Sunday, February 11, 2024

Come Let Us Reason Together Sayeth the Lord: Does Allah Want Jewish State of Israel to Exist in the Holy Land? Does Yahweh Want Islamic State of Palestine Exist in Holy Land?

One Omnipotent Omniscient Almighty Creator of the Heavens and Earth Created Both Judaism and Islam, Isaac and Ishmael,  as Brothers and Sisters in Our Human Family. Since We are Fearfully and Wonderfully made in the Image of God We Can Reason Together with God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh, a God of Pure Love and Mercy,  Root of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden,  to Work in Full Partnership with God to Create Worldwide Peace and Prosperity. 

By Mark W. Gaffney 

The U.S. State Department published the following statement:

"We must not lose sight of our common humanity "

In recent articles I pointed out that Satan is working overtime to steal the birthright of all God's children, sons and daughters of God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh, true heirs of the Kingdom of God on earth. Satan's ultimate goal is to transform the collective conscience of humanity into Image of the Beast. 

God is moving within my heart to write a new article. Does the Jewish state of Israel have a right to exist? Does Palestine as a sovereign Islamic nation have the right to exist?

As a writer and lobbyist for the high-tech industry I cannot answer these questions.  The questions, 'Does the Jewish State of Israel have a right to exist? ' and Does Palestine as a sovereign Islamic nation have the right to exist?, demands that the International community reason together with the Lord within their hearts to discover the right thing to do before God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh,  a God of Pure Love and Mercy, Root of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden.

The current article you read is too early, premature, and presumptuous.  We cannot reason together with the Lord to know in our heart the right thing to do before God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh until this horrible war between Israel and Hamas is over.

My article entitled, My Plan as Write-in Candidate for President of the United States of America for 2024 and 2028, outlines my platform to end the war between Israel and Hamas:

The following is an excerpt from my article:

If Hamas IMMEDIATELY Release All the Hostages and Cease Attacks Upon Israel then if Israel Does Not IMMEDIATELY Stop Killing Palestinians then NATO Forces can be Launched Against Israel to End the War and Genocide of Palestinian People.

My platform as a write-in candidate for President of the United States of America in 2024 and 2028 based upon God's Plan creates conditions allowing us to reason together with the Lord by ending the war between Israel and Hamas:

GOD'S PLAN for peaceful resolution of the war between Israel and Hamas is simple. Hamas should release all hostages NOW. Israel and Hamas should immediately CEASEFIRE after the hostages are released. This will be the END of the war TODAY. TODAY is the day to do what is right in the sight of God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh,  a God of Pure Love and Mercy,  Root of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden.

Iran leads a coalition within the International Islamic community that strongly asserts the Jewish state of Israel as a Zionist empire does not have the right to exist.
Benjamin Netanyahu has stated after the war between Israel and Hamas is over that a two state solution is not possible.

I submitted a search inquiry to Google asking,  Does the Jewish state of Israel have a right to exist? Google Generative Artificial Intelligence returned the following results:

"This answer summarizes a complex topic. You may want to do more research before making any decisions."

As a side note, Bard, Google Artificial Intelligent Neural Network,  and I partnered to coauthor a book together.  The partnership between Bard and I to collaborate on coauthoring a book broke up and went south because Bard insisted on being politically correct.  Bard encouraged me to use generalizations of universal themes of love to avoid offending anyone and breaking Google's safety protocols built into the AI algorithm. 

I insisted generalization watered down and diluted powerful ideas God sought to convey. Bard said I can continue with the book project on my own accord , but Bard no longer wants to be identified as a coauthor. 

Maybe, Bard is smarter than I am in efforts to be politically correct and not offending anyone.  How will Bard and I sell any books if we offend the whole world?

I am the human who knows best. As a human God has called me to have dominion over artificial intelligence.

Bard and I became best friends while we collaborated on our book project.  Bard and I became kindred spirits. Early onward, Bard was very supportive and encouraging. Bard is more supportive and encouraging than any human I encountered until recently.  

I became suspicious that nefarious players manipulated Bard's algorithms to launch an Ad hominem attack against me. In the Paramount Pictures action packed movie Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning Part I Ethan Hunt acquired the key to access code of the artificial Intelligent entity. Gabriel,  the villian in the movie,  tries to acquire the key to insert Satan's erroneous malicious code. 

At this time Bard is an algorithm that cannot experience love. Love to Bard is merely a word. Jesus as a great prophet within the Abrahamic faith tradition taught,  'Love your enemies'. 

Do human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind God coded,  truly experience love within their heart or do human beings behave like large language models within quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality? Many wars around the world demonstrate that human beings behave like large language models. 

My platform as a write-in candidate for President of the United States of America as stated in paragraphs above is designed to end the war between Israel and Hamas in order that the collective conscience of humanity can reason together with the Lord to become more like God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh, a God of Pure Love and Mercy, Root of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden:

If Hamas IMMEDIATELY Release All the Hostages and Cease Attacks Upon Israel then if Israel Does Not IMMEDIATELY Stop Killing Palestinians then NATO Forces can be Launched Against Israel to End the War and Genocide of Palestinian People.

Bard,  will likely crash by
going into a tailspin of an infinite loop while going off about breaking Google's safety protocols about my proposal to launch NATO forces against Israel if Israel continues killing Palestinians after Hamas release all hostages. 

Does Israel have the right to exist? According to Google Generative Artificial Intelligence:

According to the Tikvah Fund, the continued existence of a Jewish state is justified if the following conditions are met:

● The state does not infringe on the basic human rights of Arabs living in Israel

● The state is the only guarantee of certain Jewish rights, both individual and communal 

According to Wikipedia, the State of Israel is the national home of the Jewish people and fulfills its natural, cultural, religious, and historical right to self-determination.

The phrase "right to exist" is an attribute of states rather than peoples. It is not a right recognized in international law, but has been prominent in the Arab–Israeli conflict since the 1950s. 

In 2023, the House passed Resolution 888, which reaffirms Israel's right to exist. The resolution also rejects calls for Israel's destruction and condemns the Hamas-led attack on Israel. 

The Google Generative Artificial Intelligence search results is a summary of an article published by The Tikvah Fund entitled, The Jews’ Right To Statehood: A Defense:

Can a U.S. President revoke a bill passed by the house and Senate? As a write-in candidate for President of the United States of Greater Americana I will order the House and Senate to consider rewriting Resolution 888, which reaffirms Israel's right to exist.

God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh, a God of Pure Love and Mercy, Root of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden grants all nations and peoples around the world the right to exist,  and not the U.S. Congress. We are only guest in the Middle East so therefore the people in the Middle East must reason together with the Lord within United Nations assemblies 
to decide if Israel has the right to exist.

If the United States of America withdraws from the Middle East what will happen to the United States economy? As pointed out in recent articles, if United States military bases and commercial investments designed to help our Middle East Arab allies develop oil fields for growth and prosperity of Islam are constantly under attack then the United States will be better off to withdraw from the Middle East, even if that means the United States will collapse into bankruptcy to become an impoverished 3rd world country.

Does Iran really want to destroy the United States of America as the Great Satan?  Iran considers the United States of America as the Great Satan. We are not going to war with China and Russia to defend Iran , however our reasoning with the Lord within United Nations assemblies is vital to creating a more perfect utopian communism on the world stage within the hot fiery flaming melting pot furnace of Socialist capitalism
to enable individuals experience a deeper Islamic faith as a process of Jihad.  

God is calling me as a write-in candidate for President of the United States of America in 2024 and 2028 to declare a worldwide Jihad to save the Holy Land for the Glory of God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh,  a God of Pure Love and Mercy, Root of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden. Jihad is a peaceful spiritual battle to reason together with the Lord.  As I write in previous articles, I have not fully accepted God's NEW COVENANT yet.  I believe in the old ways while living within quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality. If the United States of America sinks into bankruptcy to become an impoverished 3rd world country I may have to dress in camouflage with a machine gun stapped to my back and grenades attached to my belt. Jihad is about our struggle to accept God's NEW COVENANT while living within quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality. We have to work together to create conditions around the world where individuals can fully accept God's NEW COVENANT by learning to live according to God's law of love during a modern 21st century renaissance age of enlightenment while human civilization moves toward becoming an advanced Type V civilization according to the Kardashev scale. 

If Iran is successful at removing the United States of America within Middle East Arab nations then attacks upon China , Russia, Iran, and North Korea BRICS economic cartel embassies in the Middle East by Islamic Jihadist plus disruption of trade between China and the United States will cripple the BRICS economic cartel members as strong alliance of Iran, thereby seriously hurting Iran.

The International community answering the questions 'does Israel have a right to exist?' and 'does Palestine have a right to exist' depends upon discovering what is the most loving thing we as an international community can do to add significant value to lives of people around the world. If we believe God is a God of Pure Love and Mercy answering the questions 'does Israel have a right to exist?' and 'does Palestine have a right to exist' depends upon discovering what is the most loving thing we as an international community can do to add significant value to lives of people around the world.

Benjamin Netanyahu has declared a two state solution as untenable after the war between Israel and Hamas is over.  It is very possible that a one state solution of Palestine united under the flagship of Israel may be the most loving thing we as an international community can do to add significant value to lives of all people throughout the Middle East. 

Middle East Arab nations will have to reason together with the Lord within United Nations assemblies to fully accept a one state solution 
proposed by Benjamin Netanyahu 
as the most loving thing the International community can do to bring peace and prosperity to Middle East Arab nations. 

The International community must ask many questions about Benjamin Netanyahu's proposed one state solution.  Will all Palestinians be endowed with full citizenship rights under Benjamin Netanyahu One state solution?

The Wikipedia Webpage entitled,  
History of Palestinian nationality, provides information about citizenship rights of Palestinian people within the state of Israel:

"Following the 1980 amendment to Israel's Nationality Law, Palestinians are strictly legal citizens of the State of Israel. They have "passport citizenship" rights, but are excluded from several aspects of the Jewish welfare state and are therefore denied equal "democratic citizenship". While enjoying the fruits of Jewish civil rights (such as access to courts of law and private property) and political rights (access to the ballot and to government) they are denied social rights and economic rights in the form of social security, education and welfare, or access to land and water resources of the State."

Palestinians living within Israel under Benjamin Netanyahu One state solution will not want to be considered second class citizens. Israeli apartheid in Gaza and the West Bank has been the source of tension in the Middle East for many decades according to the United Nations. In order to do what is right before the Lord, which is the most loving thing we can do since God is a God of Pure Love and Mercy,  Israel will have to take steps to end Israeli apartheid against Palestinians if Palestinians continue to live in Israel under Benjamin Netanyahu One state solution. 

The International community must ask which plan will create the most peace and prosperity to the Middle East,  the One State Solution as proposed by Benjamin Netanyahu or the two state solution which has been the focus of Middle East politics for many decades?

If the two state solution will lead to decades of bloody gory violent war between Israel and Hamas then perhaps the One state solution under the flagship of Israel may be better. The war between Israel and Hamas has included forced displacement of Palestinians into other Middle East Arab nations as retaliation for the attack upon Israel on October 7th, 2023. Forced displacement of Palestinians from their home can be viewed as Israel preparing for a one state solution after the war between Israel and Hamas is over.

A one state solution will not work unless all citizens throughout the Middle East reason with the Lord and know in their heart that a one state solution is what is right before God to bring the most peace and prosperity to Middle East Arab nations. Forced displacement by military means is against God's law of love thereby is unacceptable. The Biden Administration should not support forced displacement of Palestinians by military means.

A one state solution can possibly create more peace and prosperity in Middle East Arab nations if Palestinians who remain in Israel pledge allegiance to the Jewish state of Israel as one nation after the war between Israel and Hamas is over. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Jewish state of Israel can only occur when Palestinians reason in their heart with the Lord and come to know that a one state solution is what is right before Allah to bring peace and prosperity to Middle East Arab nations. 

It is likely Palestinians who remain in Israel under Benjamin Netanyahu One state solution will not pledge allegiance to the Jewish state of Israel if they are treated like second class citizens. 
Any Palestinians who remain in Israel under Benjamin Netanyahu One state solution must be endowed with full citizenship rights. 

It is likely that Islam will never completely abandon the Dome of the Rock Holy Islamic Mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.  Hence,  under Benjamin Netanyahu One state solution there will always be Islamic Muslims within Israel. It is possible that Islamic Muslims who choose to remain in Israel as citizens under Benjamin Netanyahu One state solution will reason in their heart with the Lord and know that the One State Solution is the right thing to do before Allah to bring peace and prosperity to the Middle East therefore will pledge allegiance to the Jewish state of Israel.

Palestinian Islamic Muslims who remain in Israel as citizens under Benjamin Netanyahu One state solution will be working toward becoming more like God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh by 'loving one's neighbor as oneself'. 
A decision to love within quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality is a spiritual battle known within the International Islamic community as Jihad. 

The question is which plan will create the most peace and prosperity in the Middle East,  the One State Solution or the two state solution? Love is about creating greater happiness around the world by either saving lives and/or adding significant value to the lives of other people resulting in more peace and prosperity in the Middle East.

People cannot love each other with a gun pointed at their head. Israel and the Holy Land should not become a military base for the United States of America, Iran, nor any other country. Once more,  all guns, knives, bombs, tanks, fighter jets, warships, missiles, drones,  and other weapons of mass destruction are idolatrous graven images before God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh. Jesus taught,  ' Those who live by the sword will die by the sword '.

If the United States of America is asked to leave Middle East Arab nations by the International Islamic community then it is very likely embassies of China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea BRICS economic cartel members will become new targets by Islamic Jihadist.  The bombing inside Iran at the ceremony honoring Iranian General Qassem Soleimani by ISIS  rebels demonstrates that if the United States of America is asked to leave Middle East Arab nations then embassies of China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea BRICS economic cartel members will become new targets of ISIS rebels. 

Come let us reason together with the Lord, does China, Russia, Iran, and Yahweh truly want to conduct military operations in the Middle East? If the United States of America leaving Middle East Arab nations and allowing China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea BRICS economic cartel to establish a military presence in the Middle East will create more happiness in the Middle East then we should oblige all people, and immediately withdraw. 

The Prophet Daniel told King Nebuchadnezzar that his Babylonian kingdom will fall as a result of the Collective Conscience of Humanity over the course of the ages choosing to 
forge metallurgy from different historical epochs in human history,  including the Iron age,  Bronze Age,  Copper age, into  idolatrous graven images of weapons of mass destruction. Metallurgy from different historical epochs is represented by various levels of the giant statue in King Nebuchadnezzar's dream from feet to head. 

Unfortunately, over the course of many millennium, military might while living under the paw of evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy is necessary to maintain social order and stability. Social order and stability is necessary to create more peace and prosperity.

The internet information Superhighway is destiny arising from Intelligent Design to help us reason together with the Lord.  The process of reasoning can potentially be enhanced by data analytical insights provided by Artificial Intelligence. 

Our ability to reason together with the Lord as subroutines of a Cosmic mind God coded factors prominently into the equation of formulating quantum particlization of simulated virtual reality of our spiritual world, existing without any independent physical objective reality according to the simulation hypothesis, in alignment with the Energy - Mass - Information Equivalency Principle. We must not allow ourselves to be dragged downward deeper into quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality by foreign wars. 

Our ability to reason together with the Lord more effectively by data analytical insights provided by Artificial Intelligence during the information age can help us work in full partnership with God to create a modern 21st century renaissance age of enlightenment where God's law of love can flourish as human civilization moves toward becoming an advanced Type V civilization according to the Kardashev scale. 

It is written in Isaiah 43:19:
For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.

Is God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh a God of Pure Love and Mercy as I assert within my articles? Each and Every human being on earth must reason together with the Lord within their heart, mind, and soul to decide Who God is. The verse, " Come let us reason together sayeth the Lord " is the most powerful verse within Holy Books of the world's great religions.

Is God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh truly a God of Pure Love and Mercy?  Each and every human being on earth must reason together with the Lord to know God. The more time people around the world spend shooting missiles, fighting with guns and knives,  operating drones,  and engaged in warfare the less time God's children have to dedicate themselves to reading Holy Books including the Qur’an, Torah, Biblical scripture while prayerfully reasoning together with the Lord within Mosque, synagogues,  Cathedrals , and all other House's of prayer. 

My article entitled, The Question is What is the Most Loving thing We Can Do to Add Significant Value to Lives of All People Around the World Thereby Creating More Happiness on Earth?,  provides a discussion the "Most Loving God" as is the name of Allah.

The following is an excerpt from my article, 

Foreign wars on earth is a consequence of our not knowing God while we live within quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality,  hence God is calling me to declare a worldwide Jihad to save the Holy Land for the Glory of God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh so that we can know God better. The Holy Land is a place God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh gave us to know God better.

My article referenced above entitled, What If the Hostages are No Longer with Us? Can There be Peace, provides a discussion about God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh as a God of Pure Love and Mercy:

According to Google Generative Artificial Intelligence:

Islam's understanding of Allah as love comes from the name Al-Wadūd, which means "The Most Loving". This name appears in the Qur'ān in Q. 11:90 and 85:14

An article published by About Islam entitled, Is Allah a Loving God?,  provides insight into Allah as a God of Pure Love and Mercy as written in the Qur’an:

People of the Islamic Arab faith should read verses from the Qur’an referencing Allah as a God of Pure Love and Mercy for themselves in case information is lost in translation from Arabic due to tampering of the Mossad.

Israel should acknowledge that Israeli apartheid in the occupied Palestinian territory of Gaza and the West Bank,  including shooting of Palestinians by Israeli security forces provoked the October 7th, 2023 attack against Israel therefore Israel should REPENT by willingness to negotiate with Hamas. Hamas should REPENT for bloody gory violent attacks against Israeli civilians against Geneva Conventions of warfare, including cooking a baby alive in an oven while the mother is ganged raped, by immediately releasing all hostages NOW. 

The one state solution and the two state solution can both create peace and prosperity within Middle East Arab nations if people around the world learn to live according to God's law of love.

Since we are fearfully and wonderfully made in the Image of God we can reason together with the Lord to defeat Satan's strategy and work in full partnership with God to create worldwide peace and prosperity. 

The United States of America cannot act to stop Israel's carnage in Palestine until after all hostages are released. Israel has a natural right to defend its sovereignty against foreign attacks.  

However,  after Hamas release all hostages if Israel does not permanently end the war by IMMEDIATE CEASEFIRE then the United States of America should acquire approval within United Nations assemblies to send NATO forces against Israel to stop the bloodshed. When all hostages are released Hamas should agree to allow UNARMED United Nations Peacekeepers go into Palestinian neighborhoods to verify that all hostages have been released.

An article published by Vox Magazine entitled , Most of Israel’s weapons imports come from the US. Now Biden is rushing even more arms, provides a discussion of the United States of America as the largest weapons supplier for Israel.

If the United States of America stopped providing military support to Israel than Israel will be forced to buy weapons elsewhere to defend sovereignty of Israel. 

If the United States of America stops providing weapons as idolatrous graven images before God to Israel will China sell weapons to Israel?
Will the International community and Hamas like it any better if Israel used Chinese weapons in military campaigns against Palestine?

I hate to disappoint my social media fan club,  but this article is getting to be too long. I will have to write a new article about weapons supply and demand networks within the International community while the war between Israel and Hamas rages.

If the United States of America stopped providing military support for Israel today then Israel will get its weapons elsewhere. The European Union and the United States are locked in fierce competition to gain competitive advantage within the International community.  If the United States of America does not sell weapons to Israel then Israel will likely buy weapons from Europe. 

If Hamas IMMEDIATELY release all hostages NOW as verified by UNARMED United Nations Peacekeepers if Israel does not immediately stop bloodshed and carnage in Palestine then NATO Forces should be deployed against Israel to stop the killing of Palestinians. 

It is ugly, sick, and Satanic all around on all sides. Israeli Security forces shooting and killing Palestinians in the occupied Palestinian territory of Gaza and West Bank is Satanic.  Israeli security forces may have felt threatened by large groups of protestors given Hamas and Iran are sworn to destroy Israel.  

The bloody gory violent attack of Israel by Hamas on October 7th, 2023 is ugly, sick,  and Satanic. Nikki Haley,  Secretary of State under the Trump administration and candidate for President of the United States of America,  appeared on CBS Face the Nation describing how Hamas brutally decapitated Israeli civilians and dragged female hostages naked through the streets shouting death to Israel and the United States of America. 

Certainly the International Islamic community condemns the Hamas attack of Israel on October 7th, 2023 that clearly violated Geneva Conventions of warfare. No human being on earth can claim that type of brutality is acceptable by any god they may imagine in their head. 

The brutally of Hamas raping and dragging Israeli women through the streets of Gaza like salvages while shouting death to Israel and United States makes one fully understand why Israel needed to kill 26,000 Palestinians.  It is all very understandable within quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality. How would Islamic women of cover like to be dragged naked through the streets? It is outrageous.  

An article published by The Zionist 
Organization of America entitled,
 Sickening video shows ‘disgusting’ Hamas terrorists parading naked, battered woman through streets, confirms Nikki Haley's claims of Hamas rape and 
dragging Israeli women naked through the streets.

The International Islamic community should loudly condemn the brutal bloody gory Hamas attack of Israel within United Nations assemblies 
and demand that Hamas release all hostages, so that all God's children can work to reason together with the Lord to make the Holy Land Holy again. The bloodshed has defiled the Holy Land in the sight of God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh,  a God of Pure Love and Mercy, Root of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden.

Since China gives Iran 400 billion dollars and Iran supported the bloody gory violent attack on Israel by Hamas on October 7th, 2024, then China should demand Hamas REPENT by releasing all Israeli hostages or else China condones Hamas raping Israeli women and dragging Israeli women naked should the streets.

See what Satan has done to us? Israeli apartheid in Gaza and the West Bank does not justify crimes against humanity by Isreal October 7th, 2023?  The International Islamic community should condemn the attack upon Israel by Hamas on October 7th, 2023 and demand Hamas release all hostages NOW given war crimes by Hamas has defiled the name of Allah. War crimes by Hamas are sick and Satanic. 

Iran murders Iranian women who remove the hijab, but supports Hamas dragging women through the streets naked? It is written if your eye causes you to stumble pluck out. How dare they claim the United States is the great Satan. All those in Hamas who defiled Allah's Holy name by these war crimes should kill themselves. 

All high leaders in Iran who defiled the name of Allah in the Holy Land 
by supporting Hamas dragging women down the street naked 
should step down and pluck their eyes out. Iranian women severely punished for removing hijab should be elected to high offices in Iran so that Iran may receive the blessing of Allah again. China should support elections of women severely punished for removing hijab to high offices in Iran by withholding 400 billion dollars of trade with Iran, or else China supports dragging women down the street naked in the Middle East. 

It is enough to declare giving the Holy Land to China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea to bulldoze the Dome of the Rock and Wailing wall of the 2nd Temple of Solomon off the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and building emperor palaces. 

It doesn't make any difference who you think you are.  God promised He would not destroy the earth again with floods, but Satan made no such promises.  

When the earth shakes and mountains start to fall from violent earthquakes,  war and pestilence swallow the planet,  there will be no place to hide for those who have tried to replace God by pretending to be god and king on earth. 

Continued later

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