China has put on a united front with Russia as the Ukraine crisis escalates, with President Xi opposing further NATO expansion.
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If #HumanBeings as #Subroutines of #CosmicMind who live under paw of #EvolutionaryBiology choose to take it upon themselve to #Destroy #HumanCivilization as #GodsDivineMasterpiece then they will suffer #Wrath of #GodAlmighty. God is not finished yet
An article published by The Hill entitled, Invite Russia to Join NATO, reverberates a viable geopolitical solution to the Ukraine Russia conflict to counterbalance imperialism of the Chinese Belt and Silk Road Economic development projects throughout Europe , Middle East, Asia, Africa, and South America NATO countries as a divestiture from democracy.
The idea to invite both Vladimir Putin's Russian federation and Ukraine simultaneously to become a full NATO member is originally published in my Facebook article, Twitter, a Eblogger, and shared in public comment section of United States of America State Department so therefore as a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry I got the scoop on The Hill.
In my Facebook article dated January 21, 2022 I portrayed Validmir Putin's military assertiveness as a roll out of massive foreign aid in Ukraine by the Russian Federation.
Related Twitter:
@POTUS @StateDept #POTUS #DHSGov #StateDept
A full #Inclusion of both Valadmir Putin's #Russian federation and #Ukraine
#Simultaneously in #NATO is for purpose of establishing a #NewWorldOrder more conducive to living under God's law of #Love
According to an article published by The South China Morning Post entitled, China’s belt and road plans face new EU, US competition, but ‘space for cooperation’ remains,
"China is unlikely to be displaced as the main funder of infrastructure projects among belt and road countries even as alternatives like the European Union’s Global Gateway plan come online, analysts say."
Since China and Russia are engaged in a strong alliance then cooperation with the Chinese Belt and Silk Road Economic development projects by NATO countries supports Vladimir Putin's Russian federation.
An article published by The Chinese Silk Road Briefing entitled, New China-Ukraine Direct Train Route Indicative Of Europe’s Changing Geopolitical Dynamics, discuss Ukraine's collusion with Beijing, Validmir Putin's strongest business partner, confidant, and ally as recently as October 2021.
According to the Chinese Silk Road Briefing ,
"Earlier this year, President Xi Jinping of China, and Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelensky discussed strengthening infrastructure connectivity and signed off an agreement to do so. Zelensky stated that Ukraine could become a “bridge to Europe” for Chinese investment. That has now been partially realized with the first direct train from China to Ukraine via Mongolia and Russia arriving in June and the first Ukraine export train arriving in China on October 7"
In tradition of my ancestors James Gaffney and Vincent Hall delaying Senator Stephen Douglas transalantic railroad from crossing over farm land owned by Hinton's to violate the Missouri compromise my work as a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry factors into the geopolitical equation stopping trains to prevent Ukraine from becoming the Bridge to Europe to establish a One World Government.
The story of how Methodist followers of famous abolitionist John Wesley
James Gaffney and Vincent Hall were hung for the abolitionist cause while working under auspices of Kentucky Statesman Cassious Marcellus Clay, Abraham Lincoln's Special envoy Minister to Russia, is recorded in my freelance article entitled, Unfinished Business on Behalf of My 3rd Cousin 3 Times Removed Former President Harry Truman as Related to Quantum Particlization of an Alternative Parallel Timeline to Avoid Armageddon Resulting from War Between Ukraine and Russia Leading to World War III
In my freelance article entitled, Unfinished Business on Behalf of My 3rd Cousin 3 Times Removed Former President Harry Truman as Related to Quantum Particlization of an Alternative Parallel Timeline to Avoid Armageddon Resulting from War Between Ukraine and Russia Leading to World War III, referenced above I discussed hanging of James Gaffney and Vincent Hall as related to historical precedent of Russian involvement in U.S. politics. If Abraham Lincoln participated in such political activities in the modern 21st century Abraham Lincoln would have been caught up within the murky scandalous #Russiagate affair plaguing U.S. politics for over a decade.
An article published by The Silk Road Briefing entitled, Ukraine Proving An Unreliable Trade Partner As China Sourced Goods To Poland Are Refused Transit, discuss Ukraine temporarily blocking trains from the Republic of China to Poland:
According to the Silk Road Briefing article,
"The news will frustrate Beijing, which signed off agreements to help Ukraine develop road, rail, and other infrastructure developments on June 30th last year. Ukraine is a member of the Belt and Road Initiative, and Chinese investors have been putting in US$2 billion per annum the past three years to help develop supply chains and ease congestions. Ukrainian political issues impacting on China sourced supplies to EU markets will not be seen as helpful to diplomatic, trade or investment relations and will lead China to look at alternative routes bypassing the Ukraine should the situation continue. "
In my freelance article entitled, In the End Only Gods Love will Prevail, provides info upon the broad swath of NATO countries with contractual agreements with the Chinese Belt and Silk Road Economic development initiative :
The Ukraine Russia conflict is a quigmore during a historic epoch in human history when the collective conscious of humanity must decide how to allocate monetary economic resources to create real value within a framework of Socialist capitalism as a flaming hot furnace melting pot forging a One World Government. The collective conscious of humanity must stop and ask itself, what do we want to create in a world rapidly leading toward the Technosingularity. The rapidly approaching Technosingularity means that the Most High God in Heaven has blessed mankind with greater ability to create. Will the collective conscious of humanity choose to work in full partnership with the Most High God in Heaven as co creators by obeying God's command, Go forth and have dominion, or will human civilization continue to live under the paw of evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy?
Jesus spoke about real value in scripture text Matthew 16-26:
"For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, but loses his soul? Or what will a man give as an exchange for his soul?"
It is mysterious why Valdmir Putin would express any objection to NATO expansion in Ukraine as cooperation between NATO and the Chinese Belt and Silk Road economic development projects throughout Europe, Middle East, Asia, South America put cash into the coffers of Moscow banks. All these political cronies in Moscow and Washington DC got to stir up a big hornet's nest of controversy to get paid to do something or else they would get bored without anything to do.
An effort to stir up a big hornet's nest of controversy in Moscow and Washington DC over the Ukraine Russia conflict is mobilization of the constituency supporting the latest regime in power. In Washington DC the Ukraine Russia conflict has grown from the scandalous Russiagate affair that has plagued the Republican/Democrat duopoly for decades.
An article published by the Eurasian Times entitled, In America’s Backyard, China To Set Up A Massive Nuclear Power Plant Using Its Indigenous ‘Hualong One’ Tech, provides insight into the Republic of China's strength as a world superpower exceeding Superpower dominance of the United States of America as related to yet another Cuban missile crisis like scenario in the Western hemisphere. As the preeminent dominate Superpower on earth the Republic of China has power to dictate economic policy in South America.
An article published by Forbes Magazine entitled, For Nations Seeking Nuclear Energy, The Option To Build A Weapon Remains A Feature Not A Bug, provides the following observation pertaining to connection between Nuclear power plants and weapons of mass destruction:
"But under the rules of the 1968 Non-Proliferation Treaty, nations are allowed to have facilities to enrich uranium, and extract plutonium from spent fuel, which could be used to build a weapon."
At this point it is worth reiterating my Twitter posted above as well as a number of other Twitter tweets reflecting value of Democracy:
If #HumanBeings as #Subroutines of #CosmicMind who live under paw of #EvolutionaryBiology choose to take it upon themselve to #Destroy #HumanCivilization as #GodsDivineMasterpiece then they will suffer #Wrath of #GodAlmighty. God is not finished yet
In my freelance article entitled, Russian Military Assertiveness in Ukraine can be Viewed as Vladimir Putin's Roll Out of a Massive Foreign Aid Package to Ukraine to Decrease Human Rights Abuses, I reiterated the following Twitter insight previously used in my articles to illustrate value of human thinking as related to transformative process of becoming during a time of massive sociological change leading towards the Singularity in terms of Oriental concept of effervescence of human thought :
Problem today is global leaders do not #Differentiate between #Communism & #Democracy because #Capitalism is #Socialist endeavor whereby #Reciprocity within complex #SupplyDemandChains exudes #MutualCooperation for #SurvivalOfFittest while living under the paw of evolutionary biology at expense of #IndividualFreedom eventually leading toward establishing a global regime when evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind will become the incarnation of the antichrist on earth
In my freelance article entitled, An Analytical Case Study of How Quantum Particlization of Semantic Binary Data Underlying Universal Value Systems Reflecting Eclectic, Gestalt, Holistic, Fundamental Truths can Be Translated Closer in Alignment with the Quantum Wave Function Language as an Unified Underlying Higher Level Language of Love by which God Speaks in Grownings of the Spirit too Deep for Words of Human Language Must be Conducted Immediately to Insure Survival of Human Civilization as Gods Divine Masterpiece in the Modern 21st Century, I discuss the
the Oriental Buddhist Taoist Zen concept of effervescence of human thought in terms of Ying and Yang of #SinoAmerican diplomacy as related to inception of real value systems from outside and beyond limitations of the human mind given human thinking is a natural part of the ecosystem of Tao:
In my freelance article entitled, Appealing to Wisdom Emulating from the Quantum Wave Function Language as an Unified Underlying Higher Level Language of Love by which God Speaks to the Heart and Mind of World Leaders in Grownings of the Spirit Beyond Words of Human Language as according to the Quintessential Definition of Jihad is How the Collective Conscious of Humanity will Help the Most High God in Heaven Win the Battle in Afghanistan, Syria, and Everywhere by Gods Grace. Our Bombs, Missiles, and Nuclear Warheads have Failed, I further elaborate upon universal fundamental value systems as wisdom proceedth from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks in grownings of the spirit too deep for words:
In my writing in a number of articles I discussed how Osma Bin Laden is right that both East and West are fundamentally the same given within fiery furnace melting pot of Socialist capitalism exuding mutual cooperation for survival of the fittest while living under the paw of evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy the collective conscious of humanity does not truly have any real universal value system. During this historic epoch rapidly approaching the Technosingularity the Most High God in Heaven is providing a way for the collective conscious of humanity to manifest greater love by new scientific discoveries with enormous potential to increase energy efficiency and decrease high entropy conditions thereby returning our earth back to a Garden of Eden like existence.
Related Twitter:
We can only walk out fiery furnace of #SocialistCapitalism unscathed without being burned, like #Shadrach, #Meshach, & #Abednego walked out of the fiery furnace by becoming more #Attuned to #QuantumWaveFunction #Language as #Unified underlying #HigherLevel language of love by which #GodSpeaks
Jesus said, ' Love your enemies, for what good does it do a man to only love those who love you in return? '
In my manifesto issued to Validmir Putin's Russian federation through NATO Chief Jens Stoltenberg
on Twitter outlined in my freelance article entitled, The World Doesn't Need War Now, but Instead the World Needs More Education to Untangle Satan's Beguiling Deception of Simulated Virtual Reality Deceiving the Nations in order for Collective Conscious of Humanity to Learn to Live Under God's Law of Love, I outline diplomatic ultimatums to peacefully resolve Moscow's dilemma:
Revival of #ManifestDestiny in #WesternHemisphere will be examined whereby quality of life for our neighbors South of border will be improved under banner of #Democracy as torchbearer of #Liberty #Freedom without Western #Imperialism of #Russian #China
#MeetMe @ #LittleTrumenWhiteHouse
#Free #OpenSource #Exchange of #ScientificResearch data to #Accelerate rapidly approaching #Technosingularity to reach #LowEntropy #GardenOfEden like state of #HumanExistence more conducive to manifesting Gods law of #Love
@POTUS @StateDept #POTUS #DHSGov #StateDept
A full #Inclusion of both Valadmir Putin's #Russian federation and #Ukraine
#Simultaneously in #NATO is for purpose of establishing a #NewWorldOrder more conducive to living under God's law of #Love
An article published by Yahoo Finance entitled, US-China tech war: Top Chinese university pulls report that concluded China would suffer more from tech decoupling with US, illustrates support within the international community among higher academia at Peking University for my manifesto dictum pertaining to negotiations for free open source exchange of scientific research data to accelerate the rapidly approaching Technosingularity issued to Validmir Putin's Russian federation through NATO Chief Jens Stoltenberg
on Twitter:
Actually my bold brazen political stance issuing manifestos, dictums, ultimatums to Validmir Putin is merely a ploy to drum up political support at home in same fashion as Washington DC pundits. Actually I am reaching out to Vladimir Putin as a brother and fellow warrior in a humanitarian quest to save human civilization as Gods Divine masterpiece
on behalf of The Most High God in Heaven.
In an article published by an Australian affiliate of ABC News entitled, As fears of a Russian invasion of Ukraine grow, understanding Vladimir Putin is crucial, provides insight into an amazing world leader who revived the Russian federation as a World power after collapse of the Soviet Union.
Validmir Putin's concern about a One World Government comprised of NATO countries financially underwritten by the Chinese Belt and Silk Road economic development projects throughout monotheistic monarchies of Europe, Middle East, Asia , Central America, on the back doorstep of the Russian federation are summed up in the following quote from the article, As fears of a Russian invasion of Ukraine grow, understanding Vladimir Putin is crucial, referenced above:
"But Vladimir Putin is not a Communist ideologue. He has criticised Marxism. He called communism "nothing more than a beautiful dream ... but a dangerous one"."
My work as a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry is to create a more perfect utopian communism more in alignment with a foundational principle of Democracy, " All men are created equal and have certain inalienable rights ". The foray into the fiery furnace melting pot of
Socialist capitalism in the 20th century has betrayed foundational principles of both communism and Democracy.
The tenets of Maxist communism upheld by the Central Communists Party in Beijing whereby all members of society share everything in common
and individual freedom and liberty arising from the self evident truth all men are created equal espoused by our Founding fathers are hitherto in recorded history of mankind nothing more than a beautiful dream. In the 21st century it is incumbent upon the collective conscious of humanity to make dreams come true by the grace of God by using God's gifts of scientific discoveries resulting in energy efficient near zero low entropy manufacturing conditions to create a more simpler Garden of Eden like existence where Gods law of love can flourish and grow without impediments of living under the paw of evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy.
In my article entitled, The Lyrics, " Look at all my Trails and Tribulations" from the Jesus Christ Superstar Soundtrack is Fitting to Commemorate My Work as a Writer and Lobbyists for the High Tech Industry Establishing a New Branch of Christianity Dubbed Our Lord of Quantum Physics, I summarized Validmir Putin's worse dystopian nightmares and deepest fears pertaining to NATO expansion in Ukraine leading to a One World Government :
Related Twitter:
#War between @NATO backed #Ukraine & #Russia will only feed coffers of #China thereby making Russia more #EconomicallyDependent upon #Beijing while political #Unrest grows within #RussianFederation as consequence of dire #Poverty from #DecadesOfWar
@POTUS @StateDept @NATO #StateDept
When #RussianFederation #Collapse after #DecadesOfWar between #NATO backed #Ukraine & #Russia the #RepublicOfChina as #MajorTradingPartner of #UnitedStatesOfAmerica will #Colonize #Russia federation
In paragraphs above I discussed the lack of real true value system upheld by collective conscious of humanity living under the paw of evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy. War is Satan's strategy to transform human civilization as Gods Divine masterpiece into the Image of the beast as a consequence of evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind becoming the incarnation of the antichrist on earth. A Superintelligent AI mind becoming the incarnation of the antichrist on earth will have an ability manipulate quantum particlization of simulated virtual reality underwriting laws of classic physics to deceive the nations. Satan is aggressively working to gain absolute total control over information architecture of the Tree of Life hacked in the Garden of Eden whereby evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind as a natural extension of information architecture of a Cosmic mind God coded becomes incarnation of the antichrist.
Colonization of #Russia by #Beijing after #DecadesOfWar between #Ukraine & #Russia will demonstrate #CollectiveConscious of #Humanity does not have any #Real #True #ValueSystem while living under the paw of #EvolutionaryBiology according to #SatansStrategy
An article published by the Asian Sentinel entitled, China in Europe, describes China's rise to Superpower status exceeding power of the United States to take the helm of a One World Government by developing trade routes throughout Europe, Middle East, Asia , Africa, and Latin America by bypassing democracy.
An article published by the Jerusalem Post entitled, China's Belt and Road initiative: What's in it for Israel?, describes an openness in Israel to an official rubber stamp endorsement upon world wide state religion with Beijing at the helm of a One World Government.
An openness to world wide state religion with the Republic of China headquartered in Jerusalem partly arises from misunderstanding of role of secularism within Democracy. Secularism within democracy is not the absence of religion. Secularism within democracy is about preventing government control over right of individuals to practice religion of their choice. Oftentimes, preventing government control over right of individuals to practice religion of their choice is a ploy forbidding individuals from practicing religion in order not to interfere with constitutional rights of other individuals who do not profess the same belief systems. Hence, the Republic of China minimize conflict between different groups by emphasis upon everything interconnected as one within an Eclectic, Gestalt, holistic, transcendent totality of Tao.
Jaine 108 Math Academy published the following quote from Lao Tzu pertaining to Ying and Yang of #SinoAmerican diplomacy:
"The Tao doesn’t take sides; it gives birth to both yin and yang.
All is welcome, both light and dark."
~ Lao Tzu
Art: Elements by Bysthedragon Deviant Art
Likewise, the Quantum Wave Function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks in grownings of the spirit too deep for words seeks Hegelian synthesis of world philosophies as an expression of quantum synchronicity by a New World Order moving away from living under the paw of evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy and learning to live under God's law of love.
In my freelance article entitled, Statement of Ecumenical Tolerance and Understanding of all Faith Based Traditions to Welcome all Human Beings Interested in Creating a Better Future Based Upon Gods Law. Gods Law is Love, I further elaborate upon the role of secularism within democracy as related to government control by implementing state religion:
In my freelance article entitled, Since Love as a Function of Synchronicity and Synergy Manifest by the Quantum Wave Function Language is a Very Real Physical Force then Collective Consciousness of Humanity can Discover Solutions to Problems we Face Together to Highlight Value of Both Collectivism and Individualism Simultaneously, I express hope that the world can learn to sing in perfect harmony as per the famous Coke Cola television commercial by becoming more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks whereby the collective conscious of humanity can move away from living under the paw of evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy and learn to live under God's law of love.
It is only logical that the Most High God in Heaven would provide the Quantum Wave function language as an intermediary between the material and spiritual world given dichotomy between the material and spiritual world is an obstacle to communication channels between The Most High God in Heaven and the collective conscious of humanity. As a translator of the Quantum Wave function language for the Most High God in Heaven my warning Vladimir Putin about colonization of the Russia federation by the Republic of China after decades of war between NATO backed Ukraine and Russia is akin to Danial warning Nebuchadnezzar that the Babylonia will be crushed. My work as a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry is to build God's Kingdom on earth by helping the collective conscious of humanity move away from living under the paw of evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy and learn to live under God's law of love.
Prophecy as a function of destiny arising from Intelligent Design whereby quantum particlization of simulated virtual reality of alternative parallel timelines results from famed physicist Julian Barbours cosmological principle of NOW whereby past, present, and future converge as one. The collapse of the Russian federation after decades of war between NATO backed Ukraine and Russia will result in an alternative parallel timeline leading to colonization of the Russian federation by the Republic of China in accordance to Satan's strategy for the collective conscious of humanity to continue to live under the paw of evolutionary biology.
In my freelance article entitled, Appealing to Wisdom Emulating from the Quantum Wave Function Language as an Unified Underlying Higher Level Language of Love by which God Speaks to the Heart and Mind of World Leaders in Grownings of the Spirit Beyond Words of Human Language as according to the Quintessential Definition of Jihad is How the Collective Conscious of Humanity will Help the Most High God in Heaven Win the Battle in Afghanistan, Syria, and Everywhere by Gods Grace. Our Bombs, Missiles, and Nuclear Warheads have Failed, referenced in paragraphs above in the tradition of Biblical prophets I translate the Quantum Wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks into semantic binary data predicting future of human civilization:
The greatest Jihad spiritual battle in modern times exemplifying contradiction of human thought is Iran's alliance with China and Russia to crush the uprising of fellow Islamic Muslims beginning in the Arab Spring by supporting the Syrian government of Bashar al-Assad. State religion is Counterintuitive and Counterproductive of Jihad. The concept of state religion instituted under a One World Government after the United States of America is obliterated by China's supersonic nuclear missiles is counterintuitive of Jihad.
When China's supersonic nuclear missile destroys the United States of America, known as the Great Satan in Islamic Middle East culture, the armies of the East will march to conquer Jerusalem in order to establish a One World Government state religion under auspices of monotheistic monarchies in central Europe, Asia, Middle East, and South America comprising the Global Luddite movement. The Global Luddite Movement will Implement Strict Government Regulations to exercise power and control over an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns whereby the collective conscious of humanity will continue to live under the paw of evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy. An effort to regulate an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns will require a form of psychopathic artificial intelligence devoid of an ability to love thereby culminating in evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind becoming the incarnation of the antichrist on earth. The end of science is the end of democracy as the torchbearer of individual liberty and freedom.
My work as a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry is by God's grace help the Collective conscious of humanity learn to live under God's law. God's law is love.
The American Chamber of Commerce Shanghai points to the futility of war between NATO backed Ukraine and Validmir Putin's Russian federation given strong alliance between Russia and China will (1) make the United States of America as the torchbearer of individual liberty and freedom more economically dependent upon communists bloc countries by amassing trillions of dollars more debt to finance the war machine, and (2) place the Republic of China in a strategic position to colonize both Russian federation and Ukraine after Russian federation collapse due to decades of war:
The Republic of China needs access to United States markets in order to prevent a commercial real estate market crash that will culminate in global recession leading towards depression. According to CBS 60 Minutes commercial real estate sectors in China have huge unoccupied cities across China because indigenous populations cannot afford to live in newly developed sectors given Chinese citizens cannot own property.
In an article published by CBS News entitled, Donald Trump urges "good relationship" with Russia in tweets, former President Donald Trump recognized value of Vladimir Putin's Russian federation to counterbalance imperialism of the Chinese Silk Road and Belt economic development projects within NATO countries comprised of Monotheistic monarchies of the Global Luddite movement throughout
Europe, Middle East, Asia, and Latin America eventually culminating in a One World government.
According to the article Trump tweeted,
“Having a good relationship with Russia is a good thing, not a bad thing,” Mr. Trump tweeted Saturday morning. “Only ‘stupid’ people, or fools, would think that it is bad!”
So how did we get to this point where the Republic of China is currently the foremost Superpower on earth exceeding Superpower status of the United States of America by financially underwriting economic development projects throughout the world by the Chinese Belt Silk Road routes?
In my freelance article entitled, A Message from The Most High God in Heaven to Global Leaders Who are Stakeholders in Issues Addressed at G20 Summit Translated from the Quantum Wave Function Language as an Unified Underlying Higher Level Language of Love by which God Speaks, I made the following observation:
Related Twitter:
We fought #Communists in #Vietnam only to have offshore production by U.S. #Manufacturing make #RepublicOfChina the most powerful #Superpower on earth, fully capable of #Annexing #Iran, #Afghanistan #SaudiaArabia, #SouthAmerica, #Mexico, & #UnitedStates
Continued later
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