Tuesday, February 9, 2021

BREAKING NEWS Former POTUS45 Donald Trump Guilty as Charged Without Due Process of a Free Fair Impeachment Court Hearing: Mainland China, Russia, and Iran Hold Kangaroo courts to Crush Political Opponents

Good news ,  the United States Senate does not have to hold impeachment court proceedings against former President Donald Trump.

Tonight, mainstream evening news declared former President Donald Trump guilty of insurrection without due process of law. It is over. Former President Donald Trump has been found guilty on mainstream television.

What happened to the idea of innocent until proven guilty? Mainstream mass media have declared police guilty without due process of a lawful fair trial thereby inciting more video confrontations with police leading to insurrection during entire year of 2020 which included seizures of federal government buildings. 

Related Twitter:

@DavidSchoenLaw @MTVLawOffices 
Suddenly overnight after #CapitolHillRiots Democrat #Demogages and #FakeMassMedia support our #MenInBlue https://t.co/D6etfdpSPM


@DavidSchoenLaw @MTVLawOffices 
Before #CapitolRiots #FakeMassMedia depicted police as #TriggerHappy racist #Murderers targeting African Americans, instead of #HumanBeings making #SplitSecondDecisions to #Defend their lives so they can go home to their family https://t.co/ADcnV0cz0W


An article published by The Standard Hong Kong entitled, DoJ drops QC David Perry as lead prosecutor in Jimmy Lai illegal assembly case, discuss how the Communist Central Party ( CCP ) dismiss the idea " Innocent until proven guilty" in a court of law.


According to the article referenced above since the Central Communists Party adheres to the rule of law 
our Judiciary system in the United States of America can learn a lot from Hong Kong Judiciary processes:

The following is an excerpt:

"As legal proceedings are still ongoing, it is inappropriate for anyone to comment on the case as it is a matter of sub judice. No one should embark upon baseless speculations. Any unfair and unfounded allegation made with a view to undermining and discrediting our independent criminal justice system will be vehemently refuted, the department added.

We in HK value the rule of law, and we do not take kindly to attempts like this to undermine it; that said, these attempts will not succeed, a suitable replacement for Perry will be found, and a fair trial will still be conducted,” stressed Cross."

Related Twitter:

@davidsheon @FCC #FCC @MTVLawOffices 
#MassMedia will no longer be allowed to #InciteRiots by Litigating cases against any #PoliceOfficer or #ElectedLeader automatically #Judged #Guilty on #Television without #DueProcess of #FairTrial in a #CourtOfLaw https://t.co/s4njZufpjc


Censorship of state media by the Central Communist party serves a purpose of a gag order to insure preservation of social stability in a diverse heterogeneous population with 56 ethnic groups significantly larger than United States according to a Google search:

"The United States ranks third in world population -- and seems likely to hold that position for decades to come. New estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau put China in the lead with 1.34 billion residents, followed by India with 1.19 billion. The United States is a distant third with 311.1 million people.Jul 6, 2011"

Biz Journals › scott-thomas › 2011/07 China, India and U.S. are top 3 in world population - The Business Journals

The impeachment court proceeding against former President Donald Trump and prosecution against police accused of a crime is a matter of sub judice therefore should not be discussed elsewhere. In 2020 the African American community was outraged by lack of transparency due to failure of elected leaders to release information about prosecution of police officers. A campaign of misinformation by mass media outlets motivated to drive up ratings incited riots that sadly cost the life of a good man, David McAtee. David McAtee was shot and killed by National Guard returning fire after David McAtee fired a warning shot to defend his business. 

An article published by Aljazeera entitled, Jimmy Lai remains in jail as Hong Kong’s top court considers bail, describes a violation of the writ of Habeas corpus in the case of the Central Communist Party against Jimmy Lai. 


Actually, the case of the Central Communists Party against Jimmy Lai is the CCP placed in the position of accused defendant as a weary eye of the collective consciousness of humanity questions if mainland China's foray into Socialist capitalism is tantamount to imperialism threatening domination of the free world.

A price tag cannot be placed upon things of the spirit. The things of the Spirit are priceless as human beings as subroutines of a sentient self aware panpsychic consciousness universe God coded as a Cosmic Mind are receiving antennas or receptors of the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. Since things of the Spirit are priceless Jesus toppled tables of vendors buying and selling at the temple of Mount Olive. Jesus cried out,  " You shall not make My House a Den of Thieves ".

In my freelance article entitled, Nebuchadnezzar's Dream as Interpreted by Daniel as Prophecy of the New World Order in the Modern 21st Century, provides a discussion of the technosingularity as the stone not cut by human hands filling the entire earth given human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind exist as receiving antennas or receptors of communication from above and beyond through the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. Scientific discoveries and exponential growth of knowledge is a gift from God above and cannot be credited to any given individual, organization,  corporation,  or government. In the race of superpowers toward the technosingularity God favors Whom He will.



Yes, imperialism of the Chinese silk road throughout continental Europe and Middle East makes good business sense, but unless mainland China embrace Representative Government   highlighting value of natural rights of individuals then Chinese silk road fits into a script of Biblical prophecy outlined in the Book of Revelations. The Journey of mankind toward the Omega Point is a Holy spiritual journey. 

All manmade and natural information systems emulating from a sentient  self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind are inherently autocratic authoritarian totalitarian by nature. Satan hacked a Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden. Human beings are subroutines of a Cosmic mind. 
Jimmy Lai's constructive criticism of absolute autocratic authoritarianism of the Central Communists Party ( CCP ) serves to protect the free world during a pivotal moment in human history when an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns manifest absolute autocratic totalitarianism. Former President Bill Clinton redefined freedom of speech as freedom of the press. Freedom of speech is identified in the 1st Amendment of the United States of America Constitution as a natural right conferred upon individuals.

Mainstream media that have already judged former President Donald Trump guilty without due process of a fair lawful impeachment court proceeding depend upon advertising revenue by companies engaged in offshore manufacturing in mainland China.

In my freelance article entitled, Prison Planet, I made the following observation pertaining to how offshore production in mainland China is having an adverse impact upon Democratic institutions within the United States of America:



The Vietnam war devastated the United States of America economy.  When I  graduated High school in 1978 I couldn't  find a good job anywhere. The only jobs available listed in the  newspaper were selling  Avon door to door within an economy suffering depression after years of war. It is a big paradox  that  at the same time we fought communism in Vietnam  American industry ramped up offshore manufacturing  in mainland China. Something don't add up. 

As a  child I  was tricked into  believing I  needed  to  get a college education.  Walter Cronkite  interviewed  countless  unemployed construction workers on the evening  news.

Professional educators sold a child swamp water. Now God is calling me to use my education to explore how powerful internet telecommunications is helping or hindering the individual. A major theme within recent freelance articles I wrote is how writing is a sacred art.

An article published by Yahoo News entitled, Russian court jails Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny, describes declaring political opponents guilty without due process of law in Russia. 


A Kangaroo impeachment court proceeding against former President Donald Trump within prejudicial biased U.S. Senate chambers without due process of law is similar to jailing of Alexei Navalny in Russia. In mainland China,  Russia,  and Iran holding Kangaroo courts to crush political opponents is common.

Related Twitter:

@davidsheon @MTVLawOffices @USSupremeCourt @TheJusticeDept
#BREAKINGNEWS Former #POTUS45 Donald Trump Guilty as Charged Without #DueProcess of a Free Fair #Impeachment #CourtHearing: China, Russia, & Iran Hold #KangarooCourt to #Crush #PoliticalOpponents 


An article published by PJ Media entitled,  FLASHBACK: Kamala Harris Joked About Killing Trump, Pence, and Jeff Sessions, is yet another example of harsh rhetoric Democrat demogages used to incite insurrection on the streets of the United States of America in 2020 which included seizure of U.S. Federal buildings.:


An article published by Law Enforcement Today entitled,   
Did Kamala Harris joke about killing Trump, Pence, Sessions on 2018 Ellen show? (Op-ed), verifies that Kamala Harris joked about killing former President Donald Trump on Ellen DeGeneres show.


Jesus said,  " Let him who is without sin cast the first stone. If Donald Trump must be held accountable for all his words allegedly prompting grown adult men and women to violently attack the Capital building then Vice President Kamala Harris should be held accountable for inciting insurrection by joking about killing Republican rank and file members including former President Donald Trump. 

In above paragraphs I made the assertion it is very common in mainland China, Russia, and Iran holding Kangaroo courts to crush political opponents.
In terms of a Kangaroo impeachment court proceeding against former President Donald Trump within prejudicial biased U.S. Senate chambers without due process of law compared with jailing of Alexei Navalny in Russia an analytical examination of demographs as related to geographic land mass helps provide empathic understanding of controversial diplomatic relationships between the United States,  China,  Iran, and Russia.  

In paragraphs above I referenced a Google search pertaining to a large heterogeneous population of mainland China as related to maintenance of socioeconomic stability of China under the rule of law of the Socialist Republic of China:

"The United States ranks third in world population -- and seems likely to hold that position for decades to come. New estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau put China in the lead with 1.34 billion residents, followed by India with 1.19 billion. The United States is a distant third with 311.1 million people.Jul 6, 2011"

An analytical examination of demographics as related to geographic land mass of mainland China,  Russia,  and Iran quickly reveal one size doesn't fit all in terms of various forms of government. Pluralism  of democracy may not work very well within countries with huge geographical land masses where diverse heterogeneous ethnic groups live. Look at the many problems created by pluralism of democracy with decentralization of government authority in the United States of America resulting in numerous special interests groups vying for power. 

A Google search reveals that the Socialist Republic of Russia has a larger geographic land mass then the United States of America but significantly fewer citizens.  Geographic isolation in remote rural areas of the enormous Russian terrain promotes an underground mob mentality among diverse ethnic groups. 

Paradoxically,  as a writer and political consultant I am a pro democracy activists upon the international stage however if I lived in Russia I would cast my vote for Vladimir Putin instead of Alexei Navalny. The pro democracy movement of Alexei Navalny has great risk of creating socioeconomic instability within the Socialist Republic of Russia ultimately presenting danger to the international community. 

The rapidly approaching Technosingularity arising from an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns is prematurely energizing pro -democracy movements all across the globe. Although conscious awareness that the Technosingularity can become a threat to individual civil liberties is good given that all natural and manmade information systems are inherently absolutely autocratic totalitarian by nature the collective consciousness of humanity must work together to create greater order to expand individual civil liberties around the world. Russia is not yet ready for the pro democracy movement of Alexei Navalny,  although Alexei Navalny is providing a great service to the Socialist Republic of Russia by exercising his natural right of freedom of speech to bring conscious awareness that the rapidly approaching Technosingularity should highlight innate rights of individuals. 

With that being said as pertaining to expressed support for Vladimir Putin in above paragraphs,  rededication to civil liberties implied by natural rights outlined by foundational documents of the United States of America must be implemented within the international community by embracing Representative government to prevent human rights abuses. 

Validimir Putin knows that powerful telecommunications technology enable a high degree  of networking within unionized rank and file of pro democracy movements thereby challenging authority of the state in maintaining socioeconomic stability. In the United States of America communists fascists union mafia thugs trample on civil liberties of individuals as a consequence of capitalism running amok thereby invalidating Democratic principles.  

The Capital Hill riots in Washington DC demonstrate value of strong centralized government in terms of preservation of social stability under the rule of law.  Since U.S. Intelligence agencies have attacked former President Donald Trump's decentralized privatization of power within free markets devoid of excessive interference of government regulation for four years then Russian money pouring into the U.S. economy may have been used to orchestrate the Capital Hill riots in Washington DC with help of U.S. intelligence agencies. 

In my freelance article entitled Prison Planet referenced in paragraphs above I shared a personal narrative of how soon after fighting communism in Vietnam U.S. private sector manufacturing markets began off shore production in mainland China governed by the Central Communists party resulting in 58, 900 America soldiers dying in vain according to casualty statistics provided by the U.S. Archives:


Civil disobedience during street protests by right and left wing groups is the first step to Revolutionary overthrow of our beloved United. A divided nation suggest the United States of America is about ready to crack in a seismic earthquake. 

A number of states, including California and Texas, have pushed for succession from the Union:

The following is the URL for the California succession movement:


In the Presidential election year of 2020 the biggest Russian hack by a foreign nation occurred within the United States of America. During the Presidential election of 2020 former President Donald Trump got lambasted by Democrat demogages for failing to retaliate against Russia for hacking major institutions in the United States. 

After the Presidential election of 2020 when fake mass media with a globalization agenda declared Joe Biden the winner the Russian hack has been swept under the carpet in 2021 with no more talk about retaliation against Russia. 

An article published by the New York Times entitled,  As Understanding of Russian Hacking Grows, So Does Alarm, describes Russian hacking into U.S. government servers.   


Russian hacking into U.S. government  servers prompted political opponents of former President Trump pushing to start World War III by immediate retaliation by the Trump Administration during the 2020 Presidential election year. Former President Donald Trump was politically torn to pieces for his failure to take immediate action against Russia for the cyberattack.

After Joe Biden is declared the winner of the Presidential election in November 2020 everything is all good and we are back to engaging in normalized diplomatic relationships with Russia. President Biden chastised Validmir Putin for the cyberattack upon the United States of America in 2020 with a good tongue lashing.

An article published by liberal media CNN entitled, Trump falsely claims Joe Biden received $3.5 million from Russia, clearly indicates a pay off of Russian money laundered into the United States of America during the 2020 Presidential election year.  


According to the article, Trump falsely claims Joe Biden received $3.5 million from Russia:

"Hunter Biden also denies the allegation he received $3.5 million. Hunter Biden's lawyer, George Mesires, told CNN that Hunter Biden was not an owner of the firm Senate Republicans allege received the $3.5 million payment in 2014.

A partisan investigation conducted by Senate Republicans, whose report was released this month, alleged that Elena Baturina, a Russian businesswoman and the wife of late Moscow mayor Yuri Luzhkov, sent $3.5 million in 2014 to a firm called Rosemont Seneca Thornton, and that the payment was identified as a "consultancy agreement." The report did not provide any further details about the transaction.

Hunter Biden was a co-founder and CEO of the investment firm Rosemont Seneca Advisors. But Mesires said Hunter Biden did not co-found Rosemont Seneca Thornton. It's not clear what connection exists between Rosemont Seneca Advisors and Rosemont Seneca Thornton"

In my freelance article entitled, Today in 2021 a Regime with a Globalization Agenda Antagonistic of American Values Lead by President Elect Joe Biden Have Claimed Public Office by Brute Force of Violent Mobs. Brute Force of Violent Mobs Ultimately Obstructed Republican Conservative Groups from Speaking Truth of the Republican Platform to Uncommitted Independents on the Streets Thereby Compromising a Free and Fair Election by Promoting Fear Mongering, I discussed an open source transparency Economic model to unite pro democracy forces by rededication to the rule of law as established by our Founding fathers in the 1st Amendment of the United States Constitution to redress grievances within courts of law and legislative assemblies instead of seeking justice on the streets:


The following paragraphs is an excerpt from my freelance article referenced above:

The Joe Biden/Harris administration is going to be a dismal failure if Joe Biden doesn't follow through on enacting a globalization agenda on behalf of China,  Iran, and Russia. Joe Biden is their boy they helped get elected by starting a race war in the United States of America in 2020 to obstruct free and fair elections in the United States of America so that China,  Iran, and Russia will control the White House and legislative branch of government. In 2020 various Mass media outlets reported upon the Senate investigation lead by Republicans into Hunter Biden recieving $3.5 million dollars from a powerful Russian oligarch as payment for consulting services:


If globalization is destined to occur , globalization must be based upon terms of the American people in accordance to God's command,  Go forth and have dominion. As a writer and political consultant working as a lobbyist on behalf of high tech market sectors to establish an open source transparency model to move forward toward the technosingularity to build One Nation under God indivisible for liberty and Justice for all,  I should be paid $3.5 million dollars by the Russian oligarch. 

My work as a writer is to prevent evolution of a sentient self aware Superintellligent AI from becoming the incarnation of the antichrist as according to Satan's strategy. The American people need to fully support a Non Governmental Organization I am establishing to take back our government from the Republican/Democrat duopoly so that our government will answer to the American people without civil disobedience to overthrow our beloved nation. Our broken dysfunction government is a consequence of power and greed resulting from capitalism running amok amongst the Republican/Democrat duopoly whereby elected leaders no longer represent the American people but special interests with covert ties to foreign National enemy combatant investment groups that finance their campaigns and lavish lifestyles.

Russia has been involved in American politics for a very long time. In my freelance article entitled, Why Did I Let These Russians Talk Me Into This,  I discussed how my ancestors  James Gaffney and Vincent Hall were hung by the neck before a jeering crowd of 10,000 people in an underground operation conducted by Cassius Clay,
Abraham Lincoln's foreign minister to Russia, to stop Senator Stephen Douglass transalantic railroad from crossing over farmland owned by the Hinton's on it's way to violate the Missouri Compromise:


Judge Hinton hung my ancestors in 30 days without a fair trial. Everyone should get a fair trial in a court of law,  even Donald Trump. 

An article by Wired Magazine entitled, The Most Wanted Man in the World,  provides a face to face interview with Edward Snowden revealing deep insights into what life is like for Edward Snowden while living in Russia:


An ABC News article entitled, Russian Bombers Intercepted 8 Miles from U.S. Airspace, demonstrates Moscow is sensitive to the conflict between pro Democracy forces and Rule of law cherished by collective conscious of humanity therefore will not allow capitalism gone amok among the Republican/Democrat duopoly to violate civil liberties of an outspoken writer and political consultant like myself who is working to prevent evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind from becoming incarnation of the antichrist:


Likewise, the Russian cyberattack that Democrat demogages pushed former President Donald Trump to retaliate against is an effort to collect intelligence about what goes on behind closed doors as a consequence of corruption among the Republican/Democrat duopoly due to capitalism running amok as evidenced by many U.S. Intelligence agencies investigating inappropriate liaisons between the United States and foreign countries,  including China. 

Recently the U.S. Senate stripped Republican conservative Marjorie Taylor Greene of her U.S. Intelligence security clearance for espousing conspiracy theories. Have lawmakers forgotten about the billionaire hedge fund manager and convicted sex offender, Jeffery Epstein, who hobnobbed  with  the most powerful people on earth,  including lawmakers in Washington DC?



What dark secrets will the Russian cyberattack against U.S. government servers reveal? It is no accident that David Schoen,  an attorney representing former President Donald Trump in his impeachment court proceeding, met with Jeffery Epstein with intent to Represent the convicted sex offender in a court of law.  What secrets did Jeffery Epstein reveal to David Schoen before his untimely death. David Schoen,  Donald Trump's attorney,  is outspoken about Jeffery Epstein murdered in his jail cell.

The $3.5 million dollars paid by a Russian oligarch allegedly to a company that Hunter Biden may have been peripherally connected with may be a pay out by political opponents of Validmir Putin who support Alexei Navalny and 
want to topple state government of the Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic.

In my freelance article entitled, The Work of Living Under the Social Contract of Representative government is Hard. It is Much Easier for the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to Swing the Gavel within a Prejudicial Senate Legislative Chambers to Unfairly Declare Donald Trump guilty thereby acting as Tyrannical Authoritarian King, I  outline a way forward for our beloved United States of America by uniting pro democracy forces under the rule of law:


We the people of the United States of America are going to rise from the flames of revolution a more united stronger Nation as a bright shining light, a beckon of hope, like a light tower guiding a ship through dark stormy seas. We the American people will 
set an example to the world that Representative government, conceived by our Founding fathers as Men of Letters engaged in the sacred art of writing by becoming more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks, works to establish rightful relationships between men who sharpen each other like iron sharpens iron. Arnold Schwarzenegger flashed his iron sword he used in  Conan The Barbarian on television. 

We the people of the United States of America will use this current constitutional crisis as a learning opportunity to resolve all these issues on both the right and left thereby moving forward together under the rule of law. 

The day of engaging in civil disobedience of peaceful protests to get Justice are over for both right wing and left wing special interests groups.  From this day forward we will move forward together as an American people to get Justice within courts of law and legislative assemblies under the framework of representative government as established by our Founding fathers in the 1st amendment of the United States Constitution. Justice cannot be gotten on the streets since all human beings live under the paw of evolutionary biology and are ready to kill another human being at any moment. Today the killing by right and left groups stops and we will live under the rule of law. 

If someone of any race, creed, gender,  and ethnic origin is killed by police we must find out what happened within courts of law. If law enforcement  officers are found to be guilty of murder after due process  of a fair trial in a court of law then lawmakers must immediately legislate laws as police policy to prevent crimes against humanity from ever occurring again. Mainstream  Mass media will no longer be allowed to incite a  riot by litigating cases against any police officer automatically judged guilty on television without due process of a fair trial in a court of law. 
Lawmakers must immediately work to recruit more African American citizens to police the African American community.  The Black Congressional Caucus and NAACP must immediately take a more active role in oversight of bench warrants and other judiciary processes to insure a fair trial for any America citizen, especially African American citizens.

The day of peaceful protests on the streets  to get Justice as encouraged by a gross misinterpretation of 1st Amendment rights by elected leaders is over. 
If Justice cannot be gotten within courts of law and legislative assemblies under the framework of representative government as established  by our Founding fathers then the only other alternative is to burn the American flag, shred the United States of America Constitution, dissolve  the United States of America and start something new. 

The work of living under the social contract of Representative government is hard. It is much easier for the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to swing the gavel within a prejudicial Senate legislative chambers to unfairly declare Donald Trump guilty thereby acting as tyrannical authoritarian King then it is for the Supreme court Justice to insure a fair trial by due process under the law of Representative government. Republican conservative MAGA Trump supporters stand ready to demand the Chief Justice of the Supreme court preside over impeachment proceedings against incumbent President Donald Trump under the rule of law to insure due process of a fair impartial impeachment court proceedings against Donald Trump whereby Donald Trump is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

Breaking News: Donald Trump Guilty, I just saved U.S. taxpayers 1.86 million dollars that could have arrived in your mailbox as stimulus payments.

According to an article published by Yahoo Finance entitled, How Much Will the Impeachment Trial Cost Taxpayers? discuss the cost of impeachment proceedings within the U.S. Senate:


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