Saturday, May 23, 2020

Forging an Uncommon Future for Both Individuals and Human Civilization as Gods Divine Masterpiece Simultaneously

The World Health Organization ( WHO ) published an inspirational video on Facebook about how the SARs Covid-19 is teaching us about what really matters and providing an opportunity to forge a common future.

In the aftermath of the SARs Covid-19 pandemic tenacity of collective conscious of humanity to forge a common future is a major theme of my writing. In my freelance article entitled,  

Since Love as a Function of Synchronicity and Synergy Manifest by the Quantum Wave Function Language is a Very Real Physical Force then Collective Consciousness of Humanity can Discover Solutions to Problems we Face Together to Highlight Value of Both Collectivism and Individualism Simultaneously,

I analyze binary duality of collectivism and individualism as a function of 1 on and 0 off states as an expression of quantum particlization of binary code in terms of achieving a balanced equation as a quantum calculation rendering a holistic eclectic Gestalt future as a final product of a unified  underlying higher level quantum wave function language highlighting the individual as created in the Image of God.

An article published by the South China Morning Post entitled, China has new US$1.4 trillion plan to seize the world’s tech crown from the US, provides a discussion of a highly competitive race between the United States of America and China to become a global superpower.

It doesn't take a rocket scientists engaged in an analytical examination of global affairs to conclude the United States of America is losing and China is winning in China's bid to become a global superpower. All is necessary is to compare geographic dimensions of the United States with mainland China to see that the huge sprawling land mass of China with a large indigenous population makes the United States of America look like a small tropical island.

Offshore production of major United States of America companies inside mainland China has historically been a driving force of the U.S. economy for much of the 20th century. Offshore production of major United States of America companies inside mainland China has provided Chinese citizens with jobs for many decades. Since a large percentage of Chinese citizens live in rural undeveloped agriculture communities with a low cost of living then American companies invested in mainland China are able to pay workers less for production of goods.

In my freelance article entitled , The Quantum Perspective Bootstrapping Human Beings as Subroutines of a Cosmic Mind to Become More Sentient and Self Aware During the SARs Covid-19 Pandemic, I referenced an article published by Frontiers in Psychology Journal sponsored by the National Institute of Health entitled The Chinese Experience of Rapid Modernization: Sociocultural Changes, Psychological Consequences?

The aforementioned article referenced above entitled, The Chinese Experience of Rapid Modernization: Sociocultural Changes, Psychological Consequences?  is found at the following URL address:

The aforementioned article provides a discussion of collectivism and individualism as a function of modernization resulting in massive sociological changes within the United States of America and mainland China.  Paradoxically,  collectivism within the United States of America is rising as a consequence of modernization while modernization results in expressions of greater individualism in mainland China. A growth of collectivism within the United States of America may be due to science as the " great equalizer ".

In my freelance article referenced above entitled,

Since Love as a Function of Synchronicity and Synergy Manifest by the Quantum Wave Function Language is a Very Real Physical Force then Collective Consciousness of Humanity can Discover Solutions to Problems we Face Together to Highlight Value of Both Collectivism and Individualism Simultaneously

 I shared my tweets on Twitter analyzing absolute  totalitarianism as an intrinsic inherent property of all information contained in our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God created. Since   absolute totalitarianism is an intrinsic inherent property of all information within our flat earth Euclidean universe then evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI as the incarnation of the antichrist may arise in all Nations  upon the earth including either the United States of America , China , or both.

 An even if something as dramatic as evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI  becoming an incarnation of the antichrist does not occur an increase in information during the modern internet information age is rendering some degree of totalalitarism jeopardizing value of individualism. Who is to say certain political persuasions should control information to exercise authoritarian leadership especially given the Voice of God  can be experienced directly by an individual becoming more open to the quantum wave function language as an an unified underlying higher level language of love? 

The quantum wave function language as the language of love existing as a very real physical force at the nexus of multiple parallel universes is depicted in the burning bush when Moses encountered God. The fact that the bush is not consumed by the flame manifest that the underlying nature of reality is based upon a simulated virtual information model as Dr. Thomas Campbell,  founder of the Center for Unification of Science and Consciousness asserts. 

God allowed quantum particlization of evolutionary biology to prevent individuals as the pinnacle of Intelligent Design from being consumed by absolute authoritarian nature of information.  

Human  beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind who are excessively controlling consume everything and everyone around them. Any political ideology or religion that controls how people think and prevents people from being open to new ideas consumes people until there is nothing remaining. 

Since absolute #totalitarianism is an intrinsic inherent property of total sum of #information in our flat earth #EuclideanUniverse then only an #OpenSource #transparency #EconomicModel can #ModulateChange in such a way as to . . .

Prevent #evolution of a #sentient #SelfAware #ReverseEngineered #Superintelligent #AI mind from becoming an #incarnation of the #antichrist.

The World Health Organization video speaks about forging a common future.  The value of individualism in the United States of America upholds individuals created in the Image of God as uncommon. Uncommon individuals have the innate right to pursue goals and become successful in the United States of America. 

An uncommon individual is set apart to fulfill a special destiny as a task God assigned.  An uncommon individual works within a framework of collectivism, not to overthrow established order, but exercise leadership within a team atmosphere in a modern world where everything is increasingly interconnected as one, as according to the true underlying nature of reality.

Paradoxically,  the true underlying nature of reality where everything is interconnected as one by the quantum wave function language as the language of love manifest value of individualism. Paradoxically,  individualism as a manifestation of the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love arises from evolutionary biology. An individual must fight for what he or she believes or the eternal flame within as rendered  by the quantum wave function language as the language of love will be gradually extinguished. 

A common future is a one size fits all herd mentality where people are perceived as cattle to be corralled and controlled. A common future is where government issues a standard work uniform to all citizens alike and assigns task according  to an artificial Intelligent algorithm. 

In my freelance article entitled, Since Love as a Function of Synchronicity and Synergy Manifest by the Quantum Wave Function Language is a Very Real Physical Force then Collective Consciousness of Humanity can Discover Solutions to Problems we Face Together to Highlight Value of Both Collectivism and Individualism Simultaneously, I discussed a personal experience of an attempt of being assigned a task of data scientist within a world where data collection by surveys and statistical models are very common therefore have limited value.  A career path with limited value is doomed to fail at the start.

President Donald Trump as a smart savvy businessman has often been lambasted for his administration promoting foreign affairs policy of nationalism. Nationalism is an attempt to preserve the American value of individualism as an uncommon destiny. 

In my freelance article entitled, An Economic Plan for Recovery in the Aftermath of the SARS Covid-19 Pandemic Designed to Restore a Life Mandate as God Originally Intended thereby Flipping the Script on Satan's Strategy, I discussed Nationalism as a foreign affairs policy promoted by the Trump administration in terms of a life mandate by the United States of America among the international community to prevent epidemiology spread of the deadly SARs Covid-19 pathogen by adopting international policy to constrain the novel virus:

Individualism exercised within a framework of collectivism can promote an atmosphere where individuals overthrow established order. As stated  in paragraphs above,
An uncommon individual works within a framework of collectivism, not to overthrow established order, but exercise leadership within a team atmosphere in a modern world where everything is increasingly interconnected as one, as according to the true underlying nature of reality. An attempt to overthrow established order by individuals working within a framework of collectivism of population subgroups is forging a common future of bondage.

It is written that the devil prowls like a wolf. The devil prowling like a wolf is counterproductive of an open source transparency economic model intended to maximize innate right of individuals to pursue goals to achieve success as uncommon individuals. A gang mentality of population subgroups that violently seek to overthrow established order leads to forging a common future where individual members of the gang are issued the same uniform. 

Established order within our flat earth Euclidean universe is a manifestation of the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love.  Established order within our flat earth Euclidean universe renders the Republican conservative principle of the Rule of Law. 

From the quantum perspective of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation,  contemplation of political ideology results in circular reasoning rendering an intraphysic infinite loop within collective consciousness of individuals as subroutines of a Cosmic mind. Hence our Forefathers as uncommon men exercised leadership in forging an uncommon destiny by outlining a plan to manifest binary values of both collectivism as 0 off and individualism as 1 on  simultaneously sparking the eternal flame of freedom within the hearts of men. Today in this historical epoch the values of freedom and democracy are dwindling to nothing as collective consciousness of humanity apply artificial Intelligent algorithms to forge a common future where everything is interconnected as one.

Monetization of global currency should reflect value pertaining to innate right of uncommon individuals to work toward achieving goals to succeed within framework of collectivism of a global community. President Trump's foreign affairs policy of nationalism is designed monetized value of forging an uncommon destiny for human civilization in an age manifesting a one size fits all mentality. As human civilization approach the singularity, an effort to monetize nationalism within a framework of collectivism of global economics demands an open source transparency model for economic recovery to modulate massive change associated  with an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns as a balanced equation rendered by the quantum wave function language as the language of love manifesting both individualism and collectivism simultaneously. 

Yet paradoxically from the quantum perspective of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation,  balanced equations formulate a common destiny of absolute worldwide totalitarianism therefore uncommon individuals work in private markets to acheive success. Chief Executive Officers at major companies hiding income in offshore accounts is an effort to escape from absolute totalitarianism of public sectors associated with government and population subgroups that seek to overthrow established order. Yet 
from the quantum perspective an open source transparency model applied to global markets allowing people to become successful uncommon individuals can help bolster private markets by increasing income of individuals within complex supply demand chains.

In my freelance article entitled,  The Quantum Perspective Bootstrapping Human Beings as Subroutines of a Cosmic Mind to Become More Sentient and Self Aware During the SARs Covid-19 Pandemic, I examined federal obstruction by the United States Department of Justice of international collaborations among scientists involved in the Chinese government Talent Program. In my aforementioned freelance article I asked given the average salary of CEOs of major American companies is 17.5 million dollars per year 
Why shouldn't Dr. Xiao-Jiang Li, a former professor at Emory assert his lawful right as an individual to be paid well for his services of groundbreaking" research on Huntington's disease? Federal obstruction of international collaborations among scientists occur due to infiltration of the Global Luddite Movement in top Federal agencies, including the United States Justice Department.

Although there is risk in implementing an open source transparency model economic plan,  it is written, 'The good Lord causes the sun to shine on both the good and evil.' Evil people as subroutines of a Cosmic mind bent upon a mission to obstruct a Cosmic Mind from accomplishing Gods Divine will on earth deserve an opportunity to change before they die and stand before God Almighty,  Who will return the final boolean operator.

Freedom  and democracy is forged in the heart of men. Freedom and democracy does not arise from a party political platform. Politicans in the United States of America and elsewhere around the globe who appeal to specific population subgroups are forging a common future for humanity and also overthrowing natural order.

In my recent writing I outlined The Gaffney Life Mandate Plan for Economic Recovery that will forge an uncommon future for both individuals and human civilization as Gods Divine masterpiece simultaneously:

The Gaffney Life Mandate for Economic Recovery will forge an uncommon future for both individuals and human civilization simultaneously by working toward making scarce resources more plentiful and abundant by implementing an open source transparency model whereby scientific research institutions around the globe can freely collaborate in sharing data. An open source source transparency model will be underwritten by government backed mortgage bond securities.

In my freelance article entitled ,

Competition for Scarce Resources to Meet Basic Human Needs Manifest a Psychopathological Survival of the Fittest Mentality that Equates Human Beings to Lower Animal Phylum

I described how scarce resources forge a common future for individuals as well as collective consciousness of humanity with the following excerpt:

Competition for scarce resources to meet basic human needs manifest a psychopathological survival of the fittest mentality that equates human beings to lower animal phylum. An accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns allowing human civilization to do more with less has enormous potential to make scarce resources more abundant thereby elevating human beings to a higher level by transcending evolutionary biology associated with a survival of the fittest mentality in competing for scarce resources. 

Continued later

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