Thursday, November 30, 2023

Ishmael and Isaac should Learn to Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and the Holy land shall remain Holy

By Mark W. Gaffney 

UN #UN @NobelPrize #NobelPrize @Potus #POTUS @StateDept #StateDept @HumanFraternity #HumanFraternity @TempleInstitute #templeinstitute 

A major theme in recent articles I have written pertaining to the war between Israel and Hamas is that Israel must negotiate with Hamas. Israel has identified Hamas as a terrorist group after the bloody, violent, gory bloodbath that occurred during the attack of Israel October 7th,  2023 by Palestinian Hamas leaders. 

A foreign policy decision by Israel to recognize the role of Palestinian Hamas leaders as legitimate representatives choosen by the people of Palestine to conduct the People's business,  including waging war, will be a baby step toward Israel coming to terms with understanding deep primeval visceral anger within the international Islamic community associated with grievances concerning (1) Israeli apartheid in the Palestinian West Bank and Gaza, and (2) Unfounded fears of occupation of Middle East Arab Islamic nations by a Zionist empire. 

An article published by Reuters entitled, Reported killing in Gaza refugee camp casts shadow on third day of truce, hints that Israeli apartheid continues in the Palestinian West Bank and Gaza even before the war between Israel and Hamas is officially ended.

According to the article published by Reuters, 

"A Palestinian farmer was killed and another injured on Sunday after they were targeted by Israeli forces in the Gaza Strip's Maghazi refugee camp, the Palestinian Red Crescent said, underlining the fragility of the truce between Israel and Hamas fighters"

The bloody, violent, gory bloodbath that occurred during the attack of Israel October 7th,  2023 by Palestinian Hamas leaders shocked sensibilities of the international community, especially concerning reports about Hamas fighers cooking a baby alive in an oven while gang raping the mother. Mass media aired video of babies and children beheaded and skulls crushed by baseball bats during the brutal October 7th, 2023 attack of Israel by Hamas. 

The International Geneva Convention has outlined rules of conduct during war. The killing of defenseless elderly people, children,  babies,  is a violation of rules of war established by the Geneva Convention. 

As a writer and lobbyist for the high tech industry I assert all war should outlawed as an illegitimate method to deal with human conflict given war is a violation of God's law, Thou shalt not kill, etched in stone and given to Moses.

It matters not that the law of Moses is etched in stone. It matters more that the law of Moses is written within the human heart and mind. 

However,  it is written in the Book of Ecclesiastes:

 "3 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;

3 A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;

4 A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;

5 A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;

6 A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;

7 A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;

8 A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

9 What profit hath he that worketh in that wherein he laboureth?

10 I have seen the travail, which God hath given to the sons of men to be exercised in it.

11 He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end."


God's law given to Moses, Thou shalt not kill, is an extension of God’s law of love. 
God’s law of love is a Higher law espoused by both the Great Chinese philosopher Confusious and Saint Paul. 

When the time to kill arrives as every purpose under heaven according to Ecclesiastes than the rules of conduct during war outlined by International Geneva Convention demands all combatants must be given an opportunity to defend themselves by being fully armed with weapons of war and alerted an attack by the enemy is eminent. All combatants should know why they are being attacked before outbreak of war.

In years preceeding 1776 the British believed in rules of conduct to fight a gentlemanly war. A gentlemanly war included all combatants armed, ready, and fully capable 
to defend themselves. A gentlemanly war does not include the killing of unarmed civilians. A gentlemanly war is derived from a Higher law as translated into quantum particlization of semantic binary data formulating teaching of the great Chinese philosopher Confusious and Saint Paul arising from WISDOM that proceedeth from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. 

The United Nations bemoans Israeli apartheid in the Palestinian West Bank and Gaza,  but somehow the International Islamic community is not able to utilize the forum established by the United Nations dedicated for peaceful resolution of grievances of radical militant Islamic extremist. The action of individuals  who do not have authorization or approval of official government channels to act may be problematic.

It is often said, ' all politics is local'. Deep primeval visceral anger bubbles within the soul of every human being on earth as subroutines embedded within information architecture of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden ready to spill over from the cauldron of the soul, caustically causing the Tree of Life to wither and die. 

Every human being on earth is ready to smash the skull of another human being with a baseball bat at any moment. Blood sucked from turnips as Non union workers paid less than a living wage providing a comfortable life of luxury for Satan's drones within the hot fiery flaming melting pot furnace of Socialist capitalism 
is the only reason widespread war does not break out in America. Communist fascist thieves within the Republican/Democrat duoply regime love their life as blood sucking parasites who data mine in order to embezzle from people who have actually done real work instead of sitting in their office scheming how to get rich overnight. 

Demons evaluate their work and contributions on par with god Almighty while Satan's drones evaluate the contributions of others like diddly shit as absolutely nothing . Demons should pay me what they owe me, or Demons should be forewarned to get out of my face as I don't owe them anything either. Smart ass bastards called Elijah old baldy and a bear ripped them apart. 

Roman soldiers and tax collectors walking the earth during the day of Jesus have been reincarnated. Quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality is Satan's drones crawling around and flexing their muscles to claim high places while gaining competitive advantage by mutual cooperation to maximize survival of the fittest according to Satan's strategy. 

Actually,  reincarnated Roman soldiers and tax collectors walking the earth during Jesus day never died given as subroutines of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded they are embedded within information architecture of the Tree of Life. After all these years Satan's drones are still trying to destroy the Kingdom of God on earth.

It is written, 

"46 Beware of the scribes, which desire to walk in long robes, and love greetings in the markets, and the highest seats in the synagogues, and the chief rooms at feasts;

47 Which devour widows' houses, and for a shew make long prayers: the same shall receive greater damnation."

War reeks poverty upon the whole world according to Satan's strategy, while God the Father,  Allah, and Yahweh seeks to raise up His children as His sons and daughters, true hiers to the Kingdom of God.

Thus sayeth the Lord, 
All those wicked and foolish who pretend to be Holy, but yet destroy the Holy land should stop pretending to be Holy. Go Ye back into the synagogues,  Mosques,  and Cathedrals to discover the True God, the loving God, the merciful God. 

Some people feel under occupation by a Zionist empire and the United States of America as the Great Satan. Other people feel under occupation by OPEC Middle East oil producing monotheistic theocracy attempting to enforce Shari law around the world by the BRICS economic cartel. 

In a world moving in accordance to the trend of globalization the conceptualization of freedom often demands rebellion by individuals against authorities. 
My work as a writer and lobbyist for the high tech industry is to quell rebellion by individuals by exploring how  centralized One World Government under a New World Order established by God's Plan during the modern 21st century can work together cooperatively with individuals for purpose of uplifting and empowerment of individuals. 

A case in point is the People's Republic of China One China Policy pertaining to Taiwan.  President Joe Biden has clearly stated the United States of America under the Biden Administration upholds the One China Policy as a platform plank of foreign policy of the United States of America. 

As a writer and lobbyist for the high tech industry I unequivocally deny promoting independence of Taiwan as an act of insurrection and mutiny against sovereignty of the Republic of China. 

The Yin and Yang of SinoAmerican diplomacy asserts that the Republic of China must uphold independence of Taiwan in order for the people of Taiwan to embrace the One China Policy to reunite Taiwan with the People's Republic of China. 

The central question is what do people in Taiwan want to maximize happiness of every citizen living within Taiwan. As a writer and lobbyist for the high tech industry I cannot answer that question for people in Taiwan,  nor can any human being as subroutines of a Cosmic mind God coded answer that question on behalf of the individuals living in Taiwan. 

In past articles I have often expounded upon the quintessential definition of the self evident truth of the inalienable right to the Pursuit of happiness is an UNSELFISH act of either saving lives and/or adding significant value to the lives of other people. The pursuit of happiness defined as an UNSELFISH act of either saving lives and/or adding significant value to lives of other people demands reciprocity within complex supply demand chain networks. 

The Central Communist Party in Beijing asserts that the People's Republic of China is already adding significant value to lives of individuals around the world by expansion of the Chinese Silk Road and Beltway. Ultimately, the value of any given service or product must be determined by the individual as consumer.  The concept of reciprocity within complex supply demand chain networks implies that any given service or product contributes to uplifting and empowerment of the individual global citizen, hence adds significant value to lives of other people. 

Human civilization as God's masterpiece moving forward past the calamity of war between Israel and Hamas, as Satan's strategy to destroy the Holy land, demands the United Nations do more work to provide the International Islamic community a venue to peacefully resolve grievances. If the International Islamic community guarantees security for the Jewish state of Israel than Israeli security forces will not need to enforce strict security measures, such as Israeli security checkpoints to restrict movement of Palestinian Muslims throughout Gaza and the West Bank. 

The United Nations reported 
Human rights abuses by Israel within occupied territory of Gaza and the West Bank,  including shooting of Palestinian Muslims by Israeli security forces. Human rights abuses by Israel within occupied territory of Gaza and the West Bank,  including shooting of Palestinian Muslims by Israeli security forces, contributes to Hamas feeling backed into a corner like a caged wild animal. Hamas backed into a corner by the Zionist empire and Great Satan of the West attacked like a caged wild animal on October 7th,  2023. 

The decision of Hamas leaders to release hostages in alignment with God's Plan for peace should not be flagrantly dismissed by the international community. Palestinian Hamas leaders had the beautiful world God the Father,  Allah,  and Yahweh created by the throat.  Hamas could have easily gone for the jugular vien of the world God created by refusal to release hostages ultimately leading to war spreading throughout the Middle East, Europe,  and Eurasian theater according to Satan's strategy to destroy the Holy land. 

In my article entitled, For Your Info: If Faithful People within the Abrahamic Faith Tradition Truly believe in God the Father,  Allah, and Yahweh they will Glorify the One TRUE God by Laying Down their Weapons NOW, Today, and Declaring a Day of Reconciliation When All Hostages on Both Sides of the Conflict are Released by Both Israel and Palestine Simultaneously, I provide a discussion of the International Islamic community providing security for the Jewish state of Israel in order to create a strong vibrant prosperous Palestinian Islamic state according to the two state solution.

The following is an excerpt from my freelance article entitled,  For Your Info:

In past articles I discuss the quintessential definition of the self evident truth of the inalienable right to the Pursuit of happiness is an UNSELFISH GOAL of adding significant value to the lives of others, and/or saving lives. Israel choosing to pledge serious reforms in Gaza and the West Bank in terms of helping the International community rebuild a strong vibrant  prosperous FREE
Palestinian Islamic state is adding significant value to lives of people who practice Islam in Palistine and around the world. Likewise, The International Islamic community pledging security and sovereignty of Israel, including growth and prosperity of Israel, is an act of the International Islamic community to create more happiness and joy on earth by adding significant value to lives of Jewish citizens around the world.

The rebuilding of the 2nd Temple of Solomon on the Temple Mount without disturbing the Dome of the Rock as an Islamic Holy site will be a sign of sincerity of the pledge of security of Israel's sovereignty and future growth and prosperity by the International Islamic community. 

Once more, the world shall never be ruled under occupation by a monotheistic theocracy monarchy by either a Jewish Zionist empire or OPEC Middle East oil producing nations attempting to enforce Shari law around the world within the BRICS economic cartel. Iran should feel free to stand down and seek ye the righteousness of Allah as the omnipotent omniscient Almighty creator of the heavens and earth Who has power and authority to destroy enemies of Islam when Allah is ready. 

Rational logical reasoning as quantum particlization of semantic binary data formulating WISDOM that proceedeth from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks attest that Allah as the omnipotent omniscient Almighty creator of the heavens and earth does not need any help to destroy enemies of Islam by frail sinful human beings. 

An investigation should be conducted pertaining to the Jewish Zionist global empire joining forces with OPEC Middle East Islamic oil producing nations attempting to enforce Shari law around the world within the BRICS economic cartel forming a deep state within the Global Luddite Movement to destroy the Holy land according to Satan's strategy. A familiar truism is, 'It takes two to tangle'.

Although I am not Jewish,  God has called me to add significant value to lives of Jewish people around the world by advocating for the rebuilding of the 2nd Temple of Solomon on the Temple Mount 
without disturbing the Dome of the Rock Islamic Holy site
as a pledge of security of the Jewish state of Israel by the international Islamic community. God has called me to advocate for building the 3rd Temple, patterned after the 2nd Temple of Solomon on the Temple Mount,  in God's NEW ANNEXED NATION of Eastern Donbas People's Republic as a Christian Holy site where Jesus feet will touch the ground when Jesus returns in glory in the clouds either today or billions of years from now. God is calling me to advocate for building the 3rd Temple in God's NEW ANNEXED NATION of Eastern Donbas People's Republic to declare that ALL POWER AND GLORY BELONG To GOD, hence  occupation of the Kingdom of God upon the earth under a monotheistic theocracy monarchy by either a Jewish Zionist global empire or OPEC Islamic Middle East oil producing nations trying to enforce Shari law around the world within the BRICS economic cartel shall never happen. 

Ishmael and Isaac should learn to seek ye first the Kingdom of God,  and the Holy land shall remain Holy. Human sacrifice as ancient tribal rituals in primitive culture is about human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind God coded covetously craving material idololous graven images as cold hard physical objective reality to stay alive.  

As God revealed to me above, 
It matters not that the law of Moses is etched in stone. It matters more that the law of Moses is written within the human heart and mind.

The law of Moses is revered by all God's children within the Abrahamic faith tradition. 

The birthright of Ishmael and Isaac as sons and daughters of God the Father,  Allah,  and Yahweh, true heirs of the Kingdom of God on earth is to know God's love and mercy in their heart and mind. Since the exile of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden Satan has worked diligently to transform sons and daughters of God the Father,  Allah,  and Yahweh into Image of the Beast while living under the paw of evolutionary biology arising from quantum particlization of Satan's erroneous malicious code. 

Human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind God coded are unable to love as a consequence of Satan's erroneous malicious code spreading virally throughout information architecture of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden.  All love on earth is from God above. 

Love is a physical force within simulated virtual reality of the physical universe as a spiritual world God made with His own Hands. God's love is the primary principle variable within the Energy-Mass-Information Equivalency Principle equation rendering simulated virtual reality of the physical universe.  

Human beings choosing to believe in Satan's deception of  physical material objective reality, existing outside the real spiritual world of God's love, renders MASS of the mountains falling upon both Ishmael and Isaac in the Holy land to crush them. Human beings choosing to believe in Satan's deception of  physical material objective reality leads one to covetously crave knives, Machine guns, fighter military jets,  nuclear weapons,  tanks, and other weapons of mass destruction as idololous graven images to get more of the physical objective material world they hold so dear in which they place all their faith.

The 2nd Temple of Solomon rebuilt on the Temple Mount
in Jerusalem, without disturbing the Dome of the Rock Islamic Holy Mosque,
and the 3rd Temple built in God's NEW ANNEXED NATION of Eastern Donbas People's Republic are extensions of simulated virtual reality of the spiritual world reflecting God’s love and mercy as all that is real and true.  

It is written,  'The Truth shall set us free'.  God is calling me to free Ishmael and Isaac and restore unto them their birthright as sons and daughters of God the Father,  Allah, and Yahweh by knowing the love and mercy of God, and once more Ishmael and Isaac will become heirs of the Kingdom of God.

Continued later

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