Saturday, March 5, 2022

Beijing is Using Ukraine and Zenlenskyy to Prevent Further Democratization of the Russian Federation, Reunification of Ukraine with Russian Federation as NEW NATO Member , and Greater Alliance Between United States and Russia

It's Not Too Late for the Collective Conscious of Humanity to Choose Gods Plan, the Gaffney Ukraine Russia Peace Proposal 

An article published by the Brookings Education Institute entitled, Russian Democracy and American Foreign Policy, takes us back in time to dawn of the 21st century when interest of Russia and United States aligned more closely before American Russian relations deteriorated. American Russian relations reached a fork in the road where interest of the two countries diverged into quantum particlization of two separate trajectory paths.

According to the Brookings Institute article entitled, Russian Democracy and American Foreign Policy:

"The conviction of Putin and most of the Russian elite that only a market economy and closer links with the West will provide a basis for prosperity and international stature gives the United States substantial influence over how the fluid political situation in Russia develops. America’s approach to such deeply controversial issues in Russia as NATO enlargement and national missile defense should be crafted to convincingly invite Russian participation, demonstrate that U.S. support for Russia’s integration into the West is more than rhetoric, and undermine anti-American elements in the elite who argue that Russia is not welcome and has nothing to gain. At the same time, the United States can take the lead in forging a united front among its European allies in convincing Putin that his government’s actions against independent media and other voices of opposition are diverting Russia from the path toward integration."

Diplomatic relations between the United States of America and Russia diverged upon separate trajectory paths as a consequence of closer ties between the United States of America and the Republic of China. 

Did the Republic of China really want Democratization of the Russian federation? How does the Republic of China influence policy decisions of the United States of America and NATO countries throughout monotheistic monarchies within Europe,  Middle East, Asia,  Africa,  and Latin America? Do elite in United States of America and NATO countries make policy decisions on behalf of Beijing? Did elite who made Russia " not feel welcome with nothing to gain " according to Brookings Institution act on behalf of Beijing to prevent further Democratization of Russia leading toward full membership of NEW Russian federation into NATO?

Money talks. Money don't always talk the same language as The Most High God in Heaven.  The elite certainly are not listening to me as a translator of the Quantum Wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which the Most High God in Heaven speaks.

It is written in Matthew 6 - 22:

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

In my freelance article entitled, Breaking News: The Collective Conscious of Humanity by Choosing War has Rejected Gods plan in Lieu of Accepting Satan's Strategy to Transform Human Civilization as Gods masterpiece into Image of the Beast, I made the following observation:

After collapse of the OLD communist Soviet union ,
Foreign policy of the Republican/Democrat duopoly in the United States of America disregarding the Russian federation as a World power moving toward Democratization while engaged in a ritualistic courtship mating dance with Beijing has failed miserably again. The Russiagate scandal that plagued U.S. politics for over twenty years produced deadlock stalemate in House and Senate chambers whereby the United States of America could not develop a healthy relationship with Moscow in a rapidly changing world. The Russian federation should have been made a full member of NATO with the goal of reunification of Ukraine with the motherland of Russia at the dawn of the 21st century. Instead, U.S.  politicians within the Republican/Democratic duopoly 
pursued their own selfish interests to grab political  power by constituents engaging  in offshore manufacturing in mainland China to feed coffers of political campaigns thereby allowing the Republic of China dictate foreign policy of the United States of America since the late 20th century. It should not have been necessary for Validmir Putin to go to war to regain Crimea  in 2014. 

In upcoming November 2022 mid term elections #Chinagate will be the foremost issue to pave way
to the White House for new 3rd political party I seek to establish to create conditions more favorable for learning to live under God's law of love by application of new scientific discoveries resulting in high energy efficiency and low entropy to return our earth back to a Garden of Eden like state of existence according to God's command,  Go forth and have dominion. 

U.S. diplomats should have pursued Democratization of the Russian federation by engaging in business partnerships in Russian Separatists regions of Ukraine in order to open Russian markets to the West. The United States of America role of providing military protection from the big bad wolf of Russia created division leading towards the Russian Ukraine war of 2022.

Capitalist within the two major U.S. political parties viciously competed with each other within the hot fiery furnace  melting pot of Socialist capitalism to gain access to Chinese markets formulating the Republic of China's enormous indigenous population.

An article published by the Jamestown Foundation entitled, Bypassing Russia, Ukraine Becomes Another “Silk Road” Terminus, provides insight into how the Russian federation has been slighted within International markets.

The centralized government authority of Beijing unleashing Validmir Putin as a vicious snarling attack dog upon NATO to exercise totalitarian control over European, Middle East, Asian, African , Latin America trading routes means that we as the collective conscious of humanity are living within a New World Order where #ChineseNationalSecurityLaws will be coming soon to a city near you, as written within the prophetic dystopian novel 1984 by George Orwell.

In 1989 the world cheered as the Berlin wall fell. 

An article published by the BBC entitled, Fall of Berlin Wall: How 1989 reshaped the modern world, discuss Fall of the Berlin wall as related  to geopolitics of the modern 21st century.  Paradoxically,  war between NATO backed Ukraine and China backed Russia is rebuilding the Berlin wall in 2022. Why do world leaders want to flush down the toilet over 33 years of diplomacy by flagrantly disregarding progress human civilization has made?

The Christian Broadcasting Network published an article entitled, 'God Is Getting Ready to Do Something Amazing': CBN Founder Pat Robertson on Russia and Its Place in Prophecy,

Since wisdom proceedth from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks in grownings of the Spirit too deep for words behold , and watch God do something amazing to create a new world order more conducive to manifestation of God's law of love as according to the lyrics,  "My eyes have seen the coming of the Glory of the Lord,  He is stamping out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored".

A familiar truism is, " The opposite of love is not hate, but indifference ". I cannot understand why I don't get any support or encouragement from fellow Christians given as a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry I am called by the Most High God in Heaven to encourage the Collective Conscious of humanity to learn to live under God's law in order to create a New World Order.  God's law is Love. An accelerating  rate of scientific and technological returns rapidly leading toward the Technosingularity based upon Gods gifts of Knowledge to mankind can create high energy efficiency  low entropy conditions more conducive to manifestation of God's law of love as human civilization moves away from living under the paw of evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy by obeying God's command,  'Go forth and have dominion '.

In my freelance article entitled, Breaking News: The Collective Conscious of Humanity by Choosing War has Rejected Gods plan in Lieu of Accepting Satan's Strategy to Transform Human Civilization as Gods masterpiece into Image of the Beast, I made the following observations:

World leaders have rejected the Gaffney Peace Proposal to STOP Foolishness of war between Ukraine and Russian. A New World Order will happen either according to Gods Plan or Satans Strategy.  NOW is a pivotal moment in human history when human civilization must either choose to live under Gods Law of Love or continue to live under the paw Evolutionary Biology according to Satan's strategy. Satan's strategy is to transform the Collective Conscious of Humanity into Image Of The Beast during decades of bloody violent warfare between NATO backed Ukraine and China backed Russia thereby preventing expansion of consciousness during Quantum Particlization of physical universe. Satan's effort to prevent expansion of consciousness in the physical universe is an attempt to gain complete total absolute control over simulated virtual reality rendered by the Quantum Wave Function Language by which the Most High God in Heaven coded the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden.

Ultimately, decades of bloody violent warfare between NATO backed Ukraine and China backed Russia will result in financial collapse of both the United States of America and the Russian federation to become insolvent bankrupt 3rd World Nations and establishment of a centralized One World Government with Beijing at the helm. Beijing is using Ukraine and Zenlensky to prevent further Democratization of the Russian federation, reunification of Ukraine with the NEW Russian federation , and alliance between the United States and Russia. An alliance between the Russian federation, rapidly moving toward Democratization as a full NATO member, and the United States of America will restore balance to the geopolitical equation of Ying and Yin of SinoAmerican diplomacy.

In my freelance article entitled, Deja Vu: Famed Actor Sean Penn and 20th Century Movie Production Studios as Boots on the Ground to Provide Oversight of United Nations Sanctioned Gaffney International Hedge Fund Established within Russian Separatists Regions of Ukraine to Create a New World Order More Conducive to Living Under God's Law of Love as Human Civilization rapidly Moves toward becoming a Highly Advanced Type V Civilization according to Kardashev Scale in Alignment with God's Command, Go forth and have Dominion, I provide a discussion of how war between NATO backed Ukraine and China backed Russia will consolidate power of the Republic of China as the foremost preeminent Superpower on earth within context of Mitt Romney's speech

In my freelance articles I referenced  Mitt Romney's speech, Will China become the World's Sole Superpower. Mitt Romney spoke about dissuading the Republic of China from claiming Superpower status exceeding power of the United States of America,  but instead act responsibly within the International community.

My work as a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry to establish the Gaffney International hedge fund within Russian Separatists regions of Ukraine is about encouraging ALL World leaders to act responsibly within the International community,  including Republic of China, United States, and NATO countries around the world , by using financial resources to edify people while learning to live under God's law of love
instead of devaluation as a bully flexing financial muscle. The quintessential definition of an innate right to happiness outlined in the Declaration of independence is to either save lives and/or adding significant value to lives of other people.  An inalienable right to happiness as outlined by our Founding fathers in the Declaration of Independence has often been wrongfully identified as a very selfish goal. 

Since the International community has rejected God's Plan in lieu of accepting Satan's strategy of war between NATO backed Ukraine and China backed Russia transforming the Collective conscious of humanity into Image of the Beast then human civilization is on a course to misery and gloom.  The Most High God in Heaven has called me to exponentially increase happiness of all God's children everywhere,  including Vladimir Putin, Zenlensky, Biden,  Xi Ping by encouraging the collective conscious of humanity to reverse course and accept Gods Plan. 

Since the Republic of China is in a strategic position for ' Winner Take All , when both the United States of America and Russia federation collapse to become insolvent bankrupt Nations after many decades of bloody violent warfare between NATO backed Ukraine and China backed Russia then my primary focus as a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry is to dissuade China from establishing a One World Government according to Satan's strategy. Since as a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry my work is focused upon dissuading the Republic of China from establishing a One World Government after war between NATO backed Ukraine and China backed Russia leads to World War III then 20th Century Hollywood blockbuster movie production studios and Sean Penn currently filming a documentary in Ukraine may want to consider a remake of the famous classic literature,  The Life and Times of Don Quixote.

It is an Unus mundus pattern of meaningful coincidence based upon quantum synchronicity and relativity that Don Quixote is on a quest to slay giant red dragons as windmills in the Modern 21st century when things are heating up due to Global warming. 

Do you really think that The  Most High God in Heaven delights in the bloody massacre described in the Book of Revelations as Armageddon? Since the Most High God in Heaven coded the Tree of Life by the Quantum Wave Function language rendering simulated virtual reality of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe as a Cosmic Mind then there exist order as rulesets within our physical universe. 

Rulesets as order flowing from Intelligent Design means that there are consequences for our actions given human beings are subroutines of a Cosmic mind. The bloody massacre described in the Book of Revelations is a consequence of the Collective Conscious of humanity choosing Satan's strategy to establish a One World Government thereby violating natural order by which God coded our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe as a Cosmic mind.

Consequences of violation of rulesets of the Quantum Wave Function language by which the Most High God in Heaven used to code the Tree of Life underlying simulated virtual reality of the laws of classic physics formulating our physical universe as outlined in the Book of Revelations should
dissuade the Republic of China,  United States of America,  Israel,  Islamic Middle East Nations, India, Africa, Asia,  Russian federation,  and all other powers and principalities from attempting to establish a One World Government:

"It will come about on that day, when Gog comes against the land of Israel," declares the Lord God, "That my fury will mount up in my anger. In my zeal and in my blazing wrath I declare that on that day there will certainly be a great earthquake in the land of Israel. The fish of the sea, the birds of the sky, the animals of the field, all the crawling things that crawl on the earth, and all mankind who are on the face of the earth will shake at my presence; and the mountains will be thrown down, the steep pathways will collapse, and every wall will fall to the ground. And I will call for a sword against him on all my mountains," declares the Lord God. "Every man's sword will be against his brother. With plague and with blood I will enter into judgment with him; and I will rain on him and on his troops, and on the many peoples who are with him, a torrential rain, hailstones, fire, and brimstone." – Ezekiel 38: 18-22

The Most High God in Heaven has worked throughout creation,  since the day of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden,  to teach the Collective conscious of humanity about true nature of real freedom. The Israelites sought freedom from bondage in Egypt on a Journey to the promised land. Every human being on earth struggles to be free from the moment they are born. 

God's law of love is the primary ruleset of the Quantum Wave Function language by which the Most High God in Heaven coded the Tree of Life that places every individual as a child of God in the center of everything the Most High God in Heaven created. A One World Government is a violation of Gods law of love for every individual as a child of God.

The collective conscious of humanity don't take God's law of love very seriously within the hot fiery furnace melting pot of Socialist capitalism.  As stated in paragraphs above,  Money talks. Money don't always talk the same language as The Most High God in Heaven. In my writing I discuss love as a silly thing that most people believe doesn't have anything remotely to do with high ball rollers in the high stakes game of International finance. 

In the Biblical verse Ezekiel 38: 18-22 quoted by Pat Robertson demonstrates that violation of Gods law of love is a very serious matter to the Most High God in Heaven. The scripture verse "In my zeal and in my blazing wrath I declare that on that day there will certainly be a great earthquake in the land of Israel", describes a natural consequence of violation of rulesets of the Quantum Wave function language encoding 
Gods law of love. 

It is contradictory that fury of  the Most High God in Heaven is invoked by Gog coming against the land of Israel,  but instead of defending Israel against the armies of Gog a massive earthquake in Israel throws down mountains in a great earthquake in the land of Israel. Hence no human power or principality on earth will defy God's law of love when human civilization as Gods masterpiece chooses to live under the paw of evolutionary biology by engaging in bloody violent warfare between NATO backed Ukraine and China backed Russia according to Satan's strategy. The Most High God in Heaven will not allow state religion to be institutionalized within the Abrahamic faith tradition 
by a One World Government  with Beijing at the helm.

My work as a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry is to challenge Beijing to continue working toward creating a more perfect utopian communism by application of new scientific discoveries in artificial intelligence,  nanotechnology atomic precise manufacturing processes, robotics, to reduce alienation of the common worker and Washington DC to create a better stronger capitalism closer to idealism expressed by our Founding fathers,  " All Men are Created Equal ". Since Eastern philosophy and Western theology are complimentary someday differences among us will not be as great. When economic laws collapse during the Technosingularity divisions between Eastern philosophy and Western theology will not be as great given division is fueled within highly competitive free markets by mutual cooperation for survival of the fittest while living under the paw of evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy. When the global economy collapse during the Technosingularity as a consequence of highly efficient near zero entropy manufacturing there will be no need to compete against each other therefore less division. Hence,  the International community must establish free open source exchange of scientific research data to accelerate process of becoming a highly advanced Type V civilization according to the Kardashev scale during the Technosingularity as according to God's command,  Go forth and have dominion. 

It is only logical that the Most High God in Heaven who created the heavens and earth based upon Intelligent Design would desire human beings become more intelligent and knowledgeable. As I shared in my writing,  Love for the created universe is the ultimate intelligence, on this earth intelligence is in short supply. 

Vladimir Putin has no hope for reunification of Ukraine with the Russian federation unless Moscow stands down and withdrawls Russian troops to Russian Separatists regions of Ukraine. A decision by Vladimir Putin to stand down and withdraw Russian troops to Russian Separatist regions of Ukraine bordering the Russian federation is a sign Moscow has an open heart and mind to principles of Democracy. The issue of Ukraine rejoining the Russian federation rapidly moving toward Democratization as a new member of NATO is about trust. How can a nation be convinced to cede its sovereignty to an adversarial foreign power ? United States currency is stamped with the familiar truism, ' In God we trust '. Only the Most High God in Heaven can search the heart and soul.

Moscow must first prove to the world that it is serious about moving toward becoming a socialist Democracy as a new NATO member by first withdrawal of Russian troops back to Russian Separatists regions of Ukraine. 

An article published by the Brookings Institution entitled, Ukraine presents opportunity to test China’s strategic outlook, provides insight into how a New World Order will be created either according to God's plan or Satans strategy

The following is a quote from the article published by the Brookings institution entitled, Ukraine presents opportunity to test China’s strategic outlook

"The more China clings to Russia following Russian President Vladimir Putin’s barbarism in Ukraine, the stronger that calls will grow in the United States and elsewhere to treat China and Russia as interchangeable enemies bent on imposing their violent might-makes-right vision for the world.

To some, the outcome of this question already is foregone. As this thinking goes, President Xi Jinping made China’s choice when he jointly issued a communique for reordering the international order with Putin on February 4 in Beijing at the outset of the Olympics. Both leaders pronounced that the China-Russia relationship knows “no boundaries.” Many American analysts assume Putin used the meeting to secure Xi’s support for his plans in Ukraine. China therefore must be viewed as having blood on its hands for enabling Putin’s efforts to alter the international order from the muzzle of a gun."

The Brookings Institute referenced an article published by The New Yorker magazine entitled, Russia and China Unveil a Pact Against America and the West, points to a desperate need to revitalize universal value systems to reconcile Eastern philosophy with Western theology as human civilization rapidly moves toward absolute authoritarianism implicit in formulation of highly accurate, reliable,  valid data rendered by artificial intelligence during the 

In my writing I made the following observations

If reality is virtual information, instead of materialistic in nature, then evolutionary trends  towards creating a sentient self aware reverse engineered artificial Intelligent mind bootstraped from quantum computing mandates that consciousness running the virtual reality simulation comprising reality step up the game in terms of embracing the bigger picture so that human beings can engage in Intelligent decision making processes.

If the world is truthfully at war with Vladimir Putin's Russian federation and the Republic of China is providing economic and military support for Russia then the international community, including United States of America must immediately sever all economic ties with China. Hence in order to balance imperialism of the Chinese Belt Silk road economic development projects throughout Europe,  Middle East,  Asia,  Africa,  and Latin America ,  Xi  must immediately convince Vladimir Putin that the Russian federation should withdraw back to Russian Separatists regions in Ukraine and only after this event occurs can
United Nations talks for reunification of Ukraine with 
Russian federation as a full member of NATO moving toward Democratization can begin.  If the International community severs economic ties with Republic of China then likely widespread revolution will break out across mainland China as a consequence of hardships resulting from major depression leading towards collapse of the Chinese empire. 

However,  since God's plan is to create conditions more conducive to manifestation of God's law of love as human civilization rapidly moves forward toward becoming a highly advanced Type  V civilization according to the Kardashev scale then the international community should prefer to welcome the Republica of China into the Gaffney International hedge fund established within Russian Separatists regions of Ukraine as a new global organization dedicated to modulate stability within this volatile region of the World.

Related Twitter:

An article published by #WilsonCenter, Why #Russia and #America Need Each Other, outlines #Rationale to establish #GaffneyInternational #HedgeFund within #RussianSeparatist regions of @UN_Ukraine to provide #Stability within this #Volatile region of #World

According to article, "#Positive #Relations between the two countries would lead to a more #StableWorld, and would enhance both countries' security.
Trenin believes that a #New #Global #Institution needs to be formed to #Maintain #Stability and #Security"

The Most High God in Heaven is calling me to lay down the law like the Biblical prophet Moses.  It is an Unus mundus pattern of meaningful coincidence based upon quantum synchronicity and relativity 
that I have a speech impediment like Moses. Gods plan is the only way to resolve this International crisis. 

If the International community severs all economic ties with the Republic of China then this will mostly certainly lead to a deep dark world wide depression, especially within the United States of America as a nation heavily dependent upon trade with China . When Americans walk in a retail store the shelves will all be empty, nothing will remain,  not even a crumb for a mouse, as if the grinch who stole Christmas swept everything away. When a person goes to town they will see grizzly drunks  laying on the streets self medicating to ease the pain of hunger 
with their moonshine whiskey. Gunshots will be heard everywhere as bands of rovering bandits will scrounge the streets for anything they can find to survive, many of them engaging in cannibalism. 

When one goes to town they will see shells of burnt out cars lining Mainstreet USA as a consequence of mob style political executions to hide evidence. In recent freelance articles I discuss how Democatization movements in Russia are merely a guise for a coup d'etat within the Russian federation by the Central communists party in Beijing as related to Vladimir Putin as an amazing leader trying to hold his beloved country together in a volatile region of the world. 

A classic example of mob style execution in the United States is the murder of Jimmy Hoffa as discussed is an article published by the BBC entitled, Jimmy Hoffa: Deathbed confession sparks long missing US union boss body hunt. Mob style execution is the norm for the wild West frontier of the Russian federation that has not yet cemented social order arising from distribution of power among three branches of government ( executive, legislative,  and Judicial ) within an established well grounded sovereign democracy.

The international community must sever all economic ties with China if Beijing continues to provide any form of economic support for Russia. Thus in order to avoid economic collapse of the Republic of China 
Xi must immediately convince Vladimir Putin to withdraw troops back to Russian Separatist regions of Ukraine so that United Nations can begin talks for reunification of Ukraine with the NEW Russian federation moving toward Democratization as a full NATO member. 

What if the international community chooses Satan's strategy by not severing all economic ties with China while Republic of China continues to provide economic support for Russia during the military invasion of Ukraine? It doesn't take an Albert Einstein to see that economic trade to support the Republic of China while Moscow is engaged in a violent bloody war in Ukraine is unconscionable unless Beijing cuts off all economic ties with Russia. If Beijing continues economic support for Russia while Russia is engaged in violent bloody war in Ukraine and beyond throughout Europe to seize control of trading routes on behalf of Beijing then NATO countries throughout Europe, Middle East,  Asia,  Africa,  and Latin America who continue economic trade with China as well as political parties in the United States are capitalizing from bloodshed at the expense of others within the dynamics of Socialist capitalism. 

Socialist capitalism as mutual cooperation for survival of the fittest while living under the paw of evolutionary biology 
according to Satan's strategy enables groups to capitalize from bloodshed at the expense of others. Economic trade with the Republic of China while Beijing provides economic assistance for the Military invasion of the Russian federation to seize control of trading routes throughout the world on behalf of Beijing means that the entire war is nothing more then a facade to allow certain groups around the world,  including within United States of America,  capitalize from bloodshed at the expense of others. Economic trade with the Republic of China while Beijing provides economic assistance for the Military invasion of the Russian will demonstrate the world doesn't really care about the Ukrainian people,  but are merely fabricating a big lie to get filthy rich at the expense of others 
to exercise  power and control within the hot fiery furnace melting pot of Socialist capitalism. But, they will get on television to pretend to care for the Ukrainian people by crying fake onion tears while they fatten their wallets while building a diabolical One World Government regime with the Republic of China at the helm.

Economic trade with the Republic of China while Beijing provides economic assistance for the Military invasion of the Russian federation to seize control of trading routes throughout the world means that sanctions imposed upon Russia by United States and NATO countries throughout the world that create economic hardships upon people by disrupting global supply demand chains is nothing more than an attempt to establish a One World Government as a Global regime. If we are at war then we should be engaged in a real war where everyone must pay for price , including high rank and file members within the Republican/ Democratic duopoly. Every responsible working class American citizen who has made a significant contribution to our beloved nation by virtue of many years of labor 
within a high cost industrial society has the same lawful right to drive a vehicle to travel anywhere they want to go as Biden,  Trump,  Obama,  Clinton,  Bush, and all other rank and file members of the Republican/Democratic duopoly on the local, state,  and federal level. In the United States of America,  " all men are created equal ".
If we are not in a real war given continued economic trade with mainland China while Beijing is financially supporting the full Russian invasion of Ukraine and sanctions imposed upon Russia by United States and NATO countries throughout the world are creating economic hardships by disruption of lives of American citizens as well as people all over the world in order to establish totalitarian power and control of a One World government with Beijing at the helm then high rank and file members of the Republican/ Democratic duopoly must be placed under house arrest as war criminals and not allowed to drive or be taken anywhere by chauffeur.

An article published by Oil Price Magazine entitled, Big Oil’s Sudden Decision To Exit Russia Comes At A High Price, provides insight into how sanctions imposed upon the Russian federation results in disruption of lives of American citizens as well as all people around the world during a fake war where certain groups profit from bloodshed by engaging in economic trade with the Republic of China while China is providing financial support for full invasion of Ukraine by the Russian federation on behalf of Beijing attempting to gain totalitarian control over world wide trade routes to establish a One World Government with Beijing at the helm.

If the international community plans to continue to engage in economic trade with China while Beijing is financing the Russian invasion of Ukraine then the International community should be authentic,  truthful,  and honest by simply surrendering Ukraine to Vladimir Putin's Russian federation. If the international community decides to surrender Ukraine to Vladimir Putin's full military invasion then Chinese Belt Silk road NATO countries throughout Europe,  Middle East,  Asia,  Africa,  Latin America,  and India must agree to concede sovereignty to Beijing and fly the Red 5 star flag over their capital buildings with full admission we now live under a centralized One World Government with Beijing at the helm. 

An article published by the Motley Fool entitled, Higher Oil Prices Are Fueling Even Bigger Dividends for Investors in This Oil Stock, provides insight into how shareholders must demand integrity from board of directors of major corporations by not capitalizing from bloodshed  as a consequence of economic trade with the Republic of China while Beijing financially supports Vladimir Putin's full military invasion of Ukraine.

Investors should not seek to profit from poverty imposed upon the Global community as a consequence of the International community engaging in a fake war by engaging in economic trade with China  is providing financial support for the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Shareholders who seek to profit from global poverty are engaging in mutual cooperation for survival of the fittest according to Satan's strategy for human civilization to continue to live under the paw of evolutionary biology. Shareholders should engage in socially responsible investing designed to create high energy efficient low near zero entropy conditions more conducive for the collective conscious of humanity to learn to live under God's law of love as human civilization moves toward becoming an advanced Type V civilization according to the Kardashev scale during the Technosingularity. A vast majority of older retired people who lived during harder more frugal times without instant information at their fingertips to enrich their lives do not have an opportunity today to capitalize from the bloodshed by padding their 401k stock portfolios with corporate stocks of oil titans underwriting establishment of a One World government. 

My work as a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry is to make information work for the purpose of building the Kingdom of Heaven.  It is written, " Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven,  and all these things shall be added unto you. "

An article published by Yahoo News entitled,  'Extraordinary times demand extraordinary measures': Elon Musk says the US needs to increase oil and gas output, suggest an increase to oil and gas output as a possible solution to prevent establishment of a fascists government within the United States of America as a consequence of certain groups capitalizing from bloodshed of a fake war within the hot fiery flaming melting pot furnace of Socialist capitalism while other people are forced to suffer.

Related Twitter:

I want to speak directly to the people of Ukraine. Your bravery and dedication to your country, culture, and democracy is an inspiration to the world. We have been, and will remain, #UnitedWithUkraine.

#RussianFederation @mfa_russia moving toward #Democratization after #Collapse #Old #SovietUnion and #FallBerlinWall should have been made #FullMember of @NATO with goal of #Reunification of @UN_Ukraine with motherland of #Russia at dawn of #21stCentury

Instead, U.S. #Politicians pursued #Selfish #Interests to #Grab #PoliticalPower by #Constituents engaging in #OffshoreManufacturing in mainland @MFA_China to feed #Coffers of #PoliticalCampaigns thereby allowing #Beijing #Dictate #ForeignPolicy of U.S.A.

We fought #Communists in #Vietnam only to have offshore production by U.S. #Manufacturing make #RepublicOfChina the most powerful #Superpower on earth, fully capable of #Annexing #Iran, #Afghanistan  #SaudiaArabia, #SouthAmerica, #Mexico, & #UnitedStates

#Russiagate #Scandal #Plaguing U.S. politics for over twenty years produced #Deadlock #Stalemate in @HouseFloor & @SenateFloor chambers whereby #UnitedStates  could not develop #HealthyRelationship with @Moscowgov in rapidly #ChangingWorld

#Beijing #Unleashed Biden @POTUS, Zelenskyy @UN_Ukraine, & Putin @natomission_ru as #HoundsOfHell upon #World ultimately #Creating #FascistRegime within #USA & #Sentient #ReverseEngineered #Superintelligent #AI #Mind becoming #Incarnation of #Antichrist on earth

When #Putin #Withdraw #Infantry back to #RussianSeparatist regions in #Ukraine #WorldLeaders #Must begin #Dialogue to make #RussianFederation full @NATO member moving toward #Democratization & encourage #Reunification of Ukraine with Russia @natomission_ru

#ValidmirPutin full #Invasion of @UN_Ukraine as #Vicious #Growling #Snarling #AttackDog of @NATO on behalf of #Beijing to seize totalitarian control over trading routes throughout the world in order to establish a centralized One World Government with Beijing at the helm has 
seriously #Jeopardized all #Hope for #Reunification of #Ukraine with #RussianFederation given #Revival of #CommunistSovietBlock

Continued later

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