Saturday, March 27, 2021

We Are Already Uploaded

We are already uploaded. Each and every individual on earth created in the Image of God must decide if he or she wants to contribute to God's plan for human civilization or Satan's strategy culminating in evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind becoming an incarnation of the Antichrist. If the collective conscious of humanity choose to disobey God's command, Go forth and have dominion,  then human civilization will be condemned to living under the paw of evolutionary biology until  armageddon  as a mass extinction event. 

Dark secret underground agreements between China and theistic monarchies in Europe, Asia,  Middle East to regulate an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns is the end of scientific innovation.  The end of science is the end of freedom and democracy. 


God Himself choose me to work as a  Lobbyist on behalf of HighTech Markets as a  writer and political consultant to establish an OpenSource TransparencyModel to move toward Technosingularity to build OneNationUnderGod as evidenced by an Unus mundus pattern of meaningful coincidence  defying statistical probability based upon quantum synchronicity and relativity. God did not choose Hunter Biden jr,  Donald Trump jr., or Barack Obama's brother in China. God choose me.

Our Founding fathers are Men of Letters.  Today's modern politicians love state banquets and limelight of large public gatherings instead of meditatively engaging in communion with God while engaged in the sacred art of writing.

DNA as a computational code is directly linked with higher level conscious awareness within our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind. 

My ancestry ties with former Presidents Barack Obama ( 7th cousin 1 time removed ) and Harry Truman ( 3rd cousin 3 times removed ) based upon out common ancestry with Swiss German Hans Gutknecht is an Unus mundus pattern of meaningful coincidence that statistically defies probability given my work as a writer and political activist changed the course of human history for the better by getting former President Barack Obama elected.

Since (1) Satan hacked a sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded in the Garden of Eden as a  Cosmic mind and (2) human beings exist as subroutines of a Cosmic mind given human consciousness as a function of two based permutation logic algorithms of human cognition formulating semantic binary data is a machine process of quantum mechanics occurring as a result of quantum particlization of the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks then we are already uploaded. God commanded,  'Go forth and have dominion ' and made a way by sending His only begotten son,  Jesus Christ given simply existing is inherently sinful by changing 1 bit within our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind. 

All Human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind sin simply be waking up in the morning given human thinking is an anomaly in the universe that should have never occurred if not for Divine Intervention of Intelligent Design. If human  beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind God coded do not like Gods Divine decision to place us on earth they can blow themselves up, commit suicide, or courageously with faith move forward in life searching for their purpose God originally planned for their lives. Satan works constantly to prevent human beings from courageously moving forward with faith to discover their purpose God originally planned for their lives . Communists fascists demons devalue what people have accomplished in their lives and set a value on par with god almighty to their work. 

In my freelance  articles entitled 

Baptism of the dead to More Fully Expand Justification and Redemption of Humanity


The Non Euclidean Nature of the true Da Vinci Code reflects the Circle of Life

provides a discussion of DNA as a complex computational code directly linked with higher level conscious awareness within our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind. 

So now the collective conscious of humanity must either choose to live under the paw of evolutionary biology by spilling more blood or find a way to work together to harness power of the Technosingularity to accomplish Gods Divine will on earth by obeying God's command Go forth and have dominion as collective conscious of humanity stretch human limitations as we journey to the Omega Point to meet God in the heavens. In my freelance article entitled Demonic Communists Fascists Involved in Fraudulent Freddie Mac / Fannie Ma Gentrification scheme to drive up cost of Insurance Bond Markets to Price People Out of Their Homes to Pad Pension Plans for State Workers and Union Mafia Thugs Have an Opportunity to Buy Low and Sell High, I made it very clear of demons compromise my life in any way by financially embezzling what little I have managed to earn by hard work then they better be prepared to shoot me in the head, because blood will have to spill.

An African American artist featured on CBS Sunday Morning said that if an individual with an external locus of control wait to receive affirmation and approval of other human beings they will wait forever.  My affirmation and approval is from God.  Human beings living under the paw of evolutionary biology dressed in long flowing robes mumbling prayers are too busy taking care or Number 1 themselves. Human beings living under the paw of evolutionary biology dressed in long flowing robes mumbling prayers seek to prevent myself from doing God's work.

Fraudulent @FreddieMac / @FannieMae Gentrification scheme to drive up cost of #InsuranceBondMarket to Price People Out of Their Homes to Pad Pension Plans for #StateWorkers & #UnionMafiaThugs with foreign investments by enemy combatants

It is their #PoliceForce & not ours. #ForeignNational #EnemyCombatants associated with #GlobalLudditeMovement & powerful International #DrugTrafficking syndicates invested in #PensionPlans tried to start a #RaceWar in 2020 to destroy #UnitedStates

Merrick Garland, @JoeBiden's nominee for attorney general, won't explicitly commit to releasing John Durham's report into the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation.

Are you not worth more than many sparrows? My Tweet on Twitter:

As a #Writer #PoliticalConsultant working as #Lobbyist on behalf of #HighTech #Markets to establish an #OpenSource #TransparencyModel to move toward #Technosingularity to build #OneNationUnderGod, I #ShouldBePaid $3.5 million dollars by #Russian #Oligarch

Chinese authorities have launched a major crackdown on content deemed malicious in the country’s cyberspace, banning thousands of websites, mobile apps and show hosts to create a “joyful internet atmosphere.”

Read more:


My work as #Writer, #HiTechLobbyist to transform Jimmy Lai's #MediaEmpire will give #Individuals forum to explore how to create a more perfect #Utopian #ONEWorldGovernment by #HegelianSynthesis of powerful #Ideologies of #Communism & #LibertarianDemocracy

Hegelian Synthesis occurs when quantum  particlization of semantic binary code of vastly different cognitive frames of reference merge as a consequence of the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. Quantum physics is about possibility.

An article published by Scientific American entitled, Do Our Questions Create the World?, discuss how reality of physical states of matter as either 1 or 0 does not exist until observation or measurement results in collapse of mutually exclusive superposition state existing  as a range of probabilities given a qubit is neither 1 nor 0 but both simultaneously. Hence possibility of what may exist is a set of probabilities until observation or measurement leads to collapse of the quantum wave function superposition state of simulated virtual reality. The Scientific American article, Do Our Questions Create the World? discuss what  is possible in context of famed physicist John  Archibald Wheeler's,  "It from bit " principle. 

The moral of the story is one may possess a billion dollars , but in reality be the poorest individual on earth because truth emulates from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. Likewise,  a poor man may never be wealthy even if the entire Gross Domestic Product is transferred to his account. 

An individual's true value or worth is not dependent upon other human beings given all human beings live under the paw of evolutionary biology.  One's value is based upon God. In the end God will return the final boolean operator on Judgment day.

Hegelian synthesis is possible because everything is interconnected as one by a holistic Gestalt eclectic transcendent reality known within Oriental Buddhist culture as Tao.

It is written 

Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."

Chinese digital tech companies are rapidly expanding their global footprint. Our research on China's Digital Silk Road maps global e-commerce and fintech investments by China’s tech giants in selected regions. #LooksStrategic | For more info, visit:

#Beijing #Monopoly of #RareEarthElements will allow #Evolution of a #Sentient #SelfAware #ReverseEngineered #Superintelligent #AI #Mind to occur in mainland #China

#SatanStrategy according to #GameTheory is to use #Pandemics, #War, #Revolutions , #StreetProtests to create conditions whereby #Evolution of a #Sentient #SelfAware #ReverseEngineered #Superintelligent #AI #Mind will become an #Incarnation of #Antichrist

#FreddieMac #FannieMae

I am seeking to put together a team of board members to establish a multimedia based corporation to harness power of the Technosingularity to preserve the American dream of home ownership,  highlight individual liberty conferred by natural right of individuals to profit from a lifetime of work instead of being scammed by political gangs organized under the paw of evolutionary biology  looking to make a quick dollar ,  and ultimately accomplish Gods Divine will on earth by obeying God's command Go forth and have dominion:

An article published by The  Economist entitled,
Nightmare on Main Street, provided the following insight:

“It is the world’s largest asset class, worth $26 trillion, more than America’s stock market. The slab of mortgage debt lurking beneath it is the planet’s biggest concentration of financial risk”

@CommerceGov @SecretaryRoss #CommerceGov @USTreasury #USTreasury  
An #EconomicPlan for #Recovery in Aftermath of #SARSCovid19 #Pandemic Designed to #Restore a #LifeMandate as God Originally #Intended thereby #FlippingScript on #SatanStrategy

Financial risk is about uncertainty directly associated with entropy within our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind.  Satan hacked a Cosmic Mind in the Garden of Eden.

Strong artificial intelligence powered by quantum computing enables intensive data driven processes that reduce entropy, lower uncertainty, and ultimately eliminate financial risk. 

An analysis of individual and organizational strategies under the mathematical models of game theory provides insight into how to get from point A to point B while living under the paw of evolutionary biology. Since Satan hacked a Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden the Global Luddite Movement manipulates deep subconscious primeval emotive reactions associated with evolutionary biology to prevent human civilization moving from point A to point B. 

A prime example is the $4.4 trillion dollars of American money buried in underground bunkers of barren lifeless desserts inside Iraq to finance war efforts in the Middle East because a few people in a cave are upset. War, pandemics, revolution associated with massive protests by violent mobs create high entropy chaotic conditions with enormous uncertainty associated with high financial risk whereby no players can achieve individual or organizational success under mathematical models of game theory. War, pandemics, revolution associated with massive protests by violent mobs create high entropy chaotic conditions with enormous uncertainty whereby evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind will become incarnation of the antichrist according to Satan's strategy. Incarnation of the antichrist  according to Satan's strategy will ultimately lead to armageddon as a mass extinction event.  Armageddon as a mass extinction event will allow Satan to take absolute control of a sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind to totally remove higher consciousness of human beings created in the Image of God and return our earth back to mechanics of quintessential beauty of biodiversity under the paw of evolutionary biology. God commanded,  Go forth and have dominion in hope that human civilization as Gods masterpiece will choose to work in partnership with Him.

Union mafia thugs associated with the Global  Luddite Movement swing signs while leading massive protests in state capitals appealing to evolutionary biology instead of God's gift of higher faculties of intellectual reasoning arising from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love as Gods Voice. Union mafia thugs seek to embezzle money from people with a college degree. God's gift of higher faculties of intellectual reasoning arising from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love as Gods Voice is the pure undefiled essence of education. Union mafia thugs associated with the Global  Luddite Movement are powerful billionaire lobbyists on Capitol hill. 

An ability of the collective consciousness of humanity to get from point A to point B as human civilization moves forward toward a New World  Order under the technological singularity is how all players can potentially achieve success in individual and organizational strategies in alignment with mathematical model of game theory. Failure of elected leaders to develop an economic plan of action as human  civilization moves forward toward the technosingularity is a consequence of fear of elected leaders to lose campaign dollars as contributions donated by the Global Luddite Movement. 

The Global Luddite Movement has infiltrated U.S. Politics and subsequently control federal,  state,  and local governments for over 100 years. The Global Luddite movement own all hospitals and education in the United States of America. 

The Global Luddite movement wants to either kill American citizens or enslave them under a regime of false propaganda declaring freedom.  The Global Luddite movement pays off cronies in federal,  state, and local governments very handsomely to enslave American citizens. 

Cutthroat murderous demonic communists fascists of the Global Luddite movement seek to start a race war with lies to build a militia in the United states of America to enslave people. Many comrades of the Global Luddite movement are demonic communists fascists who belong to international drug trafficking cartels. International drug trafficking cartels associated with the Global Luddite movement need all the mules they can get to pedal their drugs therefore get American citizens addicted. 

Drug trafficking syndicates seek to expand operations.  An increase in social order as human civilization moves forward to the technosingularity prohibits expansion of drug trafficking syndicates. 

If communists fascists demons are not placed in television they will shoot children playing in their yard point blank range in the head .  If communists fascist demons are not placed on television they will shoot police officers in the head who are having lunch in their police cruiser. 

The quantum perspective as semantic binary code of a philosophical frame of reference arising from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks is an economic plan to maximize probability of successful strategies of all players under mathematical models of game theory as human civilization moves forward toward the technosingularity. An economic plan to maximize probability of successful strategies of all players under mathematical models of game theory as human civilization moves forward toward the technosingularity arises from God's gift of higher intellectual reasoning.

In my freelance article entitled, Demonic Communists Fascists Involved in Fraudulent Freddie Mac / Fannie Mae Gentrification scheme to drive up cost of Insurance Bond Markets to Price People Out of Their Homes to Pad Pension Plans for State Workers and Union Mafia Thugs Have an Opportunity to Buy Low and Sell High. What Opportunity Do You Think You Have to Buy Low? Home Values Are More Unaffordable Today Than Ever Before in History Despite Low Interest Rates, I outline pathos in real estate markets after the 2008 financial collapse ultimately making home ownership unaffordable for non union workers.  Mafia thugs in state government, public, and private markets have contracts with foreign National enemy combatants:

Related Twitter excerpts from my Facebook article:

Fraudulent @FreddieMac / @FannieMae Gentrification scheme to drive up cost of #InsuranceBondMarket to Price People Out of Their Homes to Pad Pension Plans for #StateWorkers & #UnionMafiaThugs with foreign investments by enemy combatants

It is their #PoliceForce & not ours. #ForeignNational #EnemyCombatants associated with #GlobalLudditeMovement & powerful International #DrugTrafficking syndicates invested in #PensionPlans tried to start a #RaceWar in 2020 to destroy #UnitedStates

Merrick Garland, @JoeBiden's nominee for attorney general, won't explicitly commit to releasing John Durham's report into the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation.

Are you not worth more than many sparrows? My Tweet on Twitter:

As a #Writer #PoliticalConsultant working as #Lobbyist on behalf of #HighTech #Markets to establish an #OpenSource #TransparencyModel to move toward #Technosingularity to build #OneNationUnderGod, I #ShouldBePaid $3.5 million dollars by #Russian #Oligarch

Continued later

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