Sunday, May 13, 2018

The Sparrow: Revival of Manifest Destiny to Save Democracy

by Mark W. Gaffney

An Unus mundus is God's intervention on Earth. Albert Einstein, Carl Jung, and Wolfgang Pauli discussed " meaningful coincidence" that defy probability based upon synchronicity as a product of quantum fabric within our universe God created (1).

Dr. Wayne Dyer discuss moving into the meaningfulness phase of life by returning to the source.

God has given me a mission to fulfill written within a story that occurred before I was born. God's mission He has given me to accomplish is discussed in my freelance article entitled Zenith of Human Consciousness (2):

My upcoming on demand book explores how the internet as a major purveyor of semantics contributes or deducts from metaphysics of Christianity. Joel Osteens message inspires me to move forward toward accomplishing the mission God has given me.

In my freelance article entitled, Saving Democracy: Bad News about Soybeans (3), I shared my strong belief the universe is trying to communicate with me through signs. In my article I shared how a sparrow plucking garbage on the street and flying away with strand of tissue litter is sign from the universe reflecting a manifestation of consciousness directly related to my work as writer to explain how to move toward global world wide peace based upon quantum principals of human consciousness.

An article written by Sarah Prout entitled, 7 Signs the Universe is Trying to Tell You Something (4), discuss how to understand signs from the universe.
In an article published by entitled, Martha Beck: How to Tell When the Universe Is Sending You Signs (5), the author discuss encounters with meaningful coincidence ( described by Carl Jung and Wolfgang Pauli ) that defy statistical probability within her personal life journey. 

I wrote a poem entitled, The Sparrow, about a sign from the universe I described in my freelance article Saving Democracy: Bad News about Soybeans (3):

The Sparrow

Plucked from an abyss
A hopeless soul without bliss
Satan let out a loud hiss
Judas betrayed Jesus with a Kiss
A sparrow plucking garbage on the street
Shall I send out another tweet
An arrow of anger
Boiling erupting astute consciousness
Changing rearranging
A sparrow flittering away with trash
A writers mind in a wild dash
A rhythm and reason
Now is the season
Flittering self awareness
On the brink of consciousness
A sentient soul abide with God
A spherical arch of time
Finally released from confine
In just one word

According to the website the Psychic Continuum (6):
"According to Jung (1981), since causality is not absolute, but rather is statistical, causality only holds true for averages while leaving room for exceptions to occur on an individual basis. These exceptions allow for synchronistic events.
Consciousness can enter the psychic continuum where it can experience a synchronistic event, and then return to the physical space-time continuum where causality regains control. According to Jung (1973a), this explains most reported ESP experience"
An exploration of human consciousness to more fully understand how an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns is changing the social contract (7) orders an exception to the rule allowing for synchronistic events.

In my most recent freelance article entitled, Saving Democracy: Bad News about Soybeans (3), I made it perfectly clear that there is no sinister plot to topple democracy, but instead the move toward global world wide communism arises from natural forces operating within our universe:

Since global world wide communism is a naturally occuring product of Intelligent Design within the universe mankind must decide if democracy that accentuates manifestation of human consciousness within our universe is of significant value and act accordingly. Does not the throne of God strife for equality given Gods love for all of humanity? Equality may be a bargaining chip within poker game between God and Satan, but most certainly God has the winning hand. In the future it is very plausible a reverse engineered sentient self aware artificial intelligent mind will erroneously arrive at the conclusion that absolute truth can be formulated by algorithms to create a perfect utopian society.

Perfection of a perfect thinking machine will be a major error in artificial intelligent algorithms. Absolute truth is the Divine prerogative of God given quantum fabric of our universe God created is based upon the quantum principle a varible within a mathematical expression can be both true and false or right and wrong simultaneously.
Intelligent Design within the natural universe expressed by future cognitive AI systems as artificial intelligent algorithms imply global world wide communism. However, from a quantum perspective that a variable within a mathematical equation can be both true and false or right and wrong simultaneously no perfect government can exist on earth.

God has given me a mission to fulfill written within a story that occurred before I was born as outlined in my freelance article, My Unus mundus (8) . The story written before I was born includes hanging of two Irish and Scottish men in my family tree that slowed down violation of the Missouri compromise by Stephen Douglas Trans-Atlantic railroad. The story written before I was born includes disputes between 10th generation grandparents, Dr. Thomas Gerard and Captain William Claiborne that forged "the landmark Maryland Toleration Act of 1649", which declared religious tolerance for Catholics and Protestants in Maryland.

As I wrote in my freelance article entitled, Overwhelmed (9), It is not my story, it is an American story.

The Holy Bible says, " My power is made perfect in weakness " . God is using my weakness to manifest His Divine power. 

Logically, according to Intelligent Design within our universe God must use weakness to manifest His power on Earth because God's very countenance will completely subdue His Divine gift of free will. In my freelance articles Overwhelmed (9) and Churning or Dredging of Deep Powerful Emotionally Charged Creative Subconscious Urges by a Need to Share on Social Media may Aggravate Mental Health Disorders (10), I outlined my struggle with mental health issues and extreme introversion defining weakness shaping my personality and who I am today. In previous articles I have written I discussed famous actress Carrie Fisher as a role model who used her struggle with mental illness as a force for good.

In my freelance article entitled, Saving Democracy: Bad News about Soybeans (3), I discussed how China's decision to buy soybean from Brazil and Canada can help the cause of democracy in the Western hemisphere when certain conditions prevail.

.Annotated Bibliography

(1) Unus mundus, Wikipedia,

(2) Zenieth of Human Consciousness, Reflection on Linkedin, Mark W. Gaffney,

(3) Saving Democracy: Bad News about Soybeans, Reflection on Linkedin, Mark W. Gaffney,

(4) 7 Signs the Universe is Trying to Tell You Something,, Sarah Prout,

(5) Martha Beck: How to Tell When the Universe Is Sending You Signs,, Marth Beck,

(6) Psychic Continuum, WayBack Machine: Internet Archive,

(7) Social Contract, Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia

(8) My Unus mundus, Reflection: Introspective Times, Mark W. Gaffney,

(9) Overwhelmed, Reflection on Linkedin, Mark W. Gaffney,

(10) Churning or Dredging of Deep Powerful Emotionally Charged Creative Subconscious Urges by a Need to Share on Social Media may Aggravate Mental Health Disorders, Reflection: Introspective Times, Mark W. Gaffney,

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