Saturday, September 26, 2020

Pardon Me Sir, Do You Have Any Grey Poupon: A Superbowl Commercial to Underwrite Building Bridges to Create More Opportunities in Black Neighborhoods to Change the Narrative

Sam Harris discuss lost of trust in the media in a podcast on his Facebook page:

The media should play a major role of changing the narrative so that the African American community can honor the sacrifices of their ancestors. Today we are at a crossroads where the African American community can either choose to honor sacrifices and hardships of African American slaves or dishonor  contributions by African American slaves to build a great nation by a race war that will destroy the United States of America. The key is to live in the NOW while planning for a better future for humanity today given yesterday human history is filled with centuries of horrific violent warfare. We should all be thankful we are living today. In the United States of America as the land of opportunity people of every race, creed,  gender,  and ethnic origin made significant contributions to build a great nation during times of horrific violent warfare around the globe. 

In peaceful protests all across the United States of America police officers are presumed guilty by the mass media and peaceful protesters. The mass media  attempt to try officers in the public domain by myophically focusing upon selective facts based upon hearsay and gossip. Everything reported on television is hearsay and gossip until proven true in a court of law by sworn testimony and legal writing know as sworn deposition. Everyone wants to grab the microphone to get on television to tell it like it is. People can't just tell it like it is on television,  they have to prove that is what happened by presenting evidence in courts of law and legislative assemblies, hence peaceful protest are a waste of time. 

Elected leaders should hold town hall meetings where individuals and groups can redress grievances through individuals chosen to represent them in an orderly process as established by our Forefathers. If individuals have a plan for change such as defund the police they should outline a legal argument as to how defunding the police will better society in a scholarly op-ed presenting proof to support their position. 

It doesn't do any good to scream defund the police at the top of ones lungs on the streets. I don't care if a billion people believe defunding the police is a solution,  evidence must be presented to prove defunding the police will move society forward in accordance to the Pledge of Allegiance, "One nation indivisible for liberty and Justice for all ". 

In my freelance article entitled, In 2020 the United States of America has come Dangerously Close to the Brink of Yet Another Civil War, I referenced a book written by James Forman Jr., an African American public defense attorney,  entitled LOCKING UP OUR OWN Crime and Punishment in Black America. James Forman Jr. described how many African American leaders in government and Judiciary in recent decades collected data to show more policing was needed to make black lives matter. 

In past decades powerful African American leaders did not believe defunding the police was the answer based upon solid research of what was happening within African American communities across the nation. The Vietnam war destroyed the American economy culminating in huge volumes of illegal narcotics trafficked into the United States.

The call for more police by African American leaders ultimately lead to African American citizens feeling like they are targeted by law enforcement. When people feel targeted for any reason,  including racial profiling they tend to go to extremes to defend themselves including deadly force with weapons, despite policing is simply intended to build communities where people can be safe and happy while raising their children. 

If people are not involved in any type of criminal activity they shouldn't feel threatened by stopping to talk with law enforcement for a little while as they conduct an investigation. Of course, if police bust down someone's door in the middle of the night, after a friendly chat, police departments should be obligated to replace the door and buy occupants dinner for their inconvenience. ' Sorry about busting your door down guy. We will send someone early tomorrow morning to fix it. Have a goodnight. '

Perhaps law enforcement do somehow get wrong information. In a politically divided nation police can receive the wrong information by what is commonly known as swatting:

In the case of Breona Taylor drug traffickers may have conducted an operation to swat Breona Taylor's apartment, deliberately misleading law enforcement agencies,  in order to cause a race war to defund the police so that they can destroy the lives of people or every race,  creed,  gender,  and ethnic origin by trafficking drugs. They didn't care about what happened to anyone in that apartment.  Everyone was set up. They were watching law enforcement and knew an undercover narcotics investigation was being conducted.  They played everyone by psychological manipulation. 

As far as Breona Taylor's ex boyfriend knew schrodinger's cat may have been inside those boxes he was moving around according to mass media reports. 'Somebody told me that they captured Schrodinger's cat and put it in a box for a long time and when they opened the box up it was grey poupon '.

The sophistication of drug cartels around the world including South America,  Mexico,  Canada,  China,  Hong Kong,  India, and middle east is powerful and may have lead to death of an innocent woman. We certainly don't want them in our communities integrating themselves into our culture like a chameleon as legitimate powerbrokers in government given evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI may become an incarnation of the antichrist unless we as citizens obey Gods commandment Go forth and have dominion. 

It appears drug cartels associated with the Global Luddite movement may have already integrated within our communities as legitimate powerbrokers.  In my freelance article entitled, In 2020 the United States of America has come Dangerously Close to the Brink of Yet Another Civil War,
I made the following observation while interpreting underlying meaningfulness of news events:

Since we as a nation are on the brink of yet another American civil war where people of every race, creed, gender,  and ethnic origin will most certainly loose in recent weeks there have been some incredibly stupid decisions made by authorities that make one question who is in charge . What do they stand to gain for causing a race war in America?

It is sensational journalism to show billions of people marching through the streets screaming defund the police, but that doesn't mean society will be better if the police are defunded. If individuals and groups staunchly hold the view that defunding the police is the answer then they must peacefully assemble to organize to work with academia to conduct rigorously controlled scientific studies to prove their position instead of wasting time screaming defund the police in peaceful protests on the streets.

In my article referenced above entitled, In 2020 the United States of America has come Dangerously Close to the Brink of Yet Another Civil War,  I discussed how some peaceful protesters are trying to prosecute law enforcement officers for racial inequality. The solution to racial inequality is for peaceful protesters to take action to grow businesses to solve  problems in their own communities. Peaceful protesters can scream about racial inequality day and night during peaceful protests,  but it will be a better to dedicate their  time to starting a business. 

Many successful African American entrepreneurs across  the nation appear on the popular ABC reality television show,  Shark Tank. The very successful billionaire Black Entertainment Network cable television station is fully able to provide venture capital for African American businesses. Highly paid professional athletes also have the financial resources to provide venture capital to African American startups. 

God has a purpose for every human being on earth.  People of a certain age or life circumstances such as raising a family may not be called to be an entrepreneur.  Markets are competitive and other established business entities may already be providing certain products and services to the public more efficiently. 

Time is precious.  Individuals have a right to be recognized for their contributions. Today we are at a historical epoch in human history as we move forward toward the singularity. Life can potentially be easier for everyone as an accelerating  rate of scientific and technological returns will create greater efficiency in manufacturing processes that will allow human civilization to return to a low entropy Garden of Eden like state. Since I became a victim of technological disruption in the printing industry as a  consequence of new computer  desktop processes replacing  the film stage of printing as a writer my book project about  quantum principles to understand human consciousness and proposed magazine concept design to raise venture capital for high tech startups will underwrite a Non Governmental Organization dedicated to helping professionals in human resources,  education,  and counseling help individuals apply artificial intelligence to accomplish goals in life to climb to the pinnacle of Abraham Maslow's self actualization hierarchy.

The Internet of things powered by Intel can provide embedded chips in every self driving autonomous hydrogen  powered electric vehicles that will enable a new heighten level of security within smart cities that may actually allow for defunding the police. The Internet of things in conjunction with quantum computing can provide fast rapid nearly instantaneous valid reliable intelligence data for investigations that can be quickly authenticated and verified in a court of law. Meanwhile I am working as a  writer and political consultant to help displaced law enforcement officers due to a substantial reduction of number of law enforcement personnel needed in smart cities of the near future.

In order to financially underwrite building bridges to reduce economic inequality by creating more opportunities in black communities I proposed a Superbowl commercial where I would would be in the back seat of a self driving autonomous vehicle pulling alongside Kanye West chauffeured Cadillac limousine and I would ask Kanye West, " excuse me sir, do you have some grey poupon?"

As Abraham Lincoln said, United we stand , divided we fall. A house divided among itself cannot stand.  No business will succeed unless people of every race,  creed,  gender,  and ethnic origin prosper.  Hence racism from any ethnic group, including peaceful protesters, will destroy the United States of America. Nobody is going to buy anything from anyone who wants to break their legs. 

In my article I discussed how David McAtee worked hard to start a successful business in the West end that could have become an international franchise that would have created an indelible change in the West end. Many highly Intelligent people in the West end savvy in politics and business could have pulled together the economic resources to take Ya Ya Barbecue to the next level if they wanted. Until now, the city of Louisville has steadily grown and commercial real estate in the West end has increased in value. Since rioting has trashed Louisville the value of commercial real estate across the metropolitan area has plummeted. 

Once  more,  both Democratic and Republican politicians are misinterpreting the 1st amendment of the United States constitution as established  by our  Forefathers by encouraging peaceful protests on the streets. Elected leaders are so high up on a pedestal that they have such little faith in men and women created in the Image of God that they encourage them to debase themselves by wasting time in peaceful protests on the streets instead of meaningfully organizing to participate in the political process by using higher intellectual faculties of reasoning as a gift from God. 

Elected leaders misinterpretation of the United States Constitution as a guarantee to right of civil disobedience creates conditions whereby people do not understand the gravity of what they do ultimately leading to Non Euclidean distortions of the space time continuum with complex multiplicative cause and effect relationships during quantum  particlization of the arrow of time moving from low entropy to high entropy culminating in a never ending vicious cycle of revolution and warfare resulting in armageddon. 

Today the United States economy is perched precariously upon the international stage where an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns is creating upheaval. In previous articles I discussed Europe defunding democracy as imperialism of the Chinese silk road advances throughout the European continent because socialist capitalism has blurred differences between democracy and central communist party in mainland China given everything is interconnected as one by the quantum wave function language as an underlying unified higher level language of love. 

Since everything is interconnected as one by the quantum wave function language as an underlying unified higher level language of love we can work out our differences within the framework of representative government in such a way as to value both individualism and collectivism simultaneously  in order to solve global problems together. Democratization of mainland China is inevitable if mainland China foray into socialist capitalism will be successful. China is a beautiful country and citizens of China should love their homeland, and rightly so, but fullness of Tao can never be realized unless individuals are allowed to become all God created them to become to reach higher levels of Enlightenment within collective societies around the globe including the United States of America. 

#CivilDisobedience of #PeacefulProtests should never be #Flippantly promoted as a #Right #Guaranteed by #1stAmendment of the #UnitedStatesOfAmerica: Since all #HumanBeings live under paw of #EvolutionaryBiology there is no such thing as peaceful protest

If people think Dr. #MartinLutherKing didn't accomplish anything as a leader of the 1960s civil rights protests then the only other alternative is blow up Mount Rushmore, burn down Washington DC , dissolve the United States of America , and start something new


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