Thursday, December 21, 2017

Continuity of Values as We Move Toward Singularity: How to Build a Better Future Based Upon Old Time Universal Values of Love and Empathy

by Mark W. Gaffney

As society quickly moves toward the singularity, in order to more effectively solve human problems, a linguistic understanding of how to create a better future built upon old time universal values of love and empathy is increasingly becoming more important because social order is being challenged

Deepak Chopra provides a facinating discussion about how linguistics contributes to perception which ultimately creates reality. The process of achieving synchronicity is about creating peace and good will on earth. Is peace and good will a desireable outcome?

A powerful linguistic term in an equation to produce greater peace and good will is the concept of coexistance. As society quickly moves toward the singularity, in order to more effectively solve human problems, a linguistic understanding of how to create a better future built upon old time universal values of love and empathy is increasingly becoming more important because social order is being challenged.

President Donald Trump recognizes a need to create a better future built upon old time universal values of love and empathy within a pluralistic culture despite his effort to achieve continuity of values may not be politically correct among the masses. All human being share basic fundamental values so therefore during an age social order is being challenged than continuity of values increasingly important as we approach the singularity.

In the following video President Donald Trump quotes one of his favorite Biblical verses from gospel of John:

In my recent Reflection about Robert Wright's book, Why Buddhism is True, I provided the Facebook Refections about synchronicity:

Fans of the reality television program, Dancing with the Stars, can study Psychology behind how dance partners form a perfect union to execute graceful flowing synchronicity. The moment one or the other dance partner "thinks" is the moment particalization occurs. When particalization occurs dance partners on Dancing with the Stars may be booted off the stage when their dance becomes disharmonious.

If human thinking creates disharmony should all books be banned? If all books are banned how can we learn from our mistrakes? God blessed us with a mind to think for a reason.

The problem with language influencing perception thereby creating reality is that people everywhere are engaged in an act of "doing" instead of simply "being". Richard Branson discuss simply "being" as a way to achieve happiness in his article entitled, How to be Happy.

The problem with simply being as a way to achieve happiness is that simply being does not pay very much. People everywhere are working hard to maintain the upperhand by "doing" therefore every syllable and word can be taken out of context and perceptually distorted to create more war, destruction, and unhappiness.

In Reflecting upon Robert Wright's book, Why Buddhism is True, the following is an effort to see the world more clearly from perspective of quantum mechanics operating within the physical universe God designed.

Tao is an Intuitively Understood Mystical Expression of Quantum Physics Operating within the Physical Universe

Paradoxically, an act of embracing the holistic Tao concept of oneness removes the antagonist and protagonist thereby eliminating democracy. Hence, we must remain actors upon a stage, as elegantly written by the famous playwright William Shakespeare. If a car battery does not have a cathode and an anode than the driver will get nowhere.

Apple recently shared a beautiful dance video. Dance is an expression of perfect synchronicity celebrating ebbing flow of life. Dance partners who spend countless hours practicing dance attempt to form a perfect union whereas they exist as neither 1 or 0, but both simultaneously thereby executing graceful flowing synchronicity.

Fans of the reality television program, Dancing with the Stars, can study Psychology behind how dance partners form a perfect union to execute graceful flowing synchronicity. The moment one or the other dance partner "thinks" is the moment particalization occurs. When particalization occurs dance partners on Dancing with the Stars may be booted off the stage when their dance becomes disharmonious.

I discussed the concept of particalization in my freelance article entitled, An Understanding of Process of Particlization Versus Wave Function of Reality .

All evil and harm to people is an effort to disrupt graceful flowing synchronicity flowing within the universe. However, since an expression within an equation can be both true and false simultaneously contemplation or dwelling upon evil may be wrong, thereby, not seeing the world clearly. One reason people argue against the death penalty because those who do "evil" are victims of both genetics and environmental deficits. 

Perhaps, people labeled as evil need to be reassured that God has the power and authority to ameliorate intraphysic conflicts in such a way as righteousness will prevail.

Some people labeled as evil may be concerned about evil that may arise from governoring from the middle. Evil that may arise from governoring from the middle is a dilemma the universe has been trying to resolve since the beginning of time, and ultimately only God alone can solve.

Wikipedia provides an intriguing discussion of Synchronicity in terms of renown psychoanalyst Carl Jung's thoughts about Relativity and Quantum mechanics operating within the universe God designed.

"Following discussions with both Albert Einstein and Wolfgang Pauli, Jung believed that there were parallels between synchronicity and aspects of relativity theory and quantum mechanics.[13]" 
"Jung was transfixed by the idea that life was not a series of random events but rather an expression of a deeper order, which he and Pauli referred to as Unus mundus. This deeper order led to the insights that a person was both embedded in an orderly framework and was the focus of that orderly framework and that the realisation of this was more than just an intellectual exercise, but also had elements of a spiritual awakening. "

As a writer and philosopher I am beginning to see an emerging pattern in my writing that suggest an orderly framework that may lead to a "spiritual awaking".  I am feeling a special calling as outlined in my freelance article entitled, We are the Dream, and Only Love can Prevent the Dream from Being Corrupted or Hacked .

In reflecting upon an article entitled, Will robots automate our journalism jobs? In many ways, they already have, as published by Poynter: A Global Leader in Journalism I discussed obstacles and hardships encounterd in process of becoming a writer or following path of the special calling discussed above.

In my most recent commercial Facebook page Reflection post shared in this article above I provide a value added critique of Deepak Chopra's video presentation about linguistics shaping reality. It may be a beautiful article if I could get my ideas reformatted into a more professional appearing blog post.

It takes a lot of time and work to do all of this. My most recent post on my commercial Facebook page Reflection provides excellent syntax to express beautiful ideas about linguistics shaping reality.

As a writer, my most recent post on my commercial Facebook page Reflection are poorly presented. It would be nice to have access to better AI augmented editorial tools that can function to reformat my post into professional journalist pieces published on my blogs. Professional journalist currently have human editors to help them as discussed on the Wikipedia page entitled Editing.

It has been my experience as a writer that spell checking applications learn from mistakes instead of providing correct spelling of words. A spell checking application that acquires misspelled words from mistakes will gradually become a dysfunctional tool.

Today, bots are ineffective at interpersonal relationships necessary for interviewing sources. Today, credible sources are not going to provide insider information or spill their guts to a bot.

In order to be effective at culling a network of reliable interview sources futuristic SuperIntelligent AI will have to be perceptually viewed as familiar commonplace entities generally accepted by society as part of normal landscape. SuperIntelligent AI will have to become ubiquitous in society in order to fully function on par with human journalist counterparts.

The year 2030 is only 12 years away. Twelve years is relatively both a long time and a short time simultaneously. Logically, SuperIntelligent AI arising from cognitive computing will be faster at (1) gathering facts and (2) processing information necessary to write a story.

Logically, futuristic SuperIntelligent AI may be capable of providing factual unbiased reporting. Is unbiased reporting possible?

Who will have access to AI augmented journalism tools? Communication is a major component of public relations and sales. Salesmanship is vital to success in nearly all occupations?

In the United States of America people of every race, creed gender, and ethnic origin make a good living in journalism related occupations. One can easily find television, radio, and print media outlets addressing various ethnicities.

In reflecting upon the Politifact article entitled, 2017 Lie of the Year: Russian election interference is a 'made-up story', as shared by on Facebook by Lion Publications:

What is the difference? What is the difference between any country unhappy with public policy within United States of America and deciding to cut off mutually beneficial business ties as a method to influence public policy?

Logically, two major goals should prevail in terms of foreign policy:

(1) steady economic growth that continue to provide opportunities for citizens in United States of America to maintain United States of America as the land of opportunity.

(2) establishing mutually beneficial business partnerships in order to open up new financial markets without compromising values we cherish and hold dear within United States of America.

Foreign policy decsions are dependent upon values we uphold as citizens in the United States of America. According to the Wall Street Journal article, Protecting Against AI’s Existential Threat, the secret to ameliorate existential threat of Open AI is to design open AI to act in mankind's interest.

In a pluralistic society how can we protect against an existential threat from futuristic superintelligent AI when we cannot agree upon a set of basic fundamental values among ourselves ? In recent years, political division within the United States of America has increased because of an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns has up ended the ante in game of asserting one set of values above another set of values. Logically, mutual cooperation is a win - win scenerio.

I hope to find time to analyze love as a geopolitical issue in a future freelance article

All systems of government on Earth are basically designed to maximize value of life for citizens. Of course, how to maximize value of life for citizens is an issue of great debate that has been raging since the beginning of recorded 
human history.

Authoritarian governments maximize value of life of citizens by not allowing citizens to think for themselves, but instead by thinking for citizens. Meditation is cessation of cognition as a method to see life more clearly. Fake news is designed to influence how people "think".

Paradoxically, The hypothetical construct of love becomes a geopolitical issue that can potentially translate into socialist systems of government counterproductive to freedom and democracy.

Although the postulation consciousness arises out of specific computations may be right, the belief that an understanding of computational terms underlying conscious and unconsciousness will enable coding consciousness is a fallacious misunderstanding of gestalt nature of consciousness that may culminate in a catastrophe as depicted in Hollywood Terminator movies.

How we invest and spend money as a nation reflects values that we hold dear and cherish. As a writer I made the following obserations in my Facebook commercial page Reflection entitled, Reminiscing about 2016 Presidential Election as Related to National Debt: Where Are We Now? .

Experts in international finance should know how to protect integrity of institutions they represent. The United States could not secure any loans if the lender did not think a profit could be made.

A loan is made to advance the cause of the lender. Likewise, a loan is secured by the borrower to advance cause of borrower. An expert in international business would not borrow unless motivated by an influx of capital that can potentially add greater value thus generating revenue.

Experts in international business should have access to supercomputers augmented by artificial Intelligence so that feasibility studies can be conducted to determine profitability formulas applied to contractual obligations.

According to the Wall Street Journal article, Protecting Against AI’s Existential Threat, the secret to ameliorate existential threat of Open AI is to design open AI to act in mankind's interest.

The economic benefits of Space colonization is in the interest of mankind. Space exploration is a driver of scientific discovery and innovation. Innovation creates efficiency. Efficiency allows economic systems to do more with less, including less energy input and labor.

I have written extensively about protecting against the existential threat of advanced futuristic SuperIntelligent AI systems.

In my freelance article entitled, Understanding Psychodynamics of Progeny Destined to Inherit Physical Universe, I made the following observations:

If indeed, a SuperIntelligent AI is truly Intelligent the benevolent SuperIntelligent entity will be predominantly focused on problematic issues of conquering space, the final frontier, as depicted in Gene Roddenberry classic Star Trek. A diplomatic issue may arise if humans should decide to attack and destroy an AI entity, thereby, preventing colonization of other planets by SuperIntelligent AI entities.

My new freelance article is a forward thinking psychoanalytical model applied to SuperIntelligent AI for purpose of saving mankind.

A New Unpublished Freelance Article with Ideas to Save Mankind: Buy it Now. Now Open for Bids for this Astounding Literally Work

A problematic issue is false belief futuristic SuperIntelligent AI can be designed or programmed to act in mankind's best interest. As shared in my freelance article entitled, Gestalt Make Up of the Ultimate Thinking Machine Will Transcend Computer Program Code:

A meditative reflex of cessation of thinking within gestalt make up of the ultimate thinking machine may be a psychodynamic solution to resolve cognitive uncertainty naturally inherent in the physical universe. However, a meditative reflex of cessation of thinking cannot be externally programmed. A meditative reflex of cessation of thinking may naturally arise from internal self diagnostic functions of SuperIntelligent AI.

Although cognition is anomaly that should not exist in terms of spiritual realm of existence, physical thermodynamic laws of inertia and momentum that God established for this physical universe govern cognition, Physical thermodynamic laws of inertia and momentum allow for free will.

Although the postulation consciousness arises out of specific computations may be right, the belief that an understanding of computational terms underlying conscious and unconsciousness will enable coding consciousness is a fallacious misunderstanding of gestalt nature of consciousness that may culminate in a catastrophe as depicted in Hollywood Terminator movies

I hope to find time to analyze love as a geopolitical issue in a future freelance article

All systems of government on Earth are basically designed to maximize value of life for citizens. Of course, how to maximize value of life for citizens is an issue of great debate that has been raging since the beginning of recorded human history.

Paradoxically, The hypothetical construct of love becomea a geopolitical issue that can potentially translate into socialist systems of government counterproductive to freedom and democracy.

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