Saturday, July 4, 2020

Do You Know What is Happening ? The United States of America is Caught Up in a Vicious Never Ending Cycle Becoming a Self Fulfilling Prophecy Leading towards Armageddon

The United States of America is in a vicious cycle that has become a self fulfilling prophecy I previously described as a Non Euclidean distortion of the time space continuum during quantum particlization of the arrow of time moving from low entropy to high entropy culminating in Armageddon. Lawmakers must act now to break the vicious cycle. A Non Euclidean distortion of the time space continuum during quantum particlization of the arrow of time moving from low entropy to high entropy is characterized by complex multiplicative cause and effect relationships that become like quicksand dragging our beloved nation underground.

Elijah McClain is another example of a young African American man who shouldn't have died while being arrested by police. According to everything reported by mass media Elijah McClain is a good gentle soul who played a violin to lonely cats.

So now, at this point in time the central question is how do these crimes against humanity occur and what can be done to prevent such horrific crimes against humanity from ever happening again?  The cases of Elijah McClain and David McAtee, especially demonstrate collective consciousness of society in the United States of America is caught up in a self fulfilling prophecy. 

The self fulfilling prophecy we as an an American society is ensnared is described in a recent freelance article I wrote as a Non Euclidean distortion of the space time continuum during quantum particlization of the arrow of time moving from low entropy to high entropy, eventually culminating in Armageddon. In my previous freelance article I have written I described a Non Euclidean distortion of the space time continuum during quantum particlization of the arrow of time moving from low entropy to high entropy as quicksand our beloved nation is rapidly sinking.

Obviously,  there has been a long list of African American citizens brutalized or killed by police. The seething anger and rage over racial  profiling by police has been bubbling within the psyche of the African American community for decades. Our elected leaders should have done something many years ago,  because that is what elected leaders are paid to do, take quick legislative action to implement policies governing how law enforcement officials do their jobs to prevent such tragedies.

Obviously,  African American citizens do not trust carcasion police officers. It is likely Hispanics, Asian Americans , and other ethnicities harbor deep mistrust and resentment against law enforcement officers of another ethnicity.

Every time one of these cases where carcasion police officers brutalize and/or murder an African American citizen is played  out or dramatized within  American society followed by protests by mass mobs that turn violent then this reinforce the idea that caucasian police officers can't be trusted.

And maybe caucasian police officers can't be trusted.  The fact is every human being on planet earth is racist. It is written in the Holy Bible,  ' He who claims to be without sin is a liar and the truth is not in them'. Racism is a consequence of living under the paw of evolutionary biology. 

It has often  been pointed out in recent days that the relatively few police officers involved in crimes against humanity do not represent the entire police force in the United states of America. It is racist to attribute crimes against humanity by a relatively small number of police officers to the entire  police force all across the United States of America.

If police officers are only human beings they likely have racial biases that determine how much excessive force they apply.  It is undeniable in many of these cases victims of police brutality engaged in a physical altercation with police while resisting arrest. Despite engaging in a physical altercation with police victims should not have died .

Physical altercation with  the police while resisting arrest is a consequence of deep mistrust of police by African American citizens after hearing about the many cases of police brutality against African American citizens.  Hence,  the United States of America is in a vicious cycle that has become a self fulfilling prophecy I previously described as a Non Euclidean distortion of the time space continuum during quantum particlization of the arrow of time moving from low entropy to high entropy culminating in Armageddon. Lawmakers must act now to break the vicious cycle.

According to mass media reports the arrest of  Elijah McClain turned ugly when Elijah McClain grabbed for a police officers gun. Elijah McClain should not have died that night despite reports that he grabbed for a police officers gun.  Police should be trained to arrest people without physically harming an individual. 

What possibly could have happened to Elijah McClain if he did not resist arrest as reported by the mass media? If African American citizens are reassured that that the full power of the United States of America federal government as represented by the 116 Black Congressional Caucus  , NAACP,  ACLU, former Attorney General Eric Holder, former  President Barack Obama has their back and  will insure that they as citizens will be treated fairly then maybe they as individuals will not feel a need to fight with police.

If Elijah McClain stopped and answered the police officers questions,  it is more then likely the police officers would have sent Elijah McClain on his way down the street. If Elijah McClain was wrongfully arrested the ACLU and NAACP could have gotten him out of jail in 10 minutes. Whenever African American citizens are arrested it may be a good idea to hold them in a special holding area until the case is reviewed by African American leaders in the judiciary. 

According to mass media reports Elijah McClain kept on walking when police asked him to stop to talk. According to mass media Elijah McClain told the police officers he wasn't doing anything and kept on walking despite being ordered to stop.  The death of Elijah McClain is excessive force by police therefore is a crime against humanity. 

Elijah McClain ignored the order of the police officer to stop and kept on walking down the street because he received the strong clear message that African American citizens are targeted for racial profiling by the police because of all these cases. And it may be true that in some cases African American citizens are targeted by racial profiling. The following paragraphs outlines a plan to eliminate systemic racism in law enforcement:

The more of these cases occur that more deep mistrust of law enforcement is fermented in the mind of African American citizens. Likewise,  the more peaceful protests by mass mobs that turn into violent rioting and looting that occur the more racist stereotypes are fermented in the mind of caucasian Americans.  Hence we must stop the use of excessive force against African American citizens by law enforcement officers of other ethnicities at all cost.

The only way to prevent racism in law enforcement is legislation I dubbed the Gaffney Police systemic racism Law enforcement Reform bill whereby by law only African American police officers are dispatched to a possible crime scene involving an African American citizen. It is a far better solution than defunding the police.  An escalation of crime by defunding the police will likely culminate in an increase in poverty across America among all ethnicities. It is only logical that African American citizens should be able to trust police officers of their own ethnicity more therefore resisting arrest will not  be necessary given they are not victimized by racial profiling. Lawmakers should have done this year's ago and we may not be having this problem today, plus victims of crimes against humanity may still be living. 

My proposed legislation is not a perfect solution,  but something has got to be done because our beloved nation,  the United States of America is sinking in quicksand of a self fulfilling prophecy as a consequence of a Non Euclidean distortion of the space time continuum resulting in a never ending cycle of complex multiplicative cause and effect relationships. Furthermore,  a special all volunteer branch of the armed services should be established to build a police force that represents African Americans and other ethnicities exclusively. Volunteers in this special branch of the military should receive intensive training in deesculation of crisis situations and racial profiling. Government officials should be directly involved in providing training to how rights of citizens are protected.

The only other choice is to violently overthrow the United States of America that both Africa American slaves and colonists,  who later became plantation owners, helped establish.  We should think carefully before we flush the United States of America down the toilet,  because look around and you will see a large percentage of African American citizens living the American dream today. We can move forward together and break this self fulfilling prophecy as a never ending cycle and make our beloved nation better. 

In my freelance article entitled, The Quantum Perspective Working to Prevent the United States of America from Becoming the Next Syria, I built a strong defense of David McAtee by  the legal argument that David McAtee acted very  reasonably to defend his business, Ya Ya Barbecue,
by firing warning shots given massive confusion caused by all players including National guard, law enforcement,  party goers,  rioters, peaceful protesters gathering in a mob at Dinos food market,  mass media failing to air lawful legal proceedings against those accused of criminal actions, politicians dragging their feet to prevent crimes against humanity from ever happening again by taking immediate legislative action.  Furthermore,  I made it clear if I owned Yay Yay Barbecue lawfully I would have all legal rights to defend my business by discharging an M-16 automatic weapon to kill anyone without discrimination threatening my business, thus David McAtee acted reasonably given aggregate sum of information he is given by mass media outlets. 

If David  McAfee, myself, and all other citizens fully understood how such a horrific mistake could have been made by a judge signing a no knock probable cause warrant  and/or see those brought to justice in a court of law if it was indeed an intentional deliberate act to murder Breanna Taylor then maybe people would not feel a need to take up arms.  The fact is the majority of people don't know anything about what happened,  know any of the people involved,  and were not present at the scene of the crime so I don't understand why entire cities must be burned down. All of this must be examined within legislative assemblies and courts of law to get Justice.

In my article referenced above entitled,  The Quantum Perspective Working to Prevent the United States of America from Becoming the Next Syria, I used the David McAtee case to illustrate quantum  particlization of Non Euclidean distortions of the time space continuum rendering complex cause and effect relationships while the arrow  of time is moving from low entropy to high entropy .  In the aforementioned freelance article I described Non Euclidean distortions within the time space continuum during quantum particlization of the arrow of time moving from low entropy to high entropy as quicksand slowly pulling our beloved nation,  the United States of America underground. Non Euclidean distortions within the time space continuum during quantum particlization of the arrow of time moving from low entropy to high entropy is also a self fulfilling prophecy.  

The only way to get Justice for the victims is to prevent these crimes against humanity from ever happening again within legislative assemblies and courts of law.  If mass media focused upon airing legal proceedings against all accused of a crime including police, judges,  and politicians directly responsible for this debacle then perhaps people would not feel a need to act violently or take up arms to defend against unruly disorderly behavior by all players when they learn how such horrific tragedies occurred. People may not feel a need to take up arms to defend themselves nor act violently, especially if they witness legislative action aired on television to prevent these crimes against humanity. Peaceful protests by people shouting,  screaming, waving signs does nothing to uncover all relevant facts about how crimes against humanity occurred and what can be done to prevent such crimes against humanity. 

If David McAtee acted reasonably to defend his business against law enforcement who shot Breana Taylor dead in the middle of the night after busting down her door down according to mass media reports then the couple in St. Louis who defended their home also acted reasonably by law:

The couple in Saint Louis Missouri had the lawful right to shoot all the peaceful protesters dead because they feared for their lives just like David McAfee had the lawful right to shoot all people in Dinos parking lot dead to protect his business.  The only reason criminal charges are brought against the couple in Missouri or David McAfee is because the Judiciary consorts with powder puff heads wearing stockings in the Global Luddite movement who started a race war by arranging to murder George Floyd to destroy the United States of America .

The same Judiciary and politicians that botched the Breanna Taylor case and are downplaying representative government established by our Founding  fathers as the only real avenue to get Justice for the victims are now saying people cannot protect themselves. If the ACLU, NAACP,  or other politician is called in the middle of the night or when they are on sabbatical to challenge probable cause search warrants signed  by a judge you may very well imagine the expletives with the N word proceeding from their lips. If they only do what they are paid to do then these crimes against humanity may not happen. 

Powerful politicians and high level Judiciary telling people to waste their precious time by protesting instead of communicating grievances  to elected representatives by petitions so that representatives can better act on behalf of constitutes within legislative  assemblies and courts of law should answer the question,  ' what have you done to make black lives matter? ' Powerful politicians and high level Judiciary encouraging peaceful protests are not helping make black lives matter, but instead are taking advantage of base human instincts for personal gain.

Powerful politicians and high level Judiciary are downplaying representative government as established by our Forefathers in the 1st amendment of the United States constitution and encouraging so called peaceful protests because powerful politicians and high level Judiciary don't have any legislative solutions to prevent systemic racism given all human beings on planet earth live under the paw of evolutionary biology. Since powerful politicians and high level Judiciary don't have any legislative solutions to solve the problem of systemic racism in law enforcement then these cases will continue over, over, and over again repeatedly in a vicious cycle until the United States of America is completely destroyed and we are living under a brutal Satanic regime that enact laws by brute force of violence in a 3rd world impoverished country. 

The Gaffney Police Systemic Racism Law Enforcement Reform bill as outlined in paragraphs above is the only way to stop systemic racism in law enforcement and build trust among various ethnicities in law and order. Powerful politicians and high level Judiciary are hoping so called peaceful protesters will get tired chanting and eventually go home. Powerful politicians and high level Judiciary hope to find a place to serve under a brutal Satanic regime that that force their laws upon people and seize what little people have managed to earn by hard work in life.  So therefore individuals have to be ready to fight and kill if necessary. 

Powerful politicians and judiciary downplaying representative government outlined in the 1st amendment as established by our Forefathers as the only true peaceful avenue to get Justice for the victims and encouraging "peaceful protests " to gain political power are doing nothing but creating conditions whereby many more videos will be made of stressed out overworked police officers beating the crap out of protesters spitting on them,  leading to the perpetuation the self fulfilling prophecy culminating in armageddon.  We need to change the narrative quickly. We must all pray for our beloved nation,  the United States of America,  that everyone will have an Oprah Winfrey Aha moment.


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