Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Should Crispr gene editing Tools be used to Cure Covid-19?

An article entitled, In creating a coronavirus vaccine, researchers prepare for future,
is about possible treatments for Covid-19 on the horizon. What should we expect in terms of a treatment for Covid-19?


I want to write a new article about how should Intelligent people evaluate possible treatments? Should we maintain high standards that Covid-19 should be cured completely? 

If we don't expect a cure then we are inviting a new Covid-19 season on top of the flu, pneumonia,  and common cold virus that damage the respiratory system with each and every infection. 

Coronavirus associated with common  cold respiratory disease is like those little cute predatory dinosaurs that hunt in packs featured in Jurussic Park movies.  In the  Jurrisic park movies the cute little dinosaurs attack once, then wait until  victim runs a distance,  then cute little dinosaurs attack again.  Finally,  the cute little dinosaurs eat their victim alive,  just like Coronavirus. Covid-19 virus is  a living organism that takes over the machinery of the human body to replicate itself until it kills.  The common cold does the same thing,  but it takes a little longer. 

Every cold and flu season we love to snuggle up on the sofa wrapped in a blanket pampering ourselves snacking on popcorn watching a good movie while fighting off the common cold.  Meanwhile,  deep inside the human body the common cold Coronavirus is eating us alive,  destroying cellular tissue in the bronchial tubes and nasal lining.
Our body reacts by sending out white blood cells to attack the common cold Coronavirus.  In a day or two the common cold Coronavirus retreats to wait to eat another day. In a flat earth Euclidean universe governed by evolutionary biology rendered by a Cosmic mind we are eaten alive by disease processes until we are six foot under. 

Yet,  that is not how it is suppose to be as originally designed by God. We expect to be sick because that is how it has been since the beginning of time.  

Has anyone noticed that in the past few years the cold and flu season has been getting worse? Global warming and air pollution may allow the common cold Coronavirus,  flu,  and bacteria to thrive,  even when its hibernating during off seasons.  Global warming and air pollution likely facilitate thickening of outside membranes of common cold Coronavirus and flu as well as stronger strings of ATP enzymes that make it more difficult for white blood cells in human body to penetrate while virus waits to eat again while hibernating.  God selected mankind,  but viruses don't care, they just want to eat and live to reproduce. It is likely air pollution and global warming helps virus thrive because they are an alien species from interstellar space where harsh environmental conditions exist. 

Should we as a collective consciousness expect a cure?  Should we allow young children to become prey of deadly virus? If we allow young children to become prey of virus of any kind future generations may be substantially weakened sick individuals unable to work because of chronic respiratory disease. 

I have already written freelance articles asserting that the only way this problem can be solved is to alter the human genome by using Crispr gene editing technology so that individuals are immune to deadly infections. 

How much are we willing to pay for medical treatments that do not cure Covid-19, but merely abate symptoms thereby allowing a new Covid-19 season every year with less severity? Actually people who have worked hard making a contribution to make society better should not have to pay a single penny.  People who believe they are the only ones entitled,  dismiss the contributions of others.

A new Covid-19 season will likely permanently break the healthcare system given the healthcare system is already overburdened with treating a wide range of other disease processes. 

 @CDCgov Has #Science been hijacked by Global Luddite movement? Since #scientist have studied Mers and Sars animal to human transmission of #Coronavirus since the 1970s I cannot fathom why scientists don't know more about #COVID19,  and already have a cure https://t.co/squDYUljbO

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