Tuesday, September 29, 2020

A Question for the Presidential Debates of 2020 and SenateConfirmation Hearing of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme court

Do Our questions create the world? The power of quantum  particlization of semantic binary data to render alternative parallel timelines to prevent armageddon.


A Question for the Presidential Debates of 2020 and Senate
Confirmation Hearing of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme court.  Flippantly promoting civil disobedience as a right guaranteed by the 1st amendment of the United States Constitution by elected  leaders of both political parties in the  United States of America creates conditions where individuals fail to participate in more constructive forms of civic participation to solve problems within the framework of Representative government.

The question I pose to presidential candidates, Are peaceful protests guaranteed as a lawful right by the 1st amendment of the United States Constitution is the most pressing question of the 21st century given the answer will shape international diplomacy surrounding encouraging positive change towards more authoritarian countries adopting democratic processes of representative government thereby avoiding military conflict. We must set a good example to the world by demonstrating Representative government works here at home in order to avoid armageddon. The true spirit of Democracy should never be the instigator of insurrection and revolution around the world,  but instead a deeper appreciation of special gifts citizens have to offer as individuals to build a better society. 

During Judge Amy Coney Barrett Senate confirmation hearing she may be asked,  Are peaceful protests guaranteed as a lawful right by the United States Constitution? 

Judge Amy Coney Barrett answer will determine how effectively we as a nation will discover solutions to crimes against humanity and move forward toward the singularity while building a better future for our children's children by reducing high entropy to return to low entropy Garden of Eden like state. Endorsement of peaceful protests as a right guaranteed  by the United States Constitution will lead to court systems continually inundated in a vicious never ending cycle as a Non Euclidean distortion of the space time continuum eventually resulting in Armageddon.

Constructive participation in Representative government as an alternative to peaceful protests provides individuals within collective conscious of humanity an effective efficient way to solve problems within framework of interpersonal dynamics 
thereby highlights synergy and synchronicity as a  product of absolute truth of simulated virtual reality expressed by the quantum wave function language as a underlying unified higher level language of love. 

“I love the United States and I love the United States Constitution.” -Judge Amy Coney Barrett


@GOP @TheDemocrats @TomPerez
Jesus said on the Cross, " #Forgive them Father for they do not know what they do." #Misinterpretation of the #UnitedStatesConstitution by #ElectedLeaders https://t.co/EJ5aYIWQMh


#CivilDisobedience of #PeacefulProtests should never be #Flippantly promoted as a #Right #Guaranteed by #1stAmendment of the #UnitedStatesOfAmerica: Since all #HumanBeings live under paw of #EvolutionaryBiology there is no such thing as peaceful protest


People take to the streets to participate in loosely organized and unfocused 'peaceful protests' to force courts of law and legislative assemblies to act according to a wide range of demands of protesters,  but if courts of law and legislative assemblies cannot act due to legal reasons or are unwilling to act based upon lack of support from elected leaders within Congressional bodies then peaceful protests are not an effective constructive way to participate in Representative  government. A more effective way to participate in civic affairs of Representative government is to identify politicians who supports reforms proposed by individuals and groups and work to get those politicians elected to office. 

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Jesus said on the Cross, " Forgive them Father for they do not know what they do." Misinterpretation of the United States of America Constitution by Elected Leaders

Jesus said on the cross, " forgive them Father for they do not know what they do."

Misinterpretation of the United States of America Constitution by elected leaders, both Democratic and Republic, is doing great harm to our beloved nation. The 1st Amendment as established by our Forefathers guarantees the right to assemble to redress grievances in courts of law and legislative assemblies within  framework of Representative government. Representative government provides checks and balances to restrain undue exercise of power by establishing three branches of government, (1) Executive,  (2) Legislative, and ( 3) Judiciary.

Representative government outlined in foundational documents is Divine inspiration received by our Forefathers who became more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an underlying  unified higher level language of love as the voice of God. Representative  government as Divinely  inspired provides an orderly way to facilitate interpersonal relationships and communication to effectively efficiently solve problems with pertinent relevant facts. At least as effectively and efficient as humanly possible because in a flat earth Euclidean universe human relationships are very complex. Since human relationships are very complex in the modern 21st century better Representative government is needed more than ever in history. 

Our Forefathers who lived under  the paw of evolutionary biology in an extremely violent hostile world became more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by engaging in the sacred art of writing. Representative  government as a highly efficient effective way to improve interpersonal relationships and communication is never more important then in the modern 21st century world of internet  telecommunications information overload resulting from an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns. 

Quantum particlization of Representative government manifest truth expressed by the quantum wave function language as a underlying unified higher level language of love.  


#ElectedLeaders #Misinterpretation of #USConstitution as a #guarantee to right of #CivilDisobedience creates conditions whereby people do not understand #Gravity of what they do leading to
#NonEuclidean distortions of #SpaceTimeContinuum and #Armageddon https://t.co/Hp4QcISIK1


Also, #Misinterpretation of #UnitedStatesConstitution by #ElectedLeaders results in people #Dismissing #LegalOptions available to them to get #Justice within framework of
#RepresentativeGovernment in #CourtsOfLaw and #LegislativeAssemblies https://t.co/k15MT4P9YH


Could Breona Taylor been a #victim of #swatting by sophisticated drug cartels playing everyone involved resulting in #Death of an #Innocent woman?  As far as Breona Taylor's ex knew schrodinger's cat may have been inside those boxes. https://t.co/k15MT4P9YH


In terms of the Breona Taylor case a Grand jury decision cannot be appealed or overturned by current law state law.  However, if defence lawyers present compelling evidence that the Grand jury decision making process is flawed then given the serious magnitude of the legal case it is likely a legislative branch of government or Federal Supreme court can intervene to appoint a new Grand Jury and assign a new prosecuting attorney other than State Attorney general Daniel Cameron. 


An assignment of a new prosecuting Attorney and selection of a new Grand jury will likely take a long time. Law enforcement officers are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Legislators and judiciary will likely still have to be tight lipped about procedures of appointing a new Grand jury and prosecuting Attorney in order to avoid compromising the right to a fair trial of accused police officers. 

Paradoxically,  civil disobedience of peaceful protesters demanding Grand Jury investigations be made available to the public can compromise prosecution of law enforcement officers even if indictments are made in cases around the country given everyone is entitled to a fair trial. Hence civil disobedience of forcefully exerting will of mass mobs over the Judiciary is not an effective  way to participate  in the political process because even if a billion people say someone is guilty of a crime, according to the rule of law that doesn't mean the accused is guilty until proven guilty in a court of law.  A billion people claimed Jesus was guilty when they shouted crucify, crucify,  crucify. 

Representative government as established by our Forefathers is the most highly efficient system of government to manifest synergy between duality of values of individualism and collectivism so as to more accurately reflect quantum particlization of righteous law governing interpersonal  relationships. Righteous law govering interpersonal  relationships more accurately reflect holistic  eclectic Gestalt absolute truth of simulated virtual reality expressed by the quantum wave function language as an underlying unified higher level language of love. Representative  government as quantum particlization of sacred writing emulating from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love formulates a contract between the individual and society. 

When elected leaders encourage civil disobedience of peaceful protests they deny people an opportunity to participate in the political process of Representative government in a more meaningful way. When Representative government crumbles and falls then lack of an orderly system by which men and women can arrive at the truth will once more return human civilization to living under the paw of evolutionary biology even more than we do today.  God blessed us with Representative government so as to facilitate orderly interpersonal relationships and communication to help us move away from living under the paw of evolutionary biology as we move forward toward the technological singularity. Quantum  particlization of the technological singularity renders absolute totalitarianism as inherent intrinsic property of all natural and manmade information systems.

When Representative government crumbles and falls then dehumanization of lawful inalienable rights of individuals will culminate in evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI as incarnation of the antichrist.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Pardon Me Sir, Do You Have Any Grey Poupon: A Superbowl Commercial to Underwrite Building Bridges to Create More Opportunities in Black Neighborhoods to Change the Narrative

Sam Harris discuss lost of trust in the media in a podcast on his Facebook page:


The media should play a major role of changing the narrative so that the African American community can honor the sacrifices of their ancestors. Today we are at a crossroads where the African American community can either choose to honor sacrifices and hardships of African American slaves or dishonor  contributions by African American slaves to build a great nation by a race war that will destroy the United States of America. The key is to live in the NOW while planning for a better future for humanity today given yesterday human history is filled with centuries of horrific violent warfare. We should all be thankful we are living today. In the United States of America as the land of opportunity people of every race, creed,  gender,  and ethnic origin made significant contributions to build a great nation during times of horrific violent warfare around the globe. 

In peaceful protests all across the United States of America police officers are presumed guilty by the mass media and peaceful protesters. The mass media  attempt to try officers in the public domain by myophically focusing upon selective facts based upon hearsay and gossip. Everything reported on television is hearsay and gossip until proven true in a court of law by sworn testimony and legal writing know as sworn deposition. Everyone wants to grab the microphone to get on television to tell it like it is. People can't just tell it like it is on television,  they have to prove that is what happened by presenting evidence in courts of law and legislative assemblies, hence peaceful protest are a waste of time. 

Elected leaders should hold town hall meetings where individuals and groups can redress grievances through individuals chosen to represent them in an orderly process as established by our Forefathers. If individuals have a plan for change such as defund the police they should outline a legal argument as to how defunding the police will better society in a scholarly op-ed presenting proof to support their position. 

It doesn't do any good to scream defund the police at the top of ones lungs on the streets. I don't care if a billion people believe defunding the police is a solution,  evidence must be presented to prove defunding the police will move society forward in accordance to the Pledge of Allegiance, "One nation indivisible for liberty and Justice for all ". 

In my freelance article entitled, In 2020 the United States of America has come Dangerously Close to the Brink of Yet Another Civil War, I referenced a book written by James Forman Jr., an African American public defense attorney,  entitled LOCKING UP OUR OWN Crime and Punishment in Black America. James Forman Jr. described how many African American leaders in government and Judiciary in recent decades collected data to show more policing was needed to make black lives matter. 

In past decades powerful African American leaders did not believe defunding the police was the answer based upon solid research of what was happening within African American communities across the nation. The Vietnam war destroyed the American economy culminating in huge volumes of illegal narcotics trafficked into the United States. 


The call for more police by African American leaders ultimately lead to African American citizens feeling like they are targeted by law enforcement. When people feel targeted for any reason,  including racial profiling they tend to go to extremes to defend themselves including deadly force with weapons, despite policing is simply intended to build communities where people can be safe and happy while raising their children. 

If people are not involved in any type of criminal activity they shouldn't feel threatened by stopping to talk with law enforcement for a little while as they conduct an investigation. Of course, if police bust down someone's door in the middle of the night, after a friendly chat, police departments should be obligated to replace the door and buy occupants dinner for their inconvenience. ' Sorry about busting your door down guy. We will send someone early tomorrow morning to fix it. Have a goodnight. '

Perhaps law enforcement do somehow get wrong information. In a politically divided nation police can receive the wrong information by what is commonly known as swatting:


In the case of Breona Taylor drug traffickers may have conducted an operation to swat Breona Taylor's apartment, deliberately misleading law enforcement agencies,  in order to cause a race war to defund the police so that they can destroy the lives of people or every race,  creed,  gender,  and ethnic origin by trafficking drugs. They didn't care about what happened to anyone in that apartment.  Everyone was set up. They were watching law enforcement and knew an undercover narcotics investigation was being conducted.  They played everyone by psychological manipulation. 

As far as Breona Taylor's ex boyfriend knew schrodinger's cat may have been inside those boxes he was moving around according to mass media reports. 'Somebody told me that they captured Schrodinger's cat and put it in a box for a long time and when they opened the box up it was grey poupon '.

The sophistication of drug cartels around the world including South America,  Mexico,  Canada,  China,  Hong Kong,  India, and middle east is powerful and may have lead to death of an innocent woman. We certainly don't want them in our communities integrating themselves into our culture like a chameleon as legitimate powerbrokers in government given evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI may become an incarnation of the antichrist unless we as citizens obey Gods commandment Go forth and have dominion. 

It appears drug cartels associated with the Global Luddite movement may have already integrated within our communities as legitimate powerbrokers.  In my freelance article entitled, In 2020 the United States of America has come Dangerously Close to the Brink of Yet Another Civil War,
I made the following observation while interpreting underlying meaningfulness of news events:


Since we as a nation are on the brink of yet another American civil war where people of every race, creed, gender,  and ethnic origin will most certainly loose in recent weeks there have been some incredibly stupid decisions made by authorities that make one question who is in charge . What do they stand to gain for causing a race war in America?

It is sensational journalism to show billions of people marching through the streets screaming defund the police, but that doesn't mean society will be better if the police are defunded. If individuals and groups staunchly hold the view that defunding the police is the answer then they must peacefully assemble to organize to work with academia to conduct rigorously controlled scientific studies to prove their position instead of wasting time screaming defund the police in peaceful protests on the streets.

In my article referenced above entitled, In 2020 the United States of America has come Dangerously Close to the Brink of Yet Another Civil War,  I discussed how some peaceful protesters are trying to prosecute law enforcement officers for racial inequality. The solution to racial inequality is for peaceful protesters to take action to grow businesses to solve  problems in their own communities. Peaceful protesters can scream about racial inequality day and night during peaceful protests,  but it will be a better to dedicate their  time to starting a business. 

Many successful African American entrepreneurs across  the nation appear on the popular ABC reality television show,  Shark Tank. The very successful billionaire Black Entertainment Network cable television station is fully able to provide venture capital for African American businesses. Highly paid professional athletes also have the financial resources to provide venture capital to African American startups. 

God has a purpose for every human being on earth.  People of a certain age or life circumstances such as raising a family may not be called to be an entrepreneur.  Markets are competitive and other established business entities may already be providing certain products and services to the public more efficiently. 

Time is precious.  Individuals have a right to be recognized for their contributions. Today we are at a historical epoch in human history as we move forward toward the singularity. Life can potentially be easier for everyone as an accelerating  rate of scientific and technological returns will create greater efficiency in manufacturing processes that will allow human civilization to return to a low entropy Garden of Eden like state. Since I became a victim of technological disruption in the printing industry as a  consequence of new computer  desktop processes replacing  the film stage of printing as a writer my book project about  quantum principles to understand human consciousness and proposed magazine concept design to raise venture capital for high tech startups will underwrite a Non Governmental Organization dedicated to helping professionals in human resources,  education,  and counseling help individuals apply artificial intelligence to accomplish goals in life to climb to the pinnacle of Abraham Maslow's self actualization hierarchy.

The Internet of things powered by Intel can provide embedded chips in every self driving autonomous hydrogen  powered electric vehicles that will enable a new heighten level of security within smart cities that may actually allow for defunding the police. The Internet of things in conjunction with quantum computing can provide fast rapid nearly instantaneous valid reliable intelligence data for investigations that can be quickly authenticated and verified in a court of law. Meanwhile I am working as a  writer and political consultant to help displaced law enforcement officers due to a substantial reduction of number of law enforcement personnel needed in smart cities of the near future. 


In order to financially underwrite building bridges to reduce economic inequality by creating more opportunities in black communities I proposed a Superbowl commercial where I would would be in the back seat of a self driving autonomous vehicle pulling alongside Kanye West chauffeured Cadillac limousine and I would ask Kanye West, " excuse me sir, do you have some grey poupon?"

As Abraham Lincoln said, United we stand , divided we fall. A house divided among itself cannot stand.  No business will succeed unless people of every race,  creed,  gender,  and ethnic origin prosper.  Hence racism from any ethnic group, including peaceful protesters, will destroy the United States of America. Nobody is going to buy anything from anyone who wants to break their legs. 

In my article I discussed how David McAtee worked hard to start a successful business in the West end that could have become an international franchise that would have created an indelible change in the West end. Many highly Intelligent people in the West end savvy in politics and business could have pulled together the economic resources to take Ya Ya Barbecue to the next level if they wanted. Until now, the city of Louisville has steadily grown and commercial real estate in the West end has increased in value. Since rioting has trashed Louisville the value of commercial real estate across the metropolitan area has plummeted. 

Once  more,  both Democratic and Republican politicians are misinterpreting the 1st amendment of the United States constitution as established  by our  Forefathers by encouraging peaceful protests on the streets. Elected leaders are so high up on a pedestal that they have such little faith in men and women created in the Image of God that they encourage them to debase themselves by wasting time in peaceful protests on the streets instead of meaningfully organizing to participate in the political process by using higher intellectual faculties of reasoning as a gift from God. 

Elected leaders misinterpretation of the United States Constitution as a guarantee to right of civil disobedience creates conditions whereby people do not understand the gravity of what they do ultimately leading to Non Euclidean distortions of the space time continuum with complex multiplicative cause and effect relationships during quantum  particlization of the arrow of time moving from low entropy to high entropy culminating in a never ending vicious cycle of revolution and warfare resulting in armageddon. 

Today the United States economy is perched precariously upon the international stage where an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns is creating upheaval. In previous articles I discussed Europe defunding democracy as imperialism of the Chinese silk road advances throughout the European continent because socialist capitalism has blurred differences between democracy and central communist party in mainland China given everything is interconnected as one by the quantum wave function language as an underlying unified higher level language of love. 

Since everything is interconnected as one by the quantum wave function language as an underlying unified higher level language of love we can work out our differences within the framework of representative government in such a way as to value both individualism and collectivism simultaneously  in order to solve global problems together. Democratization of mainland China is inevitable if mainland China foray into socialist capitalism will be successful. China is a beautiful country and citizens of China should love their homeland, and rightly so, but fullness of Tao can never be realized unless individuals are allowed to become all God created them to become to reach higher levels of Enlightenment within collective societies around the globe including the United States of America. 

#CivilDisobedience of #PeacefulProtests should never be #Flippantly promoted as a #Right #Guaranteed by #1stAmendment of the #UnitedStatesOfAmerica: Since all #HumanBeings live under paw of #EvolutionaryBiology there is no such thing as peaceful protest


If people think Dr. #MartinLutherKing didn't accomplish anything as a leader of the 1960s civil rights protests then the only other alternative is blow up Mount Rushmore, burn down Washington DC , dissolve the United States of America , and start something new https://t.co/LETr0gO1J9



Wednesday, September 23, 2020

In 2020 the United States of America has come Dangerously Close to the Brink of Yet Another Civil War

In 2020 the United States of America has come Dangerously Close to the Brink of Yet Another Civil War.  Since I am not an African American citizen many in the African American community may have an issue with my writing about events that transpire.

As a writer I strongly believe in idealism expressed in the Pledge of Allegiance:

"We pledge Allegiance to the flag to the United States of America for which it stands one nation indivisible for liberty and Justice for all.  

In my writing I have insisted that the 1st Amendment is about redressing grievances within courts of law and legislative assemblies within the framework of Representative government as established by our Forefathers. As a writer if Representative government is broke I am tasked by God to fix it by the sacred art of writing.

 @POTUS @UN #UN @Reuters
Our #BelovedNation, the #UnitedStatesofAmerica,  that has become home for #tired, poor, #WarWeary, and #downtrodden #HuddledMasses of #Immigrants #AcrossTheGlobe is accused of #HorrificCrimes against #humanity therefore is on #trial https://t.co/7mSeYj7wT5

In my writing I brandished an old idea of an all African American police force to end systemic racism in law enforcement. My brandishing the old idea of an all black police force to end systemic racism in law enforcement is reminiscent of Al Gore claiming he invented the internet. The politician is the dog in me given all human beings live under the paw of evolutionary biology constantly searching for a competitive advantage over our neighbor.
The Harvard Law Review published a book review entitled, The Black Police: Policing Our Own, promoting a book written by an African American leader entitled, LOCKING UP OUR OWN Crime and Punishment in Black America
James Forman Jr.
Farrar, Straus and Giroux



Why don't the African American community trust decision making of State Attorney General Danial Cameron as an African American leader in terms of oversight of Judiciary prudence of the Grand Jury handing down an indictment against police officers in the Breanna Taylor case?
The book, LOCKING UP OUR OWN Crime and Punishment in Black America, by African American leader James Forman Jr provides insight into the African American community does not trust State Attorney General Daniel Cameron's judiciary prudence.

A synopsis of the book, LOCKING UP OUR OWN Crime and Punishment in Black America, published by Macmillan Trade Books referenced  above provides the following insights into why many African American citizens may feel like they are victims of racial profiling by the police:

"As James Forman, Jr., points out, however, the war on crime that began in the 1970s was supported by many African American leaders in the nation’s urban centers. In Locking Up Our Own, he seeks to understand why.

Forman shows us that the first substantial cohort of black mayors, judges, and police chiefs took office amid a surge in crime and drug addiction. Many prominent black officials, including Washington, D.C. mayor Marion Barry and federal prosecutor Eric Holder, feared that the gains of the civil rights movement were being undermined by lawlessness—and thus embraced tough-on-crime measures, including longer sentences and aggressive police tactics. In the face of skyrocketing murder rates and the proliferation of open-air drug markets, they believed they had no choice. But the policies they adopted would have devastating consequences for residents of poor black neighborhoods."

Black lives do matter and African American leaders saw that drug trafficking snuffed out black lives. 

Massive "peaceful"  protests on the streets demonstrates that 
 African American citizens do not feel elected leaders are Representative of the African American community. Somehow communication between African American citizens and elected leaders is broken therefore African American voices are not heard.

In my freelance article entitled, Courts of Law and Legislative Assemblies Obey Orderly Procedure Processes whereby All the Pertinent Facts can be told and Truths Revealed, I made the following observation:


Many of these cases of police brutality against African Americans are so incredibly botched that the black lives matter movement does deserve answers.  In recent weeks I have written a number of public freelance articles with the theme Justice for victims of crimes against humanity can only be gotten within legislative assemblies and courts of law.

Since we as a nation are on the brink of yet another American civil war where people of every race, creed, gender,  and ethnic origin will most certainly loose in recent weeks there have been some incredibly stupid decisions made by authorities that make one question who is in charge . What do they stand to gain for causing a race war in America?

Since we are on the brink of yet another American civil war who made the decision to send white caucasian police officers into an all black neighborhood to deal with some type of altercation between Jacob Blake and his neighbors?


At least one of the officers who shot Jacob Blake is a white caucasian male according to a CNN article entitled, As Jacob Blake's family seeks answers, little is known about the officer who shot him


Who made a stupid decision to send a white carcasion police officer into an all black neighborhood to deal with this dispute when we as a nation are on the verge of yet another American civil war?

From what little I have read about the case on the internet evidently someone in the neighborhood wanted Jacob Blake removed from the premises. It is only logical that African American police officers dispatched to the all black neighborhood would have been better able to provide counseling to mitigate the dispute peacefully without invoking racial tensions.  

Whoever made the stupid decision  to send Police officer Rusten Sheskey into the all black neighborhood put the officers into an very unfair situation.


Another very disturbing questionable event is how a black family could have been mistakenly accused of  being in a stolen car and held at gunpoint on the ground because tags came back wrong? 


How can a mistake like this be made when we are on the verge of another American civil war? We live in the modern 21st century information age of high speed supercomputers that should put valid reliable information at decision makers fingertips at the blink of an eye. Who in the hell is making these decisions and what do they stand to gain to deliberately start a race war to destroy the United States of America? It appears major decision making in law enforcement is conducted by foreign nationals invested in the United States economy.

Since massive protest and demonstrations have occurred across the continental United States of America the most glaring blinding issue is an attempt by organizers of peaceful protests and mass media to lawfully try these cases in the public domain among people who were not present at the scene and did not know the victims. Everything the mass media reports is nothing but hearsay until sworn testimony and legal writing known as deposition is submitted in a court of law. 

Since we are on the verge of a new American civil war given the magnitude of the Grand jury decision to hand down an indictment against police officers in the Breanna Taylor case leaders of the Black lives matter movement should know they have other legal recourses other than a choice to burn down the city of Louisville. Normally,  a decision of a Grand jury to pass down a criminal indictment cannot be appealed,  but given the magnitude  of the Grand jury decision today which likely includes African American citizens hearing the evidence against police officers accused of a crime the African American community should have the right to return the decision of the Grand Jury back to the Grand Jury to be reviewed by a new Jury until all legal recourses are exhausted. Of course this process of appointing a new Grand jury to review the case will likely take a long time. 

The David McAfee case more then any other illustrates ideas presented in LOCKING UP OUR OWN Crime and Punishment in Black America, by African American leader James Forman Jr referenced above. Personally,  I did not know David McAfee except for whatever information was aired on television about his life and tragic death.  

For some reason,  I think David McAfee is a good guy caught up in quantum  particlization of a Non Euclidean distortion of the space time continuum in the arrow of time moving  from low entropy to high entropy. I think David McAfee and I could have become good friends and business partners.  I  envision Ya Ya Barbecue as a national and global franchise that could have created indelible lasting change in the West end of Louisville. 

Recently,  the lawyer for the family of David McAfee announced a lawsuit against the city of Louisville for wrongful death. The Attorney for the family of David McAfee is bringing a lawsuit against the wrong public entity.  David McAtee is a victim of a campaign of misinformation perpetrated by mass media and organizers of peaceful protest contributing to massive confusion. 

It is doubtful that the lawsuit against the city by David McAtee's family will prevail given video footage shows David McAtee firing a weapon out the door.  State troopers and National guard had a lawful right to defend themselves by returning fire given that law enforcement officers and National guard had bullets whizzing inches from their head during that week of peaceful protesting. 

David McAtee acted reasonably to defend his business,  Ya Ya's Barbecue from being burned to the ground by firing a warning shot in the air. It is likely
David McAtee was a good enough marksman that if he wanted someone dead they would be dead. I am not sure if David McAtee had any military training in the army or not. 

David  McAtee acted reasonably to defend his business Ya Ya Barbecue given the campaign of misinformation perpetrated by organizers of the peaceful protests and mass media.  I would have done the same thing.  It is likely David McAtee thought in the last few moments of his life that firing warning shots would cause state troopers, National guard,  and violent rioters to scatter and eventually leave the premises without burning down Ya Ya Barbecue.

Since David McAtee acted reasonably to defend his business by exercising his 2nd Amendment rights to gun ownership then the NRA should help David McAtee's family press a lawsuit against a campaign of misinformation perpetrated by the mass media and organizers of peaceful protests resulting in the wrongful death of David McAtee.  Proceeds from the lawsuit should should be applied to make Ya Ya Barbecue an international franchise to bring renewal to the West End  of Louisville,  and hope for human civilization as the legacy of David McAtee. 

An article published by NBC news entitled,  First responders made more than 1,000 runs to Dino’s in 2 years, discuss how residents living near Dino's Food market wanted the business shut down for drug trafficking and other criminal activity on the premises. David James, an African American leader in the community issued a warning to Dino's food market to cease and desist all illegal activities or have their business license revoked. 


An article published by WLKY entitled, Family of David McAtee says his legacy of kindness, good food will live on,
identified David McAtee as a long time member of Saint Stephen Baptist Church. As a long time member of Saint Stephen Baptist church David McAfee is a force for righteousness in his community. 


The tragic story of David McAtee illustrates how an attempt to try legal cases in the court of public opinion during a campaign of misinformation perpetrated by mass media and organizers of peaceful protests results in Non Euclidean distortions of the space time continuum featuring an ever growing complex multiplicative cause and effect relationships within the arrow of time moving from low entropy to high entropy eventually swallowing entire communities into an abyss. Since Non Euclidean distortions of the space time continuum feature ever growing increasing complex multiplicative cause and effect relationships then 
justice can only be gotten in courts of law and legislative assemblies where everything can be sorted out to prevent crimes from humanity from ever occurring again. 

Today, when State Attorney Daniel Cameron announced the decision of the Grand Jury to indict one police officer on three counts of wanton endangerment he clearly said that issuing the no knock warrant for police to be dispatched to Breona Taylor's apartment will be examined in Federal level civil litigation after an FBI investigation. At least that is what I heard Daniel  Cameron say on television.

The Grand Jury charged with the task of handing down indictments after State Attorney General  Daniel Cameron meticulously presented all the evidence against the accused police officers did not consider legal implications of a Judge signing a bench warrant to send law enforcement officers to Breona Taylor's apartment because another court will decide upon legality of the bench warrant issued after an FBI investigation is completed.  So the Judicial case for the fight for justice continues in courts of law.

Since this entire nightmare began playing out on the television news all I heard from mass media and organized protests is police busted down Breona Taylor's door at her apartment in the middle of the night and shot her dead. In my writing I reacted to massive protest by urging if all these cases are to be tried in the public domain among people who did not know the victims nor present at the crime scene then criminal trails should be aired on television. 

The African American community has been frustrated by elected leaders being so tight lipped about the case. State Attorney General Daniel Cameron explained that in the United States of America people are presumed innocent until proven guilty. A Grand Jury determines if a citizen can be charged with a crime by handing down a criminal indictment after hearing all the evidence. State Attorney Daniel Cameron insisted today that he meticulously presented the Grand jury with all the evidence.

On the streets peaceful protesters want to prosecute the three law enforcement officers for issues about slavery occurring hundreds of years ago, civil rights protests in the 1960s, and issues surrounding economic inequality due to racial discrimination. The three law enforcement officers sent to Breona Taylor's apartment by a no knock search warrant signed by a judge cannot be held accountable for these issues. 

In my freelance articles entitled,

Our Founding Fathers Are Men of Letters : The Power of the Written Word to Petition Government as Outlined by the 1st Amendment


Courts of Law and Legislative Assemblies Obey Orderly Procedure Processes whereby All the Pertinent Facts can be told and Truths Revealed


I outlined legislative action to end systemic racism in law enforcement and build trust in Representative government in
the African American community, especially in Judiciary processes:

Since powerful politicians and high level Judiciary are failing to bestow the virtues of representative government as established by our Forefathers in my freelance article entitled, 

Our Founding Fathers Are Men of Letters : The Power of the Written Word to Petition Government as Outlined by the 1st Amendment, I propose a legislative action to insure African American citizens are treated fairly in a court of law as well as a plan to eliminate systemic racism within law enforcement by making it mandatory under law that only African American law enforcement officers be dispatched to a possible crime scene involving an African American citizen. Also all bench warrants should be issued by African American judges and served by African American law enforcement officers:


Furthermore,  African American citizens should be detained in special holding areas more comfortable and accommodating then jail cells until African American leaders in the NAACP review the cases and take appropriate action to insure they will be treated fairly in a court of law within 2 hours.

Furthermore,  a special branch of an all volunteer military should be immediately created to recruit and train African American police officers as well as other population ethnic subgroups to specifically police their own communities.

#PowerfulPoliticians & #HighLevel #Judiciary are downplaying #RepresentativeGovernment established by our #Forefathers in #1stAmendment & encouraging #Protests because politicians & Judiciary don't have any #LegislativeSolutions to prevent #SystemicRacism https://t.co/61LIunMow2


Since #PowerfulPoliticians and #HighLevel #Judiciary don't have any #LegislativeSolutions to solve the problem of #SystemicRacism in #LawEnforcement then these cases will continue over, over, & #OverAgain #repeatedly in a #ViciousCycle https://t.co/wFAfFzWXDh



Kentucky State Attorney General did say the Judiciary system is not done with the investigations.  Currently,  there is an ongoing investigation by the FBI concerning the no knock search warrant signed by a Federal judge based upon probable cause. The FBI will determine the legality of the warrant based upon probable cause.

What I cannot understand is why the African American community does not trust Kentucky State Attorney General Daniel Cameron as an African American leader? Kentucky Attorney General appears to be a highly intelligent man. If Kentucky Attorney General announced that based upon his investigation all the officers are guilty of homicide I would have accepted his investigation as valid and reliable despite State Attorney Daniel Cameron is a black man.

It is very disturbing that people do not trust the Judiciary branch of our government. The public distrust of the Judiciary system is a major threat to the United States of America as the last bastion of liberty and torchbearer of freedom on earth.

Despite everything I still want to believe in my country and what it stands , hence public mistrust of the Judiciary system as a systematic threat to the very core foundation of the United States of America is very disturbing.

If the Black Lives Movement believes that Breona Taylor did not get Justice in the decision of the Grand Jury to not indict law enforcement officers for murder in my article entitled,  The United States of America is on the Verge of Yet Another Civil War, I proposed that the decision can be returned to a new Grand jury to review evidence presented by Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron or another prosecuting attorney of their choice sworn to uphold the law. But would selection of a new Grand jury make any difference? The facts are the facts.


The Black lives matter movement should always have a lawful recourse without resorting to civil disobedience of peaceful protests to overthrow the United States of America.  Basically,  in order to overturn the Grand jury decision not to indict law enforcement officers attorneys will have to present clear and convincing evidence that  the Grand jury decision making is flawed to the point of compromising justice.

In peaceful protests all across the United States of America police officers are presumed guilty by the mass media and peaceful protesters. The mass media  attempt to try officers in the public domain by myophically focusing upon selective facts based upon hearsay and gossip. Everything reported on television is hearsay and gossip until proven true in a court of law by sworn testimony and legal writing know as sworn deposition. Everyone wants to grab the microphone to get on television during peaceful  protests to tell it like it is. The truth and nothing but the truth can only be revealed in courts of law and legislative assemblies within the framework of representative government. 

On the streets peaceful protesters want to prosecute the three law enforcement officers for issues about slavery occurring hundreds of years ago, civil rights protests in the 1960s, and issues surrounding economic inequality due to racial discrimination. The three law enforcement officers sent to Breona Taylor's apartment by a no knock search warrant signed by a judge cannot be held accountable for these issues.

The first mistake that was made is that an African American judge should have signed the no knock search warrant reviewing evidence for probable cause before law enforcement officers were dispatched to Breona Taylor's apartment. In the future, the Black Congressional Caucus and NAACP should have Federal level judiciary available to review probable cause search warrants before signed by a judge despite the judge may be African American as I propose. 

Social media comment:

 Wow you think the "African American" community should just innately trust a single man because of one shared feature: the color of his skin.

Wow and yiiiikes.

Are there any white men you don't trust? Or do you trust them all inherently due to shared levels of melanin?

My Reply:

Thank you for your input.  I am not in the least trying to be condescending, but simply defend ideas expressed in my freelance articles and also answer your questions.  You have every right to question validity of anything you read on the internet. 

If you are trying to pick through my words to show that I am racist then yes I am racist,  but no more racist than any other human being on planet earth given every human being on planet earth lives under the paw of evolutionary biology. 

Today we should be moving away from living under the paw of evolutionary biology.  We as a collective consciousness of humanity have made tremendous progress to move away from living under the paw of evolutionary biology in recent  decades.

Peaceful Protesters on the street are making race an issue by claiming law enforcement officers are deliberately intentionally targeting African Americans  and therefore should be charged with capital murder. Capital murder carries a death penalty. It is racist to assume police officers are guilty of murder because in this country people are presumed innocent until proven guilty. 

The current narrative sold to the African American community by peaceful protesters and mass media is that police targeting African American citizens is a 400 year old plot to repress African Americans.  African Americans are disproportionately brutalized by law enforcement because African Americans feel they are treated unfairly by society and are targeted by the police for racial profiling therefore resist arrest more. It may or may not be true that African Americans are treated more unfairly then other ethnic groups,  but changing the narrative is paramount for people of every race,  creed, gender,  and ethnic origin to have a prosperous bright future. Slavery and the 1960s days of segregation are over , and people of every race,  creed, gender, and ethnic origin have freedom to work hard to build a successful business to either save lives or add significant value to the lives of other people. The definition of the inalienable right to happiness is as described in the Declaration of independence is to either save lives or add significant value to the lives of other people. 

Together African American slaves, plantation owners,  and colonists who came to America to escape tyranny of feudalist land barons of the old world European order built a great nation. The United States of America would have been a very different nation if people living back then didn't do what they done -- it would have been an alternate parallel timeline we certainly would not have wanted to walk down. We can all agree that the Institute of slavery is a horrific event that should never have happened,  but God allowed everything that happened in human history for a reason. 

No human being living today can judge people living hundreds of years ago. As pointed out in a recent article I wrote, hundreds of years ago cannibalism was widely practiced throughout the world. If people didn't do whatever they did back then today agents for the Gulag may have slashed the throat of anyone possessing a 1000 dollar mobile phone commonly used by protesters to film confrontations with the police. Abraham Lincoln was raised dirt poor in a log cabin. 


Slavery grew out of the idea of indentured servitude.  Since all things are interconnected as one in an Unus mundus pattern of meaningful coincidence based upon quantum synchronicity and relativity indentured servitude is related to the breaking news story about President Donald Trump paying less taxes then average middle class working citizens. 

According to mass media reports Donald Trump's financial empire is in the red hemorrhaging money given whatever is owed exceeds profits. In other words according to mass media reports President Trump's financial empire is bankrupt. 

If not for Judge John Rowan today President Trump would be a gnarled broken disheveled man with one or two loose teeth in a chain gang where prison guards would daily club his legs and back until what is owed is paid by hard labor. Judge John Rowan worked to outlaw harsh prison sentences for financial debt. If not for Judge John Rowan agents for the gulag would pack us all into prison vans today to cart us off to prison camps to work most of our lives in forced hard labor to pay the constant stream of debt every America citizens owe.

A huge number of immigrants from Europe worked as indentured servants on rural agriculture farms for most of their lives. In Africa when warring tribes defeated and captured neighboring tribesmen they forced the ones they didn't eat into bondage as indentured servants. When ships arrived from other continents African tribes sold their slaves in barter and trade for goods to maximize survival of the fittest. 

In my freelance article entitled, Pardon Me Sir, Do You Have Any Grey Poupon: A Superbowl Commercial to Underwrite Building Bridges to Create More Opportunities in Black Neighborhoods to Change the Narrative,  I discussed how police targeting African Americans originated from within the African American community from policies legislated by Africa American elected leaders trying to make black lives matter. The following is an excerpt:


In my freelance article entitled, In 2020 the United States of America has come Dangerously Close to the Brink of Yet Another Civil War, I referenced a book written by James Forman Jr., an African American public defense attorney,  entitled LOCKING UP OUR OWN Crime and Punishment in Black America. James Forman Jr. described how many African American leaders in government and Judiciary in recent decades collected data to show more policing was needed to make black lives matter. 

In past decades powerful African American leaders did not believe defunding the police was the answer based upon solid research of what was happening within African American communities across the nation. The Vietnam war destroyed the American economy culminating in huge volumes of illegal narcotics trafficked into the United States.

In my  freelance article entitled,  Prison Planet,  I described how economic devastation resulting from the Vietnam War adversely affected my life as a young man just entering the work force.   For many people further along trying to support a family economic devastation wreaked by the Vietnam War likely contributed to divorce and drug addiction.


You asked,  do I trust all white carcasion people.  It is written on the dollar bill, " In God we trust ". I only trust God alone. I don't trust Kentucky Governor Andy Bresher because he gave $17 million dollars to Shari law politicians in Colorado to pad state retirement accounts at the expense of non union workers who earned unemployment benefits in a Freddie Mac and Fannie Ma Mortgage backed securities white collar fraudulent scheme that Italian mafia thugs belonging  to the Global Luddite Movement  special interests group participate. I hate them all, and anyone wants to mess with me then they choose evolutionary biology to live by. 


In the United States of America everyone has the lawful right to practice  religion of their choice but we are a Christian nation founded upon Christian principles,  and selling off our country at a low cost to pad state employee pension accounts at the expense of Non union workers is the reason we have foreign National enemy combatants flying the friendly skies as recently as 2019.

I don't really trust Kentucky State Attorney General Daniel Cameron either,  because his lawsuit against Kentucky Governor Andy Bresher over the issue of wearing mask is going to lead to deliberate murder of people who will die needlessly by the SARs Covid-19 pathogen wielded as a deadly biological weapon.

As a  writer I suppose I can be accused of being racist for trying to overcome my racial bias by expressing faith in Representative government as a gift of God to human civilization.  Representative government as a gift from God above allows sinful people to intelligently work out differences expressed as quantum particlization of either/or conditions to create synergy and synchronicity associated  with the Hegelian dialectic method more accurately reflecting absolute  truth of simulated virtual reality of the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love. 

In my freelance article entitled,  In 2020 the United States of America has come Dangerously Close to the Brink of Yet Another Civil War, I made the following observations while trying overcome my racial bias:


Kentucky Attorney General appears to be a highly intelligent man. If Kentucky Attorney General announced that based upon his investigation all the officers are guilty of homicide I would have accepted his investigation as valid and reliable despite State Attorney Daniel Cameron is a black man.

In recent articles I wrote, including, Jesus said on the Cross, " Forgive them Father for they do not know what they do." Misinterpretation of the United States of America Constitution by Elected Leaders, I pointed out if the Black Lives Matter movement doesn't trust Kentucky State Attorney General Daniel Camerons Judiciary prudence then they have other legal options available to them other than resorting to civil disobedience of massive peaceful protests.  Civil disobedience of peaceful protests is designed to destroy Representative government as a broken system when in fact the system is not broke yet.  


Attorneys for the victims have already challenged Kentucky State Attorney General Daniel Cameron Judiciary prudence to present evidence to the Grand jury.  Now attorneys for the victims are saying that the only witness living upstairs who heard police announce themselves was coerced by law enforcement.  A plausible scenario is that the witness upstairs who testified to hearing police announce themselves may have been fearful of providing any type of testimony so therefore it took several months before the witness felt reassured of personal safety to come forth to testify.  Also, according to mass media reports attorneys for the victims question of the one officer indicted for wanton endangerment was in possession of a 9 mm handgun therefore may have shot his fellow officer.  Police officers are likely issued a wide variety of firearms,  but what matters now is what caliber of firearm the officer indicted for wanton endangerment was carrying that night.

Attorneys for the victims should have every legal recourse for the Breona Taylor case to be heard by a new grand jury to review the evidence under Judiciary prudence of a new prosecuting Attorney sworn to uphold the law by guarantee of a fair trial for law enforcement officers accused of murder other than State attorney general Daniel Cameron even if a Supreme Court decision must be handed down given the serious magnitude of this case to topple the United States of America for which it stands one nation under God indivisible for liberty and Justice for all. 


Tuesday, September 22, 2020

The Quantum Perspective makes the Winnowing Forked Road Straight by the Sacred Art of Writing

The Quantum Perspective as Quantum Particlization of Semantic Binary Data at the Nexus of Multiple Parallel Universes is Divine Intervention to make the Winnowing Forked Road Straight by the Sacred Art of Writing During Quantum Particlization of the Arrow of Time Moving from Low Entropy to High Entropy Resulting in Branching into an Alternative Parallel Timeline to Avoid Armageddon

Alan Watts provides an excellent lecture upon the futility of human thinking.


In my freelance article entitled, The truth and nothing but the truth can only be revealed in courts of law and legislative assemblies within dynamics of Representative government, I explore ideological differences underlying various forms of government within the international community. 


From a #Quantum perspective, #Oneness or #Unity known as Tao,  where everything is interconnected as one involves complicated dynamics of adinfintum number of #Individual parts working #harmoniously together in perfect #synchronicity to form a #Gestalt Whole https://t.co/YNDiLe6Cae

Human beings as individuals are small parts of the social order that formulate a holistic eclectic Gestalt collective whole society. A adinfintum number  of societies around the globe are interconnected as one. 

At the central fundamental core of ideologies underlying various forms of government within the international community is a purpose of arriving at truth. Protests in Hong Kong and arrest of billionaire publishing mogul Jimmy Lai  is a clash between  ideologies underlying various forms of government as China ventures forth upon a foray of socialist capitalism in recent decades. 

All forms of government demand oversight of some form of barter and trade of goods and services to sustain a national economy. The rural agriculture economy of mainland  China in the 19th and early 20th century could not keep pace with ever growing industrial manufacturing boom of that era.

In the early 20th century China chose to be a secluded nation similar to North Korea today. China chose to be a secluded nation because the discovery of dynamite mortified Chinese emperors as they envisioned the use of dynamite as a weapon of mass destruction. 

International diplomacy by former president Richard Nixon lured China into the international markets. Richard Nixon, aka tricky dick after the Watergate scandal, must have made Chinese diplomats in Beijing feel welcome and very much at home within the international community especially given surveillance is a primary tool for autocratic control of large indigenous populations and information systems. 


Meditation as cessation of thinking as a pathway to experience transcendent totality of everything beyond mind 
is contradictory to the quantum  perspective of the sacred art of writing.  The quantum  perspective purports the sacred art of writing helps an individual build a closer relationship with God by becoming more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an underlying unified higher level language of love as the voice of God.

Allan Watts attempts to define meditation as "digging the present or grooving with the eternal NOW ".  An action of digging the present or grooving with the eternal NOW is about passion. Passion is directly experiencing the quantum wave function language as an underlying unified higher level language of love which is beyond mind.

In terms of passion in romantic love it is often reported romantic love simply don't make any logical sense. Love is something that cannot be planned or controlled with the human mind. Love simply is and just naturally happens.

Meditation as cessation of thinking as a pathway to experience transcendent totality of everything beyond mind is about tapping into Intelligent Design within our physical universe God created. Human thinking or cognition is quantum particlization resulting from two based permutation logic algorithms formulating functional connectivity Motifs projecting engrams of short term and long term memory. Engrams of short term memory are associated with the subconscious realm of the human psyche. Engrams of long term memory are associated with conscious awareness. 

God said "Let there be light ". Functional connectivity Motifs are bundles of neurons arising from molecular bonds of neuroelectrical chemical sequences formulated by photon light particles as quantized packets of energy at nexus of multiple parallel universes received and processed as sensory stimuli moving electrons up and down subatomic orbitals within atoms. Logically quantum  particlization of two based permutation logic algorithms would be too slow to allow for the  miracle of human cognition or thinking unless for the quantum wave function language as a underlying unified higher level language of love manifesting Intelligent Design of the physical universe God created. 

Quantum particlization of machine process of human cognition evolved from evolutionary biology. Evolution of human thinking as a product of natural selection maximized probability of survival of the fittest.

Over the course of countless millennium of human history human thinking is frowned upon and devalued because human thinking gives people a competitive advantage in alignment with an evolutionary biology model. Jesus said, " We played the flute for you but you did not dance,  we sang a dirge but you did not mourn".

Human behavior antecedents related to quantum particlization of atoms is when an individual memetically goes to the left when an opponent goes to the right and visa versa an opponent goes to the left then an individual goes to the right. Similar like electrical charges between different  atoms repell each other. Hence competitive advantage of natural selection arising from the evolutionary biology model is reminiscent of repulsive forces of like charged particles expressed upon an atomic level whereby individuals take different paths on their journey in life to gain a competitive advantage.  

Quantum particlization of atoms are held together by polar opposite positive charges of protons packed in the core nucleus and negative electric charges of electrons attracting each other. Electrons encircle the nucleus on various subatomic orbitals different distances from the nucleus containing positrons. On a macro level behavior antecedents of positive and negative charges attracting each other on the subatomic level is akin to sociological affinity of individuals with different belief systems joining groups that reflect the full gamut of ideology to maximize probability of survival under an evolutionary biology model.

When an atom is split there is a release of an enormous amount of energy during an atomic explosion which speaks volumes about emotional volatility and why there is no such thing as a peaceful protest. Poetically I captured emotion volatility in my poem, My Soul is Like a Volcano:


Paradoxically in the world of modern internet telecommunications of 21st century we are more disconnected than ever in human history because in alignment with an evolutionary biology model internet telecommunications has escalated a fight among people across the globe to be heard. Modern 21st century internet telecommunications should help us all become more interconnected as one , but paradoxically we are more disconnected despite being tuned into an interactive digital media. 

Generally people don't like people who engage in the sacred art of writing to build a closer relationship with God by becoming more attuned to the quantum wave function language as a underlying unified higher level language of love because the sacred art of writing infers competitive advantage. Hence as a writer I don't have many followers on social media.

Human thinking is about a process of becoming. An act of becoming is dependent upon competive nature of individualism as a function of evolutionary biology expressed within collectivism of various societies around the globe. 

A reiteration of thoughts shared above is apropos at this point in the discussion:

From a #Quantum perspective, #Oneness or #Unity known as Tao,  where everything is interconnected as one involves complicated dynamics of adinfintum number of #Individual parts working #harmoniously together in perfect #synchronicity to form a #Gestalt Whole https://t.co/YNDiLe6Cae

Human beings as individuals are small parts of the social order that formulate a holistic eclectic Gestalt collective whole society. An adinfintum number of societies around the globe are interconnected as one. 

At this point in human history the diplomatic relationship between the United States of America and China is very tense and precarious because the SARs Covid-19 pandemic has dramatically increased competive nature if international relations as economies around the world flounder. At this point in human history we all know that we cannot cut off diplomatic relations with mainland China despite many disparaging ugly things said about the great nation of China during Presidential campaigns within the United States of America.

The quantum perspective as a philosophical  frame of reference is an analytical study of quantum particlization of simulated  virtual reality rendered by the quantum wave function language as an underlying unified higher level language of love expressing  an holistic eclectic Gestalt transcendent  reality defined  as the Oriental concept of Tao.

From the quantum perspective the mechanics of human cognition as a process of becoming cannot be extricated from a holistic eclectic Gestalt transcendent absolute reality defined as Tao expressed by the quantum wave function language as a underlying unified higher level language of love since everything is interconnected as one. 

 Since our physical universe is a product of Intelligent Design then evolution of thinking is paramount to Enlightened states achieved by meditation given adinfintum number of parts allowing for miracle of human cognition formulate a holistic eclectic Gestalt whole.

Jaine 108 Math Academy provides insight into Intelligent Design by pointing out,  "It appears that we, as an evolving species,
need to integrate, make peace and accept
that there is indeed a tangible connection
between both the Biological and the Mechanical/Electronical
aspects of our Lives."


Evolution of thinking as quantum particlization of simulated virtual reality expressed by the quantum wave function language as an underlying unified higher level language of love simply is an intricate quintessential part of beauty of biodiversity. The quintessential beauty of biodiversity simply is without pretense to good or evil given absolute truth is the Divine prerogative of God alone.

Yet , from the quantum perspective of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation whereby absolute truth is the Divine prerogative of God alone we know that beauty and truth exist because our flat earth Euclidean universe God created is based upon Intelligent Design.  However,  since everything is interconnected as one then deconstruction of causality cannot derive absolute truth by two based permutation  logic algorithms of human cognition according to the philosophy of Fredrick Nietzsche underpinning communism. Hence the quantum perspective is a philosophical frame of reference creating synchronicity and synergy between global ideologies so that human civilization as Gods masterpiece can move forward toward the singularity to accomplish Gods Divine will on earth. 

Although a lot of this information may seem to be redundant from previous articles I wrote it is reiterated here within a new context of helping human civilization move forward toward the technological singularity to accomplish Gods Divine will on earth by counteracting absolute totalitarianism as a natural intrinsic property of all information systems within our physical universe. 

A Cosmic  mind God coded to manage information architecture of our flat earth Euclidean universe renders quintessential beauty of biodiversity without any pretense to precepts good or evil. Satan hacked a Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden.

 God allowed Satan to hack a Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden for a purpose.  God asks Adam and Eve after the fall from grace in the Garden of Eden,  " Who told you that you were naked?" God wanted Adam and Eve to know they were naked so therefore God allowed Satan to hack a Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden. 

It is Gods Divine plan that we become partners with Him in creation given we are created in the Image of God. God commanded " Go forth and have dominion over the birds in the air, beast in the fields, fish in the sea,  and every creepy crawling thing that moves so that mankind will become partners with Him in creation. Since human beings are subroutines of a Cosmic mind God did not create mankind to be merely robots.

In my writing I made the following observation:  Since human consciousness is a machine process arising from quantum mechanics God seeks to make us more sentient and self aware. Satan desires to do the opposite. 

Paradoxically,  the practice of meditation as cessation of human cognition heightens conscious awareness. In my writing I described how cessation of thinking during practice of transcendental meditation increases semantic binary categorization and classification by two based permutation logic algorithms resulting in branching of knowledge after transcendent meditation sessions.

In other articles I wrote I described how the sacred art of writing is a western form of meditation.

The metacognitive process of writing demands brief transcendental meditative pauses or cessation of thinking therefore writing is a Western form of meditation. It is how freedom and democracy outlined in  foundational documents of the United States of America came to be. Our founding fathers were attuned to the quantum wave function language as an underlying unified higher level language of love as the Voice of God. 

Oftentimes people react with abhorrence to the idea of an inalienable right to happiness because people think too much and pick apart everything because people attempt to gain a competitive advantage under an evolutionary biology model. Meditative reflection upon the concept of happiness while engaged in the sacred art of writing leads to semantic binary categorization and classification resulting in expanding meaningfulness of the idea of happiness referenced by our founding fathers by defining happiness as either saving lives and/or adding significant value to lives of other people.

In my freelance article entitled,  A Critique Outlining Meaningfulness of The Unloved Poem, I described brief reflective pauses during the sacred art of writing as the Western form of transcendental meditation.  The sacred art of writing is like a mantra. 


The value of the sacred art of writing within the quintessential beauty of biodiversity where everything is interconnected as one is discussed in my freelance articles entitled :

Only after Emergence of the True Self can an Individual Experience Enlightenment of Becoming One with the Universe


The Quantum Wave Function Collapse for a Reason -- and the Reason is YOU


Since our universe is a product of Intelligent Design then Destiny is quantum particlization of simulated virtual reality of the quantum wave function language as an underlying unified higher level language of love expressed by Julian Barbours cosmological principle of NOW,  where past, present  and future converge as one.

Since destiny is a product of Intelligent Design then  Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream as interpreted by Daniel prophizes undercurrents of meaningfulness pertaining to parley in U.S. Sino diplomacy today.  


China is very worried about upheaval caused by Hong Kong protesters. Hong Kong is more liberal in engaging the world in capitalist barter and trade thereby departing from ideological tenets of the Central Communist Party. In mainland China barter and trade within international markets is tightly controlled by the central government  whereby in Hong Kong individuals reap profits from international barter and trade. China is worried about the growing power of Hong Kong tycoons 
given  barter and trade of  socialist capitalism is a mainstay of international markets. In recent decades China reluctantly dabbled in socialist capitalism within international markets to keep pace with industrial manufacturing. 

Daniel interpreted Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream as many kingdoms toppled as occurred during the course of human history.
Metallurgy depicted in Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream as interpreted by Daniel is prophecy of an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns creating enormous sociological changes and upheaval. Graphene is the strongest substance on  planet earth today leading towards a revolution in digital electronics.

In my freelance article entitled, Baptism of the dead to More Fully Expand Justification and Redemption of Humanity, I made the following observation about U.S. - Sino diplomacy as related to Armageddon as destiny predicted by laws of classic physics and Biblical prophecy:


An act of defunding the United States of America as the last bastion of democracy and liberty on earth is especially alarming given imperialism associated with the Chinese silk road through the European continent. The international  community fully embrace imperialism of the Chinese silk road because the rapid foray of China into socialist capitalism during the 20th century blurred differences between various forms of government.

In paragraphs above I described how former President Richard Nixon made Chinese emperors feel welcome within international markets after centuries of seclusion given surveillance is a major tool to control enormous indigenous populations.

It is a big #Paradox that at the same time we fought #communism in #Vietnam  #American #Industry ramped up #OffshoreManufacturing in mainland #China. Something don't add up https://t.co/poB3GMqRDt


Senator Mitch McConnell shared this quote from Dr. Martin Luther King providing insight into the Non Euclidean nature of Destiny expressed by simulated virtual reality formulating the quantum wave function language as a underlying unified higher level language of love:

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. famously said “the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” Our nation has bent toward justice because heroes like John Lewis took it upon themselves to lead the way. We celebrate the life of this American hero. https://t.co/uyy3rOOn1U


Deeply disturbed that Hong Kong democracy activists, arrested two weeks ago, have been denied access to lawyers of their choice. We hope Chief Executive Lam’s stated commitment to protecting the rights of Hong Kong residents is more than just words.


No question #Xitler's #CCP China is a fascist regime. Putting 8 million Uyghurs in Xinjiang concentration camps is a crime against humanity.


Global Petition: Immediate Return of the 12 HK Detainees from Mainland China! 全球聯署要求中國政府送返12名被捕港人 - Sign the Petition! https://t.co/KVD8PMbrgU via @Change


In a number of recent articles I discussed  Non Euclidean distortions of the space time continuum characterized by complex cause and effect relationships during quantum particlization of the arrow of time moving from low entropy to high entropy. 

My Facebook article discusses Non Euclidean distortions of the space time continuum as illustrated by Jaine 108 Academy:


Quantum particlization of Non Euclidean distortions of the space time continuum during quantum particlization of the arrow of time moving from low entropy to high entropy will ultimately lead to armageddon as predicted by laws of classic physics and prophesized by Biblical prophecy. The Quantum Perspective as Quantum Particlization of Semantic Binary Data at the Nexus of Multiple Parallel Timelines is Divine Intervention to make the Winnowing Forked Road Straight by the Sacred Art of Writing During Quantum Particlization of the Arrow of Time Moving from Low Entropy to High Entropy Resulting in Branching into an Alternate Parallel Timeline to Avoid Armageddon:

Do You Know What is Happening ? The United States of America is Caught Up in a Vicious Never Ending Cycle Becoming a Self Fulfilling Prophecy Leading towards Armageddon:


Bestowing Virtues of Representative Government


Hiccups within Trajectory of Quantum Particlization of Time Space Continuum


Alan Watts compared meditation to dancing in his video lecture. Meditation is akin to cancellation of terms during simplification of two based permutation logic algorithms of human cognition allowing one to become more  attuned to the quantum wave function language as an underlying unified higher level language of love. In my Facebook correspondence to Johnny of Lynard Skynyrd fame I shared,


Thank you Johnny for encouragement and timeless classic hits from Lynard Skynyrd as one of the greatest bands ever. Still trying to be a Simple Man in a complicated complex world while trying to avoid a break from reality by thinking too much about about Quantum Physics.

As Rene Descartes wrote, " I think therefore I am "

In my freelance article entitled, What I Can't Understand is How can Attorneys and Politicians Graduate Law School and Get Licensed to Practice Law when They Don't Understand What the United States Constitution says as Written by Our Forefathers?, I discussed renewal and rededication  to the principle of Representative government here at home in the United States of America and abroad within the International community in order to avoid falling into an abyss of a Non Euclidean distortion of the space time continuum. 


A Non Euclidean distortion of the space time continuum renders an adinfintum number of complex cause and effect relationships that cannot be deconstructed, hence peaceful protest outside the framework of Representative government 
emulate Nihilism promoting perpetual revolution and war leading towards Armageddon. It is only under a Representative government model within courts of law and legislative assemblies that an adinfintum number of complex cause and effect relationships can be sorted out within an orderly forum so as to make positive changes to government. 

It is written, New International Version
"For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended."


People who do right embrace Representative government because they know God is on their side.  People who do wrong reject representative government and therefore surround themselves with an angry mob on the streets because they don't believe in Gods Divine providence. 

It is written, 

New International Version
What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?


Mystical Bee published an article entitled,  10 Beliefs of Taoism Religion, at the following URL address:


The role of the sacred art of meditation in heightening  conscious awareness by accelerating semantic binary data classification and categorization during operation of two based permutation logic algorithms formulating cognitive expansion of knowledge in the process of becoming whoever one is created to be fits into the Ying and Yang pattern of natural harmony within the universe in keeping with Rene Descartes idiom,  " I think therefore I am". Human thinking is a natural part of quintessential beauty of biodiversity enabling an individual to climb to the pinnacle of Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of Self actualization, and to exert one's will against human thinking leads to disharmony in the universe given human beings are subroutines of a Cosmic mind. 

Human beings are made to think.  When Satan hacked a Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden thinking became a product of evolutionary biology. Human thinking allows both   individuals and the collective conscious of humanity to plan for the future. An ability to plan for the future is what separates human beings from animals.  God commanded,  Go forth and have dominion over the beast in the fields,  birds in the air, fish in the sea, and every creepy crawling thing that moves so that mankind as created in the Image of God will choose to become partners with Him in co creation. 

The world is rapidly moving toward the singularity due to an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns.

According to Worldometers, 
The current population of China is 1,440,585,659  as of Tuesday, September 22, 2020, based on Worldometer elaboration of the latest United Nations data


Most likely most citizens in China love their country, and they should rightfully love their homeland. People all over the globe including China and Hong Kong want to have an opportunity to become whatever God originally created them to be to bring fulfillment to Tao as discussed in my freelance articles:

Only after Emergence of the True Self can an Individual Experience Enlightenment of Becoming One with the Universe


The Quantum Wave Function Collapse for a Reason -- and the Reason is YOU


An article published by Psychology Today entitled, When coming to a fork in the road – take it (Yogi Berra), elaborated upon the meaning of the famous American Baseball Player Yogi Berra's famous truism derived from Yogi simply giving someone directions to his house. Essentially all roads lead to Yogi's house provide insight into a guiding force within quantum particlization of our flat earth Euclidean universe expressed by the quantum wave function language as an underlying unified higher level language of love formulating  an Unus mundus pattern of meaningful coincidence based upon quantum synchronicity and relativity as described by famed physicist Wolfgang Pauli,  renown psychoanalytical pioneer Carl Jung,  and Albert Einstein.


Continued later

Friday, September 18, 2020

What I Can't Understand is How can Attorneys and Politicians Graduate Law School and Get Licensed to Practice Law when They Don't Understand What the United States Constitution says as Written by Our Forefathers?

The American Bar Association published an article entitled,  For Effective Written Advocacy Remember to Frame Your Issue:



What I Can't Understand is How can Attorneys and Politicians Graduate Law School and Get Licensed to Practice Law when They Don't Understand What the United States Constitution says as Written by Our Forefathers?


And why doesn't the American Bar Association believe in democratization of law as evidenced by not allowing Intelligent comments on their Facebook page designed to improve the Judicial system on the federal,  state,  and local level by making government more representative?

#Writing is a #SacredArt that helps an #Individual build a closer #Relationship with God as they become more attuned to the  #QuantumWaveFunction language as an #Underlying #Unified #HigherLevel #Language of #Love https://t.co/guMinoXAp9


In my freelance article entitled, The Truth and Nothing but the Truth can only be Revealed in Courts of Law and Legislative Assemblies within Dynamics of Representative Government , I referenced another article I wrote entitled The Power of Ideas Supersedes Power of Any and All Military Weapons of Mass Destruction because God Desires the Human Race He Created Transcend Evolutionary Biology:

The truth and nothing but the truth can only be revealed in courts of law and legislative assemblies within dynamics of Representative government


The Power of Ideas Supersedes Power of Any and All Military Weapons of Mass Destruction because God Desires the Human Race He Created Transcend Evolutionary Biology


The #QuantumPerspective should win #NobelPeacePrize. The #QuantumPerspective as a philosophical frame of reference I am creating
is about #transcending #QuantumParticlization of #EvolutionaryBiology culminating in #Armageddon  https://t.co/tJnD1yt4Ji

@NobelPrize #NobelPrize
The #QuantumWaveFunction #Language as an expression of the purest form of #Love from God above underwrites text existing as #QuantumParticlization of #SemanticBinaryData of #HolyBooks of all the #WorldsGreatReligions https://t.co/2KrbBieCaJ

It is written, "There is a time and place for every purpose under heaven", so therefore there is a time and place for civil disobedience. Civil disobedience is not guaranteed by the 1st Amendment. The 1st Amendment of the United States Constitution as established by our Forefathers guarantees the right to redress grievances in courts of law and legislative assemblies. 

The United States of America that exists today in the modern 21st century cannot be compared to the 1960's era. No human being living on planet earth today can judge people living in the days of slavery.  In those days cannibalism was widely practiced. Massive numbers of people may have died in the United States of America as occurred during the potato famine in Ireland. 

In the Birmingham jail Martin Luther King prayerfully reflected upon the heavy burden of engaging in civil disobedience and engaged in the sacred art of writing to receive revelations from the quantum wave function language as a underlying unified higher level language of love as the voice of God.  Martin Luther King warned about future generations falling into an abyss. 

Civil disobedience  should never be flippantly promoted as a right guaranteed by the 1st Amendment of the United States of America. The 1st Amendment of the United States of America as established by our Forefathers guarantees the right to peacefully redress grievances within legislative assemblies and courts of law within the framework of representative government. 

Instead of playing the role of god almighty by casting judgement upon people who lived hundreds of years ago by destroying historical monuments we should honour the greatness of our ancestors by building new monuments to recognize contribution of African American leaders like Senator John Lewis.

The historical context of transcending evolutionary biology of the past is what makes contributions of great leaders today great and gives meaning  to their life work. Without the historical context of the past the life work of great leaders today has no meaning. What happened yesterday, good or bad, God ordained for a reason. The statue of King Louis sprayed orange represents law and order.  If King Louis did not do whatever God placed him on earth to do there would likely have been more cannibalism under the evolutionary biology model of survival of the fittest.

And even today people are so desperate they have to sell poppy seed to completely obliterate and destroy other people's lives by drug addiction. God is guiding human civilization to move away from living under the paw of evolutionary biology. 

@FBIgov #FBI @DHSgov #DHSGov 

#MartinLutherKing should be engraved on #MountRushmore for his contribution to #RepresentativeGovernment of the United States of America. Dr. MLK helped build a #GreatNation more representative of people of every race, creed, gender,  and ethnic origin https://t.co/VRw5ZjDZep


If people think Dr. #MartinLutherKing didn't accomplish anything as a leader of the 1960s civil rights protests then the only other alternative is blow up Mount Rushmore, burn down Washington DC , dissolve the United States of America , and start something new https://t.co/LETr0gO1J9


Since #ElectedLeaders, Republican & Democratic are #Failing to take any #LegislativeActions to prevent #CrimesAgainstHumanity from ever occurring again as they are #paid to do, as a writer I propose #LegislationSolutions to end #SystemicRacism by #police 


It is because people do not understand Representative government as established by our Forefathers that the world we live is in turmoil.

#PeacefulProtesting #channels #EvolutionaryBiology from #Primeval depths of the #Subconscious Soul therefore Jimmy Lai should NOT be given my #NobelPrize: Evolutionary  biology is quantum  particlization resulting  from collapse of Quantum Wave function  language as a unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks https://t.co/lP3tp9JxaR


Social change is a slow and gradual process of quantum particlization that does not occur overnight. From the dawn of human civilization individuals have stumbled blind trying to grasp at some fundamental truth expressed by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love. 

God allowed Satan to hack a Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden so that human beings as Gods masterpiece will have to learn on their own to apply God's precepts in order to prevent human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind from becoming mere robotic machines. Human consciousness is a machine process arising from quantum mechanics.  God seeks to make human beings more sentient and self aware while Satan desires to do the opposite hence writing is a sacred art that helps an individual build a better relationship with God by becoming more  attuned to the quantum wave function language as an underlying unified higher level language of love by which God coded a Cosmic mind. 

The violent clashes that occurred during the civil rights protests of the 1960s  lead by Dr. Martin Luther King is in some measure a consequence of white caucasian people not wanting to be forced by government to segregate. Likewise today there is a movement in the African American community resisting desegregation as required by government in order to preserve African American culture. 

On Twitter I referenced an article entitled, Wang Shaoguang, "Representative and Representational Democracy" that discussed remnants of representative government already existing in mainland China. :

When individuals #StandAlone redressing #Grievances to #Government within #LegislativeAssemblies & #CourtsOfLaw https://t.co/R1bU2eQynW by #SacredArtOfWriting within framework of #RepresentativeGovernment the #FlameOfLiberty is set ablaze in #MensHearts https://t.co/KFcTmkeFwz

Mainland China is not the United States of America. China has a humongous indigenous population immensely greater than the population of the United States of America. 

If China adopted the pluralism within America democracy then Revolution and turmoil will likely occur that would destroy China. The collapse of Central Communists Party ( CCP ) in mainland China after revolution will likely leave in its wake a lunatic fringe government without purpose and more dangerous to the international community.

In my freelance article entitled, Do You Know What is Happening ? The United States of America is Caught Up in a Vicious Never Ending Cycle Becoming a Self Fulfilling Prophecy Leading towards Armageddon, I outline ideas that can prevent the world from becoming trapped in  Non Euclidean distortions of the time space continuum with complex cause and effect relationships resulting in history continually repeating itself in an endless cycle of war, turmoil,  and violent revolutions:


According to the quantum perspective of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation absolute truth is the Divine prerogative of God alone. In Non Euclidean distortions of the space time continuum as hiccups in the arrow of time moving from low entropy to high entropy cause and effect relationships exponentially increase during quantum  particlization of simulated  virtual reality expressed by the quantum wave function language as mathematically balanced equation.

Frederick Nietzsche purported nihilism arises as an inability to deconstruct cause and effect relationships due to everything is interconnected as one,  hence absolute truth is the Divine prerogative of God alone. Nihilism as an internalized construct figured prominently in Marxism thereby providing a philosophical underpinning communism.

An inability  to deconstruct cause and effect relationships leads to an infinite loop of intraphysic conflict whereby war and  violent revolution continually repeat itself until human civilization as Gods masterpiece sinks into the abyss. The quantum perspective as a philosophical frame of reference provides quantum particlization of
semantic binary data intervening within Non Euclidean distortions of the space time continuum resulting in alternative parallel timelines to prevent armageddon.

God made us to think , and that is what we do.  Homo sapiens are unique within the animal kingdom because homo sapiens evolved an ability to think.  An ability to think enables human beings as Gods masterpiece to plan a better future.

The legal conflict between Hong Kong billionaire mogul Jimmy Lai and the Central Communists party in mainland China is a teachable moment with potential to build upon representative government already existing in mainland China. The article, Wang Shaoguang, "Representative and Representational Democracy, referenced above discuss Representative government already existing in mainland China. 

The world does not want to sink into an abyss of a non Euclidean distortion of the space time continuum resulting in endless war and violent revolution. The world wants to move forward toward the singularity trusting in Gods Divine omnipotence to solve global problems together.