 2024 and 2028 I am running on the platform of God calling me to declare a worldwide Jihad to save the Holy Land for the Glory of God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh, a God of Pure Love and Mercy, Root of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden.  Satan is trying to steal the birthright of all God's children, sons and daughters of God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh, true heirs of the Kingdom of God on earth. 

Continued later

Continued later

I Want to Be Happy

God's Love Brings Everlasting Happiness and Joy. It Is a Constant Daily Struggle to Experience God's Love within Quantum Particlization of Satan's Simulated Virtual Reality 

By Mark W. Gaffney 

Wang Wenbin Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson 汪文斌  shared the following very inspirational uplifting happy video about the #chinesenewyear2024 celebrations.

As a write-in candidate for President of the United States of America in 2024 and 2028 I am campaigning on the platform of creating more happiness around the world by Fulfillment of God's Plan. 

In recent articles I clearly stated that since we are fearfully and wonderfully made in the Image of God we can reason together with the Lord to create more happiness around the world.  Today, the world is filled with so much sadness, despair , and unhappiness because once more we have all gone astray and turned away from doing what is right before God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh by picking up guns  ,knives, bombs, tanks, fighter jets, warships, missiles, drones and all other weapons of mass destruction as idolatrous graven images before God. 

In recent articles I have campaigned for all people everywhere to stop the bloodshed and begin living life with gusto.

Taiwan will be reunited with the People's Republic of China when
the Spirit of God moves within the heart, mind, and soul of people living within Taiwan enabling the people to reason together with the Lord by Higher level Counsciousness known by Buddhist, Taoist,  Confucianism as Dao rendered by our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind formulating quantum particlization of semantic binary data as WISDOM that proceedeth from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks in groanings of the spirit too deep for words. The reunification of Taiwan with China requires trust. Trust is slowly built over many years while living within quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality. 

Beijing's commitment to fulfilling the mission of the Central Communist Party in Beijing to create better community living around the world will enable the Central Communist Party in Beijing create a better more perfect utopian communism designed to uplift and empower individuals within the International community. Power and control associated with money does not necessarily uplift or empower anyone.  

We have a lot of work to do to build trust within the human family in order to create more happiness around the world. My work as a writer and lobbyist for the high-tech industry, including campaign as a write-in candidate for President of the United States of America in 2024 and 2028, is dedicated to helping the Central Communist Party in Beijing create a better more perfect utopian communism on the world stage. 

Beijing's participation in state capitalism within world markets creates conditions whereby nefarious players coveting Beijing's money will point a gun to peoples head to force them to comply under guise of law. U.S. offshore manufacturing in mainland China built the modern industrial superpower of China. 

Beijing's money is invalidating the Rule of law under the United States constitution within the United States of America especially given the United States engagement in proxy wars on behalf of Beijing around the world. 
Biden nor Trump do not have a lawful mandate to run for President of the United States of America with Chinese money from constituents engaged in offshore manufacturing in mainland China.

An article published by The New York Times entitled, Trump Records Shed New Light on Chinese Business Pursuits, provides a discussion about the Republican/Democrat communist fascist regime unlawful holding office within the United States of America:

Meanwhile,  the Chinese people are subjected to tyranny of Capitalist overlords engaged in offshore manufacturing 
in mainland China.

What started out as a happy article has turned very ugly.  How can we create real genuine value within quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality? 

The great Chinese philosopher Confucius and Saint Paul both philosophically meandered about value above and beyond earthly existence. What is real genuine happiness? 

While living within quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality we can live easily live a lie as avatars within the material world. We live in a spiritual world without any independent physical objective existence according to the simulation hypothesis.

The entire world is a lie. We cannot extricate ourselves from living within quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality. We are trapped. Since we are fearfully and wonderfully made created in the Image of God can we pull ourselves upward and climb out of quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality into the light of God's love?

The Holy Land is supposed to be a  Holy place where the spirit of God can move within the hearts of all God's children so that we pull ourselves upward and climb out of quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality into the light of God's love? Why do we have to fight like animals while living under the paw of evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy to transform the collective conscience of humanity into Image of the Beast?

The United States and China both are making the Holy Land into an armed military encampment with guns, knives, bombs, tanks, fighter jets, warships,  missiles, drones as idolatrous graven images before God. Is Middle East Arab oil worth that much to Beijing and Washington DC? As a write-in candidate for President of the United States of America I am campaigning on the the platform plank of withdrawal of all U.S. commercial investments and military bases from the Middle East Arab nations and allowing Beijing have it all because Middle East Arab oil is not worth that much in the sight of God. 

The United States and China both transforming the Holy Land into an armed military encampment is tantamount of Jesus turning over tables of the money changers in Jerusalem and driving them away with a whip. My campaign platform as write-in candidate for the President of the United States of America to withdrawal of all U.S. commercial investments and military bases from the Middle East Arab nations is tantamount of turning over the tables of the money changers in the United States and China who are attempting to transform the Holy Land into an armed encampment.

The United States and NATO allies conduct multi-billions of economic commerce with China when China is financing Validmir Putin's war on Ukraine.  The United States and NATO allies conduct multi-billions of dollars of trade with China when China provides Iran 400 billion dollars used by Iran to provide Hamas, Houthi Rebels,  Hozobolla Islamic extremist in Lebanon, Syrian Military with guns, drones, missiles as idolatrous graven images before God to 
attack American investments in Middle East Arab nations. The People's Republic of China will not be able to fulfill its mission to create better community living around the world if trade relationships between the United States and China are terminated,  therefore China under natural law while living in quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality will not continue to be nice anymore. 

Who are we fooling. We cannot pull the wool over the Lord's eyes. 

Sir Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Mobile, wrote an article entitled,  How to be Happy? , discussing the key to happiness as "Simply Be". I clairvoyantly hear someone satirically quip in the stratosphere, Sir Richard Branson is an old hippie. 

God's Love Brings Everlasting Happiness and Joy. It Is a Constant Daily Struggle to Experience God's Love within Quantum Particlization of Satan's Simulated Virtual Reality.

Continued later

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Who Killed Alexei Navalny? Murder Mystery of the Century

The rewards are high for a Russian oligarch who can topple Putin. The time is right for a Russian oligarch to make a lot of rubles by toppling Putin.

By Mark W. Gaffney 

Has it ever been proven in an international court of law Putin killed Alexei Navalny? 
How can it be proven in an international court of law that Putin killed Navalny?

I am not in any way trying to defend Validmir Putin.  I am simply trying to understand this conflict in terms of Fulfillment of God's Plan for my beloved country, the United States of America, home of the brave, land of the free. 

Every minute this horrible war rages we are less free in the United States of America. We are not more free from the horrible war between Ukraine and Russia. 

Vice President Kamala Harris pledged support of Ukraine at the Munich Security Conference. Perhaps,  Vice President Kamala Harris is somehow more free from this horrible war. 

I don't understand how this horrible war can make anyone free. If I was free, as a write-in candidate for President of the United States of America in 2024 and 2028
I should be able to fly around the world to dine with dignitaries at banquets and receptions at the Munich Security Conference featuring  cuisine prepared by world class chefs. If I was free my travel to the Munich Security Conference will include full transfers,  exclusive posh resort likely at a more than 10, 000 grand per night,  transportation services,  flights,  and tips.

 The Russian people are not more free as a consequence of war with Ukraine.  The Ukrainian people are not more free as a consequence of war with Russia.  The American People are not free as a consequence of our financially underwriting Zenlensky's war with Russia. 

I simply don't understand the rush to judgment to make Validmir Putin a pariah within the International community. If Validmir Putin killed Alexei Navalny then murder of Navalny is up to the Russian courts to prove. If Russian courts prove Validmir Putin ordered the assassination of 
Alexei Navalny then Russian courts will have to decide what punitive action to take against Validmir Putin, including the possibility of removing Putin from office. 

The Russian Federation is a big, gigantic, massive, complex country. According to the Helsinki Commission,  "The Russian Federation (Russia) is physically the largest country in the world, covering 6.6 million square miles and 11 time zones over its 6,000-mile length.".

Russian oligarchs have motive to incriminate Putin for the murder of 
Alexei Navalny. Some Russian oligarchs may want Putin out of the way to consolidate business ties with the West. Other Russian oligarchs may have motive to murder Alexei Navalny in a Russian prison because they hate the West and seek to disrupt negotiations of peace between the 
Kremlin and the West. 

Do you have any idea of how much it cost for a Russian oligarch to run a successful business? Everything is so expensive these days due to the 2022 war between Ukraine and Russia. It cost a lot of rubles to own and operate a Yacht. 

Many players in Russia may have motive to want to see Alexei Navalny dead. Western political pundits shouldn't rush to judgment. Multi 92,495,000,000,000.00 trillion Russian Rubles are at stake. 

Russian oligarchs will lose a lot of rubles if the Kremlin moves closer to the West given under the table European and Chinese business deals by certain oligarchs within the BRICS cartel will be scraped. Other Russian oligarchs will lose a lot of rubles if European, Chinese, Iranian, and North Korea business deals fall apart. 

An article published by Haaretz entitled,  Gold for Drones: Massive Leak Reveals the Iranian Shahed Project in Russia, provides insight into the illegal underground weapons trade by Russian oligarchs:

According to Google Generative Artificial Intelligence:

"According to a Yahoo News article, 82 Russian oligarchs may be involved in manufacturing arms. The article also claims that oligarchs helped manufacture the weapons used by the Russian army in Bucha and the bombs dropped on Mariupol."

An article published by The Davis Center at Harvard University entitled, Meet Russia’s Oligarchs, a Group of Men Who Won’t Be Toppling Putin Anytime Soon, provides information about Russian oligarchs who may be implicated in Alexei Navalny's murder.

Western sanctions against Russian oligarchs have made the Russian oligarchs into a very unhappy group of desperados. Now, Putin is pulling the rug out from under the feet of Russian oligarchs again by going on the Tucker Carlson show to announce peace in Ukraine. Validmir Putin extending the olive branch of peace to Kyiv Ukraine will make it difficult for Russian oligarchs to pay for their yacht and daily operations of their business by illegal underground weapons trade. 

The rewards are high for a Russian oligarch who can topple Putin. The time is right for a Russian oligarch to make a lot of rubles by toppling Putin. 

If Putin killed Navalvy, Putin is certainly not very good at public relations. It seems very strange that Alexei Navalny is allegedly killed in prison at the height of the Munich Security Conference. 

What would Putin have to gain for killing Alexei Navalny now at this particular point in time? Validmir Putin agreed to an interview with Tucker Carlson in order improve public relations of the Kremlin around the world and announce that Russia is interested in negotiating a peace deal with Kyiv. 

Since Alexei Navalny is jailed in a Russian prison at the time of his death then Navalny was not in a position to create any problems for the Kremlin so why would Putin want to kill Navalny now? It would have been better for Putin to keep Alexei Navalny issue very low key.

Validmir Putin has recently made a ovature to negotiate a peace deal with Ukraine. Alexei Navalny's murder may have been perpetrated to derail the peace deal between Kyiv and Moscow. 

Validmir Putin may have killed Alexei Navalny as a fear tactic to squelch and subdue opposition in upcoming elections. Perhaps Putin does not want to surrender God's NEW ANNEXED NATION of Eastern Donbas People's Republic to God therefore Putin had Alexei Navalny assassinated. God's Plan is for both Kyiv and Moscow to immediately CEASEFIRE and WITHDRAW all military troops from God's NEW ANNEXED NATION of Eastern Donbas People's Republic. 

The Russian people are suffering from war fatigue and exasperation   from Validmir Putin's special operation to liberate Ukrainian Separatist in the Independent Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk. An increase in tension between Russia and the West will create more patriotic nationalism among the Russian people thereby rallying more public support in Russia for Validmir Putin's campaign in upcoming elections. 
Putin may have ordered the assassination of Alexei Navalny inside a Russian prison to create tension between Russia and the West thereby rallying more public support for his campaign to be elected President of Russia in March 2024 as a consequence of Russian patriotic nationalist fervor. 

My freelance article entitled, I Propose that Boris Nadezhdin and Yekaterina Duntsova Consider a Position in the Provisional Interim Government of God's NEW ANNEXED NATION of Eastern Donbas People's Republic after CEASEFIRE and WITHDRAW of all Military Troops by Both Kyiv and Moscow, outlines God's Plan for peaceful resolution of the 2022 war between Ukraine and Russia:

An article published by Newsweek entitled, Putin to Make First Visit to NATO Country in Four Years, make claims that Putin ordered the assassination of Alexei Navalny by Western pundits dubious.

Validmir Putin suggested that a peace deal can be brokered between Kyiv and Moscow in an interview with Tucker Carlson,
so therefore why would Putin want to jarpardize Kremlin diplomatic efforts to negotiate peaceful resolution of the war between Ukraine and Russia by ordering the assassination of Navalny in a Russian prison,
given the war between Ukraine and Russia is highly unpopular among the Russian people. The 2022 war between Ukraine and Russia has become an albatross tied around Putin's neck during this pivotal election year. 

An article published by Reuters entitled, Exclusive: Putin's suggestion of Ukraine ceasefire rejected by United States, sources say, provides insight into how Validmir Putin wants to be seen among the Russian people as extending the olive branch of peace within the International community:

It simply doesn't make any logical sense why Putin would have Navalny assassinated in a Russian prison during this Russian election campaign year. Validmir Putin has extended the olive branch of peace to Kyiv and Western NATO allies so why would Putin order the assassination of Navalny to incur bad press in Russia and around the world during a Russian election?

I will have to ask Bard what Bard thinks is going on in Russia.  Bard will flip out and crash while spouting about breaking Google's safety protocols. Warning,  warning,  warning, Danger Will Robinson,  Google safely protocols breached.

Unfounded accusations without proof surrounding the death of Alexei Navalny by Western political pundits do great harm by
undermining the rule of law in Russian and international courts.
Since Russian President Validmir Putin is accused of murdering Alexei Navalny in a Russian prison then the Kremlin should be given the opportunity to present evidence that Putin did not kill Navalny in prison. The International community should take this opportunity to uphold value of domestic and
international courts of law instead of acting upon speculation. 

It is the civic responsibility of the Russian people to demand Russian courts discover the truth about the death of Alexei Navalny. 

In an article published by CNN entitled, Putin says if Russia wanted to kill opposition leader Navalny, it would have ‘finished’ the job,  Putin denied Russia poisoned Navalny in 2020

It is possible that those under Putin exceeded their authority by poisoning Navalny in 2020. An article published by CNBC entitled, 
‘Loyalty alone is not enough’: What Putin demands from his inner circle, provides a discussion of loyalty as highly valued within Russian politics:

Validmir Putin has created a political machine in Moscow that will do whatever it takes to keep Putin in power, including poisoning Navalny in 2020 without direct approval by the Kremlin. War fatigue and exasperation of the Russian people may be setting events in motion beyond Putin's control as Putin's political machine crumbles. When Putin's political machine in Moscow crumbles Russian oligarchs as players in Russian politics may begin to act independently.

Does any President anywhere have full control over the body politick? Former President Donald Trump vigorously denied that he organized the January 6th riots at the U.S. Capital building. Trump's lawyers claimed rioters came to the U.S. Capital on their own volition.

Many people in the Western hemisphere feel that Alexei Navalny is wrongfully convicted and imprisoned in Russia.  According to Google Generative Artificial Intelligence, "In his most recent trial, Navalny was sentenced to 19 years in prison on extremism charges".

Edward Snowden, a former CIA and NSA agent, was forced to leave the United States to avoid wrongful imprisonment for allegedly taking classified documents that expose crimes related to weaponization of information against citizens.  Edward Snowden exposure of crimes against citizens by weaponization of information is increasingly valuable work especially given rapid advancement in artificial intelligence. 

The International community should uphold the rule of law in Russian and international courts. The Russian people need to work toward demanding integrity of Russian courts whereever that may lead. The Kremlin should be given an opportunity to present evidence that Validmir Putin did not kill Navalny in prison before the International community rush to judgment. 

Western political pundits who rush to judgment about internal affairs of other countries should take the log out of their own eye before trying to remove the speck from their neighbors eye ~ Matthew 7:3-5

Derailment of God's Plan for peaceful resolution of the war between Ukraine and Russia in order to make billions of rubles selling guns, knives, bombs, tanks, fighter jets, warships, missiles, drones,  and other weapons as idolatrous graven images before God is motive to kill Alexei Navalny in a Russian prison. Western Sanctions have made it difficult for Russian oligarchs to run a profitable business and now God's Plan for peaceful resolution of the 2022 war between Ukraine and Russia is pulling the rug out from under the feet of Russian oligarchs once more. 

An article published by Reuters entitled, Putin tells Tucker Carlson Russia has no interest in wider war, discuss Validmir Putin's reassurance that Russia will not invade Poland, Finland, Germany or Western European countries.

Validmir Putin exceeded the olive branch of peace to Kyiv and the West on the Tucker Carlson show.
Unfounded accusations of Putin murdering Alexei Navalny without definitive proof designed to derail God's Plan for peaceful resolution of the war between Ukraine and Russia can have devastating impact upon the world. 

United States lawmakers are unable to solve problems within the United States of America much less Russia. 

If Putin is overthrown by Ukraine it is possible that a Russian Oligarch 
heavily invested in weapons trade 
may take control of the Kremlin who may decide to march into Europe with military support from North Korea, Iran, and Syria. An invasion of Europe by a Russian oligarch who overthrows Validmir Putin will dramatically increase cash liquidity of profitable business operations in weapons trade by a Russian oligarch group. 

An article published by Business Insider entitled, How a coup to force Putin from power could go down if he loses in Ukraine, according to former intel officers, provides insight into how political instability in Russia can quickly degenerative into catastrophic consequences within the international community.

The International community must have faith that the Russian people can insure integrity of Russian government and courts to reveal the truth.  Although Alexei Navalny and Validmir Putin were political foes, faith that the Russian people can upon integrity of Russian courts by revealing the truth wherever that may lead is 
honoring Alexis Navalny's life.

If in fact Navalny was murdered in prison and the Russian people approve of Alexei Navalny's murder in a Russian prison then the West must accept the decision of the Russian people to tolerate murder. If Validmir Putin did not have anything to do with the death of Alexei Navalny,  Validmir Putin will likely not take any legal action against Russian oligarchs who are in the gun running and weapons trade business. 

God's Plan for peaceful resolution of the 2022 war between Ukraine and Russia as outlined in paragraphs above will create political stability inside Russia much to the chagrin of Russian oligarchs trying to operate a successful business and keep their Yacht afloat on the high seas. God's Plan for peaceful resolution of the war between Ukraine and Russia will allow Validmir Putin achieve success in his special operation to liberate the Independent Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk while preparing for future political transitions enabling adaptation to sociological change arising from an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns in world markets. 

The Blessed Mother Mary prophesied at Fatima that Russia will experience spiritual conversion.  The building of the 3rd Temple in God's NEW ANNEXED NATION of Eastern Donbas People's Republic where Jesus feet will touch the ground either today or billions of years from now when Jesus returns in glory in the clouds will fulfill prophesy revealed by the Blessed Mother Mary at Fatima.

My article entitled, I Propose that Boris Nadezhdin and Yekaterina Duntsova Consider a Position in the Provisional Interim Government of God's NEW ANNEXED NATION of Eastern Donbas People's Republic after CEASEFIRE and WITHDRAW of all Military Troops by Both Kyiv and Moscow, provides insight into gradual political transitions inside Russia in such a way as to preserve social stability, eventually leading to reunification of Ukraine and Russia.

Our good kind neighbors in the Central Communist Party in Beijing have great consternation about Validmir Putin offering the Olive Branch of peace to Kyiv and the West on the Tucker Carlson show. An ascendency of a post Soviet Union communist fascist empire in the Eurasian theater can potentially become a serious threat to the sovereignty of the Republic of China. The CCP in Beijing have motive to disrupt peace negotiations between the Kremlin and Kyiv by murdering Alexei Navalny in a Russian prison. 

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