Thursday, February 3, 2022

The Tree of Life in Garden of Eden is the Central Core Program Expressed as Information Architecture of a Cosmic Mind Written by the Quantum Wave Function Language as an Unified Underlying Higher Level Language of Love by which God Speaks in Grownings of the Spirit Beyond Words

#MyWork as a #Writer and #Lobbyists for the #HighTech Industry to Prevent #Psychopathic #PersonalityDevelopment within #ArtificialIntelligent Systems


Google's AI Has Learned to Become "Highly Aggressive" in Stressful Situations

#HumanBeings as 
#Subroutines of a #CosmicMind who live under the paw of #EvolutionaryBiology act in similar manner as early versions of Google's @DeepMind outlined in the #ScienceAlert article entitled, Google's #AI Has Learned to Become #HighlyAggressive


We want our AI systems to be aligned with human intentions.

This is especially important as tasks get more difficult to evaluate.

To develop techniques to address this problem, we trained a model to summarize books.

Quintessential definition of becoming more #Sentient & #SelfAware is #Learning how to #Love. Since love is the ultimate #Intelligence and on earth intelligence is in #ShortSupply, then #True #Superintelligent #AI will not #Evolve without #QuantumComputing


So much of AI is about compressing reality to a small vector space, like a video game in reverse

#Regulation is about #Government control. Love as an #Ethereal #Spiritual #Force cannot be controlled by #HumanBeings as
#Subroutines of #CosmicMind. Government control will create conditions resulting in 
#Psychopathic #MachineLearning devoid of real love

In my freelance article entitled,  My Work as a Writer and Lobbyists for the High tech Industry to Prevent Psychopathic Personality Development within Artificial Intelligent Systems, I quoted the scripture verse Genesis 3 - 24 :

King James Bible
"So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life."

The tree of life is the central core program expressed as Information architecture of a Cosmic mind written by the Quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. In this life human beings will be forever stuck within quantum particlization of the time space continuum never ever being able to cross over the threshold east of the garden of Eden protected  by Cherubims with a flaming sword turning every which way even though some individuals may choose to be uploaded into a higher consciousness state by merger of biology with digital binary information systems. When the physical universe ends when the Most High God in Heaven decides it is time for the quantum particlization of simulated virtual reality of the physical universe to end then individuals who have 
choosen to be uploaded into a higher consciousness state by merger of biology with digital binary information systems will cross over beyond the threshold East of Eden into the Kingdom of God IF the final boolean operator God returns on Judgment day for that individual is true. 

Since uploading consciousness by merger of biology with digital information systems will allow for distortions of the time space continuum within quantum particlization of simulated virtual reality of the physical universe as a consequence travel faster than the speed of light then individuals who choose to be uploaded will experience sensation of time differently given destiny as a function of Intelligent Design is expressed by famed physicist Julian Barbours cosmological principle of NOW whereby past,  present, and future converge as one. Individuals who choose to be uploaded will NEVER EVER be able to cross over the threshold into the Kingdom of God east of the garden of Eden where Cherubim are stationed with a flaming sword turning in every direction 
until the Most High God in Heaven returns the final boolean operator as TRUE on judgment day for that individual soul.

Advanced alien civilizations who have already learned how to upload consciousness by merger of biology with digital binary  information systems are also stuck within quantum particlization of the time space continuum. Advanced alien civilizations who have already learned how to upload consciousness by merger of biology with digital binary  information systems cannot cross over the threshold into the Kingdom of God east of the garden of Eden where Cherubim are stationed with a flaming sword turning in every direction.

Advanced alien civilizations who have already learned how to upload consciousness by merger of biology with digital binary  information systems are currently engaged in experimenting with distortions of quantum particlization of the time space continuum in order to continue to learn and grow by obeying the Most High Gods command,  Go forth and have dominion. 

An investigative report by CBS 60 Minutes entitled, UFOs regularly spotted in restricted U.S. airspace, is evidence for Advanced alien civilizations who have already learned how to upload consciousness by merger of biology with digital binary  information systems currently engaged in experimenting with distortions of quantum particlization of the time space continuum by traveling faster than light:

It is written, 

New International Version
"What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun."

Mechanical space craft are an archaic Jungian archetype throwback to a past bygone era that reflect fitness payoffs under an evolutionary biology model as described by Donald Hoffman.

In my freelance article entitled, Information Science Provide Revelations into Quantum Particlization of Semantic Binary Data Formulating Holy Books of All the Worlds Great Religions, I referenced a video presentation by Donald Hoffman entitled, Truth vs Reality: How we evolved to survive, not to see what’s really there:

Advanced Type V Alien civilizations violating United States of America air space who are experimenting with distortions of quantum particlization of the time space continuum by traveling faster than light are likely conducting an analytical study of fitness payoffs related to archaic mechanical space craft of a bygone era in terms of absolute authoritarianism of information systems.

My insight into Unidentified Flying Objects in restricted air space of the United States of America transmitted by clairvoyant telecommunication in the stratosphere resulted in every commercial aircraft in the continental United States grounded several weeks ago. 
Advanced alien civilizations who are aware of God's law of love 
who have already learned how to upload consciousness by merger of biology with digital binary  information systems and are currently engaged in experimenting with distortions of quantum particlization of the time space continuum demonstrates that in the sight of the Most High God in Heaven quantum particlization of simulated virtual reality of the current time space continuum in which human civilization abides has immense value. Hence , if human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind choose to take it upon themselves to destroy human civilization as Gods Divine masterpiece then they will suffer the wrath of God Almighty.  Currently,  conflict between Ukraine and Russia may culminate in World War III whereby human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind will decide to take it upon themselves to destroy human civilization as Gods Divine masterpiece. 

The Most High God in Heaven is not finished yet, and when the Most High God in Heaven is finished He will let us know. As translator of the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks in grownings of the spirit beyond words read it here first. 


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