Sunday, June 28, 2020

Crop Circles as a Sign from a Sentient Self Aware Panpsychic Conscious Universe During Troubled Times of Massive Confusion

The following article is an analysis of crop circles from the quantum perspective. Crop circles as an Unus mundus  pattern of meaningful coincidence based upon quantum synchronicity and relativity are explored as a sign from a sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe reflecting natural order of the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love during troubled times of massive confusion.

Jaine 108 Academy shared on Facebook the most recent crop circle appearing as a sign from the universe :

God coded a Cosmic mind to circumvent absolute autocratic totalitarianism inherent in Intelligent Design by quantum particlization of cold hard aseptic reality of evolutionary biology arising from natural laws of classic physics. Since the days of Adam homo sapiens have scratched and clawed their way out of the jungle to prevail over evolutionary biology as according to God's command,  ' Go forth and have dominion '. Order demands massive amounts of energy. In the modern 21st century how can we circumvent absolute autocratic totalitarianism inherent in Intelligent Design as a gift from God arising from an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns ?

Historically,  since the days of Adam all human beings have worked to create more order in the universe by sweat and blood. Animal blood sacrifice represents the sweat and blood required for human beings to create greater order within the universe by surmounting Thermodynamic law of entropy. Greater order in the universe is something that should not be feared ,but  embraced as a blessing allowing individuals build a better relationship with God Almighty,  the Maker of the Heavens and Earth. 

Fast Radio Burst from interstellar space are directly linked  to crop circles given all things are interconnected as one by Intelligent Design of the quantum wave function as a unified underlying higher level computational language of love underwriting information architecture resulting in quantum particlization of our flat earth Euclidean universe. The Atlantic Magazine published an article entitled,  A Mysterious Rhythm Is Coming From Another Galaxy, providing a discussion of Fast Radio Burst detected by astronomers:

If a Cosmic mind God coded represents aggregate sum of Intelligent Design within a natural sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe governed by laws of classic physics then I wonder if how crop circles may be related to Ables Plant based sacrifice? In exploring theology from the quantum perspective I defined death of human beings existing as subroutines of a Cosmic mind as not being able have any influence upon a Cosmic mind after death,  but that may not preclude an aggregate sum of a Cosmic mind intervening within the natural world to create signs reflecting order. All beauty of biodiversity within our natural world is a product of order derived from Intelligent Design.

In my freelance article entitled, Should Whatever Happens in Ukraine Stay in Ukraine ?,  I discussed Ables plant based sacrifice as opposed to animal blood sacrifice:

Intervention by a Cosmic mind reflecting the aggregate sum of Intelligent Design within the natural universe may be prompted by the troubled and confused world we are experiencing today, hence crop circles are a sign from the universe to humanity. 

In my freelance article entitled, Since Love as a Function of Synchronicity and Synergy Manifest by the Quantum Wave Function Language is a Very Real Physical Force then Collective Consciousness of Humanity can Discover Solutions to Problems we Face Together to Highlight Value of Both Collectivism and Individualism Simultaneously,  I discussed the quantum wave function language as a unified underlying higher level language of love as a guiding force within the natural world.

Our founding fathers in the United States of America were prayerfully tapped into the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love allowing them to delineate an orderly system of government specifying natural rights, " We hold these truths to be self evident,  all men are created equal,  they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights,  among these life, liberty,  and the pursuit of happiness. . . "  In so doing, the United  States of America became the torchbearer of liberty where people escaped tyranny of peasantry living under autocratic totalitarian kings and land barons under the old European world order.

While living under the tyranny of peasantry when a land baron lieutenant of a King dressed in stockings  saw a woman he liked among wives and daughters of the peasants he would borrow her for a few days only to return her to work in the fields when he was done. Hence, the Declaration of independence and United States Constitution guaranteeing One Nation under God for liberty and Justice for all is penned in blood because the first man Adam choose to be free living under evolutionary biology to become whom God originally intended Adam to become by going forth having dominion as God commanded. Our African American history teacher taught us the cold hard facts of living under peasantry in the old European world order resulting in countless immigrants risking death to sail across the ocean to establish our great nation,  the United States of America. 

Crop circles are an Unus mundus pattern of meaningful coincidence based upon quantum synchronicity and relativity formulated as a sign by a sentient self aware conscious universe reminding us that there is natural order within our universe working as a guiding force in the hearts and minds of men.

The first man Adam choose to live under the precepts of  the natural world as a product of evolutionary biology to be completely free.  Freedom is about circumventing human consciousness existing as a machine process of quantum mechanics and becoming what God originally intended one to become, which is more then a robot. Animal based blood sacrifice reflects Adam's choice to live under the precepts of evolutionary biology. It is written, ' In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was made flesh,  and dwelt among us '.

In my freelance article entitled, Calling Upon all Politicians and High Level Judiciary to Honor the Great Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King who Loved America and Never Gave up Hope, I made the following observation about being open to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love manifesting quantum particlization of near infinite creativity people of every race, creed, gender,  and ethnic origin have freedom to pursue as outlined in founding documents of the United States of America:

The art of writing is sacred. The art of writing opens a doorway or portal by which individuals can circumvent extraneous noise resulting  from quantum  particlization of semantic  binary data of collective  society and directly experience an underlying  unified quantum wave function language as a higher level language of love which is beyond mind.

It is likely young African American poets and authors will pen very beautiful spirituality moving narratives about these difficult times every human being navigates on our journey home.  Sadly,  many fine beautiful spirituality moving narratives by young African American storytellers may never be told on stage after the United States of America becomes the next  Syria,  unless the story is bent to conform to guise of a Satanic regime that has overthrown our beloved nation and replaced it with something else reflecting their own image. It will not be your story of prevailing over evil to be triumphant by Gods grace as all good people have done since the beginning of time, but it will  be the story forged by violence of the fist under evolutionary biology told the way they want it told or else.

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