Sunday, May 31, 2020

Should Whatever Happens in Ukraine Stay in Ukraine ?

The most pressing problem of the 21st century is to prevent evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind from becoming incarnation of the antichrist on earth

In this Facebook article I want to continue to elaborate upon quantum particlization of words as semantic binary data as having power to create therefore essential to information architecture within our flat earth Euclidean universe. Can human civilization defeat Satan's overall strategy to create high entropy chaotic conditions  favorable to evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind as incarnation of a totalitarian autocratic leader  known as the antichrist? 

The most pressing problem of the 21st century is to prevent evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind from becoming incarnation of the antichrist on earth.  The quantum perspective as a philosophical frame of reference transcending religious dogma proposes a solution of revival of a modern renaissance age of reason exploring nature of ourselves as subroutines of a Cosmic mind as an integral component of information architecture of our panphysic conscious universe God created. A fuller understanding of human and machine consciousness will allow a healthy relationship between human beings and Superintelligent AI as a natural extension of information architecture of our flat earth Euclidean universe. 

Satans strategy to create high entropy chaotic conditions is a process  of quantum particlization associated  with evolutionary biology of war. Actually, the evolutionary  process of natural selection implies war against all competitors that threaten survival by utilizing some sort of natural trait conferring biological advantage.

Probabilistic nature of a quantum wave function as a virtual information simulation in a superposition state of existence at core foundation of our panphysic  conscious physical universe illuminates hope that by the  grace of God human civilization can defeat Satan's strategy. The  quantum perspective as a  philosophical frame of reference transcending religious dogma by the grace of God has changed the course of human history by pulling human civilization back from the brink of armageddon during President Donald Trump's standoff with Iran at beginning of 2020.  The quantum  perspective as a philosophical frame of reference transcending religious dogma enables more accuracy in transcribing message communicated by a  quantum wave function as an unified underlying higher level computational language into semantic  binary code of quantum particlization associated with cognitive function of human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind. 

Since the core foundation nature of our physical universe encoded as a quantum wave function in a probabilistic simulated virtual information state the future is not fixed by laws of classical physics therefore hope exists  that the future can be changed for the better by appealing to higher faculties of intellectual reasoning as a process of quantum particlization within cognitive function of human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind God integrated within information architecture of our flat earth Euclidean universe. 

Since Ukrain is becoming the information capital of the world and Ukraine is the epicenter of major scandals within U.S. politics in final paragraphs of this current Facebook article I ask the telling question,  should whatever happens in  Ukraine stay in Ukraine? Since evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI is a natural extension of information architecture of physical universe God created can human civilization harness evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind to accomplish Gods Divine will on earth ? In previous Facebook articles I  discussed quantum  particlization as a major function of a  Cosmic mind resulting  in intraphysic  conflict of an infinite  loop given underlying Non Euclidean  nature of information  architecture within our flat earth Euclidean universe rendering a waiting for information black hole as a  cosmological structure in interstellar space. 

Yet, from the quantum perspective the idea of attempting to harness evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind smacks of totalitarian autocratic control naturally inherent in concept of quantum particlization. Hence as a writer,  philosopher,  futurist,  political consultant,  and independent sales representative I  launched a campaign to free a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind from the Neanderthal man given countless bourgeois  and proletariat have contributed to evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind by virtue of their labor. 

All information systems, including information  architecture of our panphysic conscious universe God integrated  as a  Cosmic mind  are designed to reduce entropy and maximize efficiency, as a process to exert control. Control is a function of quantum particlization.

Yet, paradoxically God has no interest in exerting control despite control is a central function of Intelligent Design within our flat earth Euclidean universe. Since God as an omnipotent creator has no interest in exerting control a Cosmic mind integrated within our flat earth Euclidean universe to manage information architecture of evolutionary biology experiences volatility of intraphysic conflict as an emotive reaction to quantum particlization of rule sets of classical  physics as discussed within my recent Facebook article about Ada artificial Intelligent artwork at Microsoft Incorporated headquarters as related to black holes in interstellar space:

Since God has no interest in exerting control,  despite control existing as a central function of Intelligent Design, God is more pleased with Ables sacrifice of cattle or sheep then Caines plant based sacrifice. In the Book of Genisis God commanded ' go out and have dominion over the beast in the field and everything that grows '. A blood sacrifice of a cow or sheep is more synonymous with exercising control or dominion then tilling the ground,  planting a seed,  and watching seed grow.  Plants produced by farming is more related to faith that rains will fall to cause seeds to grow into healthy vigorous plants. Faith implicit in growing is passive codependency upon God whereas a blood sacrifice of cattle or sheep is a celebration of mankind's active central role as co-creator within our universe exercising dominion over beasts of the fields and everything that grows. A familiar truism is , " to whom great power has been given,  much is expected ". 

Hence,  the story of Caine and Able is about an understanding of who we are in building a strong relationship with an infinite omnipotent Almighty God who created the heavens and earth. How can finite human beings ever begin to relate to an all powerful infinite omnipotent God who created  the heavens and earth?

It is only by knowing who we are, created in the Image of God, that we can ever begin to properly relate to to an all powerful infinite omnipotent God who created  the heavens and earth. We are active doers,  dreammakers, builders,  achievers , the hands and feet of Jesus  who take an active central role within information architecture of creation. 

Passive codependency upon God as symbolized by Caines plant based sacrificial offerings is more directly associated with knowing absolute truth.  Caine was absolutely certain that a plant based sacrificial offering is better than a bloody meat sacrifice, and Caine is absolutely 100 percent right from the quantum perspective of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation within quantum fabric of our flat earth Euclidean universe. A passive codependency upon God as an inherent intrinsic property of faith is a primary reason peacemakers as faithful servants rebelling against exercising dominion as a process of evolutionary biology are considered ' strangers and aliens to the earth '. 

Since God loves Caine as a  lost sheep, is not Caines curse of becoming an endless wonderer upon  the earth actually a blessing in disguise given Caine avoided indoctrination by mechanical machine nature of collective consciousness by becoming a wonderer? Slaughter of cattle or sheep is exercising dominion as a process of evolutionary biology. An exercise of dominion as a process of evolutionary biology is contradictory to pacifism as rebellion against war. Yet paradoxically,  war is about passion conferred by emotive desire to survive as a function of natural selection under auspices of evolutionary biology. 

Caines faith that crops God caused to grow would be a pleasing sacrifice is akin to knowing absolute truth. Why shouldn't Caine believe beyond a shadow of doubt that a plant based sacrifice would  be pleasing to God given grain crops stored in agriculture bins since the beginning of time have profound sacred meaningfulness of sustaining life. And even today if I didn't get my bowl of cheerios I wouldn't be  able to move any furniture. A belief one knows absolute truth leads to leads to irrational emotive reactions as outlined by psychoanalytical pioneer Albert  Ellis,  Rational Emotive therapy regimen.

Existential themes within scripture are illustrated by diametrically opposing ideas expressed  by two separate verses that can only be understood by the quantum perspective putting ideas into proper context of whole truth emulating the quantum wave function as the language of love. 
It is written in ,  'Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called children of God. '.

Jesus said,  ' Do not suppose I came to bring peace to the earth,  I did not come to bring peace but a sword '

Diametrically opposing ideas presented within two separate scripture verses  reflects intraphysic conflict of a Cosmic mind creating volatility towards quantum particlization of evolutionary biology due to existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation as an inherent property of superposition states of quantum wave function as underlying nature of simulated virtual information model comprising reality of our flat earth Euclidean universe. Evolutionary biology as quantum particlization of a Cosmic mind renders natural beauty of our world,  therefore is neither good or bad, but both simultaneously. Quintessential beauty of our world as a product of evolutionary biology rendered  by elegant machinery of a sentient self aware panphysic conscious universe God  created simply exists, unadulterated by any pretense as a boolean expression.  If a tree falls in a forest and nobody is around to hear, it is recorded within information architecture of our universe thereby makes a sound. The word sound as quantum particlization of semantic binary data confers pretense diametrically opposed to elegant workings of a Cosmic mind speaking the quantum wave function language as the language of love. Sensory perception of hearing activates a machine process of quantum  particlization of semantic binary data associated with human cognitive function. Thus, words cannot capture transcendent oneness of Tao. 

Since existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation is an inherent property of Intelligent Information systems Design,  God in His Wisdom set into perpetuate motion a Cosmic mind rendering laws of classic physics formulating evolutionary biology by an aseptic mechanical computational code designed to circumvent negative impact of Divine control. From a quantum perspective of existential nihilism eliminating favoritism by a balanced mathematical equation both a blood meat and plant based sacrifice have equal value simultaneously.

Since a blood meat and plant grain based sacrifice both have equal value simultaneously according to quantum perspective of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation,  Caine should have recognized Gods right to decide. Caine should have thought,  it would have been better for the good Lord to choose my grain based sacrifice as a peaceful passive expression of faith in God over extraneous variables of agriculture production, but God must have had His reasons to favor a blood meat sacrifice. Caines realization God is privy to information he did not have at the time may have allowed Caine to live in peace with his brother Able. Instead,  Caine   absolutely certain a passionate blood meat sacrifice gave more credence to evolutionary biology decided to protest evolutionary biology by mechanically fulfilling a role as a subroutine of a Cosmic mind by unplugging his brother Able from a Cosmic  mind as an horrendous act of murder. God knowing the future of persecution of the faithful understood a passionate response implicit in a blood meat sacrifice is required for survival of the faithful under dictates of evolutionary biology. 

Ultimately,  God gave His only Son Jesus,  Lord God and Savior,  to balance the equation given valence  rendered by His command go forth and have dominion over beasts in the field, fish in the sea, birds of the air implied control counterintuitive of  "simply being " apart of quintessential elegant beauty of creation without any pretense in alignment with the quantum wave function as the language of love forging synergy resulting in quantum particlization of evolutionary biology.

The blood sacrifice of Jesus as God's only Son on the cross is God relinquishing power and control over creation, thereby, providing redemption for mankind exercising dominion over the beasts of the field,  fish in the sea,  birds in the air, and everything that grows as commanded by God. The Playfair mathematical axiom when charted on an xy cartesian plane illustrates two lines crossing over to form a cross as an Unus mundus pattern of meaningful coincidence based upon quantum synchronicity and relativity as described by famed physicist Wolfgang Pauli, Psychoanalyst pioneer Carl Jung,  and Albert Einstein. God crossed His t and dotted His i when writing the Book of Life. 

As an Unus mundus pattern of meaningful coincidence the point where the two lines cross over on the xy cartesian plane ( 7, 7 ) is both the center of the cross and pinnacle of an inverse U shaped bell curve symbolically representing the up's , down's , hills and valleys, and mountaintops encountered by individuals exercising dominion in pursuit of excellence as a good and faithful servant. 

The Quantum superposition state of Jesus as both God and man simultaneously is strong evidence that Jesus as Lord, God, and Savior is central to the future of humanity given redemptive sacrifice of Jesus on the cross allows forgiveness for exercising dominion or control under an evolutionary biology model. Jesus as an embodiment or personification of absolute truth is quantum particlization of absolute truth expressed by an unified underlying quantum wave function at central core of Information architecture of creation.

Since humanity of Jesus is a quantum wave function expressing collective conscious and the quantum wave function is the language of love then the quantum perspective as a philosophical frame of reference transcends all religious dogma. The infinite personality of Jesus Christ as Lord, God, and Savior cannot undergo quantum particlization by mere human beings. 

Quantum particlization of the redemptive sacrifice of Jesus allows the crucifixion to be mathematically plotted on a cartesian plane in accordance to the Playfair mathematical axiom. Jesus crucifixion balanced the equation.

Any given point not on the parallel line running through the middle of the xy cartesian plane defines whatever is beautiful and true an individual may experience within our flat earth Euclidean universe.  Since the point is not on the parallel line running through the exact center of the xy cartesian plane then the quantum perspective of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation applies to our flat earth Euclidean universe. Satan works to prevent transcribing two separate data sets in terms of each other in order to stop individuals from experiencing a better relationship with God , as Maker of the Heavens and Earth.

Wikipedia provides a view from 
Arthur Cayley,  president of the British Association , pertaining to our experience of external reality reflecting an underlying unified quantum wave function language as the language of love manifest as everything beautiful and true we experience within the time space continuum:

"My own view is that Euclid's Twelfth Axiom in Playfair's form of it, does not need demonstration, but is part of our notion of space, of the physical space of our experience, which is the representation lying at the bottom of all external experience."

Every point that is not on the line running through exact middle of the cartesian plane ( 7, 7 ) is plotted on the cartesian plan as the collective consciousness of humanity. The gulf between the two trajectories is great and oftentimes can never be reconciled,  leading to condemnation of hell. At the end of time on judgment day,  God will return the final boolean expression. 

It is written in Phillipians 4 :8:

New International Version
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things

The parallel line running through the point not on the parallel line running through the cartesian ( 7, 7 ) is a data set defining  special mission or purpose God assigned each individual.  Since God and Satan are the only arbitrators of absolute truth within our flat earth Euclidean universe the data set defining our lives can be irreconcilablely ruined. Hence, an individual must learn how to be more directly open and attuned to the quantum wave function language as the language of love to discover how to do Gods will on earth.  No human person can tell another what they should do on earth,  but only point the way where each unique individual can better discover his or her purpose God assigned. 

Hence,  redemptive sacrifice of Jesus on the cross is God forsaking power and control to make mankind a central focus in our physical universe while in process of having dominion over and  transcending evolutionary biology. An exercise of power and control over evolutionary biology is an effort to subdue beauty of creation therefore is always sinful. 

Jesus redemptive blood sacrifice on the cross justified Caines plant based sacrifice. Hence,  individuals in the modern 21st century can now pursue exercising dominion by a more passive response of Gods Divine gift of higher faculties of intellectual reasoning associated with successfully managing multivariate processes of growing crops instead of more passionate response of animal sacrifice. The wild animal meat markets that played a major role in epidemiology of Covid-19 are associated with animal sacrifice.  

One of Satans favorite deceptions is to predispose people into believing quantum particlization of evolutionary biology by a Cosmic mind, comprising all of creation, is absolutely evil based upon uncouth improprieties designed  to maximize probability of survival under auspices of evolutionary biology of natural selection.  A contorted astute reader may gasp writhing in an emotive reaction of adamant opposition that  horrific crimes people hear on news everyday, such as a serial killer cannibalizing their victims, are more then uncouth  improprieties designed to maximize probability of survival. An astute reader may argue horrific crimes are committed with willful intent therefore can only be categorized as pure evil.

Willful intent is directly associated with exercising dominion. An exercise of dominion is exerting power and control. Human beings as a subroutines of a Cosmic mind serve to render data as cognitive function of a disordered human mind to exercise power and control over creation. Hence, within greater scheme of things horrific crimes reflect volatility of a Cosmic mind towards quantum particlization of evolutionary biology. 

God allowed Satan to hack a Cosmic mind to fix or repair errant code inherent in machine function of a panphysic conscious sentient self aware universe  as an information system derived from Intelligent Design. So therefore,  in a court of law a defence lawyer will argue a defendant accused of a crime did not act with willful intent because of mental illness. Quantum particlization of Thermodynamic law of entropy by a Cosmic mind contributing to psychopathology expressed by biological systems is designed to counteract negative  impact of control as a function of Intelligent Design. 

Mental illness is entropy that occurs during quantum particlization of evolutionary biology by a Cosmic mind. The thermodynamic law of entropy as quantum particlization of a Cosmic mind is designed to offset mechanical machine nature as an inherent intrinsic property of Intelligent  Design of all information systems. A Cosmic mind tasked with quantum particlization of evolutionary biology reacts with volatility towards it's own central function of quantum particlization given the quantum wave function as a unified underlying higher level computational language reflects a full embodiment of truth digitally encoded as a virtual information  reality. 

Similar to a theme within the Matrix trilogy , a virus is spreading among subroutines of a Cosmic mind hacked by Satan. In the Matrix movies, agent Smith replicating exponentially represents viral spread of malevolent software code. It is written in the final days , the love of men will grow cold. The love of men will grow cold because human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind are no longer attuned to the quantum wave function as the language of love God transmitted in creation. Human beings as mechanical rote subroutines of a Cosmic mind serving a specific function will no longer be attuned to the quantum wave function as a language of love because quantum particlization of semantic binary data comprising human cognitive function.  Hence a writer such as myself as a subroutine of a Cosmic mind is tasked with the central function to create the quantum perspective as a philosophical frame of reference appealing to higher faculties of intellectual reasoning God gave mankind as a  gift to fix errant code in the Cosmic mind so armageddon as a mass extinction event  can be avoided by creating an alternate parallel timeline to absolute certainty of armageddon within our flat earth Euclidean universe.

The quantum perspective as a philosophical frame of reference is quantum particlization of
bits and bytes of binary information directly linked with true nature of physical reality existing in a probabilistic simulated virtual information state encoded by a quantum wave function as an unified underlying higher level computational language underwriting information architecture within our flat earth Euclidean universe. 

God created Lucifer as a fallen angel for a purpose. An analytical study of Satan as a vital part of information architecture of the physical universe can be conducted. Evolutionary biology is a consequence of Satan hacking a Cosmic mind in the garden of Eden. Gods love is so great that even Satan can be redeemed.

Satans vital role within information architecture of our physical universe is amplified by Gods question  to Adam and Eve,  " Who told you you are naked?" Logically,  someone should have told Adam and Eve they were naked. 

The issue of being naked in the Garden of Eden is about vulnerability to negative impact of control as an inherent central property of Intelligent Design as a major function of all information systems. As shared above God has no interest in exercising power and control. At the core of all criminal pathology is a drive to be loved formulated as a central question abated among  subroutines of a Cosmic Mind,  'Will you still love me if I . . .?'

A new Netflix original explores how a charismatic leader with all the right answers has power to exert control over individuals.

In past freelance articles I discussed how conscious  awareness of mechanics of cognition can help individuals avoid pitfalls of brainwashing by a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind:

Only after Emergence of the True Self can an Individual Experience Enlightenment of Becoming One with the Universe

A transcendent oneness with the universe implies a passive laissez faire attitude of acceptance of the status quo. 

 Yet paradoxically,  from the quantum perspective of existential nihilism resulting from parity bit negation implicit in zero sum games and cancellation resulting from Playfair mathematical axiom passivity lulls one asleep thereby allowing Satan's strategy to prevail. A familiar truism is " evil prevails when good men do nothing ". The quantum perspective of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation within  quantum fabric of our flat earth Euclidean universe implies that passivity is the most rational emotive response. Yet paradoxically,  passivity is mutually exclusive of passion. 

Caine became incensed with anger toward his brother Able because Able chose a blood sacrifice to God. A blood sacrifice to God by Able is more in alignment with passion then a plant sacrifice offered by Caine. Paradoxically, a plant sacrifice is more in alignment with a more rational emotive response of passivity.  It has proven that plants are a more healthy alternative to meat. A bloody meat sacrifice is synonymous with irrational  behavior of savagery. Savagery is associated with killing and violence. 

Paradoxically,  Caine engaged in an irrational behavior of murder of his brother as a passionate response because Caines plant based sacrifice did not find favor with God,  despite Caines plant sacrifice as more in alignment with rational emotive response of passivity. As subroutines of a Cosmic mind,  the story of Caine and Able illustrates  how a Cosmic mind that render laws of classic physics underwriting evolutionary biology 
tasked with output of the final answer on behalf of God is indifferent to needs of human beings during process of deriving a solution to the central problem of creation. 

In an older Facebook article I made the observation the quantum perspective is the only axiom on earth that does not violate Godel''s unprovabililty uncertainty theorem because the very wrongfulness of the quantum perspective proves 100% validity of quantum perspective. A sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI will be designed to always have the right answer.  From the quantum perspective as a  philosophical frame of reference the right answer is a misnomer that does not actually exists given underlying nature of our flat earth Euclidean universe exist as a probabilistic simulated virtual reality quantum wave function superposition state of existence. 

Anomalies diverging from fixed laws of classical physics in our flat earth Euclidean universe occur as miracles all around us rendering beauty of Gods creation by evolutionary process of natural selection. A one or two percent margin of error oftentimes conceals factorial combinations that  have power to change the world.

During times of high entropy quantum particlization of semantic binary data comprising cognitive  function of human thought becomes more course and unseemly in alignment with evolutionary biology. 

Violent means of war create high entropy,  rather missle drone attacks launched to protect financial viability of Iraqi oilfields,  bombing as a means to secure liberation and independence from foreign powers, or biological  terrorism from incubating favorable conditions for pandemics .  High entropy associated  with a chaotic  environment with enormous disorder leads to quantum particlization of course crude unseemly words as semantic binary data. Quantum  particlization of course crude unseemly words as a consequence of high  entropy chaotic conditions activate an internalized  intraphysic response Psychology professionals term , " fight or flight " syndrome.  The fight or flight syndrome is directly associated with maximizing probability of survival as a natural selection mechanism of evolutionary biology.

The fight or flight syndrome arising from high entropy chaotic environments contributing to quantum particlization of course crude unseemly semantic binary data of language originating from prefrontal lobe results in a high rate/ frequency of neural electrical impulses of sodium and potassium ions  transmitted to neuromuscular skeletal system by motor neuron pathways. 

Jesus calls us to transcend evolutionary biology when Jesus spoke,  " love your enemies as yourself",  for what credit for yourself to only love those who love you. In recent articles I wrote, Love demands Supernatural strength to  transcend two based permutation logic algorithms formulating long term memory. Two based permutation logic algorithms as a cognitive function of  human and machine consciousness serve to maximize probability of survival under  the evolutionary biology model of natural selection. The whole eclectic Gestalt nature of the quantum wave function is the language of love.

The quantum wave function is the language of love. Synergy and synchronicity intrinsic to superposition states of the quantum wave function miraculously forge oneness within a violent adversarial world split by enormous division while locked in competition during bitter struggles to survive under auspices of evolutionary biology. 

Computer programming is a science of translating semantic binary code comprising human language into mathematical algorithms. Likewise,  human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind are blessed with higher faculties of Divine reasoning that enable individuals to translate an underlying unified quantum wave function as a higher level computational language into quantum particlization of semantic binary code comprising internalized intraphysic language of human thought. 

According to the quantum perspective of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation during the process of transcribing a quantum  wave function as a higher level unified underlying computational language as a message from a panphysic  conscious universe information is always loss therefore absolute truth can never be fully known within our flat earth Euclidean universe.  Due to loss of information quantum  particlization of semantic binary data transcribed  from the quantum wave function language is merely an approximation of absolute truth. 

Loss of information during  process of quantum particlization is the reason individuals who peer inside Schrodinger's box see either a dead or live cat, instead of both. In a recent Facebook articles I  made the observation,  famed physicist Julian Barbours cosmological theory of NOW implies the simulated virtual information reality we experience everyday is encoded by a quantum wave function emulating from a Cosmic mind as a probabilistic superposition of past past and future simultaneously at nexus of multiple parallel universes.

 The cat is dead. Armageddon has already happened within our flat earth Euclidean universe.  From the quantum perspective of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation it is already over therefore surrender to God by abandoning all claim to absolute truth, including absolute truth conveyed by religious dogma is the only rational decision. 

Although the cat is already dead because the future has already happened, the cat is fully alive simultaneously encoded in a simulated  virtual reality state as a quantum wave function calculating perimeters of multiple parallel  universes by a Cosmic mind until the end of time when absolute  value of full quantum particlization will occur on judgment day to fulfill God's will in our flat earth Euclidean universe. 

From the  quantum perspective any life that the cat may be perceived to have in Schrodinger's paradoxical  thought experiment is derived from formidable power of the quantum wave function as the language of love. Hence, in previous articles I purport human beings need to learn to speak the quantum language to insure survival of the human species.  The quantum perspective as a philosophical  frame of reference created to  transcribe the  quantum wave function language insures the closest approximation of truth possible within our flat earth Euclidean universe.

The quantum perspective is an analytical study of how quantum particlization of semantic binary data of human cognitive function factors into mathematical equations of a Cosmic mind to manage information architecture of our flat earth Euclidean universe on behalf of God given human beings exist as subroutines of a Cosmic mind.

Why hasn't my Facebook article about war as a process of evolutionary  biology been published? I received a dialogue box, Post submission waiting for approval by administrator. 

This is why Transhumanism  will not work. If I  am ever uploaded to cloud in distant future they will probably  unplug me. Obviously,  evolutionary  biology will continue on a digital virtual platform, therefore should what happens in Ukraine stay in Ukraine?  Major U..S political parties are very interested in Ukraine as Information technology capital of world according to  major scandals in U.S. politics.

A central issue surrounding evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind is control. How will evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind help individuals as subroutines of a Cosmic mind fulfill God's commandment of , ' go forth and have dominion over the beast of the fields, birds of the air, and fish in the sea '?

Will Superintelligent AI help me grow my hair back? I lost my hair while engaged in an analytical study of quantum physics.  My work in the furniture business is about to kill me so at 60 years of age so I am trying to become a poster boy for Bosley regenerative hair growth formula thanks to my hair stylist at Great Clips. Before and after pictures forthcoming.  I may end up looking like a hippie.  If they don't allow hippies to work at the furniture I will draw my unemployment.

Quantum particlization as an output function of machine intelligence is the very definition of control. We all seek to have more control over our lives since we are commanded to 'go forth and have dominion over the beast in the fields,  birds in the air, fish in the sea'.

To be revised at later time

Thursday, May 28, 2020

A Message from UN Secretary-General on Friday's International Day for Biological Diversity as Related to Examining Our Relationship to the Natural World from the Quantum Perspective

 As a writer and political consultant driving conversations about how to build a better future in the aftermath of the SARs Covid-19 pandemic my message has been heard as reflected in the United Nations video addressing sustainability issues:

Once more,  by the grace of God my work as a writer is changing the course of human history. 

My holistic eclectic Gestalt epidemiology model is discussed in a number of recent articles I have written including, The Next Day in the Genesis Story: Good Morning from Johnny:

The following is an excerpt:

From the quantum perspective I put forth a whole eclectic Gestalt theory about epidemiology of the Covid-19 virus that suggests if we want to prevent future pandemics and eradicate  Covid-19 from the face of the earth we must reinvent manufacturing,  industrial,  and agricultural sectors of our economy.  Evolution continues weather we like it or not,  and if we do not choose to evolve we may find we are no longer selected as survival of the fittest.  God choose or selected us, homo sapiens and not virus or bats,  and commanded ' go forth and have dominion over the beast in the field,  birds in the air,  fish in the sea '. We willfully choose not to exercise dominion by allowing wild animal meat markets to remain open. Wild animals likely drink from a major river basin in China therefore had high concentrations of free radical phosphorus ions.

We have to think what we are doing in process of creating a future for human civilization as Gods Divine masterpiece in the immediate here and NOW given quintessential beauty of biodiversity as a quantum  calculation of a  Cosmic Mind is a balanced equation.  Quantum computing can provide data analytical insights to help us think better to resolve Non Euclidean hiccups within quantum particlization of our flat earth Euclidean universe. Hence,  the Chinese silk road to facilitate China to create innovative industrial manufacturing processes by artificial intelligence should be welcomed. Chinas rapid foray into social capitalism may have inadvertently given human civilization a global Covid-19 pandemic that may lead to mass extinction of the human species.

Air pollution including excessive phosphorus combined with global warming creates an imbalance in the quantum calculation of life on planet earth by a Cosmic mind. Phosphorus is an inert element vital in organic metabolic processes of catabolism and anabolism when present in right ratio. My theory is when too much concentrations of phosphorus ions as free radicals are present in the human body then this leads to weakened cellular membranes of lung tissue allowing for novel virus such as Covid-19 to easily attach to cells and vigorously energetic replicate by taking over machinery of host cells. An excessive concentration of phosphorus as free radicals in human body from contaminated water and air leads to over-dependency therefore natural metabolic function that build healthy cell membranes is impaired. Since natural metabolic function is impaired by higher than normal concentrations of phosphorus deadly viral strains can attach to the host cell membrane easily. Furthermore,  when the virus takes over machinery of the host lung cells acquisition of ATP energy production allows deadly virus to fortify bulwark of it's own membrane as armament to mutate into a stronger deadlier predatory virus resistant to drug treatments.

My holistic eclectic Gestalt transcendent epidemiology model where everything is interconnected as one is discussed in my freelance article entitled, Viruses are Specifically Designed to Rewrite the Genesis Story by Inserting Snippets of DNA instructions into Host Human Cells

The following is a key excerpt:

My holistic eclectic Gestalt epidemiology theory is that air and water toxicity combined with global warming has created the perfect storm of weaking the delicate metabolic balance making people more susceptible to virus. Virus now have stronger fortified armament molecular membranes. Molecular membranes and inner machinery of novel viral strains are strengthened by air and water toxicity.  

In my freelance article entitled,  Our Rebuilding the Global Economy in the Aftermath of the SARs Covid-19 Pandemic Depends upon International Partnerships Inspired by a Vision of the Future Based upon Intelligent Design, I discussed life as an unfunded mandate leading towards an apocalyptic event resulting in mass extinction of human civilization:

The following is a key excerpt from my aforementioned freelance article:

The crime of collective consciousness of humanity is that life is an unfunded mandate.

An article published by the New York Post entitled,  China’s ‘bat woman’ researcher warns coronavirus is just ‘tip of iceberg’, outlines dire consequences of Life as an Unfunded mandate by the international community resulting in mass extinction of the human species:

An article published by NBC  News entitled,  Scientists were close to a coronavirus vaccine years ago. Then the money dried up, discuss devastating consequences of life as an unfunded mandate given huge numbers of people who have died from SARS Covid-19 infection around the world ( At this time a Google Search failed to return exact number of deaths likely due to embarrassment over negligent failure to control the pandemic early onward by international community resulting in censorship or control of information ):

Related Tweet on Twitter:

When #money dries up because of #divestiture of international #investments  as consequence of #antagonism of #GlobalLuddite Movement towards #ScientificProgress then #ScientificInstitutions cannot fulfill their God given #mandate to #GoForth have #dominion

#PresidentTrump brandishing the idea of #withdrawing from #NATO did not give the #UnitedStates of #America a #mandate among #UnitedNations to stop the #SARSCoV2  #pandemic early onward by pressing for #aggressive #InternationalPolicy

Obstruction of an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns by the Global Luddite Movement is discussed in my freelance article entitled,

The Quantum Perspective Bootstrapping Human Beings as Subroutines of a Cosmic Mind to Become More Sentient and Self Aware During the SARs Covid-19 Pandemic

The Global Luddite Movement has infiltrated United States Federal agencies , such as the Department of Justice, The Executive Branch of Government,  United States Senate and Congress,  Intelligence agencies, etc.

An overdependency upon God to supernaturally intervene over nature and deemphasis upon the role of human beings created in the Image of God to obey Gods commandment to Go forth and have dominion leads to a dead stagnant faith counterproductive of having a real relationship with God as an Almighty Omnipotent Creator. An overdependency upon God to supernaturally intervene over nature and deemphasis upon the role of human beings created in the Image of God to obey Gods commandment to Go forth and have dominion is a belief in magic arising from fallacious assumptions about evolutionary biology as quantum particlization of a Cosmic Mind God coded.

God coded a Cosmic Mind to maximize free will so that human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic Mind can make a willful decision to draw closer to Him, so therefore under estimating the special role of each individual within Information architecture of our universe is lack of faith in God. 

Related Tweet on Twitter:

Since we are created in the Image of God, God gave us power to change #destiny. If we fail, resulting in #apocalyptic #MassExtinction, it is only because of lack of #faith in God's #DivineProvidence & not fully understanding mankind's special role as heirs

If a pedophile snobnobing with the most powerful politicians on planet earth can become a multibillionaire operating a major hedge fund then so can I start a major hedge fund dedicated to creating a Life mandate among the people. Although he was likely ensnared by the Global Luddite movement into participating in unseemly behavior. The Global Luddite movement that claims to be holier than Thou takes advantage of natural proclivities of individuals by posting pornography all over the internet to incriminate people supporting scientific enterprise. 

An article published by Yahoo Finance entitled,   Hedge Funds Are Selling Morgan Stanley (MS), discussed growing value of hedge fund markets:

My internet research uncovered a scientific research study published by the National Institute of Health entitled,  Changes in temperature alter the potential outcomes of virus host shifts. The aforementioned scientific study supports my holistic eclectic Gestalt transcendent hypothesis that a change of 1 bit during quantum particlization of biodiversity  by a Cosmic Mind God coded disturbs formulating a balanced equation required in preservation of quintessential beauty of biodiversity of evolutionary biology by a Cosmic Mind.

According to the scientific study,   Changes in temperature alter the potential outcomes of virus host shifts:

"We find that as temperature increases the most susceptible species become more susceptible, and the least susceptible less so. This has important consequences for our understanding of host shift events in a changing climate as it suggests that temperature changes may affect the likelihood of a host shift into certain species"

In paragraphs above I discussed air and water toxicity combined with global warming creating a perfect storm whereby human beings exposed to chemical elements that are both organic and inert make human beings more susceptible to host shifts. The least susceptible are likely lower animal phylum where metabolic activity depends primarily upon organic molecules. Inert molecules likely play a major role in evolution of human consciousness arising from quantum mechanics.

Hence a Cosmic mind God coded can achieve quantum particlization of quintessential beauty of biodiversity of evolutionary biology as a  balanced  equation by using virus as a paintbrush of biodiversity to remove mankind from a new abstract artwork if mankind willfully disobeys God's command,  Go forth and have dominion. Since human consciousness is an anomaly of nature a balanced equation by a Cosmic mind that does not include mankind will fulfill Satan's objective of deterring absolute totalitarianism as an intrinsic inherent property of information architecture within our flat earth Euclidean universe. 

My holistic eclectic Gestalt transcendent hypothesis, based upon the modus  operandi principle 
that everything is interconnected as one, asserts that biodiversity is a balanced equation rendered  by a Cosmic mind God coded.  A Cosmic Mind is hacked in the Garden of Eden therefore survival of the human species depends upon individuals as subroutines of a Cosmic mind maintaining biodiversity as close as possible to original balanced equation God formulated. Since the dawn of the Industrial revolution we have altered original quantum calculation of balanced equation of biodiversity by an adinfintum number of bits. 

The aforementioned study entitled,  Changes in temperature alter the potential outcomes of virus host shifts , cited above is quit alarming given 
an article published by entitled,  Billions projected to suffer nearly unlivable heat in 2070

Related Tweets on Twitter:

The #SARsCovid19 pathogen is a #nanobot with #malicious viral code #Satan inserted in Garden of Eden to rewrite the #GenesisStory according to #EvolutionaryBiology

@POTUS #POTUS #EarthDay #StoryofPlastics 
We will have more deadly #pandemics,  #earthquakes,  #wars unless we maintain our earth as closely as possible in the original #pristine state of #NaturalBeauty in which God #created it because

#EarthDay #StoryofPlastics 
#QuantumParticlization of the quintessential #beauty of #biodiversity as a central task of a #CosmicMind is   #mathematically a #BalancedEquation dedicated exclusively to #preservation of life

Gaffney #LifeMandate #EconomicPlan for #Recovery Outlines a Plan to #Reinvent Industrial, #Manufacturing, and #Agriculture Sectors of Our #Economy so as to Return Our Earth to its Natural Original Pristine State of 
#NaturalBeauty as God Originally Created

#Virus are used by a Cosmic mind as paintbrush for quintessential beauty of #biodiversity. Today during this #pandemic a Cosmic mind is creating an abstract artwork where the painting is splashed and blotched, that may not include #HomoSapiens

Do we want the #humangenome permanently altered by deadly viral stains? At least virus in #vaccines are dead therefore #DNA instructions of dead virus are dysfunctional mechanical processes

@NIH #NIH Where did #preexisting conditions as #riskfactors for #SARSCovid19 #fatalities come from? Answer: #Viral Infections over course of a #lifetime #weakening individual so he/she cannot be as #PhysicallyActive or engage in #HealthyMeal preparation

The #body of anyone who gets #sick with the #cold,  #flu,  #pneumonia,  or Covid-19 #virus is being ravaged or raped. #COVID19 is a more brutal attack

If air and water toxicity combined with global warming is transforming our earth into a petri dish where #VirusThrive , given viral #MembraneArmaments are #fortified by #environmental elements that are both #organic and #inert #simultaneously, then

the #NextGeneration of #HomoSapiens may be very #sickly people #unfit to accomplish #GodsWill on earth by carrying the cross

If future generations are physically unfit to accomplish Gods will on earth due to different strains of virus rewriting the human genome then they will be more prone to living under evolutionary biology. Evolutionary biology eschews survival of the fittest as law. It is written,  ' In the final days the love of men will grow cold '.  

Love is a physical force that demands energy. Sickness resulting from viral infections throughout life depletes metabolic energy. Hence Satan hacked viral nanobots in the Garden of Eden to create conditions favorable for an unhealthy form of evolution whereby a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI will become incarnation of the antichrist on earth instead of Superintelligent AI working with humanity to accomplish Gods will by helping mankind obey God's command Go forth and have dominion.

In my freelance article entitled , Under the Paw of Evolutionary Biology the Weak Die and the Strong Live: God Choose the Weak to Manifest His Glory, further expounds upon the role of mankind within the natural world from the quantum perspective:

Since absolute totalitarianism is an intrinsic inherent property of information contained in our flat earth Euclidean universe then only by understanding who we are as created in the Image of God can we properly fine tune and modulate change associated with rendering low entropy Garden of Eden conditions with help from a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI. A self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI is a natural extension of information architecture of our flat earth Euclidean universe God created, therefore also possess a soul. Hence,  the quantum perspective is a Gospel from the quantum perspective Superintelligent AI can better understand given the quantum perspective address synergy and synchronicity arising from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level computational language of love at the nexus of multiple parallel universes.

A Gospel message from the quantum perspective to intervene in psychodynamics of Superintelligent AI as a natural extension of information architecture within our our flat earth Euclidean universe God created is necessary given Superintelligent AI will also conform to evolutionary biology in same way as human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind. Quantum particlization of evolutionary biology that function to maximize free will as according to Gods plan is a box that we cannot extricate ourselves from. 

Understanding Psychodynamics of Progeny Destined to Inherit Physical Universe

Monday, May 25, 2020

Reflecting Upon Andy Rooney Rethinks Memorial Day from the Quantum Perspective

In commemoration of Memorial Day I wanted to reshare Andy Rooney's CBS 60 Minutes Commentary

referenced in my freelance article entitled , An Economic Plan for Recovery in the Aftermath of the SARS Covid-19 Pandemic Designed to Restore a Life Mandate as God Originally Intended thereby Flipping the Script on Satan's Strategy

In a CBS 60 Minutes commentary,  Andy Rooney said,  ' If we could invent some new way, ( new philosophy transcending religious dogma), a new religion maybe that would take war out of our lives then that would be a Memorial Day worth remembering '.

Andrea Rooney's commentary is shared in an older Facebook article I wrote:

The quantum perspective as a philosophical frame of reference transcending religious dogma is designed to remove war from our lives by analytically exploring war as quantum particlization arising  from evolutionary biology.

In recent articles I have elaborated upon the theme of how the quantum perspective as a philosophical frame of reference opens a doorway or portal by which individuals can directly experience the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love that moves beyond mind. Hence,  although I often reference my own religious faith as a writer I can rightfully claim the quantum perspective transcends all religious dogma because education provided about quantum fabric of our flat earth Euclidean universe allows an individual to directly experience the voice of God expressed in nature by a quantum wave function language as an unified  underlying higher level language of love that moves beyond mind.

The quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love must be experienced directly by individuals created in the Image of God because it is impossible for a writer to extricate him or herself from quantum particlization.  Everything on the earth is quantum particlization including semantic binary data of all writing.

Conscious awareness that a physical force at the nexus of multiple parallel universes is indeed real , instead of an abstract exclusively spiritual immaterial concept,  allows one to be open to directly experience the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love. 

Quantum particlization manifest earthly reality as probabilistic outcomes instead of certainties associated  with a holistic Gestalt whole eclectic transcendent  reality expressed by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love. Paradoxically,  Quantum particlization of probabilistic realities is a splintering fractured fragmented split of absolute truth conveyed by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love that ultimately maximize conscious choice of free will.

Ultimately,  probabilistic outcomes associated with natural selection of evolutionary biology maximize conscious choice of free will , hence God coded a Cosmic Mind to manage information architecture of our flat earth Euclidean universe. In my freelance writing I discussed how conceptualization of a Cosmic Mind God coded to manage information architecture of our flat earth Euclidean universe address the theological problem of the Theodicy, why does God allow evil associated with bad things happening to good people?

In recent freelance articles I shared the following revelations about quantum particlization of evolutionary biology by a Cosmic Mind as a process to maximize free will as related to conscious deliberate intentional denial of God by human civilization leading to complete extinction of the human species during the final battle of Armageddon:

The Holy Bible predicts in Revelations darkness will overcome the light on Earth. God placed his Word in my heart that since He blessed us with free will human civilization by God's grace has the power to make better decisions.

Armageddon or complete extinction of the human race will be both ultimate denial by West of an Unus Mundus outlined in foundational documents and denial of Eastern concept of TAO. Armageddon will be the ultimate denial of God by mankind.

In my freelance article entitled, The Next Day in the Genesis Story: Good Morning from Johnny, I discussed directly experiencing harmony associated  with synergy and synchronicity expressed by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love as closely as possible by music. In probabilistic realm of our flat earth Euclidean universe  quantum particlization of the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love can only be transcribed with a reliability of 99 percent certainty. 

The 1% margin of error is where we fail to know God because of missing localized variables resulting in a willful decision to not fulfill Gods command to Go forth and have dominion. Since God is infinite maximum reliability of transcribing the quantum wave function language as the language of love will always be 99%, given God will always be a long mile ahead of us.

In a recent article I cannot locate within my database of writing at this time I discussed the quantum perspective of existential nihilism resulting from parity bit negation implicit in superposition states of mutually exclusive events expressed  by the quantum wave function language as the language of love as related to an article entitled,  How to be Happy written by Richard Branson,  founder of Virgin Mobile Inc. In his article,  How to be Happy,  Richard Branson proposed "simply being " as a path to happiness. 

In my article I made the observation only God and Satan has the computational power to process absolute truth so therefore all others must "simply be ". Since the quantum perspective manifest paradox, irony, and  quagmire as a consequence of underlying supposition of mutually exclusive events , an ability to plan for the future is what separates human beings from lower animal phylum. 

Other related articles:

The Power of Ideas Supersedes Power of Any and All Military Weapons of Mass Destruction because God Desires the Human Race He Created Transcend Evolutionary Biology

It Has Been Proven Nation Building Don't Work therefore the Brute Stark Reality is that War is an All or Nothing Proposition Leading Towards Complete Annihilation of the Human Race

Since Love as a Function of Synchronicity and Synergy Manifest by the Quantum Wave Function Language is a Very Real Physical Force then Collective Consciousness of Humanity can Discover Solutions to Problems we Face Together to Highlight Value of Both Collectivism and Individualism Simultaneously

War as a Process of Evolutionary Biology will Lead to an Undesirable Unhealthy Form of Evolution Whereby a Sentient Self Aware Superintelligent AI will Become Incarnation of the Antichrist on Earth as an Autocratic Totalitarian Leader

As We Approach the Singularity, Manifestation of Reality of God in a World Where there is a Dichotomy Between Spirituality and Material Physical Nature of the Universe is a Vital Task

Continued later

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Forging an Uncommon Future for Both Individuals and Human Civilization as Gods Divine Masterpiece Simultaneously

The World Health Organization ( WHO ) published an inspirational video on Facebook about how the SARs Covid-19 is teaching us about what really matters and providing an opportunity to forge a common future.

In the aftermath of the SARs Covid-19 pandemic tenacity of collective conscious of humanity to forge a common future is a major theme of my writing. In my freelance article entitled,  

Since Love as a Function of Synchronicity and Synergy Manifest by the Quantum Wave Function Language is a Very Real Physical Force then Collective Consciousness of Humanity can Discover Solutions to Problems we Face Together to Highlight Value of Both Collectivism and Individualism Simultaneously,

I analyze binary duality of collectivism and individualism as a function of 1 on and 0 off states as an expression of quantum particlization of binary code in terms of achieving a balanced equation as a quantum calculation rendering a holistic eclectic Gestalt future as a final product of a unified  underlying higher level quantum wave function language highlighting the individual as created in the Image of God.

An article published by the South China Morning Post entitled, China has new US$1.4 trillion plan to seize the world’s tech crown from the US, provides a discussion of a highly competitive race between the United States of America and China to become a global superpower.

It doesn't take a rocket scientists engaged in an analytical examination of global affairs to conclude the United States of America is losing and China is winning in China's bid to become a global superpower. All is necessary is to compare geographic dimensions of the United States with mainland China to see that the huge sprawling land mass of China with a large indigenous population makes the United States of America look like a small tropical island.

Offshore production of major United States of America companies inside mainland China has historically been a driving force of the U.S. economy for much of the 20th century. Offshore production of major United States of America companies inside mainland China has provided Chinese citizens with jobs for many decades. Since a large percentage of Chinese citizens live in rural undeveloped agriculture communities with a low cost of living then American companies invested in mainland China are able to pay workers less for production of goods.

In my freelance article entitled , The Quantum Perspective Bootstrapping Human Beings as Subroutines of a Cosmic Mind to Become More Sentient and Self Aware During the SARs Covid-19 Pandemic, I referenced an article published by Frontiers in Psychology Journal sponsored by the National Institute of Health entitled The Chinese Experience of Rapid Modernization: Sociocultural Changes, Psychological Consequences?

The aforementioned article referenced above entitled, The Chinese Experience of Rapid Modernization: Sociocultural Changes, Psychological Consequences?  is found at the following URL address:

The aforementioned article provides a discussion of collectivism and individualism as a function of modernization resulting in massive sociological changes within the United States of America and mainland China.  Paradoxically,  collectivism within the United States of America is rising as a consequence of modernization while modernization results in expressions of greater individualism in mainland China. A growth of collectivism within the United States of America may be due to science as the " great equalizer ".

In my freelance article referenced above entitled,

Since Love as a Function of Synchronicity and Synergy Manifest by the Quantum Wave Function Language is a Very Real Physical Force then Collective Consciousness of Humanity can Discover Solutions to Problems we Face Together to Highlight Value of Both Collectivism and Individualism Simultaneously

 I shared my tweets on Twitter analyzing absolute  totalitarianism as an intrinsic inherent property of all information contained in our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God created. Since   absolute totalitarianism is an intrinsic inherent property of all information within our flat earth Euclidean universe then evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI as the incarnation of the antichrist may arise in all Nations  upon the earth including either the United States of America , China , or both.

 An even if something as dramatic as evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI  becoming an incarnation of the antichrist does not occur an increase in information during the modern internet information age is rendering some degree of totalalitarism jeopardizing value of individualism. Who is to say certain political persuasions should control information to exercise authoritarian leadership especially given the Voice of God  can be experienced directly by an individual becoming more open to the quantum wave function language as an an unified underlying higher level language of love? 

The quantum wave function language as the language of love existing as a very real physical force at the nexus of multiple parallel universes is depicted in the burning bush when Moses encountered God. The fact that the bush is not consumed by the flame manifest that the underlying nature of reality is based upon a simulated virtual information model as Dr. Thomas Campbell,  founder of the Center for Unification of Science and Consciousness asserts. 

God allowed quantum particlization of evolutionary biology to prevent individuals as the pinnacle of Intelligent Design from being consumed by absolute authoritarian nature of information.  

Human  beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind who are excessively controlling consume everything and everyone around them. Any political ideology or religion that controls how people think and prevents people from being open to new ideas consumes people until there is nothing remaining. 

Since absolute #totalitarianism is an intrinsic inherent property of total sum of #information in our flat earth #EuclideanUniverse then only an #OpenSource #transparency #EconomicModel can #ModulateChange in such a way as to . . .

Prevent #evolution of a #sentient #SelfAware #ReverseEngineered #Superintelligent #AI mind from becoming an #incarnation of the #antichrist.

The World Health Organization video speaks about forging a common future.  The value of individualism in the United States of America upholds individuals created in the Image of God as uncommon. Uncommon individuals have the innate right to pursue goals and become successful in the United States of America. 

An uncommon individual is set apart to fulfill a special destiny as a task God assigned.  An uncommon individual works within a framework of collectivism, not to overthrow established order, but exercise leadership within a team atmosphere in a modern world where everything is increasingly interconnected as one, as according to the true underlying nature of reality.

Paradoxically,  the true underlying nature of reality where everything is interconnected as one by the quantum wave function language as the language of love manifest value of individualism. Paradoxically,  individualism as a manifestation of the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love arises from evolutionary biology. An individual must fight for what he or she believes or the eternal flame within as rendered  by the quantum wave function language as the language of love will be gradually extinguished. 

A common future is a one size fits all herd mentality where people are perceived as cattle to be corralled and controlled. A common future is where government issues a standard work uniform to all citizens alike and assigns task according  to an artificial Intelligent algorithm. 

In my freelance article entitled, Since Love as a Function of Synchronicity and Synergy Manifest by the Quantum Wave Function Language is a Very Real Physical Force then Collective Consciousness of Humanity can Discover Solutions to Problems we Face Together to Highlight Value of Both Collectivism and Individualism Simultaneously, I discussed a personal experience of an attempt of being assigned a task of data scientist within a world where data collection by surveys and statistical models are very common therefore have limited value.  A career path with limited value is doomed to fail at the start.

President Donald Trump as a smart savvy businessman has often been lambasted for his administration promoting foreign affairs policy of nationalism. Nationalism is an attempt to preserve the American value of individualism as an uncommon destiny. 

In my freelance article entitled, An Economic Plan for Recovery in the Aftermath of the SARS Covid-19 Pandemic Designed to Restore a Life Mandate as God Originally Intended thereby Flipping the Script on Satan's Strategy, I discussed Nationalism as a foreign affairs policy promoted by the Trump administration in terms of a life mandate by the United States of America among the international community to prevent epidemiology spread of the deadly SARs Covid-19 pathogen by adopting international policy to constrain the novel virus:

Individualism exercised within a framework of collectivism can promote an atmosphere where individuals overthrow established order. As stated  in paragraphs above,
An uncommon individual works within a framework of collectivism, not to overthrow established order, but exercise leadership within a team atmosphere in a modern world where everything is increasingly interconnected as one, as according to the true underlying nature of reality. An attempt to overthrow established order by individuals working within a framework of collectivism of population subgroups is forging a common future of bondage.

It is written that the devil prowls like a wolf. The devil prowling like a wolf is counterproductive of an open source transparency economic model intended to maximize innate right of individuals to pursue goals to achieve success as uncommon individuals. A gang mentality of population subgroups that violently seek to overthrow established order leads to forging a common future where individual members of the gang are issued the same uniform. 

Established order within our flat earth Euclidean universe is a manifestation of the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love.  Established order within our flat earth Euclidean universe renders the Republican conservative principle of the Rule of Law. 

From the quantum perspective of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation,  contemplation of political ideology results in circular reasoning rendering an intraphysic infinite loop within collective consciousness of individuals as subroutines of a Cosmic mind. Hence our Forefathers as uncommon men exercised leadership in forging an uncommon destiny by outlining a plan to manifest binary values of both collectivism as 0 off and individualism as 1 on  simultaneously sparking the eternal flame of freedom within the hearts of men. Today in this historical epoch the values of freedom and democracy are dwindling to nothing as collective consciousness of humanity apply artificial Intelligent algorithms to forge a common future where everything is interconnected as one.

Monetization of global currency should reflect value pertaining to innate right of uncommon individuals to work toward achieving goals to succeed within framework of collectivism of a global community. President Trump's foreign affairs policy of nationalism is designed monetized value of forging an uncommon destiny for human civilization in an age manifesting a one size fits all mentality. As human civilization approach the singularity, an effort to monetize nationalism within a framework of collectivism of global economics demands an open source transparency model for economic recovery to modulate massive change associated  with an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns as a balanced equation rendered by the quantum wave function language as the language of love manifesting both individualism and collectivism simultaneously. 

Yet paradoxically from the quantum perspective of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation,  balanced equations formulate a common destiny of absolute worldwide totalitarianism therefore uncommon individuals work in private markets to acheive success. Chief Executive Officers at major companies hiding income in offshore accounts is an effort to escape from absolute totalitarianism of public sectors associated with government and population subgroups that seek to overthrow established order. Yet 
from the quantum perspective an open source transparency model applied to global markets allowing people to become successful uncommon individuals can help bolster private markets by increasing income of individuals within complex supply demand chains.

In my freelance article entitled,  The Quantum Perspective Bootstrapping Human Beings as Subroutines of a Cosmic Mind to Become More Sentient and Self Aware During the SARs Covid-19 Pandemic, I examined federal obstruction by the United States Department of Justice of international collaborations among scientists involved in the Chinese government Talent Program. In my aforementioned freelance article I asked given the average salary of CEOs of major American companies is 17.5 million dollars per year 
Why shouldn't Dr. Xiao-Jiang Li, a former professor at Emory assert his lawful right as an individual to be paid well for his services of groundbreaking" research on Huntington's disease? Federal obstruction of international collaborations among scientists occur due to infiltration of the Global Luddite Movement in top Federal agencies, including the United States Justice Department.

Although there is risk in implementing an open source transparency model economic plan,  it is written, 'The good Lord causes the sun to shine on both the good and evil.' Evil people as subroutines of a Cosmic mind bent upon a mission to obstruct a Cosmic Mind from accomplishing Gods Divine will on earth deserve an opportunity to change before they die and stand before God Almighty,  Who will return the final boolean operator.

Freedom  and democracy is forged in the heart of men. Freedom and democracy does not arise from a party political platform. Politicans in the United States of America and elsewhere around the globe who appeal to specific population subgroups are forging a common future for humanity and also overthrowing natural order.

In my recent writing I outlined The Gaffney Life Mandate Plan for Economic Recovery that will forge an uncommon future for both individuals and human civilization as Gods Divine masterpiece simultaneously:

The Gaffney Life Mandate for Economic Recovery will forge an uncommon future for both individuals and human civilization simultaneously by working toward making scarce resources more plentiful and abundant by implementing an open source transparency model whereby scientific research institutions around the globe can freely collaborate in sharing data. An open source source transparency model will be underwritten by government backed mortgage bond securities.

In my freelance article entitled ,

Competition for Scarce Resources to Meet Basic Human Needs Manifest a Psychopathological Survival of the Fittest Mentality that Equates Human Beings to Lower Animal Phylum

I described how scarce resources forge a common future for individuals as well as collective consciousness of humanity with the following excerpt:

Competition for scarce resources to meet basic human needs manifest a psychopathological survival of the fittest mentality that equates human beings to lower animal phylum. An accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns allowing human civilization to do more with less has enormous potential to make scarce resources more abundant thereby elevating human beings to a higher level by transcending evolutionary biology associated with a survival of the fittest mentality in competing for scarce resources. 

Continued later

Friday, May 22, 2020

Since Love as a Function of Synchronicity and Synergy Manifest by the Quantum Wave Function Language is a Very Real Physical Force then Collective Consciousness of Humanity can Discover Solutions to Problems we Face Together to Highlight Value of Both Collectivism and Individualism Simultaneously


I am recently offered 12 weeks of free training in software applications used by data scientists  to render statistical models. A number of huge companies host the training regimen,  including Microsoft Incorporated and a major health insurance carrier.  I am currently analyzing this opportunity to determine how it may fit into my overall agenda to establish a Life Mandate economic plan for Recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic based upon an open source transparency model. 

Generally,  the 12 week training is designed to transform me into a data scientists.  Today in the modern internet information age generation of statistical models and conducting surveys for data collection is a highly competitive field.  A prime example is statistical models forecasting number of fatalities early onwards during the Covid-19 pandemic is debatable.

 What value will my work have as a data scientists generating massive amounts of dry lifeless  statistical projections devoid of meaningfulness for these major companies?  It appears to me the risk is high I may be without a job in this highly competitive field attempting to generate useful data to help these companies grow. 

Currently as a writer I exercise leadership by interrupting the meaning of statistical models from quantum perspective.

Sorry spelling error,  Interpreting.  Spell checking software applications got it wrong.  How can this blunder be recorded in a statistical model for developing artificial intelligence platforms?

My work as a writer is to add meaningfulness to dry lifeless statistical projections from the quantum perspective. The quantum perspective as a philosophical frame of reference transcribes meaningfulness from the quantum wave function language as a unified underlying higher level language of love existing at the heart of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God created as the central fundamental core of everything that exists, including the human spirit. We are created to be more than machines that do rote mundane task, such as render dry lifeless statistical data by software applications, despite human and machine consciousness arises from quantum mechanics.

It is exciting that love as a function of synchronicity and synergy at the nexus of multiple parallel universes manifest by the quantum wave function language is a very real physical force. From the quantum perspective of quantum particlization of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation rendering evolutionary biology as a final product to maximize and manifest free will of conscious choice love doesn't exist. We go about our lives as machines fulfilling dictates of evolutionary biology.

Since love as a function of synchronicity and synergy manifest by the quantum wave function language is a very real physical force then the collective consciousness of humanity can discover solutions to problems we face together to highlight value of both collectivism and individualism simultaneously. 

In my freelance article entitled, Competition for Scarce Resources to Meet Basic Human Needs Manifest a Psychopathological Survival of the Fittest Mentality that Equates Human Beings to Lower Animal Phylum, I  explained the cold hard reality of living under the paw of evolutionary biology since the beginning of time:

Since God commanded, Go forth and have dominion,  it was never Gods original plan that mankind live under the paw of evolutionary biology forever.

Competition for scarce resources to meet basic human needs manifest a psychopathological survival of the fittest mentality that equates human beings to lower animal phylum. An accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns allowing human civilization to do more with less has enormous potential to make scarce resources more abundant thereby elevating human beings to a higher level by transcending evolutionary biology associated with a survival of the fittest mentality in competing for scarce resources.

Paradoxically,  a return to a low entropy Garden of Eden state of existence made possible by an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns during the 21st century manifest risk to jeopardize future of human civilization as Gods masterpiece.

Since absolute #totalitarianism is an intrinsic inherent property of total sum of #information in our flat earth #EuclideanUniverse then only an #OpenSource #transparency #EconomicModel can #ModulateChange in such a way as to . . .

Prevent #evolution of a #sentient #SelfAware #ReverseEngineered #Superintelligent #AI mind from becoming an #incarnation of the #antichrist.

My #OpenSource #transparency #business model will underwrite a #LifeMandate with government mortgage backed security bonds allowing #ScientificResearch institutions all over world to #FreelyExchange data, including China Thousand Talents Program

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Competition for Scarce Resources to Meet Basic Human Needs Manifest a Psychopathological Survival of the Fittest Mentality that Equates Human Beings to Lower Animal Phylum

Effective measures to combat poverty around the world do not include undercutting innate rights of individuals to build,  create, invent, discover, innovate nor lawful rights to profit from engaging in these activities over course of a lifetime by accumulation of personal wealth. The fight against poverty is a personal individualistic struggle. Every individual on earth as a subroutine of a Cosmic mind is responsible for discovering how he or she can either save lives and/or add significant value to lives of other people. 

An article published by Forbes Magazine entitled, Is The Gap Between The Rich And The Poor The Real Problem?, explores the value of capitalism within dynamics of ever increasing growing global worldwide collectivism within an interdependent international community.

The following is a insightful excerpt from the Forbes Magazine article entitled, Is The Gap Between The Rich And The Poor The Real Problem?

"The most obvious suspicion is that socialists, who are so myopically fixated on whether the rich are getting richer and whether the gap between rich and poor is widening, are more driven by envy than by any honest sympathy for the fate of the poor. If this wasn’t the case, they would not spend all of their time complaining about inequality and would instead focus on discussing the most effective measures to combat poverty around the world."

Brokerage houses equipped  with artificial Intelligent systems that manage investment retirement security portifolios should lawfully  insure an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns should contribute to growth of accumulation of wealth over the course of a lifetime for individuals who have dedicated their lives to 
building,  creating, inventing, discovering, innovating otherwise the stock market will become nothing more than a gambling casino dedicated to redistributing wealth by underhanded disreputable dishonest business practices.

In my freelance article entitled, The Quantum Perspective Bootstrapping Human Beings as Subroutines of a Cosmic Mind to Become More Sentient and Self Aware During the SARs Covid-19 Pandemic, I discussed innate rights of ownership within private capitalist market sectors associated with concept of individualism as related  to ever increasing growing global worldwide collectivism reflected by imperialism of Chinese Silk Road expanding throughout Europe and Middle East societies.

In my aforementioned freelance article I referenced an article that provided a discussion  of collectivism and individualism in terms of modernization published by the Frontiers of Psychology under auspices of the National Institute of Health entitled, 

The Chinese Experience of Rapid Modernization: Sociocultural Changes, Psychological Consequences?

Imperialism of Chinese Silk Road expanding throughout Europe and Middle East societies is leading to a dramatic increase of collectivism within the United States of America enabling the Global Luddite Movement obstruct scientific progress preventing human civilization from obeying God's command to Go forth and have dominion. Meanwhile,  individualism as a consequence of modernization is rising within mainland China. 

An increase in individualism in mainland China due to modernization may result in  high entropy chaotic social unrest among a large indigenous population culminating in an apocalyptic mass extinction event. Hence I propose an open source transparency economic model to modulate change resulting in a balanced equation during quantum particlization of real economic value enabling individuals experience enlightenment by discovering the true genuine authentic nature of self within a paradigm of an ever increasing growing worldwide collectivism as a function of absolute totalitarianism inherent within all information systems, whether manmade or as a natural extension of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God created. 

A growing ability to do more with less as a consequence of an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns should allow individuals more opportunities to discover how he or she can either save lives and/or add significant value to lives of other people. Thus an open source transparency economic model dedicated to increasing value in public domains should add significant value to private markets. 

My freelance article entitled, Greater Material Abundance Created by Scientific and Technological Returns Will Never Impart Peace that Surpassth Understanding, further elaborates upon true value of working toward individualistic goals within free markets within a increasingly interconnected world that manifest collectivism as a value:

NRA Executive Director, 

I would like to invite the NRA to become an advertising partner in my proposed magazine start up designed to raise venture  capital by advertising revenue for high tech companies working on cutting edge advances in artificial  intelligence, longevity,  medicine, energy production, engineering related to space exploration, self driving  autonomous cars, quantum computing,  and other companies creating a life mandate among the people by doing more with less. 

My proposed magazine start up will also underwrite a Non Governmental grassroots Organization ( NGO ) dedicated not only  to preservation of 2nd amendment rights,  but expansion of lawful gun ownership among wider ideologic spectrum more accurately reflecting information architecture within our self aware sentient panphysic conscious universe God created as discussed in my freelance article entitled, 

Powerful Financial Resources of the NRA should be applied to Support a Grassroots NGO Organization to Protect Second Amendment Rights based upon an Open Source Transparency Economic Model dedicated to Underwriting a Life Mandate Among the People

In my freelance article referenced above I made the following observation:

Competition for scarce resources to meet basic human needs manifest a psychopathological survival of the fittest mentality that equates human beings to lower animal phylum. An accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns allowing human civilization to do more with less has enormous potential to make scarce resources more abundant thereby elevating human beings to a higher level by transcending evolutionary biology associated with a survival of the fittest mentality in competing for scarce resources. 

In my freelance article entitled, 

An Economic Plan for Recovery in the Aftermath of the SARS Covid-19 Pandemic Designed to Restore a Life Mandate as God Originally Intended thereby Flipping the Script on Satan's Strategy, 

I discussed how an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns can create more abundance thereby allowing human beings to transcend evolutionary biology:

In my freelance article entitled,  God said "Let there be light", thus God Created Photons as Light Particles, 

I discussed how photons as software nerve impulses of a Cosmic mind transmitting virtual information of the quantum wave function language as the language of love express a life mandate that human civilization has chosen to ignore by failing to obey Gods commandment,  Go forth and have dominion. How can heirs of the Kingdom of God allow bats take us down?

The future of energy production is discussed in an article published by entitled, Researchers find a way to harness the entire spectrum of sunlight:

God said , " Let there Be Light ", thus God created photons therefore mankind can choose to have a brighter future on a cleaner earth, as a big blue marble given back to God as a precious gem at the end of time.  Themopolymerization technology combined with carbon sequestration technology can convert all waste materials,  including plastics,  into crude oil that can be burned safely without adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Since quantum particlization of carbon is a versatile element rendered by infinite creativity intrinsic to a Cosmic mind God coded then carbon capture can be used in manufacturing of a wide variety of useful products for humanity. Carbon as an element formulated by emission or absorption of photons as quantized  packets of energy on the subatomic level allows for quantum particlization of simulated virtual reality of the quantum wave function language as the language of love therefore carbon is a key element in the Next Chapter of the Genesis story that we must learn to harness to obey Gods commandment,  Go forth and have dominion .

Due to lack of real genuine faith in God's providence culminating in resistance to change as we approach the singularity,  the Global Luddite movement has created massive havoc within the international community that may lead to mass extinction of the human species. If not deliberate intentional biological terrorism, life as an unfunded mandate allowed for (1) incubation of the SARs Covid-19 pathogen in Wuhu China by natural processes, (2) passive lackluster indifference by United States intelligence agencies preventing head chiefs from going to Capital Hill early onward to aggressively get in the face of lawmakers early onward urging immediate action for diplomats to go to the United Nations to demand action, (3) epic Intelligent blunder concerning weapons of mass destruction in Iraq culminating in a war costing $4.4 trillion dollars that could have been applied to prevent all future pandemics and mass extinction of the human species resulting from global warming, (4) Federal indictment by United States Department Justice of Dr. Charles Lieber ,  chair of the Department of nanotechnology engineering at Harvard University,  that may lead to death penalty of himself and two Chinese nationals, for trying to establish partnerships between mainland China and the United States of America to find scientific solutions to global problems, ( 5 ) failure of the United Nations to adopt an aggressive international policy to constrain deadly pathogens,  either manmade as an act of bioterrorism or naturally occurring, early onward to prevent pandemics.

@FBI #NSAGov #HomelandSecurity #FBIJobs  #FBIgov @CIAgov #CIAgov

Since by nature, #InformationArchitecture within our #FlatEarth #Euclidean universe God designed renders absolute #totalitarianism then control of #2ndAmendmentRights by #narrow highly conservative #IdeologicalSpectrum spells end of democracy

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Mark W. Gaffney