Friday, December 3, 2021

Statement of Ecumenical Tolerance and Understanding of all Faith Based Traditions to Welcome all Human Beings Interested in Creating a Better Future Based Upon Gods Law. Gods Law is Love

Anyone who has sent me a Facebook friend request or is currently following my Facebook page who may be interested in a faith based approach to creating a better future for human civilization as Gods Divine masterpiece please consider joining my Facebook group.  I am hoping a Facebook group will promote positive interaction between members conducive to helping create a better future for humanity.

If you are not a Christian please do not be intimidated given Our Lord of Quantum Physics practices Ecumenical Tolerance and Understanding of all Faith Based Traditions as per following statement recently posted in the group at following URL address:

Statement of Ecumenical Tolerance and Understanding of all Faith Based Traditions to Welcome all Human Beings Interested in Creating a Better Future Based Upon Gods Law. Gods Law is Love

My freelance article entitled, A Message from The Most High God in Heaven to Global Leaders Who are Stakeholders in Issues Addressed at G20 Summit Translated from the Quantum Wave Function Language as an Unified Underlying Higher Level Language of Love by which God Speaks, provides a statement of Ecumenical Tolerance and Understanding of all Faith Based Traditions to Welcome all Human Beings Interested in Creating a Better Future. Everyone believes in something, else they likely would not get out of bed in the morning.

Secularism in America as well as monotheistic religions associated with the Global Luddite movement in central Europe and Middle East creates socioeconomic  conditions encouraging adoption and acceptance of  state religion institutionalized by Beijing. National Security laws in Hong Kong is merely the beginning of enforcement of state religion of a One World Government.  The quintessential definition of Jihad is summed up in a New Testament verse,  " Do not be conformed to this world,  but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."

Secularism should not be abandonment of a spiritual journey of individuals to discover the Most High God within framework of organized religion whereby individuals are encouraged to worship at the Mosque, Synagogue,  or Christian church of their choice,  but instead secularism is recognition that the Most High God in Heaven has full power and authority to speak directly to the heart and mind of each and every individual on earth by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks in groanings of the human soul too deep for words. State religion is inadequate to communicate grownings of the human soul too deep for words by individuals who have a very real encounter with God at the Mosque,  Synagogue,  or church of their choice.

Since the Most High God in Heaven has full power and authority to speak for Himself then it is not necessary to convert or prothestize,  but instead help individuals grow in whatever faith tradition they choose to practice, whether that faith tradition be Islam, Judaism,  Christianity,  Buddhism,  Hinduism,  Native American Spirituality,   Atheism,  Agnosticism,  etc. As a translator for the Most High God in Heaven working as a writer and lobbyists for the High tech industry the truths I reveal from God's Most High Thrown in Heaven should help individuals grow in whatever faith tradition they choose to practice, hence they don't have to join my church. An attempt of organized state religions to exercise power and control over the heart and mind of individuals by economic devaluation of their lifetime work is an effort to prevent an individual from experiencing a very real encounter with God.

Atheism and Agnosticism are merely another valid faith tradition that individuals have a natural right to uphold.  All human beings at some point in their lives find comfort in believing in something. It is a natural right to perceive God as a Higher Power greater than oneself that can restore one to sanity,  in the tradition of Alcohol Anonymous. 

The Most High God in Heaven will communicate  whatever He wants to say to reveal hidden truths and deeper meaning to the heart and mind of individuals whenever He is ready,  so therefore human beings do not have to decapitate,  torture,  or stone anyone. 

Human beings do not have to threaten to decapitate,  torture,  or stone anyone
to transform them into mechanical robots reciting religious incantations that personally please religious clerics trying to replace God on His throne. Decapitation, torture,  stoning,  is about egocentric power and control over other individuals to transform them into mechanical robotic machines who recite incantations that personally please religious clerics trying to replace God on His throne.

Paradoxically,  faith can get in the way of having a deeper more profound relationship with the Most High God in Heaven because faith can become egocentric. A strong relationship with the Most High God in Heaven is about Who God is on His throne in heaven and not about egocentric beliefs of individual human beings. Egocentric beliefs of individuals arise from mutual cooperation for survival of the fittest while living under the paw of evolutionary biology. 

My Facebook article discussed faith as related to concept of the self:

An article published by Scientific American entitled, What God, Quantum Mechanics and Consciousness Have in Common, discuss Agnosticism as a search for answers on a journey to find God:

It is written, 

The Kingdom of Heaven is within you.


Where were you when I hung the stars in the sky?

For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

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