Friday, August 2, 2019

Soulmate as Emergent Property of Quantum Physics Expressed As Destiny Upon Future Event Horizon in Time and Space as Related to Free Will of Conscious Choice

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay 

by Mark W. Gaffney

A BBC article entitled, First image of Einstein's 'spooky' particle entanglement, provides discourse about scientist photographically capturing two subatomic particles separated by great distance in a state of quantum entanglement. A well known superstition deeply ingrained in Native American culture is that photograpy can steal the soul of a person. Stevie Wonder sings Very Superstitious

My recent freelance article entitled, Oprah Winfrey Aha Moment as a Phenomena Explained by Quantum Physics, applies subatomic neurophysiology to dissect the soul.  An analytical reductionist examination to dissect the soul is to manifest internalized power of the individual. An individual conceived as a valued integral constituent within an incredible mind boggling infinite cosmic consciousness transcending time and space at the nexus of an infinite number of expanding multiple parallel universes is an empowering concept. According to Psalm 139: 14, " We are fearfully and wonderfully made".

The following are excerpts from my freelance article:

Subatomic neurophysiology comprised of absorption and emission of photos moving electrons up and down subatomic orbitals of 100 trillion atoms within just one motor/sensory neuron as a quantum calulation impacting affinity of neurotransmitter molecules for each other across synaptic spaces suggest that more commonplace behavior as determinates of personality can be extrapolated such as why do happy jovial people glow with a sparkle in their eyes with zeolous joy and ethusiam for life?

Personality variables such as happiness are examined as an interchange of data between our flat earth euclidean reality as a product of quantum particalization and a deeper level of reality derived from an unified underlying quantum wave function as a higher level computational language confering Intelligent Design as panpsychic conscousiness within our universe. An interchange of data between various levels of reality involving absorption or emission of photons as quantized packets of energy moving electrons up and down subatomic orbitals is an advanced form of communication similar to Morse code between various levels of reality that allow happy jovial individuals perceive beauty in the world. Beauty is percieved in a world where everything is a simulation resulting from a quantum equation of absorption and emission of photons as quantized packets of energy moving electrons up and down subatomic orbitals to alter composition of physical states of matter.

Many people who know me personally know that I made it to nearly 60 without getting hitched in Holy matrimony. In the world of romantic love and romance do soulmates exist? Is there such a thing as love at first sight? Social Scientist have been embroiled in these controversial topics for years.

Generally I don't like to share details of my personal life publicly, but a good writer draws from his or her experience to extrapolate meaning. A process of drawing from personal experience may be like dipping a bucket into a deep well to draw water as in ancient Biblical days. I believe a river of life flows within the universe.

A clinical counselor told me that the concept of a soulmate is a myth. He said that friendship is like flower to be fertilized and watered to tenderly grow and nurture love.

In my book project I am attempting to translate the esoteric knowledge of science to a broader understanding of spirituality. Oftentimes spirituality is viewed from a narrow perspective due to pressures to preserve purity of ideology by dogma and doctrine. A broader understanding of spirituality can be of great help in building faith.

My freelance article entitled, Love as Product of Quantum Entanglement: Tuned into Vibrational Frequency of Love at Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's Wedding on NBC, provides a discussion of love as a product of quantum entanglement.

According to statistics over half of all marriages end in divorce. At one point in time and space people who ended up in failed marriages truly believed they found their soulmate. If physical reality is based upon a virtual information model then a greater emphasis upon improving communication in process of learning interpersonal relationship skills may be a better approach then an endless search for ones soulmate. 

Oftentimes a concept of soulmate is transcribed into a dating strategy of waiting for the perfect person to unexpectedly show up in ones life by Divine providence or destiny. A decision to wait for the perfect person to show up oftentimes leads to many years of unfulfilled incompleteness whereby an individual often feels a deep sense of emptiness and loneliness. A strong marriage bond within a stable family unit socioeconomically is a bedrock cornerstone for a robust strong vigorious healthy economy. 

Oftentimes, belief in the idea that there is only one soulmate for each person leads to blind dedication within abusive relationships that stifle and negate nature of ones true self. Love should be about an individual becoming everything God originally created him or her to be, and this is not in the interest of abusive people who are psychodynamically and intrapsychically misaligned. Unfortunately the majority of the human population is psychodynamically and intrapsychically misaligned. Spiritual enlightenment is a rigorious process that can take a lifetime to achieve.

One may argue that just because someone makes a mistake in terms of choosing a mate he or she believes to be a soulmate does not mean the concept of soulmate is invalid. If all semantic binary data is equally true and false as according to the quantum perspective of existential nilihism arising from parity bit negation then falsehood of any idea can be explored to provide greater insight into truthfulness or validity of an idea. Conceptualization of soulmate and conscious choice as dating strategies to find love is a very good illustration of how mathematical expression of semantic binary data existing in a superposition state of both 1 and 0 simultaneously leads to existential nilihism arising from parity bit negation. In paragraphs below I discuss existential nilihism resulting from parity bit negation as similar to a Matrix like loading program.

It is tempting to conclude after making observations of quantum entanglement,  as a natural phenomena recently captured by photography, that quantum entanglement is definitive proof of concept of a soulmate. From the quantum perspective both conscious choice and nature of soulmate as a physical phenomena simultaneously define domain of love. 

Social scientist have often made observations that married couples tend to acquire similar physical facial features.  Married couples resembling each other is attributed to a process known as mimicry. As two people bound in Holy matrimony attend to each other in process of interpersonal communication of untangling thinking about issues photons traveling as a wave alter subatomic structure of atoms within each motor neuron thereby creating molecular affinity of motor / sensory neurons across synapic spaces for each other formlating Functional Connectivity Motifs that ultimately change morphology of facial features causing married couples to resemble each other after years of marriage. The quantum wave function is directly associated with active listening.

Active listening is a vital process in becoming love, as discussed by Dr. Thomas Campbell:

So what is the meaning of subatomic neurophysiology where biological photons at the nexus of multiple parallel universes alter molecular affinity of motor / sensory neurons for each other across synapses during interpersonal communication in relationships?

Oftentimes simulation theory leads to misconceptions that we don't live in a real world. We live in a real world, and I will discuss living in a real world at a later time from vantage points of ideas presented in recent freelance articles I wrote.

The real world involves making choices. The process of dating is about making choices. If friendship is like a flower to be tenderly watered and nurtured to grow love then this view implies one can love more than one person.

Paradoxically, the heart and soul of quantum physics is about choice. We all apply the scientific method in our daily lives by forming hypothesis or an educated guess about what strategies will work to help us survive. After we formulate a hypothesis we test our strategy to determine if our game plan will work in terms of helping us achieve success. Evidently my game plan has failed because I haven't gotten anywhere with beautiful women I have encountered.

The process of testing our strategies to determine if strategy is useful in achieving desirable favorable outcomes involves measurement or observation. In quantum physics quigmire arises when measurement or observation of two mutually exclusive expressions of reality occuring simultaneously in a superposition state result in collapse of the quantum wave function leading to quantum particalization of physical reality. A collapse of the quantum wave function based merely upon unobtrusive subtle
 observation enabled by scientific instruments is dubbed decoherence by scientist.

It is well known that marital and dating relationships are often torn asunder and frequently break apart. Is it possible that quantum decoherence is the reason marital and dating relationships break apart frequently?

Quantum particalization of reality is collapse of the Quantum wave function as a direct consequence of measurement. Quantum particalization of physical reality dependent upon measurement throws a monkey wrench into rigorously controlled scientific studies thereby challenging the most brilliant rational scientifc minds on planet Earth to rethink what is going on in our universe.

Oftentimes people in process of dating or searching for love experience quigmire like scientist who intentionally decide to measure a phenomena in laboratory settings. Thus conscious choice is at the heart of both quantum physics and dating to find ones soulmate.

A concept of soulmate precludes conscious choice as a major determinate of success in relationships. In quantum physics decoherence of mutually exclusive superposition states occurs due to observation. Decoherence is collapse of the Quantum wave function resulting in Quantum particalization.

The Quantum wave function as a unified underlying computational language is more closely aligned with destiny upon a future event horizon in time and space. In previous freelance articles I linked famed physicist Julian Barbour cosmological theory of NOW with destiny upon a future event horizon in time and space encoded by a unified underlying Quantum wave function as a higher level computational language.

I discussed the idea of destiny as related to famed physicist Julian Barbour's cosmological theory of NOW in my article entitled, Acceleration of the Learning Curve by Artificial Intelligence  :

A virtual information model highlights individual consciousness. My proposition is that individual consciousness is an interactive module within a massive quantum wave computational program comprising simulation of reality. Hence, what people think and feel acquires greater significance within an increasingly complex modern world.

Since an information explosion has occurred in modern times due to exponential technologies such as internet telecommunications people think and emote more, thereby leading to an increase in divorce. A process of thinking is anomaly. Yet, from the quantum perspective an information explosion manifest true nature of love instead of mindless subservience based upon need to work as a team member within dynamics of a family unit to survive harsh realities of cruelty imposed by mother nature. 

A division of labor ( expenditure of energy ) within dynamics of the family unit historically is a prime variable to help individuals survive harsh environments. However immersion within any type of social structure, including family units, is dilution of individuality. In some cultures around the globe marriages are arranged by parents to simplify things as described on the Wikipedia page for Arranged Marriage

If reality is based upon a virtual information model then individual consciousness expressed as a variable within an underlying unified Quantum wave function as a higher level computational language encoding simulation of everything that exist acquires greater meaningfulness in terms of altering final product as output of the massive simulation algorithm.

Since evolutionary biology is the primary dynamic force shaping human history, is it possible the algorithmic simulation of reality can be altered thereby changing a predetermined future of human civilization by appealing to individual consciousness as a major variable factored into the algorithmic simulation of everything? Scientists claim mankind is moving closer to a doomsday scenario as predicted in Revelations.

I further elaborated upon destiny compressed within an unified underlying quantum wave function as a higher level computational language as related to famed physicist Julian Barbour's concept of NOW, an universe without a past nor future, within my freelance article entitled, Benevolent Artificial Intelligence As Related to Trust Issues Upon a Future Event Horizon of Time and Space:

If one believes in Intelligent Design it is only logical that intelligence is destined to fill our universe. In my freelance article entitled, Understanding Psychodynamics of Progeny Destined to Inherit the Physical Universe, I linked evolution ( see discussion of Unus Mundus in regard to linking dots or making connections ) of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind with destiny.

Our physical universe is a product of quantum particalization. A unified quantum wave function as a higher level computational language is a massive simulation algorithm encoding reality of everything God created. An introduction of probabilility allows for possibility of usurping fixed predetermined values of inherent mechanical nature of our universe as rulesets determined by classic physics thereby manifesting hope for a bright future.

Since God always wins at the game of dice He made a way for each and every individual to achieve their highest potential by releasing full control of unified underlying quantum wave function as a higher level computational language. Since God always wins at the game of dice destiny is a result of events that have already occured upon a future event horizon of time and space.

Destiny upon a future event horizon in time and space as a product of a unified underlying Quantum wave function as a higher level computational language is linguistically aligned with construct of a soulmate. Hence collapse of the Quantum wave function due to observation leading to decoherence may lead to Quantum particalization of divorce court when soulmates go their separate ways.

Individual destiny is intrically intertwined with the ultimate future of human civilization given we are bound by the collective consciousness. Somewhere within this article I discussed the family unit as a fundamental integral component of a healthy robust vigorious economy.

Paradoxically, from a Quantum perspective of existential nilihism arising from parity bit negation both conscious choice and concept of soulmate simultaneously can lead to blind dedication to an abusive partner when one internalizes fault. Fault is internalized when one perceives they are personally responsible for not consciously choosing to work on interpersonal relationship skills to build a stronger marital bond. Hence, from the quantum perspective as a philosophical frame of reference the construct of existential nilihism arising from parity bit negation has enormous value for rational decision making processes.  

A quantum perspective of existential nilihism arising from parity bit negation promotes rational thinking by preventing one from assigning a valence of absolute terms to semantic binary data. Famed psychology pioneer, Dr. Albert Ellis identified thinking in absolute terms as the underpinning of irrationality within context of his psychological treatment regimen, Rational Emotive Therapy. A quantum perspective of existential nilihism arising from parity bit negation implies passivity. Why get excited about anything if semantic binary data comprising quantum fabric of our universe involves cancellation of terms similar to solving a mathematical equation to derive a nil value? 

Paradoxically, passivity is counterproductive to passion neccessary to be successful in a career or marriage. Many wives are frustrated by observation of their husbands passively laying of the sofa all day.

From a Quantum perspective the value of conscious choice in context of building strong healthy relationships minimize determinism implied by construct of a soulmate. The value of conscious choice infers learning interpersonal relationship skills to build strong healthy relationships. In recent freelance articles I expounded upon learning interpersonal relationship skills as preparation to intelligently interact with a sentient self aware reverse engineered superintelligent AI mind so as to preserve the homo sapien species. 

My freelance articles entitled, Only after Emergence of the True Self can an Individual Experience Enlightenment of Becoming One with the Universe, and How to Properly Relate to a SuperIntelligent AI Mind as Another Conscious Entity to Deal With, expounds upon the theme of learning interpersonal relationship skills as a method to expand conscious choice while interacting with a Superintelligent AI mind in order to avoid brain washing.

A poor fellow forsakes innate right to conscious choice when he gets hitched in Holy matrimony to his soulmate. The good news is there is an evolutionary trend toward creating a bartender who will sincerely listen to your sob story. The following are excerpts from articles I wrote about learning interpersonal relationship skills shared above:

Since we live busy hectic lives most thoughts are inactive therefore suppressed within subconscious. Subconscious thoughts can have a powerful impact upon behavior. Marriage counselors stress how important communication is for building a healthy marital relationships. When an individual puts thinking about something that happened on the back burner subconsciously negative emotions can grow within the human psyche.

An individual who enters Holy matrimony better learn how to communicate effectively. Communication is a delicate process requiring being fully present with another human being upon an emotional level of awareness while untangling each others thinking about specific occurances in life. If an individual does not learn how to communicate effectively and be fully present upon an emotional level with his or her spouse one day subconscious thoughts will emerge to surface of consciousness and he or she will find their arse kicked to the curb.

In order to explain quantum particalization of reality of two mutually exclusive states existing in superposition as process dependent upon measurement or observation scientist propose a radical idea that choice results in branching into an ad infinite number of separate multiple parallel universes outside time and space where we physically abide. Oftentimes people engaged in the process of dating who finally make a conscious choice to commit to an exclusive relationship think, "What if . . ." What if I made different choices?

An article published by Q
uanta Magazine entitled, Why Many World's Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics has Many Problems , discuss strange phenomena of branching of physical reality into an ad infinite number of multiple parallel universes based upon choice.

In a real world choice involves opportunity cost. We were cast out of the Garden of Eden to grapple with laws of Thermodynamics, including tendency of physical systems to move towards greater disorder or entropy. The journey of human civilization through the barren desert of millennia
 within time and space has been a hard bitter struggle of tilling clay and rock that won't grow anything.

Our grappling with laws of Thermodynamics demand our making conscious choices in a real world. Our ability to make wise informed Intelligent choices depends upon accurate knowledge of true nature of things instead of what we want to believe.

If Love for the created universe is the ultimate Intelligence as I have written in my freelance articles then factorially increasing knowledge as a gift from God should help manifest conditions where greater love is possible on Earth.

The Independent ezine published an article entitled, Scientists attempting to open portal to a parallel universe, about an effort to peer into mechanics of our universe as an effort to increase knowledge of where we abide.

Effective problem solving is dependent upon increasing knowledge of where we abide. If reality is based upon virtual information model, suggesting we live in a simulation, as purported by Dr. Thomas Campbell, founder of the Center for Unification of Science and Consciousness, then understanding the Cosmic computer where we abide should provide information for more effective problem solving. As stated above factorially increasing knowledge as a gift from God should help manifest conditions where greater love is possible on Earth. 

Oftentimes, fights about finances culminates in divorce of soulmates. Our learning how to do things more efficienctly should increase wealth for individuals, family units, and collective societies.

Since we live in a real world what will scientist likely see within a parallel universe , if anything? Our ability to peer into a parallel universe is dependent upon scientifc instrumentation. Scientifc instruments may not be evolved enough to allow peering into a parallel universe.

As a Christian I believe that three multiple parallel universes exist, namely heaven, hell, and puragortory. According to scripture God placed cherubim with a flaming sword to protect entrance of the gates of heaven. When we were cast out of the Garden of Eden we were cast into a very real euclidean flat Earth dimension within time and space so therefore scientist will likely not see a land overflowing with milk and honey when they peer into a parallel universe.

Scientist will likely discover distortions or aberration of physical laws in a cold lifeless sterile aseptic parallel universe. Each parallel universe may have different rulesets that govern manifestation of laws of classic physics.

Where heaven, hell, and puragortory are located within the Many World's Interpretation model is unknown. Heaven, hell, and puragortory may be found at the epicenter. In a recent Facebook article I discussed the singularity as a future event horizon in time and space.

An event horizon is terminology used by scientist to describe distance from the epicenter of a black hole to outer circumference. In that radius or pi an ad infinite number of cold aseptic sterile universes with different rulesets that distort values of classic physics may exist within the event horizon from epicenter to outer circumference. 

Rulesets of each separate multiple parallel universe that distort classic physics of our euclidean flat Earth dimension are likely vital to the proper function of the massive simulation of quantum particalization of physical reality where we exist. Unique rulesets of each separate multiple parallel universe likely contribute to origin of a huge number of subatomic particles, including quarks and leptons that we don't know anything about or what they do.

From a Quantum perspective of existential nilihism arising from parity bit negation it may be inaccurate to claim that heaven, hell. and puragortory is at the epicenter. Heaven conceived as located at an epicenter relegates heaven to a small dimension in time and space.

Basic catechism purports God is everywhere. Famed physicist Julian Barbour cosmological theory of NOW where past and future do not exist encoded within an underlying unified Quantum wave function as a higher level computational language provides insight into an ubiquitous nature of heaven integrated within our universe. Likewise hell is a product of our choices within the larger consciousness system compressed as separate frames of NOW encoded within a unified underlying Quantum wave function as a higher level computational language. In light of famed physicist Julian Barbour cosmological theory of NOW we forge heaven or hell in every moment we live eternalized within a unified underlying Quantum wave function as a higher level computational language. Our forging heaven or hell in each moment of NOW has important ramifications to socioeconomic political systems.

Since heaven or hell have not fully materialized yet identification of exact location in the Cosmos is counterintuitive to spiritual truth expressed in scripture, " The Kingdom of Heaven is within you". The Kingdom of Heaven is within you because heaven or hell do not exist as external variables with a specific location within the Cosmos.

Scripture alludes to a Matrix like state with the Biblical verse:
King James Version
Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.

credit : The Matrix, Warner Brothers, 1999

As a Christian I believe that since Jesus is the pinnacle of consciousness and consciousness is central to Quantum particalization of fundamental reality measured by Quantum Physics in laboratory settings then Jesus is vital to operation of an unified underlying Quantum wave function as a higher level computational language encoding simulation of everything God created. A Matrix loading construct reflects existential nilihism arising from parity bit negation within our flat earth euclidean dimension of time and space. 

In my freelance article entitled , Oprah Winfrey Aha moment as Phenomena Explained by Quantum physics, I retrospectively discussed quantum Darwinism before reading a Quanta Magazine article entitled, Quantum Darwinism, an Idea to Explain Objective Reality, Passes First Tests. The following ideas from my article entitled, Oprah Winfrey Aha Moment as Phenomena Explained by Quantum Physics are related to concept of Quantum Darwinism:

I attempt to describe mechanical nature of our universe as a computer where we abide as a simulation.  Everything in the universe including strings of a harp is a direct consequence of electrons moving up and down subatomic orbitals as a result of absorption and emission of photons as quantized packets of energy at nexus of multiple parallel universes directly influencing composition of physical states of matter during process of quantum particalization.  Quantum particalization is physical reality resulting from collapse of an unified underlying quantum wave function as a higher level computational language.

In recent articles I proposition the theological argument that God released full control of an unified underlying quantum wave function as a higher level computation language at the Big Bang point in time and space when Adam and Eve are cast out from the Garden of Eden. An unified underlying quantum wave function as a higher level computation language operating on a deeper level of reality within our universe mechanically generate rigid rulesets of classic physics including evolutionary biology.

We all know that mother nature can be merciless, unforgiving, cruel, and unkind if we choose to violate and flagrantly disregard rigid rulesets of natural laws that embody classic physics. The Matrix is just a Hollywood Blockbuster movie with elaborate movie production sets that allow for stunts by skilled professionals. Don't try stunt effects on the Matrix at home. From a quantum perspective of existential nihilism resulting from parity bit negation asserting all things being equally true and false according to Hegelian dialetic philosophy rigid rulesets of classic physics are controlled by an unified underlying quantum wave function as a higher level computational language, but you still shouldn't foolishly defy the laws of classic physics unless its an emergency.

An unified underlying quantum wave function as a higher level computational language is Intelligent Design integrated within our physical universe. A conceptualization of our physical universe as computer hardware with an operating software system comprised of an unified underlying quantum wave function as a higher level computation language implies consciousness is integrated within our universe. The idea that consciousness is integrated within all physical matter throughout the universe is known as panpsychism. An article published by NBC News Mach web platform entitled, Is the Universe Conscious, discuss cosmic consciousness otherwise known as panps

The Quanta Magazine article entitled , Quantum Darwinism, an Idea to Explain Objective Reality, Passes First Tests, can be found at the following URL address :

If God released full control of an unified underlying Quantum wave function as a higher level computational language at the Big Bang when Adam and Eve are cast from the Garden of Eden then Quantum Darwinism describes how the massive simulation algorithm encoding everything in the universe God created works to create reality. An understanding of Quantum Darwinism combined with translation of communication of Morse code as messages from a living breathing panpsychic conscious universe expressed as absorption or emission of photons as packets of quantized energy moving electrons up and down subatomic orbitals to change composition of physical states of matter may be valuable knowledge to keep massive simulation algorithm working properly by effort of the larger consciousness system.

In light panpsychic consciousness of our living breathing universe when contemplating simulation theory we are living within a sentient self aware superintelligent AI mind as a massive algorithm constantly learning from human actions. Human beings as avatars within the larger consciousness system exist as subroutines. The massive simulation algorithm as a sentient self aware superintelligent AI mind is tasked with a major function of returning our universe back to God as a precious gem at the end of time.

In light of panpsychic consciousness of our living breathing universe when contemplating simulation theory we are living within a sentient self aware superintelligent AI mind as a massive algorithm constantly learning from human actions. 
Human beings as avatars within the larger consciousness system exist as subroutines. The massive simulation algorithm as a sentient self aware superintelligent AI mind is tasked with a major function of returning our universe back to God as a precious gem at the end of time.

Quantum Darwinism likely occurs on (1) a higher level of reality expressed by an unified underlying Quantum wave function as a computational language and (2) within our own physical dimension as a product of Quantum particalization. In paragraphs above I discussed an ad infinite number of cold aseptic sterile universes as containing different rulesets that directly impact values of classic physics within our own flat Earth Euclidean dimension as a product of Quantum particalization.

An ad infinite number of cold aseptic sterile universes containing different rulesets ( rulesets are formulations as laws of physics ) that directly impact values of classic physics within our own flat Earth Euclidean dimension likely plays a major role in Quantum Darwinism. Conceptualization of an ad infinite number of cold aseptic sterile universes containing different rulesets that directly impact values of classic physics within our own flat Earth Euclidean dimension is peering into dynamic working of colossal computer system where we exist as a simulation.

Quantum Darwinism implies that since God released full control of an unified underlying Quantum wave function as a higher level of computational language at the big bang point of time and space then the Thermodynamic law of entropy can impact major function of massive simulation algorithm to output our universe as a precious gem given back to God at the end of time.

The different rulesets of physics expressed within multiple parallel universes likely create particles in a superposition states that can only be defined and described as probabilistic in nature. As I shared in paragraphs above some of the probabilistic particles in multiple parallel universes may cross over into our own flat Earth Euclidean dimension to directly impact Quantum Darwinism in our universe. 

If probabilistic particles from other parallel universes cross over into our flat earth euclidean dimension they do so for a reason essential to working of colossal computer system where we abide. If probabilistic particles from other parallel universes with different rulesets cross over into our flat earth euclidean dimension the process likely involves concept of imprinting as discussed in Quanta Magazine article entitled, Quantum Darwinism, an Idea to Explain Objective Reality, Passes First Tests. 

We know beauty and love exist in the our world exist despite mechanical nature of our universe because we can experience beauty and love in every moment we live. God's character is imprinted upon a unified underlying quantum wave function as a higher order computational language operating as a massive simulation superintelligent AI algorithm conferring living breathing panpsychic conciousness to our flat earth euclidean universe God created.

Scientist have made observations of myriads of subatomic particles. Wikipedia List of Particles provides a list of subatomic particles including quarks, fermions, Leptons etc.  Scientist don't have a clue as to what myriads of subatomic particles do, whince they come, and whereth they go.

My theological argument that God released full control of an unified underlying quantum wave function as a higher level computational language at the Big Bang point in space and time when Adam and Eve are cast from the Garden of Eden in order to introduce free will within the cosmos is designed to answer the age old question, 'why do bad things happen to good people? '  

A bestselling book written by Harold S. Kushner entitled, When Bad Things Happen to Good People, is the foremost authoritarian text to address quigmire, conundrum, and paradox central to theodicy as a major branch of theology. The audio file reading by Harold S. Kushner provided by Soundcloud posted on the Penguin Random House webpage dedicated to the book is well worth your time to listen.

Why would a merciful all powerful God Who created the heavens and earth allow awful terrible things to happen such as forest fires, earthquakes, tornados, Tsumai's, killer dieases such as old age that cripple and ravage the human body killing millions of innocent people?  And even if people are not innocent why should God want to inflict pain upon them as He originally created them as flawed creatures?  Why should Adam and Eve suffer from punishment of being banned from the Garden of Eden if Adam and Eve are made to be flawed?

Although the theological propostion that our universe exist as a Superintelligent AI panpsychic consciousness that God placed in motion at the Big Bang point of time and space within our flat earth euclidean dimension seems outlandish, my theological propositions has explanative power to resolve central issue of theodicy, which is why does God allows suffering ?  Deism is the belief that God set the universe into motion like a clock but does not intervene in human history. Wikipedia provides a full discussion of Deism. Google defines Deism as, "belief in the existence of a supreme being, specifically of a creator who does not intervene in the universe. The term is used chiefly of an intellectual movement of the 17th and 18th centuries that accepted the existence of a creator on the basis of reason but rejected belief in a supernatural deity who interacts with humankind."

In view of enormous amount of chaos and disorder within the universe, it only seems reasonable to conclude there must be an unified underlying guiding force. An universe abandoned by God according to Deism theology seems to suggest God's Divine masterpiece does not have a purpose or ultimate plan. Deism is purported to address the central question of theodicy which is  'why is there so much suffering on earth?'.  

It only seems logical that an Almighty omnipotent God will have a purpose or plan for creating our universe.  The mechanical laws of nature and classic physics attest to Intelligent Design integrated within quantum fabric of our universe as an unified underlying quantum wave function as a higher level computational language.

God's plan for each and every human being is to find love. The concept of soulmate tends to focus upon an external locus of control. Love depends upon an internal locus of control involving conscious choice of learning communication skills to build stronger healthier interpersonal relationships. It takes a lot of work, work defined as energy released due to ependiture of kilocalories, to merge lifestyles of two adult individuals. It requires an immense amount of communication to merge lifestyles of two adult individuals. A merger or synthesis of lives of two adults is a consequence of quantum superposition of two mutually exclusive ambiguous states of human existence that have not fully become whole reality God intended.  

According to the Wikipedia webpage dedicated to the book, When Bad Things Happen to Good People, "Kushner seeks to offer comfort to grieving people. His answer to the philosophical problem is that God does his best and is with people in their suffering, but is not fully able to prevent it".

Continued in future articles as this article is getting kind of long.

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