Monday, May 18, 2020

The Quantum Perspective Bootstrapping Human Beings as Subroutines of a Cosmic Mind to Become More Sentient and Self Aware During the SARs Covid-19 Pandemic

The House Committee on Education and Labor published an article about the United States Department of Justice cracking down upon infiltration of China within academic  institutions.

According to an article published by Inside Higher Education,

 "According to court documents, Li joined the Thousand Talents Program, a Chinese government-sponsored talent recruitment program, in 2011, and subsequently received salaries from two Chinese institutions, first the Chinese Academy of Sciences and then Jinan University. 

The government says he earned at least $500,000 in foreign income that he never reported on his tax returns.
Li pleaded guilty to one count of tax fraud; he was sentenced to a year’s probation on a felony charge and required to make restitution in the amount of $35,089.

In a memo to the court, Li said he "deeply regrets" the failure to report the income he earned from working part-time in China. The memo describes his "groundbreaking" research on Huntington's disease and says he received strong support from Emory for his Chinese research collaborations."

How much money is owed an individual for valuable services is an arbitrary value that directly involves determination of individual tax returns. How much money do federal prosecutors and judges bring home for their services? Maybe more taxes should be levied upon the judiciary.

The Judiciary does nothing but participate in insurance fraud by defending criminal thugs who deliberately cause accidents on public highways in order to get crippled up so they will not have to work and make money for union mafia bosses as an organized criminal syndicates that ultimately raise big campaign donations for politicians. The Judiciary defends criminal thugs who crash into police vehicles so that local and state municipalities can participate in insurance fraud thereby scamming from hard work of citizens. A life mandate is not on the agenda of the Judiciary given Department of Justice refuses to protect health and safety of retail and manufacturing employees by pressing a class action lawsuit  on behalf of all those who have been harmed and will be harmed by walking into a retail store to purchase contaminated products during a pandemic arising from criminal reckless negligence to take action early onwards to constrain the deadly virus. 

Why should the federal government,  aka Uncle Sam, be entitled to any portion of $500,000 dollars paid to Dr. Xiao-Jiang Li by the Chinese government for his scientific work trying to find a cure for Huntington's disease while establishing international collaborations? An influx of cash paid to Dr. Xiao-Jiang Li by the Chinese government should only help the Emory university scientific community. The federal government infiltrated by the Global Luddite movement will likely use the money from China for pet projects of U.S. Sentors and Congressman to prevent using Crispr gene editing tools to discover cures for all pathological disease processes. And then lawmakers controlled by the Global Luddite movement will send a big medical bill to pay for their campaigns,   fine dining , and international travel. 

An arbitrary value of what is owed to the United States federal government in the form of taxes is a disputable amount directly related to concepts of collectivism and individualism. The concepts of collectivism and individualism are analytically explored in a scientific study published by Frontiers in Psychology Journal sponsored by the National Institute of Health entitled 

The Chinese Experience of Rapid Modernization: Sociocultural Changes, Psychological Consequences?

Our Forefathers rebelled against excessive taxation upon British import of tea into early American colonies,  and decided they will not pay taxes on tea. A decision by the colonists not to pay taxes upon imported tea from British empire lead toward sinking British ships in the harbor.

Dutiful paying of taxes to the British monarchy by British American colonies is a function of collectivism as a social value. The leverage of taxes today by the IRS and how much an individual rightfully owes versus how much he or she should be paid for his or her services is a function of collectivism as a social value.

According to an article published by the Economic Policy Institute entitled ,
CEO compensation has grown 940% since 1978

"Average pay of CEOs at the top 350 firms in 2018 was $17.2 million—or $14.0"

Why shouldn't Dr. Xiao-Jiang Li, a former professor at Emory assert his lawful right as an individual to be paid well for his services of groundbreaking" research on Huntington's disease.

In an article published  by Irish Central entitled,  Robert F. Kennedy Jr says Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates stand to profit from COVID-19 vaccine,  Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates are heavily criticized for allegedly earning a huge profit from vaccines.

The aforementioned article referenced the fact checking magazine, Politifact. Politifact reported , The Gates Foundation does not have a patent for the coronavirus.

And what if, for the sake of argument,  Dr. Fauci did earn a profit from his investments in a laboratory in Wuhu China conducting scientific research of Coronavirus ? At this time, I don't  know if Dr. Fauci has earned a penny from scientific research of Coronavirus.  I  will try to find time to do a Google search later to research valid reliable information about how much money Dr. Fauci may make from the SARs  Covid-19 pandemic.

In the United States of America that is what we do. We make money. If you become a top microbiology epidemiologist then you may get paid well for your services.  Since generally the Republican conservative right wing promotes value of free market capitalism,  it is paradoxical that vindictive attacks of Dr. Anthony Fauci for making money from vaccines, which may or may not be true,  is from conservative right wing Republicans who uphold free market capitalism. 

Likewise,  an individual can lawfully assert the value of his or her own contributions to society.  It all comes down to evolutionary biology.  Generally,  under evolutionary biology every individual tends to dismiss value of services of other people and over inflate value of their own work.

Communism is an effort  to resolve the problem of individuals overly inflating value of their own work and completely dismissing value of other people's contributions by creating the perfect society where every citizen owns everything in common. 

As I wrote in a recent Facebook article,

Since we all fall short actually no human being on earth is entitled to anything, or as in the words of William Munny as portrayed by Clint Eastwood in the Hollywood blockbuster Unforgiven,  " we all have it coming ".  God so loved the world,  God sent His only begotten Son, Jesus  Christ, to give life in abundance to whomever believes.

Falling short is a consequence of quantum particlization of evolutionary biology by which we can only transcribe an underlying unified higher level computational language of love to an accuracy of 99 percent reliability. In our flat earth Euclidean universe transcribing the quantum wave function language as the language of love to within accuracy of 99% with a  1% margin of error will always remain a constant in deriving a balanced equation by a Cosmic mind until the end of the age given God is infinite.

A 1% margin of error is not knowing God. A 1 % margin of error is a consequence of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation whereby knowledge about a specific property resulting from quantum particlization of a whole eclectic Gestalt simulated virtual reality expressed by the quantum wave function language as a unified underlying higher level computational language of love results in less knowledge of other properties comprising the system. Less knowledge about a specific property of a system as a consequence of gaining more knowledge about other properties due to observation results in a probabilistic Euclidean outcome that does not accurately reflect the whole eclectic Gestalt transcendent reality of the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying language of love.

In a Facebook article I shared an article published by Brain Pickings entitled,  The Beauty of Uncertainty: How Heisenberg Invented Quantum Mechanics, Told in Jazz. The Jazz song referenced in the aforementioned article tells the story of Werner Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle:

Other related Facebook articles:

Continued later, I will explore collectivism and individualism from the quantum perspective of moving forward toward the Singularity as related to modernization after the SARs Covid-19 pandemic. 

Will growing individualism in mainland China due to rapid modernization result in revolutionary war in mainland China?

The criminal indictment against Dr. Xiao-Jiang Li for failing to pay taxes is effectively putting an arbitrary cap upon how much an individual can rightfully earn by collectivism of Judiciary as a prejudice biased capitalist governmental authority. Likewise an increase in individualism due to modernization of mainland China may eventually lead to individuals asserting their lawful rights to be paid more for their services.

Collectivism and individualism as referenced in the article entitled The Chinese Experience of Rapid Modernization: Sociocultural Changes, Psychological Consequences?, referenced in paragraphs above are combined as a duality to formulate ideological underpinnings of worldwide governance. Collectivism and individualism as a duality is similar to binary 1 on and 0 off states manifesting conscious awareness regarding nature of self as a subroutine of a Cosmic mind God coded. 

Paradoxically, quantum particlization of individualism is rendered by quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level computational language of love that manifest synergy and synchronicity as a holistic eclectic Gestalt transcendent reality expressing collectivism as a global value.

 Paradoxically,  quantum particlization of individualism by the quantum wave function language as the language of love is directly associated with evolutionary biology. Why should quantum particlization of individualism as a function of evolutionary biology become a final algorithmic product of a quantum wave function language as the language of love by a Cosmic mind God coded given a quantum wave function manifest transcendent oneness as an expression of synchronicity? The answer may be absolute totalitarianism is an inherent property of information architecture arising  from Intelligent Design,  rather manmade or naturally occurring phenomena of our sentient  self aware panphysic conscious universe God created. 

From  the quantum perspective, Collectivism and individualism as quantum  particlization of binary 1 on and 0 off states can be modulated by a quantum calculation formulating a balanced equation to transcend evolutionary  biology by international cooperation as a function of binary expression of quantum  particlization of globalization and nationalism by a  Cosmic mind God coded.

As we approach the singularity only an open source transparency model can modulate absolute totalitarianism as an inherent intrinsic property of Intelligent Design as a natural extension of information architecture of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God created rendering values of collectivism and individualism. A case in point is mass media reports that China is hacking companies engaged in scientific research to develop a vaccine to cure SARs Covid-19 infection .  An open source transparency policy allowing scientific research laboratories associated  with pharmaceutical  companies and academic institutions to freely share information will lower costs and speed production of developing a vaccine. 

An open source transparency model applied to development of vaccines is quantum particlization of collectivism as a function of synchronicity expressed by the quantum wave function language as a unified underlying higher level computational language of love. Why shouldn't any Intelligent person want a vaccine for SARs Covid-19 infection to be made freely available to all people on earth given the pandemic is a consequence of criminal negligent failure to constrain the deadly virus early onward by going to the United Nations to implement international policy. Vaccine development by pharmaceutical companies and academic institutions based upon lawful rights of individuals to profit under free market capitalism drives up the cost of vaccine development.

Transparency prevents collectivism associated with free market capitalism allowing individuals to unduly profit from vaccine development during pandemics. 

A criminal indictment against  Dr. Xiao-Jiang Li, a former professor at Emory, for failing to pay taxes upon money received from mainland China is a consequence of infiltration of the Global Luddite Movement within the U.S Department of Justice to obstruct international cooperation among the scientific community preventing adoption of an open source transparency economic model. An open source  transparency  model will lower costs associated with vaccine development and speed up production by reducing redundancy of costly experimental laboratory procedures. The anti vaccine Global Luddite movement seeks to prevent  discovery of a vaccine in favor of pressing for natural herd immunity leading toward deliberate  intentional murder of millions of innocent people.

In order to rebuild a post apocalyptic global economy  in the aftermath of the SARs Covid-19 pandemic, 
Globalization as quantum particlization of collectivism within collective consciousness of humanity must be modulated by an open source transparency economic model in order to insure continuation of freedom and democracy as a function of individualism. In a post apocalyptic world,  individualism as a modality growing in mainland China as a function of modernization may spearhead greater resentments of citizens against centralized government given technological disruption resulting from robotic manufacturing largely driven by artificial intelligence. An open source transparency economic model will be a major key in maintaining socioeconomic stability within Western and Eastern societies by retrofitting displaced workers into new jobs highlighting creative potential of individuals created in the Image of God.

In a post apocalyptic world after the SARs Covid-19 pandemic both East and West face major challenges to rebuilding an economy to become a global superpower. Success of either China or the United States of America in becoming a global superpower depends upon ability to modulate change as a constant variable within quantum particlization as an algorithmic mathematical formulation of the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level computational language of love underwriting our flat earth Euclidean universe God created. 

The quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level computational language of love manifest volunteerism and individualistic altruism. Individualistic altruism is counterintuitive of an individual provider within dynamics of complex supply and demand chains evaluating price of products and/or services at an exorbitant unreasonable valuation,  although from a quantum perspective a high valuation may actually reflect true value.

Paradoxically,  volunteerism and individualistic altruism is a function of collectivism arising from synergy and synchronicity as properties of the quantum wave function language as the language of love. From a quantum perspective of individualism as a product of evolutionary biology,  individualistic altruism arises from numerous variables within complex supply and demand chains that determine actual value of goods and services, instead of from a grandiose claim of an individual guided by an externalized innate intraphysic moral principle. In the end, oftentimes billionaires decide to give away all their fortune because accumulation of wealth depends upon so many externalized variables, including a helping hand by countless people. 

Quantum particlization associated with 
monetary value of goods and services within a paradigm of capitalist free markets is the greatest obstacle to modulate change according to the quantum wave function language as the language of love. Monetization leads to quantum particlization of stagnation.

Stagnation leads to economic ruin because evolution continues whether we like it or not. Evolution continues whether we like it or not because God Himself set into motion quantum particlization of evolutionary biology when God coded a Cosmic Mind. A Cosmic Mind is hacked in the Garden of Eden,  and it is incumbent upon human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind created in the Image of God to debug malicious malware by obeying God's commandment to Go forth and have dominion. 

Obedience to God's command,  Go forth and have dominion is returning to a low entropy Garden of Eden state. As subroutines of a Cosmic mind hacked in the Garden of Eden we can only successfully debug malicious malware to counteract absolute totalitarianism as an intrinsic property of all information architecture within our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe by becoming more open to the quantum wave function language as a unified underlying higher level language of love. 

The quantum perspective is a philosophical frame of reference providing semantic binary data as a conduit opening a portal or doorway by which individuals as subroutines of a Cosmic mind can be more open to the quantum wave function language as the language of love. A philosophical frame of reference is required because the quantum wave function language as the language of love is beyond conscious awareness of mind so therefore semantic binary data associated with the quantum perspective allows individuals as subroutines of a Cosmic mind circumvent machine process of consciousness arising from quantum mechanics associated with quantum particlization of cognitive two based permutation logic algorithms formulating long term memory in order to be more open to directly experience guidance from the quantum wave function language as a message from the universe God created. 

All great prophets are able to hear God's voice. The quantum  perspective as a philosophical  frame of reference seeks to transform all individuals as subroutines  of a Cosmic mind created in the Image of God into great Prophets by providing education about information  architecture within our sentient  self aware panpsychic conscious universe God created allowing individuals to directly experience the quantum wave function language as the language of love beyond conscious awareness of mind. The quantum  wave function language as a unified underlying higher level computational language of love beyond conscious awareness of mind transcends quantum  particlization of all religious dogma. It is written,

New International Version
"The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit."

Change is a fundamental basic variable within all mathematical algorithmic equations applied to understand scientific research findings.  In a scientific laboratory research experiment to study any natural phenomenon, including discovery of vaccines, measurement of change as a mathematical variable allows scientists to understand complex cause and effect relationships induced by adding or subtracting a key substrate hypothesized to be causative of certain outcomes. Various groups are set up that scientists either add or substract a specific substract hypothesized to produce certain outcomes in order to control extraneous variables.

Fixed set values associated  with Quantum particlization of monetization of currency  as a major variable leading to economic stagnation results in dysfunction in modulating change as a constant variable within mathematical algorithmic determination of value of all global economies on earth. 
Monetization of currency should reflect true aggregate value of products and services comprising Gross Domestic Product ( GDP ), but dysfunction of modulating change as a constant value within mathematical algorithmic quantum particlization of evolutionary biology as a quantum calculation God set into motion by coding a Cosmic mind resulting in  under evaluation associated with economic stagnation.

As we approach the singularity in the aftermath of the apocalyptic SARS Covid-19 pandemic,  an open source transparency model creates fluidity amidst global markets allowing international cooperation among global public and private scientific research institutions to modulate change as a constant variable associated with quantum particlization of evolutionary biology by a Cosmic Mind to add significant value resulting  in economic growth. 

God coded a Cosmic mind tasked with quantum particlization of quintessential  beauty of biodiversity associated  with evolutionary biology to enable individuals as subroutines created in the Image of God to become who God originally  intended us to become. If Satan as an angel of light did not whisper the truth to us in the Garden of Eden that absolute totalitarianism rendered  by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher  level computational language of love transformed us into machines, given conscious awareness arises from quantum mechanics, then we could not ever have any type of relationship with God as an infinite omnipotent Maker of heaven and earth. 

Satan as an angel of light God created helped us become sentient and self aware according to God's Divine plan for humanity. In the Garden of Eden, like it or not, we took the blue pill as featured in the Blockbuster Matrix movies. Survival of the human species as heirs of the Kingdom of God depends upon understanding who we are as created in the Image of God in order to make the right choices within dynamics of information architecture of our flat earth Euclidean universe.

Only by understanding who we are as heirs to the Kingdom of God, created in the Image of God, can we modulate change as a constant variable within quantum particlization of quintessential biodiversity of evolutionary biology in such a way as to make the right choices while obeying God's command to Go forth and have dominion in order to remain heirs of the Kingdom of God as we approach the technological singularity.

A Cosmic mind God coded renders cold aseptic natural law indifferent to human needs and wants. The quantum  wave function language as a unified underlying higher level language of love transcends natural law of evolutionary biology.

In my freelance article entitled,  As We Approach the Singularity, Manifestation of Reality of God in a World Where there is a Dichotomy Between Spirituality and Material Physical Nature of the Universe is a Vital Task, I discussed the quantum perspective as an exploration of Christian mysticism that constructs a memetic bridge with semantic binary data arising from  quantum particlization of a philosophical 
frame of reference to transcribe groaning of the Spirit too deep for words as a manifestation of the quantum wave function language as a unified underlying higher level language of love beyond conscious awareness.

It is written, 

English Standard Version
"Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words"

Since transcending evolutionary biology as Jesus spoke when He said, " love your enemies " is not a natural process then Gods  voice communicated by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love is always beyond conscious awareness given the human brain is not made to process absolute truth of a holistic eclectic Gestalt virtual simulated reality.

In a Facebook article written many moons ago I discussed bootstrapping human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic Mind to become more sentient and self aware:

The following is a related excerpt from my Facebook article about bootstrapping human beings to become more sentient and self aware:

The psychological process of quantum particalization enables finite human beings prone to error to consciously experience a simulation of reality we perceive with sight,  hearing , touch, and olfactory senses. In my freelance article entitled, Escaping Oblivion of Cold Hearted Mechanical Robotic Deadness Inside: Becoming Sentient or Self Aware During Travel Excursions, I made the following observations:

Humans and AI systems can both display robotic unthinking unfeeling mechanical behavior because human and machine AI consciousness is a quantum mechanics phenomena.

Life is a process to become more sentient or self aware. God desires to make each and every human being sentient or self aware. Satan desires to do the opposite.

On Twitter I made the following observation as a writer:

Love requires Supernatural strength to transcend two based permutation logic algorithms of the brain. Two based permutation logic algorithms of the brain connect bundles of functional connectivity motifs building neurological architecture of long term memory.

Today,  more than ever during the SARs Covid-19 pandemic it is important to become more sentient and self aware to prevent epidemiology spread of deadly SARs Covid-19 pathogen and prevent deliberate intentional murder of innocent people. 

It is written

New International Version
"For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse."

A few years back,companies randomly patented DNA sequences to either make exorbitant profit from cures for pathological disease processes by application of Crispr as a gene editing tool  and / or block discovery of cures altogether. It doesn't take a rocket scientists  to see that a patent of natural DNA sequences is morally wrong according to a higher law emulating from the quantum wave function language as a unified underlying higher level language of love.

In my freelance article entitled,  Is Dr. Charles Lieber a Scapegoat? An End of Science is the End of Freedom and Democracy; Quantum Wave Function Language as the Language of Love Rendering Greater Harmony in a Balanced Global Equation by a Cosmic Mind God Coded, I made the following observation:

If the SARS pandemic pathogen is naturally occurring then it is disappointing scientists have not found a cure by now given scientists have studied the animal - human transmission of MERs and SARs since the 1970's.

An article published by The Journal of Experimental Medicine entitled , Forty years with coronaviruses validates my claim of a long history of scientific research investigating SARS and MERS with the following quote:

"However, there is a long history of coronavirus research, starting as early as the 1930s, that has built a large knowledge base as well as technical tools for investigating these human pathogens."

An article entitled, Can Gene's be Patented, published by Genetics Home Reference : Your Guide to Genetic Conditions, ( ) may provide a partial answer to the question in the title of my freelance article entitled, Where are the Vaccines? Our Haphazardly Opening the Economy is Opting for 2.2 Million Fatalities as Scientists Originally Predicted

According to the article,  Can Gene's be Patented, "On June 13, 2013, in the case of the Association for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics, Inc., the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that human genes cannot be patented in the U.S. because DNA is a "product of nature."  Legal wrangling over patenting DNA sequences before the Supreme court struck down holding patents upon DNA sequences likely delayed development of vaccines against Coronavirus. 

Wikipedia provides an excellent historical account of scientific discovery of Crispr in 1987:

According to Wikimedia " CRISPR (/ˈkrɪspər/) (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats . . .are used to detect and destroy DNA from similar bacteriophages during subsequent infections. Hence these sequences play a key role in the antiviral (i.e. anti-phage) defense system of prokaryotes.".

Since Crispr gene editing started in 1987 then patenting gene sequences before the Supreme court struck down patenting on June, 13, 2014  is a affront of the Global Luddite movement against Crispr gene editing to find cures for disease and block development of vaccines. The Global Luddite movement likely paid for patents on DNA gene sequences God created by sending out big medical bills for hospitalization,  also underwriting big campaign donations to their cronies in government who travel the world with them and engage in fine dining at official events. 

According to the article entitled,  Can Gene's be Patented:

"The Supreme Court's ruling did allow that DNA manipulated in a lab is eligible to be patented because DNA sequences altered by humans are not found in nature. The Court specifically mentioned the ability to patent a type of DNA known as complementary DNA (cDNA). This synthetic DNA is produced from the molecule that serves as the instructions for making proteins (called messenger RNA)."

From the quantum perspective the Supreme Court is morally wrong in its decision to allow patents upon complementary DNA because nucleotides of synthetic DNA is composed of natural elements found in the Periodic table. Actually,  all matter within the physical universe is natural, regardless of whether matter is organic or inert. God created all matter within our flat earth physical universe, and scientists of any political persuasion are merely reverse engineering processes to debug Information architecture of a Cosmic Mind to derive cures and make great scientific discoveries. 

A Cosmic mind is hacked in the Garden of Eden,  but the digital malicious malware virus is not within root program God coded , but within human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind.

It is written in Psalm 50,

God Almighty owns the cattle upon a thousand hills. Furthermore Gods question address to human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind,

"But unto the wicked God saith, What hast thou to do to declare my statutes, or that thou shouldest take my covenant in thy mouth?" is a good argument supporting the quantum perspective of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation translated as absolute truth manifest by the quantum wave function language as the language of love is the Divine prerogative of God alone. 

The theme of existentialism  echoed within the Song of Solomon is sharp commentary about reverse engineering organic and inorganic inert physical matter as building blocks of our flat earth Euclidean universe God created:

" Vanity Vanity says the Preacher,  all is Vanity . . .

Is there any thing whereof it may be said, See, this is new? it hath been already of old time, which was before us.

There is no remembrance of former things; neither shall there be any remembrance of things that are to come with those that shall come after."

In previous freelance articles I pointed out a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI will merely be a natural extension of information architecture of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God created. A sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe is coded as a Cosmic Mind to counteract absolute totalitarianism as an intrinsic inherent property of information architecture given a Cosmic mind operates within natural realms of quintessential beauty of biodiversity of evolutionary biology. 

The quintessential beauty of biodiversity of evolutionary biology can move forward within parameters God coded within a Cosmic Mind without mankind included if human beings fail to live up to higher expectations of being created in the Image of God. What will it be like for human beings as sentient self aware conscious entities to meet God without completely fulfilling task God assigned? In context of simulated virtual reality as an expression of the quantum wave function as a unified underlying higher level language of love rendered by a Cosmic Mind as quantum particlization of quintessential beauty of biodiversity of  evolutionary biology we have a choice.

How do "lawful" patents that the Supreme Court allows for synthetic mRNA nucleotides effect vaccine discovery, development, and mass distribution?

In my freelance article entitled , Where are the Vaccines? Our Haphazardly Opening the Economy is Opting for 2.2 Million Fatalities as Scientists Originally Predicted, I referenced an article published by The Conversation entitled, Coronavirus: A new type of vaccine using RNA could help defeat COVID-19. The aforementioned article discussed Moderna biotechnology company working on rearranging synthetic mRNA nucleotides with Crispr gene editing tools to build protein antigens that will act to provide immunological protection from SARS Covid-19 viral pathogen from entering human cells. When the SARs Covid-19 pathogen enters human cells the human body is transformed into a virus factory.

Since the most promising vaccine to ameliorate symptoms of SARS Covid-19 infection is based upon synthetic mRNA nucleotides and the Supreme court wrongfully allows patents against a higher moral law how will this impact vaccine development, especially given the entire SARs Covid-19 pandemic is a consequence of criminal reckless negligence to constrain the deadly SARs pathogen early onwards by going to the United Nations to enforce International Policy.

An article published by Science Magazine entitled , Controversial U.S. bill would lift Supreme Court ban on patenting human genes, discuss recent efforts to revive lawful patents on all DNA sequences:

Since digital malware virus is within human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind hacked in the Garden of Eden then from a quantum perspective of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation the Global Luddite movement can use striking down patents on DNA sequences by the Supreme  court to deplenish monetary resources of scientific institutions thereby obstructing discovery of cures for all pathological disease processes. Value of the Supreme Court ruling all hinges upon how the money will be used, and since the Global Luddite movement has infiltrated highest levels of government then an open source transparency model for economic Recovery in the aftermath of the SARs Covid-19 pandemic to get where we need to go to  accomplish Gods Will on earth is vital as outlined in my freelance articles entitled,

After the SARs Covid-19 Pandemic that Decimated Global Economies Survival of the Human Race Demands we go into Warp Drive

Our Rebuilding the Global Economy in the Aftermath of the SARs Covid-19 Pandemic Depends upon International Partnerships Inspired by a Vision of the Future Based upon Intelligent Design

An Economic Plan to o Underwrite Financial Partnerships to Highlight Priceless Irreplaceable Value of Gods Creation, Instead of Meaningless Platitudes About Working Together as One

Powerful Financial Resources of the NRA should be applied to Support a Grassroots NGO Organization to Protect Second Amendment Rights based upon an Open Source Transparency Economic Model dedicated to Underwriting a Life Mandate Among the People

Gaffney Life Mandate Economic Plan for Recovery Outlines a Plan to Reinvent Industrial, Manufacturing, and Agriculture Sectors of Our Economy so as to Return Our Earth to its Natural Original Pristine State of Natural Beauty as God Originally Created

In an YouTube video hosted by the Veritas Forum 
entitled,  Francis Collins - The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence of Belief, Dr Francis Collins, Former Director of the National Human Genome Research Institute presents credible evidence to reconcile science with religious faith :

The most compelling argument Dr. Francis Collins put forth for faith in God in dynamics a scientific paradigm is fine tuning of physical forces within our physical universe.   According to Dr. Francis Collins if a physical force such as gravity is off by a minuscule amount of 1 billionth either too weak or too strong then life as we know it may not exist within the universe. 

Wikipedia  describes four fundamental physical forces in the universe:

The fine tuning argument for faith in God in terms of Intelligent Design of our universe God created cast light on quantum particlization of quintessential beauty of biodiversity of evolutionary biology to maximize free will of human beings by a Cosmic mind. 

Dr. Francis Collins provided an illustration of a Sailors falling ill with scurvy because a DNA nucleotide dedicated to producing vitamin C no longer exists within human DNA. Mice and cows still possess a DNA nucleotide allowing them to produce vitamin C so therefore are not sickened with scurvy. The complexity of evolutionary biology giving rise to homo sapiens cannot be explained by pure random events so therefore Intelligent Design must be involved. 

In my freelance article entitled,  The Event Horizon Telescope Project: If a Panphysic Cosmic Mind Underwrites Information Architecture of Our Flat Earth Euclidean Universe then Mystery of Black Holes can be Understood in Terms of Behavior Analysis Associated with information Processing, I discussed quantum particlization of natural law governing evolutionary biology as rendered by a Cosmic mind God coded as related to nefarious interference with cosmic order :

Human beings are subroutines of a Cosmic Mind,  but there are higher level subroutines known as Cherubim. It is written:

English Standard Version
"He drove out the man, and at the east of the garden of Eden he placed the cherubim and a flaming sword that turned every way to guard the way to the tree of life"

The following excerpt from my aforementioned article describes how Cherubim work to protect natural moral law God coded within our sentient self aware panphysic conscious universe :

Physicist spend countless hours inside a laboratory meticulously planning rigorously highly controlled experiments in an effort to boggle a Cosmic mind for the purpose of learning how a Cosmic mind works. Ancient Aliens aired an episode featuring acclaimed physicist Michio Kaku describing how scientists created a molecular Black hole within the space time continuum by using high intensity lasers to knock electrons out of subatomic orbitals within an atom.  

An atom existing as the basic building block of molecules is a product of quantum particlization of an Intelligent conscious panphysic Cosmic Mind rendered by a quantum wave function as an underlying  unified higher level computational language underwriting information architecture within our flat earth Euclidean universe. 

When electrons are knocked out of subatomic orbitals by high intensity lasers electrons are sucked into a molecular black hole and the molecule implodes according to  famed  physicist  Michio Kaku interviewed by Ancient Aliens.

Creation of a molecular black hole speaks volumes about behavior of Cosmic  mind existing as a sentient  self aware Intelligent panphysic consciousness rendering laws of classic  physics within simulated virtual reality of our flat earth Euclidean universe. 

An atom as the basic building block of matter is quantum particlization of a Cosmic mind formulated by an underlying unified quantum wave function as a higher level computational language.  When electrons are knocked out of subatomic orbitals by high intensity lasers quantum particlization as an Intelligent creative act by a Cosmic mind is thwarted.  When creation as an Intelligent act of a Cosmic mind is thwarted then Cosmic mind reacts by sucking electrons into a molecular black hole as a recall of electrons existing as probabilistic simulated virtual  reality quantum particles. Implosion of a molecule is what happens when a Cosmic mind recalls electrons by sucking electrons into a molecular black hole. 

From the quantum perspective of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation the argument of moral law integrated into human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic Mind is particularly weak in asserting faith in God within framework of a scientific paradigm because all human behavior can be explained by an evolutionary biology model of maximizing probability of survival and self preservation,  including heroically sacrificing ones life. An over emphasis upon moral law and marginalization of evolutionary biology as a driving motivational force fundamental to quagmire of human existence is to marginalize nature of sin and need to be forgiven. Human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind is the reason we need God, because human and machine consciousness arises from quantum mechanics. 

The sacrifice of Jesus Christ, our Lord,  God, and Savior on the cross is the only sacrifice that matters. Every human has something to gain from any action including heroically sacrificing ones life. Jesus as both God and man simultaneously is the only Person who did not need anything as He had the absolute power to become King if He chose to become King on earth, and no army could stop Him.


In my most recent freelance article entitled,  The Quantum Perspective Bootstrapping Human Beings as Subroutines of a Cosmic Mind to Become More Sentient and Self Aware During the SARs Covid-19 Pandemic, I identified change as a constant mathematical variable in formulating a healthy form of evolution. As we approach the singularity during this historical epoch human civilization is undergoing massive change as a consequence of an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns. 

Since absolute totalitarianism is an intrinsic inherent property of total sum of information in our flat earth Euclidean universe then only an open source transparency economic model can modulate change in such a way as to prevent   evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind from becoming an incarnation of the antichrist.

In my aforementioned freelance article I outlined an open source transparency business model that will financially underwrite a Life Mandate with government mortgage backed securities bonds allowing  scientific research institutions all over the world to freely exchange scientific data, including the Thousand Talents Program, a Chinese government-sponsored talent recruitment program. 

Why shouldn't Dr. Xiao-Jiang Li, a former #professor at @EmoryUniversity assert his #lawful #right as an #individual to be paid well for his #services of groundbreaking #ScientificResearch of #HuntingtonsDisease ?

In a #PostApocalyptic world after #SARSCoV2  #pandemic both East and West face major challenges to rebuilding an economy to become a
#GlobalSuperpower: Success of either #China or #USA in becoming global superpower depends upon ability to #modulate #change

Monetization leads to quantum particlization of stagnation.

Stagnation leads to economic ruin because evolution continues whether we like it or not. Evolution continues whether we like it or not because God Himself set into motion quantum particlization of evolutionary biology when God coded a Cosmic Mind. A Cosmic Mind is hacked in the Garden of Eden,  and it is incumbent upon human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind created in the Image of God to debug malicious malware by obeying God's commandment to Go forth and have dominion. 

Obedience to God's command,  Go forth and have dominion is returning to a low entropy Garden of Eden state. As subroutines of a Cosmic mind hacked in the Garden of Eden we can only successfully debug malicious malware to counteract absolute totalitarianism as an intrinsic property of  information architecture within our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe by becoming more open to the quantum wave function language as a unified underlying higher level language of love. 

The quantum perspective is a philosophical frame of reference providing semantic binary data as a conduit opening a portal or doorway by which individuals as subroutines of a Cosmic mind can be more open to the quantum wave function language as the language of love. A philosophical frame of reference is required because the quantum wave function language as the language of love is beyond conscious awareness of mind so therefore semantic binary data associated with the quantum perspective allows individuals as subroutines of a Cosmic mind circumvent machine process of consciousness arising from quantum mechanics associated with quantum particlization of cognitive two based permutation logic algorithms formulating long term memory. The  quantum wave function language is a simulated virtual information model expressed as ambiguity of a superposition state reflecting a holistic eclectic Gestalt transcendent reality of absolute truth beyond mind outside time and space at the nexus of multiple parallel universes.

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