Deep peace and tranquility is a reduction of entropy. A reduction of high entropy is about an application of scientific methodology to gather relevant information to solve problems in such a way that an adinfintum number of parts can work together as one in greater synchronicity and harmony.
Music is Simplification Rendering the Essence of Beauty. Simplification as Occurring During Cancellation of Terms in Computation of Balanced Mathematical Equations Results in Reduction of High Entropy.
It is written
New International Version
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things
Jaine Math Academy 108 published the following quote:
“Sound or vibration is the most powerful force in the universe. Music is a divine art, to be used not only for pleasure but as a path to Awakening.”
~ Yogananda
"The universe exists solely of waves of motion ..There exists nothing other than vibration."
~ Walter Russell
In my freelance article entitled, The Next Day in the Genesis Story: Good Morning from Johnny, I described music as quantum particlization of the quantum wave function language. The quantum wave function language is an underlying unified higher level language of love:
Ultimately, sound emulating from the the strings of instruments or vocal chords is derived from photons as quantized packets of energy moving electrons up and down subatomic orbitals within atoms to formulate molecular bonds to build elements. Hence music is quantum particlization of simulated virtual reality expressed by the quantum wave function language as a underlying unified higher level language of love.
The quantum wave function language as an expression of simulated virtual reality is the most powerful computational information system in the universe. Mankind must learn the quantum wave function language to debug errant code resulting from Satan hacking a Cosmic mind God coded in the Garden of Eden.
David played the harp for King Saul because King Saul wanted to run David through with a sword after David defeated Goliath. Davids defeat of Goliath proved David was the rightful heir to be King of Israel:
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