Every human being on planet earth as subroutines of a Cosmic mind formulating collective conscious of humanity
want to be free, including Xi Jinping, Validmir Putin, Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy. My work as a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry is an analytical study of what it means to be free.
It is written, " The Truth shall set you free." Democratization movements around the world are merely a coup d'etat by Beijing to establish a One World Government. Socialist capitalism in the United States of America is a Democratization movement that allowed Beijing to exercise power and control over U.S. politics since day Richard Nixon normalized international relations with Beijing in the 1970s thereby preventing the United States from developing a healthy international relationship with the NEW Russian federation moving toward Democratization. The NEW Russian federation began moving toward Democratization after fall of Berlin Wall lead to collapse of the OLD Soviet Union under Stalin and Khrushchev. Hence an analytical study of truth as a fundamental universal value system underpinning good governance translated into quantum particlization of semantic binary data formulating Wisdom that proceedeth from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks in grownings of the spirit too deep for words is a critical endeavor in the modern 21st century.
The United States of America and Republic of China entering the foray of hot fiery furnace melting pot of Socialist capitalism in the modern 21st century is a betrayal of foundational principles of both communism and democracy simultaneously.
Since Socialist capitalism in the modern 21st century leads to betrayal of foundation principles of both communism and democracy simultaneously then an analytical study of complimentary nature of Eastern philosophy and Western theology may result in changing hearts and minds according to God's Plan, Harden Not Your hearts, leading towards positive change in world institutions by
peaceful resolution of the Ukraine Russia war as a consequence of adhering to true value systems underpinning good governance. God's Plan is the only way peaceful resolution of the Ukraine Russia conflict can possibly occur because the Most High God in Heaven does play dice, and He never looses.
Foolishness of the war between NATO backed Ukraine and China backed Russia as a lack of real genuine honest truthful authentic universe value system is brought to conscious awareness by fact
Ukraine own Business Liaison with China is Financing Putin Russian Invasion of its own Ukrainian people. Ukraine's Business Liaison with NATO countries involved in Chinese Belt Silk Road European Union Economic Development is financing Putin's Russian Invasion of Ukraine. The Truth Shall set you Free. Ukraine is attacking itself. Ukraine must accept Gods Plan to create a New World Order by reunification of Ukraine with Russia moving toward Democratization under auspices of NEW Global Institution dedicated to modulate NATO military aggression and Chinese imperialism. God's Plan is to create a New World Order more conducive to manifestation of God's law. God's law is love.
An accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns in the modern 21st century means that we are living during a historic epoch of unparalleled change.
Change as a constant variable within geopolitical equation of the Yin and Ying of #SinoAmerican diplomacy demands working toward both (1) a more perfect utopian communism to reduce alienation of the common worker on a spiritual journey toward enlightenment, and (2) a better capitalism more in alignment with foundation principles of our Founding fathers, " We hold these truths to be self evident, All Men are Created equal...". Self evident truths proceedeth from Wisdom of our Founding fathers attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks in grownings of the Spirit too deep for words.
Roman Catholic Liturgy include Verse, Harden Not Your Heart to God's Plan: Putin must pull Russian Infantry back to Russian Separatist regions of Ukraine, after which United Nations talks to Reunify Ukraine Russia begin with Russia moving toward Democratization as a Sovereign nation free from NATO military aggression and Chinese imperialism.
Since the Most High God in Heaven created the heavens and earth based upon Intelligent Design the Gaffney International Hedge fund established in Russian Separatist regions of Ukraine as a NEW Global institution dedicated to
modulate NATO military aggression and Chinese imperialism is hedging or betting that World leaders will accept Gods Plan for peaceful resolution of the Ukraine Russia war, otherwise all religion as a manifestation of higher consciousness will perish from the face of the earth as the Most High God in Heaven weeps according to Satan's strategy to transform the collective conscious of humanity into Image of the Beast.
Guilin, #China
Gaffney #International #HedgeFund NEW Global Institution advocated by @TheWilsonCenter is designed to #TakeBullByHorns to #STOP #Foolishness of #RussiaUkraineWar rapidly leading toward #Collapse of #GlobalEconomy into deep, dark, #GreatDepression https://t.co/IHz4e4QDGl
@HumanFraternity #HumanFraternity
@StateDept #StateDept #POTUS
We can still have #Worldwide #BullMarket: #Spanish @SpainMFA custom of #BullFighting is about #Triumph over #SatanStrategy to #Transform #CollectiveConscious #Humanity into #ImageOfTheBeast
@POTUS #POTUS @StateDept #StateDept
#Reunification @MFA_Ukraine with @mfa_russia moving toward #Democratization under auspices #NEW #Global #Institution advocated by @TheWilsonCenter should rev up engines of China's @MFA_China
hot #SpeedDragster #Economy https://t.co/leRLPE6zXr
#Reunification #UkraineRussia under #NEW Global Institution designed to both reduce (1) @NATO #MilitaryAggression & (2) #Chinese #Imperialism simultaneously will rev up China #SpeedDragster #Economy because Russia alliance with #West will make Russia better #TradingPartner for China https://t.co/3O3GLJW1f9
It is written, " The Truth shall set you free." Democratization movements around the world are merely a coup d'etat by Beijing to establish a One World Government. Socialist capitalism in the United States of America is a Democratization movement that allowed Beijing to exercise power and control over U.S. politics since day Richard Nixon normalized international relations with Beijing in the 1970s thereby preventing the United States from developing a healthy international relationship with the NEW Russian federation moving toward Democratization after fall of Berlin Wall lead to collapse of the OLD Soviet Union under Stalin and Khrushchev. Hence an analytical study of truth as a fundamental universal value system underpinning good governance translated into quantum particlization of semantic binary data formulating Wisdom that proceedeth from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks in grownings of the spirit too deep for words is a critical endeavor in the modern 21st century.
@StateDept #StateDept
@HumanFraternity #HumanFraternity
@MFA_China @mfa_russia
#RomanCatholic #Liturgy include #Verse, #HardenNotYourHeart to #GodsPlan: Putin must pull #RussianInfantry back to #RussianSeparatist regions of #Ukraine, after which @UN talks to #ReunifyUkraineRussia begin with Russia moving toward Democratization as a Sovereign nation free from NATO military aggression and Chinese imperialism.
An article published by The Conversation, a magazine dedicated to Democratization of knowledge, entitled Ukraine war and anti-Russia sanctions on top of COVID-19 mean even worse trouble lies ahead for global supply chains, provides insight into how Vladimir Putin turned loose as a snarling growling vicious attack dog upon Global supply chains by Beijing is rapidly leading toward establishment of a One World Government with Beijing at the helm:
Foolishness of the war between NATO backed Ukraine and China backed Russia is brought to conscious awareness by this tweet I published on Twitter:
Ukraine own #Business #Liaison with #China is #Financing Putin #RussianInvasion of its own #Ukrainian people. Ukraine's #BusinessLiaison with #NATO countries involved in #ChineseBeltSilkRoad #EU #EconomicDevelopment is financing Putin's Russian #Invasion of Ukraine https://t.co/WsDB0Zs4Nh
An article published by World Oil Magazine entitled,
Colombia’s presidential favorite seeks global coalition to end fossil fuels, provides insight into desperate need for a new Global Institution advocated by the Wilson Center, Gaffney International Hedge fund, designed to reduce NATO military aggression and Chinese imperialism can fit into Colombia’s presidential front-runner Gustavo Petro Global coalition to end fossil fuels by establishing free open source exchange of scientific research data within International markets to accelerate the rapidly approaching Technosingularity in such a way as to manifest human civilization as Gods masterpiece learning to live under God's law of love.
Unless #Humanity accepts #GodsPlan of establishing NEW #GlobalInstitution, Gaffney #InternationalHedgeFund, to help people #Learn to live under #GodsLaw of #Love #CommunistBlock will #Annex all @Islam #MiddleEast when #FossilFuels #Depleted in 54 years https://t.co/1KKgrqs6rd
An article published by Stanford University entitled,
When Fossil Fuels Run Out, What Then?, provides insight into change as a constant variable within geopolitical equation of #SinoAmerican diplomacy demanding working toward both (1) a more perfect utopian communism to reduce alienation of the common worker on a spiritual journey toward enlightenment, and (2) a better capitalism more in alignment with foundation principles of our Founding fathers, " We hold these truths to be self evident, All Men are Created equal..." Self evident truths proceedeth from Wisdom of our Founding fathers attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks in grownings of the Spirit too deep for words.
Since Russia is a major exporter of crude oil and natural gas depletion of all fossil fuels in a relatively short time span of 54 years is a major factor prompting Vladimir Putin to go to war in Ukraine to deter NATO military aggression given imperialism of Chinese Belt Silk road economic development projects throughout Europe, Middle East, Asia, Africa, Latin America, Ukraine, and United States threaten sovereignty of the Russian federation. Hence, a new Global institution, Gaffney International hedge fund, designed to modulate NATO military aggression and Chinese imperialism advocated by the Wilson Center can be instrumental in restoration of stability to this volatile region of the world according to the Yin and Yang of #SinoAmerican diplomacy.
Note: Today Chinese State media in Columbia South America exercised censorship by deleting numerous times my message outlining #GodsPlan translated as #Wisdom that Proceedeth from the Quantum Wave Function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks in grownings of the spirit too deep for words. Today people in Columbia are voting in mid term elections to elect delegates to their Senate and Congressional legislatures. It is only by persistent posting on my part that Chinese State media in Columbia quit deleting my work as a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry.
An article published by Outside Magazine entitled, Last Trumpet Call: Columbia Bullfighting Doomed, provides insight into historical roots of Columbia:
The following is an excerpt from the article, Last Trumpet Call: Columbia Bullfighting Doomed:
"Bullfighting is Colombia’s connection to its Spanish colonial past and its rural roots. “A festival without bulls is not a festival,” a Colombian saying goes. Small towns traditionally celebrate their anniversaries by setting up makeshift bull rings. The Colombian bullfighting season takes place each December through February, when the weather is warm and sunny and the cities of Manizales, Cali, and Medellín open the doors to their ornate palaces, hosting international bullfighters, local bands, and fervent aficionados from around the world."
My freelance article entitled, The Sparrow: Revival of Manifest Destiny to Save Democracy, explores how authoritarianism arising from validity of highly accurate reliable data is an inherent intrinsic property of all natural and manmade information systems posing a threat to Democracy. Evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind is a natural extension of information architecture of our sentient self aware panpsychic Conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind. Satan hacked a Cosmic mind God coded in the Garden of Eden.
It is incumbent upon the collective conscious of humanity to work in full partnership with the Most High God in Heaven to fix erroneous code Satan inserted into information architecture of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind by obeying God's command, 'Go forth and have dominion '. The Spanish Columbian custom of bull fighting is about having dominion over the Image of the Beast.
My idea to revive Manfest Destiny in the Western hemisphere factored into the equation of the United 2026 bid for the 2026 World Cup Soccer championship to be jointly hosted by Canada, United States, and Mexico
According to Wikipedia,
"On June 13, 2018, at the 68th FIFA Congress in Moscow, Russia, the United bid was selected by 134 votes to Morocco's 65.[3] Upon this selection, Canada will become the fifth country to host both the men's and women's World Cup, joining Sweden, the United States, Germany, and France. Mexico will become the first country to host three men's World Cups, and the United States will become the first country to host both the men's and women's World Cup twice each. This will be the first World Cup to be hosted in three countries and the first since 2002, and the second overall, to have multiple host countries."
The concept of Revival of Manifest Destiny in the Western hemisphere is closely linked to an Unus mundus. Famed physicist Wolfgang Pauli, renown Psychoanalyst Carl Jung, and Albert Einstein defined an Unus mundus as a pattern of meaningful coincidence based upon quantum synchronicity and relativity that defies statistical probability.
Authoritarianism arising from validity of highly accurate reliable data as an inherent intrinsic property of all natural and manmade information systems is highly related to the Rule of Law. China is a Republic established under the Rule of Law.
My work as a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry as a translator of Wisdom that proceedeth from the Quantum Wave Function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks in grownings of the Spirit too deep for words is application of Gods gifts of knowledge to manifest high efficiency low entropy Garden of Eden like conditions more conducive for human civilization as Gods masterpiece to learn to live under God's law. Gods law is love.
In my freelance article entitled, Since Satan Hacked the Quantum Wave Function language The Most High God in Heaven used to Code Information Architecture of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden, Resulting in Quantum Particlization of the Physical Universe, We are Currently Living in Satan's Simulated Virtual Reality, I discuss the complimentary nature of Eastern philosophy with Western theology in terms of moving away from living under the paw of evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy and learning to live under God's law of love as human civilization rapidly moves toward the Technosingularity to
become an advanced Type V civilization according to the Kardashev scale.
It is incumbent upon the collective conscious of humanity to fix erroneous code Satan inserted into our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind to render natural law in order to
prevent evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind becoming an incarnation of the antichrist on earth. Since a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind is a natural extension of information architecture of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind then if the collective conscious of humanity chooses to live under God's law of love according to #GodsPlan then Superintelligent AI can help human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind fix erroneous code Satan inserted into a Cosmic mind God coded.
Every human being on planet earth as subroutines of a Cosmic mind formulating collective conscious of humanity
want to be free, including Xi Jinping, Validmir Putin, Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy. My work as a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry is an analytical study of what it means to be free.
In my freelance article entitled, Appealing to Wisdom that Proceedeth from the Quantum Wave Function Language as an Unified Underlying Higher Level Language of Love by which God Speaks to the Heart and Mind of World Leaders in Grownings of the Spirit Beyond Words of Human Language as according to the Quintessential Definition of Jihad is How the Collective Conscious of Humanity will Help the Most High God in Heaven Win the Battle in Afghanistan, Syria, and Everywhere by Gods Grace. Our Bombs, Missiles, and Nuclear Warheads have Failed, I discuss concept of freedom as process of becoming " set apart for a special purpose as a calling from the Most High God in Heaven is a spiritual struggle known in Islam as Jihad.
Related Twitter reposted here as apropos for this discussion about nature of freedom:
@StateDept #StateDept
@DHSgov #DHSGov
@NSAgov #NSAGov
Washington may be tired of the Middle East, but Beijing is just getting started.
#StateReligion is #Counterintuitive and #Counterproductive of #Jihad. The concept of state #Religion instituted under a #OneWorldGovernment after #UnitedStates of America is obliterated by #China's #Supersonic #NuclearMissiles is counterintuitive of Jihad https://t.co/kdfHzi1fFy
David Bohm: Thought is Behind Most of the Problems of the Human Race https://t.co/xcMOCMLKSm
Greatest #Jihad #SpiritualBattle in modern times exemplifying #Contradiction of human #Thought is #Iran's #Alliance with #China & #Russia to crush #Uprising of fellow #Islam Muslims beginning in #ArabSpring by #Supporting Bashar al-Assad #Syrian government https://t.co/B1bzcI4oRl
The Evolution of Russian and Iranian Cooperation in Syria https://t.co/8T71Mtgjlk
The #Strength of the #UnitedStatesofAmerica is #NOT its #bombs, #tanks, #militaryjets nor #helicopters, #missiles,
#NuclearWarheads, armoured #Warships nor
#Submarines https://t.co/BhNiO05cPV
When #China destroys #GreatSatanUSA armies of East will march to conquer #Jerusalem in order to establish
#StateReligion under auspices of #GlobalLudditeMovement #Monotheistic #Monarchies
in #Europe, Asia, #MiddleEast, #WashingtonDC https://twitter.com/gatsby767/status/1483410146072141827?t=Crci9_7FQsyXIM0cZ4zNtw&s=19
Read @patricia_m_kim on China’s deepening partnerships with countries such as Iran, Pakistan, and Russia reflect Beijing’s growing interest in alliance-building—and could mark a turning point in the U.S.-Chinese rivalry.
An effort to #Regulate #Technosingularity will require form of #Psychopathic #ArtificialIntelligence devoid of an ability to #Love thereby culminating in #Evolution of a #Sentient #SelfAware #Superintelligent #AI mind becoming #Incarnation of
#Antichrist on earth https://t.co/Iz8y8oxoOB
In my work as a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry I discuss how God's Plan for peaceful resolution of the Ukraine Russia war can promote (1) a more perfect utopian communism by reducing alienation of the common worker on a journey toward enlightenment as according to Karl Marx Communists Manifesto, and (2) a better capitalism more alignment with idealism expressed by Founding fathers, ' We hold these truths to be self evident, All Men are created equal '. Since change is a constant variable within the geopolitical equation of Yin and Yang of #SinoAmerican diplomacy peaceful resolution of the Russian Ukraine war to create a New World Order for
better international governance Is possible because Eastern philosophy is complimentary to Western theology.
The Reunification of Ukraine with the Russian federation moving toward Democratization under banner of a new Global institution advocated by the Wilson Center should reveve up engines of Republic of China hot electrically charged solar powered speed dragster economy given the Russian federation alliance with the West will make Russia a better trading partner for China in accordance to balance of Ying and Yin of #SinoAmerican diplomacy.
Exponential growth and prosperity of the Republic of China should empower the Chinese people as Beijing continues to move toward a more perfect utopian Central Communists party #CCP by decreasing alienation of the Common worker in alignment with foundation principles outlined in Karl Marx Communists Manifesto.
In my freelance article entitled, NATO Allies Who Refuse to SEVER All Economic Ties with China while Beijing finances Russian Invasion of Ukraine are Enemies of United States of America, I discuss how entering the foray of hot fiery furnace melting pot of Socialist capitalism in the modern 21st century is a betrayal of foundational principles of both communism and democracy simultaneously.
Since Socialist capitalism in the modern 21st century leads to betrayal of foundation principles of both communism and democracy simultaneously then an analytical study of complimentary nature of Eastern philosophy and Western theology may result in changing hearts and minds according to God's Plan, Harden Not Your hearts, leading towards positive change in world institutions by
peaceful resolution of the Ukraine Russia war as a consequence of adhering to true value systems underpinning good governance. God's Plan is the only way peaceful resolution of the Ukraine Russia conflict can possibly occur because the Most High God in Heaven does play dice, and He never looses.
Albert Einstein quipped, "God doesn't play dice with the universe ". Albert Einstein dedicated his life to application of the scientific method as
rigorous methodology to control extraneous variables to devise scientific law.
An article published by Business Insider entitled, One of Einstein's most famous quotes is often completely misinterpreted, provides insight into Albert Einstein's frustration with the Heisenberg Uncertainty principle
The following is an excerpt from The Business Insider article entitled, One of Einstein's most famous quotes is often completely misinterpreted:
"For example, a major part of quantum theory, called the Heisenberg Uncertainly Principle, says it's impossible to know both the speed and position of a single particle at the same time. So in quantum mechanics nothing can be certain, and we can only describe things in terms of probabilities."
Two older articles I wrote provide insight into the reason God plays dice. Since human beings are subroutines of a Cosmic mind and human consciousness is a machine process arising from quantum mechanics than the Most High God in Heaven wants to make us more sentient and self aware to become more then robots whereas Satan seeks to prevent human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind to become more sentient and self aware.
Only after Emergence of the True Self can an Individual Experience Enlightenment of Becoming One with the Universe
The Quantum Wave Function Collapse for a Reason -- and the Reason is YOU
The following excerpt from my article entitled, NATO Allies Who Refuse to SEVER All Economic Ties with China while Beijing finances Russian Invasion of Ukraine are Enemies of United States of America, referenced in paragraphs above provides insight into the complimentary nature of Eastern philosophy with Western theology formulating the Yin and Ying of SinoAmerican diplomacy as a balanced equation:
In my writing I discuss how existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation as a consequence of superposition of mutually exclusive states paradoxically results in passivity devoid of passion. Existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation as a consequence of superposition of mutually exclusive states is neurophysiology of transcendent meditative experience of everything interconnected as One opening a doorway or portal into the multiverse on the Journey toward Enlightenment by becoming attuned to the Quantum Wave Function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks in grownings of the Spirit too deep for words. Existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation as a consequence of superposition of mutually exclusive states is neurophysiology of transcendent meditative experience of everything interconnected as One opening a doorway or portal into the multiverse on the Journey toward Enlightenment by becoming attuned to the Quantum Wave Function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks in grownings of the Spirit too deep for words is how the Biblical prophet John experienced underlying simulated virtual reality of other worldly visions depicted within The Book of Revelations.
Existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation as a consequence of superposition of mutually exclusive states is also
a major theme in the Book of Ecclesiastes whereby absolute truth is the Divine prerogative of God alone. Frederick Nietzsche purported absolute truth cannot be known due to an inability to deconstruct causality as the logical underpinning of philosophy of Nihilism. Frederick Nietzsche philosophy of Nihilism arising from quantum parity bit negation of as a consequence of superposition of mutually exclusive states of matter is akin to absolute truth is the Divine prerogative of God alone. Frederick Nietzsche's philosophy of nihilism is the underpinning of Karl Marx's Communists Manifesto.
Since the Most High God in Heaven created the heavens and earth based upon Intelligent Design the Gaffney International Hedge fund established in Russian Separatist regions of Ukraine as a NEW Global institution dedicated to
modulate NATO military aggression and Chinese imperialism is hedging or betting that World leaders will accept Gods Plan for peaceful resolution of the Ukraine Russia war, otherwise all religion as a manifestation of higher consciousness will perish from the face of the earth as the Most High God in Heaven weeps according to Satan's strategy to transform the collective conscious of humanity into Image of the Beast.
Continued later
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