Monday, December 4, 2017

If God Ordain the Sun to Rise Tomorrow: Can the journey of one person make a difference?

Renown motivational speaker, Zig Ziglar shared,
 "Sometimes you find yourself in the middle of nowhere, and sometimes in the middle of nowhere, you find yourself".

During an age of disruption as a consequence of an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns are we as collective society in the middle of nowhere? How will decisions made today define us as a collective society for future generations? As a collective society are we in a state of denial about overall consequences of scientific and technological progress?

Although, I don't agree with all the deductive conclusions in the article, Technological Progress and Denial, the article by Max Calabro is a very thoughtful Intelligent summation, thus worth sharing.

What does it mean? Why are we here in the middle of nowhere? People everywhere are struggling, fighting a courageous brave battle.

The problem is scientific and technological progress is moving so fast that people who are struggling cannot keep up with fast pace of change.
Can the journey of one person make a difference? 

My freelance article entitled, Creative Storytelling in Educating Public about Healthcare Reform: Churning or Dredging of Deep Powerful Emotionally Charged Creative Subconscious Urges by a Need to Share on Social Media may Aggravate Mental Health Disordersis a story about a struggle of people to keep up with fast pace of change based upon personal narrative. 

My conclusion is,

Democracy works best when barriers, blockades, obstacles to personal growth are removed and conditions that facilitate personal growth for intellectually challenged people are promoted has significant implications to healthcare reform currently debated in U.S. Senate. 

Is it haughty and arrogant to assume that the journey of one person can make a difference? My recent tweets on Twitter is an analysis of pride in relation to humility.

#Pride in oneself bestows #humility allowing one to become of greater service to others. The concept of pride has a strange complex inverse relationship with humility that I intend to explore in future writing

Deepak Chopra wrote a book entitled, You are the Universe: Discovering Your Cosmic Self and Why it Matters. My story is a story about struggling. It is a story we all share because we all struggle from day to day, 
everyone everywhere.

In the future, as a writer and philosopher, I hope to be instrumental in helping you tell your story by becoming more involved with organizations like . Also, as a writer and philosopher I hope to help you tell your story by becoming more involved in organizations like Poytner, Democracy Fund, Lion Publications as discussed in My Giving Story.

It would be an easier path to deny these events are happening. In the classic movie, The Matrix, the Oracle told Neo, ' after you eat this cookie you will feel as right as rain, you will remember you don't believe in any of this mystical bullshit'.

Jonah told God, 'No, I am not going to Nineveh', and look what happened. If God allows the sun to rise tomorrow, we cannot deny events happening today. We must accept the challenge to learn and grow as individuals, and become all that God wants us to become.

Our being cast into the middle of nowhere as individuals and a collective society is a learning experience for everyone. Everyone everywhere must answer the call to learn and grow as individuals.

Individualism still matters despite efforts to move forward to become more socialist as a collective society. Deepak Chopra's book entitled, 
 You are the Universe: Discovering Your Cosmic Self and Why it Matters, is an affirmation of individualism during an age of socialist trends as a consequence of globalization. I wrote about individualism as related to becoming more socialist as a collective society in my freelance article entitled, Pursuit of Happiness: Redefining Meaningfulness of Foundational Documents According to Modern Times.

We have bit from the apple of the tree of life, and it is our collective fate, rather one chooses to accept it or not. And He still loves us.

What will the future bring? Will the future bring anarchy and chaos? In my article entitled, 
It Takes a lot of Faith to be a Generous Giving Person ,
I ask the poignant question,  how will people use their newfound freedoms? Perhaps they will use their newfound freedoms to kill each other.

The future is so promising. It is mind boggling to contemplate time saving convenience of self driving cars of the distant future driving to maintenance appointments on auto pilot.

If we chose to make life a litter easier for people to climb Abraham Maslow's heirarchiacal chart what will people do with their newfound freedom?  People may use their newfound freedom to kill each other.

In my freelance article entitled, Men of Letters: Our Beloved Country, the United 
States of America is a History of Rising Above Tumultuous Waves of Revolution because Our Founding Fathers were Men of Letters, I pointed out:

Our beloved country, the United States of America, is a history of rising above tumultuous waves of revolution because our founding fathers were men of letters.

Although, I do not agree with all assertions made by renown physicist , Jim Al-Khalili, especially pertaining to President Trump's stubbornness, in the Wired article entitled,  Jim Al-Khalili: 'We can no longer sit back and hope that the world will come to its senses',  I do agree 

"It is important for those voices of rationalism and reason to be heard and to be heard loudly . . . We can no longer sit back and hope that the world will come to its senses because that’s the sensible thing to do".

 Is it possible that Donald Trump, as President of the United States of America, sees the bigger picture? As pointed out in my freelance article entitled, Finding Fearless on a Long Road to Becoming a Writer: An Intelligent Driving Force in Consciousness and Conversation, wild speculations about science contributed to the financial collapse of 2008. As discussed in my freelance article:

Personally, it is troubling to me that any governing legislative body anywhere has the power and authority to make decisions overnight that has a major impact upon the lives of billions of people. If change does in fact need to be made, I would think it would be more logically sound and prudent to gradually introduce change in such a way as legislative decisions will not cause economic devastation. People work their entire lives serving others and depend upon their retirement investment savings to be there when they need it.

Although extrapolation is a vital element in planning for the future, extrapolation is a set of observations that can potentially result in particlization. Particlization confounds variables which may ultimately make one giant leap more difficult. The process of particlization can result in tunnel vision.
Check back soon for updates on this freelance article. I got things to do and being a conduit for the universe don't pay much. The Tony Robbins Facebook group Limitless Potential recently shared insights of the Dalai Lama. 

Which is why monetization of any human endevear is like pouring a bucket of water on burning embers of any passion, no matter how noble or worthwhile that passion may be.

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