Thursday, February 22, 2024

The International Community Should Financially Support my Running as a Write-in Candidate for Office of President of the United States of America in 2024 and 2028 on a Platform of Multilateral Disarmament Around the World

The World Cannot Afford to Purchase Anymore Guns, Knives, Bombs, Tanks, Fighter jets, Warships, Missiles, Drones as Idolatrous Graven Images before God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh.  

By Mark W. Gaffney 

If Ukraine sealed a deal with Europe for 50 billion Euro aid package why do they need any more of our money in the United States of America? Europe is buying Russian gas from China so Europe should be fully able to pay for Zenlensky's war. 

Is europe buying russian gas from china?

According to Google Generative Artificial Intelligence:

"Europe is buying Russian gas from China. In September 2023, China was the largest buyer of Russia's crude oil exports, purchasing 47%. Russia is also expected to sell gas to China at half the price it sells to Europe. 

As of June 2023, exports to Europe have decreased to almost nothing. Russia has been trying to compensate for lost sales to Europe by increasing exports to China. However, China has reduced its LNG purchases, leaving them available for European buyers. 

China is also expected to become Russia's main consumer of Russian natural gas after the Power of Siberia 2 pipeline is completed by 2030. The pipeline will bring gas from the Yamal reserves in west Siberia, which is the main source of gas supply to Europe."

Does Europe pay more or less for Russian gas purchaed from China?

According to Google Generative Artificial Intelligence:

"According to a Russian government document, the price of Russian pipeline gas for China is expected to decrease over the next few years. As of September 2023, Russia expects to sell its gas to China at $297.3 per 1,000 cubic meters, compared to $501.6 for Turkey and other European clients.

However, China resells Russian LNG back to Europe for a significant premium. In 2022, Europe's LNG imports increased by 60%. 

In 2021, Russia provided more than 40 percent of the EU's gas imports, but by 2023, that share has dropped to about 8%"

An article published by CNN entitled, Speaker Johnson faces critical decision on Ukraine aid as international pressure grows to act, provides insight into very shady business deals within the International community regarding weapons trade financially underwriting attacks by Iranian backed Islamic extremist 
upon the United States in the Middle East while the United States of America is pulled downward into bankruptcy to become an impoverished 3rd world country with marauding gangs of drug traffickers roaming the streets :

When the United States of America collapse into bankruptcy to become an impoverished 3rd world country the ascendancy of a communist fascist empire arising from Beijing's ensnarement by state capitalism within the hot fiery flaming melting pot furnace of Socialist capitalism will become a threat to the sovereignty of the People's Republic of China. In recent years Beijing has denied existing as a communist country, but instead boasted about socialism within China and having its own Chinese version of Democracy. 

U.S. manufacturers engaged in offshore manufacturing in mainland China no longer differentiate between Socialism in mainland China and individual freedom confered by the U.S. constitution, ultimately leading to the scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory helping build nuclear weapons for China. 

An article published by NBC News entitled, Scientists at America’s top nuclear lab were recruited by China to design missiles and drones, report says, provides insight into idolatry related to weaponization of the International community:

U.S. manufacturers moved to mainland China at the height of the civil rights movement. In the mist of turmoil mafia based unions commandered U.S. government and trampled upon the U.S Constitution conferring individual freedom as a God given inalienable right. We fought the communist in Vietnam only for U.S manufacturers to move to communist China to engage in offshore manufacturing.

An article published by China Global South entitled, Israel Wants to Know How Chinese Weapons Found Their Way Into Hamas’ Arsenal, provides insight into how the Holy Land is becoming an armed military encampment for the two superpowers:

When our beautiful green earth God gave us becomes the hell envisioned in our nightmares due to global warming contributing to food scarcity,  depletion of fossil fuels,  and future pandemics massive numbers of migrants with empty bellies will march upon Washington DC on behalf of China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea BRICS economic cartel imprisoning all who dissent with human beings thrown in cages like cattle, foreheads stamped with 666, mark of the Beast.

The world cannot afford to purchase anymore guns, knives, bombs, tanks, fighter jets, warships, missiles, drones as idolatrous graven images before God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh.  The International community should financially support my running for office of President of the United States of America in 2024 and 2028 on a platform of multilateral disarmament around the world. God has called me to declare a worldwide Jihad to save the Holy Land for the Glory of God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh, a God of Pure Love and Mercy, Root of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden.

New green energy production methods demand massive international investments for retooling and reshoring manufacturing. We must beat all idolatrous graven images of guns, knives, bombs, tanks, fighter jets, warships, missiles,  drones into plowshares.

My Google search inquiry, Is Biden and Trump campaigns financed by the weapons trade? returned the following results :

An article published by Forbes Magazine entitled,  Biden Tries to Outdo Trump in Using Jobs to Justify Arms Transfers, provides a discussion of the arms trade underwriting campaign finance of candidates for office of President of the United States of America:

The following is an excerpt from the Forbes article:

"I’ve been covering U.S. arms sales policy for the past four decades, but I never thought I’d see a president who leaned more heavily on the alleged economic benefits of arms sales to sell a policy of rampant weapons proliferation than Donald Trump did when he was in office. But I have now found that person – Joe Biden."

As a write-in candidate for President of the United States of America I am asking for support of the National Rifle Association (NRA). As a write-in candidate for President of the United States of America I support the NRA.

My platform as President of the United States of America will create a society where people will not feel a need use guns to shoot and kill their neighbors. It is very true,  guns do not kill people,  but instead people kill people with guns. The multi billion  dollar international arms trade where guns are used as idolatrous graven images to assert power and control over human beings as god and king, making people dance like robots, while pointing a gun at peoples head in war zones is contributing to a bankrupt impoverished 3rd world society where people feel dehumanized and degraded. 

God's Plan for worldwide peace and prosperity will help people feel a sense of love and compassion therefore they will be less likely to pick up a gun and shoot somebody. I ask for the endorsement of the NRA as a write-in candidate for President of the United States of America.

God's Plan to build more Mosque, synagogues, Cathedrals, and House's of prayer throughout the world will help people feel more loved therefore less likely to shoot someone.  God's Plan to promote entrepreneurship will give people a greater sense of purpose,  belonging,  and feel less disenfranchised thereby making it less likely for any given person to shoot someone.

Mutual cooperation to gain competitive advantage in order to maximize probability of survival of the fittest while living under the paw of evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy is exacerbating feelings of disenfranchisement. Furthermore, An accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns contributes to globalization contributing to disenfranchisement of various individuals and groups. 

God's Plan is to help people feel more connected within the human family.  In previous articles I proposed an application of artificial intelligence to improve communication thereby boosting representative government within  dynamics of small groups.

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