Tuesday, December 7, 2021

After Fall of Afganistan to the Taliban Working with Taliban and ISIS to bring Stability to the Middle East so that Islam will Remain Strong and Prosperous in the Modern 21st Century as Allah Desires

The Taliban know a proper relationship between an individual and the Most High God in Heaven is not defined by what is popular,  trending,  or fashionable by man's standards, but instead is a deep spiritual struggle known as Jihad. Jihad is the Most High God in Heaven speaking to the heart and mind of individuals by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks which is beyond human language. Paradoxically,  Jihad implies democracy to promote individual liberty and freedom. State religion is counterintuitive and counterproductive of Jihad.

The aftermath of the fall of Afganistan to the Taliban upon withdrawal of American troops is dire poverty and starvation. The Biden administration has provided foreign aid to hopefully stabilize Afghanistan and prevent ISIS from toppling the Taliban. 

An NBC News report about dire poverty and starvation in Afghanistan after withdrawal of American troops:


What should the United States of America do to insure Islam remains strong and prosperous in the modern 21st century? Historically, diplomatic initiatives by the United States of America in supporting popular political uprisings to topple Islamic governments under guise of promoting democracy in the Middle  East have proven to be unfruitful. 

The Taliban know a proper relationship between an individual and the Most High God in Heaven is not defined by what is popular,  trending,  or fashionable by man's standards, but instead is a deep spiritual struggle known as Jihad. Jihad is the Most High God in Heaven speaking to the heart and mind of individuals by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks which is beyond human language. Paradoxically,  Jihad implies democracy to promote individual liberty and freedom. State religion is counterintuitive and counterproductive of Jihad. 

Certainly,  ISIS as an avowed enemy of the Taliban should want Islam remain strong and prosperous in the modern 21st century. Constant war and revolution in Middle East resulting in high entropy conditions 
is counterproductive of Islam remaining strong and prosperous in the modern 21st century as logic attest Allah desires .

It is written 


King James Bible
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places "

The meaningfulness of Ephesions 6:12 as translated from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks can be better understood by reading my freelance article entitled 

The Power of Ideas Supersedes Power of Any and All Military Weapons of Mass Destruction because God Desires the Human Race He Created Transcend Evolutionary Biology


Meaningfulness of quantum particlization of any and all semantic binary data is derived from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks to the heart and mind of individuals in grownings of the spirit too deep for words.

The Executive Office of President of the United States of America must answer to checks and balances of three branches of government within a freely elected democracy , hence the Biden administration is limited upon how much foreign aid can be extended to Afghanistan or any other country. Foreign aid is mandated by compulsory taxation.  Compulsory taxation by government is bitterly opposed by a free people struggling to earn a marginal living within a high cost of living inflationary economy. A high cost of living inflationary economy puts a cap upon individuals fulfilling their mission as assigned by the Most High God in Heaven. 

Understandably the Taliban are deeply suspicious of foreign philanthropic Non Governmental Not for profit  Charitable Organizations operating in Afghanistan. In previous freelance articles I made the observation that Osama Bin Laden is 100 percent right that both East and West are ideologically flawed given Socialist capitalism is not in perfect alignment with God's law.  Gods law is love. Socialist capitalism arises from mutual cooperation to maximize probability of survival of the fittest under an evolutionary biology model.  While living under the paw of evolutionary biology everyone is our enemy.  Jesus said,  " love your enemies , for what good does it do to love only those who love you? "

Islamic extremists will NEVER EVER accept the blitz and bling of materialism of Western civilization. If ISIS as an avowed enemy of the Taliban begins to think that that the Taliban is getting too cozy with satanic influences of Western culture then ISIS will dispose of Taliban rule and subsequently establish an ISIS Islamic government. Yet,  quantum particlization of semantic binary data comprising a cognitive strategy of withdrawal and isolation is not helpful for Islam to remain a prosperous strong superpower in the modern 21st century as logically Allah desires. 

ISIS will likely instigate a popular political uprising under the guise of democracy that the United States will naively support given horrible failure and historically ineptitude of U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East.

Since foreign aid packages  financially underwritten by compulsory taxation  passed by the Biden Administration to stabilize Afghanistan have limitations in terms of fighting dire poverty and starvation then philanthropic Non Governmental Not for profit  Charitable Organizations operating in Afghanistan offer more hope to end dire poverty and starvation in Afghanistan.  

United Nations World Food Program Operating in Afghanistan and other War torn nations:


UNICEF Mission to end starvation and dire poverty in Afghanistan and other war torn countries:


Philanthropic Non Governmental Not for profit  Charitable Organizations operating in Afghanistan or any other war torn nation must answer to stakeholders who financially contribute to the mission in terms of getting food and much needed supplies to people in need. The goal of getting food and much needed supplies to actual people in need demands boots on the ground. 

A New York Times article entitled, A Dangerous Scramble to Evacuate Afghan Nonprofit Workers, discuss high entropy conditions resulting in socioeconomic instability inside Afghanistan resulting in dire poverty and starvation in aftermath of withdrawal of American troops:


An article published by ReliefWeb entitled, Working for Afghanistan:The impact of non-governmental organisations, discuss politics of working in war torn countries:


Since Satan hacked our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic Mind to render natural laws of classic physics then ISIS and the Taliban are both concerned about quantum particlization of semantic binary data underlying integrity of truths revealed by Allah to the Prophet Muhammad as recorded in the Quran. As a translator of Quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which the Most High God in Heaven speaks to the heart and mind of individuals I often write about world ideologies that prevent the collective conscious of humanity from living under God's law. Gods law is love. 

Since the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden the collective conscious of humanity has lived under the paw of evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy for so long that we do not know any other way.


Governments around the world are imperfect because ALL human beings living on earth are inherently sinful. Sin is a loss of information occurring during quantum particlization of semantic binary data comprising human cognition preventing human beings directly experiencing the full Kingdom of the Most High God in Heaven arising from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. 

A direct experience of the Kingdom of the Most High God in Heaven is a transcendent eclectic Gestalt moment beyond words of human language when the Most High God in Heaven speaks to the heart and mind of individuals. It is a sin to turn a blind eye to pain and suffering of fellow human beings on earth. 


Knowledge and understanding of the role of secularism in Western culture may help stabilize Afghanistan whereby world governments can work together to create a New World Order based upon Gods law.  Gods law is love.  Wisdom in the form of knowledge and understanding is how the great prophets within the Abrahamic faith tradition, including Abraham, Moses Mohammed, Jonah, Elijah received Words of the Most High God in Heaven to write Holy Books of the World's great religions by becoming more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks to the hearts and minds of individuals. 

In my freelance article entitled, Statement of Ecumenical Tolerance and Understanding of all Faith Based Traditions to Welcome all Human Beings Interested in Creating a Better Future Based Upon Gods Law. Gods Law is Love, provides knowledge and understanding of the role of secularism in Western culture :


A New World Order based upon Gods law of love should create geopolitical conditions whereby Islam will grow and prosper in the modern 21st century as Allah desires. Certainly,  ISIS should want Islam to grow and prosper in the modern 21st century and beyond. 

As human civilization moves forward toward the Technosingularity to become an advanced Type V civilization according to the Kardashev scale
God is blessing human civilization by enabling highly efficient near zero entropy manufacturing conditions thereby allowing the collective conscious of humanity return to a more simple Garden of Eden like state more conducive to living under God's law of love. 

The Most High God in Heaven is giving the collective conscious of humanity a choice. In my freelance article entitled, Satan and his Demons Want to Spike God's Servants with the Omicron Nanobot Heavily Mutated Corvid Spike just like they Spiked Jesus by Nailing Jesus Feet and Hands to the Cross, I discuss how Jesus crucifixion on the cross created a schism in the time space continuum whereby alternative parallel timelines are possible:


In my article referenced above I outline how continuous constant war in the Middle East combined with high entropy chaotic conditions associated with pandemics arising from viral nanobots Satan designed in the Garden of Eden result in an
alternative parallel timeline whereby Satan will take complete control of simulated virtual reality underlying laws of classic physics rendered by a Cosmic mind God coded. It is incumbent upon the collective conscious of humanity to work in full partnership as co creators with the Most High God in Heaven to fix erroneous code Satan inserted into a Cosmic Mind by obeying God's command "Go forth and have dominion". The 
collective conscious of humanity should work to prevent Satan from taking absolute control over simulated virtual reality underlying laws of classic physics, hence my work as a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry trying  to create more stability in the Middle East is a noble cause. 

Quantum particlization of simulated virtual reality of an alternative parallel timeline according to Satan's strategy is outlined in my freelance article referenced above:

As a nanobot Satan designed the SARs Covid-19 Omicron variant demonstrates an amazing tenacity to learn. What are the consequences of disobedience to God's command, "Go forth and have dominion "?  Choices of the collective conscious of humanity as subroutines of a Cosmic mind are creating an alternative parallel timeline that fits into Satan's strategy whereby our beautiful earth the Most High God in Heaven created will catch fire and burn up. Economic resources that should be dedicated to reinventing manufacturing to fight global warming by application of direct carbon capture 3d printing processes powered by robotic artificial Intelligent quantum Supercomputering systems must now be used to flight Satan's Omicron nanobot virus. The earth catching fire and burning up is becoming the hell envisioned in scripture. 

The Most High God in Heaven, whether He be called Allah, Yahweh,  or a Name Only He Knows,  wanted something better for our children's children. Our children's children will now have to pillage among the ruins of human civilization upon a planet on fire burning up after global economic collapse due to Omicron instead of worshipping Allah, Yahweh,  or Another name only the Most High God in Heaven knows. Our children's children pillaging among the ruins of human civilization to survive will live under the paw of evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy. Our children's children pillaging among the ruins of human civilization may have to resort to cannibalism to survive instead of worshipping the Most High God in Heaven at the Mosque,  Temple,  or church of their choice. 

The most High God in Heaven has given us the power to make better choices.

Is it possible knowledge and understanding about what Western society SHOULD be, as outlined in my freelance article entitled, Statement of Ecumenical Tolerance and Understanding of all Faith  Traditions to Welcome all Human Beings Interested in Creating a Better Future Based Upon Gods Law, can help the Taliban and ISIS open their hearts thus allowing Non Governmental philanthropic organizations provide more help to the Afghan people thereby creating more stability in the Middle East? It is very understandable how the Taliban are very concerned about how an influx of foreign capital associated with operation of Non Governmental philanthropic organizations in Afghanistan may adversely influence the cause of Islam in Afghanistan. In paragraphs  above I assert Osma Bin Laden had every right to be concerned about how Eastern and Western philosophies underlying 
Socialist capitalism may adversely impact Islam given eventually Socialist capitalism will eventually 
lead to a One World government according to the Book of Revelations . In paragraphs above I pointed out that while living under the paw of evolutionary biology everyone is our enemy. Jesus said,  ' Love your enemies '.

Yes, Eastern and Western culture is deeply flawed but the Most High God in Heaven,  whether He be called Allah, Yahweh,  or another name only He knows has the power and authority to bring change by speaking directly to hearts and minds of individuals by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks which
emanates from the same source from which the great prophets of the Abrahamic faith tradition wrote Holy Books  of all the Worlds great religions. 

An influx of financial capital from either Washington DC or Beijing will not make Islam more strong or more prosperous. The collective conscious of humanity must learn to live under God's law by opening their hearts and minds to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. 

Otherwise,  constant warfare, pandemics,  and Global warming will result in our beautiful earth the Most High God in Heaven created burning up in a fiery hell where all religion including Islam, Judaism,  Buddhism,  Hinduism,  Native American,  Atheism,  Agnosticism, etc. will perish from the face of the earth according to Satan's strategy. People who are forced to forage like animals don't believe or have faith in anything. The Taliban and ISIS should know that Allah desires Islam stay strong and prosperous in the modern 21st century and beyond. Since Satan hacked a Cosmic Mind God coded our beautiful earth will release an enormous amount of volital energy according to Thermodynamic law of classic physics that will swallow everything unless the collective conscious of humanity obeys God's command, 'Go forth and have dominion '.

Afganistan is a spiritual battleground in terms of the collective conscious of humanity learning to live under God's law.  Gods law is love. A foreign policy of isolationism implemented by the Taliban is akin  to nationalism within U.S. conservative Republican spheres of influence. Isolationism is an attempt to control negative influence of Socialist capitalism upon spiritual values. 

Since the Most High God in Heaven decided to place us in a physical universe then an analytical study of the lexicon bridging both the material and spiritual nature of reality simultaneously is vital in the collective  conscious of humanity choosing to work in full partnership with the Most High God in Heaven as co creators to establish a New World Order based upon Gods law. Gods law is love. 
Today,  the concept of love is a silly laughable joke within the current framework of socialist capitalism because the collective conscious of humanity lives under the paw of evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy.  Socialist capitalism is merely mutual cooperation for survival of the fittest while living under the paw of evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy. 

My discussion in this article pertaining to prosperity of Islam in the modern 21st century within the framework of Socialist capitalism is contradictory to my assertion in paragraphs above that an influx of financial capital from either Washington DC or Beijing will not make Islam more strong or more prosperous. The contradictory nature of logical arguments in this article provides insight into the internal nature of Jihad as a spiritual battle arising from quantum particlization of semantic binary data comprising the lexicon bridging the material and spiritual nature of reality. The contradictory nature of logical arguments within this article as a result of quantum particlization of semantic binary data comprising the awkward 
lexicon bridging the material and spiritual nature of reality is a consequence of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation due to quantum superposition resulting in absolute truth is the perogotive of God alone. 

Yet, we know that the Most High God in Heaven,  whether He be called Allah,  Yahweh,  or another name only He knows would not want all religion perish from the face of the earth until He decides to call it quits. As long as the Most High God in Heaven ordains the sun to rise tomorrow,  we must work together to Meet God in the Heavens and return Our beautiful earth back to God as a precious blue gem. 

My freelance article entitled, 
Greater Material Abundance Created by Scientific and Technological Returns Will Never Impart Peace that Surpassth All Understanding, provides more insight into my work as a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry to develop a lexicon to help bridge the material and spiritual nature of reality in order that the collective conscious of humanity may learn to live under God's law of love as we move forward to become a more advanced Intelligent Type V civilization according the Kardashev scale within the material physical universe:


An analytical study of loss of information during quantum particlization of simulated virtual reality digitally encoding binary laws of classic physics arising from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks provides insight into how the physical universe is within the same spectrum as spiritual reality.  It is written, 


King James Bible
Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you

Continued later 

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