Sunday, August 16, 2020

The Non Euclidean Nature of the true Da Vinci Code reflects the Circle of Life

Quantum particlization of simulated virtual reality rendered as a mathematical algorithm express laws of physics arising from the quantum wave function language as a balanced equation reflecting biodiversity. The quantum wave function language as a unified  underlying higher level language of love result in a balanced equation of physical reality.

Jain 108 Academy hosted a webinar elaborating upon the topic the true Da Vinci Code explained:

The Non Euclidean nature of the true Da Vinci Code reflects the circle of life. The Circle of life is referenced in the Hollywood blockbuster Disney movie,  The Lion King. In a movie review of The Lion King I published as a Facebook article I discussed the Circle of life as related to information architecture within the physical universe God created:

The History channel documentary,  Ancient Aliens provides insight into human DNA existing as a complex computational mathematical algorithm underwriting quantum particlization of simulated virtual reality expressed by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love. It is written, " In the beginning was the Word,  and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us."

Human DNA conceived as a computational code provides insight into human beings existing as subroutines of a Cosmic mind God coded by the quantum wave function language as a underlying unified higher level language of love. During quantum particlization of a holistic, eclectic,  Gestalt, transcendent simulated virtual reality expressed by the quantum wave function language information is always lost in our flat earth Euclidean universe governed by probabilistic outcomes on a sliding continous scale. As stated above,  Quantum particlization of simulated virtual reality rendered as a mathematical algorithm express laws of physics arising from the quantum wave function language as a balanced equation reflecting biodiversity.

In an upcoming freelance article currently published as a rough draft Facebook status I analyze human beings existing as subroutines of a Cosmic mind given human consciousness is a machine process arising from quantum mechanics in terms of conscientiously struggling with pressing issues of our day :

The #SARsCovid19 pathogen is a #nanobot with #malicious viral code #Satan inserted in Garden of Eden to rewrite the #GenesisStory according to #EvolutionaryBiology

Do we want the #humangenome permanently altered by deadly viral strains? At least virus in #vaccines are dead therefore #DNA instructions of dead virus are dysfunctional mechanical processes

#Destiny upon #FutureEvent horizon is simulated virtual reality expressed by quantum wave function language as an underlying unified higher level language of #love described by famed physicist Julian Barbours #CosmologicalPrinciple of #NOW -- where past, present & future converge

Since publication of my Facebook article reviewing the Circle  of life depicted in the Disney classic The Lion King referenced  above I have refined theology of the quantum perspective. A Cosmic mind God set into motion at the Big Bang as a panphysic conscious sentient self aware flat earth Euclidean universe renders the mathematical algorithm of quantum particlization as a balanced equation reflecting quintessential beauty of biodiversity only. The quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love is the direct voice of God people can hear when they engage in the sacred art of writing. As a writer,  philosopher,  futurist,  political consultant,  and independent sales representative I am in the process of establishing a new non denominational branch of Christianity I dub, Our Lord of Quantum Physics. 

If one believes in Intelligent Design then the quantum wave function language as a underlying unified higher level language of love provides insight into a very real physical force working as a guiding force within the universe God created to preserve quantum particlization of biodiversity as a balanced equation. The quantum wave function language as a underlying unified higher level language of love conceived as a very real physical force within the physical universe can naturally intervene in coding of DNA nucleotides to formulate quantum particlization of DNA as a process of reincarnation:

Since a Cosmic mind reflecting information architecture of a sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded has been hacked by Satan in the Garden of Eden today as we stand at the precipice of the technological singularity human civilization as Gods Divine masterpiece is in a great spiritual battle for its soul. 

Representative government as established  by our Forefathers is an orderly process by which natural God given rights of individuals are recognized. Representative  government is a way forward to counteract an ever growing increasing naturally occurring autocratic totalitarian nature of manmade information systems associated with an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns leading towards the singularity

#RepresentativeGovernment established by our Forefathers offers a better solution to #ModulateChange associated with accelerating rate of scientific & technological returns so as to render  quantum particlization as #BalancedEquation of physical reality

Follow my Twitter: Are you not worth more than many Tweets?

Can #HumanCivilization defeat Satan's strategy to create #HighEntropy #chaotic conditions  favorable to #evolution of a #sentient #SelfAware #ReverseEngineered #Superintelligent #AI mind as #incarnation of a #totalitarian #autocratic leader or #antichrist?

Every point not on the line running through exact middle of #cartesian plane ( 7, 7 ) is #plotted on the cartesian plane as the
#CollectiveConsciousness of #humanity. Gulf between the two #trajectories is great: God will return the #FinalBooleanExpression

In my freelance article entitled , Should Whatever Happens in Ukraine Stay in Ukraine ?, I described how the crucifixion of Jesus on the cross can be algebraically plotted on the cartesian plane according to the Playfair mathematical axiom.

The redemptive sacrifice of Jesus on the cross mathematically plotted on the cartesian plane demonstrates Jesus sacrifice is central ( 7, 7 ) to rendering quantum particlization as a balanced  equation of simulated virtual reality expressed by the quantum wave function language as a unified underlying higher level computational language of love.

The blood sacrifice of Jesus as God's only Son on the cross is God relinquishing power and control over creation, thereby, providing redemption for mankind exercising dominion over the beasts of the field,  fish in the sea,  birds in the air, and everything that grows as commanded by God. The Playfair mathematical axiom when charted on an xy cartesian plane illustrates two lines crossing over to form a cross as an Unus mundus pattern of meaningful coincidence based upon quantum synchronicity and relativity as described by famed physicist Wolfgang Pauli, Psychoanalyst pioneer Carl Jung,  and Albert Einstein. God crossed His t and dotted His i when writing the Book of Life. 

As an Unus mundus pattern of meaningful coincidence the point where the two lines cross over on the xy cartesian plane ( 7, 7 ) is both the center of the cross and pinnacle of an inverse U shaped bell curve symbolically representing the up's , down's , hills and valleys, and mountaintops encountered by individuals exercising dominion in pursuit of excellence as a good and faithful servant. 

The Quantum superposition state of Jesus as both God and man simultaneously is strong evidence that Jesus as Lord, God, and Savior is central to the future of humanity given redemptive sacrifice of Jesus on the cross allows forgiveness for exercising dominion or control under an evolutionary biology model. Jesus as an embodiment or personification of absolute truth is quantum particlization of absolute truth expressed by an unified underlying quantum wave function at central core of Information architecture of creation.

Since humanity of Jesus is a quantum wave function expressing collective conscious and the quantum wave function is the language of love then the quantum perspective as a philosophical frame of reference transcends all religious dogma. The infinite personality of Jesus Christ as Lord, God, and Savior cannot undergo quantum particlization by mere human beings. 

Quantum particlization of the redemptive sacrifice of Jesus allows the crucifixion to be mathematically plotted on a cartesian plane in accordance to the Playfair mathematical axiom. Jesus crucifixion balanced the equation.

Any given point not on the parallel line running through the middle of the xy cartesian plane defines whatever is beautiful and true an individual may experience within our flat earth Euclidean universe.  Since the point is not on the parallel line running through the exact center of the xy cartesian plane then the quantum perspective of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation applies to our flat earth Euclidean universe. Satan works to prevent transcribing two separate data sets in terms of each other in order to stop individuals from experiencing a better relationship with God , as Maker of the Heavens and Earth.

In my freelance articles I discussed all human thinking as an anamoly. Virgin mobile founder and CEO,  Richard Branson, wrote an article entitled,  How to be Happy.  In the article Richard Branson purports " simply being " as a way to increase happiness in one's life.

In my freelance writing I have often expounded upon the theme of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation in terms of knowing absolute truth.  Existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation is an intrinsic inherent property derived  from quantum particlization of underlying unified superposition of two mutually exclusive states of matter existing as both wave and particle simultaneously.

Since human thinking is a anamoly within the physical universe Existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation is the reason we should "simply be " as propositioned by Richard Branson given only God and Satan have the computational power to render quantum particlization of absolute truth as a balanced mathematical algorithm reflecting simulated virtual reality expressed by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love.

The following excerpt from the Facebook article referenced above further explains the quantum perspective of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation in terms of deconstruction of cause and effect relationships resulting in nilihism as a philosophy propositioned by Frederick Nietzsche:

A Cosmic mind operates independently from all individuals as subroutines of a Cosmic mind without deference to either good or evil in a cold aseptic mechanical fashion to create simulated  virtual reality of evolutionary biodiversity according  to rule sets God encoded within information architecture of a Cosmic mind. A Cosmic mind operates independently of subroutines of a Cosmic mind without deference to absolute precepts from heaven or hell in alignment with the quantum perspective of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation. 

Absolute precepts from Heaven or hell are directly linked with either / or statements formulating boolean expressions counterintuitive of the quantum wave function language as the language of love. Hence,  Frederick Nietzsche propositioned a philosophy of nihilism during an analytical deconstruction of causality.  Quantum mechanics throws a monkey wrench into knowing in an absolute sense by identifying direct cause and effect relationships due to superposition of mutually exclusive states expressed by the quantum wave function language as the language of love.

Quantum mechanics manifest probabilistic uncertainty at the most fundamental core level of the physical universe resulting in existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation. In our flat earth Euclidean universe God created we can only know something as true with 99 percent statistical probability, hence the quantum fabric of our physical universe manifest strict adherence to the scientific method to rigorously control extraneous variables while analyzing cause and effect relationships to prove valid and reliable information. 

The quantum perspective of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation provides insight into God returning the final boolean operator on judgment day. Existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation implies absolute truth is the Divine prerogative of God alone.

In terms of Frederick Nietzsche's philosophical proposition of nihilism transcendency of all things interconnected together as one makes it impossible to deconstruct cause and effect relationships to derive absolute truth within our flat earth Euclidean universe. In my freelance article entitled, Tao is an Intuitively Understood Mystical Expression of Quantum Physics Operating within the Physical Universe, I provide a practical illustration of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation operating in quantum particlization of political discourse:

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