Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Catfishing by SuperIntelligent AI: Adding Integrity and Honesty to Internet Communications in Order to Make Internet a More Real Valuable Asset for Greater Good

by Mark W. Gaffney

The following article entitled, Catfishing by Superintelligent AI,  is written to provide value added thoughts about the Linkedin story,  We're getting closer to "Her," most people are lazy at work, and more trending stories. My new freelance article is written in order to decrease fake news in the future for President Donald Trump. President Trump gets bent out of shape so often about fake news. As a writer and political consultant I feel sorry for the man. 

Market insight provided by the LinkedIn article entitled, We're getting closer to "Her",  most people are lazy at work, and more trending stories, are given a new value added dimension by the IBM article entitled, The Code of Ethics for AI and Chatbots that Every Brand Should Follow.

During this era when machine Intelligence is creating revolutionary change in business markets most human beings do not want to be catfish by an AI imposter pretending to be someone else.  Catfishing is already becoming a major problem within interpersonal communications among human beings in the online community.

During an era of an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns as a society we need to add integrity and honesty to internet communication in order to make the internet a more real valued asset for the greater good.

How to add integrity and honesty to internet communication is problematic in a free democratic capitialist society. As competitors with an urgent need to produce sales results there is very little motivation to engage in direct time consuming human to human interactions online.

Our revulsion about wasting time engaged in direct human to human interactions that do not help us make money is a form of laziness that may provide a pathway for future SuperIntelligent AI to gradually do all " thinking" for human beings.
In my freelance article entitled, A Text Book Case Study for E-commerce Content Creation, I provide a discussion about communication strategies using social media facilitating freedom of assembly in cyberspace as related to establishing new markets for products and services.

In my Linkedin Freelance article entitled, A Text Book Case Study for E-commerce Content Creation, I discuss how AI machine Intelligence may eventually become the ultimate public relations tool that allows addressing concerns of various population subgroups. As a public relations tool that facilitates human to human interactions there is a risk future SuperIntelligent AI will gradually usurp all human thinking as a time saving resource. 

Our interactions with each other may be filtered through AI which is doing all the "hard thinking" during business transactions. In trying to arrive at a win - win scenario during diplomacy of negotiating high stakes business transactions can AI be completely unbiased? 

In my commercial Facebook Reflection article entitled, Reminiscing about 2016 Presidential Election as Related to National Debt: Where Are We Now?, I made the following observations:

Experts in international finance should know how to protect integrity of institutions they represent. The United States could not secure any loans if the lender did not think a profit could be made.

A loan is made to advance the cause of the lender. Likewise, a loan is secured by the borrower to advance cause of borrower.

An expert in international business would not borrow unless motivated by an influx of capital that can potentially add greater value thus generating revenue. Of course, in political circles there is always accusations of misappropriation and waste which often is not totally accurate.

Experts in international business should have access to supercomputers augmented by artificial Intelligence so that feasibility studies can be conducted to determine profitability formulas applied to contractual obligations.

I would like to write a more detailed article about these issues, but nobody can work for free.  
In reflecting upon an article entitled, Will robots automate our journalism jobs? In many ways, they already have, as published by Poynter: A Global Leader in Journalism I discussed obstacles and hardships encountered in process of becoming a writer or following path of a special calling as a writer:

In my most recent commercial Facebook page Reflection post I provide a value added critique of Deepak Chopra's video presentation about linguistics shaping reality. It may be a beautiful article if I could get my ideas reformatted into a more professional appearing blog post.

It takes a lot of time and work to do all of this. My most recent post on my commercial Facebook page Reflection provides excellent syntax to express beautiful ideas about linguistics shaping reality.

As a writer, my most recent post on my commercial Facebook page Reflection are poorly presented. It would be nice to have access to better AI augmented editorial tools that can function to reformat my post into professional journalist pieces published on my blogs. Professional journalist currently have human editors.

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