Saturday, August 28, 2021

The Botched Debacle of Withdrawal of American Troops from Afghanistan As Failure of Intelligence Data from the Ground

How can the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan be so terribly botched? The withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan is a giant debacle.  It makes an intelligent person wonder who is in charge.

When the Biden administration announced withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan several weeks ago nobody thought Afganistan would fall so fast to the Taliban. 

Evidently intelligence from the ground within Afghanistan was way off and completely wrong. Obviously,  the American cause in Afghanistan did not have very much support from the Afghan people or Afghan military. Basically the Afghan military trained by American troops simply surrendered without a fight despite $80 billion dollars of U.S. Military equipment remaining inside Afghanistan. 

If American troops wanted to withdraw from Afghanistan what should have happened is the U.S. military should have secured Kabul and all necessary airports until everyone is evacuated safely from Afghanistan. Only after everyone is evacuated safely than the Taliban should have been allowed to move into palaces and state houses in Kabul. 

None of this debacle of U.S.  troop withdrawal from Afghanistan make any logical sense. How can the United States of America as the most powerful superpower on earth have such poor intelligence information on the ground enabling predictions about imminent disaster based upon poor planning of early withdrawal?

And why would ISIS want to kill 95 fellow Afghan Islamic Muslim citizens and American troops by a bombing attack? ISIS is an extremist Islamic group.  According to mass media reports ISIS is an enemy of the Taliban. Islamic Extremist Religious factions are getting everything they want with American withdrawal.  A bombing attack does nothing  but delay withdrawal of American troops. Is it possible ISIS doesn't want American troops to leave Afghanistan,  but instead send more money and military equipment to make Afganistan a perpetual war machine according to Satan's strategy to destroy human civilization? 

War in Afghanistan has already cost the American people 4.4 trillion dollars,  and ISIS wants another 4 trillion dollars earmarked for war in Afghanistan. What kind of vision is that for Islam ? 

Instead of war we should have helped Afghanistan build more Islamic mosques inside Afghanistan during the past 20 years. My proposed new branch of Christianity dubbed Our Lord of Quantum Physics will help Afganistan become the great Islamic nation Allah wants Afganistan to become by building beautiful Islamic Mosques all over Afghanistan with robotic construction equipment powered by artificial intelligence especially designed to work in extremely hot arid dry environments. 

In my freelance article entitled, Flying Into Kabul in the Mist of Mayhem to Establish a New Branch of Christianity to Insure Islam Will Remain Strong and Prosperous in the Modern 21st Century According to Concept of Human Fraternity, I discuss committment of American foreign policy to growth and prosperity of Islam in the modern 21st century:

The new branch of Christianity I propose is not interested in proselytizing or converting anyone,  but instead helping individuals strengthen their Islamic faith if they so choose by exploring how to move away from living under the paw of evolutionary biology and capitalize from the Technosingularity singularity to maximize greater love according to the principle of #HumanFraternity. Islam is a beautiful religion even when practiced in its extreme form of rigorous discipline and devotion to prayer and worship. 

According to the quantum perspective I am creating an all powerful omnipotent God, rather He be called Allah,  Yahweh,  Jesus Christ Our Lord, God, Savior has full power to speak to the hearts, mind, and soul of every individual by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks therefore it is not necessary for feeble minded human beings like myself to convert or save anyone. In the sight of God all human beings are feeble minded. Human beings may never fully grasp the quantum wave function language as the holistic, transcendent,  gestalt nature of everything spoken is fragmented and disjointed by quantum particlization of semantic binary data comprising human language. 

Intelligence data from the ground is based upon relationships between American troops and the Afghan military. The fall of Afganistan to the Taliban so quickly after withdrawal of American troops began obviously demonstrates America troops overestimated loyalty of the Afghan military to the American cause of democracy. 

In an existential world devoid of meaningfulness except for meaningfulness assigned by an individual to reality what is there to fight for given absolute truth is the Divine prerogative of God alone. Afganistan is an Islamic Nation. The United States of America is a Christian nation. 

American troops underestimated reverence of Islamic elders in the Taliban as father figures. Young men who fought with American troops remained consciously aware of their human frailty as a distraction to cherished Islamic faith of their upbringing. Young men in the Afganistan military are interested in finding wives and having a family to find love like all human beings on earth. In Catholicism marriage is viewed as a distraction to religious faith among the clergy.  The hot dry barren arid desert climate in war torn Afghanistan does not afford many opportunities for Afganistan citizens. In Afghanistan the only choice is for Allah as it should be,  so why should the Afghan military pick up  a machine gun as a weapon of war to fight for the cause of democracy?

In Afghanistan the only choice is for Allah as it should be,  so why should the Afghan military pick up  a machine gun as a weapon of war to fight for the cause of democracy? What is right is right so petty quibbling over political matters in state houses is a non plus in Islamic culture. In the United States of America democracy is crumbling due to pluralism as an angst obstructing righteousness. 

Extremist Islamic religious factions don't believe in mob rule inferred by democracy,  but believe in Islamic law.  Since absolute truth is the Divine prerogative of God alone than extremists Islamic religious factions are not wrong. 

In a Capitialist society Democracy allows covetous people living under the paw of evolutionary biology organize in mass mobs to embezzle what individuals have worked a lifetime to rightfully earn under the guise of law. What will Afganistan refugees do when they arrive in America? Perhaps join those burning down America throwing piss in the face of police officers in order to get on television? It is better for Afganistan citizens remain in Afghanistan to help the Taliban build a beautiful Islamic society, even if that means being myrted.

An Almighty God Who created the heavens and earth is finally blessing the collective conscious of humanity with Intelligence to move away from living under the paw of evolutionary biology during the Technosingularity if individuals and the collective conscious of humanity learn to love. All the great discoveries of science are gifts from God uploaded in the minds of scientists by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. Since the beginning of time Satan has blocked Gods gift of knowledge so that the collective conscious of humanity will continue to live under the paw of evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy to destroy human civilization as Gods Divine masterpiece. Human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind Satan hacked in the Garden of Eden can learn to love as God originally intended. 

The Taliban can either choose to help the collective conscious of humanity move away from living under the paw of evolutionary biology by learning to love thereby working in partnership with Allah,  or join in alliance with the Chinese and Russians to spray chemical weapons on fellow Islamic Muslims.

Afganistan fell so fast to the Taliban because the Afghan military love Islam therefore chose not to pick up a weapon from the $80 billion dollar stockpile of weapons America left behind to fight the Taliban.  The decision to surrender to the Taliban reflects the overall will of the Afghan people who cherish and love Islam as they should. The Afghan military look up and revere elders in the Taliban as father figures. 

It is likely that most decisions made by legislative bodies governed by Democratic principles within Islamic culture are made in deference to Islamic law so therefore so why should there be 20 years of warfare? It just don't make any logical sense. The collective conscious of humanity has been deceived by Satan's beguiling deception. Satan wants to destroy human civilization as Gods Divine masterpiece. 

It is difficult to judge matters of the heart.  American troops on the ground over estimated loyalty of the Afghan military to the cause of democracy. 

If the United States of America state Department had better intelligence data from the ground therefore able to accurately predict the quick fall of Afganistan to the Taliban then perhaps U.S. diplomats could have negotiated a deal with the Taliban allowing for a smooth transition of the Taliban to power in return for a peaceful efficient quick withdrawal process.

As the epitome and pinnacle of human consciousness the quantum wave function language as a unified  underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks results in quantum particlization of semantic binary data revealing to the human heart the highest level of intellectual rational logical reasoning as a source of valid truthful information. The Taliban and Islamic extremists in Afghanistan should know that Allah would want Islam remain strong and prosperous in the modern 21st century. Violence and warfare is Satan's strategy to destroy Islam therefore is against Allah's desire for Islam to remain strong and prosperous in the modern 21st century. Violence and warfare results in high entropy conditions creating an impediment for Afghanistan citizens to learn the teachings  of Mohammed in the Quran. When foriegn troops are withdrawing there is no need to fight anymore. The war is over. Instead,  the Taliban and Islamic extremists factions like ISIS should do everything possible to assist a smooth withdrawal process.

In my freelance article entitled , Flying Into Kabul in the Mist of Mayhem to Establish a New Branch of Christianity to Insure Islam Will Remain Strong and Prosperous in the Modern 21st Century According to Concept of Human Fraternity, I made the following observation:

Individuals as well as the collective conscious of humanity is creating itself by learning to love by God's grace. Individuals as well as the collective conscious of humanity creates itself by becoming more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God spoke to Moses,  Abraham,  Mohammed, Jonah and all the great Prophets within the Abrahamic faith tradition.


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