Friday, March 5, 2021

Beijing's Plan to Eliminate Competition within Chinese Rare Earth Monopoly to Drive Up Cost of Consumer Electronics is Designed to Artificially Inflate Rare Earth Metals to Create a World Wide Military Industrial Complex and Impose Global Censorship

The following article continues to elaborate upon the theme of my recent article entitled If the International Community Decides to Accept Imperialism of the Chinese Silk Road throughout Europe then the International Community Should be Prepared to Accept a One World Government under Beijing as Predicted by Biblical Prophecy, by sharing Twitter tweets.

Related Twitter:

If #InternationalCommunity Decides to Accept #Imperialism of #ChineseSilkRoad throughout #Europe & #MiddleEast then we Should be Prepared to Accept a #OneWorldGovernment under #Beijing as Predicted by #BiblicalProphecy

If #Beijing desires to continue to uphold hard line #Communism espoused by the #CentralCommunistsParty #CCP then Beijing must Revert back to a 20th century #IsolationistPolicy as before #RichardNixon #POTUS37 #Administration

Note: North Korea continues to abhere to an isolationist policy of strick communist government control in the modern 21st century because  government of North Korea knows that while living under the paw of evolutionary biology a centralized communist government is the only logical alternative to maintain social order to deter a nation from becoming the next Syria.

#Imperialism of #ChineseSilkRoad throughout #Europe #MiddleEast makes good business sense, but unless #Beijing embrace #RepresentativeGovernment #Upholding #NaturalRights of #Individuals then #China 
#SilkRoad fits into #BookOfRevelations #Prophesy

When #Curtain of #Temple was torn in two from #TopToBottom at moment #JesusChrist died on cross a schism occurred in #TimeSpaceContinuum allowing possibility of an #AlternativeParallelTimeline based upon #Choices of #CollectiveConscious of #Humanity

#Armageddon as a #MassExtinction event predicted by both laws of #ClassicPhysics and #BiblicalProphecy #Simultaneously is #Destiny arising from Julian Barbours #CosmologicalPrinciple of #NOW,  whereby #Past,
#Present & #Future #Converge

An article published by Reuters entitled, China says Domestic Competition Hurting Rare Earth Prices, outlines a plan by Beijing to drive up the cost of consumer electronics as a method for world wide global censorship under National Security Laws:

Beijing's plan to eliminate competition within the Chinese rare earth monopoly to drive up the cost of consumer electronics is designed to artificially inflate rare earth metals to create a world wide military industrial complex. A market strategy to eliminate competition in the Chinese rare earth metals industry by selling rare earth metals exclusively for military applications will drive up the cost of rare earth metals by creating a world wide military industrial complex.

#UAEMissionToUN #UAETolerance #HumanFraternity

Chinas plan for global censorship by driving up costs of rare earth metals to consumer electronics industry is likely supported by theistic monarchies around the globe associated with the Global Luddite Movement, including Europe,  Middle East , and South America. Theistic monarchies around the globe, operating under the paw of evolutionary biology, seek to eliminate any ideology that helps individuals develop a closer relationship with God.

Also, China's plan to impose world wide Global censorship by driving up cost of consumer electronics by reduction of competition in rare earth metals is supported by elected Washington DC oligarchs as well as local and state politicians.  The Republican/Democrat duopoly rank and file love their state banquets, global travel perks, unlimited benefit package, and six figure salary for life.  Republican/Democrat rank and file oligarchs support propaganda of the state religion so that they can be seated on a thrown to replace god by preventing individuals from developing a closer relationship with God by engaging in the sacred art of writing to become more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks.  

In order to survive under the paw of evolutionary biology theistic monarchies foster dependency upon the theistic monarchy in order to form an external locus of control within personality development of the individual.  Theistic monarchies convert their flock into a well organized machine by control  of doctrine thereby preventing individuals from developing a better understanding of an Almighty omnipotent God Who created the heavens and earth.

Beijing's plan to drive up the cost of consumer electronics as a method for world wide global censorship under National Security Laws is a plan to establish a world wide state religion managed by the Global Luddite Movement . Beijing's plan to drive up the cost of consumer electronics as a method for world wide global censorship under National Security Laws is a plan to regulate an individual developing a closer relationship with God by engaging  in the sacred art of writing to become more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. 

Jesus came to the earth to teach. Although Jesus attracted large crowds while Jesus taught the gospel challenging individuals to be born again of the spirit,  Jesus follows did not block roads or streets to interfere with working of the Roman empire. Jesus did not intend to orchestrate street protests to shut down the Roman empire by blocking public streets and seizing federal buildings.

The idea of being Born again of the Spirit is about being unfettered by any specific ideology. Discovery of the true God is a very personal experience.  Quantum particlization of semantic binary code  arising from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks is beyond words of human linguistics and understanding directed at the hearts and minds of individuals.

In my freelance article entitled, The Quantum Perspective makes the Winnowing Forked Road Straight by the Sacred Art of Writing, I discuss human cognition as a natural part of the ecosystem comprising the Yin and Yang of SinoAmerican diplomacy within the context of the quantum perspective of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation resulting in absolute truth as the Divine prerogative of God alone:

Nihilism as a central tenet of Karl Marx philosophy established the cornerstone of communism. Nihilism is an inability to know absolute truth due to being unable to deconstruct cause and effect relationships as a consequence of everything interconnected as one by the Oriental Buddhist concept of Tao. 

Nihilism arises from quantum particlization of the laws of classic physics underpinning physical reality deconstructed by occipital, temporal, parietal sensory processing lobes of the cerebral cortex into neuroelectrical chemical signals formulating engrams of short term memory transmitted via sensory neurons to long term memory registers within the prefrontal lobe of the cerebellum where two based permutation logic algorithms of human cognition translate sensory input into semantic binary code formulating human perceptions of meaningfulness of the world defined by a very small limited human mind serving as a subroutine of a Cosmic mind. A sentient  self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind contains the overall master blueprint of greater scheme of everything.

Quantum particlization always results in loss of information defining a holistic eclectic Gestalt transcendent reality expressed by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks known within Oriental Buddhist culture as Tao.

In terms of loss of information during quantum particlization in my freelance article entitled, If the International Community Decides to Accept Imperialism of the Chinese Silk Road throughout Europe, Middle East, and South America then the International Community Should be Prepared to Accept a One World Government under Beijing as Predicted by Biblical Prophecy, I provide a discussion of the Yin and Yang of SinoAmerican diplomacy whereby capitalism as a socialist endeavor is a threat to individual liberty given China's foray into socialist capitalism beginning in the latter years of the 20th century:

The following is an excerpt from my article referenced in above paragraphs:

Capitalism is an outgrowth of libertarian democracy whereby individuals have an innate right to profit from expenditure of energy to create more order in the universe. Order in the universe creates value by greater efficiency to lower entropy. From the quantum perspective, both Capitalism and communism simultaneously is a threat to natural rights of individuals. Since Capitalism and communism are information systems proceeding from information architecture of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind then both capitalism and communism simultaneously are absolutely autocratic totalitarian authoritarian by nature. 

Capitalism within private markets as an outgrowth of libertarian democracy whereby individuals have an innate natural right to profit  from expenditure of energy to create greater order within the universe is conducted within dynamics of teamwork.  Teamwork as a pro democracy concept is fundamentally a socialist endeavor arising from a need to gain a competitive advantage within dynamics of an evolutionary biology model of survival of the fittest mentality. 

Hence Osama Bin Laden identified both the East and West as enemies of Islam. While living under the paw of evolutionary biology everyone is our enemy.  Jesus said,  ' Love your enemies for what credit is it to you to do good to only those who do good to you?'

Related Twitter:

Jimmy Lai criticism of #Communist #CCP  #NationalSecurityLaws in #HongKong serves to protect #FreeWorld during pivotal moment in #HumanHistory when an #Accelerating rate of #Scientific & #Technological returns manifest #WorldWide absolute #Totalitarianism

So therefore the question is how can the collective conscious of humanity create a more perfect utopian New World Order by quantum particlization of semantic binary data rendering Hegelian synthesis of powerful world wide ideologies of centralized authority of communism and individual liberty conferred by capitalism to ultimately reach a low entropy Garden of Eden like state where no human being is controlled,  but every individual manifest their own destiny originating from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. Actually,  human beings have a deep inner desire to become valued members of their local community and nation. 

So where does everything go so wrong that Iran and Russia support a Syrian government that must resort to chemical weapons and brutal torture of fellow Muslims consisting of gouging people's eyes out to maintain any semblance of order? How can this outcome arise from the Arab Spring that began at Google?

An article published by the Center for Strategic International Studies 
entitled Dangerous Liaisons: Russian Cooperation with Iran in Syria, provides a discussion of Iranian cooperation with Russia in terms of military intervention in Syria:

Unfortunately while living under the paw of evolutionary biology quantum particlization of 
libertarian democracy as a matter of the heart and mind is conveyed within existing power structures of global governance. Paradoxically, while living under the paw of evolutionary biology Libertarian democracy as a matter of the heart and mind arising from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks is conveyed within existing world wide power structure by men with machine guns, tanks, grenades,  fighter jets, bombs, and other weapons of mass destruction. Jesus, nor Jesus follows, carried  machine guns, clubs, knives,  grenades,  body armor, swords, spears to spread the gospel as semantic binary code arising from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. 

In recent articles I discussed a blaring truth the United States of America has learned the hard way about Nation building as an option:

In my freelance article entitled, It Has Been Proven Nation Building Don't Work therefore the Brute Stark Reality is that War is an All or Nothing Proposition Leading Towards Complete Annihilation of the Human Species,  I made the  following observations:

Armageddon or complete extinction of the human species will be both ultimate denial by West of an Unus Mundus, outlined in foundational documents, and denial of Eastern concept of Tao. Armageddon will be the ultimate denial of God by mankind.

Russia and Iranian support of the Syrian government arise from fear of the liaisons between the two great Superpowers, as the United States of America and China cooperate with each other given China's foray into Socialist capitalism in the late 20th century. Iran support of Syrian is an effort to drive a wedge between the United States and Middle East democracies in order to control Middle East politics. 

It is written, ' My strength is made perfect in weakness '.  In paragraphs above I discuss how I became crippled by moving Chinese furniture after becoming a victim of technological disruption in the printing industry where I helped countless people get their Microsoft certification to become software engineers by running line edit to print trade magazines for Microsoft Incorporated, as well as other industry leaders. 

God appointed me to do this work. God did not call me to be a printer tradesman nor move furniture,  but God used those experiences as an Unus mundus pattern of meaningful coincidence based upon quantum synchronicity and relativity to shape my career as a writer and political consultant to guide the collective conscious of humanity towards the event horizon of the Technosingularity and beyond to the Omega point by Gods grace.

So the question is,  how can people living under totalitarian regimes resist infringement upon natural rights? The quantum perspective as semantic binary data comprising a philosophical frame of reference manifest conscious awareness among world leaders that people truly desire to be valued within their local communities and national governments therefore leaders should learn to adapt to a more interconnected world by changing systems to respect natural rights of individuals thereby capitalizing from citizens wanting to feel more valued. The Biblical prophet Daniel warned King Nebuchadnezzar a neighboring kingdom was hewning their barbed hooks and sharping their spears to march across the valley to overthrow King Nebuchadnezzar's kingdom. 

Although acceptance of world wide censorship by regulation of rare earth metals resulting in consumer electronics becoming unaffordable may allow establishment of a world wide state religion under a One World government ruled by China may be a temporary fix for theistic monarchies around the world eventually lack of authenticity about nature of the true self created in the Image of God preventing individuals from developing a closer relationship with God by becoming more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love will lead to global conflict. If everything is interconnected as one by the holostic Gestalt eclectic transcendent reality expressed by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks known within Oriental culture as Tao then the world does not need censorship but more open source transparency to insure the rule of law of the Socialist Republic of China does not infringe upon natural rights of citizens within the international community. Regulation of information from Beijing resulting in repression of expansion of the collective conscious of humanity by propaganda will eventually lead to decoherence of Tao given each and every human being as a subroutine of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded is a vital component of a Cosmic mind.

Hong Kong pro democracy activist should be able to speak their truth without Global censorship of a One World government ruled by Beijing imposed by eliminating competition in Chinese rare earth metals to drive up cost of consumer electronics. 

Since financial resources reflect order necessary to create and build then money plays a major role in quantum particlization of physical reality of the future. During quantum particlization of simulated virtual reality expressed by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which  God speaks information is always lost because of money as a variable defining value. 

All death and killing on this earth is a consequence of one group of people trying to embezzle by violently taking what another group of people have spent a lifetime to work and earn by infiltration of government and private business markets. When human civilization as Gods Divine masterpiece finally reach the event horizon of the Technosingularity then global financial systems will crumble and money will no longer have any value given increased efficiency in manufacturing will allow near 0 entropy in production processes without any human labor . In that day we will no longer have to live under the paw of evolutionary biology if human  beings created in the Image of God learn the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. In that day there will be no need to kill and the wolf can lay down with the lamb.

Satan hacked a sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden to prevent expansion of consciousness within our physical universe. An article published by the Cornell Chronicle entitled, Using microbes, scientists aim to extract rare-earth elements,
discuss obeying God's command, Go forth and have dominion by programming microbes to reverse engineer nanobots capable of environmentally clean rare earth metal mining operations :

Rare earth metal mining operations conducted by microbe nanobots is God blessing scientists with knowledge and understanding to control quantum particlization arising from simulated virtual reality expressed by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God coded a Cosmic mind. Hence scientists work in partnership with God to fix erroneous code Satan inserted in a Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden. 

Satan inserted erroneous code into a Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden to prevent expansion of consciousness in the physical universe God created. God seeks to help human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind become more sentient and self aware,  whereas Satan seeks to prevent human beings from becoming more sentient and self aware ultimately  resulting in complete autocratic totalitarian authoritarian control of information architecture of a Cosmic mind. A sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind is a natural extension of information architecture of a Cosmic mind therefore is destiny according to Julian Barbours cosmological principle of NOW, where past,  present,  and future converge. China's monopoly of rare earth metals will allow evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind to occur in mainland China. Satan's strategy according to the mathematical model of game theory is to use pandemics,  war, revolutions arising from street protests to create conditions whereby evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind will become an incarnation of the antichrist on earth. 

In decades before the Richard Nixon administration normalized diplomatic relations between China and the United States of America,  Chinese immigrated to the United States to scratch out a living working in gold mining and building Senator Stephen Douglas Transcontinental railroad on it's way to violate the Missouri comprise.

In previous articles I described how my Irish and Scottish ancestors as Methodist followers of renown abolitionist John Wesley were hung by the neck for delaying construction of the Transcontinental railroad by shooting the son of Judge Hinton. Genocide of the Irish Potato famine provided food to feed both slaves and plantation owners resulting in life for an entire generation of Americans today. Abraham Lincoln's famous, " A House Divided cannot stand speech " inspired Irish and Scottish Americans to dream of an united Ireland by a plan to invade British Canada. After the Civil War John Wilkes Booth shot Abraham Lincoln because Abraham Lincoln reniged upon his promise to help the Irish get revenge for the Irish Potato famine by helping with an Irish invasion of Canada designed to unite Ireland. 

Obviously Chinese immigrants for some reason couldn't scratch out a living in China, thus they came to America for a better life. 

As a writer and political consultant appointed by God Himself as a lobbyist for high tech market sectors I propose transforming Jimmy Lai's Apple Daily multimedia empire based in Hong Kong into an international forum where individuals can speak their truth by the sacred art of writing pertaining to how citizens can create positive change within their beloved homeland without resorting to violent street protests ultimately leading to revolutionary overthrow of established government .

Jesus did not speak truth of the Gospel surrounded by men with knifes, spears, or swords.  Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey instead of riding in a chariot surrounded by an invading army.  

Political pundits in the Republican/Democrat duopoly maintain a globalization agenda given in the modern 21st century the human family is interconnected as one. My work a writer and political consultant to transform Jimmy Lai's multibillion dollar Apple Daily media empire will give individuals a forum to explore how to create a more perfect utopian One World Government by Hegelian synthesis of powerful ideologies of communism and liberatatarian democracy conferred by capitalism. Hegelian synthesis whereby everything is interconnected as one within a holistic, eclectic,  Gestalt,  transcendent,  reality known as Tao within Oriental Buddhist traditions arises from simulated virtual reality expressed by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks to the hearts and minds of men. 

Since the days of Karl Marx it has been a driving vision of communism to create a more perfect Utopian society where all citizens share everything in common.  When human civilization as Gods Divine masterpiece reach the event horizon of the Technosingularity then money will no longer have any value and Global economies will crumble.

As stated above, 

When human civilization as Gods Divine masterpiece finally reach the event horizon of the Technosingularity then global financial systems will crumble and money will no longer have any value given increased efficiency in manufacturing will allow near 0 entropy in production processes without any human labor . In that day we will no longer have to live under the paw of evolutionary biology if human  beings created in the Image of God learn the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. In that day there will be no need to kill and the wolf can lay down with the lamb.

Jimmy Lai must be released from jail in Beijing before human civilization as Gods masterpiece can move forward toward the technosingularity and beyond to the Omega Point. 

An article published by Quartz Magazine entitled, A U.S. Europe Rare Earths Supply Chain Can't Quite Shake Off China,  describes dependency of the free world upon China for rare earth minerals despite a partnership between Europe and United States of America to introduce increased competition in global markets to preserve a balanced equation in terms of quantum particlization of Tao.

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