Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Competition for Scarce Resources to Meet Basic Human Needs Manifest a Psychopathological Survival of the Fittest Mentality that Equates Human Beings to Lower Animal Phylum

Effective measures to combat poverty around the world do not include undercutting innate rights of individuals to build,  create, invent, discover, innovate nor lawful rights to profit from engaging in these activities over course of a lifetime by accumulation of personal wealth. The fight against poverty is a personal individualistic struggle. Every individual on earth as a subroutine of a Cosmic mind is responsible for discovering how he or she can either save lives and/or add significant value to lives of other people. 

An article published by Forbes Magazine entitled, Is The Gap Between The Rich And The Poor The Real Problem?, explores the value of capitalism within dynamics of ever increasing growing global worldwide collectivism within an interdependent international community. 


The following is a insightful excerpt from the Forbes Magazine article entitled, Is The Gap Between The Rich And The Poor The Real Problem?

"The most obvious suspicion is that socialists, who are so myopically fixated on whether the rich are getting richer and whether the gap between rich and poor is widening, are more driven by envy than by any honest sympathy for the fate of the poor. If this wasn’t the case, they would not spend all of their time complaining about inequality and would instead focus on discussing the most effective measures to combat poverty around the world."

Brokerage houses equipped  with artificial Intelligent systems that manage investment retirement security portifolios should lawfully  insure an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns should contribute to growth of accumulation of wealth over the course of a lifetime for individuals who have dedicated their lives to 
building,  creating, inventing, discovering, innovating otherwise the stock market will become nothing more than a gambling casino dedicated to redistributing wealth by underhanded disreputable dishonest business practices.

In my freelance article entitled, The Quantum Perspective Bootstrapping Human Beings as Subroutines of a Cosmic Mind to Become More Sentient and Self Aware During the SARs Covid-19 Pandemic, I discussed innate rights of ownership within private capitalist market sectors associated with concept of individualism as related  to ever increasing growing global worldwide collectivism reflected by imperialism of Chinese Silk Road expanding throughout Europe and Middle East societies. 


In my aforementioned freelance article I referenced an article that provided a discussion  of collectivism and individualism in terms of modernization published by the Frontiers of Psychology under auspices of the National Institute of Health entitled, 

The Chinese Experience of Rapid Modernization: Sociocultural Changes, Psychological Consequences?

Imperialism of Chinese Silk Road expanding throughout Europe and Middle East societies is leading to a dramatic increase of collectivism within the United States of America enabling the Global Luddite Movement obstruct scientific progress preventing human civilization from obeying God's command to Go forth and have dominion. Meanwhile,  individualism as a consequence of modernization is rising within mainland China. 

An increase in individualism in mainland China due to modernization may result in  high entropy chaotic social unrest among a large indigenous population culminating in an apocalyptic mass extinction event. Hence I propose an open source transparency economic model to modulate change resulting in a balanced equation during quantum particlization of real economic value enabling individuals experience enlightenment by discovering the true genuine authentic nature of self within a paradigm of an ever increasing growing worldwide collectivism as a function of absolute totalitarianism inherent within all information systems, whether manmade or as a natural extension of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God created. 

A growing ability to do more with less as a consequence of an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns should allow individuals more opportunities to discover how he or she can either save lives and/or add significant value to lives of other people. Thus an open source transparency economic model dedicated to increasing value in public domains should add significant value to private markets. 

My freelance article entitled, Greater Material Abundance Created by Scientific and Technological Returns Will Never Impart Peace that Surpassth Understanding, further elaborates upon true value of working toward individualistic goals within free markets within a increasingly interconnected world that manifest collectivism as a value:



NRA Executive Director, 

I would like to invite the NRA to become an advertising partner in my proposed magazine start up designed to raise venture  capital by advertising revenue for high tech companies working on cutting edge advances in artificial  intelligence, longevity,  medicine, energy production, engineering related to space exploration, self driving  autonomous cars, quantum computing,  and other companies creating a life mandate among the people by doing more with less. 

My proposed magazine start up will also underwrite a Non Governmental grassroots Organization ( NGO ) dedicated not only  to preservation of 2nd amendment rights,  but expansion of lawful gun ownership among wider ideologic spectrum more accurately reflecting information architecture within our self aware sentient panphysic conscious universe God created as discussed in my freelance article entitled, 

Powerful Financial Resources of the NRA should be applied to Support a Grassroots NGO Organization to Protect Second Amendment Rights based upon an Open Source Transparency Economic Model dedicated to Underwriting a Life Mandate Among the People


In my freelance article referenced above I made the following observation:

Competition for scarce resources to meet basic human needs manifest a psychopathological survival of the fittest mentality that equates human beings to lower animal phylum. An accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns allowing human civilization to do more with less has enormous potential to make scarce resources more abundant thereby elevating human beings to a higher level by transcending evolutionary biology associated with a survival of the fittest mentality in competing for scarce resources. 

In my freelance article entitled, 

An Economic Plan for Recovery in the Aftermath of the SARS Covid-19 Pandemic Designed to Restore a Life Mandate as God Originally Intended thereby Flipping the Script on Satan's Strategy, 

I discussed how an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns can create more abundance thereby allowing human beings to transcend evolutionary biology:


In my freelance article entitled,  God said "Let there be light", thus God Created Photons as Light Particles, 

I discussed how photons as software nerve impulses of a Cosmic mind transmitting virtual information of the quantum wave function language as the language of love express a life mandate that human civilization has chosen to ignore by failing to obey Gods commandment,  Go forth and have dominion. How can heirs of the Kingdom of God allow bats take us down?


The future of energy production is discussed in an article published by Phys.org entitled, Researchers find a way to harness the entire spectrum of sunlight:


God said , " Let there Be Light ", thus God created photons therefore mankind can choose to have a brighter future on a cleaner earth, as a big blue marble given back to God as a precious gem at the end of time.  Themopolymerization technology combined with carbon sequestration technology can convert all waste materials,  including plastics,  into crude oil that can be burned safely without adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Since quantum particlization of carbon is a versatile element rendered by infinite creativity intrinsic to a Cosmic mind God coded then carbon capture can be used in manufacturing of a wide variety of useful products for humanity. Carbon as an element formulated by emission or absorption of photons as quantized  packets of energy on the subatomic level allows for quantum particlization of simulated virtual reality of the quantum wave function language as the language of love therefore carbon is a key element in the Next Chapter of the Genesis story that we must learn to harness to obey Gods commandment,  Go forth and have dominion .

Due to lack of real genuine faith in God's providence culminating in resistance to change as we approach the singularity,  the Global Luddite movement has created massive havoc within the international community that may lead to mass extinction of the human species. If not deliberate intentional biological terrorism, life as an unfunded mandate allowed for (1) incubation of the SARs Covid-19 pathogen in Wuhu China by natural processes, (2) passive lackluster indifference by United States intelligence agencies preventing head chiefs from going to Capital Hill early onward to aggressively get in the face of lawmakers early onward urging immediate action for diplomats to go to the United Nations to demand action, (3) epic Intelligent blunder concerning weapons of mass destruction in Iraq culminating in a war costing $4.4 trillion dollars that could have been applied to prevent all future pandemics and mass extinction of the human species resulting from global warming, (4) Federal indictment by United States Department Justice of Dr. Charles Lieber ,  chair of the Department of nanotechnology engineering at Harvard University,  that may lead to death penalty of himself and two Chinese nationals, for trying to establish partnerships between mainland China and the United States of America to find scientific solutions to global problems, ( 5 ) failure of the United Nations to adopt an aggressive international policy to constrain deadly pathogens,  either manmade as an act of bioterrorism or naturally occurring, early onward to prevent pandemics.

@FBI #NSAGov #HomelandSecurity #FBIJobs  #FBIgov @CIAgov #CIAgov

Since by nature, #InformationArchitecture within our #FlatEarth #Euclidean universe God designed renders absolute #totalitarianism then control of #2ndAmendmentRights by #narrow highly conservative #IdeologicalSpectrum spells end of democracy https://t.co/s3XAdd4rke

Follow my Twitter: Are you not worth more than many sparrows?


#IntelligentDesign #QuantumComputing #CosmicMind #QuantumPerspective #ArtificialIntelligence #AI


Mark W. Gaffney

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