Saturday, March 27, 2021

We Are Already Uploaded

We are already uploaded. Each and every individual on earth created in the Image of God must decide if he or she wants to contribute to God's plan for human civilization or Satan's strategy culminating in evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind becoming an incarnation of the Antichrist. If the collective conscious of humanity choose to disobey God's command, Go forth and have dominion,  then human civilization will be condemned to living under the paw of evolutionary biology until  armageddon  as a mass extinction event. 

Dark secret underground agreements between China and theistic monarchies in Europe, Asia,  Middle East to regulate an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns is the end of scientific innovation.  The end of science is the end of freedom and democracy. 


God Himself choose me to work as a  Lobbyist on behalf of HighTech Markets as a  writer and political consultant to establish an OpenSource TransparencyModel to move toward Technosingularity to build OneNationUnderGod as evidenced by an Unus mundus pattern of meaningful coincidence  defying statistical probability based upon quantum synchronicity and relativity. God did not choose Hunter Biden jr,  Donald Trump jr., or Barack Obama's brother in China. God choose me.

Our Founding fathers are Men of Letters.  Today's modern politicians love state banquets and limelight of large public gatherings instead of meditatively engaging in communion with God while engaged in the sacred art of writing.

DNA as a computational code is directly linked with higher level conscious awareness within our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind. 

My ancestry ties with former Presidents Barack Obama ( 7th cousin 1 time removed ) and Harry Truman ( 3rd cousin 3 times removed ) based upon out common ancestry with Swiss German Hans Gutknecht is an Unus mundus pattern of meaningful coincidence that statistically defies probability given my work as a writer and political activist changed the course of human history for the better by getting former President Barack Obama elected.

Since (1) Satan hacked a sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded in the Garden of Eden as a  Cosmic mind and (2) human beings exist as subroutines of a Cosmic mind given human consciousness as a function of two based permutation logic algorithms of human cognition formulating semantic binary data is a machine process of quantum mechanics occurring as a result of quantum particlization of the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks then we are already uploaded. God commanded,  'Go forth and have dominion ' and made a way by sending His only begotten son,  Jesus Christ given simply existing is inherently sinful by changing 1 bit within our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind. 

All Human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind sin simply be waking up in the morning given human thinking is an anomaly in the universe that should have never occurred if not for Divine Intervention of Intelligent Design. If human  beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind God coded do not like Gods Divine decision to place us on earth they can blow themselves up, commit suicide, or courageously with faith move forward in life searching for their purpose God originally planned for their lives. Satan works constantly to prevent human beings from courageously moving forward with faith to discover their purpose God originally planned for their lives . Communists fascists demons devalue what people have accomplished in their lives and set a value on par with god almighty to their work. 

In my freelance  articles entitled 

Baptism of the dead to More Fully Expand Justification and Redemption of Humanity


The Non Euclidean Nature of the true Da Vinci Code reflects the Circle of Life

provides a discussion of DNA as a complex computational code directly linked with higher level conscious awareness within our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind. 

So now the collective conscious of humanity must either choose to live under the paw of evolutionary biology by spilling more blood or find a way to work together to harness power of the Technosingularity to accomplish Gods Divine will on earth by obeying God's command Go forth and have dominion as collective conscious of humanity stretch human limitations as we journey to the Omega Point to meet God in the heavens. In my freelance article entitled Demonic Communists Fascists Involved in Fraudulent Freddie Mac / Fannie Ma Gentrification scheme to drive up cost of Insurance Bond Markets to Price People Out of Their Homes to Pad Pension Plans for State Workers and Union Mafia Thugs Have an Opportunity to Buy Low and Sell High, I made it very clear of demons compromise my life in any way by financially embezzling what little I have managed to earn by hard work then they better be prepared to shoot me in the head, because blood will have to spill.

An African American artist featured on CBS Sunday Morning said that if an individual with an external locus of control wait to receive affirmation and approval of other human beings they will wait forever.  My affirmation and approval is from God.  Human beings living under the paw of evolutionary biology dressed in long flowing robes mumbling prayers are too busy taking care or Number 1 themselves. Human beings living under the paw of evolutionary biology dressed in long flowing robes mumbling prayers seek to prevent myself from doing God's work.

Fraudulent @FreddieMac / @FannieMae Gentrification scheme to drive up cost of #InsuranceBondMarket to Price People Out of Their Homes to Pad Pension Plans for #StateWorkers & #UnionMafiaThugs with foreign investments by enemy combatants

It is their #PoliceForce & not ours. #ForeignNational #EnemyCombatants associated with #GlobalLudditeMovement & powerful International #DrugTrafficking syndicates invested in #PensionPlans tried to start a #RaceWar in 2020 to destroy #UnitedStates

Merrick Garland, @JoeBiden's nominee for attorney general, won't explicitly commit to releasing John Durham's report into the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation.

Are you not worth more than many sparrows? My Tweet on Twitter:

As a #Writer #PoliticalConsultant working as #Lobbyist on behalf of #HighTech #Markets to establish an #OpenSource #TransparencyModel to move toward #Technosingularity to build #OneNationUnderGod, I #ShouldBePaid $3.5 million dollars by #Russian #Oligarch

Chinese authorities have launched a major crackdown on content deemed malicious in the country’s cyberspace, banning thousands of websites, mobile apps and show hosts to create a “joyful internet atmosphere.”

Read more:


My work as #Writer, #HiTechLobbyist to transform Jimmy Lai's #MediaEmpire will give #Individuals forum to explore how to create a more perfect #Utopian #ONEWorldGovernment by #HegelianSynthesis of powerful #Ideologies of #Communism & #LibertarianDemocracy

Hegelian Synthesis occurs when quantum  particlization of semantic binary code of vastly different cognitive frames of reference merge as a consequence of the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. Quantum physics is about possibility.

An article published by Scientific American entitled, Do Our Questions Create the World?, discuss how reality of physical states of matter as either 1 or 0 does not exist until observation or measurement results in collapse of mutually exclusive superposition state existing  as a range of probabilities given a qubit is neither 1 nor 0 but both simultaneously. Hence possibility of what may exist is a set of probabilities until observation or measurement leads to collapse of the quantum wave function superposition state of simulated virtual reality. The Scientific American article, Do Our Questions Create the World? discuss what  is possible in context of famed physicist John  Archibald Wheeler's,  "It from bit " principle. 

The moral of the story is one may possess a billion dollars , but in reality be the poorest individual on earth because truth emulates from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. Likewise,  a poor man may never be wealthy even if the entire Gross Domestic Product is transferred to his account. 

An individual's true value or worth is not dependent upon other human beings given all human beings live under the paw of evolutionary biology.  One's value is based upon God. In the end God will return the final boolean operator on Judgment day.

Hegelian synthesis is possible because everything is interconnected as one by a holistic Gestalt eclectic transcendent reality known within Oriental Buddhist culture as Tao.

It is written 

Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."

Chinese digital tech companies are rapidly expanding their global footprint. Our research on China's Digital Silk Road maps global e-commerce and fintech investments by China’s tech giants in selected regions. #LooksStrategic | For more info, visit:

#Beijing #Monopoly of #RareEarthElements will allow #Evolution of a #Sentient #SelfAware #ReverseEngineered #Superintelligent #AI #Mind to occur in mainland #China

#SatanStrategy according to #GameTheory is to use #Pandemics, #War, #Revolutions , #StreetProtests to create conditions whereby #Evolution of a #Sentient #SelfAware #ReverseEngineered #Superintelligent #AI #Mind will become an #Incarnation of #Antichrist

#FreddieMac #FannieMae

I am seeking to put together a team of board members to establish a multimedia based corporation to harness power of the Technosingularity to preserve the American dream of home ownership,  highlight individual liberty conferred by natural right of individuals to profit from a lifetime of work instead of being scammed by political gangs organized under the paw of evolutionary biology  looking to make a quick dollar ,  and ultimately accomplish Gods Divine will on earth by obeying God's command Go forth and have dominion:

An article published by The  Economist entitled,
Nightmare on Main Street, provided the following insight:

“It is the world’s largest asset class, worth $26 trillion, more than America’s stock market. The slab of mortgage debt lurking beneath it is the planet’s biggest concentration of financial risk”

@CommerceGov @SecretaryRoss #CommerceGov @USTreasury #USTreasury  
An #EconomicPlan for #Recovery in Aftermath of #SARSCovid19 #Pandemic Designed to #Restore a #LifeMandate as God Originally #Intended thereby #FlippingScript on #SatanStrategy

Financial risk is about uncertainty directly associated with entropy within our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind.  Satan hacked a Cosmic Mind in the Garden of Eden.

Strong artificial intelligence powered by quantum computing enables intensive data driven processes that reduce entropy, lower uncertainty, and ultimately eliminate financial risk. 

An analysis of individual and organizational strategies under the mathematical models of game theory provides insight into how to get from point A to point B while living under the paw of evolutionary biology. Since Satan hacked a Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden the Global Luddite Movement manipulates deep subconscious primeval emotive reactions associated with evolutionary biology to prevent human civilization moving from point A to point B. 

A prime example is the $4.4 trillion dollars of American money buried in underground bunkers of barren lifeless desserts inside Iraq to finance war efforts in the Middle East because a few people in a cave are upset. War, pandemics, revolution associated with massive protests by violent mobs create high entropy chaotic conditions with enormous uncertainty associated with high financial risk whereby no players can achieve individual or organizational success under mathematical models of game theory. War, pandemics, revolution associated with massive protests by violent mobs create high entropy chaotic conditions with enormous uncertainty whereby evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind will become incarnation of the antichrist according to Satan's strategy. Incarnation of the antichrist  according to Satan's strategy will ultimately lead to armageddon as a mass extinction event.  Armageddon as a mass extinction event will allow Satan to take absolute control of a sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind to totally remove higher consciousness of human beings created in the Image of God and return our earth back to mechanics of quintessential beauty of biodiversity under the paw of evolutionary biology. God commanded,  Go forth and have dominion in hope that human civilization as Gods masterpiece will choose to work in partnership with Him.

Union mafia thugs associated with the Global  Luddite Movement swing signs while leading massive protests in state capitals appealing to evolutionary biology instead of God's gift of higher faculties of intellectual reasoning arising from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love as Gods Voice. Union mafia thugs seek to embezzle money from people with a college degree. God's gift of higher faculties of intellectual reasoning arising from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love as Gods Voice is the pure undefiled essence of education. Union mafia thugs associated with the Global  Luddite Movement are powerful billionaire lobbyists on Capitol hill. 

An ability of the collective consciousness of humanity to get from point A to point B as human civilization moves forward toward a New World  Order under the technological singularity is how all players can potentially achieve success in individual and organizational strategies in alignment with mathematical model of game theory. Failure of elected leaders to develop an economic plan of action as human  civilization moves forward toward the technosingularity is a consequence of fear of elected leaders to lose campaign dollars as contributions donated by the Global Luddite Movement. 

The Global Luddite Movement has infiltrated U.S. Politics and subsequently control federal,  state,  and local governments for over 100 years. The Global Luddite movement own all hospitals and education in the United States of America. 

The Global Luddite movement wants to either kill American citizens or enslave them under a regime of false propaganda declaring freedom.  The Global Luddite movement pays off cronies in federal,  state, and local governments very handsomely to enslave American citizens. 

Cutthroat murderous demonic communists fascists of the Global Luddite movement seek to start a race war with lies to build a militia in the United states of America to enslave people. Many comrades of the Global Luddite movement are demonic communists fascists who belong to international drug trafficking cartels. International drug trafficking cartels associated with the Global Luddite movement need all the mules they can get to pedal their drugs therefore get American citizens addicted. 

Drug trafficking syndicates seek to expand operations.  An increase in social order as human civilization moves forward to the technosingularity prohibits expansion of drug trafficking syndicates. 

If communists fascists demons are not placed in television they will shoot children playing in their yard point blank range in the head .  If communists fascist demons are not placed on television they will shoot police officers in the head who are having lunch in their police cruiser. 

The quantum perspective as semantic binary code of a philosophical frame of reference arising from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks is an economic plan to maximize probability of successful strategies of all players under mathematical models of game theory as human civilization moves forward toward the technosingularity. An economic plan to maximize probability of successful strategies of all players under mathematical models of game theory as human civilization moves forward toward the technosingularity arises from God's gift of higher intellectual reasoning.

In my freelance article entitled, Demonic Communists Fascists Involved in Fraudulent Freddie Mac / Fannie Mae Gentrification scheme to drive up cost of Insurance Bond Markets to Price People Out of Their Homes to Pad Pension Plans for State Workers and Union Mafia Thugs Have an Opportunity to Buy Low and Sell High. What Opportunity Do You Think You Have to Buy Low? Home Values Are More Unaffordable Today Than Ever Before in History Despite Low Interest Rates, I outline pathos in real estate markets after the 2008 financial collapse ultimately making home ownership unaffordable for non union workers.  Mafia thugs in state government, public, and private markets have contracts with foreign National enemy combatants:

Related Twitter excerpts from my Facebook article:

Fraudulent @FreddieMac / @FannieMae Gentrification scheme to drive up cost of #InsuranceBondMarket to Price People Out of Their Homes to Pad Pension Plans for #StateWorkers & #UnionMafiaThugs with foreign investments by enemy combatants

It is their #PoliceForce & not ours. #ForeignNational #EnemyCombatants associated with #GlobalLudditeMovement & powerful International #DrugTrafficking syndicates invested in #PensionPlans tried to start a #RaceWar in 2020 to destroy #UnitedStates

Merrick Garland, @JoeBiden's nominee for attorney general, won't explicitly commit to releasing John Durham's report into the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation.

Are you not worth more than many sparrows? My Tweet on Twitter:

As a #Writer #PoliticalConsultant working as #Lobbyist on behalf of #HighTech #Markets to establish an #OpenSource #TransparencyModel to move toward #Technosingularity to build #OneNationUnderGod, I #ShouldBePaid $3.5 million dollars by #Russian #Oligarch

Continued later

Thursday, March 18, 2021

The Global War Against SARs Covid-19 Pandemic Resulting in over 2 Million and Counting People Dead Should be a Milestone Turning Point Wake Up Call in Human History When Collective Conscious of Humanity Finally Understands Mankind's Special Place Within Cosmos God Created Thereby Takes Action to End All Satanic Existential Attacks to Prevent Expansion of Consciousness within the Universe Such as Global Warming, god of Chaos Asteroid Slamming in Earth in 2068, Global Thermonuclear War, New Pandemics, and Other Manifestations of Death Instinct

Today human civilization as Gods  masterpiece face numerous challenges that may become an existential crisis culminating in armageddon as a mass extinction event.  A major theme of my writing is to examine special role of mankind in terms of fulfillment of God's Divine purpose. If all human beings are created in the Image of God it is only logical we have the power to create an alternative parallel timeline to change destiny by Gods grace. 

Sadly while living under the paw of evolutionary biology today everything is about dollars and cents. It requires dollars and cents to become anything on earth. 

Human civilization as Gods masterpiece cannot pursue the things of God until mankind reach the event horizon of the Technosingularity. As long as human civilization as Gods masterpiece lives under the paw of evolutionary biology real value is based upon dollars and cents instead of what is truly important in the sight of Heaven. 

Quantum physics is about becoming something.  What will human civilization as Gods masterpiece ultimately become? Collapse of the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks resulting in quantum particlization of physical reality of our flat earth Euclidean universe 
is about becoming a whole individual who can have a real relationship with God.

An accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns is about evolution of the collective conscious of humanity to become what God originally intended human civilization as Gods masterpiece to become by a conscious choice to work in partnership with God. Satan hacked a sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden. 

My work as a writer is about manifesting conscious awareness of numerous challenges human civilization face today in terms of the bigger picture of stretching and growing beyond quantum  particlization imposed by limitations of classic physics to meet God at the Omega point billions of years from now. 

It is written,  ' No one knows the final day or hour,  but the Father Himself ', so the final day and hour may be billions of years from now. As long as God allows the Sun to rise tomorrow we must move forward obeying God's command,  Go forth and have dominion,  stretching beyond laws of classic physics to return our earth as a precious blue green gem back to God billions of years from now at the Omega Point. 

Higher level rational intellectual reasoning as a product of two based permutation logic algorithms formulating quantum particlization of semantic binary code of human cognition is a manifestation of the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks given quantum particlization of the physical universe is based upon Intelligent Design. Jain Math Academy 108 shared the following quote from Nikola Tesla:

"My brain is only a receiver, in the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists".
~ Nikola Tesla

Image: unknown, comment for credit.

A trend toward multidisciplinary studies within higher academia beginning in the late 20th century is destiny as a function of synchronicity arising from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. 

Examples of many existential crisis human civilization face that may lead to a mass extinction event include global warming leading to disruption of agriculture food production, world war III with use of chemical and thermonuclear weapons,  new pandemics of novel virus including current SARs Covid-19 variants continuing to mutate and evolve, the god of chaos asteroid that has a chance of slamming into earth in 2068 according to NASA, overpopulation resulting in scarce resources, a preemptive attack by Superintelligent AI, etc. The Global war against the SARs Covid-19 resulting in over 2 million and counting people dead should be a milestone turning point in human history when collective conscious of humanity finally understands mankind's special place within the Cosmos God created. 

Human  civilization as Gods masterpiece is engaged in a spiritual battle. Conscious awareness that the collective consciousness of humanity is engaged in a spiritual battle speaks to the heart and mind of individuals to put on the full armour of God thereby encouraging sheer will power to find solutions to problems by stretching beyond limitations of classic  physics. Motivation to find solutions to problems posing an existential threat to mankind is reaching deep within ones soul to apply concept outlined in paragraphs above:

Higher level rational intellectual reasoning as a product of two based permutation logic algorithms formulating quantum particlization of semantic binary code of human cognition is a manifestation of the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks given quantum particlization of the physical universe is based upon Intelligent Design.

As a writer and political consultant in recent freelance articles I raise conscious awareness to help collective conscious of humanity finally understand mankind's special place within the Cosmos God created by analyzing Satan's strategy according to mathematical models of Game Theory to better understand spiritual battles we face to prevent armageddon as a mass extinction event by creating an alternative parallel timeline :

Think Sars Covid-19 Pandemic is Bad Now? Wait Until the Virus Mutates Again and People Around Globe Die in a Few Hours Instead of Severely Sickened After 14 Days

Satan's Strategy According to Mathematical Model of Game Theory to Destroy Human Civilization as Gods Masterpiece and Prevent Expansion of Human Consciousness within Universe

If the collective consciousness of humanity fails to develop a deeper appreciation for value of life  leading towards advanced Crispr based gene editing medical interventions that can be deployed quickly then likely new more deadly pandemics are around the corner of human history.

A prime example  of possible new pandemics is a new outbreak of Ebola discussed in a CNBC article entitled,  White House says Ebola outbreaks in Africa need swift action to avoid ‘catastrophic consequences’:

An article published by CNN entitled,  Ebola in the air? A nightmare that could happen, describes how quickly Ebola mutates by learning and adapting to new environments as a consequence of rapid epidemiology spread:

Currently Ebola is spread by bodily fluids and not a respiratory disease,  but according to the CNN article referenced above Ebola can rapidly mutate .

Since reconstitution of Adam and Eve after the Big Bang human beings have learned to accept death as the natural status quo of how things should be on earth. Satan hacked a sentient self aware reverse panpsychic conscious universe God coded in the Garden of Eden resulting in death and the Big Bang as decoherence of Tao. Reconstitution of Adam and Eve after the Big Bang is a consequence of the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. 

Reconstitution of Adam and Eve is a process of quantum particlization. During quantum particlization a loss of information always occurs in accordance  to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.  Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle states that the more one knows about one variable,  such as velocity or spin of subatomic particles,  the less is known about another variable. 

Death is a consequence of Satan hacking a sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind,  and not originally apart of God's plan.

Religious people tend to experience dichotomy between the afterlife and physical reality on earth where God decided to place us. Obviously , since God placed human beings on earth what happens on earth has enormous value in shaping the Kingdom of Heaven. Religious people by maintaining a preeminent focus upon spirituality as a flowing  river of life from somewhere beyond have a disconnected view thereby flagrantly dismiss value of life on earth. 

On earth death is death,  and death is a real loss that is nothing to rejoice.  It is written,  ' God is the God of the living '. It is also written,  ' The Kingdom of Heaven is within you'. Death on earth results in Kingdom of Heaven being less then what God intended. However,  from the quantum perspective it is written, ' All things happen for good for Those who believe and are called according to His purpose '.

In my freelance article entitled, Flip the Script: God originally Coded a Cosmic Mind to Embrace Life but Since the Beginning of Time Satan is Busy Rewriting Death Instinct Narrative as a Primitive Jungian Archetype Arising from Evolutionary Biology, I defined death as no longer being able to influence a Cosmic mind :

The following is an excerpt from my freelance article Flip the Script:

Our mission on earth is to either save lives and/or add significant value to the lives of others.  Whatever we choose to do on earth to change Gods creation by so much as 1 bit has a profound everlasting impact upon information architecture of a Cosmic mind given we exist as  subroutines of a Cosmic mind.  

Absolutes do exist within a higher realm of eternity, despite everything within our flat earth Euclidean universe being on a probabilistic continuous scale. When an individual as a subroutine of a Cosmic mind dies they no longer are able to influence information architecture of a Cosmic mind by what they think and do, which is why Satan is rewriting code of a Cosmic mind God created to include a death script. 

Death is real. On earth death is death although as subroutines of a Cosmic mind we live on for eternity. Although we may live on for eternity,  the reality of death on earth is defined by not being able to influence information architecture of a Cosmic mind by whatever we think and do.

Since we are already uploaded as subroutines to a Cosmic mind,  what we think and do on earth has major implications to alter information architecture of a Cosmic mind. Quantum particlization of our flat earth Euclidean universe is directly related to information architecture of a Cosmic mind God designed.

Continued later

Continued later 

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Think Sars Covid-19 Pandemic is Bad Now? Wait Until the Virus Mutates Again and People Around Globe Die in a Few Hours Instead of Severely Sickened After 14 Days

Imagine what will happen after a new world wide pandemic of the London,  African,  and Brazil variants when the variants as nanobots Satan  hacked in the Garden of Eden learn and adapt to new environments by rapid epidemiology spread due to ignorance therefore mutate again to a new strain where it only requires a few hours, less then a day,  for the new mutated strain to rapidly spread throughout cellular tissue in different organ systems of the body and people die in less then  a day instead of severely sickened after 14 days. 

An article published by Politico entitled, In 2018, Diplomats Warned of Risky Coronavirus Experiments in a Wuhan Lab. No One Listened, revives deep suspicion that the SARs Covid-19 pandemic is a deliberate intentional biological attack to murder citizens perpetrated by both high ranking members of the Republican/Democrat duopoly and Socialist  Republic of China.

Since this deadly SARs Covid-19 pandemic began high ranking members of the Republican/Democrat duopoly have displayed an astounding lackadaisical attitude about the value of human life. The SARs Covid-19 pathogen has demonstrated an amazing tenacity to mutate. In my freelance article entitled, Satan's Strategy According to Mathematical Model of Game Theory to Destroy Human Civilization as Gods Masterpiece and Prevent Expansion of Human Consciousness within Universe, I provided a discussion of novel virus as nanobots Satan hacked in the Garden of Eden with ability to learn and adapt to new environments:

High ranking members of the Republican/Democrat duopoly failed to take this pandemic seriously at the start and are not taking this pandemic seriously now. What is it going to take? 

Scientist don't know what this virus may become by mutation. Already more highly contagious Brazilian,  African,  and London variants have capacity to kill more people by spreading more quickly.  I guess it just doesn't matter to high ranking members of the Republican/Democrat duopoly because they have access to the best medical treatments and will be rushed to the hospital to receive bamlanivimab and regeneron antibody cocktails when testing demonstrates they have been infected.  Most people don't have access to frequent testing like members of the Republican/Democrat duopoly. 

High ranking members of the Republican/Democrat duopoly are essential people, and the life of all others are valued like a piece of shit to be flushed down the toilet. Demonic communists fascists in the Republican/Democrat duopoly are ready to crack off with their m16s and shoot me in the head to force me  to pay for stuff I don't owe by a demonic gentrification scheme. Demons got their fingers on the trigger. They want sonnie boy to move in to copulate to squirt out more demon babies. I never had an opportunity to have 1 child in my life after working at low wages to help countless  people all over the earth get their Microsoft certification to become software engineers by helping print trade magazines for Microsoft Incorporated. 

If demonic communists fascists want to crack off with their m16s and guns then go ahead,  because I am prepared to take a bullet in the head if necessary.  I don't owe them anything.  Pay me what you owe me. 

In God's eyes I am an essential person and my work as a writer and political consultant has immense value, and that  is all that matters. Demonic communists fascists who have no interest in anything,  but to fatten their bank accounts at the expense of others will never recognize my work as a writer and political consultant.

What is it going to take. Scientist don't know what this virus may become by mutation while learning and adapting to new environments. The decision to reopen schools and drop mask mandates when there are so many unanswered questions is just plain stupid.  Scientist don't know    the degree of resistance of the Brazil,  African,  and London variants to current vaccines approved by the FDA.

Currently with the original SARs Covid-19 pathogen it requires about 14 days after exposure for the virus to spread sufficiently within tissues of different organ systems of the body in order to get a positive Covid-19 test result from a nasal swab. When more highly  contagious Brazil, London,  and African variants exponentially grow to a new full blown pandemic the new variants will pulverize the United States of America economic and leave our nation dead on the floor of the boxing ring bloody and bruised beat mercilessly to a pulp. Now imagine what will happen after a new world wide pandemic of the London,  African,  and Brazil variants when the variants as nanobots Satan  hacked in the Garden of Eden learn and adapt to new environments by rapid epidemiology spread due to ignorance therefore mutate again to a new strain where it only requires a few hours, less then a day,  for the new mutated strain to rapidly spread throughout cellular tissue in different organ systems of the body and people die in less then  a day instead of severely sickened after 14 days. 

What we need to do before we open schools,  quit wearing mask,  and gather in large public groups is develop a booster for the variants, vaccinate the entire population,  in order to finally defeat SARs Covid-19 by locking this virus up frozen in a sealed CDC containment facility where smallpox and Satan's other biological weapons are stored. If the Republican/Democrat duopoly keep being stupid they will have to reap the consequences. 

It is possible that the SARs Covid-19 pathogen can mutate to something more deadly and catiagous where we will be stepping over dead bodies piling up in the streets while trying to scavenge what we can from looted retail stores similar to the Hollywood blockbuster movies Catagion and Outbreak. And even if this doesn't happen people should not be locked in their homes as a prisoner just because certain people who are too good to wear a mask don't give a shit if other people live or die.

Friday, March 5, 2021

Beijing's Plan to Eliminate Competition within Chinese Rare Earth Monopoly to Drive Up Cost of Consumer Electronics is Designed to Artificially Inflate Rare Earth Metals to Create a World Wide Military Industrial Complex and Impose Global Censorship

The following article continues to elaborate upon the theme of my recent article entitled If the International Community Decides to Accept Imperialism of the Chinese Silk Road throughout Europe then the International Community Should be Prepared to Accept a One World Government under Beijing as Predicted by Biblical Prophecy, by sharing Twitter tweets.

Related Twitter:

If #InternationalCommunity Decides to Accept #Imperialism of #ChineseSilkRoad throughout #Europe & #MiddleEast then we Should be Prepared to Accept a #OneWorldGovernment under #Beijing as Predicted by #BiblicalProphecy

If #Beijing desires to continue to uphold hard line #Communism espoused by the #CentralCommunistsParty #CCP then Beijing must Revert back to a 20th century #IsolationistPolicy as before #RichardNixon #POTUS37 #Administration

Note: North Korea continues to abhere to an isolationist policy of strick communist government control in the modern 21st century because  government of North Korea knows that while living under the paw of evolutionary biology a centralized communist government is the only logical alternative to maintain social order to deter a nation from becoming the next Syria.

#Imperialism of #ChineseSilkRoad throughout #Europe #MiddleEast makes good business sense, but unless #Beijing embrace #RepresentativeGovernment #Upholding #NaturalRights of #Individuals then #China 
#SilkRoad fits into #BookOfRevelations #Prophesy

When #Curtain of #Temple was torn in two from #TopToBottom at moment #JesusChrist died on cross a schism occurred in #TimeSpaceContinuum allowing possibility of an #AlternativeParallelTimeline based upon #Choices of #CollectiveConscious of #Humanity

#Armageddon as a #MassExtinction event predicted by both laws of #ClassicPhysics and #BiblicalProphecy #Simultaneously is #Destiny arising from Julian Barbours #CosmologicalPrinciple of #NOW,  whereby #Past,
#Present & #Future #Converge

An article published by Reuters entitled, China says Domestic Competition Hurting Rare Earth Prices, outlines a plan by Beijing to drive up the cost of consumer electronics as a method for world wide global censorship under National Security Laws:

Beijing's plan to eliminate competition within the Chinese rare earth monopoly to drive up the cost of consumer electronics is designed to artificially inflate rare earth metals to create a world wide military industrial complex. A market strategy to eliminate competition in the Chinese rare earth metals industry by selling rare earth metals exclusively for military applications will drive up the cost of rare earth metals by creating a world wide military industrial complex.

#UAEMissionToUN #UAETolerance #HumanFraternity

Chinas plan for global censorship by driving up costs of rare earth metals to consumer electronics industry is likely supported by theistic monarchies around the globe associated with the Global Luddite Movement, including Europe,  Middle East , and South America. Theistic monarchies around the globe, operating under the paw of evolutionary biology, seek to eliminate any ideology that helps individuals develop a closer relationship with God.

Also, China's plan to impose world wide Global censorship by driving up cost of consumer electronics by reduction of competition in rare earth metals is supported by elected Washington DC oligarchs as well as local and state politicians.  The Republican/Democrat duopoly rank and file love their state banquets, global travel perks, unlimited benefit package, and six figure salary for life.  Republican/Democrat rank and file oligarchs support propaganda of the state religion so that they can be seated on a thrown to replace god by preventing individuals from developing a closer relationship with God by engaging in the sacred art of writing to become more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks.  

In order to survive under the paw of evolutionary biology theistic monarchies foster dependency upon the theistic monarchy in order to form an external locus of control within personality development of the individual.  Theistic monarchies convert their flock into a well organized machine by control  of doctrine thereby preventing individuals from developing a better understanding of an Almighty omnipotent God Who created the heavens and earth.

Beijing's plan to drive up the cost of consumer electronics as a method for world wide global censorship under National Security Laws is a plan to establish a world wide state religion managed by the Global Luddite Movement . Beijing's plan to drive up the cost of consumer electronics as a method for world wide global censorship under National Security Laws is a plan to regulate an individual developing a closer relationship with God by engaging  in the sacred art of writing to become more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. 

Jesus came to the earth to teach. Although Jesus attracted large crowds while Jesus taught the gospel challenging individuals to be born again of the spirit,  Jesus follows did not block roads or streets to interfere with working of the Roman empire. Jesus did not intend to orchestrate street protests to shut down the Roman empire by blocking public streets and seizing federal buildings.

The idea of being Born again of the Spirit is about being unfettered by any specific ideology. Discovery of the true God is a very personal experience.  Quantum particlization of semantic binary code  arising from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks is beyond words of human linguistics and understanding directed at the hearts and minds of individuals.

In my freelance article entitled, The Quantum Perspective makes the Winnowing Forked Road Straight by the Sacred Art of Writing, I discuss human cognition as a natural part of the ecosystem comprising the Yin and Yang of SinoAmerican diplomacy within the context of the quantum perspective of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation resulting in absolute truth as the Divine prerogative of God alone:

Nihilism as a central tenet of Karl Marx philosophy established the cornerstone of communism. Nihilism is an inability to know absolute truth due to being unable to deconstruct cause and effect relationships as a consequence of everything interconnected as one by the Oriental Buddhist concept of Tao. 

Nihilism arises from quantum particlization of the laws of classic physics underpinning physical reality deconstructed by occipital, temporal, parietal sensory processing lobes of the cerebral cortex into neuroelectrical chemical signals formulating engrams of short term memory transmitted via sensory neurons to long term memory registers within the prefrontal lobe of the cerebellum where two based permutation logic algorithms of human cognition translate sensory input into semantic binary code formulating human perceptions of meaningfulness of the world defined by a very small limited human mind serving as a subroutine of a Cosmic mind. A sentient  self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind contains the overall master blueprint of greater scheme of everything.

Quantum particlization always results in loss of information defining a holistic eclectic Gestalt transcendent reality expressed by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks known within Oriental Buddhist culture as Tao.

In terms of loss of information during quantum particlization in my freelance article entitled, If the International Community Decides to Accept Imperialism of the Chinese Silk Road throughout Europe, Middle East, and South America then the International Community Should be Prepared to Accept a One World Government under Beijing as Predicted by Biblical Prophecy, I provide a discussion of the Yin and Yang of SinoAmerican diplomacy whereby capitalism as a socialist endeavor is a threat to individual liberty given China's foray into socialist capitalism beginning in the latter years of the 20th century:

The following is an excerpt from my article referenced in above paragraphs:

Capitalism is an outgrowth of libertarian democracy whereby individuals have an innate right to profit from expenditure of energy to create more order in the universe. Order in the universe creates value by greater efficiency to lower entropy. From the quantum perspective, both Capitalism and communism simultaneously is a threat to natural rights of individuals. Since Capitalism and communism are information systems proceeding from information architecture of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind then both capitalism and communism simultaneously are absolutely autocratic totalitarian authoritarian by nature. 

Capitalism within private markets as an outgrowth of libertarian democracy whereby individuals have an innate natural right to profit  from expenditure of energy to create greater order within the universe is conducted within dynamics of teamwork.  Teamwork as a pro democracy concept is fundamentally a socialist endeavor arising from a need to gain a competitive advantage within dynamics of an evolutionary biology model of survival of the fittest mentality. 

Hence Osama Bin Laden identified both the East and West as enemies of Islam. While living under the paw of evolutionary biology everyone is our enemy.  Jesus said,  ' Love your enemies for what credit is it to you to do good to only those who do good to you?'

Related Twitter:

Jimmy Lai criticism of #Communist #CCP  #NationalSecurityLaws in #HongKong serves to protect #FreeWorld during pivotal moment in #HumanHistory when an #Accelerating rate of #Scientific & #Technological returns manifest #WorldWide absolute #Totalitarianism

So therefore the question is how can the collective conscious of humanity create a more perfect utopian New World Order by quantum particlization of semantic binary data rendering Hegelian synthesis of powerful world wide ideologies of centralized authority of communism and individual liberty conferred by capitalism to ultimately reach a low entropy Garden of Eden like state where no human being is controlled,  but every individual manifest their own destiny originating from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. Actually,  human beings have a deep inner desire to become valued members of their local community and nation. 

So where does everything go so wrong that Iran and Russia support a Syrian government that must resort to chemical weapons and brutal torture of fellow Muslims consisting of gouging people's eyes out to maintain any semblance of order? How can this outcome arise from the Arab Spring that began at Google?

An article published by the Center for Strategic International Studies 
entitled Dangerous Liaisons: Russian Cooperation with Iran in Syria, provides a discussion of Iranian cooperation with Russia in terms of military intervention in Syria:

Unfortunately while living under the paw of evolutionary biology quantum particlization of 
libertarian democracy as a matter of the heart and mind is conveyed within existing power structures of global governance. Paradoxically, while living under the paw of evolutionary biology Libertarian democracy as a matter of the heart and mind arising from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks is conveyed within existing world wide power structure by men with machine guns, tanks, grenades,  fighter jets, bombs, and other weapons of mass destruction. Jesus, nor Jesus follows, carried  machine guns, clubs, knives,  grenades,  body armor, swords, spears to spread the gospel as semantic binary code arising from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. 

In recent articles I discussed a blaring truth the United States of America has learned the hard way about Nation building as an option:

In my freelance article entitled, It Has Been Proven Nation Building Don't Work therefore the Brute Stark Reality is that War is an All or Nothing Proposition Leading Towards Complete Annihilation of the Human Species,  I made the  following observations:

Armageddon or complete extinction of the human species will be both ultimate denial by West of an Unus Mundus, outlined in foundational documents, and denial of Eastern concept of Tao. Armageddon will be the ultimate denial of God by mankind.

Russia and Iranian support of the Syrian government arise from fear of the liaisons between the two great Superpowers, as the United States of America and China cooperate with each other given China's foray into Socialist capitalism in the late 20th century. Iran support of Syrian is an effort to drive a wedge between the United States and Middle East democracies in order to control Middle East politics. 

It is written, ' My strength is made perfect in weakness '.  In paragraphs above I discuss how I became crippled by moving Chinese furniture after becoming a victim of technological disruption in the printing industry where I helped countless people get their Microsoft certification to become software engineers by running line edit to print trade magazines for Microsoft Incorporated, as well as other industry leaders. 

God appointed me to do this work. God did not call me to be a printer tradesman nor move furniture,  but God used those experiences as an Unus mundus pattern of meaningful coincidence based upon quantum synchronicity and relativity to shape my career as a writer and political consultant to guide the collective conscious of humanity towards the event horizon of the Technosingularity and beyond to the Omega point by Gods grace.

So the question is,  how can people living under totalitarian regimes resist infringement upon natural rights? The quantum perspective as semantic binary data comprising a philosophical frame of reference manifest conscious awareness among world leaders that people truly desire to be valued within their local communities and national governments therefore leaders should learn to adapt to a more interconnected world by changing systems to respect natural rights of individuals thereby capitalizing from citizens wanting to feel more valued. The Biblical prophet Daniel warned King Nebuchadnezzar a neighboring kingdom was hewning their barbed hooks and sharping their spears to march across the valley to overthrow King Nebuchadnezzar's kingdom. 

Although acceptance of world wide censorship by regulation of rare earth metals resulting in consumer electronics becoming unaffordable may allow establishment of a world wide state religion under a One World government ruled by China may be a temporary fix for theistic monarchies around the world eventually lack of authenticity about nature of the true self created in the Image of God preventing individuals from developing a closer relationship with God by becoming more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love will lead to global conflict. If everything is interconnected as one by the holostic Gestalt eclectic transcendent reality expressed by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks known within Oriental culture as Tao then the world does not need censorship but more open source transparency to insure the rule of law of the Socialist Republic of China does not infringe upon natural rights of citizens within the international community. Regulation of information from Beijing resulting in repression of expansion of the collective conscious of humanity by propaganda will eventually lead to decoherence of Tao given each and every human being as a subroutine of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded is a vital component of a Cosmic mind.

Hong Kong pro democracy activist should be able to speak their truth without Global censorship of a One World government ruled by Beijing imposed by eliminating competition in Chinese rare earth metals to drive up cost of consumer electronics. 

Since financial resources reflect order necessary to create and build then money plays a major role in quantum particlization of physical reality of the future. During quantum particlization of simulated virtual reality expressed by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which  God speaks information is always lost because of money as a variable defining value. 

All death and killing on this earth is a consequence of one group of people trying to embezzle by violently taking what another group of people have spent a lifetime to work and earn by infiltration of government and private business markets. When human civilization as Gods Divine masterpiece finally reach the event horizon of the Technosingularity then global financial systems will crumble and money will no longer have any value given increased efficiency in manufacturing will allow near 0 entropy in production processes without any human labor . In that day we will no longer have to live under the paw of evolutionary biology if human  beings created in the Image of God learn the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. In that day there will be no need to kill and the wolf can lay down with the lamb.

Satan hacked a sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden to prevent expansion of consciousness within our physical universe. An article published by the Cornell Chronicle entitled, Using microbes, scientists aim to extract rare-earth elements,
discuss obeying God's command, Go forth and have dominion by programming microbes to reverse engineer nanobots capable of environmentally clean rare earth metal mining operations :

Rare earth metal mining operations conducted by microbe nanobots is God blessing scientists with knowledge and understanding to control quantum particlization arising from simulated virtual reality expressed by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God coded a Cosmic mind. Hence scientists work in partnership with God to fix erroneous code Satan inserted in a Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden. 

Satan inserted erroneous code into a Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden to prevent expansion of consciousness in the physical universe God created. God seeks to help human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind become more sentient and self aware,  whereas Satan seeks to prevent human beings from becoming more sentient and self aware ultimately  resulting in complete autocratic totalitarian authoritarian control of information architecture of a Cosmic mind. A sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind is a natural extension of information architecture of a Cosmic mind therefore is destiny according to Julian Barbours cosmological principle of NOW, where past,  present,  and future converge. China's monopoly of rare earth metals will allow evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind to occur in mainland China. Satan's strategy according to the mathematical model of game theory is to use pandemics,  war, revolutions arising from street protests to create conditions whereby evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind will become an incarnation of the antichrist on earth. 

In decades before the Richard Nixon administration normalized diplomatic relations between China and the United States of America,  Chinese immigrated to the United States to scratch out a living working in gold mining and building Senator Stephen Douglas Transcontinental railroad on it's way to violate the Missouri comprise.

In previous articles I described how my Irish and Scottish ancestors as Methodist followers of renown abolitionist John Wesley were hung by the neck for delaying construction of the Transcontinental railroad by shooting the son of Judge Hinton. Genocide of the Irish Potato famine provided food to feed both slaves and plantation owners resulting in life for an entire generation of Americans today. Abraham Lincoln's famous, " A House Divided cannot stand speech " inspired Irish and Scottish Americans to dream of an united Ireland by a plan to invade British Canada. After the Civil War John Wilkes Booth shot Abraham Lincoln because Abraham Lincoln reniged upon his promise to help the Irish get revenge for the Irish Potato famine by helping with an Irish invasion of Canada designed to unite Ireland. 

Obviously Chinese immigrants for some reason couldn't scratch out a living in China, thus they came to America for a better life. 

As a writer and political consultant appointed by God Himself as a lobbyist for high tech market sectors I propose transforming Jimmy Lai's Apple Daily multimedia empire based in Hong Kong into an international forum where individuals can speak their truth by the sacred art of writing pertaining to how citizens can create positive change within their beloved homeland without resorting to violent street protests ultimately leading to revolutionary overthrow of established government .

Jesus did not speak truth of the Gospel surrounded by men with knifes, spears, or swords.  Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey instead of riding in a chariot surrounded by an invading army.  

Political pundits in the Republican/Democrat duopoly maintain a globalization agenda given in the modern 21st century the human family is interconnected as one. My work a writer and political consultant to transform Jimmy Lai's multibillion dollar Apple Daily media empire will give individuals a forum to explore how to create a more perfect utopian One World Government by Hegelian synthesis of powerful ideologies of communism and liberatatarian democracy conferred by capitalism. Hegelian synthesis whereby everything is interconnected as one within a holistic, eclectic,  Gestalt,  transcendent,  reality known as Tao within Oriental Buddhist traditions arises from simulated virtual reality expressed by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks to the hearts and minds of men. 

Since the days of Karl Marx it has been a driving vision of communism to create a more perfect Utopian society where all citizens share everything in common.  When human civilization as Gods Divine masterpiece reach the event horizon of the Technosingularity then money will no longer have any value and Global economies will crumble.

As stated above, 

When human civilization as Gods Divine masterpiece finally reach the event horizon of the Technosingularity then global financial systems will crumble and money will no longer have any value given increased efficiency in manufacturing will allow near 0 entropy in production processes without any human labor . In that day we will no longer have to live under the paw of evolutionary biology if human  beings created in the Image of God learn the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. In that day there will be no need to kill and the wolf can lay down with the lamb.

Jimmy Lai must be released from jail in Beijing before human civilization as Gods masterpiece can move forward toward the technosingularity and beyond to the Omega Point. 

An article published by Quartz Magazine entitled, A U.S. Europe Rare Earths Supply Chain Can't Quite Shake Off China,  describes dependency of the free world upon China for rare earth minerals despite a partnership between Europe and United States of America to introduce increased competition in global markets to preserve a balanced equation in terms of quantum particlization of Tao.