Monday, August 14, 2017

Land of Opportunity for Mentally Challenged People

By Mark W. Gaffney

Although, information in this article referencing the 2016 Presidential election is outdated, this article is a text book case study of crisis management for public relations professionals. Since taking office in November 2016, President Donald Trump’s administration has required crisis management about numerous issues by public relations professionals. Many people suggest Donald Trump stop twittering.

As a case book case study of PR crisis management this article provides insights into efforts of mentally challenged people to stay involved and connected to their government and society. As a group, generally mentally challenged people are disenfranchised.

As a writer and political consultant I made the following assertion in my freelance article entitled, Creative Storytelling in Educating Public about Healthcare Reform:  Churning or Dredging of Deep Powerful Emotionally Charged Creative Subconscious Urges by a Need to Share on Social Media may Aggravate Mental Health Disorders :

People with mental health issues who have a deep subconscious urge to create, connect, and share oftentimes are extremely frustrated when society does not recognize their creative contributions. Hence, disenfranchisement is especially difficult for mentally challenged people.

My Freelance article entitled, Creative Storytelling in Educating Public about Healthcare Reform, can be found at the following URL address:

Renown motivational speaker, Bob Proctor shared the following thoughts, “ Be thankful for the limitless potential within you”.  A Reflection about Bob Proctor’s Facebook post includes the following insight, "They" find ways to crucify people who use their potential.

The following is a personal narrative that provides professional public relations crisis management for the Trump Administration during 2016 Presidential election:

During the Presidential campaign of 2016 President elect Donald Trump was bitterly scorned for mocking the disabled. In context of a more recent freelance article I wrote I described how allegations Donald Trump mocked people with disabilities is fake news based upon perceptual misinterpretation of Donald Trump's campaign antics.

My freelance article entitled, TAO is an Intuitively Understood Mystical Expression of Quantum Physics Operating within the Physical Universe, explains why allegations Donald Trump mocked people with disabilities is fake news based upon perceptual misinterpretation of Donald Trump's campaign antics. My article is found at the following URL address:

As a man who considers himself intellectually challenged I felt compelled to share my story.

Paradoxical, since I may be the only person in history who has flunked an IQ test administered by board certified psychologist. My low scores indicate I may be mildly retarded.

My highest scores were in vocabulary and linguistic reasoning. Psychology staff told me that elevated scores in vocabulary and linguistic reasoning are suggestive of a gifted aptitude. Higher scores in vocabulary and linguistic reasoning brought my aggregate score up to average range.

The general aptitude Intelligence test is elementary compared to the Graduate Record Examination, which is why I decided not to pursue an advanced degree despite earning my Bachelor of Science degree. I have never ever heard anyone speak or write words included on Graduate Record Examination.

Spell checking applications and quick Google access to definitions are incredible tools that supplement and augment my linguistic prowess. I am horrible at spelling. I just love to communicate.

When I was working toward earning my Bachelor of Science degree I earned an "A" diagramming sentence structure dissecting arguments in philosophy class. For better or worse, I don't know where words are derived that pop into my head.

Perhaps the culprit is too many peppermint patties. Some people belittle critical thinking by describing as "brain farts". If this is so than social media really stinks.

Does an opinion of anyone really matter? Perhaps we should all do as we told and not ask any questions.

Does the opinion of anyone really matter is one reason I argue for united bipartisan rally supportive of the Trump administration for healing of our beloved country amidst rancorous political discord. Our beloved country is in desperate need of strong leadership to "make America great again" .

Disruptive technologies are creating widespread havoc within markets mandating strong leadership under firm guiding hand of Trump administration. Where is home of the free and brave moving too? Soon artificial intelligence may outthink me.

Human thinking is a mystical unexplained phenomenon. I represent The People with Retardation Coalition.

If Donald Trump slipped me a million dollars and a limousine I would politely decline his generous gift, unless I did something to earn it.

Perhaps my publicly posted op-ed commentary about the American people voting for leadership and against rancorous political discord will help promote a 'steady as she goes' atmosphere thereby helping Donald Trump "make America great again" after he takes the helm in January 2017.

Donald Trump will be navigating turbulent waters and needs all the help he can get. Donald Trump should consider using some of my op-ed commentary in his speech during his inauguration ceremony.

My intelligent thought provoking commentary can potentially set the tone for the next four years, thereby, helping Donald Trump "make America great again". And what price tag can be set for this conscientious service?

It is fairly common knowledge that the American people are fed up with political discord, partisan rancor, and stalemate contributing to nothing ever getting done in Washington DC. I creativity verbalized sentiments of frustration within context of a construct explaining how and why Donald Trump got elected in 2016. In so doing I legitimized the Trump administration which is under enormous scrutiny.

During these difficult troubling turbulent times when disruptive technologies are creating massive socioeconomic havoc the American people are desirous of strong leadership, hence Donald Trump a business mogul billionaire, stepped up to take upon himself this role of providing strong leadership for the American people.

Photo courtesy of Silvia & Frank @ Pixabay

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