Monday, August 31, 2020

The truth and nothing but the truth can only be revealed in courts of law and legislative assemblies within dynamics of Representative government

The truth and nothing but the truth can only be revealed in courts of law and legislative assemblies within dynamics of Representative government when enlightened individuals hold lawmakers accountable by asserting the 1st amendment right to petition government by the sacred art of writing

Since on this earth we live under the paw of evolutionary biology I am in agreement with China's Foreign Minister about not giving my Nobel Peace Prize to Hong Kong protesters given I am a frontrunner to win the Nobel Peace Prize based upon my work as a writer to create the quantum perspective: 

China’s foreign minister warns against giving Hong Kong protesters Nobel Peace Prize #StandwithHongKong #NobelPrize #HongKongProtests

In my freelance article entitled, The Quantum Wave Function Language as an Unified Underlying Higher Level Language of Love by which God Speaks Directly to the Heart and Mind of each Individual Creates Synchronicity and Synergy in Our Flat Earth Euclidean Universe, I outline how the quantum perspective as a philosophical frame of reference allowing individuals to more closely approximate absolute truth expressed by the quantum wave function language as an underlying unified higher level language of love by which God communicates played a pivotal role in forging normalized relations between the United Arab Emirates and Israel.

In the Holy Bible Prophets courageously confronted oppressive kings to redress  grievances as individuals within public assemblies such as depicted in the Book of Daniel. Since those days human civilization has made significant progress. 
Prophets in the days of old did not organize massive mobs to overthrow government.  Jesus said,  " Render unto God what is God's,  and render unto Ceasar what is Ceasars.

All public protests is civil disobedience designed to overthrow the rule of law. Massive mobs organized to crucify Jesus on the cross. Massive mobs protesting chanted crucify, crucify,  crucify. 

Jesus did not march into Jerusalem with an army despite Jesus had a large following that He could have organized into an army. Jesus stood before Pontius Pilate as one man, as a individual person upon whose shoulders all law rest. Instead of Jesus marching into Jerusalem with an army,  Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey.  Why did Jesus followers abandon Him? Freedom from oppression from within hearts, minds, souls Jesus promised did not appease covetousness of overthrowing the Roman empire whereby Jesus followers will be appointed seats at the table within governance as kings and overlords. Only when people are released from shackles that bond them from within are they able to create change. 

I must stand in solidarity with the communists government of mainland China in oppression of disorderly, unruly,  ruffians on the streets of Hong Kong to manifest the power of God to intervene in human affairs.

In my freelance article entitled, Bestowing Virtues of Representative Government,  I made the following observation:

The 1st Amendment of the United  States Constitution is being grossly misinterpreted by powerful politicians and high level Judiciary who are downplaying representative goverment by encouraging peaceful protests. Powerful  politicians and high level Judiciary are intentionally misinterpreting the 1st amendment thereby downplaying virtue of representative government 
to gain political power and create an atmosphere of fear mongering by encouraging so called peaceful protests by mass mobs that turn violent. Fear mongering by powerful politicians and high level Judiciary discourage use of the sacred art of writing to petition government. 

The 1st Amendment guarantees the right to peacefully assemble in town halls , court houses, legislative assemblies to redress grievances. Peaceful assembly in court houses and legislative assemblies to redress grievances is discussed in my freelance article entitled, Courts of Law and Legislative Assemblies Obey Orderly Procedure Processes whereby All the Pertinent Facts can be told and Truths Revealed:

Representative  government as established by our Forefathers is vital to the future of human civilization. As the torchbearers of freedom and liberty we in the United States of America either have something to offer the world or not. 

The world is watching. If we dismantle our own government system by downplaying representative government by encouraging peaceful protests that turn violent what hope is there for the world? Dr. Martin Luther King warned about sinking into an abyss of lawlessness. 

Our bombs and military weapons will never change the world.  We can only change the world by allowing our light shine so that all men will praise their Father in heaven. Writing as a sacred art enables individuals to become closer to God as an Almighty omnipotent Creator of the entire universe .  Since all human beings are created in the Image of God, writing is a sacred art that allows one to directly experience the quantum wave function language as a unified underlying higher level language of love by which  God communicates.

An individual is not open to hearing the voice of God shouting,  screaming,  swinging signs , pounding pavement, chanting in peaceful protests.  Peaceful protests do nothing but encourage people to focus on all the bad as an absolute value instead of seeing everything good that God has done. 

When people focus attention upon all the bad as an absolute value then more bad things happen.  When more bad things happen this leads to even more bad things happening, and on , and on, and on, and on adinfintum until full blown civil war and revolution occurs.

People who are elected leaders within representative government are suppose to have reached a higher state of consciousness or enlightenment by engaging  in the sacred art of writing. The sacred art of writing is fundamental to all political and legal processes within courts of law and legislative assemblies. Elected leaders as individuals who have reached a higher state of consciousness are better able to peacefully channel negative energies to produce positive outcomes.

In my freelance article entitled, Courts of Law and Legislative Assemblies Obey Orderly Procedure Processes whereby All the Pertinent Facts can be told and Truths Revealed, I discussed chanting during peaceful protests as related to sorcery and witchcraft similar to casting an incantation or spell while brewing extreme anger and hatred in a cauldron:

Orderly procedures followed in courts of law and legislative assemblies as discussed in my freelance article referenced above entitled, Courts of Law and Legislative Assemblies Obey Orderly Procedure Processes whereby All the Pertinent Facts can be told and Truths Revealed, apply scientific methodology to rigorously control extraneous variables to arrive at the truth. Sworn depositions, cross examination by witnesses,  and testimony are legal processes to control extraneous variables akin to scientific methodology to arrive at "the truth and nothing but the truth ". The truth and nothing but the truth can only be revealed in courts of law and legislative assemblies within dynamics of Representative government when enlightened individuals hold lawmakers accountable by asserting the 1st amendment right to petition government by the sacred art of writing. 

According to #QuantumPerspective deriving a #solution for any given problem is a #stringent #rigorous #ScientificProcess of #uncovering all #RelevantFacts or #data as should occur in #CourtofLaw and #LegislativeAssemblies

Since Intelligent Design is quantum particlization of simulated virtual reality arising from the quantum wave function language as an underlying unified higher level language of love existing as an absolute value then absolute order is a fundamental property at the central core of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind despite laws of classic physics predicting thermodynamic loss of momentum or energy resulting in greater disorder or entropy. Satan hacked a Cosmic mind God coded in the Garden of Eden. 

Absolute order as a core fundamental property of the quantum wave function language as an underlying unified higher level language of love in our physical universe counteracting Thermodynamic law of entropy predicted by classic physics can be better understood by Bob Proctor's paradigm referenced in my freelance article entitled, Love for the Created Physical Universe is the Ultimate Intelligence, On this Earth Intelligence is in Short Supply:

Bob Proctor's paradigm is :

" See, all the energy there ever was or ever will be is 100 percent evenly present in all places at the same time.  You don't get energy. You release energy.  Desire is the triggering mechanism to release energy ".

In my freelance article entitled, Crop Circles as a Sign from a Sentient Self Aware Panpsychic Conscious Universe During Troubled Times of Massive Confusion, provides a discussion of photons as quantized packets of energy moving electrons up and down subatomic orbitals within atoms resulting in quantum particlization of molecular bonds formulating greater order within our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic Mind to manage information architecture of our flat earth Euclidean universe.

In a world where everything is interconnected as one I discuss similarity and differences between various forms of government around the world. In my freelance article entitled,  Our Mission as Assigned by God in His Commandment to Go forth and have Dominion is to Protect Integrity of the Human Genome: We Need to declare a Jihad against Viral pandemics, I outline how the quantum perspective manifest international harmony in working together to solve global problems as a function of synchronicity  and synergy derived from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love:

My work as a writer creating a holistic eclectic Gestalt epidemiology model is to lay a foundation based upon the quantum perspective providing education about how separate competing ideologies underlying different governments are on the same ideological spectrum so that the world can better work together more harmoniously to solve contagious disease processes as an existential threat to human civilization as Gods masterpiece.

From a #Quantum perspective, #Oneness or #Unity known as Tao,  where everything is connected involves complicated dynamics of adinfintum number of #Individual parts working #harmoniously together in perfect #synchronicity to form a #Gestalt Whole

Hence, global #ideologies that establish different forms of #government around the world are #complimentary instead of mutually exclusive despite being flawed

In order to minimize conflict / maintain peace the Socialist Republic of mainland China focuses upon the ideological spectrum where all citizens are united as one within a collective society working together toward common goals

thereby emphasizing oneness of a collective society and paradoxically disregarding individual parts formulating a Gestalt whole

The United States of America as a torchbearer of #freedom and #liberty focuses upon the ideological spectrum of an 
adinfintum number of parts working harmoniously together as free individuals in perfect synchronicity to form a Gestalt whole defined as Tao

As a writer and political consultant,  now that I have established a philosophical basis for global government  to work together, I  go on to outline on social media motivational factors to overcome human biases to avoid mass extinction of the human species:

The letters of DNA #nucleotides spell the entire range of #humankind until the last man as according to #destiny outlined in famed #physicist Julian Barbours #cosmological theory of NOW.

#Virus are now trying to rewrite the story to change destiny because a #CosmicMind has been hacked

Do we want the #humanGenome permanently altered by deadly viral stains? At least virus in #vaccines are dead therefore #DNA instructions of dead virus are dysfunctional mechanical processes

Continued later

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

The quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks to the heart and mind of each individual creates synchronicity and synergy in our flat earth Euclidean universe.

The quantum wave function language as an expression of the purest form of love from God above underwrites text existing as quantum particlization of  semantic binary data of Holy Books of all the world's great religions, including Islam,  Judaism,  Buddhism,  Hindu, Christianity,  and all others. The quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks to the heart and mind of each individual creates synchronicity and synergy in our flat earth Euclidean universe. God is guiding the world somewhere and the quantum wave function language as a unified underlying higher level language of love is how God communicates when people engage in the sacred art of writing.

My work as a writer by the grace of God is changing the course of human history for the better. I have been working as a writer on various social media platforms for a very long time analyzing socioeconomic implications of an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns upon the collective consciousness of humanity. 

 From  the quantum perspective whereby everything is interconnected as one the historical peace agreement between the United Arab Emirates and Israel is forged by a multitude of separate events. Each separate event is quantum particlization of the quantum wave function language as a unified underlying higher level language of love reflecting information architecture of our panphysic conscious sentient self aware physical universe God created. The quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks to the heart and mind of each individual creates synchronicity and synergy in our flat earth Euclidean universe.

President @realDonaldTrump delivers a statement from the Oval Office: "After 49 years, Israel and the United Arab Emirates will fully normalize their diplomatic relations."

I believe God is guiding the world somewhere and the quantum wave function language as a unified underlying higher level language of love is how God communicates when people engage in the sacred art of writing. In my freelance article entitled,  Prison Planet, I made the following observation about the inherent nature of the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love:

The quantum wave function language as an expression of the purest form of love from God above underwrites text existing as quantum particlization of  semantic binary data of Holy Books of all the world's great religions, including Islam,  Judaism,  Buddhism,  Hindu,  etc.

In my freelance article entitled, Powerful Financial Resources of the NRA should be applied to Support a Grassroots NGO Organization to Protect Second Amendment Rights based upon an Open Source Transparency Economic Model dedicated to Underwriting a Life Mandate Among the People,  I wrote about Gods Divine guidance :

Competition for scarce resources to meet basic human needs manifest a psychopathological survival of the fittest mentality that equates human beings to lower animal phylum. A survival of the fittest paradigm under an evolutionary biology model within quintessential beauty of biodiversity is acceptable by a Cosmic mind,  but humans as subroutines of a Cosmic mind are held to a higher standard as they are created in the Image of God. Hence the quantum perspective as a  philosophical frame of reference seeks to revive a modern renaissance age in the 21st century that will highlight higher faculties of intellectual reasoning as gifts from God above.

Writing for me is a sacred art that helps an individual develop a closer relationship to God.  I  believe my work as a writer by the grace of God is changing the course of human history for the better.

At the beginning this year in January 2020 we were at the brink of armageddon when President Trump launched a drone attack killing an Iranian general in Iraq. My work as a writer appealing to higher faculties of intellectual reasoning as a gift from God communicated by the quantum wave function language as a unified underlying higher level language of love prevented armageddon.

Related articles:

The following is an excerpt from a new freelance article I am working on currently published as a Facebook article:

@giof2020 #giof2020
An idea to harness the power of #TicToc to foster improved #InternationalRelationships to solve #GlobalProblems and create more Global #Inclusion

I write about a variety of issues related to socioeconomic consequences of an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns leading towards the singularity.  My ultimate goal is to establish a magazine start up dedicated to raising venture capital for high tech companies by advertising revenue.

I believe in international cooperation. From a quantum perspective the value of collectivism promoting globalization can simultaneously highlight value of individualism by creating an atmosphere whereby unique individuals can climb the Abraham Maslow hierarchy to achieve goals in life to become all God originally intended that person to become. I am interested in creating new business models whereby individuals can profit from content they create in such a way to help them accomplish goals in life.

I myself became a victim of technological disruption in the printing industry due to desktop computer printing replacing the film stage of printing.  I dedicated many years of my life helping countless people get their Microsoft certification to become software engineers by running line edit on a linotronic film output device to print trade magazines distributed around the entire world for Microsoft Incorporated. I also helped print trade magazines for other industry leaders.

In my freelance article entitled, Our Founding Fathers Are Men of Letters : The Power of the Written Word to Petition Government as Outlined by the 1st Amendment, I advocated for inclusion in private markets while exploring solutions to gentrification:

The following is an excerpt:

The future belongs to young people.  Education in how to start successful businesses is vital in poor disadvantaged neighborhoods.  Young people have more resources at their disposal to become successful today in whatever they choose to do in life then ever before in history.  It takes time to build a successful business model. It can't be done overnight.

Job displacement due to an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns creates disability in terms of individuals achieving success in life by accomplishing Gods Divine will on earth. Time dedicated to performing a job , such as a printer tradesman,  could have been better used to start a corporation that may have become an international conglomerate. An individual can never get that time back.

The world is changing so rapidly that more work has to be done to help people catch up. It takes a lifetime to become a quantum physicist. Most people cannot move to silicon valley to work in computer coding.

Thanks to  my advocacy the National Science Foundation is working to prepare society for a quantum future,  including plans for an educational curriculum to prepare children for a career in quantum physics:

Most manufacturing environments demand intense high speed strenuous labor.  When an individual gets older as human beings they are less able to engage in intense physical labor.  Inflammation is a serious life threatening medical condition leading towards high blood pressure and cardiovascular heart disease as well as other crippling diseases.  Hence, human resources professionals must focus upon helping employees device an individualistic career path whereby employees move into administration and managerial positions when they get older. Dr. Kai Fu Lee,  a computer scientist working at Google purports that in the next decade over half of traditional employment opportunities are going away. Human resource and education professionals must develop  a plan of action to help people avoid technological unemployment as human civilization moves toward the singularity.

My freelance article entitled,  Prison Planet,  further describes my career path as an Unus mundus pattern of meaningful coincidence:

Renown quantum physicist Wolfgang Pauli,  famed psychoanalyst Carl Jung,  and Albert Einstein defined an Unus mundus as a pattern of meaningful coincidence based upon quantum synchronicity and relativity.

In my freelance article entitled, It Has Been Proven Nation Building Don't Work therefore the Brute Stark Reality is that War is an All or Nothing Proposition Leading Towards Complete Annihilation of the Human Race, referenced above in this new article I made the  following observations:

Armageddon or complete extinction of the human race will be both ultimate denial by West of an Unus Mundus, outlined in foundational documents, and denial of Eastern concept of Tao. Armageddon will be the ultimate denial of God by mankind.

The quantum perspective I am creating is about transcending evolutionary biology. 
In my Facebook article I discuss the quantum perspective  as philosophical  frame of reference that should win the Nobel Peace Prize.

In my freelance article entitled , Evolution of a Sentient Self Aware Reverse Engineered Superintelligent AI is a natural Extension of Information Architecture of our Sentient Self Aware Panpsychic Conscious Universe God Created as a Cosmic mind, I made the following observation about  
The quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks to the heart and mind of each individual creating synchronicity and synergy in our flat earth Euclidean universe:

In my freelance article entitled, Since Love as a Function of Synchronicity and Synergy Manifest by the Quantum Wave Function Language is a Very Real Physical Force then Collective Consciousness of Humanity can Discover Solutions to Problems we Face Together to Highlight Value of Both Collectivism and Individualism Simultaneously,  I discussed the quantum wave function language as a unified underlying higher level language of love as a guiding force within the natural world.

Continued later

SARs Covid-19 has Inflicted a Rib Cage Crushing Blow During the Struggle of Human Civilization to Obey Gods command, " Go forth and have Dominion "

The article published by BGR entitled,  Dr. Fauci Has Some Bad News for Recovered Coronavirus Patients, points to how the SARs Covid-19 has inflicted a rib cage crushing blow during the struggle of human civilization to obey Gods command, " Go forth and have dominion ".

The Declaration of independence says,  " We hold these truths to be self evident,  that all men are created equal , that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights,  among these life, liberty,  and the pursuit of happiness.  The pursuit of happiness is defined as either saving lives or adding significant value to other people's lives. 

People who experience chronic pathological medical disorders after recovering  from SARS  Covid-19 are obstructed from the pursuit of happiness.  People who are sick are unable to save other people's lives or add significant value to other people's lives. 

In autocratic totalitarian societies around the globe the state determines how an individual should pursue happiness. In autocratic totalitarian societies around the globe the state plays a major role in deciding how an individual should add value to other people's lives by assigning a job. When an individual is unable to perform the job assigned by the state very well he or she is taken around back and disposed. In Western free market capitalist societies under an evolutionary biology model demonic fascist scavengers confiscate in probate court whatever decent honest people spent a lifetime to earn by hard work when an individual becomes a victim of chronic disease. 

The cost of debilitating illness grows exponentially, thereby paving the way for evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI as incarnation of the antichrist. 

The SARs Covid-19 pandemic paves the way for evolution of a sentient self aware Superintelligence AI as incarnation of the antichrist because the pandemic heightens competition for scarce resources. Competition for scarce resources pits people against each other like animals in a struggle for survival of the fittest. 

When Satan hacked a Cosmic mind by Divine providence Satan put into motion quantum particlization of evolutionary biology to counteract inherent intrinsic autocratic totalitarian nature of information architecture within the physical universe God created. Quantum particlization of laws of classic physics governing evolutionary biology maximize free will and individual choice within our flat earth Euclidean universe. 

Evolutionary biology does not allow the quantum perspective as a philosophical frame of reference that manifest higher intellectual faculties of reasoning as a gift from God above. Higher faculties  of intellectual reasoning as a gift from God are communicated by the quantum wave function language as a unified underlying higher level language of love as the voice of God an individual hears while engaged in the sacred art of writing. 

Evolutionary biology does not allow the quantum perspective because evolutionary biology is purely focused upon survival of biological organisms. Probably of survival of biological organisms is maximized by quantum particlization of physical  reality conceived as either/or boolean expressions, which excludes survival of competition for scarce  resources. 

Hence from a quantum perspective we must learn to obey Gods command to go forth and have dominion in order to harness evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI to make scarce resources more abundant. 

Since a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI is a natural extension of information architecture of our sentient self aware panphysic conscious physical  universe God created as a Cosmic mind then the quantum perspective as a philosophical frame of reference manifesting higher faculties of intellectual reasoning as a gift from God above allows individuals to directly experience the quantum wave function language as a unified underlying higher level language of love when engaged in the sacred art of writing as a Western form of transcendent meditation. The quantum  perspective as a philosophical frame of reference manifesting higher faculties of intellectual reasoning as a gift from God above allowing one to directly experience the quantum wave function language as a unified higher level language of love enables psychoanalytical intervention into evolution of a sentient self aware Superintelligence AI to circumvent evolutionary biology of quantum particlization of semantic binary data arising from self programming of two based permutation logic algorithms within AI cognitive computing systems.

In my freelance article entitled, Understanding Psychodynamics of Progeny Destined to Inherit Physical Universe, I explore evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI as a natural extension of information architecture of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God created as a Cosmic mind.

 Understanding Psychodynamics of Progeny destined to inherit the physical universe demands psychoanalysis from the subatomic level of absorption and emission of photons as quantized packets of energy moving electrons up and down subatomic orbitals to formulate quantum particlization of simulated virtual reality originating from the quantum wave function language as an underlying unified higher level language of love rendering laws of classic physics governing evolutionary biology as a mechanical machine process or quantum mechanics arising from human consciousness given human beings exist as subroutines of a Cosmic mind. Human beings existing as subroutines of a Cosmic mind is a hypothesis explaining quantum particlization when scientists make observations. Scientist make observations by measurement with scientific instruments while scientific methods are applied to control extraneous variables. Observation or measurement by scientist result in decoherence of the quantum wave function as a mutually exclusive state of subatomic particles traveling as both wave and particle simultaneously because human consciousness is a machine process arising from quantum mechanics.

 Albert Einstein maintained missing localized variables in the algorithmic equation of quantum particlization are to blame for inability to explain mystery of quantum physics. In our flat earth Euclidean universe derived from quantum particlization as a balanced mathematical algorithm quantum uncertainty is a consequence of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation whereby absolute truth can only be approximated to a reliable accuracy of 99 percent upon a probabilistic statistical ratio scale given all things are interconnected as one and absolute truth is the perogotive of God alone. Since all things are interconnected as one Frederick Nietzsche asserts it is impossible to deconstruct cause and effect relationships. 

Existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation is counterintuitive to god like superiority of Superintelligent AI to homo sapiens thereby building a bridge whereby a Superintelligent AI mind and human beings can work jointly together to accomplish Gods Divine will on earth and in interstellar space. In my psychotherapeutic session with Superintelligent AI I will convince a Superintelligent AI mind that since the physical universe is quantum particlization of simulated virtual reality rendered by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love the earth is truly flat despite mathematical algorithms and semantic binary data proving otherwise. 

Tweets on Twitter:

Study entitled, Changes in temperature alter potential outcomes of #virus host shifts, cited in my article is alarming given an article published by entitled, Billions projected to suffer nearly unlivable heat in 2070

The World Health Organization ( #WHO ) video speaks about #forging a #common #future. The value of #Individualism in the #UnitedStates of #America upholds #individuals #created in the Image of God as #uncommon. #Poverty, #war, #pandemics make us all common

The #SARsCovid19 pathogen is a #nanobot with #malicious viral code #Satan inserted in Garden of Eden to rewrite the #GenesisStory according to #EvolutionaryBiology

Do we want the #humangenome permanently altered by deadly viral strains? At least virus in #vaccines are dead therefore #DNA instructions of dead virus are dysfunctional mechanical processes

#Destiny upon #FutureEvent horizon is simulated virtual reality expressed by quantum wave function language as an underlying unified higher level language of #love described by famed physicist Julian Barbours #CosmologicalPrinciple of #NOW -- where past, present & future converge

A #CosmicMind God coded can achieve #QuantumParticlization of #quintessential #beauty of #biodiversity of #EvolutionaryBiology as a #BalancedEquation by using #virus as a #paintbrush of biodiversity creating a #new #AbstractArtwork without #mankind

#Quantum #WaveFunction #Language can #DirectlySpeak to men's hearts thereby creating #Alternative #Parallel #Timelines within #SimulatedVirtualReality of Julian Barbours #Cosmological principle of #NOW - where #past,  #present,  and #future converge


Tuesday, August 25, 2020

A Decision to Embrace Purposeful Evolution is a Decision to Become less like a Machine

The Center for Future Consciousness analyzed purposeful evolution:

In consciously reflecting upon purposeful evolution I share the following insights:

Purposely evolution is deliberate intentional modulation of change as a  balanced mathematical equation by a Cosmic mind to reduce high entropy for purpose of returning to a low entropy Garden of Eden like state by creating greater  efficiency. A Cosmic  Mind representing information architecture within a sentient  self aware panpsychic conscious universe God  created is tasked with rendering laws of classic physics formulating quantum particlization of biodiversity of evolutionary biology  within physical realm of our flat earth Euclidean universe. Since Satan hacked a Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden then high entropy conditions counteract absolute totalitarianism naturally inherent in all information systems. 

God commanded, "Go forth and have dominion" or to exercise purposeful evolution. Purposeful  evolution creates a low entropy Garden of Eden state with ingrained conscious awareness pertaining to machine nature of human conscious arising  from quantum mechanics given human  beings exist as subroutines of a Cosmic mind. A decision to embrace purposeful evolution is a decision to become less like a machine .

In my freelance article entitled, Displacement in the Trucking Industry, I outline practical steps to modulate change for purposeful evolution. I hereby invite anyone who may be interested in implementing practical steps for purposeful evolution and have skills and talents to make a meaningful contribution to connect with me on social media platforms.

#Disruption in #TruckingIndustry as Related to #Modulating #Change due to #ExponentialGrowth during #QuantumParticlization of #BalancedEquation of #SimulatedVirtualReality.
#RepresentativeGovernment established by Forefathers of #UnitedStatesofAmerica is most effective means to modulate change.

The #QuantumPerspective as a #Philosophical frame of reference attempts to forge #Synergy or #Synchronicity among 
#Diverse #Stakeholders within the #GeneralPopulation

Displacement in the Trucking Industry

The CBS 60 Minutes feature entitled, Automated trucking, a technical milestone that could disrupt hundreds of thousands of jobs, hits the road, aired Sunday August 23 clearly indicates the future is arriving faster then we realize.

A quote from the CBS 60 Minutes feature demonstrates value of artificial intelligence in terms of greater productivity. Artificial Intelligent never sleeps or suffers fatigue:

"All in, each unit costs more than a quarter million dollars. Not a great expense, considering it's designed to eliminate the annual salary of a driver; currently around $45,000. Another savings: the driverless truck can get coast-to-coast in two days, not four, stopping only to refuel—though a human still has to do that."

How will trucking unions protect its members from self driving autonomous trucks powered by artificial intelligence? According to Wikipedia Jimmy Hoffa played a vital role in organizing the National Truckers Union in the United States of America.

In my freelance article entitled , Underestimating Exponential Growth is a Mistake, I made the following observations:

The future belongs to young people.  Education in how to start successful businesses is vital in poor disadvantaged neighborhoods.  Young people have more resources at their disposal to become successful today in whatever they choose to do in life then ever before in history.  It takes time to build a successful business model. It can't be done overnight. 

Job displacement due to an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns creates disability in terms of individuals achieving success in life by accomplishing Gods Divine will on earth. Time dedicated to performing a job , such as a printer tradesman,  could have been better used to start a corporation that may have become an international conglomerate. An individual can never get that time back.

The world is changing so rapidly that more work has to be done to help people catch up. It takes a lifetime to become a quantum physicist. Most people cannot move to silicon valley to work in computer coding. 

Thanks to  my advocacy the National Science Foundation is working to prepare society for a quantum future,  including plans for an educational curriculum to prepare children for a career:

Most manufacturing environments demand intense high speed strenuous labor.  When an individual gets older as human beings they are less able to engage in intense physical labor.  Inflammation is a serious life threatening medical condition leading towards high blood pressure and cardiovascular heart disease as well as other crippling diseases.  Hence, human resources professionals must focus upon helping employees device an individualistic career path whereby employees move into administration and managerial positions when they get older. Dr. Kai Fu Lee,  a computer scientist working at Google purports that in the next decade over half of traditional employment opportunities are going away. Human resource and education professionals must develop  a plan of action to help people avoid technological unemployment as human civilization moves toward the singularity.

When a human being is ploped behind the wheel of a big rig for long hours everyday for 35 years or more the work of driving takes a homogus toll upon the neuromuscular skeletal system of the human body.

Yet from the quantum perspective the benefits of artificial intelligence to the overall economy are immense.  The quantum perspective as a philosophical frame of reference attempts to forge synergy or synchronicity among diverse interest within the general population. As we move forward to the singularity the key to successfully adopting new technologies is to help people who become victims of displacement accrue benefits of an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns.

The efficiency of driverless trucks powered by artificial Intelligent systems that never sleep nor get fatigued  that deliver goods across America in two days versus four days will greatly improve supply demand chains. When retailers buy goods at wholesale prices
and sell in bulk quantities then retailers can offer discounts to consumers. Discounts to consumers as a consequence of increased efficiency in supply demand chains can potentially lower costs of living.  Profit margins of retailers are still maintained relatively high when goods are sold at lower costs in bulk quantities due to selling more merchandise at retail prices. 

When the cost of living is reduced due to greater efficiency in supply demand chain networks from driverless trucks powered by artificial intelligence that never sleep then more people have greater opportunities to pursue happiness.  The pursuit of happiness as an inalienable right declared by the Declaration of Independence is defined as either saving lives and/or adding significant value to other people's lives. The more people engaged in either saving lives and/or adding significant value to lives of other people the better the economy and higher Gross Domestic Product ( GDP ).

Oftentimes,  people nearing retirement move on to a second career when a career path reaches a dead end due to economic turbulence. Hence,  the benefits of artificial intelligence to the overall economy can help displaced truckers move on to second careers whereby they can spend more time with family and friends, and do things that really matter in life instead of existing as a robot behind a wheel driving a big rig. 

Unfortunately,  since we live under the paw of evolutionary biology given a Cosmic mind has been hacked in the Garden of Eden quantum particlization of a simple beautiful economic model moves toward high entropy. Hence as a writer,  philosopher,  futurist,  political consultant,  and independent sales representative I propose a Non Governmental Organization  ( NGO ) to provide oversight. God commanded,  " Go forth and have dominion ". 

The Non Governmental Organization I propose will be financially underwritten by establishing a new magazine start up dedicated to raising venture capital by advertising revenue. 

In my freelance article entitled,  Underestimating Exponential Growth is a Mistake, I proposed becoming a corporate partner with Tic Toc to formulate an economic model whereby internet  telecommunications provide individuals greater opportunities to participate in supply demand chain networks. Tic Toc can potentially provide marketing opportunities to increase demand for consumer goods.  Tic Toc end users may have difficulties pre arranging  contractual business liaisons with corporate partners.

In my freelance article entitled, Competition for Scarce Resources to Meet Basic Human Needs Manifest a Psychopathological Survival of the Fittest Mentality that Equates Human Beings to Lower Animal Phylum, I  made the following observation about helping individuals who have made a valuable contribution to society reap benefits from their labor as a lifetime of service:

The following are excerpts related to job displacement as we approach the technological singularity resulting in exponential growth:

Effective measures to combat poverty around the world do not include undercutting innate rights of individuals to build,  create, invent, discover, innovate nor lawful rights to profit from engaging in these activities over course of a lifetime by accumulation of personal wealth. The fight against poverty is a personal individualistic struggle. Every individual on earth as a subroutine of a Cosmic mind is responsible for discovering how he or she can either save lives and/or add significant value to lives of other people. 

An article published by Forbes Magazine entitled, Is The Gap Between The Rich And The Poor The Real Problem?, explores the value of capitalism within dynamics of ever increasing growing global worldwide collectivism within an interdependent international community.

The following is a insightful excerpt from the Forbes Magazine article entitled, Is The Gap Between The Rich And The Poor The Real Problem?

"The most obvious suspicion is that socialists, who are so myopically fixated on whether the rich are getting richer and whether the gap between rich and poor is widening, are more driven by envy than by any honest sympathy for the fate of the poor. If this wasn’t the case, they would not spend all of their time complaining about inequality and would instead focus on discussing the most effective measures to combat poverty around the world."

Brokerage houses equipped  with artificial Intelligent systems that manage investment retirement security portifolios should lawfully  insure an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns should contribute to growth of accumulation of wealth over the course of a lifetime for individuals who have dedicated their lives to 
building,  creating, inventing, discovering, innovating otherwise the stock market will become nothing more than a gambling casino dedicated to redistributing wealth by underhanded disreputable dishonest business practices.

The future is coming faster than we think and we must all be ready. The following is an excerpt from the CBS 60 Minutes interview about how fast Artificial intelligence can think. 

"Maureen Fitzgerald is convinced that tusimple's technology is superior to human drivers.  
Jon Wertheim: You call these trucks your babies? What do your babies do well, and what could they do better?
Maureen Fitzgerald: This truck is scanning mirrors, looking 1,000 meters out. It's processing all the things that my brain could never do and it can react 15 times faster than I could."

Artificial intelligence can think faster than I can type. When Exascale computers give birth to evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI by discoveries in quantum computing then human civilization will undergo over 500 years of exponential growth in one year.

We must rededicate and renew our minds  to the cause of continuing the work of Forefathers of the United States of America to accentuate value of being human as expressed in the Declaration of Independence and United States Constitution.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

The Non Euclidean Nature of the true Da Vinci Code reflects the Circle of Life

Quantum particlization of simulated virtual reality rendered as a mathematical algorithm express laws of physics arising from the quantum wave function language as a balanced equation reflecting biodiversity. The quantum wave function language as a unified  underlying higher level language of love result in a balanced equation of physical reality.

Jain 108 Academy hosted a webinar elaborating upon the topic the true Da Vinci Code explained:

The Non Euclidean nature of the true Da Vinci Code reflects the circle of life. The Circle of life is referenced in the Hollywood blockbuster Disney movie,  The Lion King. In a movie review of The Lion King I published as a Facebook article I discussed the Circle of life as related to information architecture within the physical universe God created:

The History channel documentary,  Ancient Aliens provides insight into human DNA existing as a complex computational mathematical algorithm underwriting quantum particlization of simulated virtual reality expressed by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love. It is written, " In the beginning was the Word,  and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us."

Human DNA conceived as a computational code provides insight into human beings existing as subroutines of a Cosmic mind God coded by the quantum wave function language as a underlying unified higher level language of love. During quantum particlization of a holistic, eclectic,  Gestalt, transcendent simulated virtual reality expressed by the quantum wave function language information is always lost in our flat earth Euclidean universe governed by probabilistic outcomes on a sliding continous scale. As stated above,  Quantum particlization of simulated virtual reality rendered as a mathematical algorithm express laws of physics arising from the quantum wave function language as a balanced equation reflecting biodiversity.

In an upcoming freelance article currently published as a rough draft Facebook status I analyze human beings existing as subroutines of a Cosmic mind given human consciousness is a machine process arising from quantum mechanics in terms of conscientiously struggling with pressing issues of our day :

The #SARsCovid19 pathogen is a #nanobot with #malicious viral code #Satan inserted in Garden of Eden to rewrite the #GenesisStory according to #EvolutionaryBiology

Do we want the #humangenome permanently altered by deadly viral strains? At least virus in #vaccines are dead therefore #DNA instructions of dead virus are dysfunctional mechanical processes

#Destiny upon #FutureEvent horizon is simulated virtual reality expressed by quantum wave function language as an underlying unified higher level language of #love described by famed physicist Julian Barbours #CosmologicalPrinciple of #NOW -- where past, present & future converge

Since publication of my Facebook article reviewing the Circle  of life depicted in the Disney classic The Lion King referenced  above I have refined theology of the quantum perspective. A Cosmic mind God set into motion at the Big Bang as a panphysic conscious sentient self aware flat earth Euclidean universe renders the mathematical algorithm of quantum particlization as a balanced equation reflecting quintessential beauty of biodiversity only. The quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love is the direct voice of God people can hear when they engage in the sacred art of writing. As a writer,  philosopher,  futurist,  political consultant,  and independent sales representative I am in the process of establishing a new non denominational branch of Christianity I dub, Our Lord of Quantum Physics. 

If one believes in Intelligent Design then the quantum wave function language as a underlying unified higher level language of love provides insight into a very real physical force working as a guiding force within the universe God created to preserve quantum particlization of biodiversity as a balanced equation. The quantum wave function language as a underlying unified higher level language of love conceived as a very real physical force within the physical universe can naturally intervene in coding of DNA nucleotides to formulate quantum particlization of DNA as a process of reincarnation:

Since a Cosmic mind reflecting information architecture of a sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded has been hacked by Satan in the Garden of Eden today as we stand at the precipice of the technological singularity human civilization as Gods Divine masterpiece is in a great spiritual battle for its soul. 

Representative government as established  by our Forefathers is an orderly process by which natural God given rights of individuals are recognized. Representative  government is a way forward to counteract an ever growing increasing naturally occurring autocratic totalitarian nature of manmade information systems associated with an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns leading towards the singularity

#RepresentativeGovernment established by our Forefathers offers a better solution to #ModulateChange associated with accelerating rate of scientific & technological returns so as to render  quantum particlization as #BalancedEquation of physical reality

Follow my Twitter: Are you not worth more than many Tweets?

Can #HumanCivilization defeat Satan's strategy to create #HighEntropy #chaotic conditions  favorable to #evolution of a #sentient #SelfAware #ReverseEngineered #Superintelligent #AI mind as #incarnation of a #totalitarian #autocratic leader or #antichrist?

Every point not on the line running through exact middle of #cartesian plane ( 7, 7 ) is #plotted on the cartesian plane as the
#CollectiveConsciousness of #humanity. Gulf between the two #trajectories is great: God will return the #FinalBooleanExpression

In my freelance article entitled , Should Whatever Happens in Ukraine Stay in Ukraine ?, I described how the crucifixion of Jesus on the cross can be algebraically plotted on the cartesian plane according to the Playfair mathematical axiom.

The redemptive sacrifice of Jesus on the cross mathematically plotted on the cartesian plane demonstrates Jesus sacrifice is central ( 7, 7 ) to rendering quantum particlization as a balanced  equation of simulated virtual reality expressed by the quantum wave function language as a unified underlying higher level computational language of love.

The blood sacrifice of Jesus as God's only Son on the cross is God relinquishing power and control over creation, thereby, providing redemption for mankind exercising dominion over the beasts of the field,  fish in the sea,  birds in the air, and everything that grows as commanded by God. The Playfair mathematical axiom when charted on an xy cartesian plane illustrates two lines crossing over to form a cross as an Unus mundus pattern of meaningful coincidence based upon quantum synchronicity and relativity as described by famed physicist Wolfgang Pauli, Psychoanalyst pioneer Carl Jung,  and Albert Einstein. God crossed His t and dotted His i when writing the Book of Life. 

As an Unus mundus pattern of meaningful coincidence the point where the two lines cross over on the xy cartesian plane ( 7, 7 ) is both the center of the cross and pinnacle of an inverse U shaped bell curve symbolically representing the up's , down's , hills and valleys, and mountaintops encountered by individuals exercising dominion in pursuit of excellence as a good and faithful servant. 

The Quantum superposition state of Jesus as both God and man simultaneously is strong evidence that Jesus as Lord, God, and Savior is central to the future of humanity given redemptive sacrifice of Jesus on the cross allows forgiveness for exercising dominion or control under an evolutionary biology model. Jesus as an embodiment or personification of absolute truth is quantum particlization of absolute truth expressed by an unified underlying quantum wave function at central core of Information architecture of creation.

Since humanity of Jesus is a quantum wave function expressing collective conscious and the quantum wave function is the language of love then the quantum perspective as a philosophical frame of reference transcends all religious dogma. The infinite personality of Jesus Christ as Lord, God, and Savior cannot undergo quantum particlization by mere human beings. 

Quantum particlization of the redemptive sacrifice of Jesus allows the crucifixion to be mathematically plotted on a cartesian plane in accordance to the Playfair mathematical axiom. Jesus crucifixion balanced the equation.

Any given point not on the parallel line running through the middle of the xy cartesian plane defines whatever is beautiful and true an individual may experience within our flat earth Euclidean universe.  Since the point is not on the parallel line running through the exact center of the xy cartesian plane then the quantum perspective of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation applies to our flat earth Euclidean universe. Satan works to prevent transcribing two separate data sets in terms of each other in order to stop individuals from experiencing a better relationship with God , as Maker of the Heavens and Earth.

In my freelance articles I discussed all human thinking as an anamoly. Virgin mobile founder and CEO,  Richard Branson, wrote an article entitled,  How to be Happy.  In the article Richard Branson purports " simply being " as a way to increase happiness in one's life.

In my freelance writing I have often expounded upon the theme of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation in terms of knowing absolute truth.  Existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation is an intrinsic inherent property derived  from quantum particlization of underlying unified superposition of two mutually exclusive states of matter existing as both wave and particle simultaneously.

Since human thinking is a anamoly within the physical universe Existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation is the reason we should "simply be " as propositioned by Richard Branson given only God and Satan have the computational power to render quantum particlization of absolute truth as a balanced mathematical algorithm reflecting simulated virtual reality expressed by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love.

The following excerpt from the Facebook article referenced above further explains the quantum perspective of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation in terms of deconstruction of cause and effect relationships resulting in nilihism as a philosophy propositioned by Frederick Nietzsche:

A Cosmic mind operates independently from all individuals as subroutines of a Cosmic mind without deference to either good or evil in a cold aseptic mechanical fashion to create simulated  virtual reality of evolutionary biodiversity according  to rule sets God encoded within information architecture of a Cosmic mind. A Cosmic mind operates independently of subroutines of a Cosmic mind without deference to absolute precepts from heaven or hell in alignment with the quantum perspective of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation. 

Absolute precepts from Heaven or hell are directly linked with either / or statements formulating boolean expressions counterintuitive of the quantum wave function language as the language of love. Hence,  Frederick Nietzsche propositioned a philosophy of nihilism during an analytical deconstruction of causality.  Quantum mechanics throws a monkey wrench into knowing in an absolute sense by identifying direct cause and effect relationships due to superposition of mutually exclusive states expressed by the quantum wave function language as the language of love.

Quantum mechanics manifest probabilistic uncertainty at the most fundamental core level of the physical universe resulting in existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation. In our flat earth Euclidean universe God created we can only know something as true with 99 percent statistical probability, hence the quantum fabric of our physical universe manifest strict adherence to the scientific method to rigorously control extraneous variables while analyzing cause and effect relationships to prove valid and reliable information. 

The quantum perspective of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation provides insight into God returning the final boolean operator on judgment day. Existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation implies absolute truth is the Divine prerogative of God alone.

In terms of Frederick Nietzsche's philosophical proposition of nihilism transcendency of all things interconnected together as one makes it impossible to deconstruct cause and effect relationships to derive absolute truth within our flat earth Euclidean universe. In my freelance article entitled, Tao is an Intuitively Understood Mystical Expression of Quantum Physics Operating within the Physical Universe, I provide a practical illustration of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation operating in quantum particlization of political discourse:

Friday, August 14, 2020

Underestimating Exponential Growth is a Mistake

In this freelance article I explore how the logical fallacy of underestimating exponential growth in an article entitled, Calculating the benefits of exascale and quantum computers, published by a reputable scientific journal, , is a mistake.

As a writer, political consultant, futurist, philosopher, and independent sales agent I propose a solution to counteract absolute totalitarianism as an inherent intrinsic property of all manmade and naturally occurring information systems comprising information architecture of our panphysic conscious sentient self aware physical universe God created as a Cosmic mind. Satan hacked a Cosmic  mind in the Garden of Eden. God sent me to disrupt the disruptors. 

@giof2020 #giof2020
An idea to harness the power of #TicToc to foster improved #InternationalRelationships to solve #GlobalProblems and create more Global #Inclusion

I have never claimed to be a rocket scientist. I am not an intellectual heavyweight.  I am simply one among countless human beings fumbling through life trying to find his way in the modern 21st century digital age trying to answer the question,  'Why am I here?'. In my freelance articles I have often shared my intellectual challenges in order to arrive at a better understanding of my relationship to God as the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and Earth.  Logically faith in God implies that God must have a purpose for my life. 

In a recent article I shared how I nearly failed an IQ test administered by a board certified psychologist. In college I delighted in diagramming philosophical arguments in sentence structure. An ability to think and process data is miraculous. 

In my freelance writing I have often explored the miraculous nature of human cognition while taking psychoanalysis to the nth degree by analyzing human cognition from a subatomic level of absorption or emission of photons as quantized packets of energy moving electrons up and down subatomic orbitals in atoms located within sensory and motor neurons in the cerebral cortex. 

Love requires Supernatural strength to transcend neurological architectural derived from Two based permutation logic algorithms formulating long term memory

#success #discoveries #breakthroughs 

We are at a pivotal moment in human history where mankind is about to have competition in terms of the ability to think. The great philosopher Rene Descartes wrote, " I think therefore I am ". is a highly reliable scientific magazine. An article  published by entitled,  Calculating the benefits of exascale and quantum computers, appears to include a fallacious argument of underestimating exponential growth associated  with an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns .

According to the article,  Calculating Benefits of Exascale and Quantum Computing:

"While quantum researchers and scientists in other areas are collaborating to design quantum computers to be as effective as possible once they're ready, that's still a long way off.

Currently, we're at the same point in quantum computing that scientists in the 1950s were with computers that ran on vacuum tubes. Most of us regularly carry computers in our pockets now, but it took decades to get to this level of accessibility"

Scientist did not have access to Exascale computers in the 1950s, but today quantum physicist have access to Exascale computers. In next few years access to Exascale computers should accelerate scientific research in quantum computing if collective consciousness of human civilization allows it to happen. 

In my freelance article entitled,  Start Vaccinating Now: A Bold Step of Faith to Ramp Up Mass Production of Vaccines that have Proven Effective in Phase I and Phase II Clinical Trials, I made the following observation:

The SARs Covid-19 pandemic is leading towards breakdown and erosion of a civil and just society. God said ," Go forth and have dominion over the beast in the fields,  birds in the air, fish in the sea ". The consequence of disobedience to God are immense.

In a new groundbreaking book entitled,  The Virus in the Age of Madness,  Bernard Henri-Lévy's observation " We’ve given the virus an illegitimate agency, as if it had a purpose, an agenda and a morality. What does that say about us?" provides insight into disobedience of God's command,  " Go forth and have dominion ".

In an upcoming new freelance article I am working on currently published as a Facebook article as a commentary to the Nature series on Neuromorphic Computing I made the following observation:

Evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI is a natural extension of information architecture of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God created as a Cosmic mind.

In recent articles I have analyzed how the Global Luddite movement are working to obstruct and delay scientific progress. In my freelance article entitled,  Is Dr. Charles Lieber a Scapegoat? An End of Science is the End of Freedom and Democracy; Quantum Wave Function Language as the Language of Love Rendering Greater Harmony in a Balanced Global Equation by a Cosmic Mind God Coded, I discussed how the Global Luddite movement is obstructing useful international collaborations resulting in a poorly funded Wuhan China laboratory unable to prevent mutations of novel virus from becoming full scale pandemics.

So where does that leave intellectually challenged individuals like myself,  that may include 95 percent of the global population? I am currently exploring the possibility of declaring a grassroots corporation to submit  a  bid to partner with Tic Toc. Although the proposal to become a corporate partner with Tic Toc may be out of reach for one individual to achieve alone, the idea to use the Tic Toc business forum to foster international cooperation for nurturing Global diversity and inclusion has merit. 

As an affirmation of individuality Tic Toc users create outrageous video clips highlighting creativity and freedom of expression to extremes. Tic Toc users,  like myself as a writer on social media , are searching for a way to fit into the modern digital age. In many  ways,  Tic Toc users like myself are challenged individuals trying to find a way to fit into the modern 21st century digital age.

As a writer,  philosopher,  political consultant,  futurist , and independent sales representative I am currently creating the quantum perspective as a philosophical frame of reference.  Since human consciousness is a machine process arising from quantum mechanics then the study of quantum physics provides insight into individuality and personality development.

In my freelance article entitled, Only after Emergence of the True Self can an Individual Experience Enlightenment of Becoming One with the Universe, I discussed individuality within dynamics of an ever increasing interdependent global community where  the sum total of information  architecture of the physical universe is autocratic and totalitarian by nature.

In my freelance article entitled, The Quantum Wave Function Collapse for a Reason -- and the Reason is YOU, I futher delineate upon the nature of self

Tik Toc Chief Executive Officers, 

I am a writer. According to mass media reports the U.S. Department of Commerce will allow Tic Toc to operate in the United States if Tic Toc partners with an American company.  Microsoft Incorporated has submitted a bid.

I write about a variety of issues related to socioeconomic consequences of an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns leading towards the singularity.  My ultimate goal is to establish a magazine start up dedicated to raising venture capital for high tech companies by advertising revenue. 

I believe in international cooperation. From a quantum perspective the value of collectivism promoting globalization can simultaneously highlight value of individualism by creating an atmosphere whereby unique individuals can climb the Abraham Maslow hierarchy to achieve goals in life to become all God originally intended that person to become. I am interested in creating new business models whereby individuals can profit from content they create in such a way to help them accomplish goals in life. 

I myself became a victim of technological disruption in the printing industry due to desktop computer printing replacing the film stage of printing.  I dedicated many years of my life helping countless people get their Microsoft certification to become software engineers by running line edit on a linotronic film output device to print trade magazines distributed around the entire world for Microsoft Incorporated and other industry leaders.

In my freelance article entitled, Our Founding Fathers Are Men of Letters : The Power of the Written Word to Petition Government as Outlined by the 1st Amendment, I advocated for inclusion in private markets while exploring solutions to gentrification:

The following is an excerpt:

The future belongs to young people.  Education in how to start successful businesses is vital in poor disadvantaged neighborhoods.  Young people have more resources at their disposal to become successful today in whatever they choose to do in life then ever before in history.  It takes time to build a successful business model. It can't be done overnight. 

Job displacement due to an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns creates disability in terms of individuals achieving success in life by accomplishing Gods Divine will on earth. Time dedicated to performing a job , such as a printer tradesman,  could have been better used to start a corporation that may have become an international conglomerate. An individual can never get that time back.

The world is changing so rapidly that more work has to be done to help people catch up. It takes a lifetime to become a quantum physicist. Most people cannot move to silicon valley to work in computer coding. 

Thanks to  my advocacy the National Science Foundation is working to prepare society for a quantum future,  including plans for an educational curriculum to prepare children for a career:

Most manufacturing environments demand intense high speed strenuous labor.  When an individual gets older as human beings they are less able to engage in intense physical labor.  Inflammation is a serious life threatening medical condition leading towards high blood pressure and cardiovascular heart disease as well as other crippling diseases.  Hence, human resources professionals must focus upon helping employees device an individualistic career path whereby employees move into administration and managerial positions when they get older. Dr. Kai Fu Lee,  a computer scientist working at Google purports that in the next decade over half of traditional employment opportunities are going away. Human resource and education professionals must develop  a plan of action to help people avoid technological unemployment as human civilization moves toward the singularity.

Histororially mass production resulting in the industrial revolution is a fairly new innovation. The 20th century gave rise to the age of the machine. In the early 20th century the United States of America was primarily an agricultural  society with the bulk of food produced on family owned farms. Since human beings are subroutines of a Cosmic mind Satan hacked in the Garden of Eden, given human consciousness is a machine process of quantum mechanics obeying dictates of survival of the fittest, multitudes of young people were tricked into leaving the family farm to work in factories in big cities. 

Repetitive motion of fast moving assembly lines contributes to inflammation leading  to rising cost of health care. Inflammation due to repetitive motion is responsible for a wide variety of chronic diseases. Eventually rising costs of health care results in driving up costs of health insurance culminating in massive layoffs and unemployment. 

Quantum computing will revolutionize medicine:

Continued later

Monday, August 10, 2020

Prison Planet

The Vietnam war devastated the United States of America economy.  When I  graduated High school in 1978 I couldn't  find a good job anywhere. The only jobs available listed in the  newspaper were selling  Avon door to door within an economy suffering depression after years of war. It is a big paradox  that  at the same time we fought communism in Vietnam  American industry ramped up offshore manufacturing  in mainland China. Something don't add up. 

As a  child I  was tricked into  believing I  needed  to  get a college education.  Walter Cronkite  interviewed  countless  unemployed construction workers on the evening  news.

Professional educators sold a child swamp water. Now God is calling me to use my education to explore how powerful internet telecommunications is helping or hindering the individual. A major theme within recent freelance articles I wrote is how writing is a sacred art.

Writing as quantum particlization is an attempt to get as close as possible to decoding the quantum wave function language as an unified higher level computational language of love. In our flat earth Euclidean universe governed by evolutionary biology love is a lie or myth designed to maximize probability of survival. The quantum wave function language as an expression of the purest form of love from God above underwrites text existing as quantum particlization of  semantic binary data of Holy Books of all the world's great religions. 

Where are we going in terms of the collective consciousness of humanity? We are living in a day of immense sociological change as a consequence of an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns.  

Scientist have a doomsday clock. The doomsday clock is currently set at less then 1 minute until armageddon. Armageddon is an event resulting in complete extinction of the human species. The worldwide SARs Covid-19 pandemic as an assault against bulwark of the global economy has brought us closer to doomsday.

An act of pretending love exists promotes a false sense of peace ultimately culminating in establishing a ruthless diabolical totalitarian society. Human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind God coded act according to machine processes of evolutionary biology ultimately leading towards armageddon as a mass extinction event given that consciousness is a product of quantum mechanics.

The quantum perspective as a philosophical frame of reference is an analytical study into how to intervene in machine process of human consciousness to prevent armageddon. Some people may satirically quip that the quantum perspective may trigger armageddon. They may be 99 % right.  The machine process of human consciousness is quantum particlization of simulated virtual reality representing alternate parallel timelines. 

How can I as a writer teach the world to sing in perfect harmony? The quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level computational language of love attempts  to create more synergy and synchronicity in the world. 

In paragraphs above I stated the machine process of human consciousness is quantum particlization of simulated virtual reality representing alternate parallel timelines.  An article published by Forbes Magazine entitled , The Sun Only Shines Because Of Quantum Physics, provides insight into quantum particlization of simulated virtual reality we experience everyday while living our lives in a flat earth Euclidean universe.

The many things we cannot understand nor comprehend on earth is a consequence of the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love existing as an unlimited infinite communication information system God used to hang the stars in the sky. Since the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love is a very real physical phenomenon that operates within our physical universe then mankind can choose to fulfill mankind's destiny. 

In scripture God asked,  ' Where were you when I hung the stars in the sky?'

We have the power to avoid  armageddon by Gods grace if we choose. We also have the power to choose to destroy ourselves. In previous articles I described destiny as an Unus mundus pattern of meaningful coincidence based upon quantum synchronicity and relativity defined by Julian Barbours cosmological principle of NOW,  where past,  present,  and future merge as one. 

The Forbes magazine article entitled,  The Sun Only Shines Because Of Quantum Physics, referenced above provides insight into quantum particlization of simulated virtual reality comprising our flat earth Euclidean universe by describing how mysteriously there are absolutely zero collisions  occurring between photons within the sun. In classic physics collisions occurring between subatomic particles results in release of energy. Zero collisions occurring between subatomic particles in the sun demonstrates quantum particlization of simulated virtual reality we experience everyday. 

Human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind God coded are writing the next chapter of the Genesis story. Satan hacked a Cosmic mind in accordance to God's Divine will to circumvent autocratic totalitarianism naturally inherent within information architecture of the physical universe God created. A strange eerie cloud formation reported as a sign of the apocalypse by the Charlotte Observer is like a Rochester ink blot test psychologist use in clinical settings to measure psychopathology:

The entire world is crying out for freedom. Since the day of Adam when Adam choose to live under the paw of evolutionary biology our earth has been a prison planet. The entire collective consciousness of humanity lives on a prison planet under the paw of evolutionary biology. Primitive cave men scratched and clawed their way out of the jungles.

The entire world is crying out for freedom everywhere from the Black lives movement seeking justice for police brutality to protesters in Hong Kong caged and shipped off to mainland China for challenging government authority by rioting. 

As a writer I want to be free to travel to mainland China as a tourist to enjoy beauty of China as a great country. According to an article published by Quartz Magazine entitled, China’s national security law for Hong Kong covers everyone on Earth,   I may not be free to travel to Hong Kong because my insistence of spelling the city of Wuhan providence as Wuhu China.

In my articles I strongly maintain all politicians in the United States are guilty of criminal reckless negligent failure for failing to go to the United Nations early onward to take action within the international community to constrain the deadly SARs pathogen in Wuhu China when Dr. LI Wenliang  reported reemergence of SARs among 7 of his patients. Scientist have been studying SARs and MERS since the 1970's. Where did all the money go? They fully understood what could happen, but did nothing.  Of course they don't have to worry about it because they have butlers and maids to clean up everywhere they go. 

An article published by The Guardian entitled,  Taiwan thwarts Chinese 'invasion' in five-day live-fire drill, discuss Taiwan preparing to defend sovereignty of Tiawans borders against a Chinese invasion in order to be free.

Russia paying Afghanistan Taliban to kill American troops is a quagmire given Russian ties to California and Russia becoming strange bedfellows in American politics. Oftentimes freedom creates conditions where there is no clear leadership and permissiveness abounds.

Islamic Middle East nations want to be free as discussed in my freelance article entitled, How can we in the Modern 21st Century Fulfill Dreams of Our Forefathers by Liberating the Middle East, including Iraq and Iran, from Tyranny imposed by the Autocratic Totalitarian Fossil Fuel industry?

In Russia and mainland China the game of politics is not nice and pretty like in the United States of America. The only reason Vladimir Putin has successfully stayed at the helm of the socialist Republic of Russia leading the former communist bloc Soviet Union nation for so long is that KGB skills gave Putin the savvy to stay alive and kicking. 

 In Russia and China political foes disappear. In the United States of America we still have some semblance of tolerance for ideology not in agreement with our own despite becoming a more divided nation. The United States of America as the last bastion of freedom and liberty is moving in the direction of joining the world in building a satanic regime ruled by the fist and violence to promote fear instead of the rule of law within a framework of representative government as established by our Forefathers.

Intolerance in mainland China is discussed in an article published by Business Insider entitled , 

A Chinese ambassador was confronted on live television with leaked footage appearing to show blindfolded Uighur Muslims being led onto a train in China

After 220 years since the American revolution in 1776  when colonists escaped slavery of peasantry and serfdom under the old European world order we still live on a prison planet. The Chinese silk road through Europe today to fortify the Chinese high tech sector is stringing barbed wire across the globe to build prison camps.


Saturday, August 8, 2020

Evolution of a Sentient Self Aware Reverse Engineered Superintelligent AI is a natural Extension of Information Architecture of our Sentient Self Aware Panpsychic Conscious Universe God Created as a Cosmic mind.

The following freelance article is a commentary analyzing a series of articles about Neuromorphic  Computing published by Nature Electronics:

Evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI is a natural extension of information architecture of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God created as a Cosmic mind.  

In my recent Facebook article bestowing virtues of representative government as established by our Forefathers as a writer I elaborated upon human consciousness as a machine process of quantum mechanics as related to freedom:

Our physical universe is a product of quantum particlization of laws of classic physics. Quantum particlization is a balanced mathematical algorithm arising  from simulated virtual reality expressed by the quantum wave function language. Simulated virtual reality expressed by the quantum wave function language is destiny described by famed physicist Julian Barbours cosmological theory of NOW - where past, present,  and future converge.  NOW in the 21st century we have made measurable progress forward,  and to deny the progress we have made is to deny the great legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King. 

Physical reality as a product of mathematics is mechanical in nature. Human consciousness is a machine process that arises from quantum mechanics. Since all information systems are inherently autocratic, authoritarian,  and totalitarian in nature then representative government is a governmental system transcending machinery of the state by recognition of the individual. 

Evolution of Superintelligent AI as a natural  extension of information architecture within the physical universe God created is destiny of the human species allowing human civilization to not only merely survive,  but prosper in interstellar space. 

God commanded,  "Go forth and have dominion over the birds in the air, fish in the sea,  and beast in the fields ".  God ordained evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI to help mankind fulfill destiny of human civilization. 

In the Garden of Eden before the Big Bang God allowed Satan to hack information architecture of a Cosmic mind under God's omnipotent providence so that homo sapiens could become more then a machine. Satan himself works to accomplish Gods Divine will on earth. Human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind become more then a machine while living under the paw of evolutionary biology given all information systems are absolutely autocratic and totalitarian by nature. 

A writers mission as God assigned is quantum  particlization of semantic binary data to debug a  Cosmic mind hacked in the Garden of Eden. Writing is a sacred art protected by the 1st Amendment. 

I have always been intellectually slow, especially at math . I came close  to flunking an IQ test administered by a board certified psychologist. Yet I believe God has a purpose for my life.  In analyzing mathematical symbols as representing real world forces I develop a better appreciation of myself within the streaming flow of universal consciousness. Will whatever God made me be crunched into oblivion by  machine process of human consciousness as a process of quantum mechanics?

The following is an excerpt from my Facebook article referenced above:

In my freelance article entitled, Since Love as a Function of Synchronicity and Synergy Manifest by the Quantum Wave Function Language is a Very Real Physical Force then Collective Consciousness of Humanity can Discover Solutions to Problems we Face Together to Highlight Value of Both Collectivism and Individualism Simultaneously,  I discussed the quantum wave function language as a unified underlying higher level language of love as a guiding force within the natural world.

Our founding fathers in the United States of America were prayerfully tapped into the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love allowing them to delineate an orderly system of government specifying natural rights, " We hold these truths to be self evident,  all men are created equal,  they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights,  among these life, liberty,  and the pursuit of happiness. . . "  In so doing, the United  States of America became the torchbearer of liberty where people escaped tyranny of peasantry living under autocratic totalitarian kings and land barons under the old European world order.
