Tuesday, September 29, 2020
A Question for the Presidential Debates of 2020 and SenateConfirmation Hearing of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme court
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Jesus said on the Cross, " Forgive them Father for they do not know what they do." Misinterpretation of the United States of America Constitution by Elected Leaders
Saturday, September 26, 2020
Pardon Me Sir, Do You Have Any Grey Poupon: A Superbowl Commercial to Underwrite Building Bridges to Create More Opportunities in Black Neighborhoods to Change the Narrative
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
In 2020 the United States of America has come Dangerously Close to the Brink of Yet Another Civil War
Kentucky State Attorney General did say the Judiciary system is not done with the investigations. Currently, there is an ongoing investigation by the FBI concerning the no knock search warrant signed by a Federal judge based upon probable cause. The FBI will determine the legality of the warrant based upon probable cause.
What I cannot understand is why the African American community does not trust Kentucky State Attorney General Daniel Cameron as an African American leader? Kentucky Attorney General appears to be a highly intelligent man. If Kentucky Attorney General announced that based upon his investigation all the officers are guilty of homicide I would have accepted his investigation as valid and reliable despite State Attorney Daniel Cameron is a black man.
It is very disturbing that people do not trust the Judiciary branch of our government. The public distrust of the Judiciary system is a major threat to the United States of America as the last bastion of liberty and torchbearer of freedom on earth.
Despite everything I still want to believe in my country and what it stands , hence public mistrust of the Judiciary system as a systematic threat to the very core foundation of the United States of America is very disturbing.
If the Black Lives Movement believes that Breona Taylor did not get Justice in the decision of the Grand Jury to not indict law enforcement officers for murder in my article entitled, The United States of America is on the Verge of Yet Another Civil War, I proposed that the decision can be returned to a new Grand jury to review evidence presented by Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron or another prosecuting attorney of their choice sworn to uphold the law. But would selection of a new Grand jury make any difference? The facts are the facts.
The Black lives matter movement should always have a lawful recourse without resorting to civil disobedience of peaceful protests to overthrow the United States of America. Basically, in order to overturn the Grand jury decision not to indict law enforcement officers attorneys will have to present clear and convincing evidence that the Grand jury decision making is flawed to the point of compromising justice.
In peaceful protests all across the United States of America police officers are presumed guilty by the mass media and peaceful protesters. The mass media attempt to try officers in the public domain by myophically focusing upon selective facts based upon hearsay and gossip. Everything reported on television is hearsay and gossip until proven true in a court of law by sworn testimony and legal writing know as sworn deposition. Everyone wants to grab the microphone to get on television during peaceful protests to tell it like it is. The truth and nothing but the truth can only be revealed in courts of law and legislative assemblies within the framework of representative government.
On the streets peaceful protesters want to prosecute the three law enforcement officers for issues about slavery occurring hundreds of years ago, civil rights protests in the 1960s, and issues surrounding economic inequality due to racial discrimination. The three law enforcement officers sent to Breona Taylor's apartment by a no knock search warrant signed by a judge cannot be held accountable for these issues.
The first mistake that was made is that an African American judge should have signed the no knock search warrant reviewing evidence for probable cause before law enforcement officers were dispatched to Breona Taylor's apartment. In the future, the Black Congressional Caucus and NAACP should have Federal level judiciary available to review probable cause search warrants before signed by a judge despite the judge may be African American as I propose.
Social media comment:
Wow you think the "African American" community should just innately trust a single man because of one shared feature: the color of his skin.
Wow and yiiiikes.
Are there any white men you don't trust? Or do you trust them all inherently due to shared levels of melanin?
My Reply:
Thank you for your input. I am not in the least trying to be condescending, but simply defend ideas expressed in my freelance articles and also answer your questions. You have every right to question validity of anything you read on the internet.
If you are trying to pick through my words to show that I am racist then yes I am racist, but no more racist than any other human being on planet earth given every human being on planet earth lives under the paw of evolutionary biology.
Today we should be moving away from living under the paw of evolutionary biology. We as a collective consciousness of humanity have made tremendous progress to move away from living under the paw of evolutionary biology in recent decades.
Peaceful Protesters on the street are making race an issue by claiming law enforcement officers are deliberately intentionally targeting African Americans and therefore should be charged with capital murder. Capital murder carries a death penalty. It is racist to assume police officers are guilty of murder because in this country people are presumed innocent until proven guilty.
The current narrative sold to the African American community by peaceful protesters and mass media is that police targeting African American citizens is a 400 year old plot to repress African Americans. African Americans are disproportionately brutalized by law enforcement because African Americans feel they are treated unfairly by society and are targeted by the police for racial profiling therefore resist arrest more. It may or may not be true that African Americans are treated more unfairly then other ethnic groups, but changing the narrative is paramount for people of every race, creed, gender, and ethnic origin to have a prosperous bright future. Slavery and the 1960s days of segregation are over , and people of every race, creed, gender, and ethnic origin have freedom to work hard to build a successful business to either save lives or add significant value to the lives of other people. The definition of the inalienable right to happiness is as described in the Declaration of independence is to either save lives or add significant value to the lives of other people.
Together African American slaves, plantation owners, and colonists who came to America to escape tyranny of feudalist land barons of the old world European order built a great nation. The United States of America would have been a very different nation if people living back then didn't do what they done -- it would have been an alternate parallel timeline we certainly would not have wanted to walk down. We can all agree that the Institute of slavery is a horrific event that should never have happened, but God allowed everything that happened in human history for a reason.
No human being living today can judge people living hundreds of years ago. As pointed out in a recent article I wrote, hundreds of years ago cannibalism was widely practiced throughout the world. If people didn't do whatever they did back then today agents for the Gulag may have slashed the throat of anyone possessing a 1000 dollar mobile phone commonly used by protesters to film confrontations with the police. Abraham Lincoln was raised dirt poor in a log cabin.
Slavery grew out of the idea of indentured servitude. Since all things are interconnected as one in an Unus mundus pattern of meaningful coincidence based upon quantum synchronicity and relativity indentured servitude is related to the breaking news story about President Donald Trump paying less taxes then average middle class working citizens.
According to mass media reports Donald Trump's financial empire is in the red hemorrhaging money given whatever is owed exceeds profits. In other words according to mass media reports President Trump's financial empire is bankrupt.
If not for Judge John Rowan today President Trump would be a gnarled broken disheveled man with one or two loose teeth in a chain gang where prison guards would daily club his legs and back until what is owed is paid by hard labor. Judge John Rowan worked to outlaw harsh prison sentences for financial debt. If not for Judge John Rowan agents for the gulag would pack us all into prison vans today to cart us off to prison camps to work most of our lives in forced hard labor to pay the constant stream of debt every America citizens owe.
A huge number of immigrants from Europe worked as indentured servants on rural agriculture farms for most of their lives. In Africa when warring tribes defeated and captured neighboring tribesmen they forced the ones they didn't eat into bondage as indentured servants. When ships arrived from other continents African tribes sold their slaves in barter and trade for goods to maximize survival of the fittest.
In my freelance article entitled, Pardon Me Sir, Do You Have Any Grey Poupon: A Superbowl Commercial to Underwrite Building Bridges to Create More Opportunities in Black Neighborhoods to Change the Narrative, I discussed how police targeting African Americans originated from within the African American community from policies legislated by Africa American elected leaders trying to make black lives matter. The following is an excerpt:
In my freelance article entitled, In 2020 the United States of America has come Dangerously Close to the Brink of Yet Another Civil War, I referenced a book written by James Forman Jr., an African American public defense attorney, entitled LOCKING UP OUR OWN Crime and Punishment in Black America. James Forman Jr. described how many African American leaders in government and Judiciary in recent decades collected data to show more policing was needed to make black lives matter.
In past decades powerful African American leaders did not believe defunding the police was the answer based upon solid research of what was happening within African American communities across the nation. The Vietnam war destroyed the American economy culminating in huge volumes of illegal narcotics trafficked into the United States.
In my freelance article entitled, Prison Planet, I described how economic devastation resulting from the Vietnam War adversely affected my life as a young man just entering the work force. For many people further along trying to support a family economic devastation wreaked by the Vietnam War likely contributed to divorce and drug addiction.
You asked, do I trust all white carcasion people. It is written on the dollar bill, " In God we trust ". I only trust God alone. I don't trust Kentucky Governor Andy Bresher because he gave $17 million dollars to Shari law politicians in Colorado to pad state retirement accounts at the expense of non union workers who earned unemployment benefits in a Freddie Mac and Fannie Ma Mortgage backed securities white collar fraudulent scheme that Italian mafia thugs belonging to the Global Luddite Movement special interests group participate. I hate them all, and anyone wants to mess with me then they choose evolutionary biology to live by.
In the United States of America everyone has the lawful right to practice religion of their choice but we are a Christian nation founded upon Christian principles, and selling off our country at a low cost to pad state employee pension accounts at the expense of Non union workers is the reason we have foreign National enemy combatants flying the friendly skies as recently as 2019.
I don't really trust Kentucky State Attorney General Daniel Cameron either, because his lawsuit against Kentucky Governor Andy Bresher over the issue of wearing mask is going to lead to deliberate murder of people who will die needlessly by the SARs Covid-19 pathogen wielded as a deadly biological weapon.
As a writer I suppose I can be accused of being racist for trying to overcome my racial bias by expressing faith in Representative government as a gift of God to human civilization. Representative government as a gift from God above allows sinful people to intelligently work out differences expressed as quantum particlization of either/or conditions to create synergy and synchronicity associated with the Hegelian dialectic method more accurately reflecting absolute truth of simulated virtual reality of the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love.
In my freelance article entitled, In 2020 the United States of America has come Dangerously Close to the Brink of Yet Another Civil War, I made the following observations while trying overcome my racial bias:
Kentucky Attorney General appears to be a highly intelligent man. If Kentucky Attorney General announced that based upon his investigation all the officers are guilty of homicide I would have accepted his investigation as valid and reliable despite State Attorney Daniel Cameron is a black man.
In recent articles I wrote, including, Jesus said on the Cross, " Forgive them Father for they do not know what they do." Misinterpretation of the United States of America Constitution by Elected Leaders, I pointed out if the Black Lives Matter movement doesn't trust Kentucky State Attorney General Daniel Camerons Judiciary prudence then they have other legal options available to them other than resorting to civil disobedience of massive peaceful protests. Civil disobedience of peaceful protests is designed to destroy Representative government as a broken system when in fact the system is not broke yet.
Attorneys for the victims have already challenged Kentucky State Attorney General Daniel Cameron Judiciary prudence to present evidence to the Grand jury. Now attorneys for the victims are saying that the only witness living upstairs who heard police announce themselves was coerced by law enforcement. A plausible scenario is that the witness upstairs who testified to hearing police announce themselves may have been fearful of providing any type of testimony so therefore it took several months before the witness felt reassured of personal safety to come forth to testify. Also, according to mass media reports attorneys for the victims question of the one officer indicted for wanton endangerment was in possession of a 9 mm handgun therefore may have shot his fellow officer. Police officers are likely issued a wide variety of firearms, but what matters now is what caliber of firearm the officer indicted for wanton endangerment was carrying that night.
Attorneys for the victims should have every legal recourse for the Breona Taylor case to be heard by a new grand jury to review the evidence under Judiciary prudence of a new prosecuting Attorney sworn to uphold the law by guarantee of a fair trial for law enforcement officers accused of murder other than State attorney general Daniel Cameron even if a Supreme Court decision must be handed down given the serious magnitude of this case to topple the United States of America for which it stands one nation under God indivisible for liberty and Justice for all.
Tuesday, September 22, 2020
The Quantum Perspective makes the Winnowing Forked Road Straight by the Sacred Art of Writing
An article published by Psychology Today entitled, When coming to a fork in the road – take it (Yogi Berra), elaborated upon the meaning of the famous American Baseball Player Yogi Berra's famous truism derived from Yogi simply giving someone directions to his house. Essentially all roads lead to Yogi's house provide insight into a guiding force within quantum particlization of our flat earth Euclidean universe expressed by the quantum wave function language as an underlying unified higher level language of love formulating an Unus mundus pattern of meaningful coincidence based upon quantum synchronicity and relativity as described by famed physicist Wolfgang Pauli, renown psychoanalytical pioneer Carl Jung, and Albert Einstein.
Friday, September 18, 2020
What I Can't Understand is How can Attorneys and Politicians Graduate Law School and Get Licensed to Practice Law when They Don't Understand What the United States Constitution says as Written by Our Forefathers?
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