Saturday, February 6, 2021

Today's Neo Marxist Quagmire: The 2008 Financial Collapse as neo Marxist Quagmire

By Mark W. Gaffney

There are no easy answers to complex problems we face as a nation. It may be futile for ordinary people to try to grasp or comprehend what is going on by dialogue on Facebook.

The complexity of these problems is one reason citizens often feel disenfranchised from their elected government. The complexity of these problems is why we need clear cut leadership without rancorous division at the top.

Simultaneously, elite Wall Street firms have access to supercomputers augmented by artificial intelligence that provide technological advantage and superiority within markets. Wall Street firms having access to supercomputers creates a neo Marxist quagmire.

A lot of people are still suffering after the 2008 Financial Collapse. What I like to know is who paid bozo's off the street pretending to be bank executives to sign piles and stacks of fraudulent bogus foreclosure documents that further aggravated a market with legitimate problems during 2008 Financial Collapse?

Legitimate problems may have been due to inflationary pressures within major metropolitan areas which are vital centers of commerce. The 2008 financial collapse sent many responsible middle class citizens spiraling downward into poverty when they lost their homes.

Severe urban blight occurred after 2008 financial collapse in many cities around the country. Many areas are still struggling to recover today in aftermath of 2008 financial collapse.

Obviously, access to Artificial Intelligence supercomputers did not help Wall Street Bank executives and accountants prevent the 2008 financial collapse. Perhaps, accountants should return counting with their fingers and toes.

A TED talk by Zeynep Tufekci entitled, Machine Intelligence makes Human Morals more Important, is relevant and provides valuable insight into this discussion:

In previous freelance articles I wrote and published I assert obedience to the 10 Commandments could have prevented the Financial Collapse of 2008. Specifically, obedience to the commandment, Thou Shalt Not Covet, could have prevented the financial collapse of 2008. I strongly advocate that the 10 Commandments should be displayed in every local, state, and federal office throughout our beloved country, the United States of America.

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