Tuesday, September 22, 2020

The Quantum Perspective makes the Winnowing Forked Road Straight by the Sacred Art of Writing

The Quantum Perspective as Quantum Particlization of Semantic Binary Data at the Nexus of Multiple Parallel Universes is Divine Intervention to make the Winnowing Forked Road Straight by the Sacred Art of Writing During Quantum Particlization of the Arrow of Time Moving from Low Entropy to High Entropy Resulting in Branching into an Alternative Parallel Timeline to Avoid Armageddon

Alan Watts provides an excellent lecture upon the futility of human thinking.


In my freelance article entitled, The truth and nothing but the truth can only be revealed in courts of law and legislative assemblies within dynamics of Representative government, I explore ideological differences underlying various forms of government within the international community. 


From a #Quantum perspective, #Oneness or #Unity known as Tao,  where everything is interconnected as one involves complicated dynamics of adinfintum number of #Individual parts working #harmoniously together in perfect #synchronicity to form a #Gestalt Whole https://t.co/YNDiLe6Cae

Human beings as individuals are small parts of the social order that formulate a holistic eclectic Gestalt collective whole society. A adinfintum number  of societies around the globe are interconnected as one. 

At the central fundamental core of ideologies underlying various forms of government within the international community is a purpose of arriving at truth. Protests in Hong Kong and arrest of billionaire publishing mogul Jimmy Lai  is a clash between  ideologies underlying various forms of government as China ventures forth upon a foray of socialist capitalism in recent decades. 

All forms of government demand oversight of some form of barter and trade of goods and services to sustain a national economy. The rural agriculture economy of mainland  China in the 19th and early 20th century could not keep pace with ever growing industrial manufacturing boom of that era.

In the early 20th century China chose to be a secluded nation similar to North Korea today. China chose to be a secluded nation because the discovery of dynamite mortified Chinese emperors as they envisioned the use of dynamite as a weapon of mass destruction. 

International diplomacy by former president Richard Nixon lured China into the international markets. Richard Nixon, aka tricky dick after the Watergate scandal, must have made Chinese diplomats in Beijing feel welcome and very much at home within the international community especially given surveillance is a primary tool for autocratic control of large indigenous populations and information systems. 


Meditation as cessation of thinking as a pathway to experience transcendent totality of everything beyond mind 
is contradictory to the quantum  perspective of the sacred art of writing.  The quantum  perspective purports the sacred art of writing helps an individual build a closer relationship with God by becoming more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an underlying unified higher level language of love as the voice of God.

Allan Watts attempts to define meditation as "digging the present or grooving with the eternal NOW ".  An action of digging the present or grooving with the eternal NOW is about passion. Passion is directly experiencing the quantum wave function language as an underlying unified higher level language of love which is beyond mind.

In terms of passion in romantic love it is often reported romantic love simply don't make any logical sense. Love is something that cannot be planned or controlled with the human mind. Love simply is and just naturally happens.

Meditation as cessation of thinking as a pathway to experience transcendent totality of everything beyond mind is about tapping into Intelligent Design within our physical universe God created. Human thinking or cognition is quantum particlization resulting from two based permutation logic algorithms formulating functional connectivity Motifs projecting engrams of short term and long term memory. Engrams of short term memory are associated with the subconscious realm of the human psyche. Engrams of long term memory are associated with conscious awareness. 

God said "Let there be light ". Functional connectivity Motifs are bundles of neurons arising from molecular bonds of neuroelectrical chemical sequences formulated by photon light particles as quantized packets of energy at nexus of multiple parallel universes received and processed as sensory stimuli moving electrons up and down subatomic orbitals within atoms. Logically quantum  particlization of two based permutation logic algorithms would be too slow to allow for the  miracle of human cognition or thinking unless for the quantum wave function language as a underlying unified higher level language of love manifesting Intelligent Design of the physical universe God created. 

Quantum particlization of machine process of human cognition evolved from evolutionary biology. Evolution of human thinking as a product of natural selection maximized probability of survival of the fittest.

Over the course of countless millennium of human history human thinking is frowned upon and devalued because human thinking gives people a competitive advantage in alignment with an evolutionary biology model. Jesus said, " We played the flute for you but you did not dance,  we sang a dirge but you did not mourn".

Human behavior antecedents related to quantum particlization of atoms is when an individual memetically goes to the left when an opponent goes to the right and visa versa an opponent goes to the left then an individual goes to the right. Similar like electrical charges between different  atoms repell each other. Hence competitive advantage of natural selection arising from the evolutionary biology model is reminiscent of repulsive forces of like charged particles expressed upon an atomic level whereby individuals take different paths on their journey in life to gain a competitive advantage.  

Quantum particlization of atoms are held together by polar opposite positive charges of protons packed in the core nucleus and negative electric charges of electrons attracting each other. Electrons encircle the nucleus on various subatomic orbitals different distances from the nucleus containing positrons. On a macro level behavior antecedents of positive and negative charges attracting each other on the subatomic level is akin to sociological affinity of individuals with different belief systems joining groups that reflect the full gamut of ideology to maximize probability of survival under an evolutionary biology model.

When an atom is split there is a release of an enormous amount of energy during an atomic explosion which speaks volumes about emotional volatility and why there is no such thing as a peaceful protest. Poetically I captured emotion volatility in my poem, My Soul is Like a Volcano:


Paradoxically in the world of modern internet telecommunications of 21st century we are more disconnected than ever in human history because in alignment with an evolutionary biology model internet telecommunications has escalated a fight among people across the globe to be heard. Modern 21st century internet telecommunications should help us all become more interconnected as one , but paradoxically we are more disconnected despite being tuned into an interactive digital media. 

Generally people don't like people who engage in the sacred art of writing to build a closer relationship with God by becoming more attuned to the quantum wave function language as a underlying unified higher level language of love because the sacred art of writing infers competitive advantage. Hence as a writer I don't have many followers on social media.

Human thinking is about a process of becoming. An act of becoming is dependent upon competive nature of individualism as a function of evolutionary biology expressed within collectivism of various societies around the globe. 

A reiteration of thoughts shared above is apropos at this point in the discussion:

From a #Quantum perspective, #Oneness or #Unity known as Tao,  where everything is interconnected as one involves complicated dynamics of adinfintum number of #Individual parts working #harmoniously together in perfect #synchronicity to form a #Gestalt Whole https://t.co/YNDiLe6Cae

Human beings as individuals are small parts of the social order that formulate a holistic eclectic Gestalt collective whole society. An adinfintum number of societies around the globe are interconnected as one. 

At this point in human history the diplomatic relationship between the United States of America and China is very tense and precarious because the SARs Covid-19 pandemic has dramatically increased competive nature if international relations as economies around the world flounder. At this point in human history we all know that we cannot cut off diplomatic relations with mainland China despite many disparaging ugly things said about the great nation of China during Presidential campaigns within the United States of America.

The quantum perspective as a philosophical  frame of reference is an analytical study of quantum particlization of simulated  virtual reality rendered by the quantum wave function language as an underlying unified higher level language of love expressing  an holistic eclectic Gestalt transcendent  reality defined  as the Oriental concept of Tao.

From the quantum perspective the mechanics of human cognition as a process of becoming cannot be extricated from a holistic eclectic Gestalt transcendent absolute reality defined as Tao expressed by the quantum wave function language as a underlying unified higher level language of love since everything is interconnected as one. 

 Since our physical universe is a product of Intelligent Design then evolution of thinking is paramount to Enlightened states achieved by meditation given adinfintum number of parts allowing for miracle of human cognition formulate a holistic eclectic Gestalt whole.

Jaine 108 Math Academy provides insight into Intelligent Design by pointing out,  "It appears that we, as an evolving species,
need to integrate, make peace and accept
that there is indeed a tangible connection
between both the Biological and the Mechanical/Electronical
aspects of our Lives."


Evolution of thinking as quantum particlization of simulated virtual reality expressed by the quantum wave function language as an underlying unified higher level language of love simply is an intricate quintessential part of beauty of biodiversity. The quintessential beauty of biodiversity simply is without pretense to good or evil given absolute truth is the Divine prerogative of God alone.

Yet , from the quantum perspective of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation whereby absolute truth is the Divine prerogative of God alone we know that beauty and truth exist because our flat earth Euclidean universe God created is based upon Intelligent Design.  However,  since everything is interconnected as one then deconstruction of causality cannot derive absolute truth by two based permutation  logic algorithms of human cognition according to the philosophy of Fredrick Nietzsche underpinning communism. Hence the quantum perspective is a philosophical frame of reference creating synchronicity and synergy between global ideologies so that human civilization as Gods masterpiece can move forward toward the singularity to accomplish Gods Divine will on earth. 

Although a lot of this information may seem to be redundant from previous articles I wrote it is reiterated here within a new context of helping human civilization move forward toward the technological singularity to accomplish Gods Divine will on earth by counteracting absolute totalitarianism as a natural intrinsic property of all information systems within our physical universe. 

A Cosmic  mind God coded to manage information architecture of our flat earth Euclidean universe renders quintessential beauty of biodiversity without any pretense to precepts good or evil. Satan hacked a Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden.

 God allowed Satan to hack a Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden for a purpose.  God asks Adam and Eve after the fall from grace in the Garden of Eden,  " Who told you that you were naked?" God wanted Adam and Eve to know they were naked so therefore God allowed Satan to hack a Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden. 

It is Gods Divine plan that we become partners with Him in creation given we are created in the Image of God. God commanded " Go forth and have dominion over the birds in the air, beast in the fields, fish in the sea,  and every creepy crawling thing that moves so that mankind will become partners with Him in creation. Since human beings are subroutines of a Cosmic mind God did not create mankind to be merely robots.

In my writing I made the following observation:  Since human consciousness is a machine process arising from quantum mechanics God seeks to make us more sentient and self aware. Satan desires to do the opposite. 

Paradoxically,  the practice of meditation as cessation of human cognition heightens conscious awareness. In my writing I described how cessation of thinking during practice of transcendental meditation increases semantic binary categorization and classification by two based permutation logic algorithms resulting in branching of knowledge after transcendent meditation sessions.

In other articles I wrote I described how the sacred art of writing is a western form of meditation.

The metacognitive process of writing demands brief transcendental meditative pauses or cessation of thinking therefore writing is a Western form of meditation. It is how freedom and democracy outlined in  foundational documents of the United States of America came to be. Our founding fathers were attuned to the quantum wave function language as an underlying unified higher level language of love as the Voice of God. 

Oftentimes people react with abhorrence to the idea of an inalienable right to happiness because people think too much and pick apart everything because people attempt to gain a competitive advantage under an evolutionary biology model. Meditative reflection upon the concept of happiness while engaged in the sacred art of writing leads to semantic binary categorization and classification resulting in expanding meaningfulness of the idea of happiness referenced by our founding fathers by defining happiness as either saving lives and/or adding significant value to lives of other people.

In my freelance article entitled,  A Critique Outlining Meaningfulness of The Unloved Poem, I described brief reflective pauses during the sacred art of writing as the Western form of transcendental meditation.  The sacred art of writing is like a mantra. 


The value of the sacred art of writing within the quintessential beauty of biodiversity where everything is interconnected as one is discussed in my freelance articles entitled :

Only after Emergence of the True Self can an Individual Experience Enlightenment of Becoming One with the Universe


The Quantum Wave Function Collapse for a Reason -- and the Reason is YOU


Since our universe is a product of Intelligent Design then Destiny is quantum particlization of simulated virtual reality of the quantum wave function language as an underlying unified higher level language of love expressed by Julian Barbours cosmological principle of NOW,  where past, present  and future converge as one.

Since destiny is a product of Intelligent Design then  Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream as interpreted by Daniel prophizes undercurrents of meaningfulness pertaining to parley in U.S. Sino diplomacy today.  


China is very worried about upheaval caused by Hong Kong protesters. Hong Kong is more liberal in engaging the world in capitalist barter and trade thereby departing from ideological tenets of the Central Communist Party. In mainland China barter and trade within international markets is tightly controlled by the central government  whereby in Hong Kong individuals reap profits from international barter and trade. China is worried about the growing power of Hong Kong tycoons 
given  barter and trade of  socialist capitalism is a mainstay of international markets. In recent decades China reluctantly dabbled in socialist capitalism within international markets to keep pace with industrial manufacturing. 

Daniel interpreted Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream as many kingdoms toppled as occurred during the course of human history.
Metallurgy depicted in Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream as interpreted by Daniel is prophecy of an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns creating enormous sociological changes and upheaval. Graphene is the strongest substance on  planet earth today leading towards a revolution in digital electronics.

In my freelance article entitled, Baptism of the dead to More Fully Expand Justification and Redemption of Humanity, I made the following observation about U.S. - Sino diplomacy as related to Armageddon as destiny predicted by laws of classic physics and Biblical prophecy:


An act of defunding the United States of America as the last bastion of democracy and liberty on earth is especially alarming given imperialism associated with the Chinese silk road through the European continent. The international  community fully embrace imperialism of the Chinese silk road because the rapid foray of China into socialist capitalism during the 20th century blurred differences between various forms of government.

In paragraphs above I described how former President Richard Nixon made Chinese emperors feel welcome within international markets after centuries of seclusion given surveillance is a major tool to control enormous indigenous populations.

It is a big #Paradox that at the same time we fought #communism in #Vietnam  #American #Industry ramped up #OffshoreManufacturing in mainland #China. Something don't add up https://t.co/poB3GMqRDt


Senator Mitch McConnell shared this quote from Dr. Martin Luther King providing insight into the Non Euclidean nature of Destiny expressed by simulated virtual reality formulating the quantum wave function language as a underlying unified higher level language of love:

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. famously said “the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” Our nation has bent toward justice because heroes like John Lewis took it upon themselves to lead the way. We celebrate the life of this American hero. https://t.co/uyy3rOOn1U


Deeply disturbed that Hong Kong democracy activists, arrested two weeks ago, have been denied access to lawyers of their choice. We hope Chief Executive Lam’s stated commitment to protecting the rights of Hong Kong residents is more than just words.


No question #Xitler's #CCP China is a fascist regime. Putting 8 million Uyghurs in Xinjiang concentration camps is a crime against humanity.


Global Petition: Immediate Return of the 12 HK Detainees from Mainland China! 全球聯署要求中國政府送返12名被捕港人 - Sign the Petition! https://t.co/KVD8PMbrgU via @Change


In a number of recent articles I discussed  Non Euclidean distortions of the space time continuum characterized by complex cause and effect relationships during quantum particlization of the arrow of time moving from low entropy to high entropy. 

My Facebook article discusses Non Euclidean distortions of the space time continuum as illustrated by Jaine 108 Academy:


Quantum particlization of Non Euclidean distortions of the space time continuum during quantum particlization of the arrow of time moving from low entropy to high entropy will ultimately lead to armageddon as predicted by laws of classic physics and prophesized by Biblical prophecy. The Quantum Perspective as Quantum Particlization of Semantic Binary Data at the Nexus of Multiple Parallel Timelines is Divine Intervention to make the Winnowing Forked Road Straight by the Sacred Art of Writing During Quantum Particlization of the Arrow of Time Moving from Low Entropy to High Entropy Resulting in Branching into an Alternate Parallel Timeline to Avoid Armageddon:

Do You Know What is Happening ? The United States of America is Caught Up in a Vicious Never Ending Cycle Becoming a Self Fulfilling Prophecy Leading towards Armageddon:


Bestowing Virtues of Representative Government


Hiccups within Trajectory of Quantum Particlization of Time Space Continuum


Alan Watts compared meditation to dancing in his video lecture. Meditation is akin to cancellation of terms during simplification of two based permutation logic algorithms of human cognition allowing one to become more  attuned to the quantum wave function language as an underlying unified higher level language of love. In my Facebook correspondence to Johnny of Lynard Skynyrd fame I shared,


Thank you Johnny for encouragement and timeless classic hits from Lynard Skynyrd as one of the greatest bands ever. Still trying to be a Simple Man in a complicated complex world while trying to avoid a break from reality by thinking too much about about Quantum Physics.

As Rene Descartes wrote, " I think therefore I am "

In my freelance article entitled, What I Can't Understand is How can Attorneys and Politicians Graduate Law School and Get Licensed to Practice Law when They Don't Understand What the United States Constitution says as Written by Our Forefathers?, I discussed renewal and rededication  to the principle of Representative government here at home in the United States of America and abroad within the International community in order to avoid falling into an abyss of a Non Euclidean distortion of the space time continuum. 


A Non Euclidean distortion of the space time continuum renders an adinfintum number of complex cause and effect relationships that cannot be deconstructed, hence peaceful protest outside the framework of Representative government 
emulate Nihilism promoting perpetual revolution and war leading towards Armageddon. It is only under a Representative government model within courts of law and legislative assemblies that an adinfintum number of complex cause and effect relationships can be sorted out within an orderly forum so as to make positive changes to government. 

It is written, New International Version
"For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended."


People who do right embrace Representative government because they know God is on their side.  People who do wrong reject representative government and therefore surround themselves with an angry mob on the streets because they don't believe in Gods Divine providence. 

It is written, 

New International Version
What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?


Mystical Bee published an article entitled,  10 Beliefs of Taoism Religion, at the following URL address:


The role of the sacred art of meditation in heightening  conscious awareness by accelerating semantic binary data classification and categorization during operation of two based permutation logic algorithms formulating cognitive expansion of knowledge in the process of becoming whoever one is created to be fits into the Ying and Yang pattern of natural harmony within the universe in keeping with Rene Descartes idiom,  " I think therefore I am". Human thinking is a natural part of quintessential beauty of biodiversity enabling an individual to climb to the pinnacle of Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of Self actualization, and to exert one's will against human thinking leads to disharmony in the universe given human beings are subroutines of a Cosmic mind. 

Human beings are made to think.  When Satan hacked a Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden thinking became a product of evolutionary biology. Human thinking allows both   individuals and the collective conscious of humanity to plan for the future. An ability to plan for the future is what separates human beings from animals.  God commanded,  Go forth and have dominion over the beast in the fields,  birds in the air, fish in the sea, and every creepy crawling thing that moves so that mankind as created in the Image of God will choose to become partners with Him in co creation. 

The world is rapidly moving toward the singularity due to an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns.

According to Worldometers, 
The current population of China is 1,440,585,659  as of Tuesday, September 22, 2020, based on Worldometer elaboration of the latest United Nations data


Most likely most citizens in China love their country, and they should rightfully love their homeland. People all over the globe including China and Hong Kong want to have an opportunity to become whatever God originally created them to be to bring fulfillment to Tao as discussed in my freelance articles:

Only after Emergence of the True Self can an Individual Experience Enlightenment of Becoming One with the Universe


The Quantum Wave Function Collapse for a Reason -- and the Reason is YOU


An article published by Psychology Today entitled, When coming to a fork in the road – take it (Yogi Berra), elaborated upon the meaning of the famous American Baseball Player Yogi Berra's famous truism derived from Yogi simply giving someone directions to his house. Essentially all roads lead to Yogi's house provide insight into a guiding force within quantum particlization of our flat earth Euclidean universe expressed by the quantum wave function language as an underlying unified higher level language of love formulating  an Unus mundus pattern of meaningful coincidence based upon quantum synchronicity and relativity as described by famed physicist Wolfgang Pauli,  renown psychoanalytical pioneer Carl Jung,  and Albert Einstein.


Continued later

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