Friday, October 9, 2020

A Critique of the Presidential Debate 2020 Between President Trump and Joe Biden

Obviously,  as a broke American treading water I am in Joe Biden's camp as dependent upon the government, despite I am  independent. In the  United States of America every American citizen is broke on a constant never ending treadmill of balancing personal budgets with a constant steam of expenditures, including Donald Trump.

However,  I must say Donald Trump ruled the stage during the Presidential debates of 2020. I actually empathized with Donald Trump because   he was debating two people.  The host of the Presidential debate of 2020 on a number of occasions went beyond asking questions to critiquing the President's performance from his own biased viewpoint.

I certainly didn't like Joe Biden snapping at the President saying, shut up. It is upsetting that anyone says shut up to another human being,  although we all tend to feel like saying shut up from deep from within our gut primeval emotive subconscious primitive instincts. 

On the global stage we must accept people wherever they are at in the moment by being open to the quantum wave function language as an underlying unified higher level language of love by understanding from the quantum perspective of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation in our flat earth probabilistic sliding scale Euclidean universe people with opposite views may not be completely wrong. Quantum particlization of semantic  binary data only partially reflects full eclectic Gestalt absolute truth of simulated virtual reality expressed by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which we are all interconnected as one.

During the Presidential debate of 2020 Donald Trump displayed his typical cocky, arrogant, know-it all, above everyone else on a pedestal personality that likely prompted Joe Biden say, 'Oh Shut up'. A cocky, arrogant, know-it all, high on a pedestal personality is common within private markets capitalist sectors of the economy. On earth every human being is constantly trying to rise above evolutionary biology.  President Trump had a tactical advantage over Joe Biden in the Presidential debates because as President Donald Trump actually knows it all.

Private market capitalism does not operate in a bubble , but within interpersonal dynamics of a socialist model. As a successful savvy businessman Donald Trump is also dependent upon healthy function of government and many people in private markets to make him successful, including the Judiciary branch of government , as are all American citizens running the rat race like a rat in a cage on a rat spinning wheel on an economic rollercoaster ride.

If not for #JudgeJohnRowan today President Trump would be a #gnarled #broken #disheveled man with one or two loose teeth in a #ChainGang where #Prison guards would daily club his legs and back until what is owed is paid, along with nearly all U.S. citizens

President Trump boosted that he shut travel down from mainland China early onward during the pandemic to prevent 2 million deaths from SARs Covid-19 infection.  International travel restrictions between all countries including China was not implemented early enough under leadership of the United States of America.  Scientist have been studying SARS and MERS since the early 1970s. 

The scientific community and politicians around the globe,  including the United States of America knew a pandemic will eventually happen,  but did nothing therefore are guilty of criminal reckless negligence tantamount to willful intentional murder of citizens. 

Former President Barack Obama and Vice president Joe Biden are also culpritable  for criminal reckless negligence for failure to set up international protocols within the United Nations to freeze the entire global economy to prevent millions of needless deaths from a pandemic when anything nasty and ugly surfaces from Satan here at home in the United States and around the globe.

What little was done to prepare for a pandemic within the United States of America was obviously not enough. Prevention of epidemiologic spread of new novel deadly virus demands international cooperation. The only reason two million people have not died in the United States of America is recommendations by the CDC to flatten the curve by wearing face mask, social distancing,  and encouraging people to practice good hygienic hand washing.  

My work as a writer prompted Intelligent agencies in the United States of America to report they identified epidemiology spread of a new novel Coronavirus with potential to become a  major pandemic in China and Europe as early as October / November  2019. Obviously,  we can't wait for any nation to disclose damaging epidemiology information with potential to cripple an entire economy so therefore we must always monitor and collect data instead of taking cheap pot shots at the commander-in-chief during Russia-gate conspiracies. The business of Intelligent agencies is to protect the American people from foreign enemy combatants,  and not the President of the United states of America. 

It is very disturbing when elected leaders don't take responsibility for their failures because it is highly probable, close to near certainty,  that a new deadlier pandemic is on the way where people will be stepping over dead bodies in the streets.

God expected more from us when God said,  " Go forth and have dominion over birds of the air, fish in the sea,  beast in the fields,  and every creepy crawling thing that moves" including virus. God desires that we become partners with Him in co-creation.

International failure of collective  conscious of humanity, specifically leaders around the globe is a consequence  of not understanding who we are as created in the Image of God.  We have lived under the paw of evolutionary biology for too long.

Politicans who failed to do their job to prevent the pandemic travel everywhere with an entourage that clean and disinfect everywhere they go. I am not voting for any of them because they don't represent the American people anymore. Myself, as well as all American citizens have lawfully incurred damages and loss of quality of their lives that they should be able to recover from those who are paid millions of dollars per year and are guilty of criminal reckless negligence for failing to do their job to protect the American people. Yet they  live like kings and queens. 

Lawmakers on Capitol Hill decision to not pass another stimulus bill to return money stolen from  retirement savings  accounts to them is basically pouting in a hissy fit temper tantrum because they feel their state dinner and traveling perk is threatened .

Every human being has some type of underlying health issues.  Nobody on earth is in perfect health,  so therefore the 188,000 are real deaths from SARS Covid-19.  The trucks loaded with dead bodies in New York are real people who died of SARS Covid-19 because Democratic and Republican lawmakers failed to do their job to protect the American people.

What else could elected leaders in both parties could have done?

Foremost, I don't totally blame President Trump. Republican and Democratic politicians on all levels are responsible for criminal reckless negligence in failing to prevent the SARs Covid-19 pandemic.

Its likely readers of this post will gag when I quote the liberal media. Mass media interview professional virologist and epidemiologist who have achieved success in their careers. 

An article published by NBC news entitled, Scientists were close to a coronavirus vaccine years ago. Then the money dried up, points to failure of our elected leaders to prevent pandemics:

According to the article, 

"Hotez and other vaccine scientists, argue that SARS, and the Middle East respiratory syndrome, or MERS, of 2012, should have triggered major federal and global investments to develop vaccines in anticipation of future epidemics."

Scientist have been studying SARS and MERS since the 1970's so where did all the money go?

In my article entitled, An Economic Plan for Recovery in the Aftermath of the SARS Covid-19 Pandemic Designed to Restore a Life Mandate as God Originally Intended thereby Flipping the Script on Satan's Strategy, I outline my work as a writer holding elected leaders accountable for the SARs Covid-19 pandemic:

After I published my freelance article publicly on Facebook on April fools day, April 1, 2020 questioning where United States Intelligence agencies were  when Chinese eyedoctor Dr Li Wenliang reported the reemergence of SARs among 7 of his patients,    U. S. Intelligence agencies released a public relations statement to ABC news.

ABC News reported on April  8, 2020 : Intelligence report warned of coronavirus crisis as early as November: Sources

"Analysts concluded it could be a cataclysmic event," a source said.

On April 14, 2020 The National Review reported
U.S. Diplomats Warned about Safety Risks in Wuhan Labs Studying Bats Two Years before Coronavirus Outbreak

Scientific American magazine published an article entitled, Do Our Questions Create the World?

My question where was the CIA, NSA, FBI,  and Homeland Security when when Chinese eyedoctor Dr Li Wenliang reported the reemergence of SARs among 7 of his patients
invoked Intelligence agencies to release a public relations response to ABC News. 

In my freelance article entitled, After the SARs Covid-19 Pandemic that Decimated Global Economies Survival of the Human Race Demands we go into Warp Drive, I referenced a CBS 60 Minutes feature about a scientist who warned about a deadly global pandemic 17 years ago.

Top epidemiologist have warned about how wet animal meat markets can trigger a global pandemic for decades but did nothing.  The United Nations under leadership of the United States of America should have taken action. 

Yes, victims would have died from other unrelated disease processes,  but SARs Covid-19 shortened their lives  so therefore they died prematurely which is tantamount to intentional deliberate murder due to  criminal recklessness negligence.  Every human being has underlying health issues, young and old. People have the lawful right to live as long as possible while managing chronic health issues. SARS Covid-19 is a pandemic that could have been prevented culminating in 190,000 people prematurely dying before their time.  Every moment of life is precious although evidently many people don't feel that way. 

If you are paid multimillions  of dollars per year to do a job , people paid that much better do it or face the consequences. Evidently politicians think every moment of their life is precious based upon how much they expect to get paid to attend state dinners and travel the world. Nobody else counts. Everyone else is shit.

In my freelance article entitled, We Can't Wait Until Joe Biden Wins the Presidential Election in November 2020 before a Vaccine Proven Safe by Phase I and Phase II Clinical Trials is Approved by FDA for Release to Public Markets, I discussed political games in terms of releasing a safe effective vaccine approved by the FDA as soon as possible :

The entire SARs Covid-19 pandemic has been a giant political game with people's lives since the very beginning, as evidenced by the anti-masker controversy.  It is not a game,  and someday soon when a person loses someone they love they may decide to quit playing with buttholes. 

The Presidential candidates of 2020 , Republican President Donald Trump and Democrat nominee Joe Biden,  did not  adequately address my question about misinterpretation of the United States of America Constitution as written by our Forefathers by high level Judiciary and elected leaders holding office:

Gross misinterpretation of the United States of America Constitution by elected  leaders is encouraging a highly ineffective form of behavior that dismiss more constructive participation in the political process,  hence is failure by elected leaders to recognize peaceful protesters as individuals created in the Image of God, capable of doing great things to continue the work of our ancestors in building a great nation,  under God indivisible for liberty and Justice for all. Why waste one time protesting if elected leaders are not going to make legislative reforms?

Perhaps the Presidential candidates of 2020 will allow Judge Amy Coney Barrett address misinterpretation of the United States of America Constitution by high level Judiciary and elected leaders during her Senate confirmation hearings,  since  Judge  Amy Coney Barrett is suppose to be a legal scholar with expert knowledge about the United States of America Constitution as written by our Forefathers. 


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