Friday, October 9, 2020

We Can't Wait Until Joe Biden Wins the Presidential Election in November 2020 before a Vaccine Proven Safe by Phase I and Phase II Clinical Trials is Approved by FDA for Release to Public Markets.

Dr. Robert Redford stated that most Americans will not be vaccinated until mid summer to late 2021. President  Trump is saying everything is ready to go in terms of the United States Federal government rolling out the vaccine in November 2020. 

President Trump is in charge of the logistics of planning vaccination centers where people can get vaccinated. It demands an enormous amount of logistical planning to roll out a vaccine onto the market.

Is the CDC caught up in sordid affairs of politics hence unable to provide valid reliable information given the emergency crisis pandemic situation we face as a nation?  As Barney Fif may say , in order to survive and prosper in America we have to nip SARS Covid-19 in the bud, nip it in the bud, by vaccinating as soon as possible when the vaccine candidate is proven by science to be reasonably safe and effective. If Barney Fif was living during the pandemic and rioting of 2020 Sheriff Andy Taylor would have to take away his one and only bullet.

Any vaccine given to people will be experimental whether or not the vaccine is administered in November 2020 or December 2021. According to an article published by History of Vaccines entitled, Vaccine Development, Testing, and Regulation:

"Vaccine development is a long, complex process, often lasting 10-15 years and involving a combination of public and private involvement."

All medications and vaccines that the Federal Drug Administration approves have unintended adverse side effects in small numbers of people in subpopulation groups despite taking 10 to 15 years to be approved by the FDA.

Should we go with the preponderance of the scientific evidence of what we know now that the vaccination is proven safe in rigorously controlled scientific phase I and phase II clinical trials?

In an article published by CBS News entitled,  Pfizer CEO says company will know if vaccine works by end of October,

"Albert Bourla, the head of pharmaceutical giant Pfizer said on Face the Nation studies from Pfizer indicate "we have a good chance that we will know if the product works by the end of October."

Dr. Fauci has said we cannot expect any vaccine to be 100 percent effective. In an article published by Newsweek magazine entitled, Fauci Will 'Feel Good' About Using Coronavirus Vaccine If It's 50% Effective, Dr Fauci discussed probabilistic ratios of how effective a vaccine may be in terms of value in eradicating the SARS Covid-19 pathogen.

Also according to the Newsweek article referenced above,  any vaccine candidate may only provide a few months of immunologic protection from a SARS Covid-19 infection after which people will need to get vaccinated again.

An article published by CNBC News entitled, Coronavirus vaccine with 50% or more efficacy would be a ‘game changer,’ says trial investigator, made the following observation:

"A vaccine that is 50% effective means it would reduce the average person’s risk of coronavirus infection by 50%.

“A 50% efficacy would be transformative. It’s much better than zero, which is what we have right now,” del Rio told CNBC. “So I think it’d really be a game changer if we get a vaccine with 50% or greater efficacy.”

An experimental vaccine that has been proven safe and effective by rigorously controlled scientific phase I and phase II clinical trials is the best chance we have to reach herd immunity within the general population while simultaneously preventing needless death of millions of people. An attempt to reach herd immunity without a vaccine will result in large numbers of people dying unnecessarily. 

According to an article published by the Vaccine Knowledge Project entitled, Herd immunity (Herd protection) 

"When a high percentage of the population is vaccinated, it is difficult for infectious diseases to spread, because there are not many people who can be infected. For example, if someone with measles is surrounded by people who are vaccinated against measles, the disease cannot easily be passed on to anyone, and it will quickly disappear again. This is called ‘herd immunity’, 'community immunity' or 'herd protection', and it gives protection to vulnerable people such as newborn babies, elderly people and those who are too sick to be vaccinated"

If the FDA approves a vaccine to be released on the market in November I suppose it will be safe to take based on the preponderance of the scientific evidence thus far from phase I and phase II clinical trials. The FDA is under immense pressure,  not only from President Trump but because the economy is loosing trillions of dollars of lost revenue during the pandemic and people continue to die everyday from SARs Covid-19.

We Can't Wait Until Joe Biden Wins the Presidential Election in November 2020 before a Vaccine Proven Safe by Phase I and Phase II Clinical Trials is Approved by FDA for Release to Public Markets. 

We can't expect any vaccine to be 100 percent effective because we live in a flat earth Euclidean universe. Defeat of the SARs Covid-19 pandemic will likely demand different approaches,  multiple medical treatments offered to the public simultaneously, or separate parallel trajectories of attack launched against the deadly Satanic SARs Covid-19 pathogen. 

An article published by Boston Children's Hospital entitled,  Two drugs join forces against COVID-19, describes medicines demonstrated to be effective in prevention of SARS Covid-19:

An article published by National Geographic Magazine  entitled, A 'herd mentality' can’t stop the COVID-19 pandemic. Neither can a weak vaccine,  address the question of whether it is better to reach herd immunity naturally or through a combination of medications and vaccinations:

An effort to reach herd immunity by a combination of medications and vaccinations effectively isolates the SARs Covid-19 pathogen within a specific environmental matrix that prevents new novel virus from mutating into a deadlier viral strain by preventing epidemiologic spread of the virus. According to scientific articles published on the internet the SARs Covid-19 pathogen has already mutated a number of times as it has jumped into different population subgroups, including younger school age children.

Continued later

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