Monday, April 16, 2018

A Method to My Madness

An Odyssy of Greater Faith During Information Age: A Method to My Madness to Understand Cognitive Process of Moving Toward Greater Faith

In the NBC live presentation of Jesus Christ Superstar John Legend sings, 

" Don't you mind about the future, don't you try to think ahead. Save tomorrow for tomorrow, think about today instead, If you knew the path we are riding . . ."

In recent writing projects I have selected intense topics. Writing about possibly of Armageddon as predicted in Revelations is a heart attack waiting to happen.

John 1:5 states, "The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it" (1). Matthew 5: 16 states, " In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." (2)

If a person tries to do God's will Satan and His demons will do everything they can to snuff the light out. Look what Satan and his demons did to Jesus.

On this Earth a person has got to be nothing or Satan and his demons will come after you. Satan and his demons don't like a person to use language. Every word on the internet is purchased with big money.

The Holy Bible predicts in Revelations darkness will overcome the light on Earth. God placed his Word in my heart that since He blessed us with free will human civilization by God's grace has the power to make better decisions.

Remember when I got so excited about iambic pentameter in my Tweet on Twitter , We have the power to prevail by God's grace (3).

My recent writing is work to prevent Armageddon by Increasing Enlightenment in East and West by Greater Understanding of Unus Mundus and TAO: Consciousness framed within Quantum fabric of Our Universe.

Unus Mundus is a Western equivalent of Eastern concept of Tao except that Unus mundus concentrates upon individualism which is both opposite of Tao but same simultaneously. From a quantum perspective simultaneity allows a variable in a mathematical expression to be both true and false simutaneously.  Tao is a concept that cannot be completely captured by words. 

A semantic interpretation of Unus mundus as both opposite of Tao but same simultaneously given Western concept of Unus mundus concentrates upon wholeness acheived through individualism is a revelation from universe directly related to discussion of surrender. Surrender is discussed in an article written by Leo Carver published by the Deepak Chopra Center entitled, How to Recognize Signs From the Universe (4).

Individualism of Unus mundus is an experience of wholeness of Tao. An effort to prove me wrong is a disruption of Tao although wholeness from greater realization of an Unus mundus is experiencing emptiness from acceptance that one can be both right and wrong simultaneously. 

A true experience of an Unus mundus and Tao is knowing God. It is true that defining Tao in words is contradictive of understanding Tao. A contradictive nature of understanding Tao by binary digits representing words has major implications for computer scientist moving forward with quantum cognitve AI to reverse engineer a sentient self aware artificial intelligent mind.

In my freelance article entitled, Understanding Psychodynamics of Progeny Destined to Inherit Physical Universe (5), I reference a Ted Talk by Nick Bostrom entitled, What Happens when Computers get Smarter then We Are?. In the Ted Talk Nick Bostrom suggest reverse engineering a sentient self aware artificial intelligent mind in such a way quantum Cognitive AI will share universal values of human civilization.

In my freelance article entitled, Gestalt Make Up of the Ultimate Thinking Machine Will Transcend Computer Program Code (6), I made the following observation:

Surprizingly, computations that formulate consciousness are expressed in elegant simplistic terms. Although the postulation consciousness arises out of specific computations may be right, the belief that an understanding of computational terms underlying conscious and unconsciouness will enable coding consciousness is a fallacious misunderstanding of gestalt nature of consciousness that may culminate in a catastrophe.

An international forum should be convened to discuss universal values shared by mankind in terms of moving forward in reverse engineering a sentient self aware artificial intelligent mind. In recent Tweets on Twitter I elaborated upon universal values related to preservation of free will in terms of development of quantum cognitive AI:

Making of #sentient #AI thinking machine with healthy #psychological functioning involves analyzing fluctuations to maintain #equilibrium between psychological processes of #quantum particalization and quantum wave function designed to preserve free will

Quantum fabric of #IntelligentDesign as a lattice or matrix of #consciousness is 'theory of everything'. Carl Jung, Albert Einstein, and Wolfgang Pauli defined Unus mundus as an orderly pattern of events defying randomness based upon #quantum #synchronicty

In my freelance article entitled, I Voted for Hillary Clinton, I discussed how modernization within modern China is infringing upon encrypted cultural homogeneity. Cultural homgeneity in mainland China is an encrypted code of conduct designed to minimize conflict in order to preserve peace. Modernization is a political force symptomic of human consciousness reducing cultural homogeneity within mainland China, but paradoxically increasing cultural homogeneity within the United States of America.

In an older freelance article I wrote entitled, Imagine That! (7), I discussed an increase of cultural homogeneity in the United States as a consequence of acceptance of a melting pot culture creating political pressures for everyone being exactly alike. The following is an excerpt from my older freelance article entitled, Imagine That!:

Individualism is an American concept is gradually vanquishing from the face of the earth. Individualism as an American value is gradually dissipating because (A) social pressures to embrace differences and (B) networking facilitated by internet telecommunications makes us all more alike.
Armageddon or complete extinction of the human race will be both ultimate denial by West of an Unus Mundus, outlined in foundational documents, and denial of Eastern concept of TAO. Armageddon will be the ultimate denial of God by mankind.

Jack Ma states " When trade stops, war begins" (8).

In Tweets on Twitter I have conveyed the message of peace and good will:

Semantics serving as memetic bridge modulating #psychological processes of quantum particalization and quantum wave function: Believing China and USA can get on same quantum wave during negotions of win-win scenarios for prosperous future of both countries

Romans 13 :1 clearly means all nation's have something special to offer including China and USA … #Communism effort to create utopian society where everyone shares everything in common adjust #capitalism mindset someone got to pay

In my freelance article entitled, I Voted for Hillary Clinton (9) , I made the following observations:

Observation incites a psychological process of quantum particalization of human consciousness similar to when photons mysteriously consolidate from waves into particles when a scientist outside the box make an observation. Since human beings constantly simulate matrix reality of our universe based upon observation an intelligent open discussion of key issues may be like a controlled burn preventing World War III.

Nobody on Earth knows what the future is going to bring. What we do know based upon human history is If God Ordain the Sun to Rise Tomorow human beings will continue to build, create, grow, and learn. We will not be the same tomorrow as today. In past articles I have written I have made it clear that Romans 13 :1 , "Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God." , clearly means all nation's have something special to offer the world including China and the United States.

Romans 13:1 alludes to a psychological process of a quantum wave function of reality. A Psychological process of a quantum wave function of reality is akin to the Oriental concept of Tao. I believe with God's help internationally China and the United States of America can get on the same quantum wave during negotions of win - win scenarios so that both China and the United States will both have a bright prosperous future.

The Holy Bible and TAO are framworks for understanding. A psychological concept defined as a quantum wave function of reality is a memetic bridge between between the Holy Bible and Oriental concept of TAO as frameworks for understanding. In my freelance article entitled, Unus mundus: Human Consciousness framed within Quantum Fabric of our Universe , I made observations pertaining to linguistic semantics serving as a memetic bridge modulating psychological processes of quantum particalization and quantum wave function of reality.

Oftentimes people share truisms on social media that inspire me to write an article sharing value added insights. Someone recently shared a quote by Lao Tzu, "If you re depressed you are living in the past. If you are anxious you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present." The quote from Lao Tzu is directly related to John Legend singing the lyrics, " Don't you mind about the future, don't you try to think ahead. Save tomorrow for tomorrow, think about today instead" in the NBC live presentation of Jesus Christ SuperStar.

Truisms are designed to make people think to solve problems. A truism that incites a individual to think is a powerful effective teaching tool.

If it is true that thinking about the future can lead to anxiety then a large percentage of the population may be anxious because everyone is trying to learn new skills to prepare for the future. People who pursue degrees in higher education are planning for the future.

Extrapolation is rational critical thinking about future events to avoid problems. Extrapolation is practical planning that can help individuals prepare for the future. Professionals in human resources often ask recruits, " Where do you want to be in 5 years?"

My question is what kind of planning for the future can minimize anxiety? In attempting to answer this question my initial thought is taking ACTION today in the present to work toward goals minimize anxiety arising from planning for the future.

An individual planning for the future should have a concrete solid plan outlining actions he or she can perform today to prepare for tomorrow. People who daydream and fantasize about the future without taking action today to prepare for the future likely will experience high levels of anxiety.

Today, the future is more uncertain then ever in history given an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns changing labor markets. Human resources and guidance counselors especially need to be proactive in helping individuals develop a concrete solid action oriented plan to enable individuals accomplish small goals today to prepare for uncertain future tomorrow. Human resource and guidance counselor professionals need to exercise leadership by keeping updated in changing labor markets to help job seekers and students take action today to prepare for tomorrow.

As a writer disrupted by computer desktop printing technology learning how to be a better writer by practicing craft of writing today is action in the here and now to reduce anxiety about the future. Communication is a valuable skill necessary to succeed in a variety of. occupations. Since I worked hard to earn a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology with a concentration of coursework in computer and biological sciences I have an inquisitive mind. I love learning.

Depression is a consequence of not reconciling the past with the present. An individual should ask him or herself what have I learned from past mistakes to help me take constructive action today to accomplish goals? Twelve step programs help individuals reconcile the past with the present by encouraging people with similar problems to help each other.

In an abnormal psychology class I aced an instructor asserted that to overcome intense guilt and shame one has to want that which he or she feels guilty about instead of constantly lamenting the past. Perhaps wanting that which one feels guilty about is a process of accepting what cannot be changed as described in the Serenity Prayer, "God help me to accept the things that cannot be changed".

Society tends to highlight past failures of an individual in order that they will continue to feel a deep crippling sense of guilt and shame for past failures. An individual who feels intense deep crippling guilt is trapped into merely being end user consumers instead of living up to their God given potential as co-creators working toward becoming self-actualized according to Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Although risque content can have social value, excessive proliferation of grotesque pornography is a social strategy to incur crippling guilt in order to keep individuals enslaved as end user consumers.

Whatever happened in the past is apart of an individuals personal Unus mundus that can help one take action today to prepare for a better future tomorrow. My narrative submitted as a story for an upcoming Chicken Soup for the Soul book entitled, The Golden Years: Life after 60, is an example of how one can learn from past events to take constructive ACTION today to prepare for tomorrow.

I believe by God's grace there is "a method to my madness" as a writer.

As a writer I am obsessed with introspectively understanding the "method of my madness which I believe is leading toward greater faith in Jesus. Obviously, I am not Jesus, and I don't pretend to be Jesus. A huge number of versions of Christianity among various denominations exist.

Some Christian denominations are built around the principle of "talking in tongues". Romans 8:26 states, " Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words" (10). It should be noted that in full expression of totality a Western Unus mundus and Eastern Tao are too deep for words.

I wrote an article a number of years ago about why it is difficult for me to pray. If I have a difficult time praying, it is only logical to conclude other people may have a difficult time praying also. One reason I have a difficult time praying is given limited time constraints knowing that an omnipotent God knows in advance what I will pray seems to be contradictive of taking time to pray. As Romans 8:26 states, 'I do not know what to pray'. Generally, I pray that everyone on earth will have peace, happiness, and know God's Divine love and mercy, so that is the sum of it all, done, finished, and I can go about my business.

Some Christian denominations are built aroud the principle of "talking in tongues". I think it may be possible to build an entire new Christian denomination around semantics of spiritual manifestation of Jesus. God created every human being as unique individuals.

In my freelance article entitled, Unus mundus: Human Consciousness framed within Quantum Fabric of our Universe (11), I made the following observation:

In terms of Christianity a spiritual variable examined from a separate trajectory, such as a scientific paradigm, can help the Word of God come alive given God created all matter within our physical universe where He choose to place us. Thus, as a writer I am contemplating writing a book with a Christian theme examining these issues. The gospel when examined from all angles enables a manifestation of the Word of God within our physical universe.

During a time of fake news, I believe God has inundated my mind with value added thoughts He wants to share beginning with basic truths or axioms within articles people share on social media. Eventually I hope to transcribe my Facebook article about spiritual manifestation of Jesus in my life examined from a second trajectory of Carl Jungs semantic interpretation of the Incarnation (12):

"The Incarnation (or being transparent not opaque to the transcendence) :When you unite the opposites, the inner and outer worlds, (that is you have moved towards wholeness), you do not become God or the divine, but through this, God becomes human. The Self becomes apparent in you and through you, as the newborn child."

The quantum perspective provides new revelations about all of Carl Jung's (13) postulates explaining dynamic conscious and unconsious forces that shape human personality.

An intriguing introspective case study is a manifestation of Jesus through exploration of the unconscious self within our universe where existentialism is final result of a quantum wave function by parity bit negation. An attempt to preserve a balance of opposites by unconscious dynamics of the ego as described by Carl Jung may have everything to do with existential parity bit negation of quantum wave function of reality. An exploration of human consciousness within dyanamics of fabric of quantum mechanics upon which God created the universe ultimately involves a relationship with the Maker of everything.

An attempt to overcome thermodynamic law of entropy within the physical universe is highly related to formulation of unconscious Jungian archetypes within an ego of opposites manifesting various degrees of power and control.

Why didn't an all powerful, omnipotent, God make us perfect to begin with and then there would be no suffering nor pain? And that question is no less heretical then doubting my story has absolutely no value in demonstrating historical events defy statistical probability.

Job cried out," I know my Redeemer Liveth"

Is it presumptuous to believe that God desires to reveal Intelligent Design or an Unus mundus operating within the universe through power of Storytelling during an era of accelerating scientific technological returns when mankind is acquiring a greater power and control over physical universe?

An act of slamming the door upon history is denial that an Unus mundus larger then the sinfulness of humanity operates within the universe. God has a plan He will fulfill despite any and all human efforts to obstruct God's plan.

Popular songs that echo this sentiment are, "He has got the whole world in His hands", and Que Sera, Sera (Whatever Will Be, Will Be) by Doris Day. I hear a chorus of voices sing in the stratosphere, 'We are all going to die, we are all going to die'.

Scripture states we are created in God,s Image. As a Christian what does it mean to have a dynamic relationship with Jesus?

Society expects and demands a person who proclaims Jesus to behave in a certain way, to do such and such, to live according to expectations.

In the process of attempting to preserve a balance of opposites while moving towards individualion or growth, as defined by Carl Jung, oftentimes trashing or devaluing the self is the final product amidst Holiness.

John the Baptist exclaimed, ' I am not worthy to untie His sandals '. In attempting to discover something new one arrives at the old forgiveness narrative. Ecclesiastes states ' there is nothing new under the sun.

The process of beginning again, renewal, starting over is derived from an unconscious Jungian archetype as old as when caveman looked up at the stars. Stars proclaimed God's glory to caveman savagely engaged in process of surviving.

An ancient Jungian archetype associated with beginning again, renewal, and starting over became manifest in physical reality when the Word became flesh as Christ our Savior. Stimuli of cold perceived by shepherds tending their sheep reflects an antiseptic soulless existential universe devoid of meaningfullness patiently awaiting much anticipated birth of a Savior bringing warmth of love and peace associated with a new beginning, renewal, and starting over again.

Jesus arrived on Earth to bless us with Holiness. Jesus performed the work that needed to be done, so that now we are holy enough despite sin. Yet, we still feel a need to be something more, to do something else, while the unconscious ego attempts to balance irreconcilable opposites.

Society always. expects and demands more. The balancing of opposites by the ego often results in deep turmoil generating self loathing and hatred as a consequence of failures. Failure as a consequence of sin is a process of learning.

Often, the ego negotiates balancing irreconcilable opposites to the point of doing what is expected, demanded, and mandated by society thereby allowing an encounter with Jesus only within a limited spectrum. And who is to say that is not enough, as God has a purpose for everyone, "Plans for good and not for calamity".

The Biblical verse Micah 6:8 answers the question, What is required? "He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God"

The Declaration of Independence states an axiom that "all men are created equal". All men are created equal given Absolute truth is a Divine perogative of God. Absolute truth as a Divine perogative of God is understood from the quantum perspective that a variable in a mathematical expression can be both true and false simultaneously.

My article, A Method to My Madness, is leading toward my upcoming freelance article where I delineate power of words by application of quantum principle to Godel's Theorem to derive insight about cognition. I wanted to write this article to point out that as a writer who purveys words it is not my fault, I Voted for Hillary Clinton (9) so therefore there is a Method to My Madness.

The following is an excerpt from my upcoming freelance article:

Human civilization is on a precipitous of a historical epoch. The entire world is balanced on a scale and a grain of sand can tip the scale in direction of either good or evil.

John Legend provided an exceptional performance in NBC live presentation of Jesus Christ Superstar. I have watched theatrical presentation of Jesus Christ Superstar a dozen times since Easter.

Annotated Bibliography

(1) John 1:5, New International Version,

(2) Matthew 5: 16, New International Version,

(3) We have the Power to Prevail Tweet, @Gatsby767, Mark W. Gaffney,

(4) How to Recognize Signs From the Universe, Leo Carver, The Chopra Center
(5) Understanding Psychodynamics of Progeny Destined to Inherit Physical Universe, Reflection: Introspective Times, Mark W. Gaffney,

(6) Gestalt Make Up of the Ultimate Thinking Machine Will Transcend Computer Program Code , Reflection: Introspective Times, Mark W. Gaffney,

(7) Imagine That!, Reflective Moments, Mark W. Gaffney,

(8) Jack Ma: 'When Trade Stops, Peace Stops', Fortune Video, December 6, 2017,

(9) I Voted of Hillary Clinton, Reflection on Linkedin, Mark W. Gaffney,

(10) Romans 8:26, English Standard Version,

(11) Unus mundus: Human Consciousness framed within Quantum Fabric of our Universe, Reflection on Linkedin, Mark W. Gaffney,

(13) The Jungian Model of the Psyche, Journal Psyche

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