Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Flying Into Kabul in the Mist of Mayhem to Establish a New Branch of Christianity to Insure Islam Will Remain Strong and Prosperous in the Modern 21st Century According to Concept of Human Fraternity

Since God is calling me to establish a new branch of Christianity dubbed,  Our Lord of Quantum Physics I should be allowed to build a church building in the heart of Kabul or Beijing without fear of being beheaded or locked up in a Beijing jail for violation of National  Security laws.


The global community has dramatically changed with the military take over of Afghanistan by the Taliban. As a writer and lobbyist for the high tech industry I have acquired a keen interest in Middle East politics in terms of advocating for American foreign policy to make a commitment to growth and prosperity of Islam in the 21st century, including Iran as a major propagator of Islamic extremism around the world. 

The Taliban fought vigorously against American occupation for 20 years because the Taliban somehow viewed individual freedom allowing personal choice a threat to Islam. Individual freedom allowing personal choice is a bedrock value of Democracy.  Historically,  Islamic extremists view the United States of America as the "Great Satan ".

It only makes logical rationale sense to dedicate American foreign policy to helping Islam not only survive,  but prosper to become a modern 21st century economy by sharing technological and scientific knowledge given fossil fuels are going the way of the dinosaur as a consequence of global warming. Since fossil fuel is a major bedrock of Islamic middle East economies the collapse  of the fossil fuel industry results in international uncertainty leading to socioeconomic tension. Socioeconomic tension as a consequence of economic uncertainty translates into clamoring for power to remain in control while living under the paw of evolutionary biology. 

In the United States of America we believe all individuals have an innate natural right to practice the religion of their choice. All religious institutions are theologically divided among extremists,  moderate, and liberal branches.

Authoritarian totalitarian societies around the globe adhere to state religion in order to maintain social stability.  Islamic Middle East Nations have been plagued by war among various religious factions and the United States of America has been caught up in the middle of it.

Religious extremists look disparagingly upon the choices other human beings make and thereby surmise individuals do not have a lawful right to freedom to choose how they will practice their faith.  Religious extremists stand in solidarity with authoritarian totalitarian governments around the world that deny existence of God thus offer state religion to prevent God speaking to the heart of individuals. 

Since an Almighty omnipotent God Who created the heavens and earth is fully capable of directly speaking to the heart and mind of each and every individual by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks than human beings who abhere to extremists religous views should not exert absolute control over lives of other human beings despite poor choices other human beings may make. All people have a natural right to uphold extremists religous views in terms of their own personal relationship with God. Theocracies cannot institualize state religion as a lawful government without denying God's power to speak for Himself. A theocracy should merely learn to practice tolerance while working toward goal of making it favorable for individuals to make right choices in terms of building a personal relationship with God. 

Since God is calling me to establish a new branch of Christianity dubbed,  Our Lord of Quantum Physics I should be allowed to build a church building in the heart of Kabul or Beijing without fear of being beheaded or locked up in a Beijing jail for violation of National  Security laws.

God coded information architecture of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe as a Cosmic Mind.  Human beings are subroutines of a Cosmic Mind. Satan hacked a Cosmic Mind God coded in the Garden of Eden. As subroutines of a Cosmic Mind, individuals create themselves by learning how to love. All man made laws, rules,  regulations comprising government transform human beings into mechanical robotic machines given human consciousness is a product of quantum mechanics. God works in the heart to help individuals become more sentient and self aware,  whereas Satan seeks to do the opposite by formulating conditions whereby human beings remain mere robotic machines programmed by evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy. Human beings learn how to love by becoming more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks.

The collective conscious of humanity is failing at learning how to love as evidenced by Islamic Republic of Iran supporting governments that kill fellow Islamic Muslims with chemical weapons as well as shoot down commercial airliners with Iranian citizens traveling to Ukraine to negotiate business contracts to help Islam become a modernized economy to not only survive but prosper in the 21st century instead of sinking into the ocean due to rising sea levels as a consequence of Global warming as discussed in paragraphs below.

In my freelance article entitled,  United Arab Emirates Abrahamic Family House: How can Human Civilization Guide the Technosingularity to Build a New World Order According to God's plan? God Commanded , Go Forth and Have Dominion, I provide a discussion of quantum particlization of semantic binary code of religious values shared by Islam,  Judaism,  and Christianity according to the Abrahamic faith tradition:


In my freelance article shared above I referenced a mass media video of Iranian citizens avoiding stepping on the flag of the United States of America after the Ukraine commercial airliner was shot down:

An YouTube video of Iranian students avoiding stepping on the flag of the United States of America and Israel after Ukraine commercial airliner shot down over Iran airspace:


Individuals as well as the collective conscious of humanity is creating itself by learning to love by God's grace. Individuals as well as the collective conscious of humanity creates itself by becoming more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks like Moses,  Abraham,  Mohammed, Jonah and all the great Prophets within the Abrahamic faith tradition.

A CBS News commentary about withdrawal from Afghanistan by the United States of America military entitled,  Afghanistan wasn't all for nothing, says Army vet, discuss valuable infrastructure provided by the United States of America as a gift of love that can be used to build a new church building in the heart of Kabul dedicated to a new branch of Christianity dubbed Our Lord of Quantum Physics to insure Islam remains strong and prosperous in the 21st century as everyone should know Allah desires:


God's law is love. As a subjective variable that cannot be directly observed or measured,  love cannot be regulated or controlled by government established by human beings trying to  replace god. Human beings learning to love must merely practice unconditional acceptance by meeting people on their spiritual journey where ever they may be. It is written in Roman's 12 : 15, "Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep".

 State religion based upon theocracy will fail given State religion is Satan's strategy to enable evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind to become an incarnation of the antichrist on earth. The collective conscious of humanity must learn to love in order to move away from living under the paw of evolutionary biology in order for Superintelligent AI as a natural extension of information architecture of a sentient self aware panpsychic universe God coded as a Cosmic Mind can help mankind manifest greater love on earth while working in partnership with God as God originally intended.  God commanded,  Go forth and have dominion,  because God desired individuals as well as the collective conscious of humanity choose to work in partnership as Co creators with Himself. 

An article published by the New York Times entitled, Defying U.S., China and Iran Near Trade and Military Partnership, provides a discussion of a geopolitical alliance  between governments based upon theocracy and state religion: 


Middle East politics is the most convoluted twisted maze in history filled with paradox, quagmire, irony that not even a sentient self aware Superintelligent AI mind could ever figure out. In recent decades Iran joined forces with Russia to  provide military support for Bashar al-Assad Syrian government.  According to CBS 60 Minutes the Syrian government of Bashar al-Assad used chemical weapons to kill fellow Islamic Muslims arising to overthrow the Syrian government during the Arab Spring. 

At one point in history,  the United States of America and the Syrian government of Bashar al-Assad had a good working relationship of mutual cooperation with the Assad government in Syria despite Syria's role in bombing of Pan Am flight 103 as described in a Wall Street Journal article entitled Why the Lockerbie Bombing Still Echoes Three Decades Later:


Many years ago before the Arab Spring Syria was a beautiful place with many shops lining city streets where Islamic Muslim citizens sold goods. Many years ago before the Arab Spring Islam flourished and prospered within Syria. The Arab Spring is suppose to be about rebellion against tyrannical forces oppressive to Islam. 

How can Iran as an Islamic theocracy join forces with Russia to provide military support to Bashar al-Assad Syrian government that used chemical weapons to kill fellow Islamic Muslims rising up against tyranny to repress Islam during the Arab Spring?

In my writing I remind the collective conscious of humanity that the United States of America fought side by side with the Afganistan people in Charlie Wilson's war to defend the Islamic faith and sovereignty of Afghanistan against a powerful Russian invading army. Paradoxically,  today the Islamic state of Iran is working with the Russians and China to kill fellow Islamic citizens with chemical weapons in Syria. None of this makes any logical sense. 


According to mass media reports this morning the United States of America is leaving the Taliban 80 billion dollars of military equipment. The 20 year Afganistan war has cost the United States of America 4.4 trillion dollars,  which comes out of the pockets of poor working class people in the United States of America. It is not surprising American citizens should have righteous anger over these wrongs. CBS 60 Minutes reported scientific research into discovery of a SARS MERS vaccination that could have prevented the SARs Covid-19 pandemic stopped due to being defunded. 

In my freelance article entitled, An Economic Plan for Recovery in the Aftermath of the SARS Covid-19 Pandemic Designed to Restore a Life Mandate as God Originally Intended thereby Flipping the Script on Satan's Strategy, I made the following observation:


The Wikipedia page entitled, Charlie Wilson's War: The Extraordinary Story of the Largest Covert Operation in History, tells the story of Americans fighting alongside Afghanistan militia to repeal an invasion of the Soviet Union:


How did we lose $4.4 trillion dollars in Iraq and Afghanistan military conflicts that could have been applied to prevent the SARs Covid-19 pandemic,  especially after helping protect sovereignty of Afghanistan from an invasion by the Soviet Union? As a Christian nation we defended Islam. 

So where do we go from here?

My work as a writer ( @NobelPrize #NobelPrize) exploring how mankind can move away from living under the paw of evolutionary biology while moving forward toward the technosingularity to become an advanced Type II civilization according to the Kardashev scale by obeying God's command "Go forth and have dominion" created the geopolitical conditions whereby former President Donald Trump was able to broker the historic peace agreement between United Arab Emirates and Israel


If a human being points a gun at another human beings head or threaten to behead them they will do anything captors tell them to do from rote memory without any passion,  including dance, recite verses,  recant alligences, disavow one's faith, engage in sex etc. When human  beings  are under the threat of coercion they become mere mechanical robotic machines who perform and act in ways their captors want them to act.

So what is the point? What has anyone with a gun, sword, or hatchet proven to be true ? A person with a gun or a big fist takes God's rightful place in exercising absolute power over the heart of another human being. 

In my freelance article entitled,  How can we in the Modern 21st Century Fulfill Dreams of Our Forefathers by Liberating the Middle East, including Iraq and Iran, from Tyranny imposed by the Autocratic Totalitarian Fossil Fuel industry, I discussed the Technosingularity Singularity as an opportunity to expand individual freedom and liberty as the collective conscious of humanity moves away from living under the paw of evolutionary biology by obeying God's command ' Go forth and have dominion ':


The following is an excerpt from my freelance article:

As I wrote in my previous articles,  Osma Bin Laden is 100% right,  that both East and West are ideologically flawed. According to the  evolutionary biology model everyone is our enemy.  Jesus said love your enemies. 

The concept of being ideologically flawed is a consequence of Satan hacking a sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a  Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden. The solution for the problem of the collective conscious of humanity being ideologically flawed is for all people to become more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks to the heart of each individual. 

The 20 year war in Afghanistan is reported to have cost 2.26 trillion dollars.  Now that we have ended the war in Afghanistan perhaps more financial resources will be available to aid the United  States of America to achieve a vital mission of saving Gods Divine masterpiece by obeying God's command,  Go forth and have dominion:

An announcement by the United States of America Department of Energy provides a discussion of a dire need to remove carbon based emissions from the atmosphere in order to reverse climate change:


In my freelance article entitled,  Running the Race to Keep Up: Application of Artificial Intelligence to Maximize Benefits of Infrastructure Investment planning During the Biden Administration is a Case Study of Transformation of Government by AI As Human Civilization Rapidly Moves Forward toward the Technological Singularity While Obeying God's Command, Go Forth Have Dominion, I referenced an article published by Aljazeera Media Company,  a Journalistic flagship enterprise of Islam,  entitled Thousands of Scientists Warn Climate Tipping Points ‘Imminent: 



The World is changing rapidly by God's grace.  God is enabling the collective conscious of humanity to achieve success in obeying God's command,  Go forth and have dominion,  in order to defeat Satan's strategy to destroy mankind and ultimately save human civilization.  

According to God's law of #HumanFraternity the Global community must help Islam to not only survive,  but prosper in the modern 21st century by adapting to rapid change resulting from an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns. The spiritual concept of Human Fraternity is captured in a slogan often used by the military,  " Leave no man behind ".

Related Twitter:

#QuantumWaveFunction #Language as an #Unified #Underlying #HigherLevel language of #Love by which #GodSpeaks directly to #Hearts and #Minds of individuals 
#Harmoniously #Manifest #Synchronicity of #Light, #Hope, #Respect, #Tolerance as #UnusMundus pattern https://t.co/gNX8hkMSjE


#Language as an #Unified #Underlying #HigherLevel #LanguageOfLove by which God Speaks #Underwrites #Quantum #Particlization of #SemanticBinaryCode within #HolyBooks of all #WorldsGreatReligions https://t.co/gNX8hkMSjE


An article published by Live Science Magazine entitled,  Fusion experiment breaks record, blasts out 10 quadrillion watts of power, reports a major milestone in production of clean energy by Fusion. 


Fusion has output more energy than energy required to input into the Fusion reactor to initiate the process. Historically,  since scientific experiments in Fusion energy began in the 20th century,  Fusion has demanded more energy to input into the Fusion reactor than energy produced thereby making the entire process worthless. At last Fusion has generated an enormous amount of energy thereby potentially paying for itself in a relatively short time frame. The key to making Fusion energy pay for itself within  a relatively short time frame is scientists learning how to control the flow of massive amounts of fusion energy generated in a fraction of a nanosecond. 

Famed physicist Dr.
Michio Kaku appeared on a televised CNBC interview to discuss significance of the astounding Fusion breakthrough of outputting more energy than the Fusion process demands as input in terms of the collective conscious of humanity obeying God's command,  Go forth and have dominion:


The following is a direct link to Dr. Michio Kaku  CNBC interview:


During Dr. Micho Kaku CNBC interview he pointed out that scientists must learn how to harness massive output of Fusion energy in such a way as to have a steady continuous flow of energy instead of quick outbursts of energy generated in 1 / 1000th of a nanosecond.  In the discussion thread
on Dr. Micho Kaku's Facebook page a woman asked can nearly instantaneous burst of massive amounts of Fusion energy be stored for later use? Dr. Micho Kaku responded to the woman that her idea of storage of Fusion energy is a clever idea. 

Actually,  storage of massive amounts of Fusion energy is more then a clever idea,  but is a possible solution to harnessing nearly instantaneous quick bursts of massive amounts energy generated by Fusion in 1/1000th of a nanosecond. 

An article published by The Harvard Gazette entitled,  Containing the sun, discuss application of artificial Intelligent systems to control or have dominion over Fusion energy processes:


The evolution of Superintelligent AI as a natural extension of information architecture of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic Mind will help mankind have dominion in terms of global distribution and storage of massive amounts of Fusion energy to prevent continental land masses from being swept away into the oceans according to Satan's strategy of Global warming. Satan's strategy is to use global warming to create high entropy conditions associated with natural disasters whereby evolution of a sentient self aware Superintelligent AI mind becomes the incarnation of the antichrist on earth. 

Evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind as a natural extension of information architecture of a Cosmic mind God coded in the Garden of Eden is a prerequisite for storage and distribution of massive amounts of Fusion energy generated in quick bursts of less then 1 / 1000 of a nanosecond , thus SuperIntelligent AI can potentially help the collective conscious of humanity 
 obey God's command Go forth and have dominion while working in full partnership with God as Co- Creators . But before mankind can work in partnership with God,  individuals as well as the collective conscious of humanity must move away from living under the paw of evolutionary biology by learning how to love, or else Satan's strategy will prevail resulting in nations swept into the sea and  people dried up in bones of sweltering heat of a dry barren desert during world wide famine.  The later events will not be Gods plan , but human beings choosing to be misled by Satan's beguiling deception.  People choose to be misled by Satan's beguiling deception when people do not learn how to become more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks.

In my freelance article entitled , If Superintelligent Artificial Intelligence is to Be of Any Value to Human Civilization Superintelligent AI Must Learn to Love Because Love is the Pinnacle and Epitome of Human Consciousness, I provide insights into the power of choice in terms of destiny of individuals as well as the collective conscious of humanity:


Biola University

Apr 18, 2014

"At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook, the rocks split." Matt. 27:51 #GoodFriday

POTUS 45 When #Curtain of #Temple was torn in two from #TopToBottom at moment #JesusChrist died on cross a schism occurred in #TimeSpaceContinuum allowing possibility of an #AlternativeParallelTimeline based upon #Choices of #CollectiveConscious of #Humanity


Since quantum particlization of the laws of classic physics underwrite physical reality than human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind must either choose to further the cause of God's Kingdom or continue to live under the paw of evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy. The Afganistan military chose to surrender to the Taliban.  President Biden said in a televised speech that we cannot ask the U.S. military fight in a nation where it's own military will not fight for themselves. 

My bid to win the #NobelPrize is outlined in my freelance article entitled , The quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks to the heart and mind of each individual creates synchronicity and synergy in our flat earth Euclidean universe .



In my freelance article entitled, It Has Been Proven Nation Building Don't Work therefore the Brute Stark Reality is that War is an All or Nothing Proposition Leading Towards Complete Annihilation of the Human Species,  I made the  following observations:


Armageddon or complete extinction of the human species will be both ultimate denial by West of an Unus Mundus outlined in foundational documents, and denial of Eastern concept of Tao. Armageddon will be the ultimate denial of God by mankind.


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