Sunday, September 27, 2020

Jesus said on the Cross, " Forgive them Father for they do not know what they do." Misinterpretation of the United States of America Constitution by Elected Leaders

Jesus said on the cross, " forgive them Father for they do not know what they do."

Misinterpretation of the United States of America Constitution by elected leaders, both Democratic and Republic, is doing great harm to our beloved nation. The 1st Amendment as established by our Forefathers guarantees the right to assemble to redress grievances in courts of law and legislative assemblies within  framework of Representative government. Representative government provides checks and balances to restrain undue exercise of power by establishing three branches of government, (1) Executive,  (2) Legislative, and ( 3) Judiciary.

Representative government outlined in foundational documents is Divine inspiration received by our Forefathers who became more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an underlying  unified higher level language of love as the voice of God. Representative  government as Divinely  inspired provides an orderly way to facilitate interpersonal relationships and communication to effectively efficiently solve problems with pertinent relevant facts. At least as effectively and efficient as humanly possible because in a flat earth Euclidean universe human relationships are very complex. Since human relationships are very complex in the modern 21st century better Representative government is needed more than ever in history. 

Our Forefathers who lived under  the paw of evolutionary biology in an extremely violent hostile world became more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by engaging in the sacred art of writing. Representative  government as a highly efficient effective way to improve interpersonal relationships and communication is never more important then in the modern 21st century world of internet  telecommunications information overload resulting from an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns. 

Quantum particlization of Representative government manifest truth expressed by the quantum wave function language as a underlying unified higher level language of love.

#ElectedLeaders #Misinterpretation of #USConstitution as a #guarantee to right of #CivilDisobedience creates conditions whereby people do not understand #Gravity of what they do leading to
#NonEuclidean distortions of #SpaceTimeContinuum and #Armageddon

Also, #Misinterpretation of #UnitedStatesConstitution by #ElectedLeaders results in people #Dismissing #LegalOptions available to them to get #Justice within framework of
#RepresentativeGovernment in #CourtsOfLaw and #LegislativeAssemblies

Could Breona Taylor been a #victim of #swatting by sophisticated drug cartels playing everyone involved resulting in #Death of an #Innocent woman?  As far as Breona Taylor's ex knew schrodinger's cat may have been inside those boxes.

In terms of the Breona Taylor case a Grand jury decision cannot be appealed or overturned by current law state law.  However, if defence lawyers present compelling evidence that the Grand jury decision making process is flawed then given the serious magnitude of the legal case it is likely a legislative branch of government or Federal Supreme court can intervene to appoint a new Grand Jury and assign a new prosecuting attorney other than State Attorney general Daniel Cameron.

An assignment of a new prosecuting Attorney and selection of a new Grand jury will likely take a long time. Law enforcement officers are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Legislators and judiciary will likely still have to be tight lipped about procedures of appointing a new Grand jury and prosecuting Attorney in order to avoid compromising the right to a fair trial of accused police officers. 

Paradoxically,  civil disobedience of peaceful protesters demanding Grand Jury investigations be made available to the public can compromise prosecution of law enforcement officers even if indictments are made in cases around the country given everyone is entitled to a fair trial. Hence civil disobedience of forcefully exerting will of mass mobs over the Judiciary is not an effective  way to participate  in the political process because even if a billion people say someone is guilty of a crime, according to the rule of law that doesn't mean the accused is guilty until proven guilty in a court of law.  A billion people claimed Jesus was guilty when they shouted crucify, crucify,  crucify. 

Representative government as established by our Forefathers is the most highly efficient system of government to manifest synergy between duality of values of individualism and collectivism so as to more accurately reflect quantum particlization of righteous law governing interpersonal  relationships. Righteous law govering interpersonal  relationships more accurately reflect holistic  eclectic Gestalt absolute truth of simulated virtual reality expressed by the quantum wave function language as an underlying unified higher level language of love. Representative  government as quantum particlization of sacred writing emulating from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love formulates a contract between the individual and society. 

When elected leaders encourage civil disobedience of peaceful protests they deny people an opportunity to participate in the political process of Representative government in a more meaningful way. When Representative government crumbles and falls then lack of an orderly system by which men and women can arrive at the truth will once more return human civilization to living under the paw of evolutionary biology even more than we do today.  God blessed us with Representative government so as to facilitate orderly interpersonal relationships and communication to help us move away from living under the paw of evolutionary biology as we move forward toward the technological singularity. Quantum  particlization of the technological singularity renders absolute totalitarianism as inherent intrinsic property of all natural and manmade information systems.

When Representative government crumbles and falls then dehumanization of lawful inalienable rights of individuals will culminate in evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI as incarnation of the antichrist.

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