Saturday, February 12, 2022

If NATO backed Ukraine and Russia Go After Each Other's Throats on Battlefield According to Satan's Strategy for Collective Conscious of Humanity to Continue to Live Under Paw of Evolutionary Biology then Entire Global Economy will likely Collapse Including China.

On International Day of Human Fraternity, we renew our commitment to continuing the path of human fraternity, which unites, reconciles, and bonds people, and express our hope that peace will prevail throughout the world. Share with us your wish for humanity.


#MyWork as a #Writer &
#Lobbyists for #HighTech #Industry is to create a #MorePerfect #Utopian #Communism more in alignment with a #Foundational principle of #Democracy, " All men are created #Equal & have certain #Inalienable #Rights "

Why why we on the brink of war? We are failing to demonize demons. #VladimirPutin and #XiJinping are demons. There will be no peace as long as they remain in power. #Russia #China

#OsmaBinLaden is right both #East & #West are fundamentally the same given within #FieryFurnace
of #SocialistCapitalism exuding #MutualCooperation for
#SurvivalOfFittest while living under paw of #EvolutionaryBiology according to #SatansStrategy Humanity has no real values

#MyWork as a #Writer & #Lobbyist for the #HighTech #Industry is by God's #Grace help the #CollectiveConscious of #Humanity #Learn to live under God's law. God's law is Love

@POTUS #POTUS @StateDept #StateDept
@_nickbostrom @DHSgov
The #Foray into #FieryFurnace #MeltingPot of 
#SocialistCapitalism in #20thCentury has #Betrayed #Foundational #Principles of #Both #Communism and #Democracy Simultaneously

We can only walk out fiery furnace of #SocialistCapitalism  unscathed without being burned, like #Shadrach, #Meshach, & #Abednego walked out fiery furnace by becoming more #Attuned to #QuantumWaveFunction #Language as #Unified underlying #HigherLevel language of love by which #GodSpeaks

"Many of our moral intuitions and practices are based on assumptions about human nature that need not hold for digital minds."
New paper from Carl Shulman & Nick Bostrom — 'Sharing The World With Digital Minds'

How can #CollectiveConscious confer universal #Values upon a #Superintelligent #AI #Mind when #Individuals do not #Truthfully uphold any #Real #True values given #HumanCivilization lives under paw of #EvolutionaryBiology according to #SatansStrategy?

♟️ Today Russian-Soviet chess Legend Yuri #Averbakh - world's oldest chess grandmaster - turns 💯!

A prominent player, he is also one of the most renowned chess theorists, an endgame specialist. He became an international grandmaster in 1952. 

Happy Birthday Yuri Lvovich! 🥳

If #NATO backed #Ukraine led by #USA wins resulting in #RussiaCollapse or #Russia wins war with Ukraine resulting in USA becoming a #Bankrupt financially #Insolvent #3rdWorldCountry #RedDragon of #RepublicOfChina wins #BothWays #Simultaneously

A bankrupt financially insolvent United States of America that becomes a 3rd World like country after disgracefully withdrawing from a brutal Ukraine Russia war leaving Validmir Putin multimillions of dollars of military weaponry after decades of war 
will allow Beijing fly the five star red flag over the Capital building and White House in Washington DC without firing a shot. The United States of America will become the 6th star in the five star Red flag with Beijing at the helm of a One World Government.

#POTUS @DHSgov #StateDept 
#Ukraine #Russia #Conflict is a #Paradox resulting from #QuantumEntanglement within #InternationalRelations as a consequence of #Satan #Hacking #QuantumWaveFunction #Language God used to #Code #TreeOfLife in the #GardenOfEden

Quantum entanglement within Socialist Capitalism as a consequence of Satan hacking the Quantum Wave Function language the Most High God in Heaven used to code The Tree of Life resulting in a lack of an universal value system within geopolitical politics given the collective conscious of humanity lives under the paw of evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy is illustrated by a article published by the Wall Street Journal entitled, Ukraine’s Zelensky Wants to Fend Off Russia—and America, Too

It is a paradoxical ironic quigmire within international politics that 
President Zelensky accepts 200 million dollars of military weaponry from the Biden administration,  but yet wants to fend off America? An article published by Defense News entitled, Pentagon reveals info on $200M military aid to Ukraine, including more Javelins, provides information about spending by the Biden administration to finance the Ukraine Russia war.

Ukraine as a bridge to Europe for the Chinese Belt Silk Road Economic development projects puts Ukraine in a strategic position to insure the future of Ukraine within the framework of Socialist capitalism. Socialist capitalism is mutual cooperation for survival of the fittest while living under the paw of evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy. A strategic position to leverage foreign aid from the highest bidder is indifference to a real true universal value system .

In my freelance article entitled, Since Satan Hacked the Quantum Wave Function language The Most High God in Heaven used to Code Information Architecture of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden, Resulting in Quantum Particlization of the Physical Universe, We are Currently Living in Satan's Simulated Virtual Reality, I made the following observations:

Since Ukraine is a member of the #ChineseSilkBeltRoad economic development projects then Ukrainian leaders are playing both sides of the fence in order to leverage the best possible deal for the future of Ukraine demonstrating Ukraine leaders don't really trust either side. Since Ukraine is blocking freight train shipments to Poland as a neighboring NATO country then this doesn't bode well for United States foreign policy of borrowing trillions of dollars from the Republic of China to finance a war between Ukraine and Russia. When the United States of America financially collapse
after decades of war Ukraine diplomats will likely apply for foreign aid from Moscow to combat human rights abuses resulting  from occupation of Ukraine by the United States of America.

The Republican of China's meteoric rise to Superpower status exceeding power of the United States of America makes it imperative that the international community "think outside the box" to create a new world order whereby Gods law will flourish by obeying God's command,  'Go forth and have dominion '. Gods law is love. 

The United States of America must exercise leadership for Biejing, Moscow, and United States diplomats to come to the table to discuss full inclusion of Validmir Putin's Russian federation and Ukraine simultaneously in NATO in such a way as to insure economic growth of both Ukraine and Russia simultaneously as sovereign nations interdependent upon each other. Full inclusion of Russia and Ukraine in NATO will culminate in disruption of geopolitical alliances between Soviet Communists bloc countries of Republic of China with the Russian federation and also upset diplomatic alliances between Iran, Turkey,  and Pakistan with Russia and China.  

The Republic of China will likely be opposed to both Validmir Putin's Russian federation and Ukraine  becoming  full NATO members,  but will likely accept the proposal when Beijing recognizes benefits of global stability in terms of economic growth of the Republic of China. If NATO backed Ukraine and Russia go after each other's throats on the battlefield according to Satan's strategy for the collective conscious of humanity to continue to live under the paw of evolutionary biology then the entire global economy will likely collapse including China.  A collapse of China's economy will result in political unrest and division resulting in efforts to overthrow the Central Communists party in Beijing. 

Diplomatic talks to create a new world order based upon Gods law of love should also focus upon brokering deals to insure Islam remains strong and prosperous in the modern 21st century given the Middle East crude oil industry is tethering on the edge going the way of the dinosaur as a victim of #TechnologicalDisruption arising from new green energy production technologies. My work as a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry is to translate the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks into quantum particlization of semantic binary data expressing wisdom to enable sociological change that manifest conditions whereby the collective conscious of humanity can learn to live under God's law of love.

Related Twitter :

Truth vs Reality: How we evolved to survive, not to see what’s really there.

Donald Hoffman's concept of #FitnessPayoffs provides #Insight into how #SelfEvident #Truths of #Democracy will become #Extinct within #Geopolitical framework of #SocialistCapitalism

#FirstTime in @HISTORY during #21stCentury #Humanbeings may have #Opportunity to become #MoreThenMonkeys as #HumanCivilization moves away from living under paw of #EvolutionaryBiology according to #SatansStrategy & #Learn to live under #GodsLaw of #Love

In my article entitled, Since Satan Hacked the Quantum Wave Function language The Most High God in Heaven used to Code Information Architecture of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden, Resulting in Quantum Particlization of the Physical Universe, We are Currently Living in Satan's Simulated Virtual Reality, I discuss how the Republic of China is in strategic position to block my Gaffney Ukraine Russia peace proposal within United Nations assemblies given Beijing is the banker who will underwrite the war machine therefore China will win both ways :

My Tweet to commemorate the Birthday of world renown Russian chess player Yuri Lvovich:

If #NATO backed #Ukraine led by #USA wins resulting in #RussiaCollapse or #Russia wins war with Ukraine resulting in USA becoming a #Bankrupt financially #Insolvent #3rdWorldCountry #RedDragon of #RepublicOfChina wins #BothWays #Simultaneously

Bankruptcy of either the United States of America or Validmir Putin's Russian federation will place the Republic of China in a strategic position to colonize the United States of America or Validmir Putin's Russia Federation after decades of war depending upon who wins the Ukraine Russia war.

Please Nominate My Proposed New Branch of Christianity Dubbed Our Lord of Quantum Physics Dedicated to Promoting Concept of Human Fraternity for Council of Human Fraternity Award:

Continued later 

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