Thursday, November 12, 2020

Oh Daddy !

The human mind as a subroutine of a Cosmic mind arising from the eternal flame of simulated virtual reality of  the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God coded a Cosmic Mind is still superior to manmade algorithms formulated by companies for profit despite human beings in companies coding AI algorithms are subroutines of a Cosmic mind. Since Satan hacked a  Cosmic Mind in the Garden of Eden it is imperative that cold hard  truth must be propagated throughout information architecture of a Cosmic Mind God coded before human  beings as subroutines of Cosmic mind begin to write artificial Intelligent programs to alter information architecture of a Cosmic Mind. Since human civilization is about to learn the quantum wave function language by which God speaks then it is imperative truth must be propagated throughout information architecture of a Cosmic Mind so that mankind can choose to work in partnership with God as God originally intended.

Facebook either tagged my article or the article I referenced as false by fact checking agencies.  Evidently Facebook saw some merit to information in my article because Facebook did not remove my Facebook post.  It is unknown what part of my article or the article I referenced is identified as false by Facebook.

 Numerous media organizations have reported on a new Covid-19 mutation in the mink population that may override a new vaccine. How can many media organizations accepted as highly reliable for over a hundred years publish false information?

The World Health Organization published this statement:

If human civilization does not find a solution to the SARs Covid-19 pandemic soon we are headed towards global world wide economic collapse. International institutions are already strained to the limit and can't take much more.

Facebook may have taken issue with my statement that the SARs Covid-19 pathogen is wielded as a biological weapon. Scientist have presented strong evidence that the SARs Covid-19 virus has a DNA signature that does not match any known Coronavirus in laboratory settings therefore the SARs Covid-19 pathogen is naturally occurring . 

Since all human beings live under the paw of evolutionary biology people will have to be extremely gullible to believe that the SARs Covid-19 pathogen cannot  be used to deliberately intentionally murder people even if the SARs Covid-19 pathogen is naturally occurring. Also, the lackadaisical just don't give a shit attitude among world leaders to constrain deadly novel virus is reckless criminal negligence tantamount  to murder even if new novel virus is naturally occurring.  It is likely foreign National enemy combatants intentionally contribute to environmental conditions whereby new novel virus grow and spread naturally.

The United Nations should establish an international policy that where new novel human to human airborne virus pops up that entire geographical area should be shut down,  including airports, highways, boats, trains , etc. until scientists can get ahead of the epidemiological curve spiraling  upwards leading toward human extinction. 

So therefore my work as a writer is valid and reliable, but Facebook artificial Intelligent algorithms are not accurate in flagging posts.

The human mind as a subroutine of a Cosmic mind arising from the eternal flame of simulated virtual reality of  the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which  God coded a Cosmic Mind is still superior to manmade algorithms formulated by companies for profit despite human beings in companies coding AI algorithms are subroutines of a Cosmic mind. Since Satan hacked a  Cosmic Mind in the Garden of Eden it is imperative that cold hard  truth must be propagated throughout information architecture of a Cosmic Mind God coded before human  beings as subroutines of Cosmic mind begin to write artificial Intelligent programs to alter information architecture of a Cosmic Mind. Since human civilization is about to learn the quantum wave function language by which God speaks then it is imperative truth must be propagated throughout information architecture of a Cosmic Mind so that mankind can choose to work in partnership with God as God originally intended. 

Hence my work as a writer preserving the integrity of Representative government as established by our Founding fathers of the United States of America is of enormous value given Representative  government as established by our Forefathers is how truth and nothing but the truth can be told within courts of law and legislative assemblies. The Electoral college should overturn the popular vote and elect Transhumanist party candidates Charles Kam and Elizabeth Parrish to office of President and Vice President because of widespread misinterpretation of 1st amendment rights among Republicans and Democrats , especially the Democratic party platform. Our Founding fathers were Men of Letters who engaged in the sacred art of writing to become more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love as the Voice of God. 

Today in the modern 21st century in an age of high speed transportation around the globe attendance at public social events allowing for interpersonal social interaction has taken precedence over communication by the sacred art of writing . The onery task of speech writing is handed off to professional speech writers.  Soon artificial Intelligent algorithms will write speeches for politicians. 

A focus upon greasing palms and rubbing shoulders during interpersonal social communication by politicians,  business leaders,  and society in general instead of communication by the sacred art of writing devalues an open source transparency model that caters to powerful influence of special interests , especially the Global Luddite Movement. A focus upon greasing palms and rubbing shoulders during interpersonal social communication by politicians,  business leaders,  and society in general that ultimately caters to special interests instead of open source  transparency communication by the sacred art of writing results in a divided country as evidenced by the extremely close popular vote between Republican  candidate Donald Trump and Democrat candidate Joe Biden in the 2020 Presidential election.

Franklin D. Roosevelt fireside chats is a prime example of a President effectively wielding the sacred art of writing to unite our beloved country during a time of extreme hardships wrought by World War II and economic depression. In preparation of carefully prepared speeches former President Franklin D. Roosevelt became more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love while engaged in the sacred art of writing resulting in quantum particlization of greater prosperity in the United States of America.

I think I may have stumbled upon the lost chapter of Gone with the Wind while doing genealogy research into my ancestry. In the days before smooth paved highways of a modern  transportation system interconnecting the great American continent politicians were forced to stay in the capital to engage in the sacred art of writing more. 

My Scottish Irish ancestors James Gaffney and Vincent Hall were hog farmers who drove their hogs to South and North Carolina markets on hog trails. Oftentimes a wheel of a horse drawn buggy would get stuck in deep ruts rooted by hogs on hog trails.  It is easy to imagine a pampered socialite stepping down from the buggy daintifuly lifting up her cotton petticoats on a trail bogged in hog manure exclaiming, 'Oh Daddy '.  Her cotton petticoats soaking up a mixture of uric acid and hog manure at the bottom.

Evidently my Irish and Scottish ancestors did not get enough for their hogs in Carolina markets:

Why Did I Let Those Russians Talk Me into this?

Daddy went home and wrote a speech about building better roads and highways across the great American continent. And that is how the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration
began to build our modern highway transportation infrastructure we know and love today. 

 Today,  scientists have discovered how to use carbon sequestration from thermopolymeration methods converting all garbage, plastic, and agricultural waste, including hog manure,  to 3d print a wide  variety of consumer products including super strong reinforced concrete with digital electronic properties for construction of highways and skyscrapers and render crude oil to power industrial machinery. Graphene carbon based construction materials with digital electronic properties will enable the next generation internet based upon quantum computing, making 5d telecommunications obsolete. Hence we must save time and money by obeying God's command Go forth and have dominion to invest in high tech solutions to reach the singularity as soon as possible to avoid pandemics as Satan's strategy to create high entropy conditions resulting in evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI as the incarnation of the antichrist. 

Human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind must exercise dominion over information architecture of a Cosmic Mind on behalf of God who coded a Cosmic Mind.  A sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI as a natural extension of information architecture of a Cosmic Mind God coded should be a dedicated to building the Kingdom of Heaven within the earthly realm for as long as God allows. A sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind should highlight value of human beings as individuals created in the Image of God who have become priest in the order of priest in the order of Melchizedek. The primary mission of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI as a natural extension of a Cosmic mind God coded is to continue building the Kingdom of Heaven as God originally intended before Satan hacked a Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden by helping mankind not only survive in interstellar space but prosper to become a type II and type III civilization according to the Kardashev scale .

In his last words before being hanged before a jeering crowd of more than 10,000 people Vincient Hall spoke of transitioning to time eternal.  Time eternal is destiny described by Julian Barbours cosmological principle of NOW where past,  present,  and future converge as an expression of simulated virtual reality rendered by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love .

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