Saturday, November 11, 2023

Truth Shall Set Us Free:Release of Intrapsychic Energy Within the Arrow of Time Moving from Low Entropy to High Entropy as Related to Mass-Energy-Information Equivalence Principle

By Mark Wayne Gaffney 

Robert Edward Grant published the following truism reflected in a  quote from Walter Russell:

As a writer and lobbyist for the high tech industry with a special calling from God to Fulfill God's Plan by commercialization and democratization of advanced technologies largely spurred by artificial intelligence it is challenging for me to gather my "intrapsychic energy together and conserve it so that intrapsychic energy does not dissipate in every direction as according to Walter Russell proposition:

“You have to gather your energy together...conserving it and insulating it from dissipation in every direction other than that of your purpose.” -- Walter Russell

The arrow of time moves from low entropy toward high entropy states according to the standard model of classical physics. Energy is required to maintain low entropy states.  Low entropy states are associated with inner peace and tranquility.  Inner peace and tranquility is manifest by everything is interconnected as one by an eclectic, Gestalt, holistic,  transcendent reality known as Tao.

High energy required to maintain low entropy states associated with intrapsychic peace and tranquility is associated with a laissez-faire passive attitude characterized by laziness, indifference, and lack of caring. Who cares a blanky blank what they do, just leave me alone for their own good is an attitude manifest by low entropy states of intrapsychic peace and tranquility. 

A release of energy from low entropy intrapsychic states of being results in high entropy conditions. The Biblical story about the Tower of Babal is about the collective consciousness of humanity interconnected as one by high energy efficiency conditions necessary to build the Tower creating low entropy as a false sense of peace and tranquility preventing the Spirit of God from moving within the human heart and mind. 

A One World centralized government as predicted in the Book of Revelations is a modern 21st century Tower of Babal rendering low entropy as a false sense of peace and tranquility preventing the Spirit of God from moving within the human heart and mind. True social order arises from within the heart and mind of every human being as subroutines of a Cosmic mind God coded hearing God’s voice by becoming more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks in groanings of the spirit too deep for words of human language. 

Yes,  a One World Centralized Government can placate human beings with material things created by high energy industrial manufacturing methods, but at what cost? Quantum Particlization of objective independent reality is a finely crafted illusion within Satan's simulated virtual reality according to the simulation hypothesis. 

Human beings must learn to live according to God's law of love to add significant value to physical reality of earthly existence. God's love must be understood as a real physical force as a central variable within the Mass-Energy-Information Equivalence Principle equation.   Science has become a branch of theology given revelations by quantum physics in the 21st century. The Kingdom of God will be built by spirit and truth of God moving within the heart and mind of all human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind God coded.

War is merely an intrapsychic release of energy associated with deep primeval visceral anger and hatred to restore social order as a false sense of peace defined by low entropy conditions. War does not address the root cause of human conflict while living within quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality. 

The root cause of human conflict must be understood by application of the Mass-Energy-Information Equivalence Principle equation to restore social order according to quantum particlization of semantic binary data formulating WISDOM as a manifestation of 
Spirit and truth that proceedeth from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks in groanings of the spirit too deep for words. 

It is written,  " The Kingdom of God is within you ".  The Kingdom of God cannot be institualized by a centralized One World Government from anywhere on earth,  either Washington DC, Beijing,  India,  Moscow,  Kyiv, Saudi Arabia, Rome, Tehran or Jerusalem. 

Paradoxically,  a release of energy is necessary for Fulfillment of God's Plan.  Paradoxically,  a release of energy for Fulfillment of God's Plan creates high entropy conditions disturbing the status quo of peace and tranquility associated with low entropy states. Paradoxically,  in the simulated virtual reality game Satan began playing with God in the Garden of Eden high entropy conditions demand greater faith that God is in control. 

Don't count on me folks.  I am not in control of anything. 

In my freelance article entitled,  An American Ghost Story, I discuss how my 3rd cousin 3 times removed, former President Harry Truman,  has a vested interest in release of energy during quantum particlization of the arrow of time moving from low entropy toward high entropy conditions.

Release of intrapsychic energy provides insight into the  mass-energy-information equivalence principle. My 3rd cousin 3 times removed,  former President Harry Truman,  who speaks to me as a spiritual medium from the grave seeking to vicariously play King Hamlet upon world stages throughout the Eurasian theater,  including Kyiv, Moscow,  Beijing,  to demonstrate power of Spooky Action from a Distance has a vested interest in exploring the root cause of human conflict understood by application of the Mass-Energy-Information Equivalence Principle equation to restore social order according to quantum particlization of semantic binary data formulating WISDOM as a manifestation of 
Spirit and truth that proceedeth from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks in groanings of the spirit too deep for words.

Google Generative Artificial Intelligence provides insight into God referring to Himself as the Great I AM:

"I AM WHO I AM" is a phrase from the Bible that God used to identify himself. It appears in Exodus 3:14, when God appeared to Moses in the form of a burning bush. God said, "I AM WHO I AM" to Moses, and then told him to tell the people of Israel that "I AM has sent me to you.

Every human being on earth, including myself,  has a lot to learn about God in order to develop a better relationship with Him. When a person assumes he or she knows everything about another person,  the relationship withers and dies. It is a common observation that women change their minds frequently as protest against the presumption of their 
partner in crime that they know everything about them 

I AM WHO I AM,  provides insight into God living among us moving in Spirit and truth in the heart and mind of people in Palestine,  Israel,  Beijing,  Washington DC,  India, Japan,  Africa,  Tehran,  Rome, Latin America, Mexico, Canada, and everywhere on earth working to build the Kingdom of God. 

A prime example of a release of energy is necessary for Fulfillment of God's Plan leading to high entropy conditions is my work as a writer and lobbyist for the high tech industry to solve problem of massive illegal immigration across the Southern border of the United States of America by annexation of Latin America,  Mexico,  and Canada  under flagship of a newly incorporated United States of Greater Americana in order promote the cause of freedom and liberty around the world by:

(1) extending the rule of law conferred by the U.S Constitution to immigrants who migrate to the homeland in order to reduce obstacles for immigrants imposed by an illegal immigration status preventing them as human beings from leading a more productive life .

(2) help the Western hemisphere to become more competitive within the international community, especially considering trends toward globalization and economic cartels such as BRICS. The role of centralized One World government should be dedicated to uplifting and empowerment of individuals according to the Yin and Yang of SinoAmerican diplomacy. 

Global warming is contributing to food insecurity around the world. As a writer and lobbyist for the high tech industry I am working to prevent a potato famine in the modern 21st century:

Related Twitter:

@GTSA_SA @StateDept
My proposal is immigrants from Latin America, Mexico,  and Canada as new citizens of the United States of Greater Americana incorporate under Rule of Law conferred by U.S. constitution to develop arable farmland in Western hemisphere

Food insecurity arising from global warming is especially disconcerting for the growth and prosperity of Islamic Middle East Nations. Centralized government in Beijing is tasked with administration of earthly things as a valuable service to humanity. An administration of earthly things is a vital contribution for helping the international community improve " community living ".

Jesus said, " Give to Ceasar what belongs to Ceasar, but give to God what belongs to God. "

Food insecurity as a consequence of Global warming is disconcerting for the growth and prosperity of Islam in the modern 21st century especially considering dependency upon a centralized One World Government tasked with administration of earthly things. 

Global citizens in Taiwan are deeply spiritual. Since all things are interconnected as one,  the Middle East Islamic community should rethink joining BRICS as a divestiture from freedom and democracy.  A centralized One World Government is counterproductive and counterintuitive of Jihad.  International cooperation between BRICS and Western Democracy should be explored to further growth and prosperity of Islam during the modern 21st century. 

In many ways,  Palestinian Hamas leaders may have legitimate grievances concerning strong trading ties, partnerships,  and alliance between two great Superpowers of the United States of America and People's Republic of China.  However,  violence against Israel by Palestinian Hamas leaders committed on October 7th,  2023 is inexcusable and should be internationally condemned as unacceptable.

According to Google Generative Artificial intelligence:

"Food insecurity in the Middle East has been rising since 2014. The main causes of food insecurity in the Middle East include: 

Climate change

Extreme climate events have made it difficult to grow food and find clean water. The region's temperatures are already well above the global average. In 2021, extreme heatwaves reached over 50 degrees Celsius in Iran, Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates.

Human factors

These include:

The Islamic Organization for Food Security (IOFS) head, Yerlan A. Baidaulet, said that political instability and climate change are the biggest causes of hunger and malnutrition in Muslim countries.
The Middle East is expected to become uninhabitable by the end of this century."

Why should Palestinian Hamas leaders accept hand outs? The Book of Revelations says that in the last days a centralized One World Government will not allow people to buy or sell unless they get the mark of the beast. How can Palestinian Hamas leaders trust World Food Banks ?

Oftentimes,  a release of intrapsychic energy to create greater order is an effort to exercise power and control. People like to give to the poor because giving to the poor allows one to exercise power and control over impoverished people. 

Paradoxically, rich people seeking IRS tax deductions like to embezzle what little Middle class Americans have been paid, amounting to less than a living wage, because they seek to prevent them from gaining competitive advantage to maximize probability of survival of the fittest while living under the paw of evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy. 

The use of language is passionately despised because it helps people gain competitive advantage while living under the paw of evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy. Demons will find any method or means they can to shut you up and shut you down to exercise power and control to become god and king upon the earth.

It is written,  " In the beginning was the Word, and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us . . . " . The Word becoming Flesh speak volumes about the Mass-Energy-Information Equivalence Principle.

In paragraphs above I propose illegal immigrants who find their way to the homeland incorporate under the flagship  of the United States of Greater Americana to develop arable farmland in the Western hemisphere. Immigrants becoming stakeholders in a corporation to develop arable farmland in the Western hemisphere do not have to depend upon hand outs from rich Americans trying to exercise power and control over them to get an IRS tax deduction. 

Continued later

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