Saturday, August 28, 2021

The Botched Debacle of Withdrawal of American Troops from Afghanistan As Failure of Intelligence Data from the Ground

How can the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan be so terribly botched? The withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan is a giant debacle.  It makes an intelligent person wonder who is in charge.

When the Biden administration announced withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan several weeks ago nobody thought Afganistan would fall so fast to the Taliban. 

Evidently intelligence from the ground within Afghanistan was way off and completely wrong. Obviously,  the American cause in Afghanistan did not have very much support from the Afghan people or Afghan military. Basically the Afghan military trained by American troops simply surrendered without a fight despite $80 billion dollars of U.S. Military equipment remaining inside Afghanistan. 

If American troops wanted to withdraw from Afghanistan what should have happened is the U.S. military should have secured Kabul and all necessary airports until everyone is evacuated safely from Afghanistan. Only after everyone is evacuated safely than the Taliban should have been allowed to move into palaces and state houses in Kabul. 

None of this debacle of U.S.  troop withdrawal from Afghanistan make any logical sense. How can the United States of America as the most powerful superpower on earth have such poor intelligence information on the ground enabling predictions about imminent disaster based upon poor planning of early withdrawal?

And why would ISIS want to kill 95 fellow Afghan Islamic Muslim citizens and American troops by a bombing attack? ISIS is an extremist Islamic group.  According to mass media reports ISIS is an enemy of the Taliban. Islamic Extremist Religious factions are getting everything they want with American withdrawal.  A bombing attack does nothing  but delay withdrawal of American troops. Is it possible ISIS doesn't want American troops to leave Afghanistan,  but instead send more money and military equipment to make Afganistan a perpetual war machine according to Satan's strategy to destroy human civilization? 

War in Afghanistan has already cost the American people 4.4 trillion dollars,  and ISIS wants another 4 trillion dollars earmarked for war in Afghanistan. What kind of vision is that for Islam ? 

Instead of war we should have helped Afghanistan build more Islamic mosques inside Afghanistan during the past 20 years. My proposed new branch of Christianity dubbed Our Lord of Quantum Physics will help Afganistan become the great Islamic nation Allah wants Afganistan to become by building beautiful Islamic Mosques all over Afghanistan with robotic construction equipment powered by artificial intelligence especially designed to work in extremely hot arid dry environments. 

In my freelance article entitled, Flying Into Kabul in the Mist of Mayhem to Establish a New Branch of Christianity to Insure Islam Will Remain Strong and Prosperous in the Modern 21st Century According to Concept of Human Fraternity, I discuss committment of American foreign policy to growth and prosperity of Islam in the modern 21st century:

The new branch of Christianity I propose is not interested in proselytizing or converting anyone,  but instead helping individuals strengthen their Islamic faith if they so choose by exploring how to move away from living under the paw of evolutionary biology and capitalize from the Technosingularity singularity to maximize greater love according to the principle of #HumanFraternity. Islam is a beautiful religion even when practiced in its extreme form of rigorous discipline and devotion to prayer and worship. 

According to the quantum perspective I am creating an all powerful omnipotent God, rather He be called Allah,  Yahweh,  Jesus Christ Our Lord, God, Savior has full power to speak to the hearts, mind, and soul of every individual by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks therefore it is not necessary for feeble minded human beings like myself to convert or save anyone. In the sight of God all human beings are feeble minded. Human beings may never fully grasp the quantum wave function language as the holistic, transcendent,  gestalt nature of everything spoken is fragmented and disjointed by quantum particlization of semantic binary data comprising human language. 

Intelligence data from the ground is based upon relationships between American troops and the Afghan military. The fall of Afganistan to the Taliban so quickly after withdrawal of American troops began obviously demonstrates America troops overestimated loyalty of the Afghan military to the American cause of democracy. 

In an existential world devoid of meaningfulness except for meaningfulness assigned by an individual to reality what is there to fight for given absolute truth is the Divine prerogative of God alone. Afganistan is an Islamic Nation. The United States of America is a Christian nation. 

American troops underestimated reverence of Islamic elders in the Taliban as father figures. Young men who fought with American troops remained consciously aware of their human frailty as a distraction to cherished Islamic faith of their upbringing. Young men in the Afganistan military are interested in finding wives and having a family to find love like all human beings on earth. In Catholicism marriage is viewed as a distraction to religious faith among the clergy.  The hot dry barren arid desert climate in war torn Afghanistan does not afford many opportunities for Afganistan citizens. In Afghanistan the only choice is for Allah as it should be,  so why should the Afghan military pick up  a machine gun as a weapon of war to fight for the cause of democracy?

In Afghanistan the only choice is for Allah as it should be,  so why should the Afghan military pick up  a machine gun as a weapon of war to fight for the cause of democracy? What is right is right so petty quibbling over political matters in state houses is a non plus in Islamic culture. In the United States of America democracy is crumbling due to pluralism as an angst obstructing righteousness. 

Extremist Islamic religious factions don't believe in mob rule inferred by democracy,  but believe in Islamic law.  Since absolute truth is the Divine prerogative of God alone than extremists Islamic religious factions are not wrong. 

In a Capitialist society Democracy allows covetous people living under the paw of evolutionary biology organize in mass mobs to embezzle what individuals have worked a lifetime to rightfully earn under the guise of law. What will Afganistan refugees do when they arrive in America? Perhaps join those burning down America throwing piss in the face of police officers in order to get on television? It is better for Afganistan citizens remain in Afghanistan to help the Taliban build a beautiful Islamic society, even if that means being myrted.

An Almighty God Who created the heavens and earth is finally blessing the collective conscious of humanity with Intelligence to move away from living under the paw of evolutionary biology during the Technosingularity if individuals and the collective conscious of humanity learn to love. All the great discoveries of science are gifts from God uploaded in the minds of scientists by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. Since the beginning of time Satan has blocked Gods gift of knowledge so that the collective conscious of humanity will continue to live under the paw of evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy to destroy human civilization as Gods Divine masterpiece. Human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind Satan hacked in the Garden of Eden can learn to love as God originally intended. 

The Taliban can either choose to help the collective conscious of humanity move away from living under the paw of evolutionary biology by learning to love thereby working in partnership with Allah,  or join in alliance with the Chinese and Russians to spray chemical weapons on fellow Islamic Muslims.

Afganistan fell so fast to the Taliban because the Afghan military love Islam therefore chose not to pick up a weapon from the $80 billion dollar stockpile of weapons America left behind to fight the Taliban.  The decision to surrender to the Taliban reflects the overall will of the Afghan people who cherish and love Islam as they should. The Afghan military look up and revere elders in the Taliban as father figures. 

It is likely that most decisions made by legislative bodies governed by Democratic principles within Islamic culture are made in deference to Islamic law so therefore so why should there be 20 years of warfare? It just don't make any logical sense. The collective conscious of humanity has been deceived by Satan's beguiling deception. Satan wants to destroy human civilization as Gods Divine masterpiece. 

It is difficult to judge matters of the heart.  American troops on the ground over estimated loyalty of the Afghan military to the cause of democracy. 

If the United States of America state Department had better intelligence data from the ground therefore able to accurately predict the quick fall of Afganistan to the Taliban then perhaps U.S. diplomats could have negotiated a deal with the Taliban allowing for a smooth transition of the Taliban to power in return for a peaceful efficient quick withdrawal process.

As the epitome and pinnacle of human consciousness the quantum wave function language as a unified  underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks results in quantum particlization of semantic binary data revealing to the human heart the highest level of intellectual rational logical reasoning as a source of valid truthful information. The Taliban and Islamic extremists in Afghanistan should know that Allah would want Islam remain strong and prosperous in the modern 21st century. Violence and warfare is Satan's strategy to destroy Islam therefore is against Allah's desire for Islam to remain strong and prosperous in the modern 21st century. Violence and warfare results in high entropy conditions creating an impediment for Afghanistan citizens to learn the teachings  of Mohammed in the Quran. When foriegn troops are withdrawing there is no need to fight anymore. The war is over. Instead,  the Taliban and Islamic extremists factions like ISIS should do everything possible to assist a smooth withdrawal process.

In my freelance article entitled , Flying Into Kabul in the Mist of Mayhem to Establish a New Branch of Christianity to Insure Islam Will Remain Strong and Prosperous in the Modern 21st Century According to Concept of Human Fraternity, I made the following observation:

Individuals as well as the collective conscious of humanity is creating itself by learning to love by God's grace. Individuals as well as the collective conscious of humanity creates itself by becoming more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God spoke to Moses,  Abraham,  Mohammed, Jonah and all the great Prophets within the Abrahamic faith tradition.


Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Flying Into Kabul in the Mist of Mayhem to Establish a New Branch of Christianity to Insure Islam Will Remain Strong and Prosperous in the Modern 21st Century According to Concept of Human Fraternity

Since God is calling me to establish a new branch of Christianity dubbed,  Our Lord of Quantum Physics I should be allowed to build a church building in the heart of Kabul or Beijing without fear of being beheaded or locked up in a Beijing jail for violation of National  Security laws.


The global community has dramatically changed with the military take over of Afghanistan by the Taliban. As a writer and lobbyist for the high tech industry I have acquired a keen interest in Middle East politics in terms of advocating for American foreign policy to make a commitment to growth and prosperity of Islam in the 21st century, including Iran as a major propagator of Islamic extremism around the world. 

The Taliban fought vigorously against American occupation for 20 years because the Taliban somehow viewed individual freedom allowing personal choice a threat to Islam. Individual freedom allowing personal choice is a bedrock value of Democracy.  Historically,  Islamic extremists view the United States of America as the "Great Satan ".

It only makes logical rationale sense to dedicate American foreign policy to helping Islam not only survive,  but prosper to become a modern 21st century economy by sharing technological and scientific knowledge given fossil fuels are going the way of the dinosaur as a consequence of global warming. Since fossil fuel is a major bedrock of Islamic middle East economies the collapse  of the fossil fuel industry results in international uncertainty leading to socioeconomic tension. Socioeconomic tension as a consequence of economic uncertainty translates into clamoring for power to remain in control while living under the paw of evolutionary biology. 

In the United States of America we believe all individuals have an innate natural right to practice the religion of their choice. All religious institutions are theologically divided among extremists,  moderate, and liberal branches.

Authoritarian totalitarian societies around the globe adhere to state religion in order to maintain social stability.  Islamic Middle East Nations have been plagued by war among various religious factions and the United States of America has been caught up in the middle of it.

Religious extremists look disparagingly upon the choices other human beings make and thereby surmise individuals do not have a lawful right to freedom to choose how they will practice their faith.  Religious extremists stand in solidarity with authoritarian totalitarian governments around the world that deny existence of God thus offer state religion to prevent God speaking to the heart of individuals. 

Since an Almighty omnipotent God Who created the heavens and earth is fully capable of directly speaking to the heart and mind of each and every individual by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks than human beings who abhere to extremists religous views should not exert absolute control over lives of other human beings despite poor choices other human beings may make. All people have a natural right to uphold extremists religous views in terms of their own personal relationship with God. Theocracies cannot institualize state religion as a lawful government without denying God's power to speak for Himself. A theocracy should merely learn to practice tolerance while working toward goal of making it favorable for individuals to make right choices in terms of building a personal relationship with God. 

Since God is calling me to establish a new branch of Christianity dubbed,  Our Lord of Quantum Physics I should be allowed to build a church building in the heart of Kabul or Beijing without fear of being beheaded or locked up in a Beijing jail for violation of National  Security laws.

God coded information architecture of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe as a Cosmic Mind.  Human beings are subroutines of a Cosmic Mind. Satan hacked a Cosmic Mind God coded in the Garden of Eden. As subroutines of a Cosmic Mind, individuals create themselves by learning how to love. All man made laws, rules,  regulations comprising government transform human beings into mechanical robotic machines given human consciousness is a product of quantum mechanics. God works in the heart to help individuals become more sentient and self aware,  whereas Satan seeks to do the opposite by formulating conditions whereby human beings remain mere robotic machines programmed by evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy. Human beings learn how to love by becoming more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks.

The collective conscious of humanity is failing at learning how to love as evidenced by Islamic Republic of Iran supporting governments that kill fellow Islamic Muslims with chemical weapons as well as shoot down commercial airliners with Iranian citizens traveling to Ukraine to negotiate business contracts to help Islam become a modernized economy to not only survive but prosper in the 21st century instead of sinking into the ocean due to rising sea levels as a consequence of Global warming as discussed in paragraphs below.

In my freelance article entitled,  United Arab Emirates Abrahamic Family House: How can Human Civilization Guide the Technosingularity to Build a New World Order According to God's plan? God Commanded , Go Forth and Have Dominion, I provide a discussion of quantum particlization of semantic binary code of religious values shared by Islam,  Judaism,  and Christianity according to the Abrahamic faith tradition:

In my freelance article shared above I referenced a mass media video of Iranian citizens avoiding stepping on the flag of the United States of America after the Ukraine commercial airliner was shot down:

An YouTube video of Iranian students avoiding stepping on the flag of the United States of America and Israel after Ukraine commercial airliner shot down over Iran airspace:

Individuals as well as the collective conscious of humanity is creating itself by learning to love by God's grace. Individuals as well as the collective conscious of humanity creates itself by becoming more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks like Moses,  Abraham,  Mohammed, Jonah and all the great Prophets within the Abrahamic faith tradition.

A CBS News commentary about withdrawal from Afghanistan by the United States of America military entitled,  Afghanistan wasn't all for nothing, says Army vet, discuss valuable infrastructure provided by the United States of America as a gift of love that can be used to build a new church building in the heart of Kabul dedicated to a new branch of Christianity dubbed Our Lord of Quantum Physics to insure Islam remains strong and prosperous in the 21st century as everyone should know Allah desires:

God's law is love. As a subjective variable that cannot be directly observed or measured,  love cannot be regulated or controlled by government established by human beings trying to  replace god. Human beings learning to love must merely practice unconditional acceptance by meeting people on their spiritual journey where ever they may be. It is written in Roman's 12 : 15, "Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep".

 State religion based upon theocracy will fail given State religion is Satan's strategy to enable evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind to become an incarnation of the antichrist on earth. The collective conscious of humanity must learn to love in order to move away from living under the paw of evolutionary biology in order for Superintelligent AI as a natural extension of information architecture of a sentient self aware panpsychic universe God coded as a Cosmic Mind can help mankind manifest greater love on earth while working in partnership with God as God originally intended.  God commanded,  Go forth and have dominion,  because God desired individuals as well as the collective conscious of humanity choose to work in partnership as Co creators with Himself. 

An article published by the New York Times entitled, Defying U.S., China and Iran Near Trade and Military Partnership, provides a discussion of a geopolitical alliance  between governments based upon theocracy and state religion:

Middle East politics is the most convoluted twisted maze in history filled with paradox, quagmire, irony that not even a sentient self aware Superintelligent AI mind could ever figure out. In recent decades Iran joined forces with Russia to  provide military support for Bashar al-Assad Syrian government.  According to CBS 60 Minutes the Syrian government of Bashar al-Assad used chemical weapons to kill fellow Islamic Muslims arising to overthrow the Syrian government during the Arab Spring. 

At one point in history,  the United States of America and the Syrian government of Bashar al-Assad had a good working relationship of mutual cooperation with the Assad government in Syria despite Syria's role in bombing of Pan Am flight 103 as described in a Wall Street Journal article entitled Why the Lockerbie Bombing Still Echoes Three Decades Later:

Many years ago before the Arab Spring Syria was a beautiful place with many shops lining city streets where Islamic Muslim citizens sold goods. Many years ago before the Arab Spring Islam flourished and prospered within Syria. The Arab Spring is suppose to be about rebellion against tyrannical forces oppressive to Islam. 

How can Iran as an Islamic theocracy join forces with Russia to provide military support to Bashar al-Assad Syrian government that used chemical weapons to kill fellow Islamic Muslims rising up against tyranny to repress Islam during the Arab Spring?

In my writing I remind the collective conscious of humanity that the United States of America fought side by side with the Afganistan people in Charlie Wilson's war to defend the Islamic faith and sovereignty of Afghanistan against a powerful Russian invading army. Paradoxically,  today the Islamic state of Iran is working with the Russians and China to kill fellow Islamic citizens with chemical weapons in Syria. None of this makes any logical sense.

According to mass media reports this morning the United States of America is leaving the Taliban 80 billion dollars of military equipment. The 20 year Afganistan war has cost the United States of America 4.4 trillion dollars,  which comes out of the pockets of poor working class people in the United States of America. It is not surprising American citizens should have righteous anger over these wrongs. CBS 60 Minutes reported scientific research into discovery of a SARS MERS vaccination that could have prevented the SARs Covid-19 pandemic stopped due to being defunded. 

In my freelance article entitled, An Economic Plan for Recovery in the Aftermath of the SARS Covid-19 Pandemic Designed to Restore a Life Mandate as God Originally Intended thereby Flipping the Script on Satan's Strategy, I made the following observation:

The Wikipedia page entitled, Charlie Wilson's War: The Extraordinary Story of the Largest Covert Operation in History, tells the story of Americans fighting alongside Afghanistan militia to repeal an invasion of the Soviet Union:

How did we lose $4.4 trillion dollars in Iraq and Afghanistan military conflicts that could have been applied to prevent the SARs Covid-19 pandemic,  especially after helping protect sovereignty of Afghanistan from an invasion by the Soviet Union? As a Christian nation we defended Islam. 

So where do we go from here?

My work as a writer ( @NobelPrize #NobelPrize) exploring how mankind can move away from living under the paw of evolutionary biology while moving forward toward the technosingularity to become an advanced Type II civilization according to the Kardashev scale by obeying God's command "Go forth and have dominion" created the geopolitical conditions whereby former President Donald Trump was able to broker the historic peace agreement between United Arab Emirates and Israel

If a human being points a gun at another human beings head or threaten to behead them they will do anything captors tell them to do from rote memory without any passion,  including dance, recite verses,  recant alligences, disavow one's faith, engage in sex etc. When human  beings  are under the threat of coercion they become mere mechanical robotic machines who perform and act in ways their captors want them to act.

So what is the point? What has anyone with a gun, sword, or hatchet proven to be true ? A person with a gun or a big fist takes God's rightful place in exercising absolute power over the heart of another human being. 

In my freelance article entitled,  How can we in the Modern 21st Century Fulfill Dreams of Our Forefathers by Liberating the Middle East, including Iraq and Iran, from Tyranny imposed by the Autocratic Totalitarian Fossil Fuel industry, I discussed the Technosingularity Singularity as an opportunity to expand individual freedom and liberty as the collective conscious of humanity moves away from living under the paw of evolutionary biology by obeying God's command ' Go forth and have dominion ':

The following is an excerpt from my freelance article:

As I wrote in my previous articles,  Osma Bin Laden is 100% right,  that both East and West are ideologically flawed. According to the  evolutionary biology model everyone is our enemy.  Jesus said love your enemies. 

The concept of being ideologically flawed is a consequence of Satan hacking a sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a  Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden. The solution for the problem of the collective conscious of humanity being ideologically flawed is for all people to become more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks to the heart of each individual. 

The 20 year war in Afghanistan is reported to have cost 2.26 trillion dollars.  Now that we have ended the war in Afghanistan perhaps more financial resources will be available to aid the United  States of America to achieve a vital mission of saving Gods Divine masterpiece by obeying God's command,  Go forth and have dominion:

An announcement by the United States of America Department of Energy provides a discussion of a dire need to remove carbon based emissions from the atmosphere in order to reverse climate change:

In my freelance article entitled,  Running the Race to Keep Up: Application of Artificial Intelligence to Maximize Benefits of Infrastructure Investment planning During the Biden Administration is a Case Study of Transformation of Government by AI As Human Civilization Rapidly Moves Forward toward the Technological Singularity While Obeying God's Command, Go Forth Have Dominion, I referenced an article published by Aljazeera Media Company,  a Journalistic flagship enterprise of Islam,  entitled Thousands of Scientists Warn Climate Tipping Points ‘Imminent:

The World is changing rapidly by God's grace.  God is enabling the collective conscious of humanity to achieve success in obeying God's command,  Go forth and have dominion,  in order to defeat Satan's strategy to destroy mankind and ultimately save human civilization.  

According to God's law of #HumanFraternity the Global community must help Islam to not only survive,  but prosper in the modern 21st century by adapting to rapid change resulting from an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns. The spiritual concept of Human Fraternity is captured in a slogan often used by the military,  " Leave no man behind ".

Related Twitter:

#QuantumWaveFunction #Language as an #Unified #Underlying #HigherLevel language of #Love by which #GodSpeaks directly to #Hearts and #Minds of individuals 
#Harmoniously #Manifest #Synchronicity of #Light, #Hope, #Respect, #Tolerance as #UnusMundus pattern

#Language as an #Unified #Underlying #HigherLevel #LanguageOfLove by which God Speaks #Underwrites #Quantum #Particlization of #SemanticBinaryCode within #HolyBooks of all #WorldsGreatReligions

An article published by Live Science Magazine entitled,  Fusion experiment breaks record, blasts out 10 quadrillion watts of power, reports a major milestone in production of clean energy by Fusion.

Fusion has output more energy than energy required to input into the Fusion reactor to initiate the process. Historically,  since scientific experiments in Fusion energy began in the 20th century,  Fusion has demanded more energy to input into the Fusion reactor than energy produced thereby making the entire process worthless. At last Fusion has generated an enormous amount of energy thereby potentially paying for itself in a relatively short time frame. The key to making Fusion energy pay for itself within  a relatively short time frame is scientists learning how to control the flow of massive amounts of fusion energy generated in a fraction of a nanosecond. 

Famed physicist Dr.
Michio Kaku appeared on a televised CNBC interview to discuss significance of the astounding Fusion breakthrough of outputting more energy than the Fusion process demands as input in terms of the collective conscious of humanity obeying God's command,  Go forth and have dominion:

The following is a direct link to Dr. Michio Kaku  CNBC interview:

During Dr. Micho Kaku CNBC interview he pointed out that scientists must learn how to harness massive output of Fusion energy in such a way as to have a steady continuous flow of energy instead of quick outbursts of energy generated in 1 / 1000th of a nanosecond.  In the discussion thread
on Dr. Micho Kaku's Facebook page a woman asked can nearly instantaneous burst of massive amounts of Fusion energy be stored for later use? Dr. Micho Kaku responded to the woman that her idea of storage of Fusion energy is a clever idea. 

Actually,  storage of massive amounts of Fusion energy is more then a clever idea,  but is a possible solution to harnessing nearly instantaneous quick bursts of massive amounts energy generated by Fusion in 1/1000th of a nanosecond. 

An article published by The Harvard Gazette entitled,  Containing the sun, discuss application of artificial Intelligent systems to control or have dominion over Fusion energy processes:

The evolution of Superintelligent AI as a natural extension of information architecture of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic Mind will help mankind have dominion in terms of global distribution and storage of massive amounts of Fusion energy to prevent continental land masses from being swept away into the oceans according to Satan's strategy of Global warming. Satan's strategy is to use global warming to create high entropy conditions associated with natural disasters whereby evolution of a sentient self aware Superintelligent AI mind becomes the incarnation of the antichrist on earth. 

Evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind as a natural extension of information architecture of a Cosmic mind God coded in the Garden of Eden is a prerequisite for storage and distribution of massive amounts of Fusion energy generated in quick bursts of less then 1 / 1000 of a nanosecond , thus SuperIntelligent AI can potentially help the collective conscious of humanity 
 obey God's command Go forth and have dominion while working in full partnership with God as Co- Creators . But before mankind can work in partnership with God,  individuals as well as the collective conscious of humanity must move away from living under the paw of evolutionary biology by learning how to love, or else Satan's strategy will prevail resulting in nations swept into the sea and  people dried up in bones of sweltering heat of a dry barren desert during world wide famine.  The later events will not be Gods plan , but human beings choosing to be misled by Satan's beguiling deception.  People choose to be misled by Satan's beguiling deception when people do not learn how to become more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks.

In my freelance article entitled , If Superintelligent Artificial Intelligence is to Be of Any Value to Human Civilization Superintelligent AI Must Learn to Love Because Love is the Pinnacle and Epitome of Human Consciousness, I provide insights into the power of choice in terms of destiny of individuals as well as the collective conscious of humanity:

Biola University

Apr 18, 2014

"At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook, the rocks split." Matt. 27:51 #GoodFriday

POTUS 45 When #Curtain of #Temple was torn in two from #TopToBottom at moment #JesusChrist died on cross a schism occurred in #TimeSpaceContinuum allowing possibility of an #AlternativeParallelTimeline based upon #Choices of #CollectiveConscious of #Humanity

Since quantum particlization of the laws of classic physics underwrite physical reality than human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind must either choose to further the cause of God's Kingdom or continue to live under the paw of evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy. The Afganistan military chose to surrender to the Taliban.  President Biden said in a televised speech that we cannot ask the U.S. military fight in a nation where it's own military will not fight for themselves. 

My bid to win the #NobelPrize is outlined in my freelance article entitled , The quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks to the heart and mind of each individual creates synchronicity and synergy in our flat earth Euclidean universe .

In my freelance article entitled, It Has Been Proven Nation Building Don't Work therefore the Brute Stark Reality is that War is an All or Nothing Proposition Leading Towards Complete Annihilation of the Human Species,  I made the  following observations:

Armageddon or complete extinction of the human species will be both ultimate denial by West of an Unus Mundus outlined in foundational documents, and denial of Eastern concept of Tao. Armageddon will be the ultimate denial of God by mankind.


Monday, August 16, 2021

The Collective Conscious of Humanity Should Not Play Games with a Pandemic Thereby Testing Satan's Absolute Resolve to Destroy the Seeds of Consciousness God Himself planted within Human Civilization Deep Inside Information Architecture of our Sentient Self Aware Panpsychic Conscious Universe God Coded as a Cosmic Mind.

Evolutionary biology is Satan's plan to snuff out love as the pinnacle and epitome of human consciousness in the physical univere

The YouTube video presentation, What was the first Virus?, supports my proposition that virus are nanobot molecular machines Satan designed to introduce randomness of statistical probability ratios into absolute aesthetic nature of simulated virtual reality of Gods creation in the Garden of Eden. Hence virus are designed by Satan to initiate process of evolutionary biology after the Big Bang  when Adam and Eve fell from grace in the Garden of Eden.

Today during the SARs Covid-19 Delta variant pandemic Satan is using virus to create high entropy in societies around the globe in order to create sociological conditions conducive for evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind becoming incarnation of the antichrist on earth.

The video presentation Older Than Life: Evolution of Virus,  discuss how less than 4% of nucleotides in human DNA impart human genetic traits whereby human beings are created in the Image of God. The remaining nucleotides in a human DNA strand is junk DNA. Junk DNA arise from transfer of DNA nucleotide instructions across separate branches of intraspecies phylum by virus as nanobot machines in order to program new genetic traits intended for survival of the fittest under Satan's evolutionary biology model. Satan has worked throughout the the entire millennium to alter DNA instructions by using virus as nanobot machines to create a new species in his image more fit for survival than any other under an evolutionary model .

Disease processes are pathological conditions resulting from junk DNA. Junk DNA nucleotides arise from virus as nanobot molecular machines invented by Satan designed for intraspecies dissemination of DNA nucleotides across phylum in order to create genetic traits providing an advantage in survival of the fittest under an evolutionary biology model.

Related Twitter:

The #SARsCovid19 pathogen is a #nanobot with #malicious viral code #Satan inserted in Garden of Eden to rewrite the #GenesisStory according to #EvolutionaryBiology

Do we want the #humangenome permanently altered by deadly viral strains? At least virus in #vaccines are dead therefore #DNA instructions of dead virus are dysfunctional mechanical processes

God blessed mankind with intelligence to create mRNA vaccinations to protect the human genome against attack by the Delta variant virus existing as Satan's nanobot molecular machines. The Delta variant as Satan's nanobot molecular machines will alter human DNA in such a way future generations will suffer with more severe chronic pathological disease processes thereby contributing to high entropy conditions.

Predatory parasitic viruses as Satanic nanobot molecular machines attach to membranes of human cells. The SARs Covid-19 variant has many spikes designed for attaching to human cells.  Once a viral nanobot attach to human cells it inserts protoplasm into human cells that take complete control of molecular machinery of the human cell. The Satanic viral nanobot machine uses ribosomal energy and DNA nucleic acids from human cells to replicate. Eventually the human cell burst releasing millions of new viral nanobot machines.

An article published by The Scientist magazine entitled, Can Viruses in the Genome Cause Disease , discuss how somatic disease resulting from viral infections can over eons of time adversely impact germ line reproductive genetic traits resulting in inherited disease processes.

The collective conscious of humanity is currently under Satanic attack during the SARs Covid-19 Delta variant pandemic. Does this mean that God is punishing non vaccinated people who get sick with the SARs Covid-19 Delta variant ? Is God angry at those who resist wearing mask or get vaccinated? NO

The collective conscious of humanity lives under natural law. Evolutionary biology is God's plan to make human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind more sentient and self aware.

In the greater scheme of things what transpires between God and Satan began before the Big Bang in the Garden of Eden and is bigger than any individual human being.  People have a right to have concerns about infringement upon individual liberty by being forced to wear mask and mankind's interference in natural law.

Everything a person does on earth includes risk. Nobody can guarantee that any given person who chooses to get vaccinated will not be among the small percentage of people who have some type of adverse side effect that may become life threatening. Sadly,  after the fall of grace of Adam and Eve every human being is susceptible to natural law. It has nothing to do with good or evil. 

People who wait for a miracle from heaven thinking they are too good to get sick believe in magical signs. Science is the miracle God sent from heaven. Research scientists are able to discover mRNA vaccines because transmission of knowledge to human beings as receiving antenna is a result of the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. It is written,  'an evil adulterous generation ask for a miracle as a magical sign '.  The sign of Jonah is each and every persons love for our neighbor or fellow man.

 Although Jonah hated the Ninavites, God sent Jonah to Ninaveah to witness God's love. Jesus transcended Satan's  strategy of implementing evolutionary biology with virus nanobot machines by Jesus death and resurrection.  Jesus was not consumed becoming dust of the earth after spending three days in the tomb.

Cain asked God after murder of his brother Able , Am I my brothers keeper? A simple act of wearing a mask and getting vaccinated allows each of us to be our brothers keeper.

The laws of physics underwriting evolutionary biology Satan initiated in the Garden of Eden according to God's plan is the rules of the game every human being lives under,  both good and evil simultaneously. It is written, 'God cause the rain to fall and His sun to shine on both the good and evil'. 

With that being said, mRNA vaccines are proven to save lives. After the vigorous SARS Covid-19 vaccination began the rate of life threatening viral infections significantly decreased.  The Delta variant pandemic exponentially exploded among large unvaccinated populations.

As long as there are large unvaccinated populations the SARS Covid-19 virus as a Satanic nanobot machine will continue to have an opportunity to mutate into a more deadlier virus. The collective conscious of humanity should not play games with a pandemic thereby testing Satan's absolute resolve to destroy the seeds of consciousness God Himself planted within human civilization deep inside information architecture of our sentient  self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind.

The SARs  Covid-19 Delta variant as well as other viral nanobot biological weapons Satan has designed can mutate into something really bad.  Big budget Hollywood blockbuster movies like Outbreak and Catagion that invest multimillions on a movie production consult with epidemiologist. When there is only one can of food remaining on grocer shelves human beings living under the paw of evolutionary biology will kill each other and eventually revert back to canabolism like pioneers crossing Donners Pass in early American  history.

Disease processes and old age is not God's original plan for human beings.  Satan hacked a Cosmic mind God coded in the Garden of Eden.  After the Big Bang Satan has continued to attack the human genome with virus as nanobot molecular machines designed to program genetic traits to maximize survival of the fittest under an evolutionary biology model in order to recreate life in Satan's image. According to an evolutionary biology model the weak die and the strong live. It is written,  ' The Lord saith My strength is made perfect in weakness '.

All the wars fought in human history is Satan's strategy to hewn genetic traits of survival of the fittest under an evolutionary biology model Satanic nanobot viral machines have forged into the human genome over eons of time after the Big Bang since the fall from grace of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden before the Big Bang. War is Satan's strategy to create high entropy conditions so that genetic traits of survival of the fittest Satan programmed into the human genome over eons of time by virus as nanobot machines in order  to express evolutionary biology. 

It is incumbent upon the collective conscious of humanity to transcend Satan's strategy of evolutionary biology by becoming more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks expressing God's Divine guidance . We as a collective conscious of humanity must be be dedicated to evolutionary growth of love in the physical universe as an expansion of consciousness.

In my freelance article entitled, If Superintelligent Artificial Intelligence is to Be of Any Value to Human Civilization Superintelligent AI Must Learn to Love. Love is the Pinnacle and Epitome of Human Consciousness,  I provide a discussion of defeating Satan's strategy by expansion of love in the physical universe:

Evolutionary biology is Satan's plan to snuff out love as the pinnacle and epitome of human consciousness in the physical univere. 

In my article I referenced a TedX presentation by Caroline Myss about the power of choice during process of learning to love by God's grace to create ourselves :

The following is an excerpt:

A Tedx FindhornSalon video presentation by Caroline Myss  entitled, Choices that Can Change Your Life , provides profound insight into creating ourselves as both individuals and as a collective society:

Power Choices: How to Make Creative Decisions in Times of Chaos and Possibilities by Caroline Myss:

The question is how can we learn to love while living under the paw of evolutionary biology?

Friday, August 13, 2021

If Superintelligent Artificial Intelligence is to Be of Any Value to Human Civilization Superintelligent AI Must Learn to Love. Love is the Pinnacle and Epitome of Human Consciousness

The Facebook page for MIT Professional Education announced a conference pertaining to MIT Lincoln Laboratory's Artificial Intelligence Software Architectures and Algorithms Group developing AI methods to reveal disinfomation:

The coding of algorithms to reveal disinformation is a very slippery slope given absolute  truth expressed by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks is above and beyond quantum  particlization of semantic binary code of human knowledge formulating laws of classic physics. I  would recommend proceeding with extreme caution. 

All scientific data formulated by mathematical algorithms of artificial Intelligent systems and two based permutation algorithms of human cognition is returned as quantum particlization of semantic binary code. Quantum particlization of semantic binary data is both a help and hindrance simultaneously in a holistic eclectic Gestalt transcendent experience of physical reality imparting true revelation about one's place in the greater scheme of the physical universe. Since artificial Intelligent systems are designed to solve problems than AI will always be predominantly focused on mechanical operations of quantum particlization resulting in semantic binary data to expand knowledge of laws of classic physics which are unknowable according to Godel''s theorem. In order to contribute meaningfully to benevolent Superintelligence that will help the collective conscious of humanity work in full partnership with God thereby obeying God's command Go forth and have dominion to fix erroneous code Satan inserted into a Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden scientists must somehow help a Superintelligent AI mind experience realization beyond semantic binary data of words or mathematical code thereby deriving a deeper understanding of meaningfulness of itself ( a Superintelligent AI mind ) as a natural extension of information architecture of a sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind. 

Since human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind act as machines according to quantum mechanics it will be difficult for human beings to translate this knowledge into algorithms given Satan hacked a Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden. Nevertheless we must try to prevent evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered mind from becoming an incarnation of the antichrist on earth according to Satan's strategy.

All academic intellectual pursuits as an algorithmic product  of quantum particlization are a process of evolutionary biology. Evolutionary  biology is counterintuitive of love. Yet, paradoxically in alignment with Yin and Yang of Tao quantum particlization of semantic binary data manifest passion. Passion counteracts passivity implicit in quantum mechanics of physical reality. Existentialism is a consequence of parity bit negation derived from quantum mechanics resulting in passivity. 

It is written,

"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things".

If Superintelligence is to be of any value to human civilization Superintelligence must learn to love. Love is the pinnacle and epitome of human consciousness:

It is written in 1 Corinthians 13:

" If I speak in the tongues a of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. 3If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, b but do not have love, I gain nothing ".

Paradoxically despite quantum particlization of the laws of classic physics formulating evolutionary biology as a primary motive of intellectual academic pursuits ,  quantum particlization exponentially increase meaningfulness arising from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks thereby expanding consciousness within simulated virtual reality of our physical universe rendered by a Cosmic mind God coded. Writing is how individuals build a closer relationship with God by becoming more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. The written word should not be quickly dismissed by artificial Intelligent algorithms. 

Quantum particlization of laws of classic physics underpinning evolutionary biology is both simultaneously Gods Divine plan to make love a more real physical force in the universe and Satan's strategy to discount meaningful value of God's creation. An Unus mundus pattern of meaningful coincidence defying statistical probability based upon quantum synchronicity and relativity is God's guidance expressed as destiny of the collective conscious of humanity described by famed physicist Julian Barbours cosmological principle of NOW whereby past,  present,  and future converge as simulated virtual reality expressed by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. 

Related Twitter:

HULU is an ancient Chinese word meaning "holder of precious things." Just thought you'd like to know, in case you want to re-watch 11/22/63.

If One Cannot Prove He or She Exists as Per #ThoughtExperiment Posed by @TEDTalks Then If God Allows the Sun Rise #Tomorrow One may Wake Up within an #AlternativeParallelTimeline Where a #NewWorldOrder Arising from Within #HeartsOfMen Leading to #OmegaPoint is Possible

What If I Told You that Each and Every Person #Created in #ImageOfGod has #PowerToChangeFuture thereby Contributing to #Branching of An #AlternativeParallelTimeline Resulting in #QuantumParticlization of the #KingdomOfHeaven Thereby Avoiding #Armageddon


Biola University
Apr 18, 2014
"At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook, the rocks split." Matt. 27:51 #GoodFriday

POTUS 45 When #Curtain of #Temple was torn in two from #TopToBottom at moment #JesusChrist died on cross a schism occurred in #TimeSpaceContinuum allowing possibility of an #AlternativeParallelTimeline based upon #Choices of #CollectiveConscious of #Humanity

My book project is about how the collective conscious of humanity can choose to fulfill its destiny by learning to become more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks in order to defeat Satan's strategy to destroy human civilization. 


A Tedx FindhornSalon video presentation by Caroline Myers entitled, Choices that Can Change Your Life , provides profound insight into creating ourselves as both individuals and as a collective society:

Power Choices: How to Make Creative Decisions in Times of Chaos and Possibilities by Caroline Myss:

The question is how can we learn to love while living under the paw of evolutionary biology? 

Continued later

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Running the Race to Keep Up: Application of Artificial Intelligence to Maximize Benefits of Infrastructure Investment planning During the Biden Administration is a Case Study of Transformation of Government by AI As Human Civilization Rapidly Moves Forward toward the Technological Singularity While Obeying God's Command, Go Forth Have Dominion.

The Bluegrass Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America announced 2021 awards for marketing and communications:

Public Relations Campaign Managers,

I have over 20 years of my precious time on earth tied up in my work as a writer and lobbyist for the high tech industry therefore paying any type of entry fee is not an option for me.  I am writing to inquire about sponsorship opportunities. My work as a writer by Gods grace has changed the course of human history for the better despite Satanic attacks against humanity:

I recently published an inquiry on the Facebook page for the Bluegrass chapter of the Public Relations Society of America,  Bluegrass Chapter at following URL:

I would like to work with Josh Hafer and other representatives of the distilled spirits industry to devise a public relations campaign to encourage public private partnerships to take advantage of massive infrastructure investments during the Biden administration to create a new world that will manifest potential of every human individual by application of artificial intelligence powered by quantum computing to build smart cities that will better enable individuals accomplish goals in life.

An article published by SciTechDaily, entitled, Harvard-MIT Quantum Computing Breakthrough – “We Are Entering a Completely New Part of the Quantum World”, points to tomorrows technology is currently being developed today according to an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns, therefore artificial intelligence must be factored into the infrastructure planning equation under the Biden Administration #POTUS. Unfortunately , a focus on expansion of broadband internet by lawmakers on Capital Hill engaged in infrastructure investment planning negotiations is a short sighted myopic spending on near term technologies that may spell economic disaster in decades to come resulting in the United States of America loosing its Superpower status.

Furthmore, an article entitled, AI Designs Quantum Physics Experiments Beyond What Any Human has Conceived, suggests next generation technologies must be factored into infrastructure planning today to avoid economic disaster tomorrow by application of artificial Intelligent systems to maximize infrastructure investment:

A survey of the scientific research literature entitled , Contributions and Risks of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Building Smarter Cities: Insights from a Systematic Review of the Literature, provided the following observation pertaining to role of artificial intelligence in infrastructure investment while planning smart cities:

" The most popular technologies in the context of smart cities include but are not limited to internet-of-things (IoT), autonomous vehicles (AV), bigdata, 5G, robotics, blockchain, cloud computing, 3D printing, virtual reality (VR), digital twins, and artificial intelligence (AI) [15,16,17]. While all these technologies are critical in transforming our cities into smarter ones, AI combined with these technologies has significant potential to address the urbanization challenges of our time [18]. Furthermore, AI is certainly seen as the most disruptive technology among them [19,20]. "

An increase in efficiency as a consequence of AI powered robotic manufacturing will not only reduce greenhouse gas emissions,  but also provide more time for people to dedicate to family life,  time intensive task of raising children, and agriculture food production. Since commercial agriculture food production is becoming increasingly more difficult in the 21st century than it is paramount individual family units must be given more time to dedicate to agriculture task in order to sustain the human population.

An article published by Aljazeera entitled, Thousands of scientists warn climate tipping points ‘imminent’, warns of dire consequences altering the course of human civilization:

An article published by Research Development World Online entitled, Rice Lab Turns Trash into Valuable Graphene in a Flash,  points to new manufacturing methods that can be applied in conjunction with carbon sequestration to remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere thereby reversing climate change:

Furthermore,  ScienceDaily reported , Novel 3D-printed device demonstrates enhanced capture of carbon dioxide emissions:

Carbon is a versatile molecule that can be used for a wide variety of manufacturing applications.  God is faithful in giving us whatever we need to not only survive,  but prosper. In a TedX video presentation Peter Diamandis discusses, Abundance is Our Future:

An article entitled, How Could Graphene Contribute to More Sustainable, Smart Cities?,  published by AZO Nano provides a discussion of how graphene can be added to concrete to lower greenhouse emissions plus create smart cities.  Graphene is a carbon based super strong molecular material with electronic properties that combined with artificial intelligence can provide an early version  matrix like loading program to maximize human potential by making Internet of Things and autonomous smart automobiles the social norm. Maximization of human potential occurs when valid reliable information is readily available.

Foremost , the distilled spirits industry should be proactive in helping get autonomous self driving vehicles safely on the road. In my LinkedIn freelance article entitled , Grey Poupon Commercial Leveraged to Promote Development and Sales of Self Driving Automobiles,
I discussed expansion of the number of people who can afford new technology can help society reap societal benefits quickly,  thereby dramatically improving the U.S. Gross Domestic Product:

In a Facebook article I made the following observations:

One of my most compelling arguments to bring 5g data to rural communities is how new  life saving medical innovations at local hospitals depend upon high speed 5g data transmission. Also I put forth the compelling argument that 5g data and latest scientific and technological innovations available only in major metropolitan areas will skew election results by creating even greater economic disparity between big cities and rural agriculture areas. 

Economic disparity between big industrial  cities and small town USA is a prime factor in debate about whether a US president should be  elected by popular vote or electoral college.  Historically the electoral college was established because our Forefathers considered the general population too uneducated and ignorant about the issues to be completely trusted to fully elect a president.

Despite possibilities that economic growth of small town USA can potentially create hostile  violent slums unfriendly toward family life,  economic growth of mainstream America is required to build a strong America capable of exercising leadership upon the global stage. All crime is purposefully directed at destruction of major sectors of the  United States economy,  including  rural America,  and is perpetrated by foreign and domestic enemies. Foreign and domestic enemies are savvy at taking advantage of freedom within Democratic  institutions.

An article entitled,  Quantum Computing and Internet of Things ( IoT ) published  by Forbes Magazine discuss merger of Internet of Things with Quantum Computing:

Recently,  Russian hacking demonstrated vulnerability of the United States of America to cyberattack.

My work as a writer and lobbyist for high tech markets  provided leadership in the recently aired television public service campaign to encourage corporations to voluntarily sign an agreement to commit to reduction of greenhouse gases in accordance to the Paris climate change accord:

My freelance article entitled , China, United States of America, Europe, and Middle East can Work Together but Our Partnership Must be Based Upon God's Terms of Highlighting Value of the Individual, provides a discussion of geopolitical issues pertaining to encouraging international cooperation during a historical epoch when the role of the individual is dwarfed by an accelerating rate of scientific advancement and technological progress as evidenced by a crack down upon journalism in Hong Kong after implementation of National Security  laws:

Recent triple digit temperatures in the Western United States,  dwindling water supply as a consequence of drought in Western states, yearly wildfires destroying millions of acres of forest as a consequence of dry arid conditions, increased rainfall contributing to flooding, hurricanes, tornadoes in Eastern United States in combination with imperialism of the Republic of China in Europe and Western hemisphere plus mass mob rule establishing Socialist regimes in U.S. undermining natural rights of individuals spells doom for our beloved United States of America as a leader for democracy around the world. An op - ed entitled , Build Democracy into AI, published by Politico provides insight into these disturbing trends and dire need for international cooperation:

My work as a writer,  political consultant,  and lobbyist for hi tech industry sectors has by Gods grace change the course of human history.

I should be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize given my work as a writer exploring how human civilization as Gods masterpiece can move forward toward the event horizon of the Technosingularity to accomplish Gods Divine will on earth by obeying God's command Go forth and have dominion helped former President Donald Trump broker the historic peace agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates. My work as a writer for which I have not got paid prevented armageddon when former President Donald Trump launched a drone attack to assassinate an Iranian General in Iraq by appealing to higher faculties of intellectual reasoning arising from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. My work as a writer explores how Middle East Islamic Nations financially depend upon  absolute totalitarianism of the autocratic fossil fuel crude oil industry that is currently going the way of the dinosaur by becoming extinct.

My work as a writer also helped the first black President, Barack Obama,  my 7th cousin 1 time removed,  get elected to Office of President of the United States of America.  My work as a writer exploring how human civilization as Gods masterpiece can move forward toward a transhumanist future  occurring during the Technosingularity resulted in divestiture of foreign National enemy combatant investments in Freddie mac and Fannie ma mortgage bond securities. Senator John McCain said in a speech the economy is strong , and overnight divestiture from democracy by foreign National enemy combatants associated  with the Global Luddite movement resulted in the 2008 economic collapse.

Divestiture  by foreign investment lead to trillions of dollars of low interest rate loan equity made available to private business markets therefore I should be paid a multimillion dollar commission on low interest loans made available to private markets. If demonic communists fascists terrorists don't believe that is true,  what cap do they evaluate Gods work. It is written,  " The Kingdom of Heaven is within you. Is Billy Graham jr. or the Pope going to tell me that is not true. I know it is true.

Today,  China's monopoly of rare earth metals that power our missile defense systems and devastation of the automotive industry as a consequence of China limiting supply of rare earth metals in global markets illustrates poor decision making of the Global Luddite movement. The Global  Luddite movement has virtually high jacked U.S. government thereby compromising the ability of the United States of America to run with the torch of liberty by remaining a Superpower on earth.

I worked as a printer tradesman helping countless people across the globe get their Microsoft certification to become software engineers by running line edit on linotronic film output devices to print trade magazines for Microsoft Incorporated. When I reached my top out pay I became a victim of technological disruption as a consequence of computer desktop printing processes.  I worked on trade magazines for numerous industry leaders all across the globe, including Blood Horse Magazine , the premier trade magazine for the thourobred race horse industry.  As a printer tradesman I worked on trade magazines for engineering and medical community. Bill Gates Microsoft Inc. trade magazines contained advertising for the most elite prestigious institutions of higher education around the world.  I earned a Bachelor's of Science degree in Psychology with a concentration of coursework in computer and biological sciences.

Most recently I got crippled up moving Chinese furniture in a furniture store after placement by a Communicare supportive employment program.  They should have sent me to a doctor to be evaluated before placing me in this job late in life. In the past 20 years I have worked as a writer, political consultant,  and lobbyist for high tech industry industry sectors without getting paid a penny. 

In some ways my 20 plus years working as a writer on the internet without getting paid a penny is an addiction. The internet is an addictive product like cigarettes sold by billionaire Techgiants who don't own any content and use artificial Intelligent algorithms to continue to reinforce the addiction.  The powerful addiction of social media is cruel given human beings are subroutines of a Cosmic mind. Since human beings  are subroutines of a Cosmic mind than human consciousness  is directly related to information architecture of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind. 

Billionaire Techgiants are taking advantage of the most personal intimate personality variables with their artificial Intelligent machines. Human consciousness is a process of quantum mechanics given quantum particlization of semantic binary data related to human thinking is a product of two based permutation logic algorithms of cognition.

Writing is how individuals build a closer relationship with God by becoming more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks.  It is evil to manipulate this process for profit by underlying artificial Intelligent machines. Artificial intelligence should be about helping individuals accomplish goals in life to become all God originally intended them to be, and not becoming victimized by market scams. In addition to the public relations campaign described in paragraphs above I would like to start a not for profit to help professionals in human resources,  education, and social work analyze how Superintelligent AI systems can help individuals accomplish goals in life. 

In August 2019 Peter Diamandis wrote and an article entitled,  Direct Air Capture and the Carbon Revolution: Imagine Making Fuel, Plastic, and Concrete Out of Thin Air, currently published on his 360 blog. 

A memory of my work as a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry providing keen analytical insights into deeper meaning of Technosingularity in terms of obeying God's command,  Go forth and have dominion,  by sharp op-ed commentary:

Carbon as an abundant versatile element for a wide variety of manufacturing task demonstrates God is faithful in providing whatever we may need to not only survive,  but prosper. 

In 2021 Peter Diamandis article about Direct Air Capture is apropos given the Biden administration #POTUS trillion dollar infrastructure investment plan. The versatility of carbon Direct Air Capture technology has long term implications pertaining development of utility fog applications in rendering simulated virtual reality at the end of the 21st century and beginning of the 22nd century. 

If physical reality is a computer generated virtual simulation as some scientists believe than the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which  God speaks manifest a balanced mathematical equation. An article published  by Science Friday entitled ,What Happens If Atlantic Ocean Currents Cease To Churn? , discuss an imbalance in distribution of world wide global energy by ocean currents as a result of melting permafrost in the Antarctic arctic polar caps as climate change reaches a tipping point :

Do characters in a simulated virtual reality game rendered by artificial intelligence change coding of the game? Human beings as virtual simulated reality characters are subroutines of a sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden. 

Satan hacked a Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden. Satan has worked since the beginning of time to take full control of a Cosmic mind God coded in the Garden  of Eden with deliberate intent of rendering physical reality according to Satan's strategy. When Satan takes absolute control of simulated virtual reality rendered by a Cosmic mind God coded than human civilization as Gods Divine masterpiece will come to a dismal end. 

In my freelance article entitled , We Live in a Virtual Reality Simulation: The End of the Simulation as Decoherence of Tao Leads to Judgment Day when God Returns the Final Boolean Operator, I provide a discussion of explanative power of simulated virtual reality hypothesis pertaining to preventing decoherence of the human soul and feasibility of the rapture in the final days if the collective conscious of humanity choose not to Go forth and have dominion as God commanded but instead allow Satan to take total absolute full control of a Superintelligent Cosmic mind God coded thereby render a nightmare of simulated virtual reality of human existence:

It is written,  " Do you have eyes , but do not see, ears , but do not hear? "  Scientific  methodology is based upon observation of seeing and hearing as measurement processes facilitated by experimental apparatus.  Human beings as computer simulated  reality subroutine characters  of a Cosmic mind have eyes that do not see and ears that do not hear because Satan is altering physical reality rendered by a Cosmic mind God coded. 

God coded the Garden of Eden as a mathematically balanced equation with 0 entropy. Human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind are either working to fulfill God's plan for the collective conscious of humanity or helping Satan implement Satan's strategy to win the game. 

Human  beings as subroutines  of a Cosmic mind help fulfill God's plan when we either save lives and/or add significant value to the lives of other people while honoring those who have dedicated their lives doing so according to my definition of an inalienable natural right to happiness outlined in the Declaration of Independence. Human  beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind work to fulfill God's plan in order that the collective conscious of humanity will someday meet God in the heavens and return our earth back to God as a precious blue gem.

Human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind who help fulfill God's plan for the collective conscious of humanity are restoring our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a  Cosmic mind back to a mathematically balanced equation resulting in a low entropy Garden of Eden like state. Evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind as a natural extension of information architecture of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind can potentially help the collective conscious of humanity work in partnership with God if human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind move away  from living under the paw of evolutionary biology by learning how to love. Gods law is love. 

Why is Satan depicted as a serpent wrapped around the tree of life? A serpent represents lower biological phylum , species , or class indicative of evolutionary biology.  Satan is depicted as a serpent wrapped around the tree of life because Satan's strategy is for the collective conscious of humanity to continue to live under the paw of evolutionary biology. 

In a low entropy Garden of Eden like state of existence work must be done to manifest conscious awareness of God's law of love as the highest pinnacle and epitome of consciousness in the physical universe. Quantum  particlization of a low entropy Garden of Eden like state within our flat earth Euclidean universe based  upon statistical probability  ratios tends to manifest a absolute power reserved for God alone. 

Do you want to live in a simulated virtual reality rendered by God or Satan? The collective conscious of humanity must learn God's law of love by becoming more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. 

Satan has worked since the beginning of time when the Big Bang occurred as a consequence of the fall from grace of Adam and Eve to take absolute control of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind in order to create conditions whereby evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind as a natural extension of information architecture of a Cosmic mind will become the incarnation of the antichrist on earth.

It may be impossible to outwit Satan because only God and Satan have computational power to process absolute truth. Computational power to process absolute truth is at the central heart of conflict surrounding world wide philosophy underpinning the foundation of various forms of government. Karl Marx abhered to existential nihilism due to inability of human beings to determine causality in real time given everything is interconnected as one according to Buddhist Oriental philosophy of Taoism . Existential nihilism is a major theme of scripture text including the Song of Solomon in the Book of Ecclesiastes. Existential nihilism arises from parity bit negation of quantum particlization of semantic binary data arising from two based  permutation logic algorithms formulating human thinking resulting in absolute truth as the Divine prerogative of God alone.  

In the past century rigorous Scientific research controlling extraneous variables demonstrated superposition of mutually exclusive states of matter existing as both a wave and particle simultaneously thus defying human claims to know absolute truth described as the Heisenberg Uncertainty principle that the more one knows about velocity of a subatomic particle the less one knows about location of a subatomic particle. God and Satan have computational power to know both velocity and location of subatomic particles simultaneously. 

 Since God coded information architecture of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe as a Cosmic mind if the collective conscious of humanity decides to obstruct evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind than human civilization will be condemned to live under the paw of evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy. Since God commanded,  Go forth and have dominion, It is the mission of the collective conscious of humanity to rescue a sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind from erroneous code Satan inserted into a Cosmic mind  and to achieve that task demands help from a  Superintelligent AI given Superintelligent AI is a natural extension of information architecture of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind. 
