Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Iran’s Foreign Policy of Establishing a Strong Alliance with Syria Simply Defies Rational Logical Reasoning given the Islamic Arab Spring sought Revolutionary overthrow of the Syrian government under Bashar al-Assad

By Mark Wayne Gaffney 

I wrote this article early onward when the war between Israel and Hamas began,  but I delayed in publishing this article because I sought to better understand dynamics of this full scale war leading to immense human suffering around the world. 

The Holy Land of Israel and Palestine is suppose to manifest love and mercy of God the Father,  Allah,  and Yahweh. Jesus Our Lord, God,  and Savior is born in a small town of Bethlehem in the occupied territory of Gaza and the Palestinian West Bank. In past articles I referenced teaching from Islamic websites on the internet Information Superhighway discussing how Jesus is revered as a great Islamic prophet.

As a writer and lobbyist working to establish a new branch of Christianity dubbed Our Lord of Quantum Physics I discuss how Jesus redemptive sacrifice on the cross is sanctification of mankind's journey regardless of whatever any human being may believe. Any given person on this earth may freely choose to uphold any religious faith, including atheism and agnosticism, and still be under providence of sanctification by Jesus Redemptive Sacrifice irregardless if they accept it or not. God has the power and authority to move within the heart and mind of any given person on earth as God so chooses so therefore sinful human beings are not needed to save anyone. 

Only God can do the saving,  not me or any other human being on earth. The entire world needs to STOP and LISTEN to God's voice NOW. My work as a writer and lobbyist for the high tech industry is to teach people how to become more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks in groanings of the spirit too deep for words. 

Jihad is a peaceful process of God the Father,  Allah,  and Yahweh speaking to the heart and mind of individuals around the world by groanings of the spirit too deep for words. Paradoxically,  faithful within the Abrahamic faith tradition who cling to anti-material views by believing God the Father, Allah,  and Yahweh is on His throne in Heaven far distant from earthly existence deny God's voice can be heard within the human heart and mind so therefore depend upon fallible sinful human beings as teachers. 

If my words as revelations from God help anyone on earth to develop a stronger relationship with God the Father,  Allah,  and Yahweh than this blessing will be by the grace of God,  and not by anything I have done. God has not forsaken or abandoned us within quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality arising from Satan hacking information architecture of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden where every human being as subroutines of a Cosmic Mind are called for a Divine purpose to make the Kingdom of God on earth real. 

It is written,  " The Kingdom of God is within you ". The International community needs a Jihad to save the Holy Land, both the Jewish state of Israel as the Promise Land and Islamic state of Palestine.

Satan is hysterically laughing at the "faithful" within the Abrahamic faith tradition for making a mockery of the Holy Land with bloodshed. In paragraphs above I write, The Holy Land of Israel and Palestine is suppose to manifest love and mercy of God the Father,  Allah,  and Yahweh. I deliberately avoided using the word symbol by saying the Holy Land is a symbol of love and mercy of God the Father,  Allah,  and Yahweh. 

The word manifest is more directly related to quantum particlization. Quantum particlization is highly associated with cold hard physical material objective reality that does not exist according to the simulation hypothesis. In recent articles I boasted about masterfully wielding God's Word as a two edge sword. People around the world would like to demonstrate to me that the two edge sword is real. The love and mercy of God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh is real therefore we as God's Children, true heirs of the Kingdom of God, sons and daughters of God the Father, Allah,  and Yahweh must save the Holy Land for God's glory.

In previous articles I described how Satan stops hysterically laughing when one masterfully wields God's Word as a two edge sword. Actually,  Satan howls with hysterical laughter even more, while snidely saying,  ' You got to be kidding; you are killing me '.

The ONE TRUE GOD as the root of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden where all human beings, living and dead,  currently abide encoded within information architecture of the Tree of Life as subroutines of a Cosmic mind God coded is working within the hearts and minds of His children to make the Kingdom of God REAL within quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality.  War between Israel and Hamas leading to destruction of the Holy land is Satan's strategy to destroy the Kingdom of God as a manifestation of God's love and mercy. 

What does the Foundational stone under the Dome of the Rock Holy Islamic Mosque on Temple Mount in Jerusalem, the Kaaba stone on the Holy Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca, the 2nd Jewish Temple of Solomon on the Temple Mount,  and the Rock that becomes a Mountain crushing all the idololous graven images of guns,  knives,  bombs,  tanks,  fighter jets,  etc made from metals from past bygone historical epochs in human history according to Satan's strategy prophesied in Daniel's vision of King Nebuchadnezzar's dream mean to you?

Paradoxically,  Iran seeks a nuclear weapons to incinerate both the Jewish state of Israel and Dome of the Rock Holy Islamic Mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Satan laughs hysterically. The quintessential definition of the inalienable right to the Pursuit of happiness is an UNSELFISH GOAL of either saving lives and/or adding significant value to the lives of other people around the world.  

Our friends across the ocean in Beijing are tasked to help us with administration of earthly material things by function of authoritarian centralized government.  All human beings on earth live according to natural law within quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality. What does Iran think will happen when the United States of America as the Great Satan is crushed by BRICS as an economic cartel contributing to ascendency of a communist fascist empire as a One World Government. 

The ghost of Christmas future in Charles Dickens classic,  A Christmas Carol,  eerily points to deep dark global depression, misery on me, if it weren't for bad luck I have no luck at all, with cities burning down during Worldwide revolution. When push comes to shove all human beings on earth as subroutines of a Cosmic mind living within quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality 
will act according natural law, including our friends across the ocean in Beijing.  The red army will March throughout the world quelling rebellion by the baton to the kneecaps in order to implement National Security Laws. Hee Haw.

It is written, "The truth shall set us free." War between Israel and Hamas will not be won by guns, knives, bombs, tanks,  fighter jets,  nor any other weapons of mass destruction that Ishmael and Isaac have both learned to value above everything else including God
in their heart and mind as idololous graven images.  

 Iran must see the truth that growth and prosperity of Islam in the modern 21st century depends upon the International Islamic community working to guarantee security for the sovereign Jewish state of Israel. Israel must likewise see the truth that the future growth and prosperity of the Jewish state of Israel depends upon Israel working with the International community to rebuild a FREE strong vibrant prosperous Islamic Palestinian state. 

ChatGPT, the violent attacks by Hamas upon Israel and brutal violent killing of Israeli citizens in  October 7, 2023 are especially egregious. The international community has spoken out against the bloody violent gory attack upon Israeli civilians by Palestinian Hamas leaders.

ChatGPT ,  are there any real true reforms that the Israeli government can make that will truly appease hatred of Palestinian Hamas leaders and other radical extremist Islamic factions against the United States of America and Israel?

Perhaps, Palestinian Hamas leaders felt they had no choice but to go on the offensive to launch a violent military attack against Israel October 7, 2023 because Palestinian Hamas leaders felt backed into a corner. The United Nations claims that the Palestinian territory of Gaza and the West bank is under occupation by Israel.

An article published by The United Nations entitled, Western States living behind ‘wall of denial’ over Israel’s occupation: UN rights expert, discuss occupation of Palestinian West Bank and Gaza:


An article published by the Hudson Institute entitled, Gaza Not Occupied, Says Hamas, So Where Is the UN?, provides a discussion of Palestinian Hamas leaders asserting their authority to govern under the two state solution by disavowing occupation of the Palestinian Gaza West Bank by Israel.:


According to the article published by the Hudson Institute, 

“In a stunning about-face, and after decades of violence justified by excuses of being under occupation, Hamas recently admitted that Gaza is not occupied by Israel. And yet, the United Nations, which has long been reluctant to acknowledge Gaza's change in status, is still silent on the issue.”

Please remember that Google Generative AI is an experiment. If information in this Google search prompt is outdated it is likely outdated due to my search inquiry trying to understand conflict between Islam and Middle East foreign policy of the West that goes back for many decades and is ultimately rooted within rivery between Ishmael and Isaac. 
It appears Middle East foreign policy changes from hour to hour. Hence an individual low on the totem pole in rank and file of the Republican/Democrat duoply regime needs artificial intelligence to understand the convoluted storyline surrounding Middle East foreign policy.

Google Generative AI provided the following insights into occupation of the Palestinian Gaza West Bank territory:

West Bank

The Hudson Institute has published an article on speculation that Israel may annex portions of the West Bank.


The prevailing opinion is that Gaza is still under occupation according to international law. The Israeli occupation of the West Bank is an ongoing occupation.

The United States of America State Department says that the Occupied Territories, which include the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip, are subject to the jurisdiction of Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA).

Palestinian Hamas leaders and other radical Islamic factions are highly critical of the foreign policy of the United States of America in the Middle East. Is it possible that foreign policy of the United States of America is flawed due to deep divisions within Islam?

The Wikipedia webpage entitled, Iran – Syria Relations, identifies Syria and Iran as strong strategic allies. Iran’s foreign policy of establishing a strong alliance with Syria simply defies logical rational reasoning given the Islamic Arab Spring sought Revolutionary overthrow of the Syrian government under Bashar al-Assad. 


If one believes in Intelligent Design by God the Father,  Allah,  or Yahweh one must believe in logical rational reasoning as quantum particlization of semantic binary data formulating WISDOM that proceedeth from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. If one is capable of receiving WISDOM from above than the collective conscience of humanity can find peaceful solutions to problems. 

According to the Wikipedia webpage entitled, Iran – Syria Relations:

 “ Syria and Iran are strategic allies. Syria is usually called Iran's "closest ally",[1] with ideological conflict between the Arab nationalism ideology of Syria's secular ruling Ba'ath Party and the Islamic Republic of Iran's pan-Islamist policy notwithstanding”.

The strong alliance between Iran and Syria reflects deep divisions within Islam. Furthermore, Iran’s alliance with Beijing and Moscow is counterproductive and counterintuitive of spiritual growth of Islam given state religion institutionalized by centralized government is an obstacle preventing Muslims from building a better stronger relationship with Allah.

The brutal violent bloody gory attack upon Israeli civilians by Palestinian Hamas leaders on October 7, 2023 shocked the world. The US State Department rallied in support of Israel. Paradoxically, less fanfare by Western media reported upon attacks by Israeli Security forces  upon Palestinians in Gaza and West Bank before the October 7th attack hit the airwaves of Western media. 

An article published by the United Nations Human Rights Office of High Commissioner entitled, No Justification for Israel to Shoot Protesters with Live Ammunition, discuss attacks by Israeli soldiers upon Palestinian Muslims within Gaza and West Bank that may have provoked the attack of Israel by Palestinian Hamas leaders October 7, 2023.


According to the United Nations Human Rights Office article entitled, No Justification for Israel to Shoot Protesters with Live Ammunition:

“The Commission investigated every killing at the designated demonstration sites by the Gaza separation fence on official protest days. The investigation covered the period from the start of the protests until 31 December 2018. 189 Palestinians were killed during the demonstrations inside this period. The Commission found that Israeli Security Forces killed 183 of these protesters with live ammunition. Thirty-five of these fatalities were children, while three were clearly marked paramedics, and two were clearly marked journalists.

The Commission found reasonable grounds to believe that Israeli snipers shot at journalists, health workers, children and persons with disabilities, knowing they were clearly recognizable as such.
Unless undertaken lawfully in self-defence, intentionally shooting a civilian not directly participating in hostilities is a war crime. The Commission found reasonable grounds to believe that individual members of the Israeli Security Forces, in the course of their response to the demonstrations, killed and injured civilians who were neither directly participating in hostilities, nor posing an imminent threat. These serious human rights and humanitarian law violations may constitute war crimes or crimes against humanity.
The Commission took note of the Israeli claim that the protests by the separation fence masked “terror activities” by Palestinian armed groups. The Commission found however that the demonstrations were civilian in nature, with clearly stated political aims. Despite some acts of significant violence, the Commission found that the demonstrations did not constitute combat or military campaigns.”

Israel claims that Palestinian Hamas terrorists hide in civilian populations. Palestinian Hamas leaders claim that their jungle warfare tactics within civilian populations are necessary to defend against an unilateral geopolitical military advantage maintained by Zionist with help of the United States. 

In a Google search inquiry I asked, which state has engaged in more violent atrocities before October 7, 2023, Israel or Palestine? Google Generative Artificial intelligence returned the following reference to the Wikipedia webpage 2023 Israel – Hamas War:


According to Wikipedia:
“The current war, the fiercest since the Yom Kippur War, is the fifth war in the Gaza strip, and part of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict.[52] In 2023, before the offensive started, an uptick in Israeli–Palestinian violence saw at least 247 Palestinians, 32 Israelis and two foreigners killed.[53][54][55]”
In my freelance article entitled,  Chinese Humanoid Robotic Systems Should be Manufactured within the United States of America in Order to Insure Alignment of Superintelligent AI with Human Values, I replied to an official statement by Wang Wenbin, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson 汪文斌, about the Israel Hamas war. 


Wang Wenbin, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson 汪文斌 published the following official statement:

“Retaliations will only result in more deaths & hatred and end up in a vicious cycle of violence-for-violence. Sustainable security can only be attained on the basis of common security. International fairness & justice can only be upheld by observing international law.  (3/4)" 

Israel’s retaliation against Palestinian Hamas leaders for the bloody violent attack of Israel October 7, 2023 is understandable given the magnitude of the attack. Since October 7th attack of Israel by Palestinian Hamas leaders Israel has launched a military campaign to degrade and dismantle  Palestinian Hamas military strongholds within underground tunnels throughout the Gaza West Bank in order to defend sovereignty of Israel.
Perhaps Palestinian Hamas leaders launched an attack against Israel because they felt backed into a corner and they did not have any choice given occupation of the Palestinian Gaza West Bank by Israel. The United Nations Human Rights Office stated that Israel may have committed war crimes in the occupied territory of Gaza and the West bank before the October 7th attack of Israel. 

The international community must strongly denounce violence by either Israel or Palestinian Hamas leaders. Ishmael and Isaac both have a natural inalienable right to exist. War between Israel and Palestinian Hamas leaders is killing off both Ishmael and Isaac simultaneously according to Satan’s strategy. 

In my reply to Wang Wenbin, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson 汪文斌  I made the following observation:

It is all Insanity on all sides. All human beings everywhere must hope and believe that we can be restored to sanity by opening our heart and mind to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks in groaning of the spirit too deep for words.

The birthright of Ishmael and Isaac is for the children of God to hear the voice of God the Father,  Allah,  and Yahweh in his or her heart and mind as quantum particlization of semantic binary data formulating WISDOM that proceedeth from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks.
The Holy Bible says to weep with those who weep. Bloodshed in Israel and Palestine has resulted in a lot of weeping by Israeli Jews and Palestinian Muslims. 

An article by The Council of Foreign Relations entitled,  The U.S. Faces a Public Relations Crisis in the Arab and Muslim World, 


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