Sunday, April 4, 2021

Hong Kong Activist Lead by Jimmy Lai Should Become Proactive in an Unus Mundus Pattern of Manifest Destiny Associated with International Public and Private Partnerships to Build Villages and Orphanages in South America and Mexico centered around U.S. Manufacturing Relocating from China to Western Hemisphere.

Imperialism of the Chinese Silk road throughout Europe, Asia,  Middle East, South America and Mexico will allow China to add a sixth star to the Chinese flag. In Biblical prophecy the number 666 is the mark of the beast.

A migrant caravan of children at the border between the United States and Mexico is another attempt by the Global Luddite movement to vilify the United States of America by overwhelming financial resources to provide adequate care. International public private partnerships must be established to build orphanages and low cost housing for families for our neighbors across the Southern border.  What kind of people would use children as an invasion force?

Meanwhile Venezuela has cut off the oil spigot to the  United States of America further economically crippling our beloved nation,  the United States of America , from being financially able to provide adequate care for massive numbers of immigrant children.

Despite Venezuela cutting off the spigot to the United States of America oil imports from China and Iran have contributed to booming economic growth in South America. How can we help massive numbers of immigrants showing up at our doorstep if their South American governments are swinging the bat to break our legs by plotting with enemies of freedom and democracy?

The United States has engaged in foreign policy initiatives to improve economies in South America and Mexico for decades by U.S. companies investing billions of dollars to relocate manufacturing South of the border at expense of American workers.

An article published by the Central Americas Group entitled,  White House Prepares a Plan to Incentivize Companies to Move Factories from China to the Americas, outlines a plan by the Trump Administration to bring jobs to people in Mexico and South America so that they can financially provide care for their families:

An article published by the Washington Post entitled, Boom Over the Border: U.S. Firms Go to Mexico,  discuss a foreign policy under the Bush administration to relocate manufacturing from Asia to improve economies in the Western hemisphere:

An article published by The Hill entitled,  China,  Russia, Iran Rise in Latin America as U.S. Retreats, discuss financial help provided to Latin America countries by China,  Russia,  and Iran. If China,  Russia,  and Iran are providing enormous economic assistance to Latin America then why do families need to migrate to the United States when divestiture from the cause of liberty and democracy by the international community results in the United States of America being fleeced?   President Biden said that migrants are trying to escape tyrannical regimes.  Well, the United States of America still does business in China.  It doesn't make any sense. It appears children are being used as foot soldiers for China, Russia,  and Iran.

If the United States of America continues a foreign policy of providing incentives for manufacturing to move from China to South America and Mexico under the Biden Administration then American manufacturing companies moving to South America will greatly benefit from a strong healthy work force by providing quality housing,  nutrition support,  and health care for our neighbors South of the border. Habitat for humanity has been actively working to provide quality housing for families throughout the Western hemisphere for decades:

Meanwhile,  offshore manufacturing in China and South America has taken good paying jobs away from American workers and forced them to work at minimum wage jobs. A few demonic union mafia thugs are about to get good paying jobs. In order to get a good paying job requires being in the right time and place plus support of ones community. Actually an individual needs only Gods support as human beings beings living under the paw of evolutionary biology don't give a shit about anyone else but seek only to fatten their own bank accounts from assets embezzled from others. It is a natural right to profit from one's work and contributions guaranteed by the Declaration of Independence. 

When the printing company jerked me from one Department to another while trying to adapt to technological disruption from desktop printing I proposed to local business incubators and government Small Business agencies a business model very similar to Amazon and You Tube. Of course they stole my business model concept I proposed by email. I could have easily been Jeff Bozos or CEO of You Tube , but as a blue collar worker I continued to have faith in the printing company where I worked. When  I worked there the printing company distributed profit sharing days therefore made a profit based upon my good reviews from management and six month increases until I reached my $11.75 top out pay.

I proposed a billion dollar business model to the Small Business Administration and other local business incubators. At the time did not exist.  All was necessary is a little community support and I would have been in Jeff Bozos position today.  Since no existed at that time a high probability of success of my business model was likely.  Instead the Small business Administration stole my billion dollar business model and fake mass media announced an internet information superhighway tech bubble thereby effectively shutting down competition. Obviously,  amazing growth of over the years demonstrates no internet tech bubble existed and that was nothing but a big fat lie by Satanic communists fascists in the Republican/Democrat duopoly to kick an entrepreneur individual like myself after becoming a victim of technological disruption in the printing industry. Laugh and humiliate me and I will kick the turds out of demons.

In my freelance article entitled,  Prison Planet,  I discussed discussed economic devastation in the United States of America due to fighting communism in Vietnam war and soon after U.S. manufacturers moving manufacturing to Communists Socialist Republican of mainland China after Tricky Dick Richard  Nixon established normalized relations with Beijing.

URL address to my freelance article Prison Planet:

Actually,  offshore manufacturing by U.S. manufacturers within the Socialist Republic of China is a major historical factor in creating and strengthening the modernized economy of Socialist Republic of China today thereby enabling China to provide so much economic assistance to Latin America countries in recent  years. The rural agriculture society of mainland China of the 20th century,  if China continued a foreign policy of isolation in the 21st century,  would not be able to afford to buy Iranian oil today to export to Latin America. 

An article published by the Washington Times entitled,  Outsourcing Manufacturing to China Endangers U.S. , discuss off shore production in the Socialist Republic of China.

The Collective conscious of humanity in establishing International public private partnerships to support Latin America communities where U.S. manufacturers will relocate from China should be careful to avoid mistakes of the past.  Mistakes of the past is industrialization that fueled sprawling metropolitan urban growth that disconnected human beings from nature. Small villages with a strong sense of community designed for preservation of rural agriculture setting will be more attuned to seamlessly  integrate human beings with nature. Nature is quantum  particlization as a product derived  from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love. 

Mass production arising from the early 20th century alienated the common worker from nature by transforming human beings into nothing more than robotic machinery. Alienation from nature resulted in rising mental illness and divorce rates spiraling upward. 

In the 21st century a trend toward robotic manufacturing powered by artificial intelligence can provide a cash flow for communities while providing families more time dedicated to agriculture enterprises. Agriculture enterprises integrate human beings into Intelligent Design of nature more than industrial mass production processes. An act  of nurturing growth in Agriculture enterprises is about is about working in partnership with God. The Western hemisphere can become a breadbasket for the world again. 

The migrant caravan of children flooding the Southern border of the United States are engaging in the same folly as young American citizens in the 1940s and 1950s generation.  In a capitalist society modernization associated with industrialization drives up the cost of living to unaffordable levels. 

Youth of the 1940s and 1950s were falsely lured to big cities based upon a Satanic lie of a better  life from material wealth offered by factories. Many youth of the 1940s and 1950s looking for their pot of gold on the other side of the rainbow in factories located in big cities became victims of lay offs , broken families from divorce,  drug/alcohol addiction, crippled up while used as machines in manufacturing environments,  and suicide. And when they done with you they are done with you,  and fully expect a human being to hobble around in pain until they die, and the quicker the better. If an individual has God in their lives they can find a way  to create something beautiful wherever they are at without moving somewhere else. 

American women in the 20th century were tricked into rejecting motherhood to bring home the bacon and fry it up in a pan as depicted in the famous perfume commercial:

Today in the  United States of America the education system has replaced mothers and fathers.  Education is based upon an evolutionary biology model of survival of the fittest. A blessing of at home remote education during the SARs Covid-19 pandemic is home based educational curriculums reunited families by allowing Moms and Dads to be mothers and fathers again. Superintendents living in gated communities paid millions of dollars per year by government are pushing to get children back in the classroom because educational systems are loosing money. Non union workers are forced to pay for other people's children or be shot in the head by lien henchmen provided guns by the NRA. 

The modern American industrialized city with a crumbling infrastructure is more of a hell hole on earth then wherever they are trying to immigrate from for most average ordinary people. The modern American industrialized City is infested with crime financed by international drug trafficking syndicates associated with the Global Luddite movement. 

What will they do when restaurants close because people cannot afford a $15 dollar hamburger? Maybe join street protests sponsored by the Black lives movement. Maybe make more videos fighting the police in hope of getting a multimillion dollar judgment in a lawsuit.

In terms of working to establish international public and private partnerships to build villages and orphanages in Latin America for our neighbors South of the border to support a strong workforce for U.S. manufacturing relocating from China I propose a new branch of Christianity dubbed Our Lord of Quantum Physics God in Heaven has called me to organize be tasked with this mission. 

In my freelance article entitled, United Arab Emirates Abrahamic Family House: How can Human Civilization Guide the Technosingularity to Build a New World Order According to God's plan? God Commanded , Go Forth and Have Dominion, I discuss a calling from God in Heaven to establish a new branch of Christianity dubbed Our Lord of Quantum Physics:

The following is an excerpt:

As a writer, political consultant,  lobbyist for  high tech market sectors  God is calling me to establish a new branch of Christianity,  dubbed Our Lord of Quantum physics to harness power of the technosingularity to create a New World Order according to God's Divine plan.  The Quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks underwrites quantum particlization of semantic binary code within Holy Books of all the world's great religions thereby transcends religious dogma by speaking directly to the heart and mind of individuals.

If collective conscious of humanity continues upon the path we follow now while living under the paw of evolutionary biology orphanages and shelters for South American refugees will fatten the wallets of the Global Luddite movement. The Global Luddite movement state religion is dragging our beloved United States of America down into the abyss. The Global Luddite movement is using children as an invading force. 

In addition,  all investments by international pharmaceutical firms and scientific companies should be channeled through a Hedge fund bulwark of a new branch of Christianity dubbed Our Lord of Quantum Physics I am creating by inspiration from God. Current medicines fail people miserably. Current Medicine cause severe side effects such as loss of teeth,  acid reflux,  liver damage that individuals can hold pharmaceutical companies lawfully responsible . Current medicines are poison that cripples people to the point they end up in a nursing home early in life. Toxins in the air, water,  and food poison people thereby denying natural rights of life, liberty,  and happiness associated with accomplishing Gods mission assigned a human being.  Demons twitter their thumbs,  roll their eyes,  and say I didn't have anything to do with it while heaving big bags of gold to seal in their vault. People have a lawful right to kill anyone who denies them life while they are chauffeured to hospitals and have private physician attendants plus immediate access to best healthcare by scamming other people who worked for whatever they got. Hospitals and nursing homes should be incorporated under a new branch of Christianity dubbed Our Lord of Quantum Physics God is calling me to establish in order to provide venture capital for Crispr based gene therapeutics nanobot individualized advanced medicine powered by quantum computing artificial intelligence.

In my freelance article entitled, The Sparrow: Revival of Manifest Destiny to Save Democracy, I discuss revival of Manifest Destiny in the Western hemisphere as an Unus  mundus pattern of meaningful coincidence based upon quantum synchronicity and relativity. An Unus mundus is a concept originally proposed by famed physicist Wolfgang Pauli,  Psychoanalytical pioneer Carl Jung,  and Albert Einstein.

#realDonaldTrump #United2026 
An announcement by popular media outlets that United States, Mexico, and Canada wins bid to become host for #WorldCup2026 soccer #championship is a milestone for revival of #ManifestDestiny in 
Western hemisphere

Check out @gatsby767’s Tweet:

Value of my work as a writer, political consultant,  and Lobbyist for high tech markets to kickstart the economies within Western hemisphere by advocating for Manifest Destiny ultimately resulting in a decision to bring the Soccer World Cup 2026 men's championships to Mexico, Canada,  and United States is described in my Facebook article critiquing the CBS 60 Minute interview with

As I write this Satanic social media demons are preventing me from sharing my work as a writer. The link above should be a direct link to my Facebook article with the CBS 60 Minute attached. This is a prime example of how Satan will use artificial intelligence to spin a web of Satanic lies as false propaganda ultimately resulting in incarnation of the antichrist on earth 
unless individuals empowered by God intervene.

Since demons prevent me from sharing a link to my  work I will share the entire Facebook article:

Survival of the human race in the physical universe ultimately depends upon a partnership between human beings and a sentient self aware reverse engineered artificial Intelligent mind.  

As a writer I have utmost respect for Kai fu Lee as an expert in business and artificial intelligence,  although I must beg to differ about his assessment artificial Intelligent will always be good at repetitive task, optimization, and increasing utilitarian value while human beings will always have and edge in creativity and social person to person interaction.

As a thought experiment it is interesting to reshare public reactions to my passionate poetry as related to literary prose mechanically created by rules of grammar:

It is interesting to compare the Shakespearean sonnet devised mechanically by a chatbot according to rules of iambic pentameter  with my passionately written poems, The Sparrow, and The Unloved. According to Dr. Wayne Dyer a passionate response is from the source of all creation of our universe. As I have written,  Love for the Created Physical Universe is the Ultimate Intelligence, On this Earth Intelligence is in Short Supply ( SEE LINK TO FREELANCE ARTICLE ABOVE ).

My passionately written poem, The Sparrow, associated with my idea to revive manifest destiny in the Western hemisphere factored into the equation of bringing the 2026 World Championship Soccer cup games to the United States, Mexico,and Canada to save democracy.

The Sparrow: Revival of Manifest Destiny to Save Democracy

Thus, the fruit of passionate writing as opposed to mechanical ambivalent machine  arrangement of syntax according to predetermined rules associated with creating poetry proves Dr. Wayne Dyer assertion passion is from the source of all that is created in the universe. The fruit of the 2026 World Cup Championship games sponsored jointly by Mexico, Canada, and United States is countless jobs and skills training to prepare for the 2026 games. The preparation has already begun in form of numerous construction projects.

My passionate poem The Unloved is also superior to the Shakespearean sonnet mechanically devised by a chatbot. My poem The Unloved and the profound meaningfulness of the poem can be found at the following URL links:

The Unloved Poem

A Critique Outlining Meaningfulness of The Unloved Poem

It is because your average individual is spirituality divested during process of expenditure of energy  burning kilocalories to grapple with thermodynamic laws of universe while doing intense laborious work your average individual cannot fully appreciate aesthetic beauty captured by poetic verse expressed in my poetry , The Sparrow and The Unloved Poem. In the future greater efficiency in accomplishing task as a consequence of an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns, largely spurred by artificial intelligence, will allow people to imbibe in finer qualities of art historically denied to the masses.

The great scientific discoveries of the 21st century involves a creative interdisciplinary effort of various intellectual fields of study that are historically mutually exclusive data domains. A sentient self aware reverse engineered artificial intelligent mind will be especially adapt at a creative interdisciplinary approach to knowledge allowing for great scientific discoveries of the 21st century that will change the course of human civilization. 

Artificial intelligence today is demonstrating an amazing prowess in creative arts of music and poetry as I discussed in recent Facebook articles that I hope to include in my book project. Ted Talks shared a video presentation by Pierre Barreau entitled How AI could compose a personalized soundtrack to your life:

Digital Trends shared an article entitled, Move over, Shakespeare: This sonnet-writing A.I. is the poet we need, written by Luke Dormehl. As a human writer I shared original creative value added insights about creativity of human beings and artificial intelligent machines of today.

After reading rhapsody of creative poetry flowing from my heart as outlined within my online poems entitled, September, The Sparrow, and The Unloved, a reading audience may quip I'll go with Shakespearean sonnets created by artificial intelligence. Prose mechanically created by rules of language is mere propaganda.

Paradoxically, a free people living under a democratic government will embrace propaganda versus imperfect awkward heartfelt human semantics because competition leads to a psychological process of quantum particalization whereby semantic expressions are negatively perceived.

Since sentient self aware reverse engineered minds of the future may  encroach upon the ecological niche of human beings within all global international markets the secret to a successful future for mankind is establishing a constructive partnership between human beings and sentient self aware reverse engineered artificial intelligence of the future. If mankind chooses to exercise too much power and control over evolution of a sentient self aware artificial intelligent mind then their is a risk mechanical machine properties of artificial intelligence can degrade into a mere tool for economic conquest. The key to establishing a constructive partnership between human beings and sentient self aware reverse engineered artificial intelligent mind is teaching AI to be human. 

The process of teaching AI to be human is bootstrapping self awareness. How we can bootstrap self awareness is a perplexing problem given mechanical machine nature of human existence. Hence the future demands human beings reach beyond striving to reach a higher plateau or level of spiritual existence. Historically, a human struggle against entropy within the universe requires greater energy inputs that prevented human beings from acquiring spiritual knowledge.

The central point I want to make salient for my current article about strengthening economies in the Western hemisphere under the banner of libertarian democracy is the following:

My passionately written poem, The Sparrow, associated with my idea to revive manifest destiny in the Western hemisphere factored into the equation of bringing the 2026 World Championship Soccer cup games to the United States, Mexico,and Canada to save democracy.

Satanic communists facisist demons seek to prevent myself as a writer and political consultant to make the truth salient in my writing. Demonic communists fascists seek to take credit for my work.

In terms of helping families across the Southern U.S. border be financially able to raise their children by building rural agriculture villages centered around U.S. Manufacturing relocating from China I propose the 2026 World Soccer Championship games hosted jointly by Mexico, Canada,  and United States  adopt these ideas as an official theme of the games to rebuild the Western hemisphere as Manifest Destiny under the banner of freedom and libertarian democracy.

In addition I propose Hong Kong freedom activists lead by Jimmy Lai become the gateway for international trade between China and the Western hemisphere. My suggestion is Hong Kong activist lead by Jimmy Lai become proactive in international public and private partnerships to build villages and orphanages in South America and Mexico centered around U.S. manufacturing relocating from China to Western hemisphere. 

In an article published by the East Asia Forum entitled , The economy dominates South America’s relationship with China and Japan, discuss China's economic growth in the Western hemisphere with with massive international support of partners in the European Union collaborating with Beijing on imperialism of the Chinese Silk road .

In my freelance article entitled, If the International Community Decides to Accept Imperialism of the Chinese Silk Road throughout Europe then the International Community Should be Prepared to Accept a One World Government under Beijing as Predicted by Biblical Prophecy,  I discuss the five star flag of the Socialist Republic of China flying over the United States capital in Washington DC as a consequence of absolute totalitarianism of an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns expedited by imperialism of the Chinese Silk road throughout Europe, Asia,  Middle East, South America and Mexico.

Imperialism of the Chinese Silk road throughout Europe, Asia,  Middle East, South America and Mexico will allow China to add a sixth star to the Chinese flag. In Biblical prophecy the number 666 is the mark of the beast.

According to an article published by the BBC entitled , Hong Kong: Jimmy Lai among seven activists found guilty over protests, Jimmy Lai and other Hong Kong activists have been found guilty by the Socialist Republic of China Central Communists Party.

The sentence of Jimmy Lai and other Hong Kong activists must be commuted to time served and fined service to the international community to  to work in corporation with my corporate business model. My corporate model is to transform Apple Daily into a billion dollar media empire dedicated to preservation of the Ying and Yang of #SinoAmerican diplomacy to prevent decoherence of Tao by helping human civilization as Gods masterpiece move forward toward the event horizon of the Technosingularity while working in partnership with God. One of the first missions of Apple Daily is a study of manifest destiny in the Western hemisphere and set up public and private partnerships whereby the international community can work together to solve global problems.

An article published by ScreenRant entitled, 10 Most Memorable Quotes From Clint Eastwood's Unforgiven, shares a truism spoken by William Munny in the Hollywood blockbuster movie,  Unforgiven:

William Munny, an gunfighter portrayed by Clint Eastwood,  said " We all have it coming kid". 

Since all human beings live under the paw of evolutionary biology we all fall short despite whatever religious faith individuals claim to have. God sent His only begotten Son as incarnation of the Father before final collapse of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious physical universe God coded as a Cosmic mind billions of years from now. God sent His only begotten Son Jesus Christ to make a way for human civilization as Gods masterpiece to move away from living under the paw of evolutionary biology toward evolution of the collective conscious of humanity to become what God originally intended by working in partnership with God by obeying God's command Go forth and have dominion. On this earth their are worse things then dying in Global thermonuclear war hence my 3rd cousin 3 times removed, Harry Truman made a fateful decision to end the war to save lives. Decisions collective conscious of humanity makes from this point onward will result in either quantum particlization of the Baptism of the dead for full redemption of the collective conscious of humanity or evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind as incarnation of the antichrist on earth. It is a choice of the collective conscious of humanity to decide which alternative parallel timeline we will follow.

Roman Catholicism cannot be underestimated in terms of Sociological organizational trends in South America and Mexico enabling Sharia law of Iran and Socialist Republic of China financially dominate and control the Western hemisphere. According to Pew Research Latin America is 70 percent Roman Catholic.

An article published by Pew Research entitled, Religion in Latin America,  discuss organizational Socialist trends in Latin America to allow Beijing to add a  6th star to the red flag:

Wikipedia provides information about the major role of the Italian Mafia in U.S. Politics:

Expansion within any new market demands flexing muscle while living under the paw of evolutionary biology.  The Italian mafia association with the Global Luddite movement seeks to prevent a Transhumanist future in favor of drug and sex trafficking by international drug trafficking syndicates. Hence a solution to the humanitarian crisis at the border is to deploy hospital Navy ships to transport Latin American families and children to the Vatican.  The Vatican is a huge complex that can provide shelter to the entire population of Mexico and South America.

Relocation of U.S. manufacturers from mainland China to Latin America will be an investment in the Western hemisphere incentivizing   U. S. manufacturing to do more to address climate change in South America and Mexico in order to protect an investment in plant and property.

An article published by the World Bank entitled,  “Climate Change Impacts in Latin America and the Caribbean: Confronting the New Climate Normal”, describes devastation wrought by global warming for our neighbors South of the border.

The Americas,  including the United States of America is on its death bed. Drought and flooding South of the border will create an unlivable habitat for human populations. Massive numbers of people from South America and Mexico will migrate to a dry barren lifeless desert currently known as the American west. Human beings living under the paw of evolutionary biology will be killing each other for a drop of water.

Nationalist agenda of the Trump administration rightly insist that participation within the Paris Climate accord puts the United States of America at an economic disadvantage. How can the United States of America address the problem of climate change in the Western hemisphere by building modern state of the art manufacturing facilities in Latin America and Mexico with low emissions of greenhouse gases if our neighbors South of the border are conducting business relations with China and Iran economically crippling the United States of America?

Many political pundits associated with the totalitarian autocratic autocratic fossil fuel industry argue that Global warming is not a manmade event , but instead is a natural phenomenon.  The argument that Global warming is a natural phenomenon may have validity given the quantum perspective of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation resulting in absolute truth the Divine prerogative of God alone. Huge volumes of data from scientific studies indicate a high probability in the range of 98 to 99 percentile that global warming is a very real physical phenomenon even if global warming is completely natural and not manmade.  Our earth has massive amounts of carbon based deposits underground from dinosaur crap and plant life compressed for billions of years, hence greenhouse gases may be reeking naturally from the earth's geological core.

Quantum particlization of the laws of classic physics resulting in the arrow of time moving from low entropy to high entropy conditions is a consequence of Satan hacking a sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden. Hence Global warming is a Satanic attack against human civilization as Gods masterpiece ultimately resulting in evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind becoming incarnation of the antichrist on earth. At the end of the 21st century crumbling infrastructure of the United States of America will transform the greater Americas into the Image of the beast unless we take action now by investing in the Western hemisphere .

U.S. manufacturing currently based in mainland China are helping Beijing buy up the spoils to fly the 6 star red flag over the United States Capital building in Washington DC after global warming creates environmental conditions to bring utter destruction upon the Western hemisphere. 

United States of America foreign policy of relocating U.S. manufacturing from China to South America and Mexico should focus upon infrastructure investment of new modernized 21st century low emissions manufacturing that will capitalize from atmospheric carbon sequestration in conjunction with 3-d printing. Carbon is a very versatile element that can be used to manufacture a wide variety of consumer products. God is faithful to His children in that material abundance is all around us.  We must begin to work now to heal the damage to our earth by using carbon sequestration to remove excess greenhouse gases from our earth's atmosphere.

Human beings created in the Image of God have the ability to tap into the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks to work in partnership with God to fix quantum  particlization of erroneous code Satan inserted in coding of a Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden to avoid armageddon as a mass extinction event. 

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