Tuesday, August 25, 2020

A Decision to Embrace Purposeful Evolution is a Decision to Become less like a Machine

The Center for Future Consciousness analyzed purposeful evolution:


In consciously reflecting upon purposeful evolution I share the following insights:

Purposely evolution is deliberate intentional modulation of change as a  balanced mathematical equation by a Cosmic mind to reduce high entropy for purpose of returning to a low entropy Garden of Eden like state by creating greater  efficiency. A Cosmic  Mind representing information architecture within a sentient  self aware panpsychic conscious universe God  created is tasked with rendering laws of classic physics formulating quantum particlization of biodiversity of evolutionary biology  within physical realm of our flat earth Euclidean universe. Since Satan hacked a Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden then high entropy conditions counteract absolute totalitarianism naturally inherent in all information systems. 

God commanded, "Go forth and have dominion" or to exercise purposeful evolution. Purposeful  evolution creates a low entropy Garden of Eden state with ingrained conscious awareness pertaining to machine nature of human conscious arising  from quantum mechanics given human  beings exist as subroutines of a Cosmic mind. A decision to embrace purposeful evolution is a decision to become less like a machine .

In my freelance article entitled, Displacement in the Trucking Industry, I outline practical steps to modulate change for purposeful evolution. I hereby invite anyone who may be interested in implementing practical steps for purposeful evolution and have skills and talents to make a meaningful contribution to connect with me on social media platforms. 

#Disruption in #TruckingIndustry as Related to #Modulating #Change due to #ExponentialGrowth during #QuantumParticlization of #BalancedEquation of #SimulatedVirtualReality.
#RepresentativeGovernment established by Forefathers of #UnitedStatesofAmerica is most effective means to modulate change. https://t.co/VzjORqrhHl


The #QuantumPerspective as a #Philosophical frame of reference attempts to forge #Synergy or #Synchronicity among 
#Diverse #Stakeholders within the #GeneralPopulation https://t.co/y2ealz8IPP


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