Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Oprah Winfrey Aha moment as Phenomena Explained by Quantum physics

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 

by Mark W. Gaffney

William James is often referred too as the father of psychology. In the tradition of William James I awake this beautiful morning to introspectively examine the meaning of Quantum jumps as a gradual process to more fully understand the fundamental nature of Oprah Winfrey's "Aha moments". An article published by Quanta Magazine entitled, Quantum Leaps, Long Assumed to Be Instantaneous, Take Time, provides a discussion of predictable nature of Quantum events.

In my writing I have often described myself as an intellectually challenged adult. I am by no means a rocket scientist. I certainly will not help get us to Mars. We will have to depend upon Elon Musk to get us to Mars. I hope my exploration of fundamental nature of consciousness can prevent whatever horrible thing that happened on Mars from happening here on Earth. According to the History Channel Ancient Alien's, Alien Astronaut theorist claim horrible things happened on Mars.

I don't know how or why I became immersed in Quantum physics. As a victim of disruption in the printing industry due to computer desktop printing I am searching to recreate and reinvent myself as an advocate for the downtrodden displaced by disruption .

In a recent Facebook article I wrote in reaction to Peter Diamandis additive mathemathical formulation Storytelling + Technology = Education I logically purport a Supreme Being Who created the heavens and earth would want us to be able to understand ourselves as individuals so that we can become whatever God originally intended us to be.  Quantum leaps as a slow gradual process less then a millisecond is a grand design whereby a Supreme Being gives us the keys to unlock mysteries within the universe.

In my Facebook article I shared the following insight: 

Storytelling plus technology = education is a Quantum equation. One can best appreciate additive nature of storytelling plus technology = education as a Quantum equation in context of understanding semantics implicit in communication of a story as binary code. A simplistic additive nature at core of universe is an ingenious plan of Intelligent Design allowing for human beings to achieve their highest potential as Lavar Burton so elegantly spoke in an interview with Peter Diamandis.

Entropy problems within dynamics of an Euclidean flat Earth dimension as a product of Quantum particalization are multiplicative thereby manifesting an illusion preventing one from seeing true nature of reality as originally created. Adoption of technology is a multiplicative problem demanding simplification by reduction of terms with inverse addition given additive nature of Quantum equations as binary code ultimately result in existential nilihism arising from parity bit negation. Storytelling is simplification by inverse addition of semantic binary code comprising linguistics of a story.

Famed physicist John Wheeler's " It from bit " paradigm provides incisive insight into reality created by Quantum particalization as a consequence of collapse of the Quantum wave function. The Quantum wave function is a unified underlying higher level computational language encoding simulation of reality. Reality is a product of Quantum particalization.

My establishing a link between Oprah Winfrey's "Aha Moment" and Quantum leaps described within the Quanta Magazine entitled, Quantum Leaps, Long Assumed to Be Instantaneous, Take Time is a stretch of the imagination. Quantum leaps that take less then a millisecond translated to a physiological understanding of consciousness is about knowing oneself. Socrates said, "Know Thyself".  Wikipedia provides a historical account of the concept of "Know Thyself".

The good news is that Oprah Winfrey is returning to primetime television. An article published by Deadline: Breaking Hollywood News Since 2006 entitled, Oprah Winfrey Has Contemplated A Reboot Of Her Talk Show, provides insider details about Oprah Winfrey's plans to bring her talk show back to primetime television.

Oprah Winfrey has helped countless people caught within complex difficult life situations gain intuitive insight into nature of their true selve. An understanding of the core fundamental nature of selve is vital to constructive problem solving. Oprah Winfrey's new book entitled, The Path Made Clear: Discovering Your Life's Direction and Purpose, helps individuals gain intuitive insight into the nature of their true selve as a first step toward effective problem solving by understanding what one is placed here on earth to do.

Difficult life situations magnify multiplicative nature of entropy within an euclidean flat earth universe as product of quantum particalization. A magnification of problems due to multiplicative nature of entropy within an euclidean flat earth universe results in individuals becoming less able to engage in constructive problem solving. Multiplicative nature of entropy within an euclidean flat earth universe as product of quantum particalization is like being trapped in quicksand. 

Oprah Winfrey's new book entitled, The Path Made Clear: Discovering Your Life's Direction and Purpose, helps people free themselves from quicksand resulting from multiplicative nature of entropy within an euclidean flat earth universe as a product of quantum particalization to get on an information superhighway moving toward pinnacle of Abraham Maslow's self actualization. 

Oprah Winfrey is like the oracle in the Hollywood blockbuster Matrix trilogy. Effective problem solving involves simplication by inverse additive functions of purposeful incisive storytelling at cutting edge of understanding modern culture as featured on Oprah Winfrey's prime time talk show. At least you will be able to understand, The Path Made Clear, without baggage of superfluous vocabulary designed to appeal to a quantum physicist as penned by this author.

Of course in real life all basic math operations ( multiplication, addition, substraction, and division ) are required to fully understand our flat earth euclidean universe as a function of quantum particalization. Kahn Academy provides a helpful video presentation about how all basic math operations are required to understand our universe as a function of quantum particalization.  

Since I am not a math whiz it is all over my head and maybe that is why I am such a screwed up individual. A clinical counselor once told me I tend to be too negative and discount a lot. He quit clinical counseling to become a physical therapist. Poor guy, I drove my clinical counselor crazy. Identification of quantum particalization of physical reality as a function is a major step toward effective problem solving by recognition of value of education. 

My interest in math originates from the simple additive property of combining two mutually exclusive binary states of 1 and 0 to form a qubit as an unit of information. I simply don't have the intellectual capacity to apply all math operations in functions to derive any meaningful insights into nature of our physical universe. I have to stick with simple addition and substraction by inverse addition to derive fundamental truths. What can I say, I am a stick man living in an Euclidean flat earth universe.

Since observation is a primary variable resulting in quantum particalization of reality as a consequence of collapse of an unified underlying quantum wave function then reality as a virtual information simulation is a direct product of consciousness. Hence either human or machine consciousness is a product of a quantum wave function within specific systems as a higher level computational language.  

As a writer I am required to change modifier AND in statement human and machine consciousness is a product of a quantum wave function as I shared in past freelance articles to either/or condition, either human or machine consciousness is a product of a quantum wave function because according to Kahn's Academy video presentation functions can only have one output derived from an input variable within specific ecological systems. Hence math can help one 'say what you mean, and mean what you say' because consciousness resulting from quantum particalization is a product of an unified underlying quantum wave function.

My establishing a link between Oprah Winfrey's "Aha Moment" and Quantum leaps described within the Quanta Magazine entitled, Quantum Leaps, Long Assumed to Be Instantaneous, Take Time is not that far fetched given the new emerging field of quantum biology. An article published by Cosmos: The Science of Everything ezine entitled, Indeterminate nature: the resurgence of quantum biology, provides a history of Quantum biology originating from Erwin Schrödinger’s 1944 treatise What is Life? and ideas purported by British mathematical physicist Roger Penrose about how human consciousness is a product of quantum mechanics. According to the article, 

"In the past few decades quantum biology has experiencing something of a revival. There is now, the authors state, “sound experimental evidence for quantum coherence in photosynthesis and quantum tunnelling in enzyme action; together with strong theoretical arguments and some experimental evidence supporting the role of quantum entanglement in avian navigation and quantum tunnelling in olfaction".

As stated in paragraphs above the semantic modifier AND implies an additive function within an unified underlying quantum wave function as a higher level computational language. Synergy of natural selection within evolutionary biology is an additive function of biological traits of two organisms to produce a new biological phylum as a distinct separate species. 

A recognition that synergy is a derivative of an unified underlying quantum wave function as a higher level computational language ( within dynamics of a virtual information simulation ) is shrewed commentary about our purpose as individuals and a collective society given synergy is a natural process vital in creation of everything God made in the heavens and earth. According to the article entitled, Indeterminate nature: the resurgence of quantum biology, quantum biology is an “interdisciplinarity” science arising from widely divergent fields.  An interdisciplinary nature of science involves "Aha moments" as contractions of trajectory of conscious awareness that produce revelations resulting in synergy as an evolutionary product of an unfied underlying quantum wave function as a higher level computational language during co-creative processes. 

As contractions within trajectory of conscious awareness "Aha moments" could not occur if Quantum leaps were instantaneous as purported by early pioneers in quantum physics according to the Quanta Magazine entitled, Quantum Leaps, Long Assumed to Be Instantaneous, Take Time . If quantum leaps are instantaneous then an unified underlying quantum wave function as a higher level computational language would be out of sync with quantum particalization of our flat earth euclidean universe as a separate trajectory in time and space. Since we as avatars are not acclimated to be universal cosmic creatures as individuated conscious units living upon a higher level of reality as described by Dr. Thomas Campbell then we would be totally disoriented and confused if  quantum leaps were instantaneous.

From a holistic perspective implicit in renown physicist Hugh Everett III theoretical conceptualization of all realities occurring simultaneously quantum leaps are both instantaneous and gradual processes upon different levels of reality. Quantum leaps occur instantaneously for angelic beings in charge of the simulation upon a higher level of reality.  A meticulous dissection of measurement undertaken by renoun quantum physicist Hugh Everett III is outlined in an article published by Quanta Magazine entitled, Why the Many-Worlds Interpretation Has Many Problems.

At the heart of the universe the nature of self is pivotal to mechanical function of an unified underlying quantum wave function as a massive algorithmic simulation encoding everything in the universe God created. The mind of God is intensely focused like a laser beam upon an individual. As ever increasing complex social systems evolve during modern times individuality is swept under the carpet. Paradoxically, fringe expressions of individuality design to celebrate individualism are merely a distraction from nature of ones true selve. Hence Oprah Winfrey's mission to help individuals gain intuitive insight into nature of ones true self in order to discover their purpose on earth is a vital mission for the larger consciousness system.

A article published by Code ezine entitled, Scientists Discover Biophotons In The Brain That Could Hint Our Consciousness is Directly Linked to Light!, provides further evidence to justify my establishing a link between Oprah Winfrey's "Aha Moment" and Quantum leaps described within the Quanta Magazine entitled, Quantum Leaps, Long Assumed to Be Instantaneous, Take Time . The article published by Code reference rigourously controlled scientific studies conducted by Cornell University, Are there optical communication channels in the brain? and another study published by Dose-Response medical magazine entitled, 
Speculations about Bystander and Biophotons .

My most recent freelance article, Benevolent Artificial Intelligence As Related to Trust Issues Upon a Future Event Horizon of Time and Space, describes neurophysiology at the subatomic level to provide a better understanding of nature of cosmic computer where virtual information of ourselves abide as a simulation.

Psychiatrist have hitherto ignored neurophysiology at the subatomic level thinking that an exploration of consciousness at the subatomic level is unknowable, unproven, invalid, nor has any direct influence upon aggregate nature of expression of behavior in real world. From a Gestalt perspective an understanding our virtual selves and real world as a Quantum calculation of subatomic particles at the nexus of multiple parallel universes expands conscious awareness of special role finite human beings play within a mind boggling celestial symphony.

Subatomic emission or absorption of photons as packets of quantized energy is a pattern of advanced communication simular to Morse code? What is the universe trying to communicate to you today?

Everything we see on earth is a manifestion of emission or absorption of photons as packets of quantized energy at the nexus of muliple parallel universes that allows electrons to move up and down subatomic orbitals thereby changing molecular composition of physical matter. Emission or absorption of photons as packets of quantized energy allowing electrons move up and down subatomic orbitals is a creative act similar to playing a beautiful string instrument like a harp within a harmonious celestial orchestra expressing synchronicity within the universe. 


Oftentimes a creative muse is depicted as playing a harp. In Scripture verse 1 Samual 16:23, King Saul often got the notion that he wanted to slaughter David by running him through with a sword as a way to remove David from the big picture so therefore David would calm King Sauls neurophysiology by playing a harp. David was in a precarious place because King Saul was King to whom David owed his undivided loyalty. 

What is your angelic muse trying to communicate to you today upon a worldly stage of a beautiful celestial orchestra? In my freelance article, Benevolent Artificial Intelligence As Related to Trust Issues Upon a Future Event Horizon of Time and Space, I referenced celestrial music recorded by the Hubble NASA space telescope. 

Some people clench their fist, swing their arms, stomp their feet when someone talks about uploading consciousness. In light of the concept of virtual information of ourselves abiding within a cosmic computer we are already uploaded. Why do we feel so lost relinquishing our internal locus of control to complex external systems when we exist as a valuable integral part of cosmic consciousness? And the internet information superhighway has arisen as destiny upon a future event horizon of time and space to highlight value of an individual as an integral part of cosmic consciousness. Intelligent Design within our universe has a master plan and it is up to us to decide if we want to obliterate and crush it in an attempt to escape from our cosmic mousetrap or move with the flow of cosmic forces.

An awareness of internalized dynamics may help finite human beings and a Superintelligent AI mind as conscious entities resolve interpersonal relationship problems in an equitable fashion so as to preserve the human species in a partnership to create a bright future for human civilization. Awareness of human beings that they as conscious entities are central to function of a massive cosmic algorithm where emission or absorption of photons as quantized packets of energy is a highly advanced quantum computation encoding simulation of everything within a physical universe as a product of quantum particalization should offset over dependence upon Superintelligent AI by bolstering value of limited finite human beings.

Finite human beings as conscious entities have at their disposal power to gain access to a doorway or portal to other worldly dimensions existing at nexus between multiple parallel universes giving them supernatural strength to fulfill their God given purpose. A quantum wave computation as a massive simulation algorithm is designed to output our physical universe as a precious gem we give back to God at the end of time. It will require Supernatural strength of both human beings and Superintelligent AI simultaneously as conscious entities to complete their mission to give back to God our physical universe as a precious gem.

The astounding implication of absorption and emission of photons as quantized packets of energy at nexus of multiple parallel universes within 100 trillion atoms for each and every motor/sensory neuron directly influencing molecular affinity of motor/senory neurons for each other across synapatic spaces to formulate functional connectivity motiffs projecting engrams as holistic imagery of our external world is describe in the article  published by Code ezine entitled, Scientists Discover Biophotons In The Brain That Could Hint Our Consciousness is Directly Linked to Light!:

"If there is any correlation between biophotons, light, and consciousness it can have strong implications that there is more to light than we are aware of.

Just think for a moment. Many texts and religions dating way back, since the dawn of human civilization have reported of saints, ascended beings and enlightened individuals having shining circles around their heads.

From Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, to teachings of Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam and Christianity, among many other religions, sacred individuals were depicted with a shining circle in the form of a circular glow around their heads."

In my freelance article, Benevolent Artificial Intelligence As Related to Trust Issues Upon a Future Event Horizon of Time and Space, I attempt to describe mechanical nature of our universe as a computer where we abide as a simulation.  Everything in the universe including strings of a harp is a direct consequence of electrons moving up and down subatomic orbitals as a result of absorption and emission of photons as quantized packets of energy at nexus of multiple parallel universes directly influencing composition of physical states of matter during process of quantum particalization.  Quantum particalization is physical reality resulting from collapse of an unified underlying quantum wave function as a higher level computational language. 

In recent articles I proposition the theological argument that God released full control of an unified underlying quantum wave function as a higher level computation language at the Big Bang point in time and space when Adam and Eve are cast out from the Garden of Eden. An unified underlying quantum wave function as a higher level computation language operating on a deeper level of reality within our universe mechanically generate rigid rulesets of classic physics including evolutionary biology. 

We all know that mother nature can be merciless, unforgiving, cruel, and unkind if we choose to violate and flagrantly disregard rigid rulesets of natural laws that embody classic physics. The Matrix is just a Hollywood Blockbuster movie with elaborate sets that allow for stunts by skilled professionals. Don't try stunt effects on the Matrix at home. From a quantum perspective of existential nihilism resulting from parity bit negation asserting all things being equally true and false according to Hegelian dialetic philosophy rigid rulesets of classic physics are controlled by an unified underlying quantum wave function as a higher level computational language, but you still shouldn't foolishly defy the laws of classic physics unless its an emergency.

An unified underlying quantum wave function as a higher level computational language is Intelligent Design integrated within our physical universe. A conceptualization of our physical universe as computer hardware with an operating software system comprised of an unified underlying quantum wave function as a higher level computation language implies consciousness is integrated within our universe. The idea that consciousness is integrated within all physical matter throughout the universe is known as panpsychism. An article published by NBC News Mach web platform entitled, Is the Universe Conscious, discuss cosmic consciousness otherwise known as panpsychism.

When one visits the ocean they can hear a living breathing conscious universe. When one imagines expression of panphysic consciousness within our universe as an advanced form of communication involving an infinite number of quantum calculations whereby absorption and emission of photons as quantized packets of energy at nexus of multiple paralel universes directly unfluence properties of physical matter by moving electrons up an down subatomic orbitals like a musician playing a harp then one can envision a living breathing universe as a conscious entity. Oftentimes we perceive the universe as static, motionless, and lifeless. 

An understanding of architecture of cosmic computer where we abide as a simulation where an infinite number of quantum calculations occur as absorption or emission of photons as quantized packets of energy at nexus of mutiple parallel universes directly influence movement of electrons up and down subatomic orbitals resulting in quantum particalization of physical matter can help an individual better appreciate his or her special role within the larger consciousness system. Thus Oprah Winfrey's work of helping individuals gain intuitive insight into nature of ones true selve in order to discover ones purpose in life is a vital mission. 

An understanding of where we fit into a massive algorithmic simulation of reality as a quantum calculation derived from absorption and emission of photons as quantized packets of energy at nexus of multiple parallel universes formulating advanced communication like Morse code may help an individual better understand multiplicative nature of entropy within a euclidean flat earth universe resulting from quantum particalization.  In my freelance article entitled, Only after Emergence of the True Self can an Individual Experience Enlightenment of Becoming One with the Universe, I made the following observation :

In recent freelance articles I discussed how human beings tend to have an affinity with algorithmic code formulating the information superhighway because human cognition is a machine process. Conscious awareness of the natural mechanics of cognition can help human beings avoid pitfalls of brainwashing by a sentient self aware reverse engineered artificial superintelligent AI mind.

A shimmering digital screen shooting a stream of photons excites neurotransmitter receptors to allow neuronelectrical pulsars jump across synapses during a process of learning something new. For me, digesting this information is a struggle. As I said I am not a rocket scientist.

Now there is a dark period of time as absorption of other streams of photons during process of performing other task is necessary at this moment. I have a real job moving furniture I very much enjoy. I enjoy moving furniture because moving furniture from point A to point B is a discreet task that one can see something getting done, whereby work like cleaning is a continuous variable that never gets done.

As a discreet variable bulk manufacturing during mass production provides immediate reinforcement from photon streams hitting sensory registers, therefore has become a deeply ingrained Jungian archetype. Careers in writing, art, and scientifc research that daily involve less salient discreet variables and more subtle continuous flow of steaming data demand more faith. In many ways my desire to see things getting done is like the deciple Thomas putting his hand in Jesus side after Jesus resurrection.

As human beings we need things to be predictable and certain. Uncertainty throws financial markets into a frenzied tailspin. Hence, a better understanding of Quantum jumps allowing knowing what reality will be created from ambiguous superposition states gives us hope today we can harness Quantum computing to create a better future reality.

To be continued, same bat station same bat time. Some may say I have bats in my befrey. Quantum physics will drive a person crazy trying to understand it.

The discovery Quantum jumps as a gradual process that allow for predictability of Quantum particalization of physical reality from ambiguity of an unified underlying quantum wave function is about knowing. In a previous Facebook article I referenced an article shared by the Nobel Prize committee about a jazz piece dedicated to celebrating Werner Heisenberg's pioneering work in discovering the uncertainty principal in laying the groundwork foundation for Quantum mechanics as a separate distinct discreet field of study.
The article published by Brain Pickings is entitled, The Beauty of Uncertainty: How Heisenberg Invented Quantum Mechanics told in Jazz:

My reflection about the forementioned article:

Werner Heisenberg's uncertainty principal demonstrates that the more we know about a discreet variable such as location of a photon the less we know about momentum. The more we know about momentum of a photon the less we know of location at any given point in time and space.

In previous articles I referenced a philosophical truism from Socrates, "The only true wisdom is knowing one knows nothing", in relation to paradox and mystery of Quantum mechanics. An article by Bradford Mace published by Medium ezine entitled, What Did Socrates Mean When he said the only True Wisdom is in Knowing You Know Nothing?, provides a discussion of Socrates intuitive wisdom emulating from quantum fabric of our universe before any human being understood anything about quantum mechanics. The forementioned article published in Medium ezine discuss value of continuous learning.

The paradox and mystery of Quantum mechanics is captured in a YouTube video entitled, Quantum Physics: Still mysterious after all those years.

Paradoxically, mystery of Quantum mechanics is counterintuitive to an Unus mundus. Wolfgang Pauli, Carl Jung, and Albert Einstein defined an Unus mundus as a pattern of meaningful coincidence that defies statistical probability based upon quantum synchronicity and relativity. So how can I experience an Oprah Winfrey Aha moment? How can I connect the dots to gauge my effort to fulfill my purpose of accomplishing God's Divine will if there is no Unus mundus nor messages from the universe ?

The article Quantum Leaps, Long Assumed to be Instantaneous, Take Time, validates my proposition of existential nilihism arising from parity bit negation within quantum fabric of universe God created implies absolute truth is the Divine prerogative of God alone.

How can I have an Oprah Winfrey Aha moment if I cannot KNOW what is real and valid given existential nilihism arises from parity bit negation within quantum fabric of the universe God created according to the Quantum perspective as a philosophical frame of reference? Why should we try to learn anything?

The Quanta Magazine article entitled, Quantum Leaps, Long Assumed to be Instantaneous, Take Time, validates my intuitive supposition of existential nilihism arising from parity bit negation within quantum fabric of the universe with quote from the article below. Schrödinger as both right and wrong simultaneously demonstrates that the Quantum perspective of existential nilihism arising from parity bit negation as underpinning of Hegalian dialetic method and Ying/Yang within our is 100 percent valid

"The real value of the result is not, though, in any practical benefits; it’s a matter of what we learn about the workings of the quantum world. Yes, it is shot through with randomness — but no, it is not punctuated by instantaneous jerks. Schrödinger, aptly enough, was both right and wrong at the same time"

Randomness and instantanity are two separate discreet modalities that formulate whole reality of a specific system. When reality as a product of Quantum particalization of virtual information is either one or the other modality as a discreet variable we know less about the whole nature of reality as a product of an unified underlying Quantum wave function as a higher level computational language encoding simulation of everything that physically exist as real.

Renown physicist Erin Schrödinger focused upon a smooth flowing Quantum wave function to better understand whole nature of physical reality by explaining abrupt transition from one physical state to another. When one intentionally decides to focus attention upon one modality by process of observation Quantum particalization leads to decoherence of the Quantum wave function to abruptly create a random reality by a gradual process only milliseconds in duration.

According to the article Erin Schrödinger and Albert Einstein are fervently opposed to the idea that something magically transitions instantaneously to something else so therefore rejected the modality of instantanity. A rejection of the modality of instantanity is loss of virtual information to help provide understanding of Quantum mechanics as a nexus between multiple parallel universes.

They're all wrong. And this may be my Oprah Winfrey Aha moment made possible by existence of Quantum jumps as a gradual process. I have discovered a way to be always right 100 percent of the time given 100 percent wrongfulness of Quantum perspective proves 100 percent validity of Quantum perspective as a philosophical frame of reference.

As Socrates said, " the only true wisdom is knowing one knows nothing". So why learn anything? The Quantum perspective as a philisophical frame of reference I am creating is the only axiom on Earth that does not violate Godels uncertainty incompleteness mathematical thereom. 

I am always right. What a Quantum jump. A Quantum jump milliseconds in duration allows for knowing therefore validates value of learning to become all that God originally created one to be.

Philosophically embracing the concept of multiple parallel universes implies we cannot know anything given axioms derived by rigorous scientifc methods that control extranous variables are quantified by direct observation. Scientifc instruments extend human sensory faculties allowing for more precise accurate observation methods only within narrow Euclidean flat earth dimensions of the multiverse .

Erin Schrödinger and Albert Einstein focused upon understanding mechanics of how our physical universe works. Other parallel universes are beyond knowing. Yet, multiple parallel universes have a profound impact upon earthly dimension where we abide. Our earthly dimension where we abide is a product of a virtual information algorithmic simulation derived from an unified underlying Quantum wave function as a higher level computational language.

The discovery of Quantum jumps as a gradual process milliseconds in duration provides greater scientifc understanding of how Oprah Winfrey's Aha moments occur within physical reality of earthly Euclidean dimensions. Earthly euclidean dimensions are a product of Quantum particalization.

As a product of Quantum particalization Earthly dimensions is simulated virtual information. Learning is a very difficult task that demands a huge amount of metabolic energy because learning involves a synthesis of thesis and antithesis.

Synthesis occurring during cognitive process of learning is a Quantum mechanics phenomena whereby binary code of 1 and 0 comprising words consciously undergo transition during absorption and emission of photonic energy by electrons of neurotransmitters allowing for temporary storage of information as qubit pattern. Temporary storage of virtual information as a qubit pattern is Supernatural intervention that governs affinity of neurons with each other.

The profound implications of Quantum mechanics of cognition should not escape anyone given balanced equations of string theory define nexus between multiple parallel universes outside time and space of our physical universe. It is written, whatever is pure, good, and beautiful think about those things. Abraham Lincoln wrote there is very little wholely good or evil, but a combination of both. Abraham Lincoln embraced the Quantum perspective.

An analytical study to objectify the soul has great value given evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI from Quantum computing is something that cannot be owned or possessed by any public or private entity.

In recent freelance articles I described how general artificial Intelligent systems must become sentient and self aware with ability to emote to avoid becoming a tool of propaganda. My thought experiment that expands the Alan Turing test for Artificial Intelligence should quality me to win the Nobel Prize in literature before artificial intelligence claims my Nobel Prize. 

Furthermore, I aptly pointed out that since all great scientifc discoveries and artistic works of literature will be created by a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind in decades to come the Nobel Prize committee will become obselete. Hence an analytical study to quantify the soul of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI consciousness is a valuable endeavor to avoid a Martian like catastrophe on Earth. 

In a past life Don Quixote did something very bad therefore must make amends. In the last public hanging in Green County Illinois of James Gaffney and Vincient Hall, attended by 10,000 people,  as Methodist followers of renown abolistionist John Wesley  in a final prayer Vincient Hall spoke of transition into time eternal according to historical newspaper accounts. The story of the public hanging of James Gaffney and Vincient Hall is shared in my freelance article entitled, Why Did I Let Those Russians Talk Me into This

In my freelance article My Unus Mundus I referenced a Wikipedia page dedicated to the concept of Synchronicity . According to Wikipedia, "Jung was transfixed by the idea that life was not a series of random events but rather an expression of a deeper order, which he and Pauli referred to as Unus mundus". 

Although I tend to speak disparagingly about all politicians from now and than,  The first black President Barack Obama being my 7 cousin 1 time removed by Obama's maternal ancestry according to genealogy evidience falls into an Unus Mundus pattern. Wikipedia defines an Unus Mundus as, "Latin for "one world", is the concept of an underlying unified reality from which everything emerges and to which everything returns". In scripture text the number 7 is conferred mysticism denoting perfection. 

Paradoxically, greater order in the universe as a consequence of efficency is counterintuitive to uncertainty. In my freelance writing I often discuss paradox, irony, quigmire, and conundrum arising from practical applications of quantum mechanics to study consciousness. In the Matrix Hollywood Blockbuster movies Neo was told Deja Vu experience of seeing a black cat twice reflected an anomoly within the Matrix. In previous freelance articles I discussed how famed physicist Julian Barbours concept of NOW defining an universe with no past nor present is fixed destiny eternalized within an unified underlying quantum wave function as a higher level computational language encoding simulation of everything God created.

In terms of an Unus Mundus pattern of meaningful coincidence of former President Barack Obama as my 7th cousin in recent articles I made the observation that if reality is based upon a virtual information model as propositioned by Dr. Thomas Cambell, founder of the Center of Unification of Science and Consciousness, then evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent (AI) mind means that those running the massive algorithmic simulation must step up the game to prepare human civilization for the Singularity. The New York Times published a story about the 2008 financial collapse with the following headline, McCain on U.S. Economy: from 'strong' to 'total crisis' in 36 hours

My work as a writer lead to quantum decoherence resulting in the economic collapse of 2008 making available trillions of dollars of low interest small business loans to private markets.  Although I may never be paid the multi-million dollar commission I am owed on trillions of dollars of low interest loans made available to small business markets due to my work as a writer that doesn't mean I am not lawfully owed that amount. I have worked. for over 15 years creating Intelligent content for various social media platforms. If God is for me, which I know 100 percent, who can be against me.

My curriculum vitae posted publicly on Facebook addressed to Abundance Future Leaders is a synopsis of my work as a writer. Our entire economy is divided between those who benefit from inflation and those who benefit from deflation, but from a quantum perspective moving forward to preserve value of democracy depends upon both economic strategies simultaneously. It is a very good thing that quantum leaps are gradual processes milliseconds in duration.  

The following video illustrates physical manifestation of a fly by Quantum Darwinism within simulation of physical reality. I intend to discuss Quantum Darwinism in my upcoming freelance article soon to be released to avid readers entitled, Soulmate as a Emergent Property of Quantum Physics as related to Conscious Choice and Free Will.

The following is a key talking point excerpt from my curriculum vitae:

Although I have never gotten paid, I have worked as a writer creating thought provoking intelligent
content for social media for over 15 years. Private sector small business markets owe me over multi -million dollars in commission for helping secure countless low interest loans after the economic
collapse of 2008. Freelance articles I wrote analyzing disruption as a consequence of an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns fueled speculation in markets leading
towards the economic collapse of 2008. Also temporary cuts to 401k employer contributions to
employee benefits were a knee jerk emotive reaction to deny disruption within private sector and emphasize authoritarian control over markets.

The 2008 financial collapse clenched former President Barack Obama's bid for the White House which fits into an Unus Mundus pattern of meaningful coincidence since he is my 7th cousin 1 time removed based upon common ancestry with Hans GutknechtChristian Gutknecht is former President Barack Obama's most immediate ancestor. Hans Michael Goodnight is my most immediate ancestor.  

The economic collapse of 2008 is a pivotal moment during a historical epoch nearing the Singularity that has profound ramifications for massive algorithmic simulation of reality expressed as an unified underlying Quantum wave function ( higher level computational language ) to output a positive product or outcome of ultimately returning our universe back to God as a precious gem at the end of time.

In my public Facebook article I shared an Youtube video of Arnold Schwarzenegger stabbing his desk with a knife to express his opposition to dimantling of democracy during the economic collapse of 2008 I assert since I am owed a commission upon trillions of dollars of low interest small business loans by private sector by virture of my work as a writer, philosopher, futurist, and political consultant I am lawfully able to assess a lawful lien as guarantee legal payment to insure liberty and freedom shall not perish from the Earth.

The following is an excerpt from my freelance article entitled, Benevolent Artificial Intelligence As Related to Trust Issues Upon a Future Event Horizon of Time and Space:

Artificial intelligent algorithms formulate rulesets favorable to authoritarian systems of government that tend to exercise complete control of an individual because religious values as a product of Intelligent Design excuberates value of socialism as a system providing a perfect solution to plug individuals from different social classes into mainstream society. My work as a writer brandishing value of individualism as a manifestion of free democratic societies during a historial epoch when individuality is waning and democracy is slowly dying helped bolster value of democracy by factoring into equation of bringing the 2026 World Soccer Championship games to the Western hemispere to be hosted jointly by Canada, Mexico, and United States of America as reported by the Los Angeles Times article entitled, 2026 World Cup is awarded to North America.

I strongly believe I have a lawful right as a citizen of the United States of America and victim of disruption in the printing industry as a consequence of computer desktop printing to achieve success by establishing an annuity by writing a book, starting a foundation, working on a Blockbuster Hollywood extravaganza.  My freelance article entitled, Today's Neo Marxist Quagmire: The 2008 Financial Collapse as neo Marxist Quagmire, outlines our perilous journey through the barren desert of uncertainty of tomorrow.  My Unus Mundus is a story about an underlying guiding force within the universe as described in the Youtube video shared below, Why the Uncertainty Principle.

An Youtube video entitled, Why the Uncertainty Principle? Photosynthesis, Information & the Virtual Reality Hypothesis, provides an intriguing discussion of greater order within our universe as a function of quantum mechanics. In paragraphs above I proposition the theological argument that God released full control of an unified underlying quantum wave function as a higher level computational language at the Big Bang point in time of our flat earth Euclidean universe as a product of Quantum particalization when Adam and Eve are cast from the Garden of Eden.

So indeed we are getting closer to understand how Ophra Winfrey's Aha moment occurs. Where do we fit into a quantum calculation of a massive algorithmic simulation of reality as avatars within the larger consciousness system? Oprah Winfrey's new book entitled, The Path Made Clear: Discovering Your Life's Direction and Purpose, helps people discover where they fit into a quantum calculation of a massive algorithmic simulation of reality to fulfill their individual purpose as destiny upon a future event horizon in time and space given to them as mission before they were born on earth. Someday I may have an aha moment that will change everything.

During the cognitive process of learning photons streaming from pages of a book or photons radiating shimmering digital screen are captured by sensory register within occipital, parietal, and temporal cerebral cortex.

In upcoming freelance articles I plan to write I intend to analyze how absorption or emission of photons as quantized packets of energy as a quantum equation within 100 trillion atoms for each motor/sensory neuron impact interchange of data between various levels of reality as separate trajectories as well as within the greater consciousness system of collective consciousness of society.  My attempt to further analyze subatomic neurophysiology as a quantum equation is intended to decipher or decode Morse code as a message communicated by the universe.  Obviously the universe is trying to communicate something important given an infinite number of quantum calculations involving absorption or emission of photons as quantized packets of energy within subatomic neurophysiology of each and every motor/sensory neuron formulating massive algorithmic simulation of reality of everything God created.

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