Thursday, February 8, 2024

Come Let Us Reason Together Sayeth the Lord: Helping the Central Communist Party in Beijing Fulfill the CCP Mission to Create Better Community Living Around the World within Hot Flaming Melting Pot Furnace of Socialist Capitalism

By Mark W. Gaffney 

In recent articles I discuss how the foreign policy of the United States of America should be to create happiness around the world. Once more, the quintessential definition of the inalienable right to the pursuit of happiness is an UNSELFISH goal of either saving lives and/or adding significant value to the lives of other people.  

Wang Wenbin Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson 汪文斌  published the following statement about the Middle East conflict:

"China does not hope to see tensions in the Red Sea. We call for a halt to the harassment and attacks on civilian ships. A speedy end of the conflict in Gaza will help ease the situation in the Red Sea."

My past articles include God's revelations. A New World Order will occur either according to God's Plan or Satan's Strategy.  We shall fulfill our destiny according to God's Plan or Satan's Strategy. 

According to Google Generative Artificial Intelligence:

"China and Iran have a 25-year strategic cooperation agreement signed in 2021. The agreement includes a draft that China will invest $400 billion in Iran's economy over 25 years in exchange for a steady supply of oil from Iran.

China's economic ties to Iran have helped the Iranian regime avoid the effects of international sanctions. China's oil purchases have given Iran enough revenue to stay afloat. China's 40-plus small and midsize independent refiners often buy oil from Iran with yuan."

An article published by The Iran Primer entitled, Iran & China: A Trade Lifeline, provides insight into economic ties between China and Iran.

According to the article published by The Iran Primer, 

"Henry Rome of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy told The Iran Primer. “It’s certainly strategic for Iran: China is Iran’s most important economic partner and is the lung through which the economy breathes, while Iran is one of many sources of energy and other trade for China.”

In one of many ironies about ties, the United States — which the Islamic Republic calls “the Great Satan”— has long been one of China’s most important economic relationships. Most of Iran’s regional rivals, including Israel, have far larger trade with China. In 2022, Russia did 12 times more trade with China. "

As a writer and lobbyist for the high-tech industry my constructive criticism of China's foreign policy may seem harsh , but is actually designed to help the Central Communist Party in Beijing build a more perfect utopian communism It is written,  " Deceitful are kisses of an enemy,  but faithful is rebuke of a friend. "

Foremost,  I want to make it emphatically clear that United States foreign policy should follow my lead in supporting the strong economic alliance between Beijing and Iran. We are here to bring happiness to all people around the world including global citizens in China and Iran. 

With that being said, Since the People's Republic of China and Russia is a strong alliance with Iran, China can do more to deescalate military conflict within the Middle East with constant rounds of retaliatory strikes.  China is not an innocent bystander.

Iran has been implicated in military support for Houthi Rebels in Yemen, Hozobolla in Lebanon, and Islamic Jihadist groups in Syria and Iraq.  Iran is a sworn enemy of Israel vowing to wipe the Jewish state of Israel off the earth. 

My article entitled, Allah's Revelations about Immense Value and Meaningfulness of the Holy Land within Islam as Outlined in the Qur’an are Communicated Around the World by Samsung Electronic Galaxy products Shipped on Cargo Ships in the Red Sea, as Cited by the Wikipedia Webpage Zabur, describes how Iran's military support for Houthi Rebels in Yemen, Hozobolla in Lebanon, and Islamic Jihadist groups in Syria and Iraq is interfering with God calling me to declare a worldwide Jihad to save the Holy Land for the Glory of God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh:

Economic coercion is not fully in alignment with God's law of love.  As a writer and lobbyist for the high-tech industry I do not mean to imply that Beijing should leverage economic trade agreements to control foreign policy of Iran by economic blockades and embargoes.

In a new article I am working on entitled, What If the Hostages are No Longer with Us? Can There be Peace, I make the observation that no human being on earth should have to surrender to any other human being on earth by any means or form of coercion, including economic military power or embargoes, but instead all human beings are obligated to do what is right in the sight of God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh.

Whomever you are in cyberspace you should know that the destruction of the Holy Land according to Satan's strategy is not right therefore we must end all Middle East war now. The release of all hostages everywhere by Israel and Hamas should be a beginning to permanent CEASEFIRE and doing what is right before God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh,  a God of Pure Love and Mercy,  Root of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden.

Iran should not be forced by economic coercion to stop providing military support for Houthi Rebels in Yemen, Hozobolla in Lebanon, and Islamic Jihadist groups in Syria and Iraq, but instead Iran should do what is right before Allah. 

Likewise,  the United States of America should stop providing military support for Israel or any other Middle East Nation. If God’s children truly believed in God than there will be no foreign wars or need for any kind of weapon of mass destruction as idolatrous graven images before God. 

Since Iran is a sworn enemy of Israel vowing to wipe Israel off the  face of the earth if Beijing truly "does not hope to see tensions in the Red Sea" and escalation of the Middle East conflict than Beijing should consider putting a stipulation on Beijing's massive 400 billion dollar spending package in Iran that Beijing's money will not be used for missiles and drones supplied to 
Houthi Rebels in Yemen, Hozobolla in Lebanon, and Islamic Jihadist groups in Syria and Iraq.

In my freelance article entitled, The Question is What is the Most Loving thing We Can Do to Add Significant Value to Lives of All People Around the World Thereby Creating More Happiness on Earth?, I argue for a drawdown of the United States military in the Middle East:

In my article entitled, It Should Not be the Decision of the Biden Administration to take Retaliatory Action,  but Jordan should Decide About Retaliatory Action Against Those that Launched a Drone Attack Against the U.S. Military Base in Jordan Given the U.S. Military is Invited into Jordan as a Guest, provides insight into how the presence of the U.S. military in the Middle East is contributing to an endless cycle of violence which ultimately will lead to all the armies of the world meeting at Miggedo, as Satan's strategy outlined in the Book of Revelations:

Since we are fearfully and wonderfully made in the Image of God we can defeat Satan's strategy. 

" Come let us reason together" sayeth the Lord.  What will happen if the United States of America sinks deeper into bankruptcy as an impoverished 3rd world country?  Our neighbors who live across the ocean in the People's Republic of China are good people who belong to our human family. We as one human family are all on this journey together to find our way back to God while living within quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality.

All human beings on earth live under natural law within quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality despite whatever good intentions that they may have.

My article entitled, All these Stupid Foreign Wars Are Dragging the Entire Earth and Everyone in it Down into Hell, discuss how global warming and depletion of the world's oil reserves during the 21st century will open the gates of hell on earth  while we live under natural law in quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality.

The United States of America is one of Beijing's biggest trading partners.  It is true Beijing has other trading partners within the International community,  however if the United States goes under it will hurt China especially given worldwide turmoil related to global warming catastrophic events and depletion of oil natural gas reserves. 

All of these horrible events will conspire within quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality to compel the People's Republic of China to act according to natural law.

My article entitled, Treason Against the American People, is prophesy about what will happen when the gates of hell open within quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality when the lights go out around the world due to (1) depletion of all fossil fuels including oil and gas in coming decades,  (2) our earth becoming hell of our nightmares due to global warming leading to catastrophic events like earthquakes, Tsunami,  massive flooding, depletion of water resources, etc.  (3) future pandemics, (4) worldwide famines and starvation.

The following is an excerpt from my article:

When push comes to shove when the gates of hell open in future decades when the lights go out the People's Republic of China will act according to natural law within quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality:

The red army will march through the world and solve their problems with a baton to the knee caps while implementing Hong Kong national security laws. The wailing wall of the 2nd Temple of Solomon and Holy Dome of the Rock Islamic Mosque can both be pushed off the Temple Mount by bulldozers and replaced by newly built emperor palaces for a communist fascist empire constructed on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

My article entitled, Isaac and Ishmael Will Have too Learn to Live According to God's Law of Love Rather They Like It or Not: We Do Not have Economic Resources to Throw Any More Money Away by Financing Foreign Wars Between Israel and Hamas or Ukraine and Russia; In Order to Convert to Green Energy Production Methods the International Community Must Invest in Retooling and Reshoring Manufacturing, provides a discussion about Fulfillment of God's Plan to build the Kingdom of God on earth by creating low entropy high energy efficiency Garden of Eden like conditions whereby God's law of love can flourish as human civilization moves toward becoming an advanced Type V civilization according to the Kardashev scale:

We as the collective conscience of humanity need to start today working toward Fulfillment of God's Plan by defeating Satan's strategy to transform human civilization into Image of the Beast. 

The following is an excerpt from my article:

We all need to pray hard that green fusion energy is less than 10 years away because when the lights go out around the world the gates of hell will be opened and Satan's demons will walk the earth in masses. God's children , sons and daughters of God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh,  will likely become cannibals that devour human flesh when the lights go out due to dwindling fossil fuel and the earth becomes hell of our nightmares as a consequence of Global warming. Satan's strategy is to transform the collective conscience of humanity into Image of the Beast. 

In order to convert to green energy production methods the international community must invest in retooling and reshoring manufacturing. We do not have economic resources to throw money away by financing foreign wars between Israel and Hamas or Ukraine and Russia.  Foreign wars must end today. Foreign wars is World leaders sacrificing God's children, sons and daughters of God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh,  true heirs of the Kingdom of God on earth to Satan. Foreign wars are Satan's strategy to steal our birthright as sons and daughters of God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh.

What can the United States of America do to create more happiness in the Middle East and around the world? Obviously,  there is a lot of hatred of the United States of America around the world.  The United States of America is accused of being a warmonger.  The United States of America is accused of hegemony. 

Iran considers the United States the Great Satan. Iran views the strong alliance between the United States of America and Israel as creating a Zionist empire built for oppression of Islam. 

Does the International Islamic community truly want the United States of America within the Middle East? Should the United States of America leave the Middle East?

In order to create greater happiness in the Middle East the United States must work to add significant value to the lives of all Middle East Arab citizens. The United States of America is doing a very poor job of adding significant value to the lives of American citizens,  much less adding significant value to the lives of Islamic Arab citizens throughout the Middle East. As a servant of the Most High God, my birthright has been stolen from me.

Obviously,  many Middle East Islamic Arab citizens feel disenfranchised. Disenfranchised Middle East Islamic Arab citizens consider the involvement of the United States of America within Middle East politics as interfence in Middle East Democracy 
therefore the U.S. has no value in Islamic Middle East affairs. 

Basically,  if the United States of America is a guest within any Islamic Middle East Arab Nation then the elected government of that Nation should peacefully address concerns of disenfranchised radicalized extremist groups. 

The Trump administration launching a drone attack to assassinate Iranian General Qassem Soleimani inside Iraq is a foreign policy mistake. If the Iraqi government wanted to take action upon the Iranian Revolutionary Guard militia operating within Iraq than that decision should have been the decision of the Iraq government, and not the decision of the Trump administration. Perhaps Iraqi military forces could have captured Iranian General Qassem Soleimani and his fellow Iranian Revolutionary Guard comrades and returned them back to Iran without killing anyone.

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